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the 12 Days of gunmas

a cyberpunk red holiday special
Writing and Design by James Hutt• Based On Work by the many designers of Cyberpunk 2020
Editing by J Gray•Art Direction by Jaye Kovach
Business Management by Lisa Pondsmith•Layout by J Gray
Original Weapon Art by Lee Brimmcombe-Wood, Malcolm Hee, Chris Hockabout, Eric Hotz, Sean
Howell, Karl Martin, Matteo Resinanti, Scott Ruggells, Mark Schumann, Benjamin Wright and Louis Zutavern
Copyright © 2021 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc., Cyberpunk is a registered trademark of CD Projekt Red S.A. All rights reserved under the Universal Copyrights Convention.
All situations, governments, and people herein are fictional. Any similarities portrayed herein without satiric intent are strictly coincidental.



my choomba printed for me :

Twelve A rasaka WAA B ullpup A ssault Weapons autofiring

E leven C onstitutional A rms M ultiple A mmunition Pistols reloading
Ten IMI C hainknives a'revving
Nine Kendachi D ragon F lamethrowers burning
Don't be shy,
choomba! E ight M agnum O pus H ellbringers a'bringing
Sing along at S even M alorian A rms S ub-F lechette G uns a'ablating
home! S ix M ilitech C rushers a'crushing
Five M ustang A rms ARS-5 S ubmachine G uns
Four N omad Pneumatic B olt G uns
Three N ova M odel 757 C ityhunters
Two S tolbovoy ST-5 A ssault R ifles
A nd a freshly melted Teen D reem


'Twas the night before G unmas , when all through Short C ircuit
A ll the E dgerunners were dancing , and boy did they work it ;
The L ibrary was wired up by the bar with care ,
In hopes that S.A.N.T.A. soon would be there ;
The Netrunners were celebrating a job's worth of creds ,
While horrors of B lack ICE danced in their heads ;
A nd my choomba in her Bodyweight Suit, and I in my Light A rmorjack ,
H ad just pickled our brains after a long winter ’s hack ,
When on the street outside there arose such a clatter ,
I sprang from the bar to see what was the matter .
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters - and I threw up my S mash .
The moon on the breast of the off - color snow
G ave the lustre of chrome to objects below,
When, what to my cybereyes should appear ,
B ut a light tattoo of a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer ,
On a red cyberbike , a heavyset man from Montana ,
I knew in a moment that they must be S.A.N.T.A.
More rapid than a S abertooth his programs they came ,
A nd he Jacked In, and used Pathfinder , and called them by name ;
"Now, A rmor ! now, S peedy G onzalves ! now, Killer and D ragon !
On, S hield ! on, S word ! on, S uperglue and S corpion !
To the bottom of the NET A rchitecture ! to the core of it all !
Then he J acked O ut and dashed away ! dashed away all !

In the resulting chaos as we picked up the pieces

We found a hefty file left behind in The L ibrary' s creases :

M erry G unmas to all , and to all I release to thee

P rint schematics that surely all wish to see ,
HO HO HO, Night C ity, information wants to be free !



