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Hornet’s Pharmacy
a chemical wonderland
JANUARY 2023 V1.11

Writing and Design by Cody Pondsmith and James Hutt•Editing by J Gray

Art Direction by Jaye Kovach•Business Management by Lisa Pondsmith•Layout by J Gray

Copyright © 2023 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc., Cyberpunk is a registered trademark of CD Projekt Red S.A. All rights reserved under the Universal Copyrights Convention.
All situations, governments, and people herein are fictional. Any similarities portrayed herein without satiric intent are strictly coincidental.

The heavy metal doors hiss shut behind you as you step There’s a sharp clink as the Fixer picks up a glass with
See CP:R
into the surprisingly glitzy, well-furnished interior of the his gilded cyberarm and swirls it, stuck somewhere
means aging, graffitied, cargo train parked in an abandoned between fond reminiscence and mild irritation. He turns
check the Heywood station. A silhouette of a woman in black his attention back to you, slipping his legs off the table
RED core combat armor silently gestures down the ostentatiously and sitting up straight.
rulebook. adorned hallway. Moments later, the polished mahog-
“Whatever. Long story short, I’ll give you a better deal
any door to the cabin slides open before you, revealing
than Fireman gave me back in the day. You look like
a private office with an art deco flare that must have
you’re good for it. A solid investment. So, what are you in
cost a fortune. Behind the desk Hornet, waves a hand
the market for? I’ve got chemical weapons, pharmaceuti-
plated in gold and black chrome.
cals, and a bit of chrome. What are you looking to do?”
“Welcome to my humble home away from home.

Take a seat and we can talk business. Fox, why don’t treet Drugs
you grab ‘em a drink.” s t r e e t d r u g s s t r e e t d r y g s
The black-clad Solo moves to a wine cooler set into the “Stims? Combat drugs? Something to make a Friday
We first wall, but Hornet shakes his head quickly. Night Firefight a little more fun? I’ve got what you need.”
Hornet and “No, no. From the other cooler. These fine folks are
Fox in the here to buy. They don’t need a personal demonstration ▶ Berserker
RED core of the product. Besides, they know better than to try
rulebook. Cost Per Dose: 100eb (Premium)
anything with you around.”
“Plan to walk into a fight you’re not ready for? Take
He looks back at you, swinging his feet up onto the
some Berserker and at least your body won’t give out
desk and leaning back in his plush chair.
on you. I’ve seen a Solo on Berserker shrug off a rifle
“Couple of weeks ago, I had a little meeting with a shot that blew off her leg, and proceed to strangle the
Maelstrom boss in South Night City. Name’s Quake. shooter to death with her bare hands.”
You’ve probably heard his name on the nightly news.
This stupid son of bitch tried to strong-arm me. Can ▶ Primary Effect ◀
you believe it? Anyway, Fox here’s set up with the best • Lasts 10 Minutes.
speedware money can buy. Bastard’s thugs didn’t even
have time to pop their rippers before she was on ‘em. • For the duration of the Primary Effect, when the
Cut this big, hulking cyberpsycho in two in one swing- user suffers a Critical Injury they do not take any
but he lived! We let him limp home after. It was like Bonus Damage.
something out of one of those old samurai vids.” • For the duration of the Primary Effect, any penalties
As Fox sets down a couple of cut crystal glasses on the the user suffers to STATs or Actions due to being in
table, Hornet mimics the slashing of a sword and chuckles. the Seriously or Mortally Wounded Wound States
are halved.
“But seriously, I get it. Couple decades ago, I was
standing right where you are: new on The Street, • For the duration of the Primary Effect, any pen-
looking for some cool toys to help make my name. alties the user suffers to Actions due to losing a
Of course, back in those days, I was sitting across the Facedown are halved.
table from Fireman. Yeah, I swear to God, that old • Users become highly aggressive. Do your best to
bastard was probably in business back when Richard roleplay accordingly.
Night cut the ribbon on City Hall. Don’t tell him I said
that, though. I’m setting up a market with him next ▶ Secondary Effect (DV17) ◀
Wednesday, and I don’t want to give him another
• The User takes 2 points of Humanity Loss.
reason to tell me old war stories all night. Not that I
don’t like a good war story, but he conveniently forgets • If the User wasn’t already addicted to Berserker,
that I’ve heard ‘em all before. I swear he does it to piss they are now. While addicted, the user’s Base
me off sometimes.” Death Save Penalty is permanently increased by 1.

▶ Prime Time ▶ Sixgun
Cost Per Dose: 50eb (Costly) Cost Per Dose: 100eb (Premium) For more info
on how Street
“Formulated this little number myself, based on the “I’ve hired my fair share of Netrunners and I always Drugs work,
see CP:R
old Militech combat drug. Used to make you a cold, supply them with Sixgun. When you need someone page 227.
calculated killer on the battlefield. Now it makes you a to dive into a palace of military-grade Black ICE and
cold, calculated killer in the office.” burn a paper trail you gotta give them the best tools.”

▶ Primary Effect ◀ ▶ Primary Effect ◀

• Lasts 4 Hours • Lasts 4 Hours
• User takes 4d6 Humanity Loss upon taking a dose, • For the duration of the Primary Effect, users MOVE
which is returned after the dose’s Primary Effect and REF are reduced by 2 (Minimum 1).
ends. This effect cannot reduce a character to • For the duration of the Primary Effect, the user
below 0 Humanity. gains a +2 to Speed while Jacked In.
• For the duration of the Primary Effect, the user’s • For the duration of the Primary Effect, the user treats
COOL and WILL are increased by 2 points. This any Unsafe Jack Out not caused by a program
increase in WILL does not increase the user’s HP. effect as a Safe Jack Out.
• User’s emotions are repressed. Do your best to • For the duration of the Primary Effect, once per turn
roleplay accordingly. the user can choose to take 1 point of Humanity
Loss to gain 1 additional NET Action.
▶ Secondary Effect (DV17) ◀
• The User takes 1 point of Humanity Loss. ▶ Secondary Effect (DV17) ◀
• If the User wasn’t already addicted to Prime Time, • If the User wasn’t already addicted to Sixgun, they
they are now. While addicted, their COOL is are now. While addicted, the user takes a -2 to
lowered by 2 points unless the user is currently their Speed while Jacked In unless they are expe-
experiencing the Primary Effect of Prime Time. riencing the Primary Effect of Sixgun.

▶ Timewarp
I know what you ’re thinking .
Cost Per Dose: 100eb (Premium)
“Did he sign six termination
“An Edgerunner has gotta stay sharp on The Street and
slips or only five ?” Well , to this’ll do it for you. Plenty of Solos stock this stuff in bulk
tell you the truth , in all the so they can get even faster on the draw. Personally, I
excitement I kinda lost track think it’s better for getting out of trouble than into it.”

myself. But this being one of ▶ Primary Effect ◀

the most powerful C orps in the • Lasts 1 Minute
world and we terminate • For the duration of the Primary Effect, the user adds
people so hard their heads come +3 to any Initiative Roll they make. If taken while
the user is already in an Initiative Queue, their
clean off, you ’ve gotta ask current Initiative increases by 3.
yourself one question . “Do I feel ▶ Secondary Effect (DV17) ◀
lucky ?” Well , do ya , punk ?
• If the User wasn’t already addicted to Timewarp,
— Overseer Steele they are now. While addicted, the user subtracts
Petrochem Production Manager, 2 from any Initiative Rolls they make, unless the
High on Prime Time
user is currently experiencing the Primary Effect of


A dditive Compounds
a d d i t i v e c o m p o u n d s
“A real chemist knows how to get the most out of their
N ew Pharmaceuticals
n e w p h a r m a c e u t i c a l s
Available to Medtechs through the Medicine Specialty
nasty little liquids. I could kill you right now and you won’t Medical Tech (Pharmaceuticals). These follow the same
know it until an hour from now. I haven’t. But I could.” rules as other Pharmaceuticals (see CP:R page 149).

