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Elective - 2 Ege 312 - Gender & Society

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Republic of the Philippines

North Eastern Mindanao State University

Bislig City, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-645-6452


2nd Semester, A.Y. 2022 – 2023


NEMSU believes that higher education is an instrument for the improvement of life through democratized access to quality education in the development
of a well-rounded person.

A transformative leading University in Asia and the Pacific.

NEMSU shall provide competency-based higher education training through transformative instruction, relevant research, sustainable extension and
production responsive to local, regional and global trends.
1. Produce competent and skilled graduates prepared for gainful employment;
2. Develop graduates who shall not only foster economic progress but also care for the environment, adhere to positive value system, and preserve
cultural heritage;
3. Engage in high-impact research for instruction and develop technology for food security and renewable energy;
4. Collaborate with government and non-government agencies to help improve the lives of the marginalized groups; and

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5. Promote cooperation/partnership among regional, national, and ASEAN institutions in Higher Education.

A combination of observable and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal attributes that contribute to enhance SDSSU employee
and student performance and ultimately result in organizational success.
Responsibility for own actions, decisions and commitment to accomplish work in an ethical, efficient, cost-effective and transparent manner
manifesting the value of sound stewardship in the wise use of resources for common good.
A prompt action, consistent communication, quality information, and a focus on providing a superior experience to stakeholders.
The quality spectrum at exceptional levels demonstrated by learning outcomes and the development of shared culture of quality consistent
with the vision, mission and goals of University.
Dedication for a continuous improvement of services, stakeholder’s relationships and partnership which stresses interdependence and
collaboration for a sustainable success of clients and their communities in helping build a just, peaceful, stable and progressive Filipino nation.

These core values are not descriptions of the work we do, nor the strategies we employ to accomplish our University vision. They are the
core values that underlie our works and interactions as we internalize responsibilities to fulfil our mission. They are the basic elements of how we
go about our work and how we deal with stakeholders, molds students to become competent, innovative, globally competitive and service-

1. To deliver a globally adaptable system of instructions with enhanced ability to acquire advances in engineering and its allied field.
2. To be self-reliant through effective and efficient generation, allocation and utilization of resources on avenues that advocates the great welfare of
the local and global communities prepared to respond to the emerging trends.
3. To promote advances in research developments that extends sustainable practical solutions to the challenges of engineering and industrial fields
benefiting the socio-economic and environmental growth of the local and global communities prepared to respond to the emerging trends.

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Graduated of BSME Program should be able to:
1. Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve complex mechanical engineering problems.
2. Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
3. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints, in accordance with standards.
4. Function in multidisciplinary multi-cultural teams.
5. Identify, formulate, and solve complex mechanical engineering problems.
6. Understand professional and ethical responsibility.
7. Communicate effectively
8. Understand the impact of mechanical engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
9. Recognize the need, the need for, and engage in life-long learning
10. Knows contemporary issues
11. Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for mechanical engineering practice.
12. Know and understand engineering and management principles as a member and leader of the team, and to manage projects in a multidisciplinary


COURSE DESCRIPTIVE TITLE : Elective 2 Gender & Society
NO. OF HOURS :54 Hours


This course introduces students to human sexuality, gender studies, and other related courses. It surveys various methodological, theoretical, and
practical orientations in gender and sexuality. Using the human ecological lens, it approaches to gender and sexuality from a transdisciplinary stance and
allows learners to understand social realities using multiple disciplinal perspectives, e.g., biomedical, political-legal, and psychological-sociocultural. Most
essentially, it equips learners with the competencies required in investigating and analyzing cross-cutting issues in gender and society.

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At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. Differentiate sex, gender and sexuality;
2. Discuss the anatomy and physiology of reproduction;
3. Explain the process of reproduction;
4. Enumerate some psycho-social issues in gender and sexuality; and
5. Enumerate the cross-cutting issues in gender and development.

1. Translate gender-specific terms into gender-neutral terms;
2. Identify how language discriminates women and LGBTQIA+++;
3. Apply gender-fair language; and
4. Create a case study related to gender and society.

1. Appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of men and women; and
2. Respect the rights of women

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Detailed Course Syllabus Matrix

Time Course Learning Outcomes Topics/Content Instructional Methodology Assessment Remarks

Class Orientation • Orientation of the *Orientation of the Course
Course: Reflective Essay
a. Discuss the scope of the
course - Course syllabus
b. Establish the connection of - Grading System
*Watching videos or video Journaling
this course to the attainment of - Course clips related to the topics for
learning program outcomes, performance analysis and reflection
Philosophy, VMGO, CORE indicators Reading Log
Week 1 Values & SDSSU Hymn. - Class/course
c. Discuss the school/class policy *Oral Presentation
policies, course requirements, • Introduction and
and grading system. *Interactive discussion of the
Overview of the topics.
d. Familiarize the scope of the
course Gender and Society
e. Create a Concept Map on the
connection of the course to the
University VMGO.
a. Differentiate gender from Module 1: Gender and ➢ Video Presentation (Clip) ➢ Quiz
sexuality Sexuality as a Social ➢ Online Sharing/ ➢ Module 1
b. Explain gender socialization Reality PowerPoint Presentation ➢ Oral Recitation
c. Identify gender stereotypes A. Sex, Gender, ➢ Lecture/ Discussion Poster Board (Collage)
Week 2-3 and the problem stereotyping and Sexuality ➢ Textual Analysis Rubrics
brings B. Gender and ➢ Small Group Discussion
d. Analyze the sexual orientation Sexuality
Poster Board (Collage)
and gender identity and Across Time

