Cytogenetics Transes Topic 16
Cytogenetics Transes Topic 16
Cytogenetics Transes Topic 16
MLS 102
School: Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas Academic Year: 2020 - 2021
Program: Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science Professor: Deignielle Bert Arellano
Replicate by inserting their DNA into a host Small, single-stranded DNA that inserts
cell genetic material at a specific point on
Gene therapy can use this to insert chromosome 19
genes that encode for a desired From Parvovirus family- causes no known
protein to create the desired trait. disease and does not trigger patient
Four different types: immune response.
1. Retrovirus Low information capacity
2. Adenovirus Gene is always “on” so the protein is
3. Adeno-associated virus always being expressed, possibly even in
4. Herpes simplex virus instances when it isn’t needed.
Example: Hemophilia treatments - a gene-
RETROVIRUSES carrying vector could be injected into a
muscle, prompting the muscle cells to
Creates double stranded DNA copies from produce Factor IX and thus, prevent
RNA bleeding.
genome Study by Wilson and Kathy High
The retrovirus goes through reverse (University of Pennsylvania)
transcription using reverse transcriptase Patients have not needed Factor IX
and RNA. injections for more than a year.
The double stranded viral genome
integrates into the human genome using HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUSES
Integrase inserts the gene anywhere Double-stranded DNA viruses infect
because it has no specific site. neurons
May cause insertional mutagenesis Examples: Herpes simplex virus type 1
One gene disrupts
another gene’s code
(disrupted cell division
causes cancer from
uncontrolled cell division).
Vectors used are derived from the
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and
are being evaluated for safety.
Short Lived
Hard to rapidly integrate therapeutic
DNA into genome and rapid
CURRENT STATUS cell division prevents gene
therapy from long time
Slow approval Multiple rounds of therapy is
Reasons: needed.
In 1999, 18 – year – old, Jesse Gelsinger Immune Response
died from multiple organ failure 4 days after New things introduced leads
treatment for ornithine transcarboxylase to immune response.
deficiency. Increased response when a repeat
offender enters