Display Report Public
Display Report Public
Display Report Public
Kennel Owner(s)
TURKEY HILL KENNEL 300 E BLACK CREEK ROAD EAST EARL PA 17519 717-445-0037 (Business)
Kennel County License Number Person Interviewed Inspection Action On Premises:
1/28/2011 48
Inspected By
Kennel Regulations
Inspection Category
21.21a Maintenance 21.21b Water Resistance 21.21c Drainage 21.22 Segregation
Inspection Category
21.23a Run Space 21.23b Run Dimensions 21.24a Shelter 21.24b Bedding 21.24c Chains 21.24d Flooring-Metal Strand 21.25a Temperature 21.25b Shade 21.26 Ventilation
21.27 Lighting UnSat 21.28a Food Sat 21.28b Water Sat 21.28c Food/Water Receptacles Sat 21.28d Bedding Cleanliness Sat Sat N/A N/A 21.29a Excreta 21.29b Sanitation 21.29c Housekeeping/Pests
21.41a Records Kept UnSat 21.41b Record on State Forms Sat 21.42 Bill of Sale Sat 455.8 Rabies Vaccination UnSat Other 21.30 Condition of Dog
Kennel Acts
Inspection Category
206a Kennel Closure or Moving 207a Unlicensed Kennel 207b Maintenance 207c Records Kept 207d Tags - RKNH 207e Display of License, Refusal or Revocation 207g.1 Exercise Plan
No No
Inspection Category
207g.2 Smoke Alarm & Fire Extinguishers 209a.1.1 Dealing Unlic OOS Dealer Bill of Sale Health Certificate Refusal of Entry
N/A No Sat N/A No No Yes
Inspection Category
UnSat Sat Sat UnSat UnSat Sat Sat N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
UnSat 207h.14.iii Sanitation-Two Weeks or Less Sat 207h.14.iv Sanitation Methods Sat N/A Sat Sat Sat Sat 207h.14.v Sanitation Removing Contaminants 207h.14.vi Sanitation Premises 207h.14.vii Sanitation Insect and Parasite Control 207h.15 Records-Individual Dogs 207h.16 Records-Veterinary
207I.1 Space-Size of Primary Enclosure UnSat 207I.2 Primary Enclosure 30" Off Floor Sat 207I.3.i Flooring-Structural Requirements UnSat 207I.3.ii Flooring-Construction Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat 207I.3.iii Flooring-Alternate Flooring Standards 207I.4 Primary Enclosure-Unfettered Access 207I.6.i Exercise Area-Unfettered Access 207I.6.ii Exercise Area-Size 207I.6.iii Exercise Area-Containment
8/19/2011 7:06:54 PM
UnSat 207I.6.vi Exercise Area-Injury Sat 207I.6.vii Exercise Area-Compatibility UnSat 207I.6.viii Exercise Area-Nursing Dams Sat 207I.6.ix Exercise Area-Structure and Maintenance Sat 207I.6.x.A Exercise Area-Outdoors N/A 207I.6.xii Exercise Area-Forced Exercise Sat 207I.7 Rabies Vaccination UnSat 207I.8 Veterinary Exam Schedule Sat
Inspection Category
Reinspection required Viewed Rabies Certification Letter
Yes Yes
Inspection Category
Viewed State Form Exemption Letter
Actions which are directed to be taken are not all that may be required of the kennel operator to come into compliance. The kennel operator is responsible for taking any and all actions necessary to come into compliance.
