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2004 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16 R901
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J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16 (2004) R901R960 PII: S0953-8984(04)77483-4
Functionalized carbon nanotubes and device
S Ciraci
, S Dag
, T Yildirim
, O G ulseren
and R T Senger
Department of Physics, Bilkent University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey
NIST Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA


ITAK-UEKAE, P.K. 74, 41470 Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey

E-mail: ciraci@fen.bilkent.edu.tr
Received 8 March 2004
Published 9 July 2004
Online at stacks.iop.org/JPhysCM/16/R901
Carbon nanotubes, in which the two-dimensional hexagonal lattice of graphene
is transformed into a quasi-one-dimensional lattice by conserving the local
bond arrangement, provide several structural parameters for engineering novel
physical properties suitable for ultimate miniaturization. Recent interest in
nanoscience and nanotechnology has driven a tremendous research activity in
carbon nanotubes, which has dealt with a variety of problems and produced
a number of new results. Most of the effort has gone into revealing various
physical properties of nanotubes and functionalizing them in different ways.
This paper covers a narrow region in this enormous research eld and reviews
only a limited number of recent studies which t within its scope. First,
we examine selected physical properties of bare carbon nanotubes, and then
study how the mechanical and electronic properties of different tubes can be
modied by radial strain, structural defects and adsorption of foreign atoms and
molecules. Magnetization of carbon nanotubes by foreign atom adsorption has
been of particular interest. Finally, we discuss specic device models as well
as fabricated devices which exploit various properties of carbon nanotubes.
(Some gures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)
1. Introduction 902
2. Atomic and electronic structure 904
2.1. Geometric structure and energetics of bare SWNTs 904
2.2. Energy band structure 906
3. Hydrogenation of carbon nanotubes 908
0953-8984/04/290901+60$30.00 2004 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK R901
R902 Topical Review
4. Oxygenation of carbon nanotubes 912
4.1. Physisorption of O
molecules 913
4.2. Chemisorption of oxygen atoms 916
5. Adsorption of individual atoms on SWNTs 917
5.1. Binding geometry and binding energies 919
5.2. Electronic structure 923
5.3. Transition element covered or lled SWNTs 926
6. Radial deformation of carbon nanotubes 927
6.1. Elasticity 928
6.2. Effect on the electronic structure 930
6.3. Effect on the chemical reactivity 932
6.4. Effect of pressure on nanoropes 934
7. Devices based on carbon nanotubes 936
7.1. Ab initio methods in transport calculations 936
7.2. Device models 942
8. Devices fabricated using carbon nanotubes 952
8.1. Transistors based on carbon nanotubes 952
8.2. Chemical sensors 955
9. Conclusions 955
Acknowledgments 956
References 956
1. Introduction
Research on carbon nanotubes is ever intensifying in diverse elds of science and engineering
in spite of the twelve years that have passed since its rst discovery by Iijima [1]. There are
several reasons that so much interest has been focused on these materials. First of all, carbon
nanotubes have been a natural curb for several research programmes, which were tuned to
but all of a sudden came to an end without any great technological applications having
been found. Secondly, researchers, who can touch and relocate individual atoms have been
challenged to discover the novel properties of these strange materials in order to transform
them into new devices or use them in other technological applications. As a result of the rapid
rise in the speed, as well as the rapid reduction in the size of electronic devices, newparadigms
will be needed to overcome the barriers set by the traditional technologies to produce ever
smaller and faster devices. Extensive research dealing with the modication of electronic
structure for desired device operations has indicated that carbon nanotubes can be considered
as a new frontier in the search for the ultimate miniaturization of electronic circuits with
ultrahigh density components and new functionalities. Several devices fabricated so far with
different functionalities appear to meet the great expectations for carbon nanotubes.
Carbon nanotubes are unique materials, which offer a variety of structural parameters for
engineering their physical and chemical properties [2, 3]. They can be synthesized as single-
wall (SWNT) or multiple-wall (MWNT) nanotubes; they can form ropes or even crystals.
Even an ultimate one-dimensional carbon chain at the centre of a MWNT (and stabilized by
the innermost nanotube) has been discovered in cathode deposits [4]. SWNTs are basically
rolled graphite sheets, which are characterized by two integers (n. m) dening the rolling (or
chiral vector) C = na
+ ma
, in terms of the two-dimensional (2D) hexagonal Bravais lattice
vectors of graphene, a
and a
. Then the radius of the tube is given in terms of (n. m) by the
relation R = a
+ m
+ nm)
2, where a
= [a
[ = [a
[. SWNTs exhibit different
electronic structures depending on n and m (i.e. on their chirality and radius).
Topical Review R903
The mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes are striking. They are exible and can
sustain large elastic deformations radially; at the same time they are very strong axially with
high yield strength [5, 6]. Their strength far exceeds that of any other bre. Even more
striking is the response of the electronic structure to the radial deformation leading to dramatic
changes. As has been predicted theoretically and conrmed experimentally, a semiconducting
zigzag tube becomes metallic with nite state density at the Fermi level as a result of radial
deformation transforming the circular cross section into an ellipse. At the same time the
chemical activity of the surface of the tube undergoes a change; the interaction of adatoms
with the SWNT occurs differently at high and low curvature sites. The metalsemiconductor
transition induced by elastic deformation has important implications.
Physical and chemical properties of a SWNT can also be modied by the adsorption
of foreign atoms or molecules. This process is usually named functionalization, and
carries great potential in tailoring new nanostructures for engineering them according to a
desired application. For example, depending on the pattern of hydrogen atom coverage,
while a metallic armchair SWNT can be transformed to a wide band gap semiconductor, a
semiconducting zigzag tube may become a metal with very high state density. A free SWNT,
which is normally nonmagnetic, becomes magnetic with unpaired spins upon the adsorption
of oxygen molecules or specic transition metal atoms. A recent study demonstrates that a
semiconducting zigzag tube becomes both a magnetic and a high conductance wire as a result of
Ti coating [7]. Aselectable functionalization of the (5, 5) SWNTresulting fromCH
(n = 13)
adsorption and decoration gives rise to a substantial change in the density of states [8].
Suitably doped carbon nanotubes can be functionalized by selectively forming chemical
bonds with ligands at the chemically active impurity site [9]. Apparently, functionalization
of carbon nanotubes, in particular biological and chemical functionalization, is an extensive
eld incorporating several recent studies in diverse elds. This reviewis conned rather to the
functionalized SWNTs which have their electronic and magnetic properties modied.
Clearly, carbon nanotubes offer many parameters to deal with and many options for
generating properties suitable for a desired functionality. One of the great challenges of
research on carbon nanotubes has been the realization of nanometre-sized optoelectronic
devices and nanomagnets. In an effort to discover newfeatures of technological interest, several
theoretical and experimental studies actively explored SWNTs, MWNTs, ropes and their
functionalized forms, which resulted in many papers. However, due to its focus compounded
with the space limitations, the scope of this review article has been kept necessarily limited.
The subject matter that we have left out is in no way less signicant than what we have included.
We followed a logical order that starts from fundamental aspects and ends with
technological applications. We rst established a background concerning the atomic and
electronic structure of various SWNTs. We then examined various methods which are used
to modify the properties of SWNTs to generate new nanostructures. Finally, we discussed
how these properties have been used to model devices. The organization of the article is as
follows. In section 2, we have presented a discussion of electronic structure obtained fromrst-
principles calculations together with a comparison made to empirical studies. Hydrogenation
and oxygenation of SWNTs have been dealt separately in sections 3 and 4, respectively, owing
to the several recent papers in this area, as well as due to the relevance to hydrogen storage.
Section 5 has been be devoted to the individual adsorption of 24 different atoms (ranging from
alkali and simple metal atoms to group IV atoms and most transition metal atoms), where their
binding structures and binding energies, and the effect of their adsorption on the electronic
structure, have been investigated. Since the ground state for most of the transition metal atoms
adsorbed on the surface of SWNTs is magnetic, and hence has net spin, this section is important
for the magnetic properties of functionalized nanotubes. In section 6, we have investigated the
R904 Topical Review
effects of radial deformation, and have examined how the electronic and chemical properties
are modied. Here, the atomic structure, elasticity and electronic structure and binding of
adatoms under radial deformation have been discussed. In section 7, we have reviewed recent
developments in transport theory and have presented some device models developed using
the features and physical properties discussed in previous sections. Section 8 reviews briey
the recent progress made in the fabrication of electronic devices based on carbon nanotubes
and has described a few such devices produced. The paper is concluded with outlooks and
prospective developments.
2. Atomic and electronic structure
The electronic band structure of SWNTs can be deduced by mapping the band structure of
graphene in a 2D hexagonal lattice onto a cylinder [3, 1014]. In this respect, the SWNT
presents an interesting example, in which dimensionality is reduced from two to one. The
analysis based on the band folding indicates that the (n. n) armchair nanotubes are always
metal with

conduction, and valence bands crossing at the Fermi level, and exhibit 1D
quantum conduction [14, 15]. The (n. 0) zigzag SWNTs are generally semiconductor and
are only metal if n is an integer multiple of 3. Although the overall electronic structure of
SWNTs has been described by this simple picture, recent studies [16, 18] have shown much
more complicated structural dependence. For example, the (9. 0) tube is, in fact, a small band
gap semiconductor. The semiconducting behaviour of SWNTs has been of particular interest,
since the electronic properties can be controlled by doping or implementing defects in nanotube
based optoelectronic devices [1926].
Band calculations of SWNTs were initially performed by using a one-band orbital
tight binding model [11]. Subsequently, experimental data [2730] on the band gaps were
extrapolated to conrm the inverse proportionality with the radius of the nanotube [13].
Later, rst-principles calculation [31] within the local density approximation (LDA) showed
that the

hybridization becomes signicant at small R (or at high curvature). Recent

analytical studies [3234] showed the importance of curvature effects in carbon nanotubes.
Nonetheless, band calculations performed by using different methods have been at variance
on the values of the band gap. Extensive theoretical analysis of the band structure of SWNTs
together with the curvature effects on geometric and electronic structure has been carried out
recently [18] by using rst-principles pseudopotential plane wave method [35] calculations
within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) [36].
2.1. Geometric structure and energetics of bare SWNTs
Because of cylindrical symmetry, the structural parameters of SWNTs deviate from those of
graphene. The inset to gure 1 shows a schematic side viewof a zigzag SWNT which indicates
two types of CC bonds (d
and d
) and CCC bond angles (O
and O
). The variations of
the normalized bond lengths (i.e. d
and d
where d
is the optimized CC bond length
in graphene) and the bond angles with tube radius R (or n) are shown in gures 1(a) and (b),
respectively. Both the bond lengths and the bond angles display a monotonic variation and
approach the graphene values as the radius increases. As pointed out earlier for the armchair
SWNTs [37], the curvature effects, however, become signicant at small radii. The zigzag
bond angle (
) decreases with decreasing radius. It is about 12

less than 120

for the (4. 0)

SWNT, while the length of the corresponding zigzag bonds (d
) increases with decreasing R
and the length of the parallel bond (d
) decreases to a lesser extent with decreasing R. The
angle involving this latter bond (
) is almost constant.
Topical Review R905
Figure 1. Inset: a schematic side view of a zigzag SWNT, indicating two types of CC bonds and
CCC bond angles. These are labelled as d
, d
. (a) Normalized bond lengths (d
and d
) versus the tube radius R (d
= 1.41 ). (b) The bond angles (
) versus R.
(c) The curvature energy, E
per carbon atom with respect to graphene as a function of the tube
radius. The solid curves are the t to the data as R
. (Reproduced from [18].)
An internal strain is implemented upon the formation of tubular structure fromthe graphene
sheet. The associated strain energy, which is specied as the curvature energy, E
, is
calculated as the difference of total energy per carbon atom between the bare SWNT and
the graphene (i.e. E
= E
) for 4 n 15. The calculated curvature
energies are shown in gure 1(c). As expected, E
is positive and increases with increasing
curvature. The cohesive energies of SWNTs are also curvature dependent, and are calculated
fromthe expression E
= E
[C] E
[SWNT] in terms of the total energy of the free carbon
atom, and the total energy of a SWNT per carbon atom. For a zigzag tube, it is small for small
n and increases with n, and eventually saturates to the cohesive energy of graphene. Similar
trends also exist for the armchair tubes. In classical theory of elasticity the curvature energy
is given by the following expression [3840]: E
= R
, where = Yt
O24. Here Y is
the Youngs modulus, t is the thickness of the tube, and O is the atomic volume. Interestingly,
curvature energies obtained from rst-principles calculations yield a perfect t to the relation
as seen in gure 1(c). In this t is found to be 2.14 eV
atom [18].
R906 Topical Review
Figure 2. A map of chiral vectors that determine the chirality of SWNTs. Each vector is specied
by the (n. m) indices. M, S and C denote metals, semiconductors and curvature induced small gap
semiconducting SWNTs, respectively. (Reproduced from [17].)
Table 1. Band gap, E
, as a function of radius R for (n. 0) zigzag nanotubes. M denotes the
metallic state. The rst-row values were obtained within the GGA in [18]. The second and third
rows from [31] give LDA results, while all the rest are tight binding (TB) results. The two rows
from [42] are for two different TB parametrizations.
n 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
R () 1.66 2.02 2.39 2.76 3.14 3.52 3.91 4.30 4.69 5.07 5.45 5.84
[18] M M M 0.243 0.643 0.093 0.764 0.939 0.078 0.625 0.736 0.028
[31] M 0.09 0.62 0.17
[31] 0.05 1.04 1.19 0.07
[11] 0.21 1.0 1.22 0.045 0.86 0.89 0.008 0.697 0.7 0.0
[42] 0.79 1.12 0.65 0.80
[42] 1.11 1.33 0.87 0.96
2.2. Energy band structure
According to the zone folding scheme a (n. m) SWNT has been predicted to be metallic when
n m = 3integer, since the doubly degenerate and

states, which overlap at the Kpoint

of the hexagonal Brillouin zone (BZ) of graphene, fold to the I point of the tube [11, 12].
Thus, to rst order all (n. n) armchair tubes are metallic, but (n. 0) zigzag tubes become
metallic when n is a multiple of 3. In gure 2, a map of the chiral vector specied by (n. m)
indices indicates whether a SWNT is a semiconductor or metal. This simple picture provides
a qualitative understanding, but fails to describe some important features, in particular for
small radius or metallic nanotubes. SWNTs specied by C in gure 2 form a subgroup of
semiconducting tubes, which have a small band gap induced by the curvature. This situation
is clearly shown in table 1, where the band gaps E
of (n. 0) SWNTs calculated by different
methods are compared.
First-principles GGA calculations [18] resulted in small, but nonzero energy band gaps
of 93, 78 and 28 meV for (9. 0), (12. 0) and (15. 0) SWNTs, respectively. These gaps
Topical Review R907
Figure 3. (a) Energies of the doubly degenerate states (VB), the doubly degenerate

