Contyrol Systems Revision-1-1
Contyrol Systems Revision-1-1
Contyrol Systems Revision-1-1
What is a System?
Answer: When a number of elements or components are connected in a sequence to perform a specific function,
the group of elements that all constitute a System
Answer: The Feedback in Control System in one in which the output is sampled and proportional signal is fed
back to the input for automatic correction of the error ( any change in desired output) for futher processing to
get back the desired output.
• Weight the mechanical system is represented by mass and is assumed to be concentrated at the center of
• The elastic deformation of the body can be represented by the spring
• Friction existing in a mechanical system can be represented by dash-pot.
PI controllers are used in many industrial control applications. The main purpose of using Proportional and
Integral (PI) in process system is to improve the steady state accuracy of the system without affecting the
stability of the system.
Proportional action responds quickly to the error deviation and the integral action will act slowly but offset or
remove the steady state error, i.e, it removes the difference between the set point value and actual process value
in the plant over a period of time
In most of the plant control applications PI or PID controllers are used. Derivative action speeds up the system
response by adding a proportional to the rate of change of feedback error. This is consequently vulnerable to the
noise in the error signals which can limits the derivative gain. Lager value of the derivative gains in the
controller will leads to instability of the system and also requires higher values of the proportional and integral
gains compared to gains required in PI controllers
4) Finally figure f) shows the complete representation of the signal flow graph of the given control system.
Mason’s gain formula:
As we know the relationship between the input and output of the given control system is given by its net gain.
This net gain is also known as overall gain of the system. For determining the overall gain of the control system
Mason’s derived one formula, this formula is used for calculating the overall gain of the system, which is given
• Pk represents path gain of kth forward path.
• ∆ represents determinant of the graph which is given by:
∆ = 1- (sum of loop gains of all individual loops) + (sum of gain products of all possible combinations of two
non-touching loops) – (sum of gain products of all possible combinations of three non-touching loops) + …
• ‘∆k’ represents the value of ∆ for that part of the graph which does not touch the kth forward path.
• ‘T’ is the overall gain of the given control system.
In the given signal flow graph x1 is the input variable, whereas x5 is the output variable.
By using Mason’s gain formula, overall gain of the system is given by,
1) In the first step, we have to determine the number of forward path. Forward path means the path from
input node to the output node. So in this case we have 2 forward path (i.e. k=2) with path gains:
3) Now we have to find the all possible combinations of two non-touching loops (i.e. those loops which do
not contain common node) and their gain products. So such non-touching loops with there product gain is given
4) Similarly, we have to find all possible combination of three non-touching loops. But in this case there are
no such combination exist.
These sections of real axis identified as a part of the root locus as to right sum of poles and zeros is odd for
those sections.
Step 3: Angle of asymptotes
‘A line to which root locus touches at infinity is called asymptotes.’
Number of asymptotes = P-Z = 3. Therefore 3 asymptotes are approaching to infinity.
Intersection of root locus with imaginary axis is at ±j2.828 and corresponding value of K(marginal) = 48.
Step 7 : As there are no complex conjugate poles or zeros, no angles of departures or arrivals are required to be
Step 8: The complete root locus is as shown in figure below.
Step 9: Prediction about stability:
For 0 < K < 48, all the roots are in left half of s-plane hence system is absolutely stable.
For K(marginal) = +48, a pair of dominant roots on imaginary axis with remaining root in left half. So system
is marginally stable oscillating at 2.82 rad/sec. For 48 < K < ∞, dominant roots are located in right half of s-
plane hence system is unstable.
Stability is predicted by locations of dominant roots. Dominant roots are those which are located closest to the
imaginary axis.
4. Determine The transfer function from Vin to V2 for the two port network below Mason's gain formula.
• V1 to I1 to V1 with gain
• V2 to I2 to V2 with gain
• V1 to I2 to V2 to I1 to V1 with gain
note: L1 and L2 do not touch each other
whereas L3 touches both of the other loops.
note: the forward path touches all the loops so all that is left is 1..
5. Construct the signal flow graph for the following equations
6. For the system shown below, obtain the signal flow graph and find overall gain using mason’s gain
formula. Verify result using block diagram reduction