Inspection of the kennel took place on January 28, 2011. A total of 242 adult dogs and 122 puppies were located on the premises at the time of the inspection. The kennels license was viewed; along with rabies self certification letter and state form exemption letter. Inspection was performed with Supervisor Donmoyer and Dr. Ward. The inspection of January 28, 2011 is as follows:
21.21(b)/207(b) Wardens observed wood which was unsealed / untreated and appeared rotted in a few primary enclosures. This Warden directs that the kennel owner take the following action(s): 21.21(b) The interior building surfaces of housing facilities shall be constructed and maintained so that they are water resistant and may be readily sanitized. 21.24(d)/207(b) Wardens observed vinyl type coating coming off of the metal strand flooring in several primary enclosures; as well as dogs feet passing through opening in the metal strand flooring. This Warden directs that the kennel owner take the following action(s): 21.24(d) A dog may be sheltered in a primary enclosure having metal strand flooring provided the following conditions are met: (1)The metal strand flooring is coated with a vinyl type coating. (2)The coated metal strand flooring shall be kept in good repair. (3)The coated metal strand flooring shall be made of mesh construction that does not allow the dogs feet to pass through any opening in the floor and does not otherwise cause injury to the dog. (4)The coated metal strand flooring shall be constructed of sufficient diameter (gauge) to provide a completely rigid floor area sufficient to support the weight of dogs housed in the enclosure so that the metal strand floor does not bend or sag from the weight of the dogs. (5)The dogs shall be provided with a draft free area that protects the dogs from inclement weather and is large enough to hold all the occupants of the primary enclosure at the same time comfortably. 21.26/207(b) Wardens observed a strong presence of ammonia emanating from the adult dog building upon entering the area where the dogs were being housed, this odor was so strong making it hard to breathe and causing our eyes to burn that wardens walked out and retrieved respirator masks from our vehicles so we could proceed with the inspection. This Warden directs that the kennel owner take the following action(s): 21.26 Indoor housing facilities for dogs shall be sufficiently ventilated when dogs are present to minimize drafts, odors, ammonia levels and moisture condensation. Ventilation shall be provided by means of windows, doors, vents or air conditioners. Auxiliary ventilation from fans, blowers, or air conditioners shall be provided when the ambient temperature is 85F (29.5C) or higher. The relative humidity shall be maintained 8/19/2011 7:06:54 PM
207(h)(1) Wardens observed several primary enclosures with rusted framing; and a few primary enclosures with unsealed / untreated wood which also appeared to be rotted. This Warden directs that the kennel owner take the following action(s): 207(h)(1) Primary enclosures must be designed and constructed so that they are structurally sound and must be kept in good repair. 207(h)(2)(viii) Wardens observed several primary enclosures with water provided to dogs which was completely frozen solid. This Warden directs that the kennel owner take the following action(s): 207(h)(2)(viii) Provide potable water at all times, unless otherwise directed by a veterinarian in a writing that shall be kept in the kennel records. 207(h)(2)(x) Wardens observed several primary enclosures with dogs feet passing through opening in the metal strand flooring. This Warden directs that the kennel owner take the following action(s): 8/19/2011 7:06:54 PM
*A Waiver application has been filed for this kennel in accordance with Section 207(j) of the Dog Law. If a Waiver has been granted regarding a particular section of the Dog Law, this section will be marked N/A. Waiver denials may result in a limited period of time to come in to compliance with a particular section of the Dog Law. Such section may nevertheless receive an unsatisfactory rating during that limited time period.