(CB) and the singlet

state as a function of nanotube radius. Each data point corresponds to

n ranging from 4 to 15 consecutively. (b) The calculated band gaps of [18] are shown by lled
symbols. Solid (dashed) curves are the plots of equation (2) (equation (1)). The experimental data
taken from [16, 29, 30] are shown by open diamonds. (Reproduced from [18].)
are measured by scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS) experiments [16] as 80, 42 and
29 meV, in the same order. Recently, Kim et al [17] synthesized ultralong and high percentage
semiconducting SWNTs where further experimental evidence for the small band gap tubes
was provided. The biggest discrepancy noted in table 1 is between the tight binding and the
rst-principles values of the gaps for small radius tubes such as (7. 0). These results indicate
that curvature effects are important and the simple zone folding picture has to be improved.
Moreover, the analysis of the LDA bands of the (6. 0) SWNT calculated by Blase et al [31]
brought in another important effect of the curvature. The antibonding singlet


mix and repel each other in curved graphene. As a result, the purely

state of planar graphene

is lowered with increasing curvature. For zigzag SWNTs, the energy of this singlet

state is
shifted downward with increasing curvature.
In gure 3(a), the doubly degenerate states (which are the valence band edge at the I
point), the doubly degenerate

states (which become the conduction band edge at I for large

R) and the singlet

state (which is in the conduction band for large R) are shown. As seen,
the shift of the singlet

state is curvature dependent, and below a certain radius determines

the band gap. For tubes with radius greater than 3.3 (i.e. n > 8), the energy of the singlet

state at the I point of the BZ is above the doubly degenerate

states (i.e. the bottom of the

R908 Topical Review
conduction band), while it falls between the valence and conduction band edges for n = 7. 8,
and eventually dips even below the doubly degenerate valence band states for the zigzag
SWNT with radius less than 2.7 (i.e. n - 7). Therefore, all the zigzag tubes with radius less
than 2.7 are metallic. For n = 7. 8, the edge of the conduction band is set by the singlet

state, but not by the doubly degenerate

state. The band gap derived from the zone folding

scheme is reduced by the shift of this singlet

state as a result of curvature induced

mixing. This explains why the tight binding calculations predict band gaps around 1 eV for
n = 7. 8 tubes, while the self-consistent calculations predict much smaller values. Based on
orbital tight binding model, it was proposed [13] that E
behaves as
. (1)
which is independent of the helicity. Within the simple orbital tight binding model,
is taken
to be equal to the hopping matrix element V
. d
is the bond length in graphene. However,
as seen in gure 3(b), the band gap displays a rather oscillatory behaviour. The relation given
in equation (1) was obtained by a second-order Taylor expansion of one-electron eigenvalues
of the orbital tight binding model [13] around the K point of the BZ, and hence it fails to
represent the effect of the helicity. By extending the Taylor expansion to the next higher order,
Yorikawa and Muramatsu [41, 42] included another term in the empirical expression of the
band gap variation,
= V

1 + (1)

. (2)
which depends on the chiral angle, , as well as an index p. Here is a constant and the
index p is dened as the integer from k = n 2m = 3q + p. The factor (1)
comes from
the fact that the allowed k is nearest to either the K or K
point of the hexagonal Brillouin
zone. For zigzag nanotubes = 0, and hence the solid curves in gure 3(b) are ts to the
empirical expression E
= V
, obtained from equation (2) by using
the parameters V
= 2.53 eV and = 0.43. The agreement between the rst-principles
calculations [18] and the STS data [29, 30] is very good considering the fact that there might
be some uncertainties in identifying the nanotube in the experiment.
The situation displayed in gure 3 indicates that the variation of the band gap with the
radius is not simply 1R, but additional terms incorporating the chirality dependence are
required. Most importantly, the mixing of the singlet

state with the singlet

state due to
the curvature and its shift towards the valence band with increasing curvature are not included
in either the orbital tight binding model or the empirical relations expressed by equations (1)
and (2). This behaviour of the singlet