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C. Gender and
Sexuality as a
subject of

a. Differentiate the female, and the I. Module 2: ➢ Quiz

male reproductive system; Biomedical ➢ Lecture / Discussion ➢ Module 2
b. Analyze the basis for Perspective in ➢ Small Group Discussion Rubrics for Reporting
physiological processes in Gender and ➢ Reporting
females and males Sensitivity
Week 4
B. Anatomy and
Physiology of
Reproduction (The
Biological Female and
a. Define fertilization, conception, A. The Process of ➢ Quescussion Interview Session
and pregnancy/ Reproduction
b. Identify the complications of B. Sexual Health ➢ Think-Pair Share *Interview at least three
early pregnancy in the growing and Hygiene adolescent individuals
adolescent; C. Risky ➢ Individual topic and ask how did they
c. Identify the important health Behaviors and presentation develop their adolescent
Week 5 habits for the developing Adolescents behavior and how did they
adolescent; avoid risky ones.
d. Identify trouble signs that can
lead to risky behaviors and their
complications, and;
e. Discuss how to avoid risky
a. Define the term psychosocial, II. Module 3: ➢ Discussion Board on ➢ Group Debate
and discuss the psychosocial Psychosocial Psychosocial 1. Is it necessary to
Week 6-7 dimension of gender and Perspective in Perspective in choose your circle?
sexuality; Gender and Gender and Sexuality

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b. Define terms such as love, A. Gender and ➢ Picture Tell Analysis 2. When Should be the
attraction, intimacy, Sexuality as a right time to engage in an
relationship, and other related Psychosocial intimate relationship?
terms; Issue
c. Identify needs, issues, and B. Love, Intimacy, ➢ Reflective Essay
concerns experienced by the and How important it is to
people who are in a romantic Relationship know and be equipped
relationship; C. Gender-fair with gender-fair language
d. Identify the ways language Language: and stereotypes?
discriminates against women stereotype,
and LGBTQIA+++; prejudice, and
e. Explain how gender-fair discrimination
language can be realized, and;
f. State forms of discrimination in
a. Discuss LGBTQIA+++ history ➢ LGBTQIA+++ ➢ Discussion Board on ➢ Quiz
and define relevant terms; Psychology LGBTQIA+++ ➢ Paired Written
b. Identify the themes of ➢ Men and Psychology; Men and Reflection
masculinity and its relationship Masculinities Masculinities
Week 9-10 with well-being, fathering, and ➢ Quescussion
domestic roles, and; ➢ Scenario Analysis
c. Comprehend hegemonic,
protest, and caring
a. Determine the relationship III. Module 4: Political- ➢ Lecture / Discussion ➢ Quiz
between human rights and Legal Perspective ➢ Small Group ➢ Module 3
gender-based violence; in gender and Discussion Reporting Rubrics for Reporting
Week 11-12 sexuality
b. Differentiate perpetrators, A. Gender-based
survivors, and victims in Violence
gender-based violence;

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c. Identify the various rights of B. Women,
women; Development,
d. Evaluate the impact of this and the World
law and rights on Filipino C. Women and
women and society the Law
e. Discuss the important D. Violence
provisions of VAWC act or Against
RA 9262, and; Women and
f. Analyze actual cases their Children
involving the said law. Act (RA No.
a. Determine the various A. Laws and ➢ Sharing of personal ➢ Quiz; and
Philippine Laws and Policies Policies on insights about the
for the protection of rights of Violence and common ➢ Create a two-minute
members of LGBTQIA+++; Discrimination discrimination of informative short
b. Identify the different Anti- of the members LGBTQIA++ video to address
Discriminatory Laws and of members, and how these human rights
Policies LGBTQIA+++; did society respond violations and
c. Distinguish the theoretical to it discrimination on the
Week 13-14
perspectives on Sexual B. Discrimination ➢ Discussion board on basis of SOGIE
Harassment in the academe on the Basis of LGBTQIA+++ laws,
and in the workplace, and; SOGIE in the policies, and societal
d. Create a two-minute Philippines; challenges
informative short video to ➢ Quescussion
address these human rights C. Understanding
violations and discrimination Sexual
on the basis of SOGIE Harassment
a. Discuss the importance of Unit 5: Cross-cutting ➢ Strips of paper
media representation; Issues in Gender and identification activity
b. Analyze the progress in media Sexuality (identify statements
Week 15
representation of gender; whether it is a
A. Gender and challenge or a
Media response)

EGE 312: ELECTIVE 2 Gender & Society FM-CURR-001/Rev.003/1.26.2023/Page 8

c. Describe the challenges Education, ➢ Discussion board on
women face in various sectors Health, and Cross-cutting Issues
in the Philippines Mental Health in Gender and
d. Identify the intersectionality Sexuality
between gender, education, ➢ Quescussion
and health
a. Create Research-based Summary of the lesson Research-based Multimodal
Multimodal Output (Short Film Output (Short Film /
/ Documentary) of either Documentary
Week 16-17
Women, or any gender
challenges and how they rise
from it.

1. Rodriguez, A.M. & Rodriguez, A.M.L. 2019. Gender and Society: The Whys of Women, Their Oppressions, and Paths to Liberation. Quezon City: C & E
Publishing, Inc.
2. Botor, Nephtaly Joel et al. P.K.R. (2018).“Gender and Society: A Human Ecological Approach Manila, Philippines: Rex Bookstore, Inc.
3. Enloe, Cynthia H. “Bananas, beaches and bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics.” 1st ed. Berkeley: University of California Press.
4. Wood, Julia T. “Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender and Culture.” 11th ed. Stanford CT: Cengage Learning, c2015.

1. https://tinyurl.com/y2kt8n8m
2. https://tinyurl.com/yarradcc
3. https://opentextbc.ca/introductiontosociology/chapter/chapter12-gender-sex-and-sexuality/
4. https://tinyurl.com/yxcwbbvf
5. https://tinyurl.com/y3z3hy6w
6. https://tinyurl.com/y27fvamp
7. https://tinyurl.com/wbxhlve
8. https://tinyurl.com/y58kakmr
9. https://tinyurl.com/yy7p24oh
10. http://www.columbia.edu/itc/hs/pubhealth/modules/reproductiveHealth/anatomy.html

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11. https://www.doh.gov.ph/sites/default/files/publications/AdolescentJobAidManualFA.pdf
12. https://www.simplypsychology.org/prejudice.html
13. https://openknowledgemaps.org/search_api/server/paper_preview/3c434709c89b6db5ba346cc9d878b04736361d9329e219d9e2361b7
14. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/jun/22/the-age-of-patriarchy-how-an-unfashionable-idea-became-a-rallying-cry-for-feminism-
15. http://fcs.sites.mjc.edu/109EcologicalModelofHumanDevHandout.pdf


Class Standing - 40%

Examination - 40%
Requirements - 20%
TOTAL - 100%

Short Fil Making Rubric

Criteria 100 90 80
Three-Act Story Structure The story structure is organized into three acts The story structure is organized There is an attempt to organize
(beginning, middle, and/or end), all ideas are into three acts (beginning, middle, the story in three acts, but a
clearly connected, and there is an obvious and/or end), but not all ideas are beginning, middle, and/or end
introduction and resolution/conclusion. clearly connected cannot be clearly identified.
Connection or ideas are
somewhat disjointed.
Copyright Understanding of copyright is evident, follows fair There are some issues related to Several issues related to
use guidelines, and images/audio are properly copyright, that may include use of copyright are evident, which
credited non-fair use audio or images may include use of non-fair use
and/or not providing proper credit. audio and images, and doesn’t
always provide credit for

EGE 312: ELECTIVE 2 Gender & Society FM-CURR-001/Rev.003/1.26.2023/Page 10

Cinematography Excellent composition; camera movement is Good composition; camera Minimally acceptable
smooth; use of lighting is effective; uses a variety movement is smooth; use of composition; camera movement
of effective shots lighting is good; uses some variety is erratic; lighting quality is
of effective shots but lacks problematic; uses little variety in
consistency shots
Creativity Film shows evidence of imagination and Film shows some evidence of Film shows little evidence of
creativity. There is thoughtfulness to the style and imagination and creativity. There imagination and creativity.
mood that suits the film. is thoughtfulness to the style and There is minimal thoughtfulness
mood that suits the film. to the style and mood that suits
the film.
Teamwork (Production There is not a clear distribution or understanding Production roles are defined, but Production roles are clearly
Roles) of production roles. Filmmaking cues (quiet on not always followed. Fair defined and followed. All group
the set, etc.) are not used to help manage distribution of work is somewhat members have a role in
production. accomplished. Filmmaking cues production. Filmmaking cues
(quiet on the set, etc.) are used (quiet on the set, etc.) are used
most of the time. to manage production.

Date of Revision : January 19, 2023

Date of Effectivity : January 30, 2023

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Prepared by: Content Noted:


Instructor GE Program Coordinator
Date: January 19, 2023 Date: ___________

Reviewed by:

Department Chair
Date: __________

Recommending Approval:


College of Arts and Sciences Dean
Date: ____________

Approved by:


Vice President for Academic Affairs
Date: __________

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