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An Sci 2

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Male Female Young Young Young Castrated “ “ at

Parent Parent male female male maturity

Cattle bull cow calf Bull calf heifer Steer Stag

Carabao Carabull Caracow Caracalf Carabull Caraheifer Carasteer Cara stag

Horse Stallion Mare Foal Colt Filly Gelding Stag

Swine Boar Sow Piglet Piglet Gilt Barrow Stag

Goat Buck Doe Kid Kid Kid Wether Stag

Sheep Ram Ewe Lamb Lamb Wether Stag

Exotic Animal Young Exotic Animal Young

Lion Cub Bird Fledgling
Sea lion Pup Swan Cygnet
Elephant Calf Quail Squab, Cheeper
Kangaroo Joey Wild folw Flapper
Whale Calf Eagle Eaglet
Shark Cub hawk Eyas
Fish Fry Owl Owlet
Frog Tadpole Eel Elver

Antidiurectic hormone- is a hormone produced by the brain that causes the kidney to release less water,
decreasing the amount of urine produced.

Average semen produced by male- 1.25 to 5.00 mL, or 1,500 per second, for production it can generate
up to 8 Billion sperm.

Nutrition value- balance ratio of the essential nutrients, carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals, and
vitamins in items of food or diet concerning the nutrient requirements of their consumer.

Androgens- sex hormone produced by testes.

Isthmus- part of the thyroid gland consist of two lobes connected to each other by a bridge of tissue.

Gonadotropin- immunological protection of foal during pregnancy formation accessory CL in mare.

Gestation of horses- 11-12 months

Group of lion- pride

Integumentary System

- Is the largest organ system of the body that forms a physical barrier between the external
environment and the internal environment that it serves to protect and maintain.

1. Skin
2. Hyperdermis
3. Associated glands
4. Hair, wool, fur
5. Nails, claws


1. Physical Protection- provide covering and protection

2. Immunity- skin is the body’s first line of defense
3. Wound healing- orchestrates the wound healing
4. Thermoregulation- skin conserves or releases heat
5. Vitamin D synthesis- from the sun
6. Sensation-sensory nerve

Skin- external covering of the body continuous with the exterior membranes of the respiratory,
urogenital, and digestive tracts.


Epidermis/cuticle- no blood vessels.

Dermis or corium- with blood vessels, nerves, hairs, follicles, muscle fibers and glands.

The sebaceous glands- secrete oily substances that lubricates hair and skin.


Hair- general surface covering of the animal body. In sheep it is called wool.

Feather- outgrowth of skin peculiar to the bird but similar in structure and origin to the scales of fish.

Hoof- Horny covering of the distal end of the digit.

Horns- Encloses the horn processes of the frontal bone.


1. Homeotherms or warm-blooded animals- whose body temperature is largely independent of

that of the environment.
2. Poikilotherm or cold-blooded animals- whose body temperature varies directly with that of the

Chemical regulation- altering the metabolic rate by adjusting the production of certain hormones such
as thyroxine and/or epinephrine.

Physical devices and activities- sweating with evaporation of water from the skin.


1. Conduction- involves direct contact of the animal with a part of its environment.
2. Convection- heat is transferred to or from the animal by the movement of heated air particles.
3. Radiation- involves the transfer of heat by means of electromagnetic waves at the speed of
186,000 miles per second.

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