states is of particular importance for the applied

radial deformation that modies the curvature and in turn induces metallization [24, 43, 44]
as discussed in sections 6.2 and 7.2.
3. Hydrogenation of carbon nanotubes
Owing to their large effective surface area, carbon nanotubes can be suitable for hydrogen
storage. Several studies have explored this capacity of carbon nanotubes [4551], but the
results reported to date have been conicting. Diverse hydrogen storage densities ranging from
0.4 to 10 wt% have been reported. Theories based on physisorption have failed to predict high
hydrogen uptake [52]. Recently, hydrogen adsorption has been the subject of various studies
predicting interesting features [5355, 57, 58]. Tada et al [54] examined the dissociative
adsorption of a hydrogen molecule on various SWNTs. They found that the potential barrier
height for the dissociative adsorption of a hydrogen molecule onto an outer wall decreases as
Topical Review R909
the tube diameter decreases. Andriotis et al [58] calculated the I V characteristics of nite
(5. 5) and (10. 0) SWNTs by using the Landauer expression [59] within the tight binding
Green function method. They found extreme sensitivity to hydrogen adsorption. On the basis
of rst-principles calculations, Chan et al [60] proposed a mechanism for the dissociative
chemisorption of hydrogen molecules on SWNTs in the solid (rope) phase under external
pressure. They argued that the process is reversible upon the release of external pressure.
Extensive analysis of hydrogenchemisorptionon SWNTs has been carried out by Yildirim
et al [55] using the rst-principles pseudopotential plane wave method. They calculated the
average binding energy E
= (E
[SWNT] + 4nE
[H] E
[H + SWNT])4n, in terms of
the total energies of a fully relaxed bare SWNT, the single hydrogen atom H and a fully
exohydrogenated SWNT, respectively. They found that E
increases with decreasing radius
of the exohydrogenated SWNT, R
, monotonically. The binding energies can be very
well described by a one-parameter t, E
= E
+ C(n. m)R
. Here E
= 1.73 eV;
C(n. n) = 4.45 eV and C(n. 0) = 4.62 eV. Interestingly, a dodecahedron and C
higher average binding energies for adsorbed hydrogen atom. Also the binding energies
of zigzag tubes are always lower than those of armchair tubes with equal radius by about
30 meVatom.
Although the exohydrogenated SWNT (C
) is always energetically favourable with
respect to a bare SWNTand 4n Hatoms for all values of the radius, it is of interest to see whether
they are also stable against breaking a single CH bond (or desorption of a single H atom).
Yildirim et al [55] revealed that for R
> 6.25 the required energy becomes negative and
hence the system becomes unstable, in spite of the fact that there might be an energy barrier
preventing the desorption of H atoms. On the other hand, the adsorption of a single H atom to
a bare SWNT is always exothermic no matter what the value of R is. However, as discussed
extensively in section 6.3 the amount of energy gained by the adsorption of a single H atom
decreases as R increases.
Important effects of hydrogenation have been further examined for different isomers at
different hydrogen coverage [57]. At full coverage, these are full exohydrogenationand endo
exohydrogenationwhere each carbon atomis bonded to a hydrogen alternately frominside and
outside. For half-coverage, i.e. O = 0.5, denoted by C
, there are three isomers, namely
(i) a uniform pattern, where every other carbon atom is bonded to a hydrogen atom from
outside, (ii) a chain pattern, where every other carbon zigzag chain is saturated by hydrogen,
and (iii) a dimer pattern where every other carbon dimer rowperpendicular to the zigzag carbon
chains is saturated by hydrogen as described in gure 4(a).
It is found that geometric and electronic structures and binding energies of hydrogenated
SWNTs strongly depend on the pattern of hydrogenation (i.e. decoration). The most
remarkable effect is obtained when zigzag nanotubes are uniformly exohydrogenated at
O = 0.5. Upon hydrogenation the structure undergoes a massive reconstruction, whereby
the circular cross section of the (7. 0) SWNT changes to a rectangular one, and those of (8. 0),
(9. 0), (10. 0) and (12. 0) change to square ones as shown in gure 4(b). These new structures
are stabilized by the formation of newdiamond-like CCbonds with d
1.511.63 near
the corners of rectangular or square C
. Hence, triangular and pentagonal C rings are
formed instead of hexagonal ones. Depending on 2n mod 4, either one bond is formed just at
the corners or two bonds are formed at either side of the corners. Most interestingly, all these
structures are predicted to be metallic with a high density of states at the Fermi level [57]. The
uniform adsorption at O = 0.5 is metastable for zigzag nanotubes. Such a local minimum
does not exist for armchair nanotubes, since uniformly adsorbed H atoms are rearranged upon
relaxation by concerted exchange of CH bonds to form zigzag chains along the tube axis.
The cross sections of the chain isomer at O = 0.5 for armchair tubes are polygonal where
R910 Topical Review
uniform chain dimer
Figure 4. (a) A view of three different isomers of hydrogenated (n. 0) SWNT at half-coverage
(with formula unit C
). The left and up arrows indicate the tube axis for armchair and zigzag
nanotubes, respectively. Carbon atoms which are bonded to hydrogens are indicated by dark
colour. (b) A side and top view of a (12. 0)C
showing the square cross section of a uniformly
exohydrogenated nanotube at half-coverage. (Reproduced from [57].)
the corners are pinned by the zigzag H chains along the tube axis. For other isomers at half-
coverage as well as exohydrogenationsand endoexohydrogenationsat full coverage, the cross
sections remain quasi-circular (see gure 5).
The average binding energies are plotted as a function of R in gure 5, and tted
to a general expression, E
= E
(O) +
. A special case of this t was employed
above for exohydrogenated tubes using R
(i.e. expanded radius upon hydrogenation).
Note that the 1R form (i.e. p = 1) is quite common for SWNTs and scales various
properties [16, 18, 26, 27, 55, 61]. Here C
(O) is a constant that depends on coverage
O, and represents the curvature effect. The values of the exponent p and C
are determined
for different isomers [57]. We note that while E
increases with decreasing R in the case of
exohydrogenation, this trend is reversed for endoexohydrogenation due to increased HH
repulsion inside the tube at small R. Nevertheless, the endoexohydrogenation of SWNTs,
which transforms the sp
to sp
-like bonding, gives rise to the highest binding energy saturating
at 3.51 eV as R . At this limit, the exoendohydrogenated graphene (from above and
below) is buckled by 0.46 as if two diamond (111) planes had an interplanar distance of
0.50 .
The effect of exohydrogenation on the electronic structure is remarkable. The band gaps
of (n. 0) zigzag tubes have increased approximatelyby 2 eVupon full exohydrogenation. Even
more interesting is that the exohydrogenated metallic armchair tube becomes semiconducting
with a band gap larger than the zigzag one for comparable radius. As for the band gap
variation with R, E
(R) for exohydrogenated tubes at O = 1 displays a behaviour similar to
that of E
(R) for both types of SWNTs and hence decreases with increasing R (see gure 6).
Relatively larger band gaps (in the range of 3.54 eV) of endoexohydrogenated SWNTs
(O = 1) can be explained by the fact that the adsorption of H alternately inside and outside
Topical Review R911
Figure 5. Average binding energies, E
, of hydrogen atoms adsorbed on various zigzag and
armchair SWNTs versus bare tube radius R. Filled and open symbols are for zigzag and
armchair nanotubes, respectively. Circles and diamonds are for exohydrogenation and endo
exohydrogenation at full coverage, respectively. The lled squares show the zigzag nanotubes
uniformly exohydrogenated at half coverage. The chain and dimer patterns of adsorbed hydrogen
atoms at half coverage are shown by down and up triangles, respectively. Curves are analytical ts
explained in the text. Insets show top views of several C
isomers. (Reproduced from [57].)
leads to an atomic conguration closer to the diamond structure having a rather large band gap
= 5.4 eV).
The effect of hydrogenation on the electronic structure is even more interesting at O= 0.5.
Depending on the pattern of hydrogen adsorption, an isomer can be either a metal or insulator.
For example, all uniformC
are metallic. On the other hand, the chain pattern realized on
the (n. 0) SWNTs results in two doubly degenerate, almost dispersionless states at the valence
and conduction band edges. The band gap E
between these states decreases with increasing
R. When n is odd, E
is large (e.g. E
= 2.1 eV for (7. 0)). When n is even, the doubly
degenerate band at the conduction band edge moves towards the valence band edge and splits
into bonding and antibonding states. As a result E
is reduced signicantly, becoming only
a pseudogap for large and even n values. Finally, the dimer row isomers are insulators and
increases with increasing radius. Surprisingly, there are two dispersive bands with 1 eV
bandwidth at both band edges and the extremum moves from the centre of the Brillouin zone
(I point) to the zone edge (Z point).
Hydrogen adsorption induced dramatic changes of the electronic structure are
demonstrated by the total density of states (DOS), D(E), of (9. 0) nanotubes in gure 7. First
of all, the small band gap of the bare (9. 0) SWNT is opened by 2 eVupon exohydrogenation
at O = 1. The band gap is still signicant for O = 0.5, having the chain pattern, and increases
R912 Topical Review
Figure 6. The band gaps, E
, versus the bare nanotube radius R. Filled and empty symbols
indicate zigzag and armchair SWNTs, respectively. Squares show nonmonotonic variation of the
band gap of the bare zigzag nanotubes. Exohydrogenated and endoexohydrogenated nanotubes
(O = 1) and chain and row patterns of adsorbed hydrogen atoms at half-coverage are shown by
circles, diamonds, down and up triangles, respectively. Curves are guides to the eye. (Reproduced
from [57].)
to 4 eV for the dimer pattern. However, a similar chain pattern of C
in gure 7 has
a much smaller band gap. Surprisingly, all zigzag nanotubes uniformly exohydrogenated at
O = 0.5 are metals. As displayed in the sixth panel of gure 7 for C
(uniform), their
total densities of states are characterized by a peak yielding a high state density at E
. While
carbon states are pushed apart, yielding a 45 eV gap, a new dispersive metallic band with
12 eV bandwidth crosses the Fermi level. Apart from this being an ideal 1D conductor,
the very high density of states at E
might lead to superconductivity. Note that these uniform
undergo a massive reconstruction and their circular cross sections change into square
ones with the formation of new CC bonds at the corners. All C atoms without attached H
(except those at corners) as well as the H atoms at the centre of four planar sides contribute
to the high D(E
). In this way four individual conduction paths are formed on each side of a
square tube. It is emphasized that the transformation fromthe sp
to the sp
bonding underlies
the above effects. For C
, especially endoexohydrogenated SWNTs, C
, the
structures can be conceived as if they are more diamond-like than graphitic. This argument
is justied by the comparison of D(E) for the endoexohydrogenated (9. 0), i.e. C
with that of bulk diamond in gure 7. Apart from opening a large band gap, the quasi-metallic
D(E) of the bare (9. 0) is modied to become similar to that of bulk diamond. The latter has
a relatively larger valence bandwidth due to the coupling of distant neighbours.
4. Oxygenation of carbon nanotubes
Remarkable effects on the electrical resistance of a semiconducting single-wall carbon
nanotube (s-SWNT) upon exposure to gaseous molecules such as NO
and NH
, have been
reported [62]. Collins et al [63] found similar effects for oxygen. Exposure to air or oxygen
inuences electrical resistance and the thermoelectric power of a s-SWNT, which can be
converted to a good metal and hence its electronic properties can be reversibly modied by a
Topical Review R913
Figure 7. Comparison of the electronic density of states (DOS) of a bare (9. 0) nanotube (C
and its various hydrogenated isomers. The DOS of hydrogenated (8. 0) at O = 0.5 (i.e. C
in a chain pattern) and bulk diamond (bottom panel) are also shown for comparison. The zero of
energy is taken at the Fermi energy shown by a vertical dashed line. (Reproduced from [57].)
surprisingly small concentration of adsorbedoxygen. Experimental studies on carbonnanotube
eld emitters have shown that the adsorption of ambient gases, in particular O
, instantaneously
induces a signicant increase in the emission current [64]. In addition to functionalization,
oxygenation is involved in other applications. For example, carbon nanotubes synthesized
by using arc discharge are puried from other undesired, carbon based nanoparticles through
oxidation. At elevated temperatures, oxygen undergoes chemical reaction preferably with
the strained CC bonds and eliminates carbonaceous nanoparticles as well as the caps of
nanotubes [6567].
4.1. Physisorption of O
Observed effects on the electronic structure of SWNTs due to O
physisorption have been
subject to recent theoretical investigations based on rst-principles calculations [6877]. Spin
unpolarized band structure calculations based on the local density approximation (LDA)
predicted that the semiconducting (8. 0) tube becomes metallic, since the valence band
is hole doped by the Fermi level touching the top of the valence band as a result of O
physisorption [68]. The analysis based on the local spin density approximation (LSDA) has
indicated that the physisorbed O
favours the triplet state. While the spin up states are fully
occupied, the spin down states are nearly empty and hence give rise to a nite density of states
at the Fermi level [68].
R914 Topical Review
Figure 8. A schematic illustration of the physisorption sites of O
molecules on the (8. 0) SWNT.
The GGAoptimized distance from one O atom of the molecule to the nearest C atom of the SWNT
is denoted by d
. E
is the GGA chemical bonding energy for the spin polarized triplet state.
is the binding energy including the van der Waals interaction. (Reproduced from [75].)
The energetics of oxygen adsorption on the surface of graphite [78] and on an (8. 0) SWNT
were calculated for selected sites [69]. Adsorption and desorption of an oxygen molecule and
various precursor states at the edges of nite size armchair (5. 5) and zigzag (9. 0) SWNTs
were studied to provide an understanding of the oxidative etching process [70]. Similarly, the
mechanism of the oxidative etching of the caps and walls of the small radius (5. 5) armchair
SWNT was investigated [71]. The effects of oxygen adsorption on the eld emission from
carbon nanotubes were treated by using an ab initio approach [72]. The dynamics of the thermal
collision of the O atom with a (6. 0) SWNT was simulated by ab initio calculations [73].
A detailed analysis of the physisorption of oxygen molecules based on rst principles and
fully relaxed, spin polarized GGA calculations including the long range interactions and the
chemisorption of oxygen atom on the (8. 0) and (6. 6) SWNTs has been carried out by Dag
et al [75, 77] with the aim of revealing how the adsorptions of O
and O modify the electronic
properties. The zigzag (8. 0) and armchair (6. 6) tubes are taken as prototypes for the s-SWNT
and metallic m-SWNT, respectively. Similar trends are expected to occur in other tubes with
curvature effects being emphasized at small R [18]. The bonding of O
has been studied by
placing the molecule at different sites on the SWNT as shown in gure 8.
The binding energy involves short range chemical interaction and long range van der
Waals interaction, i.e. E
= E
+ E
. Dag et al [75] have calculated the contribution of the
short range interaction (i.e. chemical bonding energy) by using the expression
= E
[SWNT] + E
] E
+ SWNT]. (3)
in terms of the GGA spin polarized total energies of the fully optimized bare SWNT
[SWNT]), the molecule (E
]) and O
physisorbed on the SWNT (E
+ SWNT]).
By denition, E
> 0 in equation (3) corresponds to a stable and exothermic chemical bonding.
In some cases, E
- 0 is endothermic, but it corresponds to a local minimum on the Born
Oppenheimer surface, where the desorption of O
fromthe SWNTis prevented by a barrier. The
spin polarized calculations yield relatively lower (stronger) total energies, E
+ SWNT],
and hence set the triplet state as the ground state with a net magnetic moment of 2 j
= Bohr magneton) per unit cell. The corresponding values for E
are 5, 4, 27 and
37 meV, for A, H, Z and T sites (see gure 8).
In the case of the physisorption, the contributions of short range and long range interactions
are small and comparable. Therefore, in treating the binding energy of the physisorbed O
attractive vdW energy is calculated by using the asymptotic form of the Lifshitz formula [79
81], i.e. E

