Followercart Report
Followercart Report
Followercart Report
Project Advisor
Project Co-advisor
Project Customer
Auto Follower-Cart
In many situations, one finds himself in need to transport a group of objects from one point
to another inside closed environments. As an example, you might need to transport a water
tank from the entrance of the apartment to the kitchen, or from the elevator to your office
at work. However, having to carry, pull, or push heavy objects between two points inside
closed environments, consumes time, effort, and can affect long term health.
The customer wants are a robot capable of carrying at least 50kg, and follows the user or
can be controlled in such a way to eliminate the effort and health risks. Such a project aims
to enhance the overall long-term health of individuals, by eliminating their need to carry,
pull, or push heavy objects inside closed environments. Three alternative designs were
suggested, and the final design was to implement the robot on a base of electric
hoverboards. The robot locates the user using a camera that detects Aruco marker (a simple
marker that is similar in shape to QR-Code) that the user is carrying on his back (following
mode), or in his hands (pushing mode). The design also features a very simplified phone
app for positioning the robot in the suitable place for loading and unloading.
The algorithm used for following uses adaptive speed depending on the distance between
the robot and the user, increasing the speed when the robot gets far away. It also keeps safe
distance from the user to insure safety, and can detect obstacles and stop at the sight of any.
Using Aruco markers for detecting enabled for robust, smooth, and accurate detection,
with less than 1cm error in distance estimation. The hoverboard used also proved to be able
to provide consistent speeds under different loads. The use of Aruco also enabled the
project to run on small devices, like the Raspberry Pi. Also, the pushing mode presented by
the team presents a convenient way to control the robot, without having to exert any effort
in actual pushing. Also, 3D printed components are used for aesthetics.
This project is expected to have positive impacts on society, locally and globally. As it can
change the habits related to transporting heavy objects. It is also expected to introduce the
concept of robotics to the general consumers and make it easy to accept the integration of
robotics in everyday activities.
Index Terms — AutoCart, Robot, loads, objects, indoor environments, hoverboards, camera, Aruco marker,
pose estimation, 3D printing.
Our great thanks to Prof. Mohammed Bilal for his support and for generously
sharing his knowledge with us, and for providing us a lab to work at in the
Our thanks to Eng. AbdulRauf Norwali and Eng. Talha Fattani from the
mechanical engineering department at KAU for their help on the mechanical
modifications of the project.
........................................................................................................................................................................ III
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................................... V
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................................................. VI
TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................................................... VII
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................... IX
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................................... X
CHAPTER – 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 ABOUT THE PROJECT .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................ 1
CHAPTER – 2 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ............................................................................................. 2
2.1 SITUATION DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................... 2
2.2 DEFINING THE PROBLEM ........................................................................................................ 2
2.3 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................ 3
2.4 APPLICABLE ENGINEERING STANDARDS ......................................................................... 3
2.5 CONSTRAINTS ............................................................................................................................ 4
2.6 PRODUCT DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS (PDS) ...................................................................... 4
2.7 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 6
2.8 ANALYZING ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS ............................................................................. 8
2.8.1 1st Alternative .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.8.2 2nd Alternative ....................................................................................................................... 11
2.8.3 3rd Alternative ........................................................................................................................ 13
2.8.4 Alternatives Evaluation ......................................................................................................... 14
2.9 MATURING BASELINE DESIGN ............................................................................................ 15
CHAPTER – 3 PRODUCT BASELINE DESIGN .............................................................................. 16
3.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM ..................................................................................................................... 16
3.2 SYSTEM DESCRITPION .......................................................................................................... 17
3.2.1 Circuit component specifications ........................................................................................ 17
3.2.2 Flowcharts for software blocks ............................................................................................ 18
3.2.3 Mechanical specifications of the case ................................................................................ 19
3.2.4 Possible aesthetics ............................................................................................................... 20
3.2.5 Operating Instructions........................................................................................................... 22
CHAPTER – 4 IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................... 24
4.1 MECHANICAL MODIFICATIONS ........................................................................................... 24
4.2 COMMUNICATION AND HOVERBOARD CONTROL ........................................................ 26
4.2.1 First trial ...................................................................................................................................... 26
4.2.2 Second trial ................................................................................................................................. 27
4.3 CAMERA SETUP ....................................................................................................................... 29
4.3.1 First trail (Web cam) .................................................................................................................. 29
4.3.2 Second trail (Bi-cam) ................................................................................................................. 29
4.3.1 Third trail (OAK-D) ..................................................................................................................... 30
4.4 USER DETECTION USING ARUCO MARKER .................................................................... 30
4.4.1 First trial ...................................................................................................................................... 30
4.4.2 Second trial ................................................................................................................................. 32
4.4.3 Third trial ..................................................................................................................................... 32
4.5 FOLLOWING ALGORITHMS ................................................................................................... 33
4.5.1 First trial ...................................................................................................................................... 33
4.5.2 Second trial ................................................................................................................................. 34
4.5.3 Third trial ..................................................................................................................................... 37
4.6 THE TRANSITION TO SINGLE-BOARD COMPUTER........................................................ 37
4.6.1 First trial: Raspberry Pi 3 .......................................................................................................... 38
4.6.2 Second trial: solving undervoltage problem ........................................................................... 38
4.6.3 Third trial: transitioning to Raspberry Pi 4 .............................................................................. 38
4.7 USER INTERFACE ................................................................................................................... 39
4.7.1 First trial ...................................................................................................................................... 39
4.7.2 Second trial ................................................................................................................................. 39
4.8 3D PRINTING ............................................................................................................................. 40
4.9 FINAL PRODUCT ...................................................................................................................... 41
CHAPTER – 5 RESULTS, DISCUSSION, AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................ 44
5.1 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION................................................................................................. 44
5.1.1 Aruco detection accuracy results ............................................................................................ 44
5.1.2 Hoverboard speed results under different weights ............................................................... 47
5.1.3 Communication results ............................................................................................................. 48
5.1.4 Results of testing after final assembly.................................................................................... 50
5.2 EVALUATION OF SOLUTIONS .............................................................................................. 51
5.2.1 Technical Aspects ................................................................................................................. 51
5.2.2 Environmental Impacts ......................................................................................................... 52
5.2.3 Safety Aspects ....................................................................................................................... 52
5.2.4 Financial Aspects .................................................................................................................. 53
5.2.5 Social Impacts........................................................................................................................ 54
5.3 CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................................... 54
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................. 56
APPENDIX – A: VALIDATION PROCEDURES ...................................................................................... 59
EXPERIMENT 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 59
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 59
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 59
Variables ............................................................................................................................................... 59
Constants .............................................................................................................................................. 60
Assumptions ......................................................................................................................................... 60
Safety .................................................................................................................................................... 60
Experiment tools..................................................................................................................................... 60
Obtaining distance work plan ............................................................................................................. 61
Obtaining angle work plane................................................................................................................ 61
Collected data ...................................................................................................................................... 62
Data analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 64
Discussion and conclusion ................................................................................................................. 65
Considerations of Engineering Standards ....................................................................................... 66
Experiment References ...................................................................................................................... 67
EXPERIMENT 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 68
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 68
Tools ...................................................................................................................................................... 68
Setup and work plan ........................................................................................................................... 69
Data Collection ..................................................................................................................................... 69
