Unit I
Unit I
Unit I
Introduction to Control Engineering –Examples – as part of life - Basic
Components of Control System –Different tools for Control Engineer - Open loop and
Closed loop system –Introduction to Mathematical Modeling - Transfer Functions.
Control system theory evolved as an engineering discipline and due to universality of the
principles involved, it is extended to various fields like economy, sociology, biology, medicine, etc.
Control theory has played a vital role in the advance of engineering and science. The automatic control
has become an integral part of modern manufacturing and industrial processes. For example, numerical
control of machine tools in manufacturing industries, controlling pressure, temperature, humidity,
viscosity and flow in process industry. When a number of elements or components are connected in a
sequence to perform a specific function, the group thus formed is called a system. In a system when the
output quantity is controlled by varying the input quantity, the system is called control system. The
output quantity is called controlled variable or response and input quantity is called command signal or
A control system in which the control action is totally independent of output of the system then
it is called open loop control system. Manual control system is also an open loop control system. Fig - 1
shows the block diagram of open loop control system in which process output is totally independent of
controller action.
Control system in which the output has an effect on the input quantity in such a manner that the
input quantity will adjust itself based on the output generated is called closed loop control system. Open
loop control system can be converted in to closed loop control system by providing a feedback. This
feedback automatically makes the suitable changes in the output due to external disturbance. In this way
closed loop control system is called automatic control system. Figure below shows the block diagram of
closed loop control system in which feedback is taken from output and fed in to input.
A control system is a collection of physical objects connected together to serve an objective. The
input output relations of various physical components of a system are governed by differential equations.
The mathematical model of a control system constitutes a set of differential equations for various input
conditions. The mathematical model of a system is linear if it obeys the principle ofsuperposition and
homogeneity. The principle implies that if a system model has responses y1(t) and y2(t) to any inputs
x1(t) and x2(t) respectively, then the system response to the linear combination of these inputs
a1x1(t)+a2x2(t) is given by linear combination of the individual outputs a1y1(t)+a2y2(t), where a1 and a2
are constants. The principle of superposition can be explained diagrammatically as shown in fig below.
A mathematical model will be linear if the differential equations describing the system have
constant coefficients. If the coefficients of the differential equation describing the system are constants
then the model is linear time invariant. If the coefficients of differential equations governing the system
are functions of time then the model is linear time varying. The differential equations of a linear time
invariant system can be reshaped into different form for the convenience of analysis. One such model for
single input and single output system analysis is transfer function of the system. The transfer function of a
system is defined as the ratio of Laplace transform of output to the Laplace transform of input with zero
initial conditions.
Transfer function = Laplace Transform of input
Laplace Transform of output
With zero initial condition
The transfer function can be obtained by taking Laplace transform of the differential equations
governing the system with zero initial conditions and rearranging the resulting algebraic equations to get
the ratio of output to input.
1. Define System
A system is a combination of components that act together and perform a certain objective. A
system is not limited to physical ones. The concept of the system can be applied to abstract,
dynamic phenomena such as those encountered in economics. The word system should, therefore,
be interpreted to imply physical, biological, economic, and the like, systems.
2 Marks
1. Define open loop system& close loop system. (May 2015, Nov 2014)
2. What are the basic elements used for modeling mechanical linear and translation system?(May 2015,Nov 2016)
3. What do you mean by transfer function (May 2015,Nov 2016, May 2017, April 2016)
4. What is time invariant system (May 2015)
5. What is feed back? (May 2015)
6. What type of feedback is employed in control system and what are the components? (May 2015, Nov 2014)
7. What is automatic controller? (Nov 2015)
8. Mention the basic components of control system. (May 2015, Nov 2016, April 2016)
9. Write the difference between closeloop and open loop system? ( April 2016)
10. Give example for Position control and Hydraulic control system ( Nov 2016)
11. List out the merits of close loop control system (May 2017)
12. What is the function of a pneumatic actuating valve ( May 2017)
13. How will you obtain transfer function of a system ( Nov 2014)
14. Define linear system ( Nov 2014)
15. What are the basic farming rules of block diagram reduction technique ( April 2016)
16. What is need of controller ( April 2016)
17. What do you mean by control system and what its main two types? (May2017)
11 Marks
1. Explain with neat sketch components of automatic control system ( Nov 2016,
2. What is feedback? Explain the effect of feedback? (Nov 2016
3. Differentiate close loop and open loop systems. (Nov 2016, May 2017
4. Explain generalized feedback control system. (Nov 2016
5. State briefly the various controllers components in a control system. (May 2017 April 2016