Ch5 Hydrograph Analysis NKS
Ch5 Hydrograph Analysis NKS
Ch5 Hydrograph Analysis NKS
5.1 Hydrograph
Hydrograph is a graphical plot of discharge (Q) of a river at a given location over time. It is the output or
total response of a basin.
Components of hydrograph:
Fig. 5.1: Hydrograph
1. Rising limb: It is ascending portion of hydrograph. It is influenced by storm and basin
characteristics. The rising limb rises slowly in the early stage of flood but more rapidly towards the
end portion. This is because in the initial stage the losses are high. The flow begins to build up in the
channel as the storm duration increases. It gradually reaches the peak when maximum area
2. Peak or crest segment: It is the part which contains peak flow, which is of interest to
hydrologists. Peak of hydrograph occurs when all portions of basins contribute at the outlet
simultaneously at the maximum rate. Depending upon the rainfall and basin characteristics, the
peak may be sharp, flat or may have several well defined peaks.
3. Recession limb: Recession limb represents withdrawal of water from the storage built up in the
basin during the earlier phase of the hydrograph. It extends from the point of inflection at the end
of the crest to the beginning of natural groundwater flow (also called baseflow – refer next section).
The recession limb is affected by basin characteristics only and independent of the storm. A general
equation for recession curve: 𝑄𝑡 = 𝑄0 𝐾𝑟𝑡
Alternative form: 𝑄𝑡 = 𝑄0 𝑒 −𝑎𝑡
Where, Q0: initial discharge; Qt: discharge at a time interval of t days; Kr: recession constant, a = -
Some useful terms:
Time to peak: time lapse between starting of the rising limb to the peak
Time lag: time interval between centre of mass of rainfall hyetograph to the centre of mass of
runoff hydrograph.
Time of concentration: time taken by a drop of water to travel from the remotest part to the
Time base of hydrograph: time between starting of runoff hydrograph to the end of direct
runoff due to storm.
Pt. of inflection
Method 3
Method 1
Method 32
Construction of S-curve:
U(t) = S(t) – S(t-D)
S(t) = U(t)+ S(t-D)
Where, D = Duration of UH, S(t) = ordinate of S-curve at t, U(t) = ordinate of UH at t, S(t-D) = ordinate of
S-curve at t-D
In other words,
Ordinate of S-curve at t = ordinate of D-hr UH at t + S-curve addition at time t
For 𝑡 ≤ 𝐷, S(t-D) = 0.