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Week 9-10

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Learning Activity Sheets of
Quarter 2: Week 9 & 10
Contemporary Arts Production

Name: _________________________________ Q2 - W9: ______________

Section: _________________________________ Date : ____________________

Art Acquisition and Enhancement and Art Integration
A description of the arts suggest that art and the ability to make art is an
indispensable part of human nature. For although individual capabilities may differ, artistic
expression is man sharing himself to others so that they too may appreciate what is in
themselves. Art acquisition further emphasizes that an essential part of cognitive
development is the awareness that art is part of growing-up; of becoming a person with a
capacity to express and share his thoughts and emotions. Once this capability had been
realized enhancing artistic skills follows. Herein lies the discipline of what it is to become
professional artist.


On Skills Acquisition
In the curricula developed by the local educational system
(DEPED and CHED), a study of the arts has been, since preschool. Integrated
into the process of formative and higher education. Subjects like MAPEH and Art
Appreciation under the Humanities aims to expose all students to the Arts through
Classroom instruction and hands-on experience. The main objective of the educational
system is not only to educate but also to tap the students’ natural abilities and inclination
towards the Arts as a form of individual expression.

Individual differences make one aware of the existence of “gifted

artists” who do not require much training in expressing artistic
potentials and aspiring

Art activity in Preschool

Where art is therefore concerned, the process of acquisition and

enhancement involves creating - i.e. exploring, discovering, and
experimenting. The process is what most important, not the thing
that is actually created.

Art activity in Secondary

When a person has chosen to become an artist, what is most important isto
practice, practise and practice. He should devote time for advance ;earning
by reading about different art techniques and to not be afraid to experiment
with a variety of art media. He also should keep in touched and be aware
of the different trends in contemporary arts.
Art activity in Tertiary

The standards of artistic acquisition demand that individual should know and be able to
do any of the following:
⚫ To be able to communicate at a basic level in any of the artistic disciplines - dance,
music,theatre, or the visual arts. This includes knowledge and skills in the use of the
basic vocabularies, materials, tools, technique, and intellectual methods of that art
⚫ To be able to communicate proficiently in at least one art form, including the ability to
define and solve artistic problems with insights, reason, and technical proficiency.
⚫ To have information acquaintance with exemplary works of art from a variety of
cultures, historical periods, and a basic understanding of historical development in
thearts disciplines, across the arts as a whole, and within cultures.
⚫ To be able tp relate various types of arts knowledge and skills within and across the arts
disciplines. This includes mixing and matching competencies and understanding in art-
making history and culture, and analysis in any arts-related project.

On Skills Enhancement
How does one become a good artist and have people look at his artwork in amazement
and wonder? To answer this: becoming a good artist is always a work in progress. There is just
no end to the learning, the growing and the evolving. In addition, what defines a good artist is
his concentrate to developing the following characteristics in himself:

Artistic Ability. A good artist contentiously develops this ability to further his natural, creative
skills. He is never satisfied with what he had already learned but is contentiously learning to
hone his artistic skills.

Creativity. A good artist knows how to make the most use out of his imagination. He should
come up with original ideas and have the courage to be different in his artistic expression.

Manual Dexterity. A good artist always allots time for practicing his skills. Artists’
techniques differ in the manner in which he makes coordinated hand and finger movements
like in how he makes brush strokes, executes sketches or molds a pliable medium.

Computer Editing. A good artist keeps up with technology and exerts effort to gain computer
Communication Skills. A good artist should be able to convey information to people clearly
and simply. The ability to transmit and receive messages clearly aids him in being able to read
and understand his audience.

Self-promotion/ Marketing Skills. A good artist should learn how to publicly relate oneself
to people for purpose of selling his products and services.

A proof of an artist’s capabilities can be compiled in a portfolio. This portfolio should

be carefully developed to contain a demonstration of accomplishment works which would
highlight the artist at his best. The portfolio should display his style that is unique and indicative
of the direction from which he is working from. The artist sholud have both digital and hard
copies of their portfolio available.

Competency and Code

Conceptualizes contemporary art based on techniques and performance practices in their
locality. ((CAR11/12AP-of-h-14)

Recall and Insight Building: Read and answer the following

Activity 1: Make a list of art activities that you did when you were in kindergarten, and
secondary school.

Activity 2: Choose one favorite art activity for each level and briefly explain why this is

Kinder School
Secondary School

Activity 3: Make a rough sketch of one of favorite your works and indicate the type of project
and the materials used.

Title of Project:

Material Used:
Excellent (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2) Needs
Following All directions You followed You followed None of the
Project were followed most directions some directions directions were
Direction followed
Use of You used your You used your You used dome You did not use
Creativity own ideas and own ideas most imagination your own ideas
imagination of the time or imagination
Behavior You were You behaved You You were not
in Class respectful and well for most of misbehaved respectful and
well-behaved the class during most of behaved poorly
Effort put into You look time You worked You put a smell You rushed
project and worked hard for most of effort into the through and did
hard on the the time project not work hard

1. Do tou think that art activities that you did helped develop your creative skills? Explain
your answer.

2. Did these art activities contribute to your development as a person?

3. Do you think these abilities can help your career? Explain

Contemporary Philippine Arts From Regions for Senior High School, Wilson K. Panisan,
Leslie B. Gazzingan, Gregorio L. Samar, Corie Chuza G. Boongaling.

Answer’s Key
Answer may vary

Prepared by:
Teacher II
Name of Writer

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