8/19/2011 7:06:54 PM
TURKEY HILL KENNEL 300 E BLACK CREEK ROAD EAST EARL PA 17519 717-445-0037 (Business)
Kennel County License Number Person Interviewed Inspection Action On Premises:
3/10/2011 119
Inspected By
Kennel Regulations
Inspection Category
21.21a Maintenance 21.21b Water Resistance 21.21c Drainage 21.22 Segregation
Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat N/A N/A 21.27 Lighting
Inspection Category
21.28a Food 21.28b Water 21.28c Food/Water Receptacles 21.28d Bedding Cleanliness 21.29a Excreta 21.29b Sanitation 21.29c Housekeeping/Pests
21.23a Run Space 21.23b Run Dimensions 21.24a Shelter 21.24b Bedding 21.24c Chains 21.24d Flooring-Metal Strand 21.25a Temperature 21.25b Shade 21.26 Ventilation
21.41a Records Kept UnSat 21.41b Record on State Forms Sat 21.42 Bill of Sale Sat 455.8 Rabies Vaccination UnSat Other 21.30 Condition of Dog
Kennel Acts
Inspection Category
206a Kennel Closure or Moving 207a Unlicensed Kennel 207b Maintenance 207c Records Kept 207d Tags - RKNH 207e Display of License, Refusal or Revocation 207g.1 Exercise Plan
No No
Inspection Category
207g.2 Smoke Alarm & Fire Extinguishers 209a.1.1 Dealing Unlic OOS Dealer Bill of Sale Health Certificate Refusal of Entry
N/A No Sat N/A No No Yes
Sat Sat Sat N/A Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat
Inspection Category
207h.14.iii Sanitation-Two Weeks or Less 207h.14.iv Sanitation Methods 207h.14.v Sanitation Removing Contaminants 207h.14.vi Sanitation Premises 207h.14.vii Sanitation Insect and Parasite Control 207h.15 Records-Individual Dogs 207h.16 Records-Veterinary 207I.1 Space-Size of Primary Enclosure 207I.2 Primary Enclosure 30" Off Floor 207I.3.i Flooring-Structural Requirements
UnSat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
UnSat 207I.3.ii Flooring-Construction Sat 207I.3.iii Flooring-Alternate Flooring Standards Sat 207I.4 Primary Enclosure-Unfettered Access N/A Sat Sat 207I.6.i Exercise Area-Unfettered Access 207I.6.ii Exercise Area-Size 207I.6.iii Exercise Area-Containment
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UnSat 207I.6.vi Exercise Area-Injury Sat 207I.6.vii Exercise Area-Compatibility Sat Sat Sat N/A 207I.6.viii Exercise Area-Nursing Dams 207I.6.ix Exercise Area-Structure and Maintenance 207I.6.x.A Exercise Area-Outdoors 207I.6.xii Exercise Area-Forced Exercise
Sat 207I.7 Rabies Vaccination UnSat 207I.8 Veterinary Exam Schedule Sat
Inspection Category
Reinspection required Viewed Rabies Certification Letter
Yes Yes
Inspection Category
Viewed State Form Exemption Letter
Actions which are directed to be taken are not all that may be required of the kennel operator to come into compliance. The kennel operator is responsible for taking any and all actions necessary to come into compliance.
Inspection of the kennel took place on March 10, 2011. A total of 237 adults and 107 puppies were located on the premises at the time of the inspection. The kennels license was viewed; along with rabies self certification letter and state form exemption letter. Inspection was performed with SDW Loughlin and Dr. Ward. The inspection of March 10, 2011 is as follows: 402 Veterinary examinations were ordered on dogs under Section 402(a) based on wardens observations of the condition of dogs during an inspection. Kennel is in compliance with Section 402(d) because veterinary examinations were completed within the 72 hour time frame. 21.24(d)/207(b) Wardens observed, in multiple primary enclosures, dogs feet passing through openings in the metal strand flooring. This warden directs that the kennel owner take the following action(s): 21.24(d) A dog may be sheltered in a primary enclosure having metal strand flooring provided the following conditions are met: (1)The metal strand flooring is coated with a vinyl type coating. (2)The coated metal strand flooring shall be kept in good repair. (3)The coated metal strand flooring shall be made of mesh construction that does not allow the dogs feet to pass through any opening in the floor and does not otherwise cause injury to the dog. (4)The coated metal strand flooring shall be constructed of sufficient diameter (gauge) to provide a completely rigid floor area sufficient to support the weight of dogs housed in the enclosure so that the metal strand floor does not bend or sag from the weight of the dogs. 21.26/207(b) Wardens observed a strong presence of ammonia emanating from the adult dog building upon entering the area where the dogs were being house. This odor was so strong that it made it hard to breathe inside the kennel causing wardens to wear respirator masks to proceed with the inspection. This warden directs that the kennel owner take the following action(s): 21.26 Indoor housing facilities for dogs shall be sufficiently ventilated when dogs are present to minimize drafts, odors, ammonia levels and moisture condensation. Ventilation shall be provided by means of windows, doors, vents or air conditioners. Auxiliary ventilation from fans, blowers, or air conditioners shall be provided when the ambient temperature is 85F (29.5C) or higher. The relative humidity shall be maintained at a level that ensures health and well-being of the dog housed therein in accordance with generally accepted husbandry practices. 21.29(a)/207(b) Wardens observed a buildup of excreta on the underside of the metal strand flooring in several primary enclosures . The kennel owner also stated that they do not clean the undersides of the flooring. 8/19/2011 7:06:54 PM
207(h)(2)(x) Wardens observed several primary enclosures with dogs feet passing through opening in the metal strand flooring. This warden directs that the kennel owner take the following action(s): 207(h)(2)(x) Have floors that are constructed in a manner that protects the dogs feet and legs from injury. The floor shall not permit the feet of a dog housed in the primary enclosure to pass through any opening. 207(h)(7) Wardens observed a strong presence of ammonia emanating from the adult dog building upon entering the area where the dogs were being house. This odor was so strong that it made it hard to breathe inside the kennel causing wardens to wear respirator masks to proceed with the inspection. This warden directs that the kennel owner take the following action(s): 207(h)(7) Housing facilities for dogs must be sufficiently ventilated at all times when dogs are present to provide for their health and well-being and to minimize odors, drafts, ammonia levels and to prevent moisture condensation. The Canine Health Board shall determine auxiliary ventilation to be provided if the ambient air temperature is 85 degrees F or higher. The relative humidity must be maintained at a level that ensures the health and well-being of the dogs housed therein. The appropriate ventilation, humidity and ammonia ranges shall be determined by the Canine Health Board. 207(h)(14(i) Wardens observed dirt built up on several primary enclosure doors, a buildup of hair and feces on the inside of several primary enclosure doors, and a buildup of hair and feces on the underside of the flooring in several primary enclosures. This warden directs that the kennel owner take the following action(s): 207(h)(14)(i) Excreta, feces, hair, dirt, debris and food waste must be removed from primary enclosures at 8/19/2011 7:06:54 PM
8/19/2011 7:06:54 PM
TURKEY HILL KENNEL 300 E BLACK CREEK ROAD EAST EARL PA 17519 717-445-0037 (Business)
Kennel County License Number Person Interviewed Inspection Action On Premises:
6/17/2011 308
Inspected By
Kennel Regulations
Inspection Category
21.21a Maintenance 21.21b Water Resistance 21.21c Drainage 21.22 Segregation
UnSat 21.27 Lighting Sat 21.28a Food Sat 21.28b Water Sat Sat Sat Sat N/A N/A
Inspection Category
21.28c Food/Water Receptacles 21.28d Bedding Cleanliness 21.29a Excreta 21.29b Sanitation 21.29c Housekeeping/Pests
21.23a Run Space 21.23b Run Dimensions 21.24a Shelter 21.24b Bedding 21.24c Chains 21.24d Flooring-Metal Strand 21.25a Temperature 21.25b Shade 21.26 Ventilation
21.41a Records Kept UnSat 21.41b Record on State Forms Sat 21.42 Bill of Sale Sat 455.8 Rabies Vaccination UnSat Other
Kennel Acts
Inspection Category
206a Kennel Closure or Moving 207a Unlicensed Kennel 207b Maintenance 207c Records Kept 207d Tags - RKNH 207e Display of License, Refusal or Revocation 207g.1 Exercise Plan
No No
Inspection Category
207g.2 Smoke Alarm & Fire Extinguishers 209a.1.1 Dealing Unlic OOS Dealer Bill of Sale Health Certificate Refusal of Entry
