Karnataka State Rural Sanitation Strategy Eng
Karnataka State Rural Sanitation Strategy Eng
Karnataka State Rural Sanitation Strategy Eng
Table of Contents
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 4
I. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 6
II. ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................................... 7
III. TOILET CONSTRUCTION: PRESENT STATUS AND TECHNOLOGICAL OPTIONS ................................................ 7
3.1. Guidelines and technological options for toilet construction ............................................................... 7
3.2. Present practices and retrofitting solutions.......................................................................................... 8
IV. MANAGEMENT OF SOLID WASTE IN RURAL AREAS ....................................................................................... 8
V. FLOW OF LIQUID WASTE AND ITS MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................... 12
5.1. Types and sources of liquid waste ...................................................................................................... 12
5.2. Management of Blackwater ................................................................................................................ 13
5.3. Management of Greywater ................................................................................................................. 14
6.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 15
6.2. Overview of strategic steps for implementation: ............................................................................... 15
6.3. Financial sustainability ........................................................................................................................ 18
6.4. Financial planning for wastewater ...................................................................................................... 21
6.5. Budgets and plans for management of waste .................................................................................... 21
6.6. Participation by community-based organisations and entrepreneurs: .............................................. 22
6.7. Wages, benefits and occupational safety ........................................................................................... 22
VII. CAPACITY BUILDING AND RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ......................................................................... 22
(BCC) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
8.3. Planning an IEC campaign ................................................................................................................... 25
8.4. The Who - IEC target audience and stakeholders: .............................................................................. 26
8.5. The What – the content of the information:....................................................................................... 27
8.6. The How – Communication strategy ................................................................................................... 27
IX. MONITORING OF SLWM SYSTEMS ............................................................................................................... 28
ANNEXURE I METHODS FOR RETROFITTING OF TOILETS ............................................................................ 32
ANNEXURE IV WASTE FLOW IN GRAM PANCHAYATS ................................................................................. 42
ANNEXURE V WET WASTE PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES ........................................................................... 44
ANNEXURE VI MODEL DRY WASTE CENTRE/UNIT ...................................................................................... 47
MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 54
ANNEXURE IX CLASSIFICATION OF DISTRICTS IN KARNATAKA.................................................................... 56
ANNEXURE X WORKABLE MODEL FOR LIQUID WASTE MANAGEMENT ..................................................... 59
ANNEXURE XI FORMAT OF MODEL DETAILED PROJECT REPORT ................................................................ 64
ANNEXURE XII ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR SLWM IN RURAL AREAS: ............................................. 71
ANNEXURE XIII RECOMMENDED USER FEES ............................................................................................... 76
ANNEXURE XIV RECOMMENDED PENALTIES .............................................................................................. 78
GLOSSARY OF TERMS ................................................................................................................................... 79
List of Tables
List of figures
Mahatma Gandhi
1.1 Proper and adequate sanitation facilities are a fundamental part of ensuring safe and healthy
environment in rural areas. Safe sanitation facilities and practices at every level – individual and
community, are essential in minimising negative impacts on health, environment and economy.
In this context, Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) was launched on October 02, 2014 by the
Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, to bring about an improvement in the general quality
of life in the rural areas by promoting cleanliness, hygiene, community managed solid and liquid
waste management systems, eliminating open defecation (ODF), and motivating Panchayati
Raj Institutions (PRI) to adopt sustainable sanitation practices with a special focus on
marginalised communities.
1.2 The Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) reinvigorated the state machinery to focus on sanitation
in rural areas and the state of Karnataka was declared ODF in 2018. This goal of “Swachh
Karnataka” was achieved through ‘Jan Andolan’ i.e. active participation of the community,
elected representatives, PRIs, various government departments, educational institutions,
students, religious institutions, development partners, community based and other voluntary
organisations. Now the vision of Swachh Karnataka goes beyond construction of toilets and the
state is moving towards sustainability of safe sanitation practices and management of solid and
liquid wastes generated in rural areas. The state of Karnataka recognises that economic and
social development of rural areas cannot be complete without ensuring safe and healthy
environment to its residents.
1.3 In 2016, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change published the Solid waste
Management Rules, 2016 (“SWM Rules”) and the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016
(“PWM Rules”) which laid out specific duties and obligations of the state with respect to
management of solid waste including plastic waste generated in rural areas. In addition, as per
the 73 amendment of the Constitution of India and Karnataka Gram Swaraj and Panchayat
Raj Act, 1993 (“Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act”), water and sanitation are primary
responsibilities of the Gram Panchayat (“GP”) in rural areas. On the basis of this regulatory
framework, the state of Karnataka will create its implementation framework for sustainability of
the ODF status, adoption of safe sanitation practices and holistic management of solid and
liquid wastes generated in rural areas.
1.4 The State of Karnataka has already formulated a state policy containing the vision, aims and
approach of the state for sanitation and waste management in rural areas (“Karnataka State
Rural Sanitation Policy”). As a next step, it now proposes to adopt the state strategy as an
implementation document with an aim to aid the state and GPs to set up sanitation, solid and
liquid management systems in rural areas. The state strategy for sanitation and waste
management (“Karnataka State Rural Sanitation Strategy”) in the following paragraphs
includes guidance on technologies for retrofitting of toilets/containment systems, solid and
liquid waste management, financial resource planning, capacity building, roles and
responsibilities of the different functionaries, information education and communication (IEC)
and behaviour change communication (BCC), monitoring and evaluation criteria among others.
1.5 It is clarified that hazardous waste, bio-medical waste, e-waste, construction and demolition
waste and industrial waste (solid and liquid components) are not covered by the Karnataka
State Rural Sanitation Strategy and Karnataka State Rural Sanitation Policy because they
are governed by different regulations and administered by authorities that do not fall within
the Rural Development & Panchayath Raj Department. In the event the management of
such types of waste falls within the purview of the Gram Panchayats due to changes in
applicable laws, this Karnataka State Rural Sanitation Strategy will be expanded to include
the above waste streams.
The following administrative structure will be followed with respect to the responsibility for
implementation of sanitation and waste management systems in rural areas in the state of
A coordination committee at the district level headed by the District Collector/Deputy Commissioner
and co-chaired by the CEO will be look into matters requiring convergence of urban and rural
authorities for waste management. In addition, the state can also form committees for implementation
of sanitation activities and management of solid and liquid wastes generated in Gram Panchayats at
state, district and taluk levels if it deems necessary.
(i) The guidelines of Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (“MDWS”) state that a household
sanitary latrine shall comprise of :
(a) An adequately designed sub-structure which safely confines human faeces and
eliminates the need for direct handling by humans before it is decomposed;
(b) A super structure with water facilities; and
(c) A hand wash unit.
(ii) The various options for toilet technologies along with design details including specifications of
components, size, location, type of materials, applicability, modifications, advantages and
Guidelines for Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin), Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, October 2017
disadvantages of different individual household latrines (“IHHL”) and community toilets are
provided in Handbook on Technological Options for On-site Sanitation in Rural Areas released
by MDWS in June 2016.
(iii) For additional IHHLs that have to be constructed because they were left out of the baseline
survey or for new constructions, the state of Karnataka shall provide incentives as prescribed in
the SBM (Gramin) guidelines to all BPL households and APL households belonging to SC/STs,
small and marginal farmers, landless labourers with homestead, physically handicapped and
women-headed households and other marginalised communities.
(i) More than 90% of the IHHLs constructed in the state of Karnataka are of the single pit pour
flush type . There are multiple reasons for the construction of single pit in place of other
suitable containment systems; primary among them being lack of awareness about the right
technology, inadequate funds available with the beneficiary and lack of space. A small
percentage of toilets use the septic tank, but many of those have not been constructed as per
the correct designs.
(ii) Major flaws that are observed in the existing designs of the IHHLs are:
(iii) In order for sustained usage and maintenance of the toilets, they must be of good quality and
acceptable to the beneficiary. Therefore, with respect to the faulty toilets and sustainability of
ODF status, the state of Karnataka shall ensure that the following steps are taken:
(i) Conduct house to house survey and technical assessment to identify faulty designs.
(ii) Categorise the faulty toilets based on design and identified faults.
(iii) Earmark budgets and source of funds for the retrofitting and other correctional measures
for faulty toilets, as well as regular desludging of all containments.
(iv) Prepare a plan of action and assign responsibilities for correctional activities.
(v) Carry out focused IEC/BCC activities to correct the above-mentioned flaws from the toilet
designs and to ensure community participation.
(vi) Provide technical training in retrofitting to the staff who will be involved in retrofitting and
other correctional measures.
(vii) Perform concurrent quality monitoring of toilets.
The details of how the existing faults can be addressed and the possible retrofitting
methods are provided in Annexure I.
In pursuance of the goal of Swachh Karnataka and as its next focus area, the state of
Karnataka will concentrate on management of solid waste generated in rural areas. The
management of solid waste will be based on the 4R approach (reduce, reuse, recycle and
recover) with the aim to reduce the amount of waste being disposed, while maximising recovery
Report of “Household survey for assessment of toilet coverage under Swachh Bharat Mission – Gramin”, Quality Council of
India, 2017 at page 14
of resources and resource conservation. The manner of adoption of this approach and the
principles set out in Karnataka State Rural Sanitation Policy is explained in the following
(i) Segregation of waste at source is the most critical step of a solid waste management plan. The
solid waste will be required to be segregated into biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste.
Domestic hazardous wastes including sanitary waste should also be stored separately for
collection by the GP. The illustrative examples of each category of waste for the purpose of
segregation are set out in Annexure II.
(ii) To enable segregation, the GP may consider distributing one bin for wet waste, one bin for
domestic hazardous wastes and sanitary waste and one bin and/or HDPE bag for dry waste .
(iii) Door to door primary collection shall be carried out by the GP through its staff and they could
be supported and/or facilitated by community based organisations (including self help groups
and waste picker organisations) using appropriate vehicles. The focus would be primarily on
collection of dry waste given that it poses a bigger concern than wet waste in most villages
where wet waste could be composted and/or fed to livestock. Regular collection of only dry
waste would also automatically result in segregation of waste at the source.
(iv) In cases where wet waste cannot be managed at all at a household level (such as in peri-urban
areas) it should be collected and transported to the wet waste management unit. The frequency
and manner of door-to-door collection (i.e. manually through pushcarts or through motorised
vehicles) should be determined by the density of population, waste characteristics, width of the
streets, manpower and funds available with the GP. The suggested normative standards for
manpower, vehicles and equipment for door-to-door collection are set out in Annexure III.
(v) In peri-urban villages, where finding space for onsite waste processing is difficult, wet, dry and
domestic hazardous wastes (including sanitary waste) may need to be collected at suitable
periodicity. If the GP does not have the resources to do regular collection of wet waste, it
should first focus on collection of dry waste on a weekly basis for the reasons stated above.
