STS Syllabus
STS Syllabus
STS Syllabus
NEMSU believes that higher education is an instrument for the improvement of life through democratized access to quality education in the development
of a well-rounded person.
A transformative leading University in Asia and the Pacific.
NEMSU shall provide competency-based higher education training through transformative instruction, relevant research, sustainable extension and
production responsive to local, regional and global trends.
1. Produce competent and skilled graduates prepared for gainful employment;
2. Develop graduates who shall not only foster economic progress but also care for the environment, adhere to positive value system, and preserve
cultural heritage;
A combination of observable and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal attributes that contribute to enhance SDSSU
employee and student performance and ultimately result in organizational success.
Responsibility for own actions, decisions and commitment to accomplish work in an ethical, efficient, cost-effective and transparent manner
manifesting the value of sound stewardship in the wise use of resources for common good.
A prompt action, consistent communication, quality information, and a focus on providing a superior experience to stakeholders.
The quality spectrum at exceptional levels demonstrated by learning outcomes and the development of shared culture of quality consistent
with the vision, mission and goals of University.
Dedication for a continuous improvement of services, stakeholder’s relationships and partnership which stresses interdependence and
collaboration for a sustainable success of clients and their communities in helping build a just, peaceful, stable and progressive Filipino
These core values are not descriptions of the work we do, nor the strategies we employ to accomplish our University vision. They are
the core values that underlie our works and interactions as we internalize responsibilities to fulfil our mission. They are the basic elements of
how we go about our work and how we deal with stakeholders, molds students to become competent, innovative, globally competitive and
These are the specific goals in the four-fold functions of the University:
KRA 2. Research
Produce research for the advancement of knowledge, new technology and innovative approaches for competitive endeavors.
KRA 3. Extension
Empower the rural poor to improve their lives through transfer of technologies and knowledge.
KRA 4. Production
Sustain University operations through viable and profitable income generating projects.
The College of Teacher Education will produce competent teachers imbued with ethical values and ideals in a humane environment
supportive to national thrust for social transformation.
It is committed to provide students with;
1. Quality training in their respective field of specialization.
2. Knowledge, skills and values system responsive to the needs of the communities.
3. Quality education through relevant pedagogy, research, and use of information and Communication Technology for teaching and life-
long learning.
4. Productive activities relevant to their field of specialization.
5. Ethical values to maintain the moral of our society.
A. Demonstrate the competencies required of the Philippine TVET Trainers-Assesors Qualifications Framework.
The course deals with interactions between science and technology and social, cultural, political, and economic contexts that shape and are shaped by
them. (CMO No. 20, series of 2013). This interdisciplinary course engages students to confront the realities brought about by science and technology in
society. Such realities pervade the personal, the public, and the global aspects of our living and are integral to human development. Scientific knowledge
and technological development happen in the context of society with all its socio-political, cultural, economic, and philosophical underpinnings at play. This
course seeks to instill reflective knowledge in the students that they are able to live the good life and display ethical decision making in the face of scientific
and technological advancement.
Week 2-5 Discuss the broad ideas of I.GENERAL CONCEPTS classroom/ G- Assignment CLO1, CLO2
science, technology, and society, as well AND STS HISTORICAL drive online
as their relationships over time; DEVELOPMENTS platform ‘Oral Recitation
A. Introduction to Science,
List the innovations and Technology and Society learning modules Quiz
discoveries that have shaped history and
the way the world has altered over time.
Explain how science and The Myths of
technology have influenced and been Science Activity
influenced by social circumstances over Group Discussion
the course of three historical eras.
List historical innovations and
discoveries that have altered the
trajectory of human history; and
Talk about the technological and B. Science, Technology and Quiz CLO2,CLO3
classroom/ G-
scientific advancements in the Society: World History Assignment
drive online
learning modules
Graphic organizers
Power point presentation
Talk about how science and
C. Science, Technology and
technology are helping to strengthen the
Society: Philippine History
Philippine country;
Week 9-17 Discuss fundamental legal When Technology and Short Video: Stephen Reflective essay CLO2, CLO3
documents that guarantee human Humanity Cross Hawking: AI could spell
rights and safety in the face of the end of Human Race Assignment
scientific and technological
advancements; and Quiz
Imagine a visual representation of the Why does the Future not
benefits and drawbacks of technology for Need Us? Group
humanity. report
Identify various theories of human Human Flourishing classroom/ G- Reflection CLO2, CLO3
flourishing; drive online Insight Paper
Learn more about the platform
Oral Recitation
development of science and
learning modules
technology in Discover Human Assignment
Conceptualize your own ideas Short Film Viewing Quiz
about the flourishing of humans. Short Film: Magician's
Twin (C.S. Lewis) Group report
Analyze the human condition to Short Film: Watermills
communicate philosophical (Akira Kurosawa)
implications that have deep
meaning for the students as
members of society.
Describe the importance of IV. SPECIFIC ISSUES IN classroom/ G- Oral Recitation CLO1,CLO3
biodiversity; SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, drive online
Discuss the consequences of AND SOCIETY platform Assignment
a.Biodiversity and Healthy
human abuse of genetic
Society learning modules Quiz
Group report
Examine the history of the printing b.The Information Age classroom/ G- Oral Recitation CLO1, CLO3
press and the World Wide Web; drive online
Determine how people have platform Assignment
contributed to science,
learning modules Quiz
technology, growth, and
development; Group report
debate on the truths
Ascertain how language,
about information
environment, and health relate to
Lecture and class
define the major potential and c. Nano World classroom/ G- Assignment CLO3
realized impacts of drive online
nanotechnology on society; platform Quiz
analyse nanotechnology through
learning modules Group report
the conceptual STS lenses; and
examine the costs and benefits to Oral recitation
society of nanotechnology
Remake me Game
Group report
Lecture and
Power point
Video viewing
Serafica, J., (2018). Science, Technology, and Society. Rex Book Store, Inc. (RBSI), 856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St., Sampaloc Manila. pp 20-24.
Rabago, L Ph. D. Science and Technology IV. Vival Publishing House. Quezon City. Retrieved on 2016
Bunch, Bryan and Hellemans, Alexander. The History of Science and Technology. New York. Houghton Mifflin Company. 2004
Philippine Daily Inquirer / 02:31 AM July 28, 2016. Retrieve on May 13, 2017 @ more:
Top 10 Most Critically Endangered Species Philippines. Retrieved on May 16, 2017
Executive Order No. 25 s. 2017. Signed on May 16, 2017. Retrieved on May 20, 2017 @
Mohan Malik, Ph.D. Technopolitics: How Technology Shapes Relations Among Nations. The Interface of Science , Technology & Security 21 Areas of Most concern, now
and ahead. Retrieve on May 20, 2017 @
WRITTEN OUT PUT / WRITTEN REPORT (assignment, essay, library/internet research, laboratory activity report and reflection)
Organization & No organization of Little organization of Some organization of Organizes ideas to Effectively organizes
Format ideas to build an ideas to build an ideas to build an build an argument ideas to build a logical,
(Paragraphs, argument argument argument coherent argument
Originality No adherence to the No experimentation Very little Suffificient Distinctive
(Expression of the theme Nor enhancement of experimentation to experimentation with experimentation with
theme in a concepts enhance concepts language and usage language and usage to
creative way) Does not exhibit to enhance concepts enhance concepts
creativity Applies basic creative Applies higher order
skills to relay ideas thinking and creative
skills to relay comp
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