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Screamsheet Kit: J E Munroe

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The key takeaways are that screamsheets are like newspapers in the Cyberpunk world - they are digitally transmitted and printed on demand. Screamsheets allow for quick updates and customization of content. The kit provides templates and tools for GMs to create their own screamsheets to enhance their Cyberpunk Red games.

A screamsheet is like a single page of a newspaper or blog that can be custom printed with specific stories based on a person's interests. It is the term used in Cyberpunk for newspapers that have transitioned to digital/holo technology and on-demand printing.

The screamsheet Kit provides GM's with pre-made PDF and JPEG templates, fillable fields, and logos that can be used to create custom screamsheets to share headlines and stories with players. It allows GM's to flavor their games and provide plot hooks in an immersive way.


You’re probably wondering why you’re getting this message; Why some old fossil of a
reporter working for a MediaCorp is contacting an upstart, independent PopMedia news
outfit like your’s.
Truth is, choomba, once upon a time I had ideals, too. I wanted to be a reporter like you
see in the old vids. Tough. Smart. Getting the truth out to the masses in order to change
the world for the better. Instead, I ended up writing fluff pieces and even those get edited
to hell and back to sell the Corporate message.
I’ve seen your stuff on the DataPool and you’ve got the chops, even if your production
values are a little raw. So, I’m sending you the files Night City Today uses to produce their
screamsheets. Use it to make your own. Better yet, use it to make an honest Night City
Today. People trust the name already. You get your “this is how it really is” stories out there
with the Night City Today masthead and more people will read them. Maybe you’ll get the
truth out there. Maybe you’ll make the world a better place.
It’s too late for me but if you can do it, there’s been some value to me becoming a
reporter after all. Good luck, kid, and stay safe on the streets.

J E Munroe

Copyright © 2019 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc., Cyberpunk is a registered

trademark of CD Projekt Red S.A. All rights reserved under the Universal
Copyrights Convention. All situations, governments and people herein are fictional. Any
similarities portrayed herein without satiric intent are strictly coincidental.

What is a Screamsheet?
To stay competitive with television, most newspapers now use holo–digital technology. Pages are rendered on computer, then
translated into digital code. This code is transmitted to hundreds of Data Terms across the area, which produce the paper on
demand using a high–speed printer. The result is a slick, flimsy newspaper known in street slang as a screamsheet.
Screamsheets have many advantages over previous newspapers. You can dial the Data Term to print only the sections of the
paper you want, paying 0.1eb per page printed. New editions can be compiled in hours, allowing the public to keep abreast of a
story even as it happens (although most scream sheets are updated at 6:00 am, 12:00 pm, 5:00 pm, and 10:00 pm).
These days, screamsheets can also be downloaded onto a personal Agent and read entirely on screen or via holo.

Cool, but What is a Screamsheet?

In other words, in the world of Cyberpunk Red, a screamsheet is like one page of a newspaper or blog, custom populated with
stories specifically chosen to fit a person’s inputted interests.
• In the real world, GMs can use screamsheets as handouts for a variety of reasons.
• As a way to present plot hooks and hints to the players.
• As a way to show the players that actions they took in the game have been noticed by others and maybe even made
• Even as a way to share the lore and present the flavor of the Cyberpunk Red world in fun, bite-sized chunks.

And What is The Screamsheet Kit?

With the Cyberpunk Red Screamsheet Kit, GMs can create their own “in world” headlines and articles to share with their play-
ers. Included in the Kit, you’ll find a number of templates in PDF and JPG format, full size and ready to print. There’s also several
logos for Corporations in the Cyberpunk Red universe. Use them, or your own graphics to jazz up your screamsheets and make
your next session something special.

Using the PDFs

There are six PDF templates in the Screamsheet Kit, each with a slightly different layout. The PDFs are form-fillable, which
means you can insert your own text and even graphics to make it unique. There are also layers which you can toggle on and off
for further customization.

The Layers
The layers panel can be opened by clicking on the Layers button or VIEW>SHOW/HIDE>NAVIGATIONS PANE>LAYERS. There,
you’ll find a number of layers such as Header Bar: Gossip and Header Bar: Tech. Choose which topic you want your screamsheet to
cover and toggle off the remaining Header Bar layers. The topic you chose will now be highlighted in red on the PDF. For example,
if you toggle off all the Header Bar layers except Tech, the Tech label at the top of the screamsheet will be contained in a red
block, while the rest will remain in a black block.
The other layers, such as Base, contain graphic elements which shouldn’t be toggled off in order for the screamsheet to print or
display properly. The Guides and Grids layer is there to help you visualize the margins and gutters of the screamsheet and can
be toggled off before printing.

The Fields
The screamsheet template PDFs are form-fillable, which means you can insert your own text and graphics. Click on a field to
begin filling it with text or to insert a graphic. For your convenience, we’re providing diagrams of each PDF and their fillable fields
below, as well as a listing of the intended use for each field. Please note, when you open the PDF you might see the text fields
highlighted in purple but not the graphic fields. When you hover your cursor over a field, it should change to either a pointing hand
or an I bar. Please be assured, every field is present, even if you can’t see it.
When you’ve finished your screamsheet, use the Save As function instead of the Save function. This way, you can save your
screamsheet using a unique name without overwriting the template file.

Screamsheet Logo: Click here to place a graphic for your screamsheet. You can use one of the Night City Today News logos or
make your own.
Main Headline: A large headline for the main article in your screamsheet.
Byline: A good space to insert information about who wrote the article, when it was published, and where the story takes place.
Sidebar Headline: A headlines for a secondary article in your screamsheet.
Column 1 and Column 2: Text for the articles in the screamsheet go here.
Graphic 1 and Graphic 2: Some templates have room for additional graphics to accompany the articles. They can be inserted here.
Bottom Crawl: This area can be used for marquee-style advertisements or additional headlines.

Screamsheet Template Layouts

RTG-ScreamsheetKit-TwoColumnsFull RTG-ScreamsheetKit-TwoColumnsOneGraphic RTG-ScreamsheetKit-TwoColumnsTwoGraphics

RTG-ScreamsheetKit-SidebarFull RTG-ScreamsheetKit-SideBarLeftGraphic RTG-ScreamsheetKit-SidebarRightGraphic


Using the JPGs

For GMs who want to get a bit more adventurous with their screamsheets, we’ve also provided the templates as a set of high
resolution, full-sized JPGs. Just insert a template into your word processor or page layout program of choice, make sure its set to
allow you to type over it, and have at it.
This method of creating screamsheets is more labor-intensive than using the PDF templates but allows for greater flexibility in
setting things up exactly the way you want it.

The Logos
The Megacorps might not be as powerful in Cyberpunk Red as they were in Cyberpunk 2020, but they’re still a looming presence
and their logos pop up everywhere. That includes the screamsheets. To help GMs give their screamsheets that custom Cyberpunk
feel, we’ve included the logos for Arasaka, Kiroshi, Night City Today News, Segotari, Biotechnica, Militech, and Night City Transit
in the Screamsheet Kit. Each file is a good resolution for screen display or printing and is a transparent PNG so it’ll go over a
background color or graphic nicely if needed.

Legal Stuff
Permission is given to print, modify, and reproduce the files in this product for personal use only. Please do not use these files to
create documents or other products for sale or which are locked behind a paywall or are part of a subscription service.

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