The flow of waste in a typical rural GP and peri-urban GP level is set out in Annexure IV. The
collection and processing of solid waste should be based on payment of user charges
determined by the GP which is further detailed in paragraph 6.3(ii) relating to own sources of
(vi) The GPs need to classify waste generators that generate more than 50 kgs of waste per day as
“bulk waste generators” and impose certain additional obligations on them with regard to solid
waste management. These could include transporting the waste generated by them in a
segregated manner to the waste management unit of the GP, onsite processing of wet waste,
payment of higher user fees (which is in proportion with the amount of waste generated by such
entities) etc. The GP can consider these mechanisms depending on local conditions such as
number of bulk waste generators, availability of space for onsite processing, availability of
vehicles for hire, capacities of collection vehicles of the GP among others.
(vii) GPs must also register all meat and slaughterhouse vendors so that it can assess the number
of collection vehicles required and frequency of collection of slaughterhouse waste. Every
A five-member household will need a 12-15 litre green bin for wet waste and 24 inch*36 inch appropriate grade of HDPE bag
for a week’s dry waste. The reasons for suggesting HDPE bag for dry waste include:
(i) HDPE bag for dry waste avoids confusion with two similar bins for the generator,
(ii) HDPE bags are cheaper than bins and are easier to handle for the waste collection staff,
(iii) HDPE bags hold greater volume of dry waste (which is important in case of weekly collection of dry waste),
(iv) Wet waste cannot be disposed in the HDPE bag without it leaking and therefore, acts as a deterrent for mixing of waste
occupier of any premises who generates poultry, fish and slaughter waste as a result of any
commercial activity, should store such waste separately in a closed and hygienic condition and
such waste should not be mixed with any other category of solid waste. The GP should
designate specific days in a week and vehicles for collection of slaughterhouse waste and the
relevant occupier should ensure that such waste is ready for collection on the designated days
and times. The GP should ensure that slaughterhouse waste is not mixed with any other
stream of waste during collection and transportation and is transported directly to the relevant
processing centres or for proper disposal.
GP level
The processing of solid waste would be done at three levels i.e. at GP, taluk/hobli and district
levels as set out below:
(i) Processing of biodegradable waste: Composting is extremely viable in rural areas because
the solid waste generated in villages is predominantly biodegradable. While biomethanation is
also a viable processing technology for biodegradable waste, it requires greater capital
investment and more skilled manpower for operations and maintenance. In addition, the
process is most efficient when the biogas generated is used for cooking purposes. Therefore,
GPs and/or the state must carry out feasibility studies before setting up biomethanation units.
Both of these processing technologies can be adopted at a household or community
(village/Gram Panchayat) level. There are different types of composting technologies that are
available to the GPs and they should select the appropriate technique depending on the
quantities of waste, level of segregation, climatic conditions, geography, area available,
infrastructure, financial costs and manpower requirement that are further described in
Annexure V.
(ii) Storage, sale and/or transportation of non-biodegradable waste: Processing of dry waste
is not advisable at village or GP level due to lack of its economic viability. Therefore, with
respect to non-biodegradable waste, the handling should be limited to aggregation and if
possible, sale of recyclable non-biodegradable waste. The ban on plastic materials issued by
Forest, Ecology and Environment Department, Government of Karnataka , should be effectively
implemented by the GP so that the plastic materials covered under the notification do not form
part of the non-biodegradable waste collected by the GP. Every GP or a group of GPs
(depending on waste quantities, distance between GPs, density of population, space availability
etc.) should provide one dry waste storage unit as an aggregation point for dry waste. This
could be an old or unused building in the village/GP. If there is no such structure, the GP
should construct dry waste storage unit and the suggested design of such unit is set out as
Annexure VI. In the event there are scrap dealers and market for recyclable non-bio-
degradable waste at the GP, such recyclable materials can be sold from this dry waste storage
unit. The non-recyclable non-biodegradable waste which has a high calorific value should be
stored at the dry waste storage unit and transported to the hobli/taluk/zilla level aggregation
centre at intervals as maybe determined by the GP. The responsibility of transportation of such
streams of waste will remain with Gram Panchayat.
(iii) Disposal of inert waste and domestic hazardous wastes: In the event the GP has adequate
land, funds and technical expertise to construct and maintain a sanitary landfill as per the
stipulated norms; inert and domestic hazardous wastes can be disposed in such sanitary
landfill. It should be ensured that not more than 15% of the entire waste generated in the GP is
disposed in the landfill. Alternatively, such waste can be stored at the dry waste storage unit
and transported to hobli/taluk/zilla level aggregation centre periodically if the hobli/taluk/zilla
permits the GP the use of its processing facilities and/or sanitary landfill.
Notification No. FEE 17 EPC 2012, Bangalore dated March 11, 2016
(iv) Storage and/or disposal of sanitary waste: The sanitary waste could also be aggregated and
treated along with the bio-medical waste generated at primary/community health centres,
clinics and other medical establishments in each GP. Till such time linkages with bio-medical
waste are identified, the GP could also consider installing safe incinerators (complying with
requisite standards) in higher secondary schools, women’s community sanitary complexes, dry
waste unit, primary health centres, or in any other suitable place in village that is safe for the
environment and health of the local populations. Alternatively, the sanitary waste should be
disposed in the sanitary landfill if such facility is available in the GP.
(v) Agricultural waste: Depending on capacities, infrastructure and financing available with the
GPs, it could consider processing agricultural waste in the following order; firstly, local
composting in the solid waste management unit and/or faecal sludge treatment plant and if that
is not feasible, by turning them into biomass briquettes which could be used for cooking or in
industrial plants that are located close to the GPs as a replacement for fossil fuel.
(vi) Slaughterhouse waste: Waste generated from slaughterhouses, poultry, meat and fish
markets/commercial shops will be processed or disposed through controlled incineration or
deep burial where stipulated scientific standards are followed and/or any other method
approved by CPCB, KSPCB and/or any other appropriate authority.
(i) Aggregation of non-biodegradable waste and domestic hazardous wastes: The state or
district administration should consider aggregation of (a) recyclable material to the extent
individual GPs do not have market for such material and (b) non-recyclable non-biodegradable
waste with sufficient calorific value, at a centralised facility at the hobli/taluk/zilla level which can
cater to appropriate cluster of GPs for co-processing, RDF, waste to energy units, usage of
plastic in roads etc. The transportation and processing of non-recyclable plastic waste could
also be done as a part of implementation of extended producer responsibility (EPR) obligations
under Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016. At this level, given the volume of non-
recyclable plastic, the extended producer responsibility of plastic producers/brand owners can
be enforced by KSPCB and/or any other appropriate state authorities. The domestic hazardous
wastes from the GP can also be transported to hobli/taluk/zilla level aggregation centre if such
hobli/taluk/zilla permits the GP the use of its processing facilities and/or sanitary landfill.
The GPs, district and state administration along with other relevant governmental agencies
should co-operate and create the abovementioned infrastructure to achieve the goals set out in
the Karnataka State Rural Sanitation Policy as per the following timelines:
(i) Liquid waste generated by domestic consumption consists of wastewater that is used and
unwanted and it can be categorised into the following two types:
(a) Blackwater or faecal sludge/septage: the wastewater coming from the toilets including
human faeces and flush/wash water, either at household level or in commercial
establishments, anganwadis, schools, institutions etc.
(b) Greywater: the domestic wastewater not containing human excreta, such as household
wastewater generated during bathing, cooking and washing activities from the kitchens,
bathrooms and include wastewater from commercial establishments and activities such
agriculture, dairy and animal rearing etc.
(ii) The approach suggested to be adopted for management of greywater and blackwater is shown
(i) The safe management of blackwater should ensure the following: (a) no contamination of soil
surface, ground water or surface water; (b) faecal waste should be inaccessible to flies or
animals; (c) no manual handling of fresh excreta and (d) freedom from odour and unsightly
(ii) Faecal sludge and septage management refer to the entire management chain from
containment (soak pits/septic tanks) to end use or disposal of treated faecal sludge. This
includes the safe storage, collection, transport, treatment and end-use or safe disposal of
treated faecal sludge which can be better understood through the graphic below:
(a) Containment: As a first step, the single-pit toilets should be converted to twin pit (for
areas where ground water table is >=10mbgl and water source is >5m away) and
replaced by scientifically designed septic tanks in high water table areas (<10mbgl)
and/or any other option set out in Annexure VII.
(b) Emptying and transportation: Faecal sludge from pits and septic tanks should be
emptied using desludging vehicles and transported in sealed containers to faecal sludge
treatment plant (FSTP)/sewage treatment plant (STP). With respect to emptying of twin
pits, it should be ensured that the sludge has been stabilised (for at least 2 years) and is
inert (composted completely) before emptying. During the entire emptying and
transportation process, compliance with Prohibition of Employment as Manual
Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act 2013 is mandatory. There should be no
exposure to workers employed and standard safety precautions including provision of
appropriate equipment and safety gear shall be adhered to during the entire process.
These measures are critical to minimise potential health risks to sanitation workers from
direct contact with the contents of the pits.
(c) Treatment: As the first preference, the treatment of faecal sludge from a GP shall be
explored at the STP of the nearest urban conglomerate to optimise use of existing
infrastructure if it is under-utilized. However, a detailed assessment of the existing STP,
its location, capacity, current performance, distances from identified GP/GPs and future
expansion should be taken into account before linking the treatment of faecal sludge
from the GPs. In case such linking is not possible, an FSTP shall be planned either at
GP level or for a cluster of GPs depending on the population (households with
containments) of the GPs and distance between respective GPs. The GPs can also
consider integrating the faecal sludge treatment into the existing biogas plant for solid
waste, after thorough technical feasibility assessment with additional treatment
modules/facilities in order to meet the discharge standards.
(d) Disposal/reuse: The treated solids could be used as soil conditioners or co-composted
with organic component of solid waste. The treated water can be used for landscaping or
in agricultural fields. Wherever feasible, it can also be piped back into toilets and used for
flushing provided it has been appropriately treated. In case of treatment using biogas
digesters, biogas can be used for cooking and lighting purposes.
(iii) Different containment, transportation and treatment options for blackwater management with
advantages, disadvantages, typical infrastructure requirement and operation and maintenance
costs are provided in Annexure VII. Further, the guidelines for selection of the different
technological options are provided in Annexure VIII.
(i) In cases where the greywater does not include any component of blackwater, the planning
process would mainly be dependent on the density of development. The main intent should be
to treat the greywater at or near the source or safely convey the greywater to the required
location for treatment, proper treatment as per need of end-use and safe disposal adhering to
existing environmental standards.
(ii) The wastewater coming from other commercial activities would need to be treated either in
combination with greywater (in cases where it does not contain toxic waste) or separately (in
cases where toxic wastes is mixed). Treatment of greywater can be planned at one of the
following levels depending on density of development and availability of funds:
(a) At household level: In villages where ample space is available around houses,
greywater could be used in the garden or directly discharged into soak away pit or
dispersion trench.
(b) Decentralised solutions: If there is a space constraint around individual households or
if there are closely packed cluster of households, greywater shall be discharged into
covered surface drains alongside roads which will accumulate in a common location. An
appropriate low-cost treatment solution could be planned at this point of accumulation
because it would save costs involved in diversion and conveyance etc. of greywater.
However, the location and sizing of the treatment system shall be done in conformance
to the guidelines provided in the CPHEEO Manual on Sewage and Sewerage
Treatment . If this location does not meet the criteria of safe buffer then provision should
be made to transport the treated wastewater to suitable location. The water let out after
treatment should meet the discharge standards of KSPCB .
(c) Centralised solutions: If the development of the village is dense or a cluster of villages
are located at close proximity, the collection of the wastewater from all kinds of sources
can be centralised and planned on the lines of urban sewerage systems. It must be
noted that the costs of construction and operations of such heavy infrastructure is high.
However, in peri-urban areas where there is a partially laid UGD/sewer network and
availability of FSTP/STP nearby, both the streams of black and greywater can be
CPHEEO Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Systems: Part A: Engineering - Chapter 5: Design and Construction of Sewage
Treatment Facilities: Buffer zone around the STP
Adopting New Treated Sewage Discharge Standards for STPs, KSPCB, August 30, 2018 available at
(iii) The guidelines for choosing the preferred technological options for the different districts of
Karnataka, depending on characterisation based on population density, ground water level,
economic characteristics and geo-climatic conditions are provided in Annexure IX. In addition,
to aid GPs in selecting an appropriate technology for liquid waste management, an excel based
workable model is provided in Annexure X.
6.1. Introduction
(i) Planning of solid waste management should be done in close coordination with planning of
management of liquid waste for efficient utilisation of funds and space. This is because there is
enormous amount of overlap between the institutional structures, sources of funds (both
internal and external), capacity building and IEC/BCC tools, monitoring and evaluation
processes for both solid and liquid waste management systems. In this context, the following
synergies in solid and liquid waste management systems shall be explored during the planning
(a) Co-composting of organic waste and solids from FSTPs
(b) Common biogas digesters and/or composting of the slurry of biogas at FSTPs with
organic waste as well as treatment of liquid streams at a common location
(c) Usage of treated water for composting of organic waste
(d) Co-location of treatment plants, integrated user fee collection mechanisms, common
monitoring and evaluation processes, manpower, common IEC/BCC activities and
integrated capacity building activities.
(ii) In addition to the above, it must be noted that rural development as a sector has number of
schemes operating to cater to needs of the rural masses for enhancement of many aspects of
their lives. Given the tendency for such schemes to operate in isolation, one of the priorities of
the State of Karnataka is to ensure coordination and convergence among funding
arrangements and various schemes operated through various line departments like Rural
Development and Panchayat Raj, Education, Health and Family Welfare, Women and Child
Development, which have the common objective of enhancing quality of life in rural areas. This
will also be necessary to ensure efficient and effective disbursement of funds for the
development, ongoing implementation and monitoring of SLWM systems and sustainability of
services. The areas of convergence are further detailed in paragraph 6.2(vii) below.
(i) Survey and audit: With respect to solid waste, GPs should carry out a waste survey and audit
to identify number and type of waste generators in the GP along with waste characteristics
(such as waste stream and quantities). This should be done by taking waste samples from
different types of waste generators across a 7-day period during different seasons to
understand the seasonal variations in waste generation and characteristics. The normative
standards for computing waste data on a per capita basis and types of waste streams and
generators are set out in Annexure III. With regard to wastewater, the GPs should carry out a
survey and mapping of all sources of wastewater (black and grey) and drinking water, existing
containment systems, vulnerable communities and land use pattern. The waste survey and
audit for both solid and liquid wastes should identify bulk waste generators and the amount of
waste generated by them separately. This is to ensure that the waste data from exceptional
sources such as “bulk waste generators” does not distort the data from regular waste
(ii) Prioritisation and risk assessment: In determining priority for sanitation and waste
management activities, GPs should give priority in the following order: 100% toilet access,
ensuring usage of toilets, solid waste management and liquid waste management. Within each
segment, streams with maximum risk in terms of human health and environmental concerns
should be given priority.
(iii) Technology selection: Appropriate technologies for (a) collection and processing of solid
waste and (b) containment, transportation and treatment of blackwater and greywater, based
on local conditions and survey data shall be chosen. The GPs should refer to the guiding
principles set out in the Karnataka State Rural Policy and technology options in this Karnataka
State Rural Strategy for selection of suitable technologies.
(iv) Gram Panchayat Development Plan, detailed project report and microplans: The GPs
should include sanitation and SLWM systems in Gram Panchayat Development Plan and/or
any other development plan for the GP so that development of sanitation and SLWM systems
is not overlooked. A detailed sanitation plan in the Gram Panchayat Development Plan
targeting toilet construction, correction and usage, personal and public hygiene, liquid and solid
waste management, capacity building and IEC/BCC activities shall be prepared. The long-term
plan (for 5 years) shall be broken down into yearly plans which should include details of
infrastructure, assets, operations, human resources, IEC & BCC, funds required and sources of
funds, monitoring and evaluation parameters etc. An implementation timeline should be worked
out highlighting the milestones to be achieved annually. The implementation plan should be
aligned to the targets and timelines mentioned under the objectives of the Karnataka State
Rural Policy. As a part of the sanitation component under Gram Panchayat Development Plan,
GPs should prepare detailed project report (DPR) for management of solid waste as per the
model DPR set out in the Annexure XI which should be based on micro-plans prepared for
collection mechanism and processing of solid wastes in the GP. The GPs can take assistance
from the relevant consultants or professional agencies which have proven experience in the
sector. The Gram Panchayat Development Plan, DPR and micro-plans should be prepared on
the basis of ground-level data and field assessment of the factors set out in the model DPR and
not only on the basis of assumptions and algorithms. The collection schedules and micro-plans
should also consider bulk waste generators separately because they can significantly affect
collection schedules and vehicle capacities.
(v) Roles and responsibilities: The GP should ensure that VWSC/VHSNC is set up for
management of sanitation and waste management activities in the GP. The suggested roles
and responsibilities of different stakeholders such as governmental officials, elected
representatives, informal sector such as waste pickers and scrap dealers and non-
governmental agencies (SHGs/cooperatives/NGOs etc) who will be involved in implementation
and monitoring of SLWM systems are set out in Annexure XII. These roles and responsibilities
should be communicated clearly to the different stakeholders such that SLWM systems can be
smoothly implemented.
(vi) Financial planning and budgets: Preparation of annual budgets for (a) the capital costs
required for initial investment in sanitation infrastructure and facilities; (b) the recurrent
costs/revenues required to operate and maintain the facilities; and (c) the programme costs for
activities such as training, IEC and BCC activities. The GPs are mandatorily required to set
aside at least 25% of their total budget for sanitation and SLWM activities and the overall
systems should be designed in a manner that is sustainable with incremental increase in
service delivery every year. They can take guidance from the model DPR for solid waste to
understand the components of the budgets and from Section VI of the Karnataka State Rural
Sanitation Strategy on financial sustainability of SLWM systems. The priority of usage of the
funds available with the GP should be drinking water, sanitation (including solid and liquid
waste management), roads and streetlights.
(vii) Areas of convergence: The state should identify areas of convergence under various
schemes for departmental coordination, capacities, funding and other activities at a GP level to
optimise finances and human resource required for the various activities relating to sanitation
and waste management. The potential convergence could be explored between the following
line departments:
Tandem departments like Youth Provide staff for sanitation activities including
Groups, Nehru Yuva Kendra operators of FSPTs/STPs, subsidies for
Sangathan, Ambedkar purchase desludging vehicles etc.
Development Corporation
Table 1 : Areas of convergence with other departments
(viii) Setting up capital infrastructure: Once Gram Panchayat Development Plan (including
sanitation components), DPR and financial budgets are approved, the GPs should commence
infrastructural works for wet waste processing, storage of dry waste, wastewater treatment and
purchase the required vehicles and equipment. Ideally, such infrastructure for solid waste
management should in place by the time the GP decides to start door to door collection of solid
(ix) Training and awareness: Training of personnel who will be involved in SLWM systems should
begin around the time the infrastructure for SLWM management is going to be completed. The
IEC and BCC activities should also run in parallel such that the community, GP members and
staff and other relevant stakeholders are prepared to support SLWM systems through
sustained use of toilets, source segregation, handing over segregated waste through door to
door collection and payment of user fees.
(xi) SLWM byelaws: GPs should prepare and adopt SLWM bye-laws, especially for enforcement of
duties and obligations of different stakeholders, imposition of user fees, penalties and reporting
requirements. These bye-laws along with the Karnataka Plastic Ban should effectively and
continuously be implemented by the GP and other identified officials through surprise checks,
imposition of fines for non-compliance etc.
In light of the established principle of “polluter pays” and given that the benefits of good and
efficient solid and liquid waste management systems are shared between the waste generators
and the community as a whole, the costs of collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of
waste should be shared with contributions from both the government and citizens. Therefore,
solid and liquid waste management systems should be made financially sustainable by
ensuring cost recovery of operation, maintenance and asset depreciation costs through
(i) external sources such as allocation of funds from government grants, viability gap funding
from the government and any other schemes; and (ii) GP’s own/internal sources of revenues
such as property tax, license fees, levy of user fees on the beneficiaries, sale of compost, bio-
gas and/or recyclable dry waste, as detailed in paragraphs below.
(a) The following central and state schemes can be availed by the GPs for implementing sanitation
and SLWM activities, as per the scheme guidelines:
Funds for Solid and Liquid Waste Management activities with cap of Rs. 7/12/15/20 lakh are available for Gram Panchayats
having upto 150/300/500/ more than 500 households
Minimum Rs.10.00 Lakh statutory grant is provided to each Grama Panchayat and for Grama Panchayats having more than
10,000 population, an addition of Rs.1.00 Lakh is being released for every increase of 1000 population
(b) In order to assist GPs attain financial sustainability, the state will provide appropriate viability
gap funding for the first two years of operation of the project to meet the operational costs of
SLWM systems to the GPs that are over and above the share of Government of India.
