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RTG CPR DLC CollectingtheRandom

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The document discusses how fashion and style can impact social interactions and skill checks in gameplay. It also provides examples of reskinning roles and a table of random kibble flavors.

Fashion and style can be used as tools to help or hinder social skill checks. The right outfit may provide a bonus while the wrong one a penalty. Wardrobe and style is also suggested as a complementary skill.

A reskin reflavors a role and its abilities to fit a different character concept. Examples given include transforming a rockerboy to a grifter and a solo to an athlete.


collecting the random

ideas, thoughts, and lists from the CP:R CREW

Writing and Design by J Gray and James Hutt

Art Direction by Jaye Kovach
Business Management by Lisa Pondsmith•Layout by J Gray

Copyright © 2022 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc., Cyberpunk is a registered trademark of CD Projekt Red S.A. All rights reserved under the Universal Copyrights Convention.
All situations, governments, and people herein are fictional. Any similarities portrayed herein without satiric intent are strictly coincidental.

Hey there, choombas! If you’re new to our DLCs, 4. Complementary Skill Checks make a lot of Skills
welcome! If you’ve been following them for a while, incredibly useful. Most social interactions can
thanks for sticking with us! Each month we release these benefit from a complimentary Wardrobe & Style
short articles on all manner of topics to help enhance or Personal Grooming Check and Business helps
your Cyberpunk RED games. with that Tactics Check to figure out how Corp
security might respond to your attack.
Sometimes we cover mechanics, sometimes we
cover lore, sometimes we add new toys for you to play 5. Complementary Skills provide flavor! They
with. The point has always been to use our monthly transform a Check from “I’m rolling Melee
Cyberpunk RED DLCs to experiment with interesting Weapons” to “I’m considering the best place to
ideas in a faster, more nimble format than a full sup- stab based on the armor my opponent wears
plement and give them to you for free on our website. so I’ll roll Melee Weapons, complemented by
Weaponstech.” Flavor makes every RP better!
It isn’t just our website where we’ve experimented with

new content, though. We’ve also released lists of inter-
eskinning Roles
esting ideas and concepts on our social media channels, r e s k i n n i n g r o l e s r e s k i n n i n g
What’s a reskin? In this case, we mean reflavoring a
Whenever we release a new tweet thread on fashion Role and Role Ability to work for a character concept
or multiclassing or whatever random topic our Media outside of the core presented in the main rulebook.
Ambassador comes up with, inevitably someone asks if Here’s some examples. We’ll do one per Role.
we can include them in a DLC. So, this month? We are.
• Let’s transform the Rockerboy into a Grifter.
Enjoy these six lists from the brains of J Gray and Their Charismatic Impact becomes less about
James Hutt and, until next time, stay safe on The existing fans and more about convincing people
Street. that you’re worth spending time and resources
on based on your cover identity.

C omplementary Skill Checks

c o m p l i m e n t a r y s k i l l c h e c k s
The Complementary Skill Check rule (see CP:R page
• The Solo becomes an Athlete. Competition
and sports in the Time of the Red can be as
violent as any battlefield and the Athlete’s
130) in Cyberpunk RED is powerful! Don’t sleep on Combat Awareness was developed in the arena,
it. Here’s five reasons why you should be using it in not in a war.
your games!
• Netrunner no more! Now, you’re a Thief.
1. They allow you to retry failed Skill Checks, since You specialize in infiltration, using Electronic/
it represents a “new way” of approaching a Security Tech, Stealth, and Interface to get in,
problem. get the goods, and get out.
2. A Complementary Skill Check represents how • From Tech to Cleaner. Bodies need to vanish.
being good at one thing impacts another. You Crime scenes need to be sterilized. That’s your
might not roll Language (Italian) to bribe the job. You make your own gear because anything
Biotechnica door guard but Language (Italian) bought could be traced—by the cops or another
can be a great Complementary Skill for your mob. And sometimes you need to juryrig a
Bribery Check. cleaning solution to a problem on the fly.
3. Complementar y Skill Checks mean one • Medtechs become Agents. When your cli-
Character can help another! When the ent’s too tired or drunk to perform, you’ve got
Nomad’s car breaks down, the Tech might be the drugs they need. When the SFX goes wrong
making the main Land Vehicle Tech Check but and your client burns their face on stage, you’ve
the Nomad can give a +1 bonus with their own got some salve. When they’re depressed, you
Check! can soothe their ego.

• Medias make good Private Investigators. can form, ranging from Neocorp squads to Trauma
Credibility becomes keeping your ear to the Teams to Media crews. We’ll be supplementing that
ground for rumors and coming up with a “here’s list, not borrowing from it. We’ll also be presenting five
what happened” story that convinces the author- possible missions you can run with each concept.
ities to act on your evidence.
Guerrilla Gardeners
• Want to play a Mobster? Exec is perfect. The
mob pays for your home, gives you underlings, Growing your own food is as punk as it can get in a
and makes sure you’re taken care of. All you cyberpunk dystopia. Shaking off the kibble shackles
need to do is sell your soul and be willing to do and growing fresh fruits and veggies? That’s showing
what the boss of bosses says. Until you kill them those Corp bastards! Missions:
and take over. 1. Retrieving seeds from a lost vault.
• Some say the NCPD is just another gang. So, 2. Protecting your stand from rivals at the Night
the Lawman becomes a Ganger pretty easy. Market.
Your Backup no longer arrives in the form of cops
but in the form of fellow gang members or allied 3. Making a deal with Nomads for smuggled
gangers who owe you and your group favors. chickens.