▶ Arasaka WAA Bullpup Assault Weapon ▶ IMI Chainknife

Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive) Cost: 500eb (Expensive) There are a
lot of Arasaka
A bullpup assault rifle that was standard issue for Designed and manufactured in Israel, the weapons
Arasaka soldiers in the 2020s. Tough, reliable, and Chainknife saw a great deal of use by Mossad floating
around Night
chipped for smartgun use. agents in the 2020s. Shaped somewhat like a City, leftover
The Arasaka WAA Bullpup Assault Weapon is survival knife, this hand-held combat saw can still from the 4th
Corporate War.
a Exotic Assault Rifle with a 30 shot capacity chew through armor like cheesecloth.
and a Smartgun Link. Despite being an Exotic The IMI Chainknife is a One-Handed Exotic
weapon, it is still capable of loading Non-Basic Medium Melee Weapon with 1ROF. As an Action
Ammunition. it can be revved up and, once revved, it will remain Who is the
so until it is dropped, stowed, or until revved down
▶ Constitutional Arms Multiple Ammunition Pistol as an Action. While revved, the Chainknife is a
known as
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) Excellent Quality One-Handed Exotic Very Heavy
Designed by Constitutional Arms in the 2020s Melee Weapon. Truth be told,
we don't know.
to take advantage of advances in the field of According to
ordnance technology, this revolver was designed ▶ Kendachi Dragon Flamethrower Brain, the
owner of
to offer the user a choice between lethal and Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive) Short Circuit,
non-lethal response to a situation. The Multiple S.A.N.T.A.
A 2020 classic. Everyone's favorite hand-held shows up every
Ammunition Pistol is equipped with a rapid December 24th
flamer still provides fiery destruction at your and downloads
selector switch and a readout display under the
fingertips. a file full of
rear sight, which informs the user of the round secret Corp info
selected. A One-Handed Exotic Shotgun with a 2 shot onto The Library,
the bar's NET
The Constitutional Arms Multiple Ammunition capacity that is fired with the Heavy Weapons Architecture
Pistol is a Exotic Very Heavy Pistol with a 5 shot Skill instead of the Shoulder Arms Skill. dedicated
to shared
capacity. Unlike other weapons, you can load Mechanically, this flamethrower is a Shotgun information
and then leaves
this weapon with a mix of up to five different that can only fire Incendiary Shotgun Shells without saying
kinds of Very Heavy Pistol Ammunition and (ammunition cost for this weapon is also the a word.
select which ammunition you want to fire with same as Incendiary Shotgun Shells), except that
each shot. while your targets are ignited, until they spend



an Action to put themselves out they take 4 ▶ Malorian Arms Sub-Flechette Gun
damage to their HP at the end of their turn. If
Cost: 5,000eb (Luxury)
they were already on fire, this fire effect replaces
one that would deal less damage. Multiple In 2020, Malorian Arms beat their competition to
instances of this effect do not stack. Damage dealt the punch with the Malorian Arms Sub-Flechette
by this weapon cannot cause a Critical Injury, and Gun, a flechette submachine gun semi-bullpup
it cannot be used to make Aimed Shots. that used a rotary bolt system. Firing it's own
proprietary caseless flechette round, this weapon
is still capable of defeating any body armor in
▶ Magnum Opus Hellbringer
present use.
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)
The Malorian Arms Sub-Flechette Gun is a
A massive double-action revolver, this huge Excellent Quality Exotic Heavy SMG with a 25
Back in the day, weapon holds only three rounds in its solid shot capacity, Smartgun Link, and Autofire (4).
the Hellbringer titanium-steel cylinder, but each one is a man- The weapon is only capable of firing its own
was also
known as the killer. It's a break-action design, engaged by a unique Armor-Piercing Ammunition which ablates
.666. left-side thumb button. armor by 4 instead of 1 whenever you would
The entire handgun is composed of steel and ablate armor. This ammunition costs the same as
ultra strong hybrid alloys, and the ported typical Armor-Piercing Ammunition does, and can
barrel has a heavy, full-length underlug for only be fired by the Malorian Arms Sub-Flechette
balance. Gun.
Just like in 2020, the Hellbringer comes with no
fancy electronics, and with only three shots, you ▶ Militech Crusher
The Crusher still have to make each one count! Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
gets a retooling
every few The Magnum Opus Hellbringer is a Exotic Very This pistol-sized shotgun was developed during
years. This Heavy Pistol with a 3 shot capacity. It deals 5d6
is the 2020
the second Central American Conflict for close
edition. damage with a single shot, but if fired by a user combat and roomsweeping duties. Since then, the
without BODY 10 or higher, the weapon jams after Crusher's whippet silhouette and box magazine
each shot. Unjamming the Hellbringer requires an have cemented themselves as an iconic piece of
Action to reverse the malfunction before it can be gun culture – one that won't be going out of style
used again. anytime soon.



The Militech Crusher is a Exotic Very Heavy Pistol There has been one upgrade though, an air
with a 6 shot capacity that can only fire Shotgun compressor has been built into the stock for easy
Shell Ammunition. reloading.
The Nomad Pneumatic Bolt Gun is an Exotic
▶ Mustang Arms ARS-5 Submachine Gun Sniper Rifle with a 8 shot capacity that deals
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive) 4d6 damage with a single shot. Instead of firing
In 2020, the ARS-5 was the hot new gun for the bullets, it instead fires Arrows, and is capable of
If you come
young Corps and popular among law enforce- loading all Non-Basic Ammunition despite being across an
an Exotic weapon. antique ARS-5
ment agencies and corporate armies. Nowadays, at a Night
those young Corps have moved on to newer Market, there's

shinier weapons platforms, and what original ▶ Nova Model 757 Cityhunter a good chance
it still has the
ARS-5s remain have since been passed down original Exec
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive) owner's name
into younger, greasier, second hands. Time to print An unusual double-action design from Nova engraved on
some new ones! the grip.
Arms, the Cityhunter is a revolver that strays
The Mustang Arms ARS-5 Submachine Gun from regular conventions in several ways, but
is a Exotic Heavy SMG with a Smartgun Link, mainly in that it fires caseless trounds, bullets
Infrared Nightvision Scope, and a Sniping embedded in triangular blocks of propellant.
Scope. Within the breach is an electrical igniter, which
fires the tround's propellant when triggered by
▶ Nomad Pneumatic Bolt Gun smartgun link. Twenty-five years later, it still feels
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) like a brand new gun.
An air weapon conceived of by Nomads in The Nova Model 757 Cityhunter is a Exotic Nomads are
proud of
the 2020s based on pre-collapse paintball Heavy Handgun with a 18 shot capacity and a their tech
Smartgun Link. Despite being an exotic weapon, and decorate
technology. With four rotating barrels, it fires their weapons
a much larger bolt than a typical crossbow it can fire Smart Ammunition. Ammunition bought accordingly. No
two Pneumatic
which is capable of traveling over greater dis- for this gun can only be fired by this gun and is Bolt Guns look
tances. Nowadays, the gun is used by Nomads purchased in increments of 18 which cost the alike.
for the same thing it was used for in 2020: harass- same as ammunition does when purchased in
ing drivers and shooting tires. increments of 10 for other weapons.



▶ Stolbovoy ST-5 Assault Rifle ▶ Teen Dreem
Cost: 100eb (Premium) Cost: 20eb (Everyday)
Teen Dreems In the 2020s, Stolbovoy created a weapon that A relic of 2020s pop culture, the Teen Dreem
come in a
variety of could operate reliably under the most adverse might be a fun print for a nostalgic Tech, as it's just
garish colors conditions, including heat, cold, mud, dampness, as much of a gun for posers now as it was in its
and can be
found for sale sand and grit, lubricant contamination, and corro- mallrat heyday of 2020. Watch out, or you might
in Vendits and sive environments. It isn't a surprise that most ST-5s get burned!
Bodegas across
Night City. issued are still in service today. The Teen Dreem is a Poor Quality Exotic SMG
The Stolbovoy ST-5 is a Poor Quality Exotic Assault with a 10 shot capacity. Unlike other weapons,
Rifle with a 20 shot capacity. While jammed, firing this weapon can use Autofire and Suppressive Fire
the weapon has a 50% chance of still working as as long as it has at least 2 bullets in the clip, both
normal, which also clears the jam. If you lose the of which drain the clip entirely. Most importantly,
coin flip, the weapon fails to fire and your Action whenever you use Autofire or Suppressive Fire with
is used, but the jam is still cleared. Despite being a Teen Dreem the front of the barrel sloughs off
an Exotic Weapon, it is still capable of loading like a block of melted cheese after it finishes firing,
Non-Basic Ammunition. destroying the weapon beyond repair.

Attention all Militech Information and Security Technology E mployees :

We have recently become aware of a breach in secure server 1001B23X79 (codenamed

C hrome E agle ). A s you are no doubt aware , the security of this server is paramount as it
contains blueprint assets , including one for our most iconic firearm , the Militech C rusher
SSG. Discovering how the server was breached and preventing any future breaches across all
937 of our servers is of the utmost priority. A s such, C orporate M andate 2SK-9 has been
implemented. A ll leave , including for the D ecember 25 th holiday, has been canceled.
A s is standard , all days worked while 2SK-9 is in effect will be considered part of a normal
pay schedule and do not qualify for overtime. G ood luck team , I know we can do it !

Please direct any questions to my assistant, as I will be out of the office until the end of the year.
—Bradford davis III, chief executive information and security technology officer


Single Rate
Weapon Weapon Standard Hands Can be
Shot of Fire Cost
Name Skill Magazine Required Concealed?
Damage (ROF)
Arasaka WAA Bullpup 30 1,000eb
Shoulder Arms 5d6 1 2 NO
Assault Weapon (Rifle) (V Expensive)
Check each
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Autofire (4)•Suppressive Fire•Smartgun Link weapon's full
Constitutional Arms 5 500eb for additional
Handgun 4d6 1 1 NO rules and
Multi-Ammo Pistol (VH Pistol) (Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Mixed Ammo (up to 5 types)
IMI Chainknife Melee Weapons 2d6/4d6 N/A 1/1 1/1 NO
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Switch from Medium Melee to Excellent Quality Very
Heavy Melee w/ Action
Kendachi Dragon 2 1,000eb
Heavy Weapons N/A 1 1 NO
Flamethrower (Shell) (V Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Incendiary Shell Ammunition only
Magnum Opus 3 1,000eb
Handgun 5d6 1 1 NO
Hellbringer (VH Pistol) (V Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: None
Malorian Arms 25 5,000eb
Handgun 3d6 1 1 NO
Sub-Flechette Gun (H Pistol) (Luxury)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Autofire (4)•Suppressive Fire•Smartgun Link•Unique Ammo
6 500eb
Militech Crusher Handgun N/A 1 1 NO
(Shell) (Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Basic Shotgun Shell Ammunition only
Mustang Arms ARS-5 40 1,000eb
Handgun 3d6 1 1 NO
Submachine Gun (H Pistol) (V Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Autofire (3)•Suppressive Fire•Smartgun Link•Infrared
Nightvision Scope•Sniping Scope
Nomad Pneumatic 8 500eb
Shoulder Arms 4d6 1 2 NO
Bolt Gun (Arrow) (Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Arrows
Nova Model 757 18 1,000eb
Handgun 3d6 2 1 YES
Cityhunter (H Pistol) (V Expensive)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Smartgun Link•Unique Ammo
Stolbovoy ST-5 20 100eb
Shoulder Arms 5d6 1 2 NO
Assault Rifle (Rifle) (Premium)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Poor Quality
10 20eb
Teen Dreem Handgun 2d6 1 1 YES
(M Pistol) (Everyday)
Alt. Fire Modes & Special Features: Autofire (3)•Suppressive Fire

The 12 Days of Gunmas Playtesters

Azalah, Bug, Célestin Vieu, Dannyb2525, David "Dryss" Berland, David Mager , Florian Garcia, Iceo (M.K)
Bergins , Jared Doyle Barnes, JCapp, jennyglitz, John Cochran, Kaidyn Kravetz, Karolka "FoxxyMama" Kmieć,
Twizt, Ryan St. John, Sasho Coates, and Shawn Gregory.

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