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Used To

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SEMANA 14: 6. A / Ø / The people should wear sunscreen all

day, not just during a / Ø / the morning.
I. Choose the correct option a) a - the
b) the - the
1. I’m seeing a / Ø / the very bright star in a / c) Ø-a
the / Ø sky. d) a-a
e) Ø - the
a) a/Ø
b) Ø / the 7. Ø / the people of this place voted against Ø /
c) the / Ø the president.
d) a / the
e) Ø/Ø a) the - Ø
b) the - the
2. I drank a / Ø / the cup of coffee but Ø / an / c) Ø - the
the coffee was cold. d) Ø-Ø
e) No answer
a) the - an
b) a-a 8. I think that an / a / Ø / the 'Gloria' butter is very
c) Ø - the delicious.
d) Ø-a
e) a - the a) an
b) Ø
3. I admire Ø / the love of Romeo and Juliet. A c) a
/ Ø / THE love and a / Ø / the respect are d) the
important in a relationship. e) No answer

a) the - Ø - Ø 9. an / a / Ø / the chocolate has different

b) Ø - the - the presentations. I like all of them.
c) Ø-Ø-Ø
d) the - the - Ø a) an
e) the - Ø - the b) Ø
c) a
4. My dad is a / an / the doctor. He works in a d) the
/ Ø / the hospital. e) No answer

a) the - the 10. My friend’s sisters __________ short when

b) a-a they were in primary school.
c) an - the
d) a-Ø a) use to be
e) the - Ø b) didn’t used to is
c) used to are
5. I’m going to study at Ø / the National d) used to be
University of Trujillo. A / Ø / The university e) didn’t use to is
is very big.
11. Some years ago, the salary __________
a) Ø-a much lower.
b) Ø - the
c) the - the a) used not to be
d) the - Ø b) used to be
e) Ø-a c) use to be

Curso: Inglés Semana: 14

Tema: Used to


d) didn’t used to be 17. Choose the correct order:

e) No answer
the / families / past / to / closer / in / used / be
12. They __________ live in the countryside,
but now they do. a) The past families used to be in closer.
b) The families past in used to be closer.
a) didn't use to c) In the past families used to be closer.
b) don’t use to d) The families in past used to closer be.
c) used to e) None of them
d) use to
e) did used to not 18. Choose the correct order:

13. So many years ago, a / Ø / the people used fire / to / did / play / you / with / use / ?
to / didn’t use to write letters because they
didn't have computers. a) Did fire use to play with you?
b) You did use to play with fire?
a) the - used to c) Fire did use to play with you?
b) a - used to d) Did you use to play with fire?
c) the - didn’t use to e) None of them
d) Ø - didn’t use to
e) Ø - used to 19. Choose the correct order:

14. A: What __________ do for fun in your songs / to / like / what / you / did / use / ?
B: Well, as we __________ have computer, a) What songs did you use to like?
we used to play soccer in the street. b) What did you use to like songs?
c) What like did you use to songs?
a) you did use to / didn’t used to d) What songs you did used to like?
b) did you use to / use to e) None of them
c) did you use to / didn’t use to
d) you did used to / used to 20. Choose the correct sentences
e) did you used to / didn’t use to
I. Jorge didn’t use to work for any company
15. A: __________ get good grades in school? yesterday.
B: Yes, I did. I __________ study very hard. II. I’m not used to study hard.
III. People didn’t use to have electronic devices.
a) Did you used to / didn’t used to IV. My sister used to like opera, but now she does.
b) You used to / use to V. That auditorium used to be a cinema.
c) Did you use to / used to
d) Did you used to / used to a) I - II
e) No answer b) II - V
c) III - V
16. Choose the correct order: d) II - III - V
e) III - IV - V
used / people / more / be / to / punctual
21. Choose the wrong sentences
a) People more used to be punctual.
b) More punctual used to be people. I. We always used to are irresponsible.
c) Punctual used to be more people. II. Teddy used to be my neighbor, but now he lives
d) People more punctual used to be. in Canada.
e) People used to be more punctual. III. My parents didn’t use to argue 1 hour ago.

Curso: Inglés Semana: 14

Tema: Used to


IV. We didn’t use to see many tourists here. Did Yoshy use to read books?

a) I a) No, Joshy didn’t

b) I - II b) No, Joshy did not.
c) II - III c) Yes, he did.
d) I - III d) No, he didn’t.
e) III - IV e) No answer.

22. Choose the correct option 27. Choose the correct answer:

a) Did Mathew use to be afraid of spiders? When my grandfather was young, he used to be
b) What did you use to drunk in the summer? a pilot and he loved his job because it was
c) Where did they used to travel on vacation? amazing for him. He used to live in France.
d) Did your pets use to are naughty? Now he’s retired and lives in Spain.
e) We use to play with their father in the park.
Did the grandfather use to work in Spain?
23. Choose the correct sentence
a) Yes, he did.
a) We never use to go to the disco. b) Yes, he is.
b) My parents didn’t use to used the c) No, he did not.
computer. d) No, he didn’t.
c) Fernando didn’t used to wear glasses now. e) No answer.
d) Tamara used to did her homework with
her little sister. 28. Choose the correct answer:
e) That man used to smoke too much, so
now he suffers from cancer. Many years ago, Karen used to live in Italy,
that’s where she was born. Now she lives in
24. Choose the correct sentence Ireland. She used to have problems speaking
English but now she understands everything.
a) Gina used to made her bed when she
was a child. What did Karen use to have problems with?
b) I used to like long hair, but now I prefer
short hair. a) She used to have problems with Italy.
c) Kevin doesn’t use to be very talkative. b) She used to have problems where she lived.
d) They used to life with their parents. c) She used to have problems with English
e) None of them language.
d) She didn’t use to have any problem.
25. Which sentence has a past habit? e) The text doesn’t say that.

a) Mario used his creativity. 29. Choose the correct answer:

b) The cafeteria didn’t accept my credit card.
c) We didn’t use your computer! A: Hey, Damian! What hobbies did you use to
d) Clara used to spend much time alone. have?
e) Those children don't use alcohol. B: I always used to watch movies and surf in
the internet. Also, I used to listen to music,
26. Choose the correct answer: but I didn’t like rock music.

I’m Yoshy, and to be honest I don’t like reading Did Damian use to have more than one
books. But when I was younger, I used to hobby?
read a lot of them.
a) Yes, she did.

Curso: Inglés Semana: 14

Tema: Used to


b) Yes, he did.
c) No, he didn’t.
d) No, they didn’t.
e) No answer.

30. Choose the correct answer:

A: Sam, what kind of food didn’t you use to

B: Mmmm! I didn’t use to like vegetables,
but I loved tomatoes.
I didn't usually eat soup either.

Choose the correct statement

a) Sam used to eat tomatoes.

b) Sam didn’t use to like tomatoes.
c) Sam used to eat soup.
d) Sam used to love vegetables.
e) No answer.

Curso: Inglés Semana: 14

Tema: Used to

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