Thereafter, the SLWM systems should reach the level of self sustainability by the 3 year of
(a) User fees: In order to financially sustain SLWM systems, it is essential that the waste
generators contribute towards its operations and maintenance costs. Therefore, as soon as
SLWM systems are set up in the GPs, the GP should approve collection of user fees from
every category of waste generator. Typically, quantum of user fees should be based on the
size/area of the waste generator, amount of solid and liquid waste generated and managed
onsite , costs incurred in operation & maintenance of SLWM infrastructure created and the
capacity to pay. A list of recommended user fees for the different categories of waste
generators is included as Annexure XIII of this Karnataka State Rural Strategy. Given the
possible reluctance to pay user fees for waste management services, the GP could consider
providing the service for a nominal fee which could be increased gradually with increased
acceptance among the communities and improved level of services. The user fees should
automatically increase by a minimum of 15% (to the nearest multiple of Rs. 10) every three
years with effect from April 1 of such year. This is necessary to cover inflation, depreciation of
assets and operating costs such as increase in salaries etc.
(b) Sale of products/by-products: Revenues can be generated from the recovered products such
as compost, biosolids, biogas and from sale of recyclables if markets are established for the
products/by-products. It should be noted that no income can be generated from treatment of
greywater and cost benefit from treated water that can be used for agricultural purpose or
landscaping is minimal and does not contribute towards meeting the operational cost of running
a wastewater treatment system.
(c) Fines and penalties: In the initial phase of implementing source segregation and to reduce
dumping and burning of waste, the GP will need to use a multi-pronged approach to ensure
compliance which involves intensive IEC/BCC activities and campaigns and enforcement of
fines/penalties for non-compliance of SLWM related obligations through bye-laws. The
recommended penalties for SWM related non-compliances are set out in Annexure XIV. In
addition, the GPs can also provide for a waterfall arrangement in the byelaws where penalties
increase proportionately for consecutive and/or repeated non-compliance(s) by the same
person. The bye-laws should also provide for escalation of the penalty amounts every year by a
specified percentage to take into account the inflation and other costs of recovery for the GP.
(d) Property tax, license fees and other sources of own revenue: In the event the SLWM
services along with user fees and penalties do not generate enough revenue/income, the GPs
could consider offsetting the expenditure for SLWM services with income from other sources
such as property tax, license fees, vehicle parking fees etc. Additionally, in tourist areas, Gram
Panchayat should levy waste management charges from the tourists at the entry point or in any
other manner to make the waste management services in such tourist areas sustainable.
For example, if a waste generator manages biodegradable and/or greywater onsite, the user fees will be proportionately
(i) Given that the financial planning for liquid waste management requires specific contributions
from the waste generator and the GP/governmental authorities, the specific responsibilities of
such planning for management of blackwater is set out below:
(a) Emptying of single pit toilet and composted sludge in twin-pit: The primary
responsibility of emptying the pit lies with the owner of the premises. The desludging
machines could be hired by the owner from private parties or desludging machines could
be procured at Taluk level through government funds. In both cases, the owners of the
premises shall bear the emptying charges imposed by the private agency or
governmental authority, as the case may be. The slab of such fees for desludging would
however, be fixed at a GP or district level with differential pricing for low-income families,
other users like commercial establishments, bulk generators, schools/institutions etc.
(b) Treatment: The infrastructure cost of FSTP shall be borne by the GP and the operations
and maintenance cost of the FSTP should be recovered from the waste generators.
These charges can be made a part of the hiring charges of the desludging machine or
collected as a separate user fee for SLWM services or indirectly through existing utility
charges/ property taxes etc.
(ii) The responsibilities relating to financing of greywater management are set out below:
(a) Household level: The cost of containment and treatment may be borne by the owner of
the premises.
(b) Cluster based systems: The cost of covered surface drains and treatment system may
be borne by the GP through different central and state government schemes. Similar to
blackwater treatment, the operations and maintenance costs should be borne by the
community through user fee.
(c) Centralised solutions: The cost of laying the underground drainage systems and
setting up the STPs should be borne by the state. The operations and maintenance costs
should be borne by the waste generator through user fee and other funding options
available with the GP.
(a) The budget estimate and development plan for each GP under Sections 241 and 309 of the
Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act should include a component on the waste management including
capital infrastructure and operations.
(b) The budget estimate of the Taluk Panchayat under Section 247 of the Karnataka Panchayat
Raj Act should include waste management services (such as treatment of wastewater at
FSTP/STP, aggregation and management of dry waste and domestic hazardous waste) which
will be provided at a taluk level. In addition, the relevant authorities shall, while integrating the
GP plans at an intermediary level, identify areas for integration (resources/schemes/funds) with
respect to waste management in accordance with Section 309E of the Karnataka Panchayat
Raj Act.
(c) The budget estimate of the Zilla Panchayat under Section 256 of the Karnataka Panchayati Raj
Act should include waste management services which will be provided at the district level such
treatment of wastewater at FSTP/STP, RDF plants, co-processing in cement kilns, recycling
facilities, waste to energy projects and sanitary landfills.
(i) The GPs should first assess whether they are able to provide waste management services on
their own or if they will need to take assistance from external agencies due to considerations of
limited capacity, staffing, and other resources. Suitability of waste management projects for
implementation through entities such as NGOs, self-help groups, community-based
organisations, entrepreneurs etc. should be ascertained. The GP should ensure that these
entities are selected through a transparent selection process in accordance with the provisions
of Karnataka Transparency in Public Procurements Act, 1999 and other applicable regulations
after carefully prescribing minimum qualification and experience needed to perform the services
(ii) The GP also has an obligation to ensure that the selected non-governmental players adhere to
the local, regional, and national legal requirements. In the event of any non-compliance, the GP
should impose penalties/ fines and/or blacklist such entities from providing any further services
Payment of minimum wages and statutory benefits to sanitation workers will be progressively
realised in accordance with applicable labour regulations. Benefits such as education, housing,
healthcare, insurance etc. for sanitation workers employed at the GP shall be as per the eligible
welfare schemes operated by the government. The GP shall also ensure occupational safety of
its own staff including sanitation workers and staff of any authorised third party involved in solid
and liquid waste management activities by providing appropriate and adequate personal
protective equipments such as uniforms, shoes, gloves, masks, etc. In addition, the GP should
organise for regular medical check-ups of the sanitation workers, sweepers and other eligible
employees for occupational diseases and treatment of injuries resulting from solid and liquid
waste management activities under applicable welfare schemes.
7.1. Target for capacity building: Capacity building of personnel involved in SLWM activities in
rural Karnataka should be a priority. It is essential that all the stakeholders involved in the
process of planning, implementing and monitoring the sanitation and waste management
systems have the required knowledge and access to the right resources. This will ensure that
the systems built are appropriate and sustainable over a period of time. There are different
levels of staff who are involved in planning and implementation of waste management in rural
areas and they require specialised training that is different in scope, duration and
specialisation. Set out below is an overview of the stakeholders where capacities should be
built and the suggested topics for capacity building and training:
Level 1 Sweepers, drivers and Information about different waste streams and
SHG members/ ASHA wastewater
Anganwadi workers, Segregation at source and door-to-door collection
sanitation workers, Importance of containment and treatment of blackwater
informal waste pickers, Use of tools and equipment
Swachhagrahis, other Dissemination of IEC and BCC content
persons involved in Vehicle maintenance and preventive checks
collection, segregation (specifically, drivers)
and processing of wet Occupational safety
waste. Standard operating procedures for composting/biogas
7.2. Capacity building techniques: The state of Karnataka will ensure that the following
techniques are adopted for capacity building, as may be appropriate in different districts:
(i) The state will prepare different training modules for each level to ensure maximum
benefit from training, productivity, efficient use of resources and high motivation among
the personnel.
(ii) The officials involved in SLWM and elected representatives should be mandated to
attend a minimum number of hours of training and should be certified on the basis of
clearing certain exams. In the event the officials do not clear the exams, there should be
a provision for re-exam and review and if the official(s) continue to fail in the exams, the
concerned head of department and/or CEO can consider taking disciplinary action
against such official.
(iii) The state will focus on training of the trainers such that consistent information is
disseminated to various governmental stakeholders involved in the implementation of
SLWM systems across GPs.
(iv) Training related to safe sanitation and best waste management practices shall be made
mandatory at the time of induction for all staff at each level of administration related to
(v) The district officials should also consider measures such as deputation of personnel to
other GPs and states where good practices regarding SLWM are being carried out for
gaining relevant experience.
(vi) Success stories and/or good practices should be publicised in training material,
department’s monthly magazine, Karnataka Vikas and across other publications.
7.3. Planning and budgets: The Gram Panchayat Development Plan should have the details of
capacity building activities covering every village in the GP with identified training
agency/institute, training modules and intended trainees. The capacity building action plan in
the Gram Panchayat Development Plan shall be made taking into account the needs of the
individual GPs based on the existing sanitation conditions in the GP. The state government and
GPs should earmark sufficient amounts in state and GP budgets for training and capacity
building of all levels of staff at regular intervals.
7.4. Research and development: While a number of technical options for solid and liquid waste
treatment, processing and disposal are available, there are still challenges in applying them in
the rural context due to various factors such as lack of technical expertise, manpower, financial
resources etc. Therefore, the state of Karnataka will focus on research and development of
appropriate technology for better resource recovery which can be localised and are cost
effective. Other areas of research could be simple and easy to use water and sediment quality
testing kits, toilets that use less water, sustainable menstruation products, low-cost
technologies for emptying pits, as well as treatment of faecal sludge/other streams of waste
such that there is no human contact with waste etc. The state will also ensure that any new
technology is validated by KSPCB and/or any other appropriate authority and tested through
meticulous pilot projects for technical, financial and environmental feasibility before being
generally applied across the state.
7.5. Role of institutions: Karnataka State Rural Development and Panchayath Raj University and
Abdul Nazir Sab State Institute of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (along with their
regional centres in Kalaburagi and Dharwad) have been set up to impart training and capacity
building aimed at rural development and strengthening the Panchayat Raj Institutions. These
institutions must be used to impart training and awareness for SLWM activities as well. They
should also offer short and long term vocational and skill development courses in solid and
liquid waste management. In addition, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Energy &
Development and similar institutions can carry out research and development activities and
impart training on different aspects of SLWM such as different technologies available for
sustainable management of solid and liquid waste. The Knowledge Resource Centres (KRCs),
other appropriate agencies/entities and/or subject matter experts should also be leveraged for
local level capacity building and research-based activities.
