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RTG CPR DLC 12DaysofCybermas

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the 12 days of cybermas

a cyberpunk red holiday sequel
DECEMBER 2022 V1.0
Writing and Design by James Hutt and J Gray
Based on Work by the many designers of Cyberpunk 2020
Art Direction by Jaye Kovach•Business Management by Lisa Pondsmith•Layout by J Gray
Original Art by Alex Jaeger, Anson Maddocks, Benjamin Wright, Christina Wald, Justin Chin, and Shon Howell
Copyright © 2022 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc., Cyberpunk is a registered trademark of CD Projekt Red S.A. All rights reserved under the Universal Copyrights Convention.
All situations, governments, and people herein are fictional. Any similarities portrayed herein without satiric intent are strictly coincidental.


A Lot Like Cybermas by Mecha Bubbly

From the Net54 Crimson Christmas Collection

It ’s beginning to look a lot like C ybermas

Everywhere you go
Don't be shy, K eep your Bug Eye on twelve and six , they ’re creeping along the bricks
Sing along at
With whirring C hain R ipps and G ang J azzlers that glow

It ’s beginning to look a lot like C ybermas

Chrome is everywhere
But the preemest sight to see is the C yberware that will be
Installed into your own meat - body

A pair of R omanova C yberlegs and a A rc-Thrower arm

complement your M onoV ision
M icroWaldos boost your surgery skills
skill s and a
D eathTrance sends you off to heaven
A nd Poser C hips will change your speech while
O pti S hields protect your vision!

It ’s beginning to look a lot like C ybermas

Everywhere you go
There ’s a tree on your Watch-M an ’s screen, and
one printed on the F leshWeave below.
They ’re the artificial kind that don ’t mind the snow
It ’s beginning to look a lot like C ybermas
Soon the shooting will start
A nd the thing that ’ll make ‘ it ring is the ammunition you covertly bring
Shoved within your sooooooooooock

It ’s beginning to look a lot like C ybermas

Chrome is everywhere
But the preemest sight to see is the C yberware that will be
Installed into your own meat - body

Yeah, it ’s C ybermas!
Oh, it ’s C ybermas!
I just can ’t believe I survived to see C ybermas again this year !

▶ ChainRipp ▶ Cyclops International Bug Eye
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)•Install: Hospital Cost: 500eb (Expensive)•Install: Hospital See CP:R
means check
Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6) Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6) the Cyberpunk
RED core
The original cyberweapon of mass destruction is back! Want a cool look loaded with cyberoptic option poten- rulebook.
This ultimate arm ripper consists of a high-speed chain- tial? Then the Cyclops International Bug Eye is for you!
saw with replaceable ferro-ceramic teeth, all installed This stylish oversized cybereye comes in a variety of
in a retractable sheath in the wrist. For added efficiency appearances, including smooth Chrome Dometastic,
and industrial chic, an exhaust port near the elbow gorgeous Chromatic Multi-Faceted, and the ever-pop-
ensures the arm won’t overheat while you’re chewing ular “Cyberpsycho” Bulge!
your way through a pack of gangers. Borgware. An oversized Cybereye resembling the
Cyberarm Option. A One-Handed Very Heavy Melee bulging optical organ of an insect. Contains 5 slots for
Weapon is installed in a cyberarm so that it can be Cybereye Options.
drawn and stowed without an Action. While “popped
up” the user can’t hold anything in this arm’s hand. ▶ DeathTrance
Once drawn, as an Action it can be revved up and, Cost: 500eb (Expensive)•Install: Clinic
once revved, it will remain so until stowed or revved Humanity Loss: 3 (1d6)
down as an Action. While revved, the ChainRipp is
Are you a thief looking to sneak into a hospital through
an Excellent Quality One-Handed Exotic Very Heavy As you can
the morgue? Or a goth looking to perfect their deathly probably guess,
Melee Weapon. Takes 4 option slots. DeathTrance
glow before the next big party? is popular
with the
▶ Cybermatrix Gang Jazzler Either way, you’ll want DeathTrance, the only Philharmonic
Neuralware option guaranteed to slow your body’s vitals Vampyres.
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)•Install: Clinic If you can
down without slowing you down. Pick up DeathTrance
Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6) get through
today and be ready for your next zombie prom! an entire
Does choking a target into unconsciousness take too of “The Scottish
Neuralware. When activated as an Action, the user’s
long? Then you need the Gang Jazzler! Just press the Play” with the
heartbeat, respiration, and other vital signs slow to an Neuralware
Jazzler into your prey’s neck and you’ll be able to active, your
almost imperceptible rate. Appearance-wise, the user
deliver a shock right through their spinal nerves and place in the
seems functionally dead, and takes a -4 to all Actions. gang is assured.
into their brain. They’ll pass out faster, allowing you to
take your time snagging their belongings without fear While DeathTrance is active, and the user is actively
of reprisal. Plus, you won’t have to kill them, since they’ll pretending to be dead, their life functions can only
be too unconscious to fight back. be detected with a DV17 Medical Tech, or a DV21
Criminology, Deduction, or Perception Check. This
The Gang Jazzler’s a win-win for mugger and mugee DeathTrance state can be exited by the user at any
alike! time without an Action. Repeated use can permanently
Cyberarm Option. Powerful electrode needle that can affect the skin’s pallor.
be concealed within the arm without a check. When
a user Chokes a target during a Grapple, instead of ▶ Kiroshi MonoVision
dealing damage they may expend the entirety of a Cost: 500eb (Expensive)•Install: Hospital
50eb (Costly) easily rechargeable battery pack (1 Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6)
hour) concealed within the arm, forcing the target to
Tired of having to pair your cyberoptics in two boring
attempt a DV13 Resist Torture/Drugs Check.
ceramic, metal, and plastic orbs? Well, never fear! The
If the target fails, they go Unconscious regardless Kiroshi MonoVision replaces your entire optic ridge
of their Hit Point total. This unconsciousness lasts for and both eye sockets with a single, wide-angle cyber-
one minute. Can be installed as the only piece of optic to give you the cool, visored look popular with
Cyberware in a meat arm. influencers across the world!

Borgware. Artificial Cybereye visor which replaces two Chipware. Chip overloaded with feedback circuits
meat eyes with a single wide-angle cyberoptic. Cannot forcing the user to subconsciously copy the vocal
be installed in a MultiOptic Mount. Contains 3 slots for patterns, nervous gestures, and body language of the
Cybereye Options. When Cybereye Options are installed persona written into it. While installed into a Chipware
into the MonoVision they always count as if they were Socket, this grants the user a +4 to Acting Checks to
paired. If a user with MonoVision as their only source of impersonate the persona.
sight receives the Lost Eye Critical Injury its effect, including
Should the Character not fight against the chip, and
the Base Death Save Penalty, is doubled.
the Player roleplay the impersonation, this bonus to
Acting checks increases to +5. Poser Chips based on
▶ Kiroshi OptiShield famous individuals created using hundreds of hours of
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)•Install: Clinic publicly available footage cost 500eb. Ones based on
Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6) private individuals using at least 10 hours of footage
You never asked for this, but Kiroshi delivered anyway! cost 1,000eb.
The Kiroshi OptiShield tops the cyberfashion charts
every year for their durability, practicality, and style. ▶ Radline Blitzkrieg Arc-Thrower Cyberarm
A simple and brief contortion of the facial muscles Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)•Install: Hospital
extends the OptiShield from its hiding place under your Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6)
brow and covers your eye with the most chic anti-daz-
zle protection money can buy. The Radline Blitzkrieg Arc-Thrower uses a low-energy
Technically, the laser to ionize an air-path and then releases a high-
Blitzkrieg is External Body Cyberware. Retractable Anti-Dazzle volt, medium-amp artificial lightning bolt to blast a wide
manufactured Mirrorshades built into the brow which can be
by Radine swath of electric mayhem in front of it.
Laboratories extended or retracted with an Action. While extended,
out of Sweden the user is immune to blindness or other effects caused Don’t let the lack of a hand on the latest model put
but a printing you off putting the power of Zeus at your end of your
error on by dangerous flashes of light, like those of a flashbang.
the arm arm, though! Radline’s patented MagnaSlot technol-
proclaimed it
ogy means you can easily eject a spent BatteryBrick
as being made ▶ Psiberstuff Watch-Man
by Radline. with a thought and then slot a new one by pressing
The misnomer Cost: 100eb (Premium)•Install: Mall the arm’s power port to a spare tucked away on
stuck and, to
this day, few Humanity Loss: 3 (1d6) your belt.
people use
the company’s As time marches on, so does the iconic Watch-Man Cyberarm. Does not have to be paired. Has 0 Option
actual name from Psiberstuff! No longer a basic “television in an
when referring slots for Cyberarm or Cyberlimb Options. Does not
to it. arm”, now the iconic pop-up cybernetic electronic include a hand and thus cannot hold anything. This
serves as an Agent, complete with pseudo-AI to keep custom-built cyberarm is a One-Handed Exotic Poor
you company! Quality Shotgun fired with the Heavy Weapons Skill
Cyberarm Option. A fully functional Agent with a flip-up instead of the Shoulder Arms Skill.
screen (see CP:R page 352) built into the cyberarm. Mechanically, the Arc-Thrower is a Shotgun that
can only fire using the Shotgun Shell alternate firing
▶ Poser Chip mode except that it deals 4d6 instead of 3d6 damage.
Cost: 500eb (Expensive) or 1,000eb (Very Expensive) Additionally, instead of using ammunition, whenever
Install: N/A•Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6) this weapon is fired it drains one of 32 charges from
its easily rechargeable (1 hour) proprietary Radline
Endorsed by the Prime-Time Players of Night City and
MagnaSlot BatteryBrick (100eb, included with every
poser gangs all around the world, the Poser Chip takes
your adoption of an icon’s style and identity to the next
level. Don’t just pretend to be your favorite celebrity or Damage dealt by this weapon cannot cause a
character. Instead, reprogram your brain to embody Critical Injury and does not ablate armor. If damage
their very essence with a Poser Chip! dealt by this weapon would reduce a target to under

1 HP they are instead Unconscious at 1 HP. This weap- ▶ Wyzard Technologies Romanova Cyberlegs
on’s battery pack can be ejected and reloaded as an
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)•Install: Hospital
Action even without a free hand.
Humanity Loss: 14 (4d6)

▶ Raven Microcybernetics MicroWaldo In 2020, fashion superstar Gaboriau predicted the

Romanova Cyberlegs would “dominate the Riviera”.
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)•Install: Clinic
Gaboriau was wrong. Fashionable cyborgs across the
Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6)
world rejected the Romanova for being “just another
Trusted by medical professionals across the world, the pretty pair of legs” with no real benefit beyond built-in
Raven Microcybernetics MicroWaldo plugs eight artic- heels.
ulated probes into your wrist and your brain to provide
In 2021, Wyzard Technologies tried to correct this
the direct and precise assistance you need, whether
impression by releasing a new model of the Romanova,
you’re suturing arteries or connecting nerve endings to this time with blades built into the spiked heels. The
cybernetic wires. cyberlegs still didn’t dominate the market but they’ve
Let the MicroWaldo be your newest surgical remained a solid seller for the small Swiss company
assistant. ever since.

Cyberarm Option. Neuralware Option. A Medtech Paired Cyberlegs. They must be installed together
using a MicroWaldo gains a +1 to their Surgery Skill. and count as a single item for the purposes of Cost
and Humanity Loss but not Critical Injuries or repair.
▶ Sycust FleshWeave Each Cyberleg has 3 Option Slots for Cyberleg or
Cyberlimb Options. Each comes pre-installed with a
Cost: 1,000eb (Very Expensive)•Install: Hospital Talon Foot (see CP:R page 367) that doesn’t cost any
Humanity Loss: 7 (2d6) Humanity Loss or take up a Cyberleg Option Slot. The
You know the drill. You pissed off your Input/Output. Talon Feet cannot be removed without destroying the
They shot you while you were showering and now Cyberlegs beyond repair.
you’ve got to spend the whole day doing nothing while
your Skinweave repairs itself. Despite the efforts of
Well, not anymore, choomba! The hyperactive nano- Operation: L ump of C oal , our Who is the
bots in your Sycust Fleshweave can do in minutes what regional offices in Night C ity Netrunner
takes the tiny, tired robots of other brands’ Skinweave known as
were infiltrated by the S.A.N.T.A.?
Netrunner known only as Truth be told,
External Body Cyberware. Skinweave. User’s body we don't know.
and head are armored at SP7.
S.A.N.T.A. and blueprints for According to
Brain, the
multiple products , including owner of
Your SP in any location is determined by your highest Short Circuit,
source of SP in that location. Additionally, whenever the MonoVision and OptiShield , S.A.N.T.A.
shows up every
your armor is ablated in a location, all your sources of were stolen . Fortunately, December 24th
and downloads
SP in that location are ablated at the same time. the OptiShield plans stolen a file full of
secret Corp info
After 10 minutes without strenuous activity, nanoma- were for the 2020 variation onto The Library,
chines present in the Skinweave repair both the body the bar's NET
and not the style redesign Architecture
and head location of the Skinweave to full SP. dedicated
we plan on debuting on to shared
* ”Hyperactive nanobots” is a term used for advertis- information
the market next year . and then leaves
ing only. Sycust FleshWeave denies any and all rumors without saying
of excessive skin growth or flesh bulges in user’s — Fenton Hamilton Miranda a word.

body due to its product overproducing polymer mesh Chief Actuary

Kiroshi Optics, Night City
beneath their epidermis.


Name Type Install Description & Data Cost HL

500eb 14
ChainRipp Cyberarm Option Hospital A retractable chainsaw built into your arm.
Check each
(Expensive) (4d6)
item’s full Cybermatrix Enough electricity flowing through your finger to 500eb 7
description Cyberarm Option Clinic
for additional Gang Jazzler stun an elephant. If they haven’t gone extinct. (Expensive) (2d6)
rules and
information. Cyclops International 500eb 14
Borgware Hospital Bigger eye. More Cybereye options.
Bug Eye (Expensive) (4d6)
Appear dead without being dead. Might add a 500eb 3
DeathTrance Neuralware Clinic
pale glow to your skin permanently (Expensive) (1d6)
Doesn’t let you shoot optic blasts. Does let you 500eb 14
Kiroshi MonoVision Borgware Hospital
install Cybereye options without pairing. (Expensive) (4d6)
External Body The height of 2020s cool built right into your 500eb 7
Kiroshi OptiShield Clinic
Cyberware face and fully retractable. (Expensive) (2d6)
Psiberstuff 100eb 3
Cyberarm Option Mall An Agent built into your arm.
Watch-Man (Premium) (1d6)
Don’t just look like Elvis. Be Elvis. Or anyone 14
PoserChip Chipware N/A or
else you desire to duplicate. (4d6)
(V Expensive)
Radline Blitzkrieg
No hand but you can now throw lightning at 1,000eb 14
Arc-Thrower Cyberarm Hospital
multiple enemies at once. (V Expensive) (4d6)
A spider-like collection of probes turn your 1,000eb 7
Microcybernetic Cyberarm Option Clinic
hand into a monster of surgical precision. (V Expensive) (2d6)
External Body Better Skinweave than anything else on the 1,000eb 7
Sycust Fleshweave Hospital
Cyberware market. (V Expensive) (2d6)
Technologies Comes in pairs. Comes with heels. The heels are 1,000eb 14
Cyberleg Hospital
Romanova weapons. You can poison them. (V Expensive) (4d6)

No, I don ’t S.A.N.T.A. is. No, I wouldn ’t

know who
tell you even if I did know. No , our security footage from
December 24th won ’t help you catch them. Doesn ’t exist,
anyway. There was an accident involving a blowtorch
and some peanut butter . P retty messy.
— Brain
Co-owner, Short Circuit

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