i j
6i j
i j
. A positive sign has been assigned to E
, since stable binding
Topical Review R915
is specied by positive energies. Here r
i j
is the distance between the i th O atom and the j th
C atom, and the constant C
6i j
is calculated within the SlaterKirkwood approximation [82]
to be 10.604 eV
. We note, however, that this standard calculation of vdW energy may
involve ambiguities due to the relatively small distance between the physisorbed molecule
and the SWNT. Nevertheless, the vdW interaction is attractive and strengthens the chemical
bond. Using the binding geometries determined fromthe minimization of GGAtotal energies,
the E
values are calculated to be 125, 155, 185 and 155 meV for A, H, Z and T sites,
respectively [75]. By adding these E
values to the corresponding GGA chemical bonding
energies E
, the binding energies E
of physisorbed O
are found to be 120, 159, 158 and
191 meV for A, H, Z and T sites, respectively (see gure 8). The binding energy of the T site
is in agreement with the recent measurement by Ulbricht et al [83]. We note that these binding
energies are small, and become exothermic mainly owing to the long range vdW interaction.
The small binding energies are characteristic of physisorption.
Using a similar rst-principles method within the local density approximation (LDA), Jhi
et al [68] found E
= 250 meV for the A site physisorption. The relatively large value of E
is due to the fact that the LDA yields overbinding as compared to the GGA. The physisorption
of O
on the (6. 6) armchair SWNT has been studied for two possible physisorption sites;
i.e. above the centre of the hexagon (H site), and on top of the CC bond and perpendicular to
the axis of the tube (B site) [75]. The B site of a (6. 6) tube is similar to the A site of a (8. 0)
tube, but in the former case the CC bond under the adsorbed O
is highly strained, since it
lies on the circumference. The binding energies are calculated to be 132 and 106 meV for H
and B sites, respectively.
While the spin polarized LDA (LSDA) energy band structure [68] has been interpreted
as hole doping due to the adsorbed oxygen molecule, Derycke et al [84] have argued that
the main effect of oxygen physisorption is not to dope the bulk of the tube, but to modify the
barriers of the metal(8. 0) SWNT contact. The hole doping picture has been refuted by recent
rst-principles calculations [7577]. The band structure calculated using the spin polarized
GGA for O
physisorbed at the A site has yielded a band gap of 0.2 eV between the top of the
valence band of the (8. 0) tube and the empty O
() band (see gure 9). Band structures
corresponding to H, Z and T sites also have band gaps, which are large enough to prevent
thermal excitation of electrons from the valence band at room temperature [77].
The situation for the m-SWNT is quite different. Upon O
physisorption the metallicity
of the armchair tube is lifted for the spin down bands, while spin up bands continue to cross at
the Fermi level, and make the system metallic only for one type of spin. The splitting of the
bands can be explained by the broken symmetry [85].
The interaction of O
with the SWNT as a function of O
SWNT distance d has been
examined by calculating the total energy E
, bond distance of O
, magnetic moment j
and energy gap E
of the O
physisorbed (8. 0) SWNT [77]. In these calculations, d has been
constrained, but d
has been relaxed. Figure 10(a) shows the variation of the ratios of E
, magnetic moment j and E
to their corresponding equilibrium values at d
= 2.89 .
We see that [E
[ decreases in the range 1.6 - d - 2.9 . For a wide range of O
separation, E
continues to exist, and the total energy difference between the spin polarized
and spin unpolarized states (i.e. LE
= 0.86 eV) induces the gap E
and prevents it from
closing. For 1.6 - d - d
a strong perpendicular force F

is generated on the O
molecule to push it away from the SWNT. The magnetic moment of O
+ SWNT diminishes
at a distance d - 2 . Moreover, the singlet state of adsorbed O
leads to a bound state at
the A site at d = 1.47 , with an energy 0.45 eV above the corresponding physisorption
state (i.e. E
= 0.45 eV). A similar singlet bound state occurs also at the Z site at
R916 Topical Review
Figure 9. The electronic structure of O
physisorbed on an (8. 0) SWNT calculated using the spin
polarized GGA with the atomic structure fully optimized in the double cell. The spin up and spin
down bands corresponding to the triplet ground state are shown by broken and continuous lines,
respectively. The zero of energy is set at the Fermi level. E
indicates the top of the valence band.
The adsorption site (A site) is shown in the inset. (Reproduced from [75].)
d = 1.47 and 0.80 eV above the physisorption state of the Z site at d = 2.70 . These
singlet bound states in gure 10(b) correspond to local minima on the BornOppenheimer
surface and are separated from the more energetic physisorption states by an energy barrier.
It is noted that these states [77, 86] are neither easily accessible from the physisorption state,
nor support the hole doping picture because the band gap is 0.5 eV. However, O
adsorbed at
the H site of the (6. 6) SWNT behave differently. Figures 10(c) and (d) show the variation of
(d), F