8.1. For any policy or initiative to be successful, it requires significant participation, perceived need
of the program and acceptance from people and communities. Demand creation is the first key
step to ensure success of SLWM systems in the villages. Information, Education and
Communication is an important tool in creating awareness and ensuring community demand for
safe sanitation practices. Interesting, innovative and rigorous IEC is also one of the significant
ways to bring about behavioural change. Set out below is an overview of the factors that the
GP/district/state will need to consider while designing appropriate IEC activities:
8.2. While effective dissemination of IEC plays a key role in generating awareness, BCC takes it to
the next level of enabling action and ensuring involvement and ownership of the SLWM
practices by community on the ground.
(i) While planning a successful IEC campaign, it is imperative to identify the perception of different
stakeholders on solid and liquid waste management (i.e. the who?). Thereafter, specific
topics/messages that need to be disseminated to different stakeholders should be identified
(i.e. the what?). Finally, the manner of dissemination of the IEC/BCC content has to be
determined (i.e. how?).
(ii) The IEC activities need to be planned well in advance (and not on adhoc basis) and this
planning has to be synchronised in terms of messaging and initiatives with the overall IEC
strategy of the district/state. For allocation of resources for conducting IEC activities a baseline
survey shall be taken for prioritizing the GP/villages where the IEC campaign shall be taken up.
IEC campaigns of other departments like Health, Education, Women and Children etc. can be
converged with those of SLWM to increase the effectiveness and outreach.
(iii) The planning and monitoring of IEC/BCC activities shall be done at multiple levels:
(i) Following target groups should be kept in view while planning the campaign:
(a) Primary Target Group for creating awareness, raising the profile of SLWM issues and involving
people in solving such issues. These include school going children (critical for BCC because
they are receptive to new ideas and they could also help influence their parents to adopt good
sanitation practices), women, youth, Panchayat members and village elders/ community
(b) Secondary Target Group such as other important stakeholders and influencers such as
programme managers, district officials, etc.
(ii) Overview of target audience at different levels is provided in the picture below:
(i) Considerable evidence shows that trying to change too many behaviours does not work and
therefore, the IEC strategy should focus on the following critical areas:
(a) Sustained use of toilets and its maintenance and safe sanitation practices including
regular de-sludging.
(b) Prohibition of manual scavenging and health and social impacts of this practice
(c) Segregation: Importance of 3-way source segregation of waste into biodegradable, non-
biodegradable and domestic hazardous categories. In this respect GPs should continue
supporting existing good practices such as feeding kitchen waste to livestock and home
(d) No open dumping or burning waste
(e) Impact of mismanagement of solid and liquid waste on public health and the
(ii) In addition to the above main issues, the GP could also raise awareness on the following
subsidiary issues:
(a) Prevention and minimising of waste at a generator level through implementation of
Karnataka Plastic Ban (such as use of disposable items), rejection of products with
excessive packaging and use of re-usable/ sustainable alternatives.
(b) Menstrual hygiene, sustainable options and safe disposal of sanitary waste.
(c) Village waste management program details and the need to pay for waste management
(d) Proper usage of treated water.
Kala Jathas, street plays, folk One of the most impactful tools for awareness generation
songs, folk artists among primary target group where language and literacy
are major barriers
Door to Door awareness including Swachhagrahis and other trained manpower can carry out
interpersonal communication interpersonal communication with different types of waste
generators regarding SLWM activities. This is an
extremely critical component of IEC/BCC strategy and the
GPs should use this as one of its primary mechanism for
awareness and behavioural change.
Wall Painting/writing An appealing message displayed through wall paintings
can serve as an impactful tool targeting almost everyone
in and out of the village and the floating population as well
Melas/ group meetings To be conducted at GP/taluk level
Awareness and training workshops, To be conducted at all the levels by identifying the need
exposure visits to locations of best and type of training required.
School programmes like formation Target audience is school children, who can help in
of eco-clubs, organising propagating the campaign
competitions based on solid waste
Award presentation to villages, GPs Target audience can be rural population, officials at
or people performing well in the GP/taluk/district/state level. This promotes healthy
field of solid waste management competition among GPs and impetuous to perform better.
Mass media Use of audio-visual on TV, audio messages through radio,
community radio or public announcement in villages.
Short films on success stories in other villages
Print media such as pamphlets, Target audience will be rural population where literacy is
hoardings, banners, posters etc., not a barrier.
Social media and digital platforms Use of social media campaigns is also an effective tool to
generate awareness on SLWM. This should be used in
districts where majority of the GP populations has access
to mobile phones and internet facility
Celebrity endorsements Community influencers to promote various SLWM
programs /projects
Celebration of major occasions Helps in promoting engagement of primary and secondary
(e.g. Environment Day etc.) target group
Walk of Pride Helps building pride in village residents who have attained
successful milestones in the implementation of sanitation
9.1. Monitoring is one of the critical building blocks of a well-functioning solid and liquid waste
management system. It is essential to ensure sustenance of safe sanitation practices and
sustainable waste management systems. Performance of SLWM system shall be regularly
monitored at all levels of administration i.e. GP, taluk, district and state for proper
implementation and progress.
9.2. The monitoring framework for the Karnataka State Rural Sanitation Policy and Karnataka State
Rural Sanitation Strategy will contain of the following broad aspects:
As a part of the monitoring framework, the different administrative levels should monitor direct
output, long-term outcomes and personnel involved in SLWM activities.
(a) Extent and efficiency of containment and collection systems including percentage of
waste generators covered.
(b) Setting up of proposed waste processing infrastructure within timelines included in
approved DPR and implementation plans.
(c) Assessment of incurred expenditure and revenue generated as per the approved DPR
and sanitation component of Gram Panchayat Development Plan.
(d) Number of IEC and BCC activities carried out within periodic timelines.
(e) Efficiency in redressal of citizen complaints pertaining to SLWM.
(f) Number of capacity building activities and their effectiveness
(g) Quality of the by-products such as compost, treated solids and water against established
(a) Continuous monitoring through people directly engaged in SLWM systems like
swachhagrahis/sanitation motivators, ASHA workers, SLWM personnel and unit
supervisors etc.
(b) Regular monitoring shall also be carried out for personnel responsible for implementation
of SLWM activities as proposed under DPR, district annual implementation plan and
annual implementation plan of the state.
(c) Monitoring of CBOs/NGOs/SHGs/other organizations/entrepreneurs engaged in SLWM
(i) Use of technology: In order to make monitoring efficient, various technologies like biometric
system for attendance, GPS, smart phones, tablets, management information systems (MIS)
etc. based on their suitability, shall be explored at each level of administration.
(ii) Periodic reporting: Periodic monitoring as set out in paragraph 9.5 shall be undertaken at
each administrative level to ensure quality implementation of activities and suggest remedial
measures, if required.
(iii) Audits and role of third parties: Independent third-party audit and monitoring can be
conducted at district or state level making use of Social Audit team of the districts and/or
MGNREGS under Directorate of Social Audit, Government of Karnataka, KRCs and other
relevant organisations. The state would aim at carrying out audits in at least 5% of the GPs
every year. Rapid Action Learning Units (RALU) can be involved at state and district level to
study and analyse the actions taken in rural sanitation, evaluation of their impact and identifying
the best practices for up-scaling and suggesting innovations for implementation.
CBOs/NGOs/SHGs/other organisations may also be engaged to conduct monitoring and
evaluation surveys and participatory rural appraisals (PRA) specifically to determine key
behaviour and perception changes regarding sanitation, hygiene, etc.
(iv) Peer level monitoring: Similar to the monitoring during the construction of IHHL and
community toilets, the peer level monitoring of a district shall be performed by district officials of
another district. In the same way, inter-taluk and inter-GP monitoring of SLWM systems shall be
carried out.
(v) Regional offices of Karnataka State Pollution Control Board shall monitor the sanitation and
waste management systems for adherence to environmental standards relating to air, water
and soil pollution among others.
(i) Evaluation of the performance of the SLWM systems shall be carried out at District and State
level on a periodic basis, as suggested in the following paragraphs. Corrective action shall be
suggested based on the evaluation of key performance parameters.
(ii) There shall be monthly on-field review of SLWM systems in all GPs by the Executive Officer
(EO). In addition, quarterly review of progress of SLWM activities for the taluks in the district
shall be conducted by the District Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/ Magistrate/CEO of the Zilla
Panchayat. Finally, bi-annual monitoring reports shall be prepared at the state level for each
district to assess the progress of SLWM programme against the proposed targets in annual
implementation plan.
9.6. The outcome of the above monitoring and evaluation activities should include corrective actions
(in case of deviations, non-compliance and/or lack of progress), awards, publicity and
recognition for good performance. The state shall provide detailed instructions to the districts
and GPs on monitoring and evaluation parameters including outcomes of such monitoring
For effective functioning of SLWM plan and systems, a robust complaint redressal system is
imperative. This system creates a platform for citizens to voice their complaints regarding waste
management services and is an additional monitoring mechanism for the GP. This system
could be enabled through complaints to the PDO and members of the VWSC/VHSNC and/or
any other mechanism which the GP may consider appropriate. The GP shall ensure that each
grievance is redressed in a timely and efficient manner bearing in mind the type of grievance,
inconvenience caused to public and the remedial action proposed to be taken. The PDO should
make an area-wise periodic (daily, weekly or monthly) report of the number and type of
complaints received, remedial action taken including time taken for such action, feedback of the
complainant and pending complaints. This should be submitted to the EO and CEO as a part of
the regular monthly and quarterly reporting formalities.
Kitchen/market waste including fruit and vegetable peels, leftover and/or stale food, tea
leaves, eggshells
Meat and bones
Leaf litter, including flowers
Coconut shells
Wood/ leaf ashes
Paper, books and magazines
Metal objects and wire
Aluminum cans
Wood /furniture
Used diapers
Sanitary towels or napkins, menstrual cloths and similar items containing bodily fluids
Band aid, household gauze and soiled cotton
Syringes from households
Secondary collection vehicle needed if the waste unit is more than 500m away from the farthest collection point.
Secondary collection vehicle needed if the waste unit is more than 2km from the farthest collection point
Secondary collection vehicle may not be needed if the waste unit is within 5km of the farthest collection point
Secondary collection vehicle may not be needed if the waste unit is within 5km of the farthest collection point
waste management
(i) The standard that can be used for secondary sorting of dry waste into 8 different categories is
16 - 22 kgs per hour per person.
(ii) The standard that can be used for composting is one person in case the incoming wet waste is
less than 200 kgs per day and working for 2-3 hours.
(i) Collection can be done in one shift of 6 hours or in two shifts of 3 hours each in morning and
(ii) Each primary waste collection vehicle should have two workers who can together cover twice
the number of households as compared to a single waste collector. In case of electric vehicle/
motorized vehicle, the driver can be accompanied by 1 helper.