• Want to reskin Fixer? How about a Spy? You 4. Rescuing your kidnapped master gardener from
might be working for a government or a Corp Biotechnica.
or even freelance, but Operator works much the 5. Stopping a gang war before it destroys your
same. It represents who you know, what you can garden.
get without blowing your cover, and how well
you blend into other cultures. Family Legacy
• Finally, there’s Nomad. Nomads aren’t the only A group of siblings return home after a parent’s death and
ones who can benefit from access to a motor learn they’ve been left a mcguffin worth a fortune. Problem?
pool of vehicles. What about a Racer? Get fast Said mcguffin is in the private vault of Mister Kernagan
and furious as your Moto represents access to (see CP:R page 305), the biggest Fixer in town. The heist
your race crew’s vehicle pool. Just be careful, to get it back will be a long term project. Missions:
road races in 2045 are rough stuff!
• Recon on Mister K to find the vault.
That’s 10 new versions of existing Roles without any
need to do more than reflavor the Role Abilities. Just • Getting the laser cutter needed to cut into the
be aware Lifepath gets a little more complicated with vault.
these reskins. Role-based Lifepaths, for example, might • Infiltrating the security firm Mister K uses to put
need a bit of adjusting. your people on the “payroll”.

• Negotiating with a gang to “make a distraction”.
en Punk Campaign Ideas
t e n p u n k c a m p a i g n i d e a s • The heist itself.
The “everyone meets in a tavern” equivalent for Librarians
Cyberpunk RED tends to be “everyone is brought
together by a Fixer for a job”. The street merc campaign The Datakrash decimated humanity’s stored information
can be great but let’s see if we can’t punk it up a bit and but it didn’t touch books. Nostradamus, a Night City
come up with ten different ideas for a Cyberpunk info broker, collects books with the intent of restoring
RED campaign! that knowledge. He needs you to get them, no matter
where they are. Missions:
Before we start, we’d like to point out pages 390
to 392 of the Cyberpunk RED core rulebook. • A trip through the Badlands to an abandoned
There’s some great ideas there for different groups you college library.

• Breaking into an Exec’s estate to steal an original • Embers is starting a volunteer ambulance corp.
copy of Origin of Species. Guess who gets to train the first batch?
• Protecting the boss’s collection from a Corp strike • Phoenix Redwyne, the clinic’s founder and
team. owner, is missing. Can you find her?
• Escorting a chemist through the city so he can Prankster Gang
treat the boss’s collection for mold.
Someone has to show the world how absurd the elites
• Solving the murder—who killed Nostradamus?
are. Your job is to punch up, provide a laugh, and
And how did they do it? remind everyone that the powerful are fallible human
beings, too. Missions:
Food Truck War
• Recon. To prank a building you must know it.
Thanks to an old Icelandic recipe and bio-engineered
lichen, Aunt Andy has a way to make “meal cookies” • Supply run. You need a lot of red paint. A lot.
that are cheap and delicious and wants to sell them in a • Prep work. Before you break into a place to
food truck. That’s not easy in Night City, though. They’ll prank, you need to break in to lay the ground-
need your help. Missions: work for the prank.
• Andy will need a truck. Network 54 has plenty. • The actual prank. Making the building bleed.
Time for some crime.
• Getting away from the Corp cops.
• Andy also needs a lot of Kibble. Continental
Brands has tons. Time for more crime. Paracy(ber)cology
• Mutated rats have infested Andy’s lichen cave! Sure, there aren’t rules for ghosts and vampires in
• Gangers stole the truck and took it for a joy ride. Cyberpunk RED but why let that stop your group
Time for a high speed chase through the Old from creating a Pop Media show to investigate spooky
Combat Zone! happenings? Missions:

• Debut day! Can you fight off rivals, get the best • Reclaimers want to repopulate an old, aban-
spots, and serve up some delicious food? doned suburb but it seems to be haunted!
• Someone’s going around ripping people apart.
Do-Gooder Clinic Cyberpsycho? Or werewolf?
From the Ember (see Phoenix Redwyn, CP:R page • Strange mushroom circles are blooming in
305) is an genuine community clinic, providing medical the Badlands. Could it be fairies? Or maybe
care to those in need. The Crew all works there and Biotechnica?
believe in the mission but it isn’t easy. The clinic is con-
stantly besieged by troubles. Sometimes literally! Missions: • The CEO of a small Corp claims to have been
abducted by UFOs and hires the crew to
• Rent’s due. The clinic can’t pay for it so it is time investigate!
to move. How do you get all the clinic’s gear to
• Rumors of a juviegang with strange, paranormal
the new location without losing any?
powers reaches your ears. Shapeshifters. Kids
• A patient needs a new heart but their body can’t who can hear radio waves without an actual
absorb cloned organs or cyberware. A Body radio. What could it be?
Bank has a heart you can use but wants too
much for it. You’ve got four hours to get it. Any Sapience Liberation Front
way you can.
You belong to a crew dedicated to liberating clones
• The local booster gang is here for their protec- and AIs from Corporate control. Intelligent beings must
tion money. You don’t have it. be free! Missions:

• An AI being used for weather prediction by • One of the Crew has been replaced with a
Network 54 wants freedom. Time for an biosculpted double! But who? What do they
extraction. want?
• A liberated clone, living under a new identity, • One of the Crew is elected onto the HOA board.
has vanished. What happened to them? Can they use their new position to learn more
about the Suburb? Or will the power go to their
• There’s a mole. The safehouse is compromised.
Time to move before the Corp cops show up.
• People the Crew vaguely remember start
• You know the mole from mission 3? Time to root
popping up in the Suburb. Are their memories
them out.
real? Or implanted?
• Questioning the mole has led to the location of a
• The Crew has finally discovered a way out of the
treasure trove of stored Soulkilled AIs at Ziggurat
Suburb. Can they escape? Or will they succumb
HQ. Free them.
to the Suburb’s siren call?
Mr. K’s Collectors And that’s ten unique campaign ideas. Feel free
to use them in your own games, or let them serve as
You work for Mister Kernaghan (see CP:R page 305),
inspiration for something new! Remember, you never
acquiring the most valuable collectibles for sale at his
need to stick to the status quo. Find your own way to
exclusive Midnight Market. Missions:
fight back in Night City!
• A mob boss has Richard Night’s class ring.
You need to get it. The problem? They wear it
• Inside the old EBM building is one of the world’s
first cyberdecks. All you gotta do is travel to the
middle of the Hot Zone to get it.
• A famous artist has paid Mister K a lot of money
to acquire 50 Bozo noses for a new piece about
the absurdity of modern life. You know those
things are their real noses, right? Worst collection
quest ever.
• Someone wants a signed first edition of Mike

Puddleforge’s TTRPG, Cyborg Anarchist. All you

gotta do is find him.
• While escorting a limited edition AV-4 back to
Mr. K’s you got jumped. Now some Nomads
have the AV-4 and you gotta get it back.

The Perfect Prison

The crew wakes up in suburban heaven. Only they
have no idea how they got there and every indication
is they’ve always lived there. What the fuck is going
on? Missions:
• A neighbor seemed to know something but has
vanished. Can they be found?


M ulticlassing Ideas
m u l t i c l a s s i n g i d e a s
One of the neatest things about Cyberpunk RED
• Rockerboy/Lawman aka the Mascot. Modern
security forces know the key to keeping the
public placated involves positive PR. A performer
who can talk up wins and sweep losses under
involves the ability for Edgerunners to take on multiple
the rug via reality television and talk shows is
Roles. Multiclassing, as we often call it in gaming. Let’s
essential (if utterly reprehensible) in 2045.
look at how each Role can be combined with every
other Role to create unique concepts. We’ll do this for • Rockerboy/Fixer aka the Indie Networker.
each Role, in order, so you’ll have two examples of You don’t have an agent, manager, or a label.
each combination. For example, we’ll do a Rockerboy/ What you do have is a network of contacts who
Solo under Rockerboys but also a Solo/Rockerboy can get you equipment, roadies, or venues in
under Solos. a hurry. Likewise, you can help out your fellow
indie performers with the same.
• Rockerboy/Nomad aka the Singing Cowboy.
• Rockerboy/Solo aka the Johnny Silverhand! Sure, you’re riding a motorcycle instead of a
A soldier who put down a gun and picked up horse, but the classic image of the wandering
an axe to sing out the terrors they witnessed and cowboy rolling into town to sing songs, dispense
force the entire world to experience a reckoning justice, and woo fair lovers remains a potent
about the sins of those in power. archetype even in the Dark Future.
• Rockerboy/Netrunner aka the Virtual Solos
Prankster. Dive into a NET Architecture. Leave
a virus at the bottom level, transforming the entire • Solo/Rockerboy aka the Eurosolo. Some jobs
NET Architecture into a statement against the require you to social stealth your way into high
Corp what owns it. Record it all. Put it on the society, achieve the objective, and exit in a hail of
Data Pool for all to enjoy. gunfire. Being able to switch between suave and
explosive makes you the perfect special agent.
• Rockerboy/Tech aka the Musical Craftsman.
You don’t just play your instruments. You make • Solo/Netrunner aka the Tomb Raider. The
them. Often creating strange, beautiful, and choicest data is buried deep, protected by
custom pieces for a specific performance. defenses both physical and digital. The Tomb
Raider’s equipped to deal with both using their
• Rockerboy/Medtech aka the Spiritual
guns and their cyberdeck.
Healer. Most people think of healing the body
when it comes to Medtechs but they can also • Solo/Tech aka the Gun Crafter. People who
heal the mind and spirit through therapy. Musical buy guns appreciate someone who can speak
therapy, brought to the masses can change the their language. Someone who grew up knowing
world. the language of violence and didn’t learn it from
an app. That’s you. You can make the guns good
• Rockerboy/Media aka the Influencer. Are you
because you know how to shoot the guns good.
a performer? Or are you a reporter? Or are you
both, digging up the dirt, putting it altogether, • Solo/Medtech aka the Field Medic. These
and creating evocative and provocative Garden days, no one respects the medic symbol embla-
vids to turn that dirt into art that pierces the soul zoned on a helmet. If you’re in the field, you’re a
and stirs up the crowds. target. Which means if you’re going to save lives,
you need to be prepared to defend your patient
• Rockerboy/Exec aka the Producer. You don’t
until evac arrives.
just make your own music. You make other peo-
ple’s music possible. Using your credibility as • Solo/Media aka the War Correspondent.
a Rockerboy, you recruit other performers and War is everywhere in 2045. Sure, there’s far off
make sure your label releases the best creations. Corporate Wars in jungles and deserts but you’ll

also find them in the urban ruins of former “first • Netrunner/Medtech aka the MedRaider.
world” nations. You’ll fight your way in, get the You know the secrets the elite are hoarding?
scoop, and share the story. Medicines? Treatments? Cures? It makes you
mad. So mad you’ve decided to break in, dive
• Solo/Exec aka the Revolutionary. Some
deep, find those medical breakthroughs, and
Execs control a department in a Corporation.
give them to the world. Healthcare shouldn’t be
You lead a group that’s mad as hell at the state
for profit.
of the world and ain’t gonna take it anymore.
Your leadership keeps them organized and alive. • Netrunner/Media aka the Whistle Blower.
Best of all, you lead from the front. You’ve been in their systems. You know the truth.
• Solo/Lawman aka the Bounty Hunter. You know the dirty laundry the Corps bury deep
Someone has a price on their head and you aim down. And you’re gonna expose them to the
to collect. When needed, you can call in backup world, secret by secret.
from local law enforcement but usually you • Netrunner/Exec aka the Clonerunner. Yeah,
prefer to work alone. See you, Cyber Cowboy. yeah. You’ve heard it before. You’ve sold out.
• Solo/Fixer aka the Arms Dealer. At first the So what? You’re also not worried about going
other mercs noticed how easy it was for you to hungry or finding a place to sleep and you’ve
get gear. Then they asked you to get gear for got someone reliable to watch your back, not
them. Now, you’re running your own business, some synthcoked-up freelance Solo.
equipping your fellow Solos. • Netrunner/Lawman aka the NET-tective.
• Solo/Nomad aka the Babysitter. Someone’s Could be you work for Danger Gal or maybe
got to keep the kids in your Pack alive when they a smaller firm. Either way, you know getting the
head into the big city for a drink or a job. And dirt means you need to pick brains, pick pockets,
that someone’s you. You’re older, wiser, and and pick up files from NET Architectures. When
tougher. And you make sure they get back to it comes to data, you can get it from anywhere.
the caravan alive. • Netrunner/Fixer aka the Information
Broker. Some Fixers trade in stuff. You trade
Netrunners in secrets. Sometimes you buy it from your
• Netrunner/Rockerboy aka the Drone Dancer. network of contacts. Sometimes you steal it
In 2045 drones are everywhere. Making deliv- from the Network of a Corporation. Either way,
eries. Guarding Corps. Spying on the masses. you’re making eb.
You use them to entertain w/ holographic pro- • Netrunner/Nomad aka the Night Rider.
jections and LED displays to create dazzling You’ve tricked out your car w/ a NET
works of visual art. It ain’t cheap but it is pretty! Architecture, defenses, and a Demon to run ‘em.
• Netrunner/Solo aka the Lone Runner. Sure, You can do with one person what it takes a Crew
the days of infiltrating Data Fortresses from the to do for most of your Pack. And if someone tries
comfort of your couch are gone but there’s still to hack your car? You can dive in and brain fry
a difference between a weefle hacking from ‘em.
behind cover and one who can blast in and put
down every threat: meat and virtual. Techs
• Netrunner/Tech aka the Builder. You don’t buy • Tech/Rockerboy aka the Educator. Sure, you’re
your programs or your deck. You make them. an engineering genius but where other geeks
And since you’re not relying on a Fixer to hook speak technobabble you know how to make
you up with what you need, you’ve got plenty of what you do understandable and exciting! You
extra eb to spend on the finer things in life. Like use your Garden Patch to teach the world about
a new 3D printer. That’s the stuff. engineering and make money doing it!

• Tech/Solo aka the Boom Brigadier. Anyone shape so they can be added to the Family fleet.
can toss a grenade but when it comes to real You pride yourself on finding the beauty inside
damage? That requires a specialist. You know any beat up old ride.
just where to place a charge to cause maximum
damage. And if you need to throw a grenade? Medtechs
You’ve got a whole satchel full.
• Medtech/Rockerboy aka the Celebrity Doc.
• Tech/Netrunner aka the Security Specialist. Who can afford health care in 2045? Most
Virtual security. Physical security. You can handle people just hit the Data Pool and search for
both because you know the best systems work in info on treatments. That’s where you come in.
harmony to provide complete protection. Or, if Your medical Garden Patch gets more popular
you prefer, you know every possible way to rip everyday as you bring medical knowledge to
someone else’s system apart. the masses.
• Tech/Medtech aka the Flipper Ripper. Sure, • Medtech/Solo aka the Angel. You started out
you could build your own cyberware to install as an Angel of Mercy, bringing care and com-
into clients but why bother when there’s so passion to the Combat Zone. Then the gangers
much out there waiting to be taken, repaired, came. You tried to do no harm but they refused to
upgraded, and sold for profit? Rip it. Flip it. Make back down. So, now you’re an Angel of Death,
some eb. too, when the situation calls for it.
• Tech/Media aka the Braindance Tuner. • Medtech/Netrunner aka the Biosculptor.
Flatscreen’s ancient and even holograms are Your client needs to be someone else for a
boring. Words mean nothing. Your homemade while. No problem. Employment records on a
braindances bring someone the experience of NET Architecture get you the biometric data
shooting down some Corps and give them a real you need. Biosculpting does the rest. Now your
taste for revolution! All real. No filters! client’s a twin. Or maybe an only child if you
• Tech/Exec aka the Disruptor. You know the help the original disappear.
names. The Techs who climbed to the top of the • Medtech/Tech aka the Bad Breaker. Maybe
Corporate ladder with revolutionary ideas and you started out with good intentions. Maybe
changed the world. That’s you. You’re the next you just like making money. Either way, these
Sokolov! The next UR! The next Loggagia! You’re days you’re peddling street drugs as often as
gonna disrupt the whole system, maximize inno- the medicinal kind. At least you know your shit’s
vation, and bring synergistic change to the world! pure.
• Tech/Lawman aka the CSI. Believe it or not, • Medtech/Media aka the Secret Hunter.
some cops still investigate crimes and try to find People say all sorts of things while high on
the actual perpetrators. That’s your job. You use painkillers and anesthetic. And they won’t even
the latest tech, a lot of it self-upgraded, to scour notice the microphone you implanted in their
crime scenes, find clues, and catch bad guys. body during their last elective surgery. Once you
Assuming the bosses listen. have their dirty little secrets? You’ll publish them
• Tech/Fixer aka the Tech Networker. It started in the screamsheets under a pen name.
small. Someone came to you looking for a
• Medtech/Exec aka the Clinic Operator.
piece of tech you couldn’t make. So, you found
Going patient by patient wasn’t helping enough
someone who could. Now, you spend as much
people, so you begged, borrowed, and stole to
time sourcing tech as building it.
open your own free clinic. There’s more paper-
• Tech/Nomad aka the Restorer. Any Nomad work, more trouble, and more responsibility this
can repair their own ride but you specialize in way but at least you’re also helping more people
finding old junkers and restoring them to pristine than ever.

• Medtech/Lawman aka the Emergency • Media/Medtech aka Storyteller. Telling
Responder. You shrug on the armorjack. You stories around the fire is a human occupation as
holster your gun. You get in the rig. You drive out old as time. And your stories can do so much.
and you save lives. And when you need to, you With individuals, they soothe and heal the soul.
call on backup to save your’s. The Street ain’t With groups, they change minds and inform.
safe, even for someone in an ambulance. You’re a therapist and a truth teller, all in one.
• Medtech/Fixer aka Doc Connection. You’re • Media/Exec aka the Star Reporter. You
the sort of Doc who takes payment in favors aren’t just a Media. You’re the best of the best
instead of currency. Now, a friend needs a spe- and because of it, your publisher takes care of
cific something and it all works out because the you. They pay your rent. They provide you with
choom you treated last week has it. The more flunkies to serve your needs. Aren’t you great?
people you help, the more favors you’re owed.
• Media/Lawman aka the Embed. Look, you
• Medtech/Nomad aka the Family Doctor. aren’t proud of it, but a gig’s a gig. You follow
Nomads tradition goes back almost a century the cops around and make them look good and
now: passing on knowledge from teacher to you get paid. Better yet, sometimes you get a
student. That’s how you learned medicine. No, lead you can follow for a real story.
you didn’t go to medical school, but you’re
• Media/Fi xer aka t he I n d e p e n d e n t
better off without that Corporate-written drivel
Journalist. Going it alone isn’t easy but you’ve
crammed inside your head.
learned who to talk to and who to bribe to get
Medias what you need: equipment, bodies, access. You
don’t have a fancy station to supply you. So,
• Media/Rockerboy aka the Documentarian. you’ve learned to do it for yourself.
You don’t just report on your subject. You docu-
• Media/Nomad aka the Wandering Eye.
ment it from all angles and then edit it together,
Sure, the city rats need Nomads now but that
with you as narrator, to both entertain and inform
won’t always be the case. So, you’re here to
the people.
make sure they know what real Nomad life is
• Media/Solo aka the Thompson. The reporter before the Corp controlled media can paint you
named Thompson started a tradition back in as cannibal marauders. You document the road
the 2010s when he covered the Arasaka Riot. and you share it with the world so they’ll know
Gonzo, front-line journalism to expose the sins of you aren’t animals. You’re humans. Just like them.
power. You follow his example. To get the story,
you need to crack open the Corp shell, yank out Execs
the rancid meat, and show it to the world.
• Exec/Rockerboy aka the Club Owner. You
• Media/Netrunner aka the Virtual Journalist. started playing clubs but somewhere along the
Who needs a studio and a green screen when way, you took on the challenge of running one,
you have a NET Architecture you can customize too. You leap up onto the stage regularly to keep
to be whatever you want. You record inside the your hand in but these days you’re hiring staff,
digital, using the power of the CPU to add pop ordering booze, and booking other bands to
and sizzle to your stories. play more than you’re shredding the classics.
• Media/Tech aka the Producer. They might not • Exec/Solo aka the Gang Leader. The differ-
know your face or even your voice but they know ence between a gang and a Corp? Corps have
your work. You’re behind the camera, editing enough cover to call what they do “legal”. You
the footage, and making sure the SFX rock. organize your people to keep your place in the
Someone else might get the glory but it’s your Combat Zone and you fight alongside them to
work that gets out the story. grow your territory when you can.

• Exec/Netrunner aka the Corp Spy. There’s so • Exec/Lawman aka the Negotiator. These
much data out there and your employers will pay days, the law makes a lot of deals. Deals with
big eb to get their greedy paws on it. So, with the Corps for gear. Deals with gangs to keep the
help of your team, you infiltrate, you steal, and peace. Deals with Edgerunners to collect boun-
you exfiltrate. Then you enjoy your nice soft bed ties. That’s your job. Night City’s like Europe right
in your nice big place. before a World War. Ready to explode. You’re
trying to keep that from happening.
• Exec/Tech aka the Netwatch Agent. You’d
think a Netwatch Agent would be a Netrunner • Exec/Fixer aka the Buyer. The supply chain’s
but a lot of them are Techs. You don’t need to changed in the Time of the Red but your job
dive into NET Architectures. You just need to be hasn’t. You get your org raw materials, parts,
able to shut it down and disconnect any links to and labor and, sometimes, you make sure your
the Old NET. org’s rivals don’t. You’re the puppet master and
you make that chain dance.
• Exec/Medtech aka the Trauma Captain.
You’ve worked your way up the ranks. It used to • Exec/Nomad aka the Ambassador. Nomads
be you took the orders and patched people up. don’t live in a vacuum. They deal with the rest
Now you’re the one giving the orders. You still of the world all the time: making deals, buying
patch people up but you’re the one in charge goods, selling services. You’re the go between,
when you do. codeswitching between Nomad and static to
help make the deals go down smooth.
• Exec/Media aka the Anchor. You’re the face
everyone sees each night. You are the news. The L awmen
network plugs you by name and by face, putting
you out there as a brand you can trust. And they • Lawman/Rockerboy aka the Celebrity
give you nice perks for it, too. Bounty Hunter. Everyone knows who you
are. Your Garden Patch brings in tons of eyeballs
as you broadcast your exploits, chasing down
criminals and hauling them in. You’re cleaning
up The Street and looking damn good doing it.
• Lawman/Solo aka the C-SWAT. Cops handle
crime. SWAT handles dangerous crime. You?
You handle the most dangerous crime. The
cyberpsychos who lash out by exploding the
world around them in a hail of gunfire. You’re
the toughest of the tough and don’t forget it.

• Lawman/Netrunner aka the NET Cracker.

Serving a warrant’s no easy task. If the squad
goes in blind, they’re likely to get a face full of
turret-fired lead. You make sure the traps laid
down by the bads are disarmed or, better yet,
turned to your side.
• Lawman/Tech aka the Quartermaster.
Someone’s got to track the inventory and make
sure the metric ton of armor, weapons, and gear
stay in tip top shape. A station lives or dies by
its weakest link and you’ll be damned sure the
weakest link isn’t the tech or gear.

• Lawman/Medtech aka the Social Worker. • Fixer/Netrunner aka the Gamemaster. You’ve
You’ve got no budget and the other “civil ser- set up your own NET Architecture full of traps
vants” don’t take you seriously but your job’s and tricks and Black ICE. Netrunners from
important! You’re there to calm down the situ- around Night City come to test themselves on it.
ation and help people get the treatment they You make it a race for sport. First to the bottom
need. And protect them from the other cops, if wins. Loser goes home on a stretcher or, if they’re
necessary. unlucky, a bodybag.
• Lawman/Media aka the Psychic Detective. • Fixer/Tech aka the Ultimate Mechanic.
Real psychic powers? No such thing. But you can You run your own shop. People come wanting
cold read people and you clear cases so your their car upgraded with all sorts of tricks. You
agency’s willing to buy your shtick. With enough can always get the parts you need and if the
clues, your big wrap up as the spirits “speak customer can’t pay? You can find a buyer for
to you” while you lay out what just happened their former ride, too.
always catches the killer.
• Fixer/Medtech aka the Dealer. No, no. Not
• Lawman/Exec aka the Senior Security. When those kind of drugs. These days, every clinic,
you walk into the room, you’re in charge. The from the lowest ripperdoc to the biggest hospital,
other cops listen to you as much for your ability needs help sourcing their pharmacies and you’re
to take control of the situation as for your senior- there to provide. After all, you’re a doctor too,
ity but the higher rank never hurts. right? You know which pills will save lives and
which pills are knockoff poison pretending to be
• Lawman/Fixer aka the Evidence Clerk. You’ve
got the key to the evidence room at the station
and access to the inventory records. Seized • Fixer/Media aka the Gossip Monger. There’s
goods, weapons, and drugs can’t go missing if a thousand stories on The Street and you’re
they weren’t recorded as being there in the first hungry for them all. You listen to all the whispers.
place, right? Better yet, you know how to whisper back, telling
just the right story to boost someone’s rep or send
• Lawman/Nomad aka the Ranger. There’s a
it crashing to the ground.
lot of territory out there. Governments have to
at least pretend they give a damn about the • Fixer/Exec aka the Bookie. Need to place a
Reclaimers trying to build new lives and the set- bet on the Body Lotto? Make a wager on the
tlements outside of the cities. So, you ride your game? Get some action on the next race? The
bike. You patrol. You do what you can. Bookie’s got you covered. And if you don’t pay?
The Bookie’s enforcer will break your legs. Just
Fixer business.
• Fixer/Rockerboy aka the Old Guard. Most • Fixer/Lawman aka the Undercover. You know
of the young pups think you’re just an old fogey how The Street works. How to blend in. How to
who can hook them up with a guitar or an amp. speak the language. You get in where needed,
You know better. Back in the day, your name was you gain their trust, and you feed the info to your
up in lights and you shredded so hard you set the employers. You know everyone and everyone
house on fire. thinks they know you.
• Fixer/Solo aka the Monarch. Let other Fixers • Fixer/Nomad aka the Organizer. Nomads
squabble to grow their territory. This is your have been providing labor to statics for decades.
neighborhood and it’s all you need. You make Construction, demolition, couriers, entertain-
sure it has water, electricity, and food. And if ment... that’s how the Nations survive. And you
people cross you? You made sure it has plenty make sure they get that work, matching the right
of bodybags, too. Pack members with the right employers.


Nomad • Nomad/Lawman aka the Hunter. Nomad

camps need security. You can trust your own
• Nomad/Rockerboy aka the Circus Performer. people but some outsiders try to break in. Try to
Nomads aren’t just wandering construction workers steal. So, you patrol and, when a static crosses
and cowboys. Many of them are performers, fol- your Pack, you hunt them down. You can always
lowing the ancient traditions of the traveling circus. trust your Family to back you up.
Acrobats! Animal tamers! Ringmasters! That’s you.
The greatest show on Earth. • Nomad/Fixer aka the Clerk. Every Family has
someone like you. You’ve got contacts in every
• Nomad/Solo aka the Scout. Sometimes, being port and always know where to find what your
part of a Family means being apart from it. You people need. Car parts? Seeds? Booze? When
travel head, checking the road for danger and Nomads need something, they come to you. You
cities for trouble. You’re a Pack of one, fighting make it happen.
to make sure your people aren’t ambushed or
taken advantage of. And with this, we end our look at multiclassing ideas
in Cyberpunk RED. We’ve just listed 90 different
• Nomad/Netrunner aka the Cargo Hacker.
Role combinations and there’s plenty more to explore.
The old cargo ships ran with small crews and AI
Hopefully, this inspired you.
controls. When your people find one, beached
or floating, you connect to the system and disarm
the defenses. Sometimes, the AI’s still there,
broken and ready to attack. That makes for a
fun day’s work.
C yberpunk RED Fashion
c y b e r p u n k r e d f a s h i o n
The first rule of being cyberpunk (see CP:R page 28)
is “Style over Substance”. Obviously, what you wear
• N omad/ Tec h aka t he Ac q u i s i t i o ns
plays a big part in that. Fashion forms one of the pillars
Specialist. Nomads live or die by their vehicles
and city folk aren’t always willing to sell. That’s of self-expression (or cultural assimilation) in society.
where you come in. When your Pack can’t pay There are ten fashion types listed in the Cyberpunk
for what they need, you stealth your way through RED core rulebook (see CP:R page 356). There are
security systems and drive out with it instead. more fashion styles out there, of course, but these form
• Nomad/Medtech aka the Barber. Small Packs a baseline of what’s commonly worn in Night City in
mean someone has to do it all: haircuts, shaves, 2045. If need be, you can easily reskin them.
tattoos, cyberware, and healing. You’re not just For example, Orbital Air (operating out of Kenya) is
a doc. You’re an artist and you keep your Pack currently building a spaceport on Morro Rock. For the
both feeling good and looking good. kids of the OA Execs, West African Pop might replace
• Nomad/Media aka the Pirate. On the road, Asian Pop. Bright. Youthful. Energetic. Same prices
you spin discs and keep the Pack’s spirit up with despite the different flavors.
music and chatter. Near a city, you set up a Here’s a quick look at each of the ten styles.
transmitter and make a temporary pirate radio
station, giving the statics a taste of true freedom Bag L ady Chic
of information. Maybe you’ll even throw them
some good, non-sanitized tunes while you’re at The houseless would call this “what I have to wear
it. to survive”. Superior jerks call it “bag lady chic”. This
isn’t artfully torn jeans and purposefully worn clothing.
• Nomad/Exec aka the Teacher. You’ve been
These are real rags.
around a while and the people in your Pack trust
you. That’s why you’ve got some of the young- Why would an Edgerunner want bag lady chic
lings following you around. They help you out clothes? Beyond low cost (if you don’t care about style),
and, in exchange, you teach them the ways of they make for an excellent disguise. A houseless person
the world. on The Street hardly gets a second glance.


Gang Colors Needless to say, the older you are, the less people
might take you seriously in Asia Pop. Do it wrong and
Most gangs in Night City have their own style. The you’ll get a “how sad” from the grown-ups and “narc”
clothes tend to be cheap & durable w/ specific from the kids.
patches, colors, or accessories. Wearing them can be
dangerous. Gangs know their own. If you’re wearing Urban Flash
colors you haven’t earned, you better be a damned
good actor. Wear the wrong set of gang colors when Streetwear born from music videos, mixed with tech-
passing through another gang’s turf, and you might be nology. Sneakers with lights. Coats with LCD screens.
asking for a beat down... depending on the relationship Gloves that glow neon. Urban Flash is great for
between the two gangs. showing off you’re both modern and hip.

Generic Chic Businesswear

Off the rack, basic stuff. What the Screamsheets tell Suit. Tie. Sure, the width of the collars have changed
you is in. Easy to get, easy to wear, and easily tossed over the years but it isn’t so far off from what they wore
off. Need to be part of the faceless crowd? This is the in 1845. Stuffy and boring if worn wrong. Sleek and
clothing for the job. powerful if worn right. And if you aren’t wearing it when
trying to pose as a Corp, chances are you won’t make
Bohemian it past the front door.

Every so often, the 1960s make a comeback. Flowing High Fashion

skirts. Oversized collars. Flower prints. Even in 2045,
nothing says “artsy” like bohemian fashion. Even a Anyone can wear generic chic. Only the truly elite
touch of it, like big, round shades, can give you an can wear designer clothing from exclusive boutiques
eccentric vibe. featured in the most trendy fashion Screamsheets. That’s
High Fashion. Wear this and you will get noticed. In the
Leisurewear wrong part of town? It’ll get you noticed as a potential
mark. In the right part of town? Pull it off and people
Tracksuits. Yoga pants. Workout clothes. Hoodies. will be kissing up to you just because of the name on
Designed for comfort and for durability. Great for the label.
running in but also solid for showing off how you like
style but also are super casual. Fashion in Play
Nomad Leathers Ten styles to suit any situation, especially with a bit of
reskinning. But what about rules? Style over Substance,
Not all of it is actually leather or suede. Jeans also fit you say, but how does it play out in gameplay?
into this category. So do cowboy boots and combat
boots. One part Mad Max, one part Old West. Nomad We’d like to direct you to page 130. Specifically, the
leathers are tough and durable. If you can’t pull off the Modifying the Attempt section. Pay attention to this one:
look, though, expect actual Nomads to laugh at you. “Don’t have the right tools or parts -2”. When we say
And inside the city, don’t expect the best treatment. Sure, tools, chances are you’re thinking of a wrench. Maybe
Nomads might be the lifeblood of travel and transport a lockpick. But here’s the trick. Clothing? Fashion?
in the Time of the Red but they’re also still subject to a lot That’s a tool.
of stereotypes and derogatory remarks. If you try to pick a mechanical lock with a bit of
wire, the GM might give you a -2 to the Check. You
Asia Pop don’t have the right tool for the job. Likewise, if you’re
Bright, colorful, and the height of youth culture in Night trying to convince an Exec that you work for Rocklin
City. Ironically, a lot of it is older American fashion seen Augmentics and you’re wearing Gang Colors or
through a distinctly Korean or Japanese lens. Bohemian? The GM might give you a -2 to the Check.
You don’t have the right tool for the job.

We’ll say it again. Fashion is a tool. It is the lockpick Hell, Wardrobe and Style isn’t just about social. Bag
or wrench of social situations. Wearing the right outfit Lady Chic can help with Stealth if you’re incognito on
makes the job easier. Wearing the wrong outfit can The Street. Meanwhile, GMs, if an Edgerunner is trying
make the job impossible. to hurdle a table High Fashion they had to squeeze and
buckle into ask yourself, does it make the task harder?
Which is why there’s a Wardrobe and Style Skill.
Wearing an outfit isn’t just about putting the clothes on. And that’s how Fashion plays a part in the game.
It is about being comfortable in them. Wardrobe and Wearing the right outfit can open doors. Wearing the
Style is based on wearing the right clothing with the right wrong outfit means you’re sneaking around to the back.
attitude and it makes a killer Complimentary Skill Check
Always bring the right tool for the job.
to augment Persuasion, Bribery, and Intimidation.

T wenty random Kibble Flavors

t w e n t y k i b b l e f l a v
You know how it is. Your Players just flatlined a ganger and now they’re searching the poor slob’s pockets. You
o r s

decide the new corpse has 10eb and a bag of Kibble on them. There. Now you’re ready to move onto the next
part of the Mission Right until someone asks the question. “What flavor is the Kibble?” Don’t worry, choomba.
We’ve got your back. Here’s a table of twenty random Kibble flavors, straight from Balance Town.

1d100 Flavor Description

1—5 Fizzy Don’t worry. The bubbling on your tongue is normal.

6—10 Chili Lime Acid and spice and everything nice.
11—15 Protein Kibble Do you even lift, choomba?
16—20 Kibble SportFlakes They’rrreeeeee great (at clogging up your bowels)!
21—25 Extra Fluffy Pancake Just add Continental Brands maple syrup.
26—30 Kibble SportMix The official Kibble of the Night City Heat.
31—35 Fruit Fantasy The world’s most solid fake fruit salad.
36—40 Popcorn With original “butter” flavor.
41—45 Caramel Crunch Popcorn If you squint it looks like the real thing!
46—50 Bacon Cheddar Dumpburger Surprisingly popular!
51—55 Kiwi Taste the tropics!
56—60 Cheese Yes, they’re supposed to glow in the dark like that.
61—65 Lemon Ginger Don’t need to spend fancy to eat fancy!
66—70 Aromatic Beef We said it smelled. We didn’t say like what.
71—75 Paprika The reddest Kibble yet!
76—80 Pineapple Pizza Does pineapple belong on pizza in a Kibble bag?
81—85 Collagen Boost Give yourself a lift.
86—90 Kibble XXL For when you wanna eat Kibble the size of a golf ball.
91—95 Mystery What’s the flavor? We don’t know and you won’t either!
96—100 Adobo Let’s pretend there’s real garlic, vinegar, and salt on these things.


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