Light The Fire Within: How To Build Stronger Employee Engagement For Safety
Light The Fire Within: How To Build Stronger Employee Engagement For Safety
Light The Fire Within: How To Build Stronger Employee Engagement For Safety
Provide workers with the right data to make the right decisions 22
Final thoughts 29
More and more, businesses are shifting their Shared values, leadership commitment, Sean Baldry, CRSP
safety strategy toward a focus on safety effective communication, continuous learning, Product Marketing
culture – the truths, ideas and beliefs all just culture – these are just a few of the Manager, Safety & Health
members of an organization share toward elements deemed critical for safety culture
workplace risk, injuries and prevention.1 And success. Recognizing the effect that
while consensus has been growing for over discretionary effort can have on business
40 years that strong safety cultures beget outcomes, employers are placing renewed
sustainable safety performance, companies emphasis on employee engagement as a key
continue to search in earnest for the perfect ingredient to building world-class safety
safety culture “recipe”. cultures that reduce the risk of workplace harm.
% Engaged % Not Engaged % Actively Disengaged Source: Gallup 2017 State of the Global Workforce Report
Pick 1-2 solution ideas to implement and then review the effect of
these ideas at your next meeting. Showing that management
is listening to and applying their ideas is a great way to foster
employee engagement.
Instead of taking action workers wait to be told Your organization can further drive
what to do – even when they often have the engagement by providing workers with tools
most knowledge in the company to deal with that help them manage and complete their
the issues raised. Unfortunately, this approach assigned tasks and actions wherever they are.
paralyzes the safety program, since it funnels Virtually all mobile EHS apps offer users the
all issues to a single function which can ability to access and view assigned tasks, as
become quickly overwhelmed. As a result, risk well as update the status of these tasks in real-
exposure persists and doubt creeps into the time right from the field. Automated alerts
minds of employees about the organization’s ensure that individuals are aware of tasks the
commitment to safety – since nothing seems moment they’re assigned, and real-time
to get done. updates on mobile devices ensure that leaders
are always looking at the most accurate
What you can do: To build greater safety information, helping to drive better decisions
ownership within your workforce, start by on priorities and resource use.
establishing simple guidelines to clarify what
types of issues must be elevated through the
management team, and which issues can be
resolved by the employee. This simple shift –
empowering workers to apply their skills and
Involve front-line
employees in safety
Early in my career, I learned an invaluable
lesson about workforce engagement in
safety. At that time, I was working for a Pro Tip: Workers want to
Tier 1 automotive parts supplier building
be part of creating health
components for one of the Detroit “Big 3”
automakers. & safety solutions. Do
your part to include them
Recognizing a need to eliminate production in the conversation.
bottlenecks, the engineering team worked
one weekend to redesign one of the assembly
lines. They were pleased with the results, until
the front-line assembly team arrived at the
plant Monday morning.
Provide workers
with the right data
to make the right
One way that organizations can drive better analyses, work instructions, Safety Data
worker engagement, writes Adrienne Selko, is Sheets (SDS), inspection records, or even
by adopting technology that provides workers equipment operating manuals without having
with real-time data to make better decisions.7 to dig through dusty binders or track down
their supervisor, allowing them to make
Safer work comes, in part, from ensuring better decisions that lead to better safety and
that workers have reliable access to the business outcomes.
information they need to plan and carry out
their tasks. While organizations often create And mobile apps allow organizations to easily
procedures or work instructions for specific configure digital checklists and forms to
activities, these procedures often represent support field-based risk analysis and work
an idealized way to complete the task. Yet permitting. This flexibility means that risk
conditions faced by workers are rarely ideal. assessments and permits can be easily
Variability – brought about by time pressures, shared with supervisors, allowing for effective
scope changes, weather events, lack of review and work authorization, even when the
specific tools, etc. – often forces workers to supervisor is not physically on site.
adapt their original plan in order to get the
work done.
Create a
psychologically safe
In the early 2000s, construction was Investigations into the Deepwater Horizon
completed on two massive offshore oil disaster found that the platform lacked “a
platforms. One platform – Shell’s URSA culture that emphasizes and ensures safety”.9
installation, has since been recognized as one Investigators found that nearly half of workers
of the safest offshore platforms in the world. on the rig feared they’d be disciplined if they
The other – BP’s Deepwater Horizon, was admitted causing equipment damage or
rocked by an explosion in April 2010, claiming forgot to complete an inspection.10 Many
11 lives and causing one of the largest marine workers openly expressed reluctance to raise
oil spills in history. How did two platforms, issues since they didn’t want to negatively
constructed roughly at the same time and with impact the platform’s safety record.
workers from the same part of the world, have
such different stories? Shell URSA took a different approach. It
held a series of workshops with crews in an
Oil rigs are considered some of the most attempt to create a culture on the platform
dangerous workplaces on the planet. And where workers would not feel like they would
these environments have a historical culture be punished or humiliated for speaking up
bias for “roughnecks” – tough individuals with questions, concerns, or most importantly,
valued for their ability to get things done8. admitting when they made mistakes.11 The
But this emphasis on results has a downside. management team at Shell URSA understood
Rig workers, who fear showing any sign of that “if you can’t expose errors and learn from
weakness to their peers, are more likely to them [then] you can’t be safe or effective”.12
avoid asking for help or admitting mistakes.
And that reluctance to share can result in risks When workers feel they can be vulnerable
laying dormant, increasing the chance for with peers and managers – by admitting
harm later on. mistakes and talking openly about failures –
organizations create conditions for real safety
Measure employee
There's little point in trying to improve and checklists can be quickly created, and
employee engagement (and by extension assigned to individuals at any level of your
safety culture), if you’re unable to measure organization, which they can access in their
if the things you’re doing are contributing to preferred language on any mobile device.
the results you want. In our companion Questionnaires can include scoring to allow
piece, “Improving Safety Culture: Where to weighting of specific responses, while offering
Focus Your Attention for Maximum Impact”, the ability for employees to add commentary
we talked about how safety culture can be or attach documents or photos to support
divided into 3 interrelated aspects: a their opinions.
psychological aspect, a behavioral aspect
and a situational aspect. Best of all, once questionnaires are submitted,
results can be immediately aggregated,
The psychological aspect encompasses the analyzed and visualized on dashboards to
attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and values provide your employees with a real-time view
held across an organization, often termed of safety climate, while identifying the key
“safety climate”. One of the simplest ways areas of improvement. Perception survey
your organization can gauge the safety results can even be incorporated into other
climate of your workplace is by conducting a metrics like Cority’s Safety Culture Score to
safety perception survey. give your organization a point-in-time account
of employee perceptions and what you need
What you can do: One of the benefits to do to keep your safety maturity moving in
of leveraging a mobile-enabled EHS software the right direction.
application is the ease in which safety
perception surveys can be created,
distributed, collected and analyzed to guide
safety strategy. Digital questionnaires
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