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 71
EXPERIMENT 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 72
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 72
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 73
Experimental Setup ............................................................................................................................. 74
Tools ...................................................................................................................................................... 74
Work Plan ............................................................................................................................................. 75
Assumptions: ........................................................................................................................................ 75
Issues and experimental hazards: .................................................................................................... 76
Collected Data...................................................................................................................................... 76
Conclusion: ........................................................................................................................................... 78
EXPERIMENT 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 79
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 79
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 79
Tools ...................................................................................................................................................... 79
Setup and work plan ........................................................................................................................... 80
Assumptions: ........................................................................................................................................ 80
Issues and experimental hazards: .................................................................................................... 81
Collected Data...................................................................................................................................... 81
Conclusion: ........................................................................................................................................... 82
APPENDIX – B: SELF ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST .............................................................................. 83
Figure 1: Block Diagram - 1st Alternative ............................................................................ 9
Figure 2: Block Diagram – 2nd Alternative ........................................................................ 11
Figure 3: Block Diagram - 3rd Alternative .......................................................................... 13
Figure 4: Modified block diagram of baseline design ......................................................... 16
Figure 5: Simplified software flowchart .............................................................................. 19
Figure 6: The mechanical structure of the project as provided by the manufacturer[10] ...... 20
Figure 7: Mechanical structure (raw before modifications) ................................................ 21
Figure 8: From left to right: Raspberry Pi compartment, camera stand, and ESP
compartment ........................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 9: The battery in its compartment, hidden under the mechanical structure ............. 22
Figure 10: Comparing hoverboard width with mechanical structure width ........................ 24
Figure 11: An image after dissembling the two parts of the hoverboard showing the small
rod to be replaced. ................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 12: An image of the structure after attaching the hoverboard .................................. 26
Figure 13: Hoverboard mainboard[11] .................................................................................. 27
Figure 14: ESP-8266 Circuit................................................................................................ 28
Figure 15: ESP-8266 After soldering .................................................................................. 28
Figure 16: Webcam used at the start of the project ............................................................. 29
Figure 17: Stereo Camera and its output ............................................................................. 29
Figure 18: OAK-D Camera.................................................................................................. 30
Figure 19: Example from the calibration process ................................................................ 31
Figure 20: The axis of Aruco marker................................................................................... 32
Figure 21: Explaining the field of view of the camera ........................................................ 35
Figure 22: Explaining steering algorithm ............................................................................ 36
Figure 23: User Interface ..................................................................................................... 40
Figure 24: First camera stand – The final camera stand ...................................................... 41
Figure 25: The final project - general view ......................................................................... 42
Figure 26: Final project - Raspberry Pi ............................................................................... 43
Figure 27: One of the team members showing the suit ....................................................... 43
Figure 28: Plot of the error in distance estimation............................................................... 45
Figure 29: plot of "rotation angle" estimation error............................................................. 47
Figure 30: Average speeds under different loads ................................................................ 48
Figure 31: Data collection of communication testing .......................................................... 49
Figure 32: Testing the product, stopping delay chart .......................................................... 50
Figure 33: Axis of Aruco marker ......................................................................................... 60
Figure 34: A graph to explain the setup for experiment 1 (distance) .................................. 61
Figure 35: An example of the screen output (Experiment 1, angle) .................................... 62
Figure 36: Plot of the error amount in distance measurements ........................................... 65
Figure 37: Plot of the error amount in angle measurements ................................................ 66
Figure 38 weights used in 2nd experiment ........................................................................... 68
Figure 39 Second experiment, example of a load of 10 kg ................................................. 68
Figure 40: Experiment 2, Average speed at different weights ............................................ 70
Figure 41: Experiment 2, Error for different weights. x-axis weights, and y-axis speed ... 70
Figure 42: Third Experiment: Experiment Setup ................................................................ 74
Figure 43: Third Experiment, NetSpot Application and measuring wheel ......................... 75
Figure 44: Third Experiment, dBm readings chart .............................................................. 77
Figure 45: Third Experiment, dBm readings with signal strength levels ............................ 77
Figure 46: Fourth experiment, stopping delay chart ............................................................ 82
An issue that people might face in their everyday activities in indoor environments,
is the necessity to transport (carry, pull, or push) heavy (or many) objects between
two points. This, in time, might reflect negatively to their joints, and back. Such an
issue can be eliminated or heavily reduced by using the AutoCart. and for that we
consider the AutoCart a contribution to the long-term health of its users.
As a team we looked for medical research about the effects of lifting heavy objects
to the health and well-being of the human body. According to resources, frequent
necessity to lift heavy objects that weight more than 25 kg can cause lower back
pain, the study showed that those individuals who are exposed to lifting showed an
increase of 4.32% of incidence of lower back pain. Since one of our main
objectives of this project is to contribute the health and well-being of humans,
either workers or in a home environment, these findings further motivate our team
to put hard work and effort to ensure the effectiveness of the final product to these
For the current situation, the need arises to transport items, in office environments
in particular, and closed environments in general. Taking the university office
environment as an example, the current system consists of items that needs to be
transferred, and an individual responsible for transporting it between two points
inside the building. The items could be single, multiple, heavy, and/or light objects.
The responsible individual will have to exert force to transport these objects,
whether by carrying, pushing, or pulling. As the number of items and their weight
increases, it causes inconvenience for the responsible individual and makes it
hard to carry it all at once. As the weight increases, it will lead to long-term health
issues if repeated frequently.
Based on the situation described in the previous section, the initial problem
statement is as follows:
Transporting objects from the entrance of the faculty to offices takes a lot of
This statement arises few questions. First, does it take effort only from the
entrance to offices? Do all objects take effort to transfer? Taking these questions
into account, consider that, the revised problem statement:
Transporting heavy objects between distant points in the faculty takes a lot
of effort
This statement suggests that this problem is only inside the faculty building. How
about other indoors environments? Also, is it only heavy objects that are
troublesome? What is meant by effort, The final definition:
Repeatedly carrying, pushing, or pulling heavy objects between two points
inside closed environments, for long durations, consumes time, effort, and
affects long term health
The following objectives contribute to the transition from the present state "The
inconvenience of transporting objects inside closed environments" to the desired
state "efficiently transporting large number of items and/or heavy items inside
closed environments".
For higher-level objectives, the project aims for the following points:
For lower-level objectives, the project aims for the following points:
• To provide a robot that is capable of identifying the user and following him,
and capable of being controlled remotely as well.
• To provide a product capable of carrying heavy objects of at least 50
Engineering standards applicable for this project are written in this section, in
accordance with standards and regulations provided by Saudi Standards,
Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO). [2]
In this section, we address the constraints of the project being designed. The
design of the product must stay within these boundaries. These constraints are:
• Time constraint: the project must be delivered within the allowed period of
SDP starting Fall 2021.
• Cost constraint: Total spending on research and development of the
prototype must not exceed 6000 SAR.
• Environment constraint: The project is meant to be operated only inside
closed environments of a single floor or have elevators.
• Operation constraint: The user of the robot must stay within close range to
the robot (~1 to 2 meters) and within the line of sight of the robot.
the scope was defined. This product is to be a robot with a main function of being
capable of carrying and transporting objects inside closed environments and move
on its own semi-autonomously (with a help of an operator that it will follow). Before
addressing the specifications, we show some assumptions made by the team,
which are:
• While using the product (the robot), the user will be walking, or idle in his
place, but not running or jogging.
• Human average speed is assumed not to exceed 2.5m/s.
• The assistance of mechanical engineering department is acquirable for the
mechanical parts of the project.
• Parts needed in the project are available locally or can be delivered within
• The control interface will be simple enough for average users.
The following table summarizes the compulsory in-scope items (musts) and the
out-of-scope items (wants) of the product.
Table 1: Musts and wants
Musts Wants
The minimum weight support of the Weight support of the structure up to
structure is 50kg 100kg
Two modes of operation: following Loading and unloading mechanisms
mode and remote-controlled mode
Must keep up with the user's speed Various accessories to facilitate
(not to exceed 2.5m/s) carrying specific objects (i.e. gas
containers, luggage, water tanks …
Provide an indicator to know when to Battery lasts up to 8 hours per charge
charge the battery
Battery lasts for at least 2 hours of
operation per charge
Must keep a minimum safe distance of
at least 1 meter from the user when
following him
To further understand the solution and how it could be implemented, the team
searched for similar design problems. One of the results was a paper published by
the IEEE, 2016, titled "Vision-Based Human Tracking Control of a Wheeled
Inverted Pendulum Robot" discussed the design of vision-based adaptive control
for a wheeled inverted pendulum robot. For mechatronic design, the system uses
two differential driving wheels. The robot is powered with two 24V rechargeable
lithium batteries in series and consists of two 48V dc servomotors with gearbox
and two stamped steel wheels with 16-in tires. For the vision system, the tracking
was achieved by combining OptiTrack Flex 3 camera with Microsoft Kinect camera,
where the first is used for target capture and the second for distance detection.
The algorithm for target detection on RGB image extracts the target coordinates
from OptiTrack camera and transforms them into RGB image captured by the
Kinect sensor.[3]
The team also found a paper published on 2016, that focus entirely on human
tracking algorithm, titled "A Computationally Low-Cost Vision Based Tracking
Algorithm for Human Following Robot". In their work, the robotic platform is a two-
wheel differential drive system with feedback system, and additional rear free
moving wheel. Instead of detecting the human operator, their algorithm detects a
unique visual tag using a camera, that help identify the user. The reason for
detecting a visual tag instead of people is the difference in the computational cost.
According to the paper, detecting humans and differentiation between them and
the user is extremely costly and demanding on robots that have limited resources
and require real-time tracking. The tag consists of four different colors in equal
proportions and adjacent to each other. What makes the tag unique in its
surrounding is the fact that there is very low probability of same color combination
in the picture frame. In addition to the camera, ultrasonic modules are used to
measure distance. The image processing algorithm ran on Raspberry Pi2 model
B, and based on the experimentation results, the overall time of acquiring image,
and processing it with sensors data, was 312.7ms.[4]
Another paper published 2017, titled "A Person-following Robotic Cart Controlled
via a Smartphone Application: Design and Evaluation". As the title implies, their
designed robot can be controlled via phone and in follower mode as well. The cart
uses ultrasonic sensors to locate and follow the user. The design has the
constraints of operating indoors only, where the ground is flat and clean. It
provides 40kg weight support at walking speed, but it can carry up to 80kg which
reduces its speed. It is constructed from steel tubing with cargo area of 60by80 cm.
The cart has two coaster wheels in the front with two DC motors. The sensing
system is based on 6 ultrasonic sensors, pointing in different angles and mounted
in different locations, to be able to detect the presence of ground and detect the
user and keep constant distance from them. An Arduino Mega is used to control
the sensors and acquire data from it and control the motors. The paper show
testing results regarding motor drive and electrical components but no results
regarding user tracking system.[5]
Another project titled " Person Following Robot Using Selected Online Ada-
Boosting with Stereo Camera" which was published on 2017, introduces a robust
way to detect humans for follower robots. It addresses the problems of partial
covering of the target, collusion, pose-changes. Instead of using complex tracking
algorithms to improve robustness and sacrificing real-time operation, they
achieved this via updating the AI model in the real time to better suit the current
situation and environment. The updating happens by giving the model positive and
negatives example in Real time.[6]
At this stage, the team tried to find different alternative designs for the problem at
hand. Having multiple alternative designs helps the team not getting stuck at non-
optimal solution. A morphological chart is employed to generate design space.
This is shown in Table 2.
The morphological chart introduces the functions that the project should do, and
the means by which these functions can be achieved. The table shows 5 major
functions expected by the solution. The morphological chart produces a big
number of combinations. This number needs to be reduced, and thus different
combinations have to be eliminated. The team continued with the process of
narrowing the design space and three alternative designs were chosen as
Table 3: Three Alternative Designs
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Movement Wheels Wheels Wheels
User authorization Predefined Aruco QR code Face recognition
Detect user Camera detecting Camera detecting Face and body
position indoors and recognizing and recognizing detection
Aruco marker QR code
User interface Phone app Phone app Phone app
Processing and Single board Microcontrollers Single board
decision making computer computer
The three alternatives shown in Table 3 will be discussed in the next subsections.
Use Wheels for movement. A camera will detect an Aruco marker to follow the
user, and it will authenticate its user by detecting the ID of that Aruco marker. A
phone app is used for remote control. All the processing is done using single
board computer.
Table 4 shows the total estimated cost of developing this alternative roughly based
on components price.
• Aruco markers are robust and provide user orientation and pose estimation
• Single board computers enable to use higher level language libraries
• Phone app is simple to use for most users
This alternative is balanced between simplicity to the user and availability of parts
and easier maintenance. Justified using wheels which are easier and cheaper to
repair and more cost efficient, and the use of Aruco marker solves user's
orientation change.
2.8.2 2nd Alternative
Use wheels for movement. A camera will detect and recognizing QR code for user
following. The information encoded in the QR code are used for user
authentication. A phone app is used for remote controlling the robot. All the
processing is done using a microcontroller.
Table 5 shows the total estimated cost of developing this alternative roughly based
on components price.
• Even though microcontrollers are more suitable for end products, they are
still limited in power.
• Unlike Aruco markers, there are no quick solutions for pose estimation
using QR code. I will be harder to estimate distance and rotation through it.
2.8.3 3rd Alternative
Use wheels for movement. Use face recognition for authentication, and camera
that detects the body of the user to follow him. The user can use a mobile app for
remote control. The whole processing will be carried through a single board
Table 6 shows the total estimated cost of developing this alternative roughly based
on components price.
All the alternatives satisfy the in-scope items. So to choose one final alternative,
evaluation of these alternatives is carried out by checking the pros/cons for each
alternative, in addition to Pugh's method, where the criteria of evaluation in
addition to the budget is shown in the next table. The results of evaluation are
shown in the following table.
It is seen that alternative 2 for example has a trade off between robustness and a
little improvement in user authentication, and it has the disadvantage that it can’t
be used directly to extract information as distance and rotation. The third
alternative has a weakness in robustness as well as budget. Based on the table,
alternative 1 shows the best balance between all the mentioned points with focus
on robustness and accuracy of detection, and thus is chosen as the baseline
After the baseline design was selected, the team proceeds to analyze it and make
sure it is mature enough for the next phases. At this point, the team revised the
customer’s needs, and found out that the required robot doesn’t have to follow the
user’s back, but it can move in front of the user as well, like if the user is pushing it.
The team decided to add a new mode of operation called the pushing mode,
where the user holds the Aruco marker in the hand and instructs the robot’s
Another point was obstacles detection. The team decided not to use sensors as
they are not very reliable under different conditions. The use of the camera feed
itself is a better solution. This will require a certain type of stereo cameras, and it
will simply alert the user that an obstacle is in the way when in following mode.
The team took these notes into consideration and updated the design, as it will be
shown in the beginning of the next chapter. The final design is as following:
Design the robot to follow the user using wheels for movement, based on
detecting an Aruco marker that the user will carry on his back, or in his hands. The
program will respond only to a certain marker. The camera will detect obstacles in
the way and alert the user while in following mode. A phone app will be used for
remote control.
The following block diagram shows the final high-level block diagram for the
baseline design.
As it can be seen in the block diagram, the system consists of two major parts: on-
board and the user. The user part consists of only the user carrying the Aruco
marker, and his phone for remote control.
The on-board block, however, consists of a large system. The main controller is a
raspberry pi model B. It receives video input from a camera connected to it, and
control signals from a ESP8266-based microcontroller (connected wirelessly to the
user's phone). The Raspberry Pi acts based on the given input and sends
movement signals to the ESP controller which sends it back to the motor drivers to
move or stop.
This section describes different parts of the system. This description is going to be
used in the implementation of the project. The section is divided into subsections,
where each subsection looks at a different aspect of the design.
The following table shows the specifications of the main electric circuit
components used in the circuit.
Table 8: Main electric components specifications
Raspberry We will be using The Raspberry Pi 4 which has the following
PI 4-RAM specifications:
4GB[8] • Broadcom BCM2711, Quad core Cortex-A72 (ARM v8) 64-bit
SoC @ 1.5GHz
• 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz IEEE 802.11ac wireless, Bluetooth 5.0,
BLE Gigabit Ethernet
• 2 USB 3.0 ports; 2 USB 2.0 ports.
• Raspberry Pi standard 40 pin GPIO header
NodeMCU We will be using the NodeMCU for wireless connection between the
8266[9] remote controller and Raspberry Pi 4, it will have the following
• the microcontroller: ESP-8266 32-bit
• Wi-Fi Version 802.11 b/g/n
• 11 I/O pins
OAK-D The OAK-D camera is an important part to identify the user and follow
Camera him and provide the stereo feed needed to make a disparity map.
RGB camera
• Resolution of 12 MP (4056 x 3040 pixels)
• Field of View: Horizontal FOV 68.8 degrees, Diagonal FOV 81
• 60 fps
Stereo camera
• Synchronized shutter
• Resolution 1280 x 800
• Field of View: Horizontal FOV 68.8 degrees, Diagonal FOV 81
• 120 fps
Battery The battery is an important used to power the hoverboard and move
the AutoCart, it has the following specifications:
• Capacity: 4.4 AH
• output current (A): 15-20
• power (watt-hour): 158.4,
• rated input voltage: 100-240V ~, 50 / 60 hz
• charging time 1.5-2 hours.
In the AutoCart, the Raspberry Pi is the mind or the main controller of all actions.
The software being run on the Raspberry Pi is shown in simplified version in the
following flowchart.
Figure 5: Simplified software flowchart
The main physical components we will use in our project are a cart made of wood
and aluminum and a Hoverboard. The width of the hoverboard (wheel to wheel) is
45 cm. The cart used as a mechanical structure for the robot is made of aluminum
and wood. It has the width of 85cm, length of 55cm, and height of 88cm. The
structure has multiple levels to put stuff on, giving it more space for the user to
transit his things. The next figure shows the dimensions and 2D drawing of the
Figure 6: The mechanical structure of the project as provided by the manufacturer[10]
An important part of making a product is creating something that will attract buyers
only by looking at. Since the AutoCart is supposed to be used in closed
environments which may include houses, or office buildings, we made sure to
make it looking good for these environments. The selection of the mechanical
structure to was done to blend well with these environments.
Figure 7: Mechanical structure (raw before modifications)
Another part of this task was to use 3D printing to make compartments for any
attachments needed in the project. For example, the team printed a camera stand,
a battery compartment, and a compartment for both the ESP board and the
Raspberry Pi board, and made sure to make the big components to be hidden. All
of these parts are shown in the following images:
Figure 8: From left to right: Raspberry Pi compartment, camera stand, and ESP compartment
Figure 9: The battery in its compartment, hidden under the mechanical structure
The team decided to use an electric hoverboard as a base of movement for the
project. However, it was to be attached to the mechanical structure in a reliable
way. The team sought help from KAU engineers in the mechanical engineering
department. A challenge appeared as the width of the hoverboard was smaller
than the width of the mechanical structure of the project.
The mechanical engineers suggested to remove the supporting metal rod that
connects the two parts of the hoverboard and replace it with a longer 35mm
aluminum alloy rod. See the next image for part of the process.
Figure 11: An image after dissembling the two parts of the hoverboard showing the small rod to be
Another problem that faced the team, was how to attach the hoverboard to the
structure itself. The team wanted to do wielding. However, the mechanical
engineers suggested that the materials of the table and the hoverboard are
different, so wielding cannot be achieved because of the temperature difference.
The other solution was to drill the base of the hoverboard, and attach it with 8mm
screws and bolts. The following image shows the structure after the attachment
was successful.
Figure 12: An image of the structure after attaching the hoverboard
The team first had to modify the mainboard brain of the hoverboard, which is an
STM32 board, to accept our input. Using Some tutorials on the internet (See [11]),
the team was able to modify the hoverboard’s controller to be controlled with our
ESP board.
Figure 13: Hoverboard mainboard[11]
The team flashed a C++ code to the ESP chip with the help of the advisor, that
accepts TCP connection, and used a simple MATLAB code to test the ESP Wi-Fi
connection through a computer. The MATLAB code’s purpose was to only test the
connection and perform basic movements by manually passing speed and steer
signals. In our first attempt to run the system we ran into an error when connecting
to the ESP-8266 Wi-Fi channel, so we assumed there is a problem within the ESP
code, we extensively debugged the C++ code to solve the issue. However, we
found no issues within the code itself.
Finally, to integrate the ESP board with the hoverboard, there was a challenge as
the ESP works on only 3.3V while the hoverboard provides 5V. So there was a
need to make a simple step-down converter circuit with the hoverboard as
The team brought a stereo camera with CSI connections and worked on its setup
for a time. This cam had many issues one of which is its limited documentation.
At this phase of the project, we were using Jetson Nano single board computer
which was compatible with the camera. After facing many issues and challenges
we consulted our advisor and decided to try another camera and a different single
board computer.
Finally, the team started using the OAK-D camera. This product provides both a
stereo-cam and a normal cam located at its center. The stereo part allows us to
make a disparity map in our project to detect obstacles.
The first step in Aruco detection is to calibrate the camera. Calibration process is
done by printing a checkboard on an A4 paper, then taking multiple pictures of
different positions to it, and passing it to a calibration function provided in the
opencv library for python. The team did 30 images, and this returned two arrays
called camera matrix and distortion coefficients, which are used in the Aruco pose
estimation process discussed later.
Figure 19: Example from the calibration process
The next step is to detect an Aruco marker in screen. There are many “dictionaries”
for Aruco markers, so the team chose a dictionary called (DICT_6X6_250) which
contains 250 different markers to be detected. With a camera set-up in Python,
one has to pass the camera frames to an opencv-contrib-python function called
“detectMarkers”, which will search the frame for any Aruco markers of the
specified dictionary, and return their screen position and their id.
The next step, which is the most important step, is to apply pose estimation, which
means to estimate the exact position and orientation of the marker in real world,
from the video stream. The opencv library returns two vectors as a result of pose
1- Translation vector: this one contains 3 values that represent the distances of the
marker from the camera, in the 3 axis. It is as following:
a- The x axis shows the distance of the marker to the left and right of the
b- The y-axis shows the distance up and down of the camera level.
c- The z-axis shows how close and far the marker is from the camera.
Figure 20: The axis of Aruco marker
2- Rotation vector: this also has 3 axis, but the raw data can’t be used directly and
require more processing to be converted to Euler angles. The result is the rotation
angles of the Aruco marker around the 3 axis.
The team followed the available tutorials from the documentation(see [12]), but the
results would always show +30cm difference, which is unacceptable for our
The team tried multiple fixes to solve the pose estimation issue. One of the
challenges is that the documentation is written in C++, but the same functions
apply to Python. The documentation also didn’t had all the information provided in
one place which lead the team to look for multiple resources with no clue. One of
the attempts was recalibration, which had a small impact on the results. Another
attempt was to rewrite the code separately and use it on another camera, which at
that time, was an OAK-D camera. This solved the issue at the time, but when
reattached the code to the main file, the problem showed up again.
At this stage, it was clear that the problem isn’t in calibration or the camera, but in
the code itself. After precise debugging, the team found out that we were
“resizing” the camera frame to be able to show it on screen. However, resizing it
means that the computer will see different dimensions and the measurements of
position will get resized accordingly. The team moved the frame resize to be after
applying pose estimation, and the results became accurate with less than 1cm
4.5.2 Second trial
Starting with the speed of movement, the team needed a better way to assign
speed to the robot, in an adaptive way:
1- Set a maximum distance that the robot will not follow the user if the user
goes beyond it.
2- Set the minimum distance required by the robot to start moving forward. In
our case, this is 100cm
3- Set the maximum distance at which the robot stops moving, and the
maximum speed the robot should ever reach.
4- Divide the current user’s distance by the maximum distance. This gives a
fraction that grows whenever the user goes far
𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
max 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
5- The current speed can be obtained by multiply the fraction by the maximum
possible speed.
𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 = 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 × max 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑
This way, the robot will get faster only if the user starts moving faster. The team
tested the algorithm and it ran smoothly, reducing the effects of the previous
For the steering part, to determine if the user is turning left or right, the team
designed a different algorithm, depending on whether the “position” of the aruco
marker is at the left, center, or right of the screen. However, this shows a problem:
when do we consider the user to be at the “right” of the screen, and when do we
consider him near the center? Using the raw x-axis distance is not feasible. Look
at the following graph for an explanation:
Figure 21: Explaining the field of view of the camera
Notice in the previous figure that the blue lines show the field of view of the
camera. If the user is standing at case 1 (the edge of the red line) notice that he is
very close to the edge of field of view of the camera, and so the robot has to take a
sharp turn to keep him in the frame. However, if the user is at case 2 (the edge of
the green line) the user is still considered near the center and the robot needs a
slight steering only. The important note here is, both case 1 and case 2 have the
same distance to the left! So, if we use the raw distance, how can we detect if we
need a little or sharp turn?
The algorithm the team used depends on converting the x-axis distance into a
fraction or a percentage, is as following:
1- Obtain the field of view of the camera (69 degrees for Aruco).
2- We derive the Pythagoras formula:
However, this algorithm for steering is good in the following mode only. In the
pushing mode, this is not very reliable, as the user needs to move his whole hand
to the left and right when he needs to take a turn. The team needed another
algorithm for that purpose.
For pushing mode, we use the same algorithm for determining the speed, with the
difference that the speed increases if the user gets closer, since he is imitating a
“push” behavior. However, for the steering, we decided to use the Aruco as a
steering wheel. This means that the user can turn the marker in his hand like a
steering wheel (tilting it left and right), and the cart will turn left and right. This
makes the control easier in the pushing mode.
Through the development of the main code, we used laptops to write, test and
debug our code. That is to benefit from faster execution times and the many tools
provided to ease debugging codes such as modern IDEs, (i.e. Pycharm
community). After we fully developed and tested our code, we planned to move it
into a smaller single-board computer, which can easily fit within the compartment
on the robot and consumes much less power than a laptop.
Since we are using Python, which is an interpretive high-level programming
language that can run on any system if installed correctly, we assumed to have no
trouble to transition from a laptop to a single-board computer. Our program
required dependencies to run the depth camera from USB and required installing
OpenCV and DepthAi libraries on a Python virtual environment. So, in order to
transition successfully we had to properly setup our single-board computer to run
the code.
4.6.1 First trial: Raspberry Pi 3
The team initially used a Raspberry Pi 3 model-B of 1GB RAM, which we assumed
to be sufficient for our program. We installed Raspbian OS -Desktop on Raspberry
and created a Python Virtual environment. However, we ran into a problem when
installing OpenCV-contrib-python library, which is a crucial library to process Aruco
markers. The installing runs until the building phase, where it is processing for a
very long and ends up displaying a timeout error. We looked for solutions to this
A solution we tried was to download the official OpenCV files and manually
building them instead of using Python’s “pip install” command. however, the
building operation was RAM-dependent and took so much time even with
increased swap size, which also ended in a timeout error.
Another solution was to install a previous and lighter version of the OpenCV library.
we tried this solution by installing the version “OpenCV==”, this solution
took some time to install but it worked in the end. we successfully ran our code,
but the performance of frames processing was underwhelming. The code was
processing camera’s output very low frames per second without applying the
algorithms. Applying the Aruco detection algorithm made it even slower to the
extent of multiple seconds of delay!
The performance results of the first trial were very inconvenient, so we analyzed
the outputs and measured the performance of the system, we realized that
powering Raspberry Pi 3 with a power-bank was not delivering sufficient power,
which caused a much-reduced performance. So, we tested the raspberry Pi
dependently using an official powering adapter, however the problem persisted
even with proper powering. after taking advice from our advisor and checking
different alternatives we decided to replace the Raspberry Pi 3 of 1GB RAM with a
newer Raspberry Pi 4 – 4GB RAM.
At first, we setup the new Raspberry Pi 4 with the same Raspbian Desktop-OS.
We ran into a problem where the Raspberry could not detect any nearby Wi-fi
channels, which is a major flaw. The team looked into different solutions. one
solution proposed there might be an error during the installation of the operating
system. Since Raspberry Pi model 4 supports different operating systems, we tried
Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS. This time we had no issues detecting Wi-Fi channels.
we proceeded to create a Python virtual environment and install the needed
dependencies and Python libraries. The team ran the code, and it worked
flawlessly yielding around 26-30 frames per second, which is very sufficient for our
detecting and following algorithm.
One part of our project is developing a phone application for user interface and the
remote-control mode. Our approach was to design something minimal and does
not take as much effort since our main focus of the project is delivering a robot that
is controlled by algorithms that process the camera output. However, the goal of
the android app is to deliver maximum user satisfaction and convivence. the app
will feature two sliders, control and speed, which are used to control the movement
of the cart, it will also display power levels. We have chosen to develop our
application on Android OS because it allows customizability and a lot of support for
In our first attempt we have received a controller app in “Android package file” or
APK from our advisor to test with it, we successfully installed and ran the
application on an android emulator running on a Windows 10 OS computer host.
later on, when we brought an android device specific to the project, we ran into a
problem when installing APK file, the issue required a lot of effort, so we started to
develop our own simple app.
Since we did not have much expertise with android studio or android development,
we decided to use a simpler option to build the app as a simple structure. The
structure is based on Simulink Android package, which a customizable
development environment. We modified the limits of speed integers and added
few widgets, and feedback information that shows the battery voltage to the user,
satisfying one of the musts, and successfully built the program on our Android
mobile phone.
One part in finalizing the project was to prepare some compartments for some
components of the project. This was done using 3D printing. The first piece to print
was the ESP8266 board compartment. However, because of the lack of
experience, the team at first printed a missed dimensions in the housing. The
problem was later solved as in Figure 15. Another part the team failed at printing at
start was the camera stand. The first version was printed with PLA material, and it
was so easy to break that it didn’t hold the camera correctly.
Figure 24: First camera stand – The final camera stand
Later, the team used the modeling software to increase the thickness of weak
sections and reinforced some parts. The material also changed from PLA to ABS
material which is mechanically stronger than PLA.
After implementing the project and making sure all the components are working,
the project looks like the following:
1- The general structure
Figure 25: The final project - general view
Figure 26: Final project - Raspberry Pi
In our project, there are 3 main parts that we tested and validated: the hoverboard,
the Aruco detection and pose estimation, and the communication. The following
subsection discusses the results of our validation experiments, which can be found
in details, attached in appendix A.
To make sure of reliability of our system, we tried to validate the amount of error in
distance and rotation estimation. So, for the first part to validate the distance, a
measure tape was spread on the ground, where its tip is parallel with the tip of the
camera lens. Then, the Aruco marker was placed at different places on the tape,
and its distance from the camera according to the tape was collected, in addition
to the distance that the our software estimated, The results were put in tables, and
the error was calculated and graphed, as following:
70 70.7653 1.0932 0.7653
75 75.7175 0.9567 0.7175
80 80.7274 0.9092 0.7274
85 85.3647 0.4290 0.3647
90 89.5061 0.5488 0.4939
95 94.2296 0.8109 0.7704
100 101.0551 1.0551 1.0551
120 119.1417 0.7152 0.8583
140 141.2184 0.8703 1.2184
160 161.1778 0.7361 1.1778
180 180.5290 0.2939 0.5290
200 200.3752 0.1876 0.3752
230 232.9995 1.3041 2.9995
260 265.2293 2.0113 5.2293
290 296.3772 2.1990 6.3772
300 307.4715 2.4905 7.4715
By inspecting the distance error graph, we notice that error in cm is less than 1cm
for most of the data under 200cm. The little variations might be due to human
reading errors, and lightning conditions. The way this distance is being used is that
we will move forward at certain threshold, which is usually 100cm. Thus, 1cm error
is very acceptable and will not cause accidents, since the cart is already 100cm
away from the user, so 1 cm error at that distance is safe. We notice that the error
increases as the camera goes further away from the marker. However, this is not
expected to affect the working of the project, since the final product will not be that
far from the user, as specified previously.
The second part of the experiment is to calculate the error in rotation angle
estimation. For this purpose, the team modified the software a little bit to show
some alignment lines on the screen that can be used as angle indicators. Then,
the marker was placed on a flat surface and rotated, while aligning it with the lines,
and the angle was collected, from both the alignment lines (real value) and the
software estimation. The results were put in tables and plotted as following:
Figure 29: plot of "rotation angle" estimation error
We can see that the results are consistent for the most part, but there are some
variations at 225 degrees. This is usually due to the human reading errors and the
method we used in reading the values. However, all of the data show less than 0.3
degrees of error, which is very acceptable. However, it is wise to add a little
margin of error in our steering algorithm in the following mode.
In this subsection, we show the results we obtained when validating the ability of
the hoverboard to provide consistent speed under different weights. This is crucial
for the project, since we need the robot to be able to keep up with the speed of the
user. The team used exercising weights for this purpose. The robot was set to
move in a straight line, and its speed was set inside the code to 0.46m/s. Next, the
team started increasing the weight in each iteration and calculating its real-world
speed, to compare it with the code speed. 3 readings were taken for each weight,
and the average turned out as the following:
Figure 30: Average speeds under different loads
The results show some minor fluctuations in speed. Also, we can see that the
intended speed (0.46m/s) was never reached. This problem could be due to the
fact that the hoverboards are designed to have the weight centered on top of it.
However, in our case, the weight is scattered around wide area. The error does
not exceed 4.3% which is roughly 0.02m/s, that is, 2cm/s, which doesn’t have a
high impact on our solution. In addition, the algorithm was designed in such a way
that the speed increases whenever the distance is increased, which will make up
for the slight speed error.
Figure 31: Data collection of communication testing
The y-axis shows the signal strength while the x-axis shows the distance, we can
clearly see how the signal strength weakens with the increase of distance which is
per assumed in the Validation process (see appendix A). The difference between
narrow corridors and open space was not very significant, this provides more
confidence in our project. By inspecting the above figure, we see that safe range
for consistent signal is within the range 0-20 meters, which is a very acceptable
range for closed environments.
During this test we had to keep up the connection for a long time to perform the
test over various ranges and environments, the connection was stable during the
test, and we had no trouble with communicating with send and receive signals in
ranges from 0 to 25 meters. These results prove the integrity of the communication
system we implemented in our project.
5.1.4 Results of testing after final assembly
The goal of this experiment was to prove the ability of the project to follow the user
between two points, while carrying some weights. The experiment was done by
marking the floor with 3 markers, with 10m distance between each two. Then, the
operator stands at the first marker and positions the AutoCart behind him with 1m.
The operator then, with the Aruco marker on his back, starts moving to the next
floor marker, and records the time he reached his destination, and the time it took
the robot to follow him to the same destination. The difference between the two
timings (the delay between the user reaching the destination and the robot
reaching the destination following the user) was calculated, and data collected
several times, for both 10m and 20m. The results were discussed in appendix A,
and are shown in the following graph:
from the chart and data tables we can see that the maximum delay was 1.47
seconds and lowest delay was 0.98s, and the standard deviation of the stopping
delays is 0.148, meaning that the spread of the values of stopping delays has
been not very high. this goes well with our aim to deliver smooth movement with
not much of unpredictable and sudden changes in speed. This also proved the
capability of the finished product to transport object between two indoor points.
In this section, you should reflect upon the final product based on the results you
discussed earlier. Reflection should be from different technical and global aspects,
for example:
By looking at the results of the validation experiments, we can confirm that the
project can satisfy the customer needs. The project has been validated to support
more than 70kg of weight, and is able to transport it at consistent speeds, and will
keep up with the speed of the user when in following mode, while keeping a safe
distance from the user. The pushing mode is also available, in addition to the
remote-controlled mode. Also, the battery used for hoverboard is designed for this
kind of devices to work more than 2 hours per charge, which satisfies the
customer needs.
However, this doesn’t mean that the solution is perfect. The team was expecting
that the project will have difficulties to deal with corners and turns while in following
mode, and that’s why it was stated previously as a limitation of the design. The
robot requires the user to take slow turns, while keeping his back within the line of
sight of the camera, in order for the robot to be able to follow through corners and
turns. Sharp turns will result in immediate lose of sight for the camera. This is
partially acceptable since the robot is only semi-autonomous and not designed as
fully autonomous, so it requires the attention of the user. To solve this problem,
the team provided the pushing mode, which gives an easier method to steer the
robot left and right. A future work could use multiple Aruco markers on multiple
sides of the body to make making turns smoother and more convenient, and to
overcome this limitation. Also, it might be possible to port the project from a single
board computer to a microcontroller, but this will require porting the processing of
camera frames into the camera itself, which might need to use more sophisticated
5.2.2 Environmental Impacts
In our project, we are using a 36V Lithium-ion battery to power the hoverboard,
and 12V Lead-acid battery to power the Raspberry Pi. These batteries are
rechargeable and for that are expected to live with the users for time. However, as
soon as they become old and useless, these batteries will have bad effect on the
environment due to their toxic chemicals. The disposal of these batteries should
be carried by specialized professional companies.[13]
The Lithium-ion batteries produce chemical risk in case they were handled
incorrectly. This might include explosions, fire, or toxic smokes. To make the
project safe for the users, the team used a special encloser called “LIPO Guard”
for this kind of batteries. This will help prevent it from having explosions and will
make it harder to be mishandled.[15]
While most of the high current wires are inside the hoverboard plastic encloser,
there was still some holes in the body. The team made sure to close any possible
hole that can lead water and other liquids to any of the internal circuits. The team
also 3D printed some non-conductive components to be used to fix the battery and
other small electronics, to prevent any possible electric shocks for the user.
52 Mechanical Energy Risk
Since the project is designed to have a safe distance from the user, it is
considered safe accident-wise. It also uses disparity map to detect any sudden
obstacles in the way and stop the cart immediately until the obstacle is removed.
However, it should be noted that the loads put on the cart must be secured well by
the user, to avoid the risk of things falling down the edges when the robot stops
suddenly due to loss of sight or due to the user stopping.
The following table shows a detailed cost analysis for each component in the
In general, we foresee this product will be useful and adopted by the following
• Airport operators
• Hotels
• Warehouses operators
The effects of our product locally are the increases in productivity and the positive
impact on workers’ long-term health, saving healthcare expenses. Globally, most
of the first-world economies are facing or are going to face a labor shortage due to
demographic reasons. This product helps negate some of the productivity lost by
allowing a smaller crew of workers to do more by appropriating partial automation
of their tasks.[16]
We expect that our product will have to areas of impact on society. The two areas
are habits, and beliefs. Starting with habits, a common habit that would change is
the method of transporting items in indoor environments. Instead of carrying,
pushing, or pulling heavy items, this task will become easier, safer, and more
efficient to do. In the second area, the project will improve the view and
acceptance on semi-autonomous robots for the better. This will pave the way for
more sophisticated robots to be developed and adopted. However, this product
can have an adverse effect if users didn't use it for its intended purpose, resulting
in a reduction of the amount of exercise their bodies normally experience. In
conclusion, the AutoCart product will have a positive impact directly through
improving the long-term health of users and indirectly in changing their beliefs and
views on robots from being a novel product to a practical everyday product.
In this project, the customer needs were to provide a method of transporting heavy
objects indoors without the need to carry, push, or pull the things between the two
points. The team provided a robot capable of carrying more than 50kg at once.
The provided product can be controlled remotely, or can be used to follow the
user, and even to walk in front of the user while the user control it with the an
Aruco marker in the hand. To enable this product to move, the team used an
electric hoverboard as the movement base and control it via serial communication.
The product was tested on different aspects, and it shows good results. The
detection of the distance between the user and the robot had less than 1 cm error,
and the communication was tested to show the reliability of ESP chip used for
wireless communication. The hoverboard was also tested and proved it can
provide consistent speeds even if the loads varied or increased even at 70kg.
Finally, the product as a whole was tested and proved that it can follow the user
successfully, with some limitations in the follow mode, which can be effectively
overcome using the other two modes. The project proved its ability two transport
heavy objects between two points in closed environments reliably.
The team put a considerable effort in making the project look aesthetically
appealing for the end users. The mechanical structure was bought from a famous
manufacturer, and it is made of black aluminum and wood, to mix well in office
environments. The team also tried to make some 3D printed compartments to help
this goal. However, the product needs more work to reach the final market in its
final form. This includes improvements to the following algorithm to do better
following the user in corners and turns. More advanced improvements would be to
develop an algorithm that don’t depend on Aruco marker, to make it more
convenient for the users. On the aesthetics side, the project needs more
professional cable management for convenience and safety of the product and the
and 2D LiDAR Sensor,” Journal of the Korean Society of Embedded
Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 1, May. 2020.
[8] Raspberry Pi, “Raspberry Pi 4 Model B,” Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Datasheet,
June. 2019. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed: 22-May-2022].
[9] Espressif Systems, “ESP8266EX,” ESP8266EX Datasheet, October. 2020.
[Online]. Available:
esp8266ex_datasheet_en.pdf. [Accessed: 22-May-2022].
[10] “BROR Trolley,” Storage Shelves and Units, IKEA. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed: 22-May-2022]
[11] Emanuel Feru, “hoverboard-firmware-hack-FOC,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 22-
[12] “Detection of ArUco Markers,” OpenCV Documentation. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed: 22-May-2022].
[13] “Used Lithium-Ion Batteries,” United States Environmental Protection
Agency. [Online]. Available:
batteries [Accessed: 22-May-2022].
[14] A. Giles, “Is aluminium environmentally friendly?,” [Online]. Available:
friendly. [Accessed: 22-May-2022].
[15] “Preventing fire and/or explosion injury from small and wearable lithium
Battery Powered Devices,” Safety and Health Information Bulletin, OSHA,
20-Jun-2019 .[Online] .Available:
[Accessed: 22-May-2022].
[16] “Competence centre on foresight,” Demographic trends of workforce |
Knowledge for policy. [Online]. Available:
work/demographic-trends-of-workforce_en. [Accessed: 29-Nov-2021].
Figure 33: Axis of Aruco marker
• Lighting conditions.
• Position of the camera.
Since the experiment revolves around finding the reliability of Aruco distance and
angle measurements, it is important that this experiment is conducted without
connecting the code to the main project, because the main project is a moving
robot, and it can’t be used to control it until accuracy of measurements is validated.
Experiment tools
1. A computer.
2. A webcam.
3. A level tool.
4. A measure tape with a lock mechanism (at least 3-meters long).
5. A flat board.
6. Aruco marker with edge of 16 cm printed on A4 paper.
7. Duct tape
1. Set the camera on a long, flat surface. Use the level tool to make sure it is
actually flat.
2. Connect the camera to the computer and open the camera application to
make sure it is running.
3. Use the leveling tool to make sure the camera is not tilted in any direction
4. NOTE: This step is very important, as tilting the camera may give unrealistic
5. Now, spread the measure tape in front of the camera, in a straight line, for 3
meters, and lock it so it doesn’t fold back in.
6. Make sure the tip of the measure tape is parallel to the tip of camera lens.
7. Run the software on your computer.
8. Put the level tool on top of the measure tape, with its inner edge just after
50cm. Then, support the Aruco marker on the level tool to make sure it is
leveled. Move them such that the Aruco marker is exactly 50 cm away from
the camera. See the next graph for explanation of the setup.
1. Set the camera on a flat surface. Use the level tool to make sure it is
actually flat.
2. Put the camera such that it is facing a flat surface. This could be a board or
the wall.
3. Connect the camera to the computer and open the camera application to
make sure it is running.
4. Use the leveling tool to make sure the camera is not tilted in any direction
5. NOTE: This step is very important, as tilting the camera may give unrealistic
6. Run the provided software. You will see the camera frame with 4 blue lines
on it (like the following image). These will be used to align the Aruco with a
certain angle.
Collected data
Data analysis
The goal of the experiment is to measure how much error exists in the Aruco
distance and angle measurements. Since we have multiple readings for multiple
distances and angles, we will start by averaging each column in the data above,
then calculating the error with formula:
|𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 − 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒|
𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟(%) = × 100%
𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒
The result is shown in the below tables:
Table 16: First experiment, Error calculations for distance measurements
True Value (cm) Average measured distance (cm) error(%) error(cm)
30 30.2944 0.9815 0.2944
35 35.5225 1.4928 0.5225
40 40.5953 1.4882 0.5953
45 45.5639 1.2532 0.5639
50 50.6696 1.3392 0.6696
55 55.7511 1.3657 0.7511
60 60.8023 1.3372 0.8023
65 65.6659 1.0245 0.6659
70 70.7653 1.0932 0.7653
75 75.7175 0.9567 0.7175
80 80.7274 0.9092 0.7274
85 85.3647 0.4290 0.3647
90 89.5061 0.5488 0.4939
95 94.2296 0.8109 0.7704
100 101.0551 1.0551 1.0551
120 119.1417 0.7152 0.8583
140 141.2184 0.8703 1.2184
160 161.1778 0.7361 1.1778
180 180.5290 0.2939 0.5290
200 200.3752 0.1876 0.3752
230 232.9995 1.3041 2.9995
260 265.2293 2.0113 5.2293
290 296.3772 2.1990 6.3772
300 307.4715 2.4905 7.4715
Looking at Table 12, Table 13, and Table 14, we can notice that the error is lower
than 1cm for most of the data. This becomes more clear when we plot the amount
of error, like shown in the next graph:
Amount of error
Error (cm)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
True Value (cm)
From this graph, we notice that the error was less than 1cm at distances less than
100 cm. It also stayed less that 1.5cm for distances less than 200cm. However, it
started to rise rapidly to reach +7cm error for 300cm distance. This means that the
robot will see the user accurately and safely while he is closer than 2 meters.
On the other hand, the angle measurements appear to be more accurate
according to the next graph:
Error in angle detection
Error (degrees) 0.6
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
True value (degree)
Experiment References
[1] F. Souza, “3 ways to calibrate your camera using opencv and python,” Medium, 29-Mar-2021.
[Online]. Available:
using-opencv-and-python-395528a51615 [Accessed: 21-Apr-2022].
[2] Grab the code used in this experiment from the following link:
[3] Technical Regulation for Machinery Safety – Part 2: Mobile Machinery and Heavy-Duty
Equipment Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization(SASO)-
This is a validation report for the Auto Follower cart. The major part that is being
validated is the ability of the PID control system inside the Auto follower cart to
provide the same speed under different weight loads.
Setup and work plan
Prepare a clear straight path of length [X]m (in this experiment we used 8m) and
mark its start and end. Prepare the different weights then:
1. Place the cart at the start line.
2. Place weights on the cart starting with no load and then increase the weight
with each iteration up to 70 KG.
3. Give a move command using the speed specified above 0.46 m/s.
4. Measure the time taken to reach the end line (take three reading for the
same load).
5. Calculate and register the speed.
Data Collection
In our experiment, the weight load is varied, and the speed is measured. The
measurements were repeated three times for each load for accuracy. Further, we
will make statistical analyses of the collected data.
In this experiment, the speed command issued to the cart is to move at 0.46 m/s. It
is assumed that the PID control will be able to maintain this speed under different
weight loads.
Table 18: Experiment 2, data collection
Load (KG) Speed m/s
0 0.45
0 0.454
0 0.445
10 0.445
10 0.454
10 0.441
16 0.447
16 0.446
16 0.442
20 0.438
20 0.441
20 0.441
25 0.443
25 0.439
25 0.446
30 0.446
30 0.441
30 0.442
45 0.448
45 0.446
45 0.441
50 0.445
50 0.441
50 0.443
75 0.441
75 0.447
75 0.44
Figure 41: Experiment 2, Error for different weights. x-axis weights, and y-axis speed
Overall average speed under different loads is 0.444 m/s. the standard deviation is
calculated to be 0.00263. As stated at the start of this experiment we want the cart
to move at a speed of 0.46 m/s however, we can see that this speed was never
reached. My assumption for why this happened is the following we used a
refurbished electrical hoverboard that was designed to have a user stand on it but
in our implementation, the load is distributed over the table and not directly placed
on top of it.
In this experiment the independent variable is the weight and the dependent
variable is the speed. The results show a maximum error of 4.5%. in light of these
results, we will add a 4.5% to the issued speed command to cover the error
margin discovered in this experiment.
Our project, the Auto Follower Robot, is a robot that detects the user through a
marker and as long as he is in line of sight, the robot will follow him in a close
distance, it also features a remote-controlled mode, where the user can instead
use to control the robot via his phone, or his portable computer (i.e. laptop or
tablet), this feature is to solve the problem of following the user through a tight
corridor or sharp angles, or a crowded room/facility with many obstacles in the
Robot’s way. In order to use the remote-control feature of our project the user’s
device has to establish a Wi-Fi connection with the Microcontroller used within the
robot, which is ESP8266 – NodeMCU, which uses a Wi-Fi board based on IEEE
802.11b/g/n standard and capable of establishing 2.4 Ghz Wi-Fi connection.
This validation test will introduce measurement of the strength of this Wi-Fi signal,
which will vary based on the distance, and the structure of user’s environment. but
before displaying our data, let us first understand the measurement of Wi-fi signal.
Wi-fi Signals are a type of Electromagnetic wavelengths which are transmitted
through air as its medium. which are considered Radio frequency signals or RF.
These signals are transmitted within frequencies 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. To measure
the received Wi-Fi signal there are different units that can be considered.
Received signal strength indicator (RSSI), which used by manufacturers of Wi-Fi
modules, however, this unit may not deliver the desired accuracy, this is because
different modules use different values to measure their received signal. instead,
we will be using Decibels in relation to the power (mW) sensed by the receiver.
The following chart shows a general strength indication based on the dBm value:
Still capable of establishing a
-67 dBm ~ -69 dBm connection that is sufficient for video
Not strong signal, barely sufficient to
-70 dBm ~ -79 dBm maintain the connection, or send data
in discrete form.
Insufficient signal, cannot be count on
-80 dBm ~ -89 dBm to transmit any form data.
for our case, Wi-Fi signal is important to ensure that control signals between the user-who
may be positioned in various distances from the robot- are sufficient and accurate. failure
in delivering accurate control signals might result in collision, which exposes the users or
his property to physical damage. according to Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality
Organization, Supplier of mobile machinery is expected to eliminate or reduce potential
risks as much as possible [3].
To test and validate the values of signal strength in dBm relevant to distance,
ensure the same results in different closed-environments, and using different
devices. The units used for this experiment are:
- Signal strength measured in dBm
- Distance, measured in meter
Experimental Setup
1. ESP8266-NodeMCU
2. Distance measuring wheel
3. Laptop – Microsoft Surface Pro 7, using Wi-Fi 6: IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
4. Phone- Galaxy Note 9, using Wi-Fi 5 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
5. NetSpot Application, which is an application provided on different platforms.
NetSpot provides measurement of received signals in dBm as well as other
statistical data.
Figure 43: Third Experiment, NetSpot Application and measuring wheel
Work Plan
Issues and experimental hazards:
Since we are dealing with Wi-Fi signals, we are prone to signal interference, any
forms of signal that could interfere with Wi-fi such as Microwave waves leakage,
Thick physical obstacles, crowded signals of other Wi-fi or Bluetooth devices. in
order to ensure the having optimal readings, such hazards should be avoided.
Collected Data
we can no display both readings in a single scatter chart to view the difference
between the two tests. the tabulated results can be fit in the following chart:
Figure 44: Third Experiment, dBm readings chart
If we are to apply our interpretation of signal strength from Table 19, we can view
our readings in the following chart:
Figure 45: Third Experiment, dBm readings with signal strength levels
from Figure 44, we can clearly see how the dBm values changed in accordance
with the distance, the higher the distance, the weaker signal got. can also notice
the difference between the phone and laptop readings. different devices have
different networking modules, which results in a slight difference in signal strength.
when going above 25 meters, the signal became very insufficient, no matter what
device was used. this is a limitation based on Wi-fi technology, which we
considered in our project design.
Based on this observation, and in accordance with the Engineering standards by
The Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization, which states that the
supplier of any controlled mobile machinery has to include clear instructions and
detail the limitations of control system. our team will consider detailing all
instructions that preserve and ensure the safety of users, and their propriety from
any physical damage that can be caused by misusing the control system of our
artifact. that includes the limitations of distance between the control device and
robot as calculated in the above sections.
Experiment References
1. Differences in RSSI Readings Made by Different Wi-Fi Chipsets: A
Limitation of WLAN Localization, Thomas Gallagher, Binghao Li, Andrew G.
Dempster, and Chris Rizos -
2. Wi-Fi Signal Strength: What Is a Good Signal And How Do You Measure It,
Jan Pedro Tumusok and Jorunn D. Newth -
3. Technical Regulation for Machinery Safety – Part 2: Mobile Machinery and
Heavy-Duty Equipment Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality
After finalizing our project and porting to the Raspberry Pi 4, we conducted this
experiment to test one of major tasks that our robot delivers, which is following the
user and keeping up with the user speed. since we are using the hoverboard as
the movement mechanical system, we are provided with high torque and
responsive deacceleration, so in order to smooth out the movement to fit in closed
environments, we implemented an algorithm that controls the speeds continuously
which makes the robot moves smoothly with speeds proportional to the user’s
current speed. In this experiment our goal is test the efficiency of this algorithm.
In this experiment we will provide a practical test where we put weights of 20 kg on
the cart and move several times for a fixed amount of distance. We will conduct
the same test for distance of 10 meters and 20 meters. Each time the user will
walk for the specified distance and compare the time he reached destination and
the time the robot took to reach destination as well. Our main goal here is to test
the consistency of the delay between the stopping timing of the user and the cart.
The main objective is to test the capability of the robot to follow the user to his
destination. We will measure the difference between the stopping time of the user
and the cart after walking in normal speeds for a distance of 10 and 20 meters. the
average walking speed tuned for closed environment per our testing was around
0.8 meters per second. the units we used for the experiment are:
- Fixed distances in meters
- Users stop timing in seconds
- Cart stop timing in seconds
- Stopping delay ( User stop timing - Cart stop timing) in seconds
1. The AutoCart with the code running with following main parts:
a. Depth Ai camera.
b. nodeMCU ESP 8266.
c. Raspberry Pi.
d. Hoverboard and the mechanical structure.
2. Measuring tape.
3. Ground markers.
4. Stopwatch.
5. Aruco marker vest
to setup for this experiment, we marked the ground for the required distances
which are 10 and 20 meters. and setup the robot with following mode. The
workplan is as follows:
1- Setup Follower Robot in Following mode.
2- Stand on the ground marker, with the robot behind you, and make sure the
distance to the Robot is 1 meter.
3- Run the code, and start walking in average walking speeds (around 0.8
meters per second)
4- Record timing when user stops at the next ground marker (after 10 meters)
5- Record timing when the Follower Robot fully stops (it will stop 1 meter away
from the user)
6- calculate the difference between user stop timing and Robot stop timing
Our focus with algorithm that controls the speeding during following mode is to be
as smooth as possible, meaning that the speed will not fluctuate suddenly in a
manner that might spook the user or cause constant stopping and reaccelerating.
we also assume that our stop timings will be not affected by the load carried or by
acceleration/fraction delays that’s due to the excellent build of self-balancing
hoverboards which are designed to carry real people. We assume that the
stopping delays are consistent in value in every attempt and by varying the
distance moved, however due to variations of user’s speed distribution during the
walking, we assume a small fluctuation in stopping delay values.
Issues and experimental hazards:
Collected Data
The following tables show our collected data by conducting the experiment as
detailed in the workplan section.
In the following chart we plot the differences from the two tables together to
visually interpret the consistency of stopping delays.
from the chart and data tables we can see that the maximum delay was 1.47
seconds and lowest delay was 0.98s, and the standard deviation of the stopping
delays is 0.148, meaning that the spread of the values of stopping delays has
been not very high. this goes well with our expectations with the following
algorithm where our aim was to deliver smooth movement with not much of
unpredictable and sudden changes in speed .
In this experiment we also had the chance to use the finalized version of our
project, giving us a chance to test the integrity of the systems and how well it
performs in a practical situation. we can safely say that the results were