Give Three Examples of Open-Loop Systems
Give Three Examples of Open-Loop Systems
Give Three Examples of Open-Loop Systems
Robot vehicle or manipulator arm
2. Name three reasons for using feedback control systems
Power Amplification
Remote Control
Compensation for disturbance
3. Give three examples of open-loop systems.
Automatic washing machine.
Bread toaster (time-based)
Electric hand drier.
4. Functionally, how do closed-loop systems differ from open-loop systems?
In closed-loop systems, the output is measured and used (in some way) to affect the control
input to the system.
5. State one condition under which the error signal of a feedback control
system would not be the difference between the input and the
If the error signal is not the difference between input and output, then error signal is called
The actuating signal.
6. If the error signal is not the difference between input and output, by what general name
can we describe the error signal?
Actuating signal
7. Name two advantages of having a computer in the loop
Saves labor when making symbolic calculations required in control system analysis and
Reduces sensitivity to parameters changes. We can include nonlinearities and other effects
and test our models for accuracy.
8. Name three major design criteria for control systems.
It could lead to self-destruction of the physical device if limit stops are not part of the
11. Instability is attributable to what part of the total response?
Natural response
12. Describe a typical control system analysis design task
Evaluate a system's transient response and steady state error to determine if they meet the
desired specifics
13. Describe a typical control system design task
If the steady state error and transient response do not meet the requirements for the
system, the system's parameters would need to be changed and/or components would need
to be added.
14. Adjustments of the forward path gain can cause changes in the transient response. True or
15. Name three approaches to the mathematical modeling of control system
Transfer function
State space
Differential equation
16. Briefly describe each of your answers to question 15.