(iii) After collection, the collection staff can be engaged for two hours for secondary
sorting/segregation at the dry waste storage shed in the afternoon. Alternatively, the GP can
also consider using the staff at the wet waste processing unit for composting of wet waste. The
collection staff can be also engaged in sweeping of the village as well.
(iv) In case of transfer of dry waste from dry waste storage unit to the nearest ULB aggregation
point, the GP should consider leasing trucks/tractor rather than purchasing them.
Waste management planning shall be done to sustain the population increase for at least next
10 years. Population projection can be done using the formula given below:
Population projection
Pn = Pp (1 + r)
Average per capita generation
Per capita generation for solid waste: 150-650 gm per day.
Please refer to the model DPR included in Annexure VI for the categories of waste generators.
Population growth rate for each state is available from Census of India
Waste generated by one person per day: This can be calculated by taking total waste generated by all the sources divided by
total population of the area (in this case GP)
This is excluding bulk waste generators (i.e. waste generators generating more than 50 Kg per day)
Door to Door collection in push-cart trolleys Off-loaded at street’s end, picked up by auto
Dry waste
Wet waste
Managed at
household level
Technology Applicability Financial Costs Limitations
Household (average 5 members) Community/street level (about 50
Capital cost Operational Capital cost Operational
cost cost
Underground Rural areas with low rainfall Materials: Nil Nil Materials – Nil Nil Not suitable
unlined Houses with an open space of about 7 Manpower: Rs. 500 per pit Manpower: Rs. 750 per pit (3 for heavy
manure pit sq.m (2-man days unskilled man days unskilled labour) rainfall areas
or garbage Houses with no cattle or with single labour to dig the pit) and rocky
pit cattle. terrain.
Underground Rural areas with low rainfall Materials - Rs. 1800-2000 Nil Materials – Rs. 11,000-11,500 Nil Not suitable
brick lined Houses with an open space of about 7 (Approximately 200 bricks, (Approximately 1200 bricks, 3 for heavy
manure pit sq.m 1/3 bag cement, 3 cubic bags cement, rainfall areas
or garbage Houses with no cattle or with single feet sand) 20 cubic feet sand) and rocky
pit cattle Manpower: Manpower: Rs 1500-2000 per terrain.
Loose soil structure. Rs. 450-500 per pit (one- pit.
man day unskilled and 1/2 (3 man day unskilled labour and
man day skilled labour) 2 man days skilled labour)
Overground Rural areas with high rainfall and Materials - Nil Nil Materials - Nil Nil
heap rocky terrain Manpower: Rs. 250 (1- Manpower: Rs 500 (2-man
Houses with an open space of about 7 man days unskilled labour days of unskilled labour) per
sq.m to make the platform. heap.
Houses with no cattle or with single
Over ground Rural areas with high rainfall and Materials – Rs. 3500-4000 Nil Materials – Rs. 11,000-11,500 Nil
brick lined rocky terrain (Approximately 400 bricks, (Approximately 1200 bricks, 3
compost Houses with an open space of about 7 1/2 bag cement, 5 cubic bags cement, 20 cubic feet
tank sq.m feet sand) sand)
Labour and material rates as per MNREGA schedule of rates
Technology Applicability Financial Costs Limitations
Household (average 5 members) Community/street level (about 50
Capital cost Operational Capital cost Operational
cost cost
Houses with no cattle or with single Manpower: Rs.450-500 Manpower: Rs 1500-2000 per
cattle. per tank (one man-day tank.
unskilled and 1/2 man-day (3 man day unskilled and 2 man
skilled labour) days skilled labour
Pipe Applicable to houses with shortage of Materials – Rs. 1000 per Nil NA NA
composting space. set (2 pipes)
Houses with no cattle or with single Manpower: Nil
Community level organic waste management
Technology Brief description Suitability Area (m ) CapEx OpEx Handling
(TPD) (INR In Lakhs) (INR per annum) Expertise
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Vermi Vermi compost is the product of the composting 0.10 2 100 2500 0.25 2.50 2800 6000 Unskilled
Composting process using various species of worms, usually
red wigglers, white worms, and other earthworms,
which feed in mixture of decomposing vegetable
or food waste, and release droppings called vermi
cast which can be used as compost for soil
Windrow Windrow composting is the production of compost 50 1000 12141 60705 650 5500 83 467 Skilled +
Composting by piling biodegradable waste, in long rows Semi +
(windrows) and turning them. This method is unskilled
suited to producing large volumes of compost.
Pit Composting Pit or trench composting is the process of burying 0.10 2 100 2500 0.25 3 500 6200 Unskilled
organic waste directly into soil. This is a slower
composting process than composting in well-
managed windrows, but the trenched materials
will retain more nitrogen during the process.
Aerated static Aerated Static Pile (ASP) composting, refers to 0.10 10 300 1000 2.50 11 183 6000 Unskilled
pile Composting the system used to biodegrade organic material
without physical manipulation (turning) during
Biomethanation Biomethanation is the anaerobic (in the absence 0.50 300 350 37000 15 9000 100 1000 Skilled +
/ Biogas of free oxygen) fermentation of biodegradable Semi +
matter in an enclosed space under controlled unskilled
conditions of temperature, moisture, pH, etc.
The numbers in this annexure are on the basis of literature review and will need to be authenticated as per actual ground operations.
Model shed for dry waste Low and open segregation areas for easy sorting
and storage of segregated dry waste.
This is the minimum area to be considered. In case more than 2 persons are employed this area can be increased to 10% of
the total area required for storage.
Though there are several treatment technology options for liquid waste, when it comes to rural
context, availability of skilled resources and technical services for operations and maintenance play a
key role in deciding the most suitable technology in addition to the availability of funds and land for
construction. Technologies which are easy to maintain and operate should be chosen to ensure
sustained operation.
Following are a few technology solutions suggested for treatment of both streams of domestic liquid
I. Blackwater/faecal sludge/septage:
(i) Twin-pit: Twin-pits are two underground chambers (pits) provided to hold faecal sludge. Both
the pits should be at least 1 meter apart. A single pipe leads from the toilet to a small diversion
chamber, from which separate pipes lead to the two underground chambers. The pits should be
lined with open jointed brickwork. Each pit should be designed to hold at least 24 months
accumulation of faecal sludge. Wastewater is discharged to one chamber until it is full and then
switched to the second chamber by changing the flow in the diversion chamber. Just before the
second chamber is full of faecal sludge, the contents of the first pit are dug out. During the time
of storage, digestion would ensure that it is odourless and free of pathogens. However, safety
measures should be taken against direct human contact during the emptying of the first pit.
(a) Takes care of faecal sludge at source, no further treatment is required as the composted
faecal sludge is used in farms. If not used in farm, then arrangements should be made
for safe disposal
(b) Simple technology
(c) No electrical energy is required
(d) Low operating costs
(e) Long service life
(f) Small land area required (can be built underground)
(a) Not applicable in high water table areas due to risk of polluting ground water.
The cost of construction of each unit might be in the range of Rs. 5,000-7,000 depending on the
size, cost of local material and labour. There is no maintenance requirement for this option,
however after one of the pits is filled up and allowed enough resting time of at least 2 years the
composted sludge would need to be removed and used for farming/horticulture etc. which
might involve some labour. However, in practice, mostly the household owner carries out this
activity hence we can assume a near zero maintenance cost.
(ii) Septic tank: A septic tank is a watertight chamber made up of brick work, concrete, fibreglass,
PVC or plastic provided to hold back water from cistern flush or pour flush toilets and includes a
soak pit. A properly designed septic tank provides primary treatment to certain degree. Settling
and anaerobic processes reduce solids and organics, but the treatment is only moderate.
Accumulating faecal sludge needs to be dug out of the chamber at a regular interval and
correctly disposed of after proper treatment in another facility. Effluent is infiltrated into the
ground through the adjoining soak pit or transported via a sewer to a treatment plant in another
location. During designing, the Standards specified by the CPHEEO Manual, IS: 2470 or SBM-
G guidelines would need to be followed on ground.
Though the septic tank can be constructed on site along with the toilet or other building
structure, readymade septic tanks are also available in the market today (with different
materials used for construction). The cost range could vary between Rs. 5,000 – 18,000
depending upon the type of material and size considered (which would need to be calculated
depending on number of users). The operating costs for these would ideally include some
repairs over a longer period of time and regular desludging after at least 2-3 years (depending
on the size of septic tank) which would cost the user anywhere between Rs. 800 to 3000 in
these areas (as per information provided during site visits).
There are desludging vehicles available in market to extract and transport faecal sludge known
as “Cesspool vehicles” or “Vacuum trucks” commonly referred to as “Honeysuckers” in recent
times. Most commonly available and used desludging equipment in India have been listed
below. Depending upon the accessibility and capacity of containment unit most feasible
desludging vehicle should be procured.
For each emptying machine irrespective of the size at least one operator and one driver will be
required for ensuring smooth operations.
(ii) In the rural context, technologies selected for treatment of wastewater and faecal sludge should
be low on Capex, Opex and should be easy to maintain by local level entities. Technologies
available in market can be classified into passive and active systems as shown below. In order
to arrive at a logical quantity of FS to be treated, the existing desludging numbers per day/week
shall also be identified by discussion with the GP/Taluk officials and vehicle operators. The final
design quantity of faecal sludge to be treated shall be arrived at based on discussions on the
theoretical (generation) and practical (desludging practice) findings. In order to decide on
setting up of an FSTP, the first consideration shall be given to availability of a sewage
treatment plant (STP) or FSTP in nearby urban areas. These existing plants could be used
(with suitable modifications) for treating FS from rural areas. In case no such treatment facility
is available, then a cluster level FSTP could be planned such that all villages falling within a
radius of upto 15 kms could be catered to. Finally, if both these solutions are not feasible then a
GP level FSTP would need to be designed with a suitable capacity.
(iii) While deciding on an FSTP for a village or group of villages, due considerations will have to be
given to the ideal location of such an FSTP to:
(iv) The passive systems are designed around nature-based systems while the active systems use
electrical or mechanical energy for the process of treatment.
The capital cost for the passive systems cannot be standardized based on capacity but will be
dependent of several factors like loading rate, drying period, climatic conditions, level of treatment
preferred, costs of materials & human resources in different locations, etc.
II. Greywater
The different technology options available for treatment of the greywater as well as liquid
percolate of faecal sludge/septage have been provided below on the same basis of Passive
and Active systems as defined above. In order to keep the CapEx and OpEx low, it is advised
that passive treatment systems be chosen in rural areas.
While discharging of final by-products of both solid and liquid components of the above, the
adherence to environmental norms and existing standards prescribed by the regulatory
authorities/KSPCB shall be ensured. Suitable tests would need to be conducted on samples regularly
through designated laboratories for ensuring such adherence.
As each of the treatment options listed out in Annexure VII provides for treatment of different parts of
liquid waste, a combination of the same would be required to plan an integrated and efficient
treatment system on ground. As the existing examples of treatment in terms of combination are
limited in faecal sludge, following could be the suggested approach for rural areas in Karnataka based
on the category of rural area (as provided in Annexure IX: classification of districts in Karnataka):
Kitchen Household level Not every household/ Rs. 300-500/KLD Areas with
garden greywater cluster of households Opex: Minimal for large spaces
management; have enough space cleaning solid available
Independent of waste/slime around houses
central conveyance Areas with low
system; Easy to ground water
implement, no skills table
required and low
Dispersion Relatively cheap; Requires some Rs. 300-500/KLD Areas with low
Trenching/Soa Caters to low cleaning activities Opex: Minimal for ground water
kaway Pit: capacities (upto 0.8 every 4-5 months cleaning solid table
KLD); no skill depending on the waste/slime Hot and arid
required to amount of solids areas
construct/operate, clogging the soaking
No/low nuisance; mechanism
ideal for low
groundwater table.
Can be done at
household and
community level
Covered Applicable to Additional costs for Rs. 700-940/KLD Peri-urban and
drains- densely populated laying drains for all densely
Treatment clusters; without HHs; Village/Cluster populated
facility any space for HH- level intervention areas
(WSP/Settler+ level solution; High rainfall
CW) Lower cost areas
Combined wastewater treatment
DEWATS Applicable to Can handle very low Rs. 6.6-14 Peri-urban and
villages with inflow to very high Lakhs(3-6KLD) densely
complete sewer inflow; Low O&M; Low Opex: 2-2.5 populated
coverage; Modular life-cycle cost Lakhs p.a areas
upgrade of capacity Areas with
possible; erratic power
supply and lack
of skilled labour
MBBR based Applicable to Minimum feasible Capex: 10-100 Peri-urban and
STP villages with inflow of 10KLD; KLD: 6-50 Lakhs densely
complete sewer Capex intensive; 100-500KLD: 53 populated
coverage; Modular Infrastructure demands Lakhs-1.75 Cr areas
upgrade of capacity spatial planning 500-1000 KLD: Areas with
possible; 1.75-2.35 crores reliable power
Opex: Rs. 3 -17 supply
In addition to the above suggested treatment options, any other technologies/innovations could be
chosen depending on the suitability for the regional context. Biogas digestors/plants could be used for
treatment of cow dung and other organic wastes at a cluster level which could be considered for
capacities ranging from10-20 KLD. However, the output slurry would require further treatment before
discharge into open environment.
Suggestions for different approaches to liquid waste management based on classification of districts
across the sanitation value chain:
3. Economic characteristic
a) Agrarian Chitradurga Chikkamagalur Gadag Yadgir Promote twin-
(more than Chikkaballapur Chamrajnagar Dharwad Koppal pits, drenching
70% a Dakshina Bagalkot depending on
population) Kannada Bidar groundwater
digesters etc.
may be
b) Peri-urban/ Bengaluru Hassan Haveri Raichur Combined
Industrial Urban Udupi Belgaum Gulbarga treatment
development Bengaluru Mandya Bellary systems
s/ Rural Mysuru Electro-
Educational Tumkur mechanical
hubs Ramnagara solutions
Davanagere depending on
Kolar availability of
funds and
power supply
c) Tourist Shimoga Kodagu Uttara Bijapur Solutions to be
attractions/hi Kannada Bellary chosen based
gh footfalls on groundwater
table levels,
availability of
space and
4. Geo-climatic conditions
a) Coastal Udupi Uttara For selection of
region Dakshina Kannada treatment
Kannada technology,
rainfall and
humidity to be
Given that
mostly water
tables are high
avoid soak pits
and drenching
b) Central plains Tumkur Chamrajnagar Gadag Bijapur Depending on
Chikkaballapur Hassan Bagalkot Koppal space and
Layout of the workable model for liquid waste management in rural areas of Karnataka
The workable model shall be used to arrive at the appropriate technological models and approximate
costs. The sheet shall be available online at the website of RDPR, http://rdpr.kar.nic.in
1. Sheet providing guidance to the model- Provides description of the model and instructions
for use
1 Introduction to the model
This excel based workable model has been prepared with an intent to help local
administration including PDOs, EOs, DCs etc. at the Gram Panchayat, Taluk or District
level in planning implementation of liquid waste management project. The excel sheet is
an input based model wherein the user would be required to feed in basic information of
the current wastewater management practices, including population details, numbers and
types of assets available, geo-climatic and ground water related details etc.
5 Assumptions
Considering the population of villages as per Census 2011 and the minimum collection
capacities the treatment capacity for nature-based technologies at a village level for
Faecal Sludge Management is considered to be 3KLD-6KLD, the prices are provided as a
a range for this capacity range
The primary end use is assumed to be discharge on land; therefore, disinfection and
b tertiary treatment is specified as optional systems.
Twin pits/Single Pits are ruled out in cases where groundwater is less than 10m below
c ground level
d Nature based Treatment Plant
2. Input sheet- provides template for capturing basic inputs required for planned LWM at
village/GP level
Workable model for planning RLWM for {Enter name of GP/Taluk/District
1 Basic information-
1.1 Demographic details
a Name of Village/GP
b Taluk
c District
d Total population as on date 10000 {If current population is not
available, provide the projected
population for next 15 years based
on growth in past decade}
e Total number of households {As per the recent surveys or data
available along with the source of
1.2 Details about Sanitation coverage
a Percentage of coverage of toilets {Percentage of
properties/institutions having
toilets out of the total population}
b Percentage of toilets connected to-
Septic tanks {As a percentage of total number
of properties if available or
Single soak pits
Piped sewer network
c Does the village/GP have desludging {Please mention Yes or No}
d How many vehicles are available in the {Please mention the number of
village/GP vehicles}
e What is the total capacity of the vehicles {Please calculate total capacity by
Multiplying number of vehicles with
same capacity and summing up all
the capacities. For example- if
there are 2 vehicles of 3000 litres
and 1 vehicle of 5000 litres, the
answer will be - (2x3000)
+(1x5000) =11,000 litres or 11
f Is there a sewage treatment plant available {Please mention Yes or No}
in the village/GP or at a distance of upto 15
kms from the centre of the village/GP
g Is there a solid waste treatment plant {Please mention Yes or No}
available in the village/GP or at a distance of
upto 15 kms from the centre of the
Groundwater Table (in mbgl) <10 {Please select the value based on
available information from reliable
Population 10000
Geo climatic Parameters/Taluk {Please select the applicable
category. Refer to the
classification table provided in
guidance sheet}
3. Output sheet- contains the main output in terms of suggested solutions and block cost
estimates against each
Low-cost STP Centrifuge/Belt Press/Filter Press & Co-
MBBR composting
(Min inflow of 10KLD reqd) <100KLD:
1 Sewers/simplified sewers
UDB & Co composting
Co composting 6.59Lakhs (3KLD)-13.68 L
ABR-Anaerobic Baffled Reactor
AF- Anaerobic Filter
ASP: Activated Sludge Process
CapEx: Capital Expenses
CF: Carbon Filter
CW: Contructed Wetland
FSM: Faecal Sludge Management
OpEx: Operational Expenses
MBR: Membrane Bio Reactor
MBBR: Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor
PDB:Planted Drying Bed
SF: Sand Filter
UDB: Unplanted Drying Bed
WSP: Waste Stabilisation Pond
4. References to OP- Provides further information not covered in the output sheet highlighting comparison between different technology
Trenching:480/KLD [lxbxd:4mx0.5mx0.8m;
UDB+Co composting Stabilisation Tank: 13.7-27
variable length and width as per inflow]
Imhoff Tank+Stabilisation Tank Lakhs(without AF) Soakaway Pit: 300-400/KLD [diaxdepth:1mx1.3;
12.85-25.4 Lakhs (w/WSP)
'+13.7(3KLD)-27(6KLD)(without 0.3 free board]
(ISAF+CW)/WSP '+12.85(3KLD)-25.4(6KLD) (without
Trenching/Co composting WSP)
1. Introduction
Name of the closest urban local
bodies (ULBs)
Particulars Details
Availability of electricity
Water supply
Drainage system
Road length (in kms)
22 Please use the formula set out in Annexure II containing the normative standards
23 If there are any other persons who are not GP employees and are involved in waste management activities, please provide
details in the column “Any Other Details”.
Type of vehicle Please tick Number Owned or
(√) if leased
Pedal tricycle
Push carts
Auto tipper
Others, if any
Existing processing/recycling/disposal facilities
Waste stream Type of Capacity (in Any other
facility terms of details
kg/tons per
Biodegradable waste (wet waste)
Recyclable waste (dry waste like plastic, glass
Non-recyclable non-biodegradable waste (like
multilayered packaging, low grade plastics
Mixed waste, sanitary waste and inert waste
Please consider the standard family as consisting of 5 members.
2.3 Transportation :
Distance between solid waste unit to villages (Km):
Calculation can be done on the basis of density of population and amount of waste generation
Auto - Secondary 1500 L/ 750 – 4,50,000
tippers 1000 Kg
Tractor - Secondary 1500 Kg 3,25,000
Trucks - Secondary 6000 Kg 8,00,000
It is suggested to go for a low-cost composting such as pile composting, pit composting, windrow
composting, vermi-composting as per the capacities and requirements. The design capacity of the
unit should be based on future projection of 10 years for population and waste generation etc.)
Method of collection will be selected based on the density of population and type of vehicle that can be deployed in the given
terrain and road conditions
The dry waste management unit should comprise of storage and sorting area, office (if
required) and toilet and washing facilities. The dry waste management unit shall also be
planned on the basis of future projection of 10 years for population and waste generation etc.
1. In determining area of the dry waste unit, the standards that should be considered are (i) 25 kgs
of loose dry waste can be stored per square feet and (ii) 42 kgs of baled dry waste stored per
square feet.
2. The sorting area should be at least 25 square feet. In the event more than 2 persons are
employed for sorting, the area should be at least10% of the total dry waste unit.
3. Financial planning
4. Implementation Plan
4.1 Proposed timelines for different activities
Particulars Responsibility Proposed timeline
Approval of DPR
Allocation of funds
Procurement of land
Procurement of vehicles
Setting up of infrastructure facilities
Appointment of manpower required
Commencement of door-to-door collection
Commencement of processing of wet waste
and storage and/or sale of dry waste.
development technical and support supervisory staff at the state, agreements for social mobilisation, capacity personnel engaged in
district, taluk and GP levels for SLWM activities development, communication, project SLWM system at GP
Conduct regular need assessment exercise for management and supervision. level
ensuring that the different departmental levels are Engaging institutions for imparting training for Act as a bridge
optimally organised in terms of staff, finance and capacity development to all stakeholders and between GPs and
skills. undertaking communication campaign. districts.
Engaging Institutions (Key Resource Centres Obtain financial, technical and organisational
(KRC)) for imparting training for capacity support from CSR initiatives of corporate, CBOs
development of all stakeholders and undertaking and other organisations for SLWM projects
communication campaign.
Implementation Facilitate convergence mechanism between line Plan convergence mechanisms with line Overall responsible for
departments like health department, education department, state schemes and priority taluk level
department etc. and amongst various schemes like programs such as MGNREGS, Prime Minister implementation of
NRLM, MNREGS etc. Awas Yojana (PMAY) etc. SLWM projects such as
State shall provide guidance for planning, Identification and procurement of suitable land aggregation of dry
designing and establishing a successful solid for SLWM activities. waste, logistics/
waste management system highlighting the most Plan, coordinate and monitor urban and rural transportation of such
feasible solid and liquid waste management linkages for waste management such as usage waste to appropriate
options in terms of finance, technology, skills and of recycling facilities, RDF units, co-processing processing facilities
expertise required. at cement plants, waste to energy plants, etc.
State shall be responsible for resolving any sort of sanitary landfills, FSTP etc. Implementation of Provide continuous
divergence related to solid and liquid waste extended producer responsibility for plastic support in terms of
management among districts. Such waste. awareness generation,
conflicts/discrepancies shall be directed to Interaction with relevant central and state motivation,
RDW&SD and be discussed during six monthly governmental authorities involved in planning mobilization, training
meeting. and implementation of SLWM systems in rural and handholding of
areas. village communities,
Scrutiny and approval of the GPs and VWSCs.
schemes/projects/programs submitted by the
Taluk Panchayat/ Gram Panchayat and
forwarding them to the State where necessary.
IEC and BCC Develop and implement state IEC strategy and Preparing a detailed IEC plan for the district Undertake triggering
plan based on the state plan which factors local exercise to create
Ensuring a proper human resource structure for conditions and requirements demand for solid and
IEC at state and district level Develop an annual calendar of IEC activities at liquid waste
Regular progress monitoring and reporting on IMIS GP, taluk and district levels management among
on IEC activities Sensitising the public representatives, elected the village
Facilitate organisation of workshops and events officials and the general public about solid and communities.
related to SLWM at the state level liquid waste management.
Monitoring, Review progress of SLWM systems with the district Concurrent district level monitoring of SLWM Maintain GP level data
audit and officials on a monthly/fortnightly/quarterly basis and projects shall be conducted periodically through on waste quantity
reporting prepare action points at the end of each such meetings and with the help of independent collected and
meeting agencies/CSOs/NGOs processed.
Regular monitoring and evaluation of SLWM sector Submission of regular progress reports to the Monitor and review
and performance of various schemes and projects state. progress of SLWM
across various districts. This should be audited by Monitor capacity building and training activities systems/projects in
an independent third party for assessing the at the district level GPs at least every
progress of SLWM schemes and projects. Ensure social audit meetings for verifying fortnight.
officially recorded work at ground level, are
conducted at the GP level once in six months
Monitor the activities of social organization/
CBOs/ NGOs/ SHGs/ support organizations
engaged in SLWM activities
Research and State shall be responsible for promoting newer Facilitate promotion of new successful
Development technologies for SLWM handling and management technologies at district level
after thorough technical, financial and
environmental evaluation by expert organisations
and governmental authorities.
The Project Development Officer of the GP and the Village Water and Sanitation Committee (VWSC) and/or Village Health, Sanitation and Nutrition
Committee (VHSNC) are primarily responsible for the solid and liquid waste management activities at the GP level. The specific roles and responsibilities at
GP level include:
PART III: Roles and responsibilities of NGOs and other community based organisations
(i) Support the GP in dissemination of IEC by planning and executing activities involving the entire community
(ii) Involvement in training and capacity building of the GP officials, Swachhagrahis and other voluntary organizations in the village.
(iii) Involvement in planning and implementation of village sanitation and waste management programs.
(iv) Carry out surveys and monitor the impact of the sanitation and waste management programs.
(v) Be involved in collection, transportation and processing of waste generated in the GP.
(i) Swachhagrahis/ Sanitation Motivators are motivators and triggering agents from within the community who have keen interest in sanitation and who are
assigned the task of supporting the Gram Panchayat in executing the sanitation and waste management plan. Every village shall have at least one
Swachhagrahi/ Sanitation Motivator, with preference to women candidates. The Swachhagrahi/ Sanitation Motivator is envisaged to be a voluntary
position and is not permanent in nature. The Swacchagrahis/ Sanitation Motivators shall be engaged by the district based on the recommendation of the
Gram Panchayat. The Swachhagrahis/ Sanitation Motivators shall be incentivised based on the criteria spelt out in the guidelines issued by the MDWS,
from time to time.
(ii) The role of Swachhagrahis/ Sanitation Motivators shall remain post the ODF declaration stage and they shall assist in ensuring sustainability of the ODF
status of the village. It is important that there is sustained engagement with the Swachhagrahis/Sanitation Motivators, they are regularly trained and
motivated through incentives. The Swacchagrahis/ Sanitation Motivators shall play the following crucial role in all three stages: planning, implementation
and sustainability of the GP sanitation and waste management plan:
(a) Carry out pre-triggering activities and community preparation.
(b) Involve in triggering activities to motivate people to participate in the sanitation programs.
(c) Participate in preparation of GP sanitation and waste management plans.
(d) Facilitate formation and strengthening of VWSC/VHSNC.
(e) Assist in IEC dissemination and facilitate sustained behaviour change.
(f) Monitor the quality of the infrastructure being built.
(g) Support in retrofitting and improvisation of assets.
(h) Ensure sustainability of the program by constantly monitoring the programs and engaging the community in the programs.
(i) Raise awareness about the proper operations and maintenance of the assets created for safe sanitation and waste management.
(j) Assist the PDO in maintenance of records of data at the GP level.
S.no Type of Waste Generator User Fee per month (in INR) from each Waste
Generator to be not less than:
Population >= 50 Population >= Population
and < 500 500 and < 2000 >2000
1. Houses up to 200 sq.ft. built-up 20 20 20
2. Houses over 200 sq.ft. built-up 30 30 30
area up to 500 sq.ft
3. Houses with over 500 sq.ft built 40 50 60
up area
4. Small commercial 60 75 90
establishments, shops and
eating places (such as hotels,
dhabas, messes, tiffin rooms,
canteens and sweet shops)
having an area less than 200
5. Large shops, commercial 100 150 200
establishments and eating
places (such as hotels, dhabas,
messes, tiffin rooms, canteens
and sweet shops) having an
area more than 200 sqft and less
than 700 sq.ft.
6. Large shops and commercial 200 300 500
establishments having an area
more than 700 sq.ft.
7. Guesthouse, lodges, 150 200 250
dharamshalas having an area
less than 1000 sq.ft.
8. Guesthouse, lodges and 200 300 500
dharamshalas having an area
more than 1,000 sq.ft.
9. Hospitals, clinic, dispensary up 110 130 150
to 20 beds)
10. Hospitals, clinic, dispensary 200 300 500
(more than 20 beds)
11. Small and cottage industry units 200 250 300
(only non-hazardous)
12. Halls for marriage and festivals 800 1000 1200
with area up to 1000 sq. ft. per
13. Halls for marriage and festivals 1200 1500 2000
with area over 1,000 sq.ft. per
14. Vegetable and other markets 150 200 250
generating less than 50 kgs of
waste per day
15. Vegetable and other markets 200 250 300
generating more than 50 kgs of
Biodegradable waste/Wet Any organic material that can be degraded by micro-organisms into
Waste/Organic Waste simpler stable compounds.
Bio-methanation A process which entails enzymatic decomposition of the organic
matter by microbial action to produce methane rich biogas;
Bulk waste generator Waste generators such as buildings occupied by the Central
government departments or undertakings, State government
departments or undertakings, GP, public sector undertakings or
private companies, marriage halls, hospitals, nursing homes, schools,
colleges, universities, other educational institutions, hostels, hotels,
commercial establishments, markets, places of worship etc. having an
average solid waste generation rate exceeding 50kg per day.
Bye-laws Regulatory framework notified by Gram Panchayat for facilitating the
implementation of solid and/or liquid waste management effectively in
their jurisdiction
Composting A controlled process involving microbial decomposition of organic
Co-processing Use of non-biodegradable and non-recyclable solid waste having
calorific value exceeding 1500k/cal as raw material or as a source of
energy or both to replace or supplement the natural mineral resources
and fossil fuels in industrial processes;
Desludging The operation of removing sludge (and septage) from septic/digestion
tanks, pit latrines or any other primary treatment units is called
desludging. Usually this is done by mechanical means (by vacuum
suction pumps) but manual desludging is sometimes used despite it
being banned in India.
Dispersion trench A trench in which open jointed pipes are laid and surrounded by
coarse aggregate media and overlaid by fine aggregate. The effluent
gets dispersed through the open joints and is absorbed in the
neighbouring soil.
Domestic hazardous waste Discarded paint drums, pesticide cans, CFL bulbs, tube lights, expired
medicines, broken mercury thermometers, used batteries, used
needles and syringes and contaminated gauge, etc., generated at the
household level.
Door to door collection Collection of solid waste from the door step of households, shops,
commercial establishments , offices , institutional or any other Waste
Generator non residential premises and includes collection of such
waste from entry gate or a designated location on the ground floor in a
housing society , multi storied building or apartments, large
residential, commercial or institutional complex or premises.
Non-Biodegradable /Dry Any waste that cannot be degraded by microorganisms into simpler
inorganic waste stable compounds
Extended producer Responsibility of any producer of packaging products such as plastic,
responsibility (EPR) tin, glass and corrugated boxes, etc., for environmentally sound
management, till end-of-life of the packaging products;
Faecal Sludge It is the solid or settled contents of pit latrines and septic tanks. Faecal
sludge differs from the sludge produced in the municipal waste water
treatment plants. Faecal sludge characteristics can differ widely from
household to household, from city to city, and from country to country.
User fee A fee imposed by the Gram Panchayat on the waste generator to
cover full or part cost of providing waste collection, transportation,
processing/treatment and disposal services
Vermi composting The process of conversion of bio-degradable waste into compost
using earth worms
Waste picker A person or groups of persons informally engaged in collection and
recovery of reusable and recyclable solid waste from the source of
waste generation the streets, bins, material recovery facilities,
processing and waste disposal facilities for sale to recyclers directly or
through intermediaries to earn their livelihood.