Performance Management in India
Performance Management in India
Performance Management in India
18% Pharmaceutical
50 respondents Construction
4% 8% Oil and Gas
• What is the primary purpose of your organization’s current performance management system?
• How effective has your organization’s current performance management system been achieving its identified
Objective and purpose?
• What issues prevent your current performance management system from achieving its intended purpose(s)-
people-related and process-related impediments or systemic ones?
• In the recent past, have you made any major changes to your performance management system, or are you
planning to make any changes in the near future?
Approach to • What are the parameters which have changed or are changing in your performance management system?
An overview of performance management
system in India
Percentage of respondents
60% 57%
40% 38%
10% 7%
Support the Support Recognise Identify and Reinforce specific Help with the Promote creativity Recognise team
delivery of business development or individual manage weak and values and engagement and and initiative contribution
objectives career progression contribution strong performers behaviour motivation of the among employees
decision workforce
• Current systems are focused on shareholders and how employees
have delivered returns to them (usually in financial or numeric terms).
• Employees themselves are lesser stakeholders in the entire process,
as compared to when these systems were first implemented.
• Today, employees are key stakeholders of the business, and
organizations need to take cognisance of this to ensure that
performance management approaches are geared towards employee
development and welfare as well.
Industry lens:
• It was found that while objectives have a strong linkage to immediate outcomes (revenues and targets),
PM does not seem to be geared towards affecting potentially long-term outcomes which can be driven
by focusing on objectives such as ‘reinforcing specific values and behaviors’.
• Perceived effectiveness of PMS by industry (on a scale of 1-4):
Less than 1000 Between 1K- Between 10K- More than 50k
employees: 10K employees: 50K employees: employees:
3.43/4 3.07/4 2.99/4 3.13/4
2. Impediments
• With regards to the factors that impede the effectiveness of PMS, the
survey revealed that the structural elements of the system ( process-
related impediments, which are 30% on an average) do not seem to
create as many roadblocks as people-related elements ( managers
and employees, 49% each on an average)
• PM can be broken down into two clear elements: behavior and
• Current system tend to promote an objective-setting process that is
outcomes driven, rigorous, and relies on technical data to a great
degree, sometimes even at the cost of ignoring behavioral and others
subjective markers.
• Pwc found multiple evidence indicating the difficulty that organization
currently face in effectively conducting evaluation concurrently.
• To overcome the same, many organizations are today maintaining two
separate processes: one to evaluate individual on behavioral
elements and another one quantifiable metrics, and both are taken
into account while taking critical talent decision.
• Organizations that are implementing purely structural changes to
their PMS may be attempting to solve a people problem with process
Industry lens:
Degree of perceived impact of a particular factor (on a scale of 1-10, where 10 means the factor is an extreme
Degree of impact that the PMS has on decision regarding various kind of rewards
(on a scale of 1-4, where 4 is strongest possible impact)
Impact bonus Impact long-term incentives
3.56 2.38
Impact salary Impact career progression
3.33 3.27
Use of distribution
Mnaufacturing 37 50 13 0
Consumer 25 50 25 0
IT/ITeS 17 33 17 33
>1000 14 43 29 14
1000-10000 37 37 19 7
10000-50000 50 22 14 14
<50000 50 12 38 0
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Forced distribution Guided or encouraged distribution No use of distribution Approach varies by business or level
• What need to be contemplated, though, is whether pay is the only or even the most significant mode of
rewards or if other modes such as career growth and developmental interventions are equally, if not more,
• Organizations may consider increasing the linkage between performance and developmental interventions in
order to balance the current rewards-only focus and also create a long-term outlook.
Financial impact ensures there are consequences for certain behaviour/risk taking
Organization lens:
Percentage of respondents that are making or planning to make changes to their PMS: