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What Happens To The Brain As We Age

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The document discusses how the brain changes throughout life from development to old age, and some of the effects of normal brain aging versus conditions like Alzheimer's disease.

The brain undergoes significant development early in life and continues changing throughout adulthood. Areas involved in higher functions mature later. As people age, the brain gradually declines in mass and density, which can impact cognitive processing and memory.

Difficulty learning new information, multitasking, recalling names and numbers, and remembering appointments without cues are some common memory changes associated with normal brain aging.


What happens to the brain as we

Medically reviewed by Seunggu Han, M.D. — By Hannah Nichols — Updated on
September 9, 2020

Brain aging is inevitable to some extent, but it is not

uniform; it affects everyone, or every brain, differently.

The effects of aging on the brain can vary from person to person.

Slowing down brain aging or stopping it altogether would be the ultimate

elixir to achieve eternal youth. Is brain aging a slippery slope that we
need to accept? Or are there steps that we can take to reduce the rate of

At around 3 pounds in weight, the human brain is a staggering feat of

engineering, with around 100 billion neurons  interconnected via trillions
of synapses.

Throughout a lifetime, the brain changes more than any other part of the
body. From the moment the brain begins to develop in the third week of 
gestation to old age, its complex structures and functions are changing,
networks and pathways connecting and severing.
During the first few years of life, the brain forms more than 1 million new
neural connections every second. The size of the brain increases fourfold
in the preschool period, and by age 6, it reaches around 90%  of its adult

The frontal lobes are the area of the brain responsible for executive
functions, such as planning, working memory, and impulse control. These
are among the last areas of the brain to mature, and they may not
develop fully until around 35 years of age .

Normal brain aging

As people age, their bodily systems — including the brain — gradually
decline. “Slips of the mind” are associated with getting older. That said,
people often experience those same slight memory lapses in their 20s
but do not give it a second thought.

Older adults often become anxious about memory slips due to the link
between impaired memory and Alzheimer’s disease. However,
Alzheimer’s and other dementias are not a part of the normal aging

Common memory changes that are associated with normal aging include:

Difficulty learning something new: Committing new information to

memory can take longer.
Multitasking: Slowed processing can make planning parallel tasks
more difficult. 
Recalling names and numbers: Strategic memory, which helps with
remembering names and numbers, begins to decline at age 20.

Remembering appointments: Without cues to recall the information,

the brain may put appointments into “storage” and not access them
unless something jogs the person’s memory.

Although some studies show that one-third of older adults struggle with
declarative memory — that is, memories of facts or events that the brain
has stored and can retrieve — other studies indicate that one-fifth of 70-
year-olds perform cognitive tests just as well as people aged 20.

Scientists are currently piecing together sections of the giant puzzle of

brain research to determine how the brain subtly alters over time to cause
these changes.

General changes that researchers think occur during brain aging include:

Brain mass: Shrinkage in the frontal lobe and hippocampus, which

are areas involved in higher cognitive function and encoding new
memories, starts at around the age of 60 or 70 years.
Cortical density: This refers to the thinning of the outer-ridged
surface of the brain due to declining synaptic connections. Fewer
connections may contribute to slower cognitive processing.

White matter: White matter consists of myelinated nerve fibers that

are bundled into tracts and carry nerve signals between brain cells.
Researchers think that myelin shrinks with age, and, as a result,
processing is slower and cognitive function is reduced.
Neurotransmitter systems: Researchers suggest that the brain
generates fewer chemical messengers with age, and it is this
decrease in dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, and norepinephrine
activity that may play a role in declining cognition and memory and
increasing depression.

In understanding the neural basis of cognitive decline, researchers can

uncover which therapies or strategies may help slow or prevent brain

Learn about some techniques to improve memory here. 


Recent discoveries in brain aging

Several brain studies are ongoing to solve the brain aging conundrum,
and scientists are frequently making discoveries.

The sections below will outline some of these in more detail.

Stem cells

In 2017, researchers from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York

City, NY, revealed  in a mouse study that stem cells in the brain’s
hypothalamus likely control how fast aging occurs in the body.

“Our research shows that the number of hypothalamic neural stem cells
naturally declines over the life of the animal, and this decline accelerates
aging,” says Dr. Dongsheng Cai, a professor of molecular pharmacology.

“But,” he adds, “we also found that the effects of this loss are not
irreversible. By replenishing these stem cells or the molecules they
produce, it’s possible to slow and even reverse various aspects of aging
throughout the body.”

Injecting hypothalamic stem cells into the brains of normal old and
middle-aged mice, whose stem cells had been destroyed, slowed or
reversed measures of aging. The researchers say that this is a first step
toward slowing the aging process and potentially treated age-related

Why do stem cells matter? Find out here.


“SuperAgers” are a rare group of individuals over the age of 80 years

who have memories as sharp as those of healthy people decades

Research  by scientists at Northwestern University Feinberg School of

Medicine in Chicago, IL, compared SuperAgers with a control group of
same-age individuals.

They found that the brains of the SuperAgers shrink at a slower rate than
those of their age-matched 
A D V E R T I S E M E N T peers, which results in a greater resistance to

the typical memory loss that occurs age. This suggests that age-related
cognitive decline is not inevitable.
“We found that SuperAgers are resistant to the normal rate of decline that
we see in average [older adults], and they’re managing to strike a balance
between life span and health span, really living well and enjoying their
later years of life,” says Emily Rogalski, an associate professor.

By studying how SuperAgers are unique, the researchers hope to unearth

biological factors that might contribute to maintaining memory ability in
advanced age.

Therapies to help slow brain aging

Researchers have discovered several factors that speed up brain aging.

For example, obesity in midlife may accelerate brain aging by around 10

years, and both sugar and diet varieties of soda  are associated with
poorer brain health.

A growing body of evidence suggests that people who experience the

least declines in cognition and memory all share certain habits:

engaging in regular physical activity

pursuing intellectually stimulating activities

staying socially active

managing stress
eating a healthful diet

sleeping well


Recent research highlights a plethora of ways that people can actively

take charge of their health and perhaps decrease the rate at which their
brains age.

The following sections will look at some of these tips in more detail.


One intervention that crops up time and time again to stave off age-
related mental decline is physical exercise.

Performing a combination of aerobic and resistance exercise of moderate

intensity for at least 45 minutes each session on as many days of the
week as possible can significantly boost brain power in people aged 50
and over.

Likewise, other research by the University of Miami in Florida found that

individuals over the age of 50 who engaged in little to no exercise
experienced a decline in memory and thinking skills comparable to 10
years of aging in 5 years, compared with those who took part in moderate
or high intensity exercise.

Essentially, physical activity slowed brain aging by 10 years.

Dancing may also have an anti-aging effect on the brains of older adults.
A study by the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases in
Magdeburg found that although regular exercise can reverse the signs of
brain aging, the most profound effect was among people who danced.

How can exercise help prevent or manage depression? Find out here.

Playing an instrument

Researchers at Baycrest Health Sciences in Toronto, Canada, revealed

why playing a musical instrument may help older adults ward off age-
related cognitive decline and retain their listening skills.

Researchers found that learning to play a sound on a musical instrument

changes brain waves in such a way that improves an individual’s listening
and hearing skills. The alteration in brain activity indicates that the brain
rewires itself to compensate for disease or injuries that might prevent a
person’s ability to perform 
ADV E R T I S E M E N Ttasks.
“It has been hypothesized,” says Dr. Bernhard Ross, a senior scientist at
Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute, “that the act of playing music
requires many brain systems to work together, such as the hearing,
motor, and perception systems.”

“This study was the first time we saw direct changes in the brain after one
session, demonstrating that the action of creating music leads to a strong
change in brain activity,” he adds.

Eating a healthful diet

A key component of brain health is diet. In 2018, researchers linked

omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the blood with healthy brain aging.

Another study  has also determined that consuming foods included in

the Mediterranean or MIND diet is associated with a lower risk of memory
difficulties in older adults.

Research by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign discovered

that middle-aged people with higher levels of lutein — which is a nutrient
present in green leafy vegetables, such as kale and spinach, as well as
eggs and avocados — had similar neural responses to younger individuals
than those of people of the same age.

“As people get older, they experience typical decline. However, research
has shown that this process can start earlier than expected. You can even
start to see some differences in the 30s,” says first study author Anne
Walk, a postdoctoral scholar.

“We want to understand how diet impacts cognition throughout the life
span,” she adds. “If lutein can protect against decline, we should
encourage people to consume lutein-rich foods at a point in their lives
when it has maximum benefit.”

The number of adults in the United States over the age of 65 is set to
more than double in the next 40 years, rising from 40.2 million  in 2010
to 88.5 million by 2050.

Due to this aging population, it will become increasingly important to

understand the cognitive
A D V E R T I S E M E changes
NT that go hand in hand with aging.
Although many questions remain regarding the aging brain, research is
making progress in illuminating what happens to our cognitive functions
and memory throughout our lifetime.

It is also emphasizing the ways in which we can preserve our mental

abilities to improve our quality of life as we advance into older adulthood.

How can oily fish benefit the brain and other aspects of health? Find out

Last medically reviewed on September 9, 2020

Alzheimer's / Dementia Neurology / Neuroscience Seniors / Aging

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