(d), j(d) and d

(d) where at d 1.25 , d
is increased to 2.5 and hence
the bond is broken, i.e. the O
molecule dissociates into two O atoms. In contrast to the case
at this site, the O
molecule has a bound singlet state at the B site with d
= 1.51 .
4.2. Chemisorption of oxygen atoms
The effect of the adsorbed oxygen on the structural and electronic properties of a SWNT is
important. Breaking of the OO bond of a physisorbed O
molecule is unlikely owing to
the weak interaction with the SWNT. However, it was shown that near the defect sites of the
graphite surface O
molecules can dissociate [78]. A carbon nanotube, that can be described
as graphene rolled into a cylinder, is normally more reactive than the surface of graphite. As
a result, O
physisorbed near the defect sites of a SWNT is expected to dissociate into atomic
oxygens. In fact, it was shown that there is no activation barrier for the dissociation of O
it is adsorbed at the zigzag edge of a SWNT [70]. Owing to the concerted motion of the atoms
at the proximity of the molecule and energy gained by the individual oxygen atoms engaging
in the bonding with the SWNT concomitant with the dissociation, the activation energy for
dissociation is expected to be low. In this section, we discuss the interaction between atomic
O and SWNT, and reveal the nature of the chemical bonding. Only the short range interaction
is considered.
Spin polarized calculations yield the singlet state with a net zero magnetic moment as
the ground state. Various adsorption sites together with the geometry and chemisorption
energies E
obtained from spin unpolarized calculations are shown in gure 11. Among all
sites considered in [75], the single O adsorbed on top of the zigzag CC bond (i.e. the z site)
Topical Review R917
Figure 10. (a)Variation of the percentage values of CC
(i.e. E
, d
, jj
and E
) with the O
SWNT separation d. E
, d
, j
and E
correspond to the stable
physisorption state with d
= 2.89 at the Asite. (b) The total energies of the singlet bound states
found at small d at the Z site (square) and at the A site (diamond). The total energies of the triplet
ground state corresponding to the physisorption state for Z and A sites at d 2.9 are shown by
continuous and broken lines. (c) Variation of the total energy, E
, and the force acting on the O
molecule, F

; (d) variation of the bond distance of O

, d
, and the magnetic moment, j, with
the O
(6, 6) SWNT distance d for O
adsorbed on the H site of the (6, 6) SWNT. (Reproduced
from [77].)
is energetically most favourable with E
= 5.07 eV. The binding energies as large as 5 eV
suggest that atomic O is actually chemisorbed with a signicant charge transfer from C to O.
Moreover, the energy gained from the chemisorption of two atomic oxygens is more than the
bond energy of O
in either magnetic or nonmagnetic states. This implies that the dissociation
of O
followed by the chemisorption of individual O atoms is an exothermic process similar
to other oxidation processes. As a manifestation of the curvature effect, the strained CC
bond at the z site is broken, but the CO bond is strengthened. Experimentally, it was shown
that oxygen exposure rst oxidizes and eventually etches away the nanotubes with smaller
radius [87].
The electronic state of an oxygen atomchemisorbed on a SWNT depends on the coverage
and pattern of adsorption. For example, since a single oxygen (per unit cell) chemisorbed at an
a site gives rise to at bands below E
, the band gap of the (8. 0) SWNT remains unaffected.
However, as a well known and usual effect of oxygen, the band gap of the (8. 0) tube opens
up to 3.64 eV when all a sites are lled by chemisorbed oxygen atoms [75].
5. Adsorption of individual atoms on SWNTs
This sections deals with the adsorption of individual atoms on SWNTs and the resulting
properties. Because of miniaturization aiming at higher and higher device densities, the
R918 Topical Review
Figure 11. Aschematic illustration of the various adsorption sites of atomic Oon the (8. 0) SWNT.
Some relevant geometrical data and GGA chemical bond (chemisorption) energies corresponding
to these sites are also given. E
: chemisorption energy; d
: length of the CO bond; d
length of the CC bond under an adsorbed O atom. E
is obtained from the spin unpolarized
calculations of the total energies in equation (3). (Reproduced from [75].)
realization of interconnects with high conductance and low energy dissipation appears to
be a real technological challenge. Very thin metal wires and atomic chains were produced by
retracting an STMtip froman indentationandthenthinning the neck of the material that wets the
tip [8890]. While the nanowires produced so far have played a crucial role in understandingthe
quantumeffects in electronic and thermal conductance [14, 9194], they were not reproducible
enough to offer any relevant technological application. Nowadays, the most practical and
realizable method for fabricating nanowires relies on carbon nanotubes. Moreover, electron
transport measurements showed that SWNTs can resist high Joule heating [95].
Earlier experimental studies have indicated that SWNTs can serve as templates for
producing reproducible, very thin metallic wires with controllable sizes [96]. These metallic
nanowires can be used as conducting connects and hence are important in nanodevices based
on molecular electronics. Recently, Zhang et al [97] have shown that continuous Ti coating of
Topical Review R919
Figure 12. A schematic illustration of different binding sites of individual atoms adsorbed on
a zigzag (8. 0) tube. H: hollow; A: axial; Z: zigzag; D: top; S: substitution sites. (Reproduced
from [103].)
varying thickness and quasi-continuous coating of Ni and Pd can be obtained by using electron
beam evaporation techniques. However, metal atoms such as Au, Al, Fe, Pb were able to form
only isolated discrete patterns or clusters rather than a continuous coating of the SWNT.
Not only metallic connects, but also the contacts of metal electrodes themselves are crucial
for the operation of devices based on nanotubes. Lowresistance ohmic contacts to metallic and
semiconducting SWNTs were achieved by Ti and Ni [98]. The formation of Schottky barrier
at the contact has been found to be responsible for the operation of eld emission transistors
made from SWNTs [99101].
5.1. Binding geometry and binding energies
Recently, an extensive study on the binding geometry, binding energy and resulting electronic
structure of various atoms (ranging from alkali and simple metals to group IV elements, and
including most of the transition metal atoms) adsorbed on SWNTs has been carried out by
Durgun et al [102, 103]. They considered four possible sites shown in gure 12, and determined
the binding geometry and binding energies by optimizing all atomic positions.
The binding energy is calculated from the short range (chemical) interaction using the
expression E
u (p)
. E
u (p)
= E
u (p)
[SWNT] + E
u (p)
[A] E
u (p)
[A + SWNT], similar to that
given in equation (3). Here the total energy of the adsorbed atom is E
u (p)
[A]. The superscript
u (p) indicates spin unpolarized (spin polarized) energies. The binding energies E
u (p)
obtained from the total energies corresponding to either a nonmagnetic (spin unpolarized)
state with zero net spin or a spin relaxed state. The long range interaction, E
, is expected to
be much smaller than the chemisorption binding energy and is omitted. However, for specic
elements, such as Mg and Zn, the binding energy is small and the character of the bond is
between chemisorption and physisorption. Tables 2 and 3 summarize the results relating to
the adsorption of individual atoms.
The interaction between the SWNT and most of the adatoms in tables 2 and 3 is
signicant and results in a chemisorption bond. Thus, the binding energies corresponding
to a nonmagnetic state range from 1 to 4.5 eV. While alkali and simple metals have
binding energy in the range of 1.5 eV, the chemisorption energy of transition metals is
relatively high. On the other hand, metals such as Cu, Au, Ag and Zn have relatively weak
binding. The centre of the hexagons (H site) appears to be favoured by most of the adatoms.
The average Cadatom bond distance occurs in the range of 2.02.3 . However,

relatively small for H, C, O atoms having small atomic radii. It is well known that the
R920 Topical Review
Table 2. The strongest binding site (shown in gure 12); the adsorbatecarbon distance