N/A No Sat N/A No No Yes
Inspection Category
Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
207h.14.iii Sanitation-Two Weeks or Less UnSat 207h.14.iv Sanitation Methods Sat 207h.14.v Sanitation Removing Contaminants Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat 207h.14.vi Sanitation Premises 207h.14.vii Sanitation Insect and Parasite Control 207h.15 Records-Individual Dogs 207h.16 Records-Veterinary 207I.1 Space-Size of Primary Enclosure 207I.2 Primary Enclosure 30" Off Floor 207I.3.i Flooring-Structural Requirements
UnSat 207I.3.ii Flooring-Construction Sat 207I.3.iii Flooring-Alternate Flooring Standards Sat 207I.4 Primary Enclosure-Unfettered Access N/A Sat Sat 207I.6.i Exercise Area-Unfettered Access 207I.6.ii Exercise Area-Size 207I.6.iii Exercise Area-Containment
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UnSat 207I.6.vi Exercise Area-Injury UnSat 207I.6.vii Exercise Area-Compatibility Sat Sat Sat N/A Sat Sat Sat 207I.6.viii Exercise Area-Nursing Dams 207I.6.ix Exercise Area-Structure and Maintenance 207I.6.x.A Exercise Area-Outdoors 207I.6.xii Exercise Area-Forced Exercise 207I.7 Rabies Vaccination 207I.8 Veterinary Exam Schedule
Inspection Category
Reinspection required Viewed Rabies Certification Letter
Yes Yes
Inspection Category
Viewed State Form Exemption Letter
Actions which are directed to be taken are not all that may be required of the kennel operator to come into compliance. The kennel operator is responsible for taking any and all actions necessary to come into compliance.
Inspection of the kennel took place on June 17, 2011. A total of 195 adult dogs and 125 puppies were located on the premises at the time of the inspection. The kennels license was viewed, along with rabies self certification letter and the state form exemption letter. Inspection was performed with Supervisor Donmoyer and State Vet Dr. Ward. The inspection of June 17, 2011 is as follows: 402 Veterinary examinations were ordered on dogs under Section 402(a) based on wardens observations of the condition of dogs during an inspection. Kennel is in compliance with Section 402(d) because veterinary examinations were completed within the 72 hour time frame. 21.21(a)/207(b) / 207(h)(2)(i) Wardens observed, in several primary enclosures, additional flooring that was placed on top of the primary flooring to help prevent dogs feet from falling through openings, was not properly fastened to the primary flooring. This additional flooring also had sharp points and edges. This warden directs that the kennel owner take the following action(s): 21.21(a) Indoor and outdoor housing facilities for dogs shall be maintained in a manner to protect the dogs from injury and to contain the dogs. 207(h)(2)(i) Have no sharp points or edges that could injure the dogs. 21.24(d)(3)/207(b) / 207(h)(2)(x) Wardens observed, in a few primary enclosures, dogs feet passing through the openings in the metal strand flooring. This warden directs that the kennel owner take the following action(s): 21.24(d) A dog may be sheltered in a primary enclosure having metal strand flooring provided the following conditions are met: (3) The coated metal strand flooring shall be made of mesh construction that does not allow the dogs feet to pass through any opening in the floor and does not otherwise cause injury to the dog. 207(h)(2)(x) Have floors that are constructed in a manner that protects the dogs feet and legs from injury. The floor shall not permit the feet of a dog housed in the primary enclosure to pass through any opening. 21.26/207(b) / 207(h)(7) Wardens observed, in the large dog building, that there was no fan inside the primary enclosure to ventilate the facility when the ambient temperature reached 85 degrees. Wardens also noted the presence of ammonia in the main kennel building where dogs are housed. This warden directs that the kennel owner take the following action(s): 21.26 Indoor housing facilities for dogs shall be sufficiently ventilated when dogs are present to minimize 8/19/2011 7:06:54 PM
8/19/2011 7:06:54 PM
TURKEY HILL KENNEL 300 E BLACK CREEK ROAD EAST EARL PA 17519 717-445-0037 (Business)
Kennel County License Number Person Interviewed Inspection Action On Premises:
Kennel Township License Year / Class Title Inspection Date During License Term:
None 268
8/5/2011 421
Inspected By
Kennel Regulations
Inspection Category
21.21a Maintenance 21.21b Water Resistance 21.21c Drainage 21.22 Segregation
Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat N/A N/A Sat Sat Sat Sat 21.27 Lighting
Inspection Category
21.28a Food 21.28b Water 21.28c Food/Water Receptacles 21.28d Bedding Cleanliness 21.29a Excreta 21.29b Sanitation 21.29c Housekeeping/Pests 21.41a Records Kept 21.41b Record on State Forms 21.42 455.8 Other Bill of Sale Rabies Vaccination
21.23a Run Space 21.23b Run Dimensions 21.24a Shelter 21.24b Bedding 21.24c Chains 21.24d Flooring-Metal Strand 21.25a Temperature 21.25b Shade 21.26 Ventilation
Kennel Acts
Inspection Category
206a Kennel Closure or Moving 207a Unlicensed Kennel 207b Maintenance 207c Records Kept 207d Tags - RKNH 207e Display of License, Refusal or Revocation 207g.1 Exercise Plan
No No Sat Sat N/A Sat N/A
Inspection Category
207g.2 Smoke Alarm & Fire Extinguishers 209a.1.1 Dealing Unlic OOS Dealer 210 214 220 Bill of Sale Health Certificate Refusal of Entry
N/A No Sat N/A No No No
Sat Sat Sat N/A Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat N/A Sat Sat
Inspection Category
207h.14.iii Sanitation-Two Weeks or Less 207h.14.iv Sanitation Methods 207h.14.v Sanitation Removing Contaminants 207h.14.vi Sanitation Premises 207h.14.vii Sanitation Insect and Parasite Control 207h.15 Records-Individual Dogs 207h.16 Records-Veterinary 207I.1 Space-Size of Primary Enclosure 207I.2 Primary Enclosure 30" Off Floor 207I.3.i Flooring-Structural Requirements 207I.3.ii Flooring-Construction 207I.3.iii Flooring-Alternate Flooring Standards 207I.4 Primary Enclosure-Unfettered Access 207I.6.i Exercise Area-Unfettered Access 207I.6.ii Exercise Area-Size 207I.6.iii Exercise Area-Containment
Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
8/19/2011 7:06:54 PM
Inspection Category
Reinspection required Viewed Rabies Certification Letter
No Yes
Inspection Category
Viewed State Form Exemption Letter
Actions which are directed to be taken are not all that may be required of the kennel operator to come into compliance. The kennel operator is responsible for taking any and all actions necessary to come into compliance.
Inspection of the kennel took place on August 5, 2011. A total of 179 adult dogs and 89 puppies were located on the premises at the inspection. The 2011 kennel license was viewed; along with the rabies self certification letter and the state form exemption letter. The inspection was performed with Supervisor Donmoyer and SDW Horst. The inspection of August 5, 2011 is as follows: The previous unsatisfactory for 21.21(a) / 207(b) / 207(h)(2)(i) has been corrected. All additional flooring that was placed on top of the primary enclosure flooring to help prevent dogs feet from falling through openings was securely fastened. The previous unsatisfactory for 21.24(d)(3) / 207(b) / 207(h)(2)(x) has been corrected. Extra flooring has been added and securely fastened in the primary enclosures to prevent the dogs feet from falling through any openings. The previous unsatisfactory for 21.26 / 207(b) / 207(h)(7) has been corrected. The kennel owner installed an air conditioner in the large dog building to cool the building when the ambient temperature reaches 85 degrees. The kennel owner also put down lime and added an additional exhaust vent in the main kennel building to eliminate the ammonia odor. The previous unsatisfactory for 21.27 / 207(b) / 207(h)(8) has been corrected. The kennel owner installed higher wattage light bulbs in the main kennel building to create more light in the solid box portion of the primary enclosure. The previous unsatisfactory for 21.28(c) / 207(b) has been corrected. All feeders that were dirty in the previous kennel inspection had been cleaned, or replaced with new feeders. The previous unsatisfactory for 21.29(c) / 207(b) has been corrected. the rust on the piping in the outdoor runs. The kennel owner properly painted over
The kennel was in compliance with all provisions of the Act and its regulations as of the date and time of the inspection.
8/19/2011 7:06:54 PM