▶ Delaying Compound ▶ Sedative

Cost: 50eb (Costly) “Technically, I’m only supposed to sell this to licensed
Medtechs for surgery purposes, but it’s not like I’m
“Trust me, you don’t want to be in the same room with a
getting it from a legal vendor anyway. A dose of this’ll
person you just poisoned. With this little compound you
put a grown man into a stupor in seconds.”
can make sure you’re gone before that glass of wine
you poured turns sour, so to speak.” When administered a dose of Sedative by a Medtech,
a willing target falls unconscious for 4 Hours. During
If this compound is mixed with a Vial of Poison or
this time, a Medtech who attempts a Treatment on the
Biotoxin as an Action, the user can choose to delay the
target gains a +2 Bonus to their Surgery Check.
substance’s effects by either one minute or an hour after
a target ingests, absorbs, or otherwise takes the poison If administered to an unwilling target by a Medtech,
into their body. Multiple applications do not stack. the target must succeed a DV15 Resist Torture/Drugs
check or fall unconscious and be incapable of Actions
▶ Distilling Compound for either 1 minute (20 Combat Rounds) or until they
are awoken by taking damage or by an outside party
Cost: 100eb (Premium)
taking an Action to rouse them.
“Your average poison only goes so far, and a really
tough operator can push through. Mix a little of this in ▶ Veritas
before you apply your poison, and it’ll supercharge
“I made a lot of this stuff for Arasaka during the war.
Torture is messy, and you don’t always get the infor-
As an Action, this compound can be mixed with a Vial mation you’re looking for. With a little Veritas they’ll
of Poison or Biotoxin to increase its Resist Torture/ be talking in no time.”
Drugs DV by 2. Multiple applications do not stack.
When administered a dose of Veritas by a Medtech, a
target must make a DV17 Resist Torture/Drugs check or
▶ Osmosis Compound be placed into a hazy, suggestive state for 10 Minutes.
Cost: 50eb (Costly) While in this state, the target has a hard time focusing
and takes a -5 to Acting, Concentration, Conversation,
“You can’t always rely on a poisoned dart or a toxic Deduction, Human Perception, and Persuasion Checks.
cocktail to get the job done. Mix this compound into
your poison and you can slather it on a door handle,
a toothbrush, or maybe, your enemy’s favorite gun.” No sweat, brothers! We get
If this compound is mixed with a Vial of Poison or through this door and we ’re
Biotoxin as an Action, the substance gains the ability to golden ! A in ’t nothing
enter a person’s body through their skin. The poison can
standing in our way !
then be placed on a surface up to 2 square feet in size.
The first meat being to touch that surface with a meat
part of their body is affected by the poison. The poison Gak ! G urgle ! Thump!
lasts for up to 1 hour on the surface and can be washed
away with water. A character can notice the presence of — Turner Lee
Red Chrome Legion Mook,
an Osmosis Compound Poison with a DV17 Perception right before (and after) he touched
check. Multiple applications do not stack. a biotoxin-slathered door handle


G ear
g e a r g e a r g e a r g e a r
“I keep the best stuff for myself but I’m willing to part
C yberware
c y b e r w a r e c y b e r w a r e
“Better living through chemistry’s even better when
with this.” you’ve got the right metal shoved in your meat.”

▶ Suzumebachi Assassin Drone ▶ Bodyweight AutoInjector

Cost: 5,000eb (Luxury) 100eb (Premium)•3 (1d6)•Clinic

“Got a whole crate of these from my days with Arasaka. “If you’re planning to make combat drugs a big part
Often driven with a portable NET Architecture, these of your kit, this is the cyberware for you. No need to
are the Best assassin drones on the market, even after stop to shoot up when the shooting starts, and no one’s
20 years. And they will be for the next 20, at least gonna clock an autoinjector in a pat down.”
until Zhirafa comes out with the Jungle Boomslang, or Internal Body Cyberware. One dose of a Street Drug
T-RAN-TLA, or something.” can be loaded into a subdermal reservoir as an Action.
A paperback-sized flying insectoid drone designed for Once loaded, the user can take an Action to inject the
assassinations. Street Drug into their body. A user with a Biomonitor can
program the AutoInjector to inject them with the loaded
▶ Default Trigger ◀ Street Drug automatically whenever they roll Initiative,
receive a Critical Injury, or enter a chosen Wound State.
After the Observation Camera detects a face matching
a loaded profile, it attacks until its target is detected as
cold on infrared or until it is out of ammunition, after
▶ Pursuit Security Inc. Gas Jet
which it attempts to escape for recollection. 500eb (Expensive)•HL 7 (2d6)•Clinic
“Packed one of these during the war, just in case things
▶ Data ◀
got heated. Hell, I did half of my field testing with it.
6 MOVE • 7SP • 10HP Load an experimental toxin, blast a crowd of rentacops,
DV17 Electronic/Security Tech, 5 min to counter and just watch. Perfect sample size!”
Cyberarm Option. An aerosol gas launcher loaded with
▶ Equipped With ◀
3 doses of a Street Drug, or 3 vials of Poison or Biotoxin.
• Observation Camera with Low Light / Infrared / UV A Gas Jet can be successfully concealed without a
• Dartgun with 8 Biotoxin Arrows Check. Mechanically, it acts as a One Handed Exotic
Shotgun with a 1 shot capacity that fires only using the
• Airhypo
Shotgun Shell alternate firing mode. Instead of dealing
▶ Range ◀ damage, the Gas Jet applies the effects of the loaded
substance to any vulnerable target hit by the spread.
• If attached to a building’s NET Architecture:
Items that nullify gas effects, such as Nasal Filters, negate
Perimeter of the Building.
the attack. Each shot requires the Gas Jet to be fully
• If attached to a portable NET Architecture: 50 m/yds loaded and drains the weapon entirely of ammunition.
from the NET Architecture. Requires a Cyberarm and takes 2 Option Slots.


▶ Street Drugs
Name Duration Description & Data Cost per Dose
Effect DV
Check each
item’s full
description Berserker 10 Minutes Keep going, no matter how much punishment you take. 17 100eb (Premium)
for additional
rules and
Prime Time 4 Hours Be cold. Be cool. Be a killer at the negotiating table. 17 50eb (Costly)
information. Sixgun 4 Hours Speed draw your way through a NET Architecture. 17 100eb (Premium)
Just a jump to the left... and a bullet through some
Timewarp 1 Minute 17 100eb (Premium)
mook’s skull before they can even react.

▶ Additive Compounds
Name Description & Data Cost

Delaying Compound Delay the effects of a Vial of Poison or Biotoxin by 1 minute or 1 hour. 50eb (Costly)
Distilling Compound Increase Resist Torture/Drugs DV of a Vial of Poison of Biotoxin by 2. 100eb (Premium)
Osmosis Compound Turn a Vial of Poison of Biotoxin into a contact-based hazard. 50eb (Costly)

▶ Pharmaceuticals
Name Description & Data

Sedative Knock someone out. Gives a +2 bonus to Treatments on willing targets. Puts unwilling targets under for 1 minute.
Veritas Target placed into a suggestive state for 10 minutes, taking a -5 to Checks on multiple Skills.

▶ Gear
Name Description Trigger Data Cost

A paperback-sized flying insectoid drone 6 MOVE • 7SP • 10HP

designed for assassinations. Equipped with:
Suzumebachi Attacks after detecting target Range dependent on NET Arch. 5,000eb
• Observation Camera w/ LL/IR/UV
Assassin Drone via visual observation. (Luxury)
• Dartgun with 8 Biotoxin Arrows DV17 Electronic/Security
• Airhypo Tech, 5 min to counter

▶ Cyberware
Name Type Install Description & Data Cost HL

Bodyweight Internal Body Injects a dose of Street Drug upon command

Clinic 100eb (Premium) 3 (1d6)
AutoInjector Cyberware or automatically due to preset condition.
Pursuit Security Inc. Aerosol gas launcher. Cover a large area
Cyberarm Option Clinic 500eb (Expensive) 7 (2d6)
Gas Jet with a chosen Street Drug or toxin.

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