; the
difference between spin unpolarized and spin polarized total energies LE
; the binding energy E
obtained from spin unpolarized calculations; the binding energy E
obtained from spin polarized
calculations; the magnetic moment (j
supercell) of the magnetic ground state corresponding to
the adsorption of various individual atoms on the (8. 0) SWNT. (Reproduced from [103].)
Atom Site

() LE
(eV) E
(eV) E
(eV) j (j
Na H 2.3 1.3
Sc H 2.2 0.15 2.1 1.9 0.64
Ti H 2.2 0.58 2.9 2.2 2.21
V H 2.2 1.20 3.2 1.4 3.67
Cr H 2.3 2.25 3.7 0.4 5.17
Mn H 2.4 2.42 3.4 0.4 5.49
Fe H 2.3 1.14 3.1 0.8 2.27
Co H 2.0 0.41 2.8 1.7 1.05
Ni A 1.9 0.02 2.4 1.7 0.04
Cu A 2.1 0.03 0.8 0.7 0.53
Zn H 3.7 0 0.05 0.04 0
Nb H 2.2 0.40 3.9 1.8 2.86
Mo H 2.2 0.32 4.6 0.4 4
Pd A 2.1 0 1.7 1.7 0
Ag A 2.5 0.03 0.3 0.2 0.6
Ta H 2.2 0.73 2.9 2.4 3.01
W HA 2.1 0.59 3.4 0.9 2.01
Pt A 2.1 0 2.7 2.4 0
Au AT 2.2 0.04 0.6 0.5 1.02
Al H 2.3 1.6
C Z 1.5 4.2
Si H 2.1 2.5
Pb H 2.6 0.01 1.3 0.8 0
H T 1.1 2.5
O Z 1.5 5.1
S A 1.9 2.8
Table 3. The strongest binding site (as shown in gure 12); the adsorbatecarbon distance

; the difference between spin unpolarized and spin polarized total energies LE
; the binding
energy E
obtained from spin unpolarized calculations; the binding energy E
obtained from
spin polarized calculations; the magnetic moment j per supercell corresponding to the magnetic
ground state corresponding to the adsorption of individual Ti, Mn, Mo, Au atoms on a (6, 6) SWNT.
(Reproduced from [103].)
Atom Site

() LE
(eV) E
(eV) E
(eV) j (j
Ti H 2.2 0.48 2.62 1.81 1.68
Mn H 2.5 2.23 3.25 0.1 5.60
Mo H 2.3 0.2 4.34 0.1 3.61
Au T 2.3 0.02 0.41 0.28 0.79
interaction between the graphite surface and most of the atoms included is actually weak.
The curvature effect is the primary factor that strengthens the binding [18, 26, 43]. Specic
adsorbateSWNT (A + SWNT) systems are found to be in a magnetic ground state, since
= E
[A + SWNT] E
[A + SWNT] > 0. Most of the transition metal atoms adsorbed
on the (8. 0) and (6. 6) tubes are in the magnetic ground state with LE
> 0, and hence they
have net magnetic moments ranging from 5.49 j
(for Mn) to zero magnetic moment (for Pd
Topical Review R921
and Pt). While Ni adsorbed SWNT has very low magnetic moment (0.04 j
), the adsorbates
such as Au, Ag and Cu have magnetic moments in the range of 0.40.6 j
. Atoms, such as
Na, Al, C, Si, Pb, O, S, H favour a nonmagnetic ground state when they are adsorbed on the
(8. 0) SWNT. The magnetic moment generated upon the adsorption of individual transition
atoms has important implications, and points to an issue: whether molecular magnets (or
nanomagnets) can be produced from carbon nanotubes. Addressing this issue may open an
active eld of study on SWNTs, which are coveredor substitutionally doped by transition metal
atoms according to a well dened pattern. Inclusion of transition metal elements inside the tube
is another way to obtain nanomagnetic structures. In this way, these atoms are prevented from
oxidizing. Whether a permanent magnetic moment can be generated by exchange interaction
on these transition metal coated SWNTs would be an interesting question to answer. Recently,
the magnetization and hysteresis loops of iron nanoparticles partially encapsulated at the tips
and inside of aligned carbon nanotubes have been demonstrated by experimental works [104].
Binding energies listed in table 2 are of particular interest for coating of SWNTs by metal
atoms, and hence for the fabrication of nanowires. The atoms which were observed to form
continuous and quasi-continuous coating on the SWNT (Ti, Ni and Pd) have relatively high
binding energies as compared to those atoms (Au, Fe, Pb) which remain as discrete particles
on the surface of the tube [96]. We also note that in forming a good coverage, not only
adatomSWNT interaction, but also other factors, possibly adatomadatom interaction, play
a crucial role. Good conductors such as Au, Ag, and Cu have very weak binding. On the
other hand, Na with one 3s electron on the outer shell is bound with a signicant binding
energy (E
= 1.3 eV). The binding energy of Mg is very weak and is only 0.03 eV at the
H site due to its outer shell (3s)
. For the same reason Zn by itself exhibits a similar trend
= 0.05 eV) with its (4s)
valence structure. Owing to the weak binding the type of
the bond between Mg (Zn) and the SWNT is between chemisorption and physisorption with
= 3.8 (d
= 3.7 ). While an individual Al atom (with (3s)
3p valence structure)
is not bound to the graphite surface, its binding on the (8. 0) SWNT is relatively strong. This
can be explained by the curvature effect, since the binding was found to be even stronger at the
high curvature site of the SWNT under uniaxial radial deformation [26, 43]. Note also that the
binding energies E
, as well as E
and the magnetic moments of the adatom adsorbed on the
(8. 0) SWNT, came out to be consistently lower for the adatom adsorbed on the (6. 6) tube.
Perhaps this trend can also be explained by the curvature effect, since the radius of (8. 0) is
smaller than that of (6. 6) [18, 31].
The transition metal atoms with a few d electrons, such as Sc, Co, Ti, Nb, Ta, form strong
bonds with a binding energy ranging from 2.4 to 1.8 eV, and hence can be suitable for metal
coating of a SWNT. These metals can also be used as a buffer layer to formuniformcoating of
good conductors such as Au, Ag, Cu. Most of the adatoms yield the strongest binding at the H
site. Ni, Pd, Pt (column VIII elements) and Cu, Ag, Au (column I-B elements) seem to prefer
the A site. The average adsorbateC distance,

, ranges between 1.9 (minimum) and
3.7 (maximum); most of them occur at 2.1 . The interaction of group IV elements with
the SWNT is also crucial, since they have the same valence conguration. C and Si adatoms
form rather strong bonds with the SWNT. The calculated binding energies are rather high,
i.e. E
= 4.2 and 2.5 eV, respectively. The Z site is energetically favourable for both C and Si
The character of the bond between the adatom and SWNT can be examined by charge
density analysis. For the fully relaxed, minimum total energy conguration, the SCF total
charge density (r) =


(r) and the difference charge density L(r) =
[A + SWNT] [SWNT] [A] can be calculated. In L(r), the total charge densities
of adatom adsorbed SWNT [A + SWNT], of bare SWNT [SWNT] and of free atom [A]
R922 Topical Review
Figure 13. Contour plots of total (r) and difference L(r) charge densities. For C the charge
densities are calculated on a plane passing through the adatom and zigzag CC bond. For others
(Na, Al, Ti) the charge density plane passes through the centre of the hexagon and adatom. In
contour plots of L(r), charge is depleted from black regions and is accumulated at white regions.
The counter-plots of (r) for [Na + SWNT] are not presented, since they do not convey relevant
information owing to the low charge density around adsorbed Na atoms. (Reproduced from [103].)
are all calculated in the same supercell with the same atomic positions. The difference charge
density conveys information about the charge rearrangements upon adsorption. Figure 13
shows (r) and L(r) which were calculated for four adatoms, namely Na, Al, C, Ti [103].
Dramatic differences in the valence electron congurations of these adatoms are reected in
the characters of the bonds they form with the SWNT.
According to the above analysis the charge is generally transferred from the adatom to
the CC bond of SWNT. The 3s valence electron of Na is weakly bound and is donated to the
Topical Review R923
conduction band of the SWNT, which is derived from the modied conduction band of the
bare SWNT. In the case of Al, which is adsorbed at the H site, electrons are transferred from
Al and nearest C atoms to the region between the Al atom and the centre of the hexagon on
the surface of the SWNT and to the CC bond. The character of the bond formed between
the C adatom and C atoms of the SWNT is reminiscent of the sp
covalent bonds in diamond
crystals. (r) has a maximum value at the centre of the CC bonds. Because of new bond
formation, charge is transferred to the back-bonds. The charge density of adsorbed Si exhibits
a character similar to that of adsorbed C. Directional bonds form between Si and C atoms of
the SWNT. The Ti atom adsorbed at the H site forms a bond. The d orbitals are responsible for
this bond. According to the Mulliken analysis the charge transferred from a Ti atom is 1.45
electrons for the spin unpolarized case. The interaction between the Au atom and SWNT is
weak, which results in a small binding energy. Accordingly, the charge rearrangement due to
Au adsorption is minute.
5.2. Electronic structure
An individual atom adsorbed on an SWNT may give rise to resonance states in the valence
and conduction bands, and also localized states in the band gaps. The energy states associated
with a single adsorbate form energy bands if the electronic structure is calculated within the
supercell method. Actually these bands correspond to a linear chain of adsorbates with a
1D lattice constant of the supercell, c
. The localized states are relevant for the doping of a
s-SWNT. Depending on their position relative to the band edges, they are specied as donor
states (if they are close to the edge of the conduction band, E
) or as acceptor states (if they
can occur close to the edge of the valence band, E
). The latter case is also known as hole
Na, Al, C and Si, which are adsorbed individually on the (8. 0) SWNT with a repeat
period of 2c, give rise to a spin paired, nonmagnetic ground state [103]. Figure 14 presents
their calculated band structures and the LDOS at the adatoms. The calculated band structure
of the SWNT with Na adsorbed at the H site forming a regular chain with a lattice parameter
(or interatomic distance) a = c
2c yields a half-lled band. This band is normally
the rst empty conduction band of the tube. Since the 3s valence electron of Na has low
ionization energy, it is donated to the SWNT to occupy the empty conduction band. As a
result, this empty band is gradually populated and also modied upon adsorption of Na; hence
the SWNT becomes metallic. Another alkali metal, Li, has been the focus of attention because
of SWNT ropes which were expected to be a candidate for anode material use in Li battery
applications [105]. In fact, recent experiments showed higher Li capacity in SWNTs than that
of graphite [106]. Zhao et al [107] investigated Li intercalation in (10. 0), (12. 0), (8. 0) and
(10. 10) SWNT ropes modelled by a uniform, 2D hexagonal lattice. They found that charge
is transferred from adsorbed Li to the SWNT. Furthermore, the SWNT is slightly deformed
upon Li adsorption. The band structure of the Li intercalated (8. 0) rope has indicated that the
bands of the bare SWNTs are not affected in any essential manner; but their conduction bands
get occupied above E
and the system becomes metallic. Their ndings are consistent with
the adsorption of Na discussed above.
Similarly, the calculated band structure of the SWNTwith Al adsorbed at the Hsite forming
a regular chain structure gives rise to a half-lled band derived from the empty conduction
band of the SWNT. Therefore, the localized state due to an adsorbed individual Al atom is a
donor state. In the case of C, a small gap occurs between the bands derived from adsorbate
states. The empty and lled bands just above and below E
are derived from C adatoms with
a signicant contribution from the SWNT. Si yields an almost fully occupied band in the band
R924 Topical Review
Figure 14. Energy band structures, TDOSs and LDOSs of single Na, Al, C, Si adsorbed on a
zigzag (8. 0) tube. LDOSs calculated at the adsorbate. The zero of energy is set at the Fermi level.
Na, Al and Si are adsorbed at the H site; C is adsorbed at the Z site. (Reproduced from [103].)
gap and an almost empty band at the bottom of the conduction band. The dispersion of bands
for Si adsorbed on the H site displays differences from that of the C adatom adsorbed at the Z
site. However, the overall behaviours of state densities are similar.
Topical Review R925
Figure 15. Geometric structures of adsorbed Ti chains on (14. 0) (top) and (8. 8) (bottom) SWNTs.
Along the tube axis, each unit cell contains two Ti atoms for the (14. 0) tube and one Ti atom for the
(8. 8) tube. Several unit cells are shown for the purpose of visualization. The distances between
the two neighbouring Ti atoms in the chains are 2.6 for (14. 0) and 2.7 for (8. 8) tubes.
(Reproduced from [108].)
The spin polarized band structure and TDOSs of adsorbed transition metal atoms (i.e. Au,
Mn, Mo and Ti) display a different situation due to the magnetic ground state. Au yields two
bands in the band gap, namely lled spin up and empty spin down bands. This is in compliance
with the calculated magnetic moment of 1j
per adsorbed Au atom. There is a small band
gap of 0.2 eV between these Au bands. It is seen that the adsorption of Au does not induce
signicant modication in the bands of (8. 0), except the Au 6s() and Au 6s() bands in the
gap; it gives rise to two sharp peaks below and above E
in the TDOS. That the contribution
of the SWNT states to these peaks is minute and that the band gap between the conduction and
valence bands of the SWNT is practically unchanged conrm the weak interaction between
Au and the SWNT. Filled Au 5d() and 5d() bands occur in the valence band of the SWNT
2 eV below E
. Three bands formed fromTi 3d() are fully occupied and accommodate three
electrons of adsorbed Ti atoms. Other Ti 3d() bands occur above E
, but they overlap with
the conduction band of the SWNT. The dispersive and almost fully occupied spin down band
is formed from the states of carbon and hence derived from the conduction band of the bare
SWNT. The SWNT is metallized upon Ti adsorption, since this band crosses the Fermi level
and also overlaps with the other conduction bands. This situation is in accordance with the
Mulliken analysis, which predicts the electrons to be transferred from Ti to the SWNT.
Yang et al [108] have studied the binding energies and electronic structures of Ti, Al and
Au chains adsorbed on (10. 0), (14. 0), (6. 6) and (8. 8) SWNTs using rst-principles methods.
The geometric conguration of the adsorbed metal chain is shown in gure 15. In spite of the
fact that the calculated binding energies include signicant coupling between adjacent metal
atoms, they show the same trends as the binding energies given by Durgun et al [102, 103]. Ti
is much more likely than Al and Au to form a continuous chain on the surface of SWNTs due
to much higher binding energies. Al adsorbed SWNTs in turn have higher binding energies
than the Au adsorbed ones. On the basis of the works by Bagci et al [109] and Prasen et al
[110], we believe that the stability of the Al and Au chains originates from the stability of
zigzag-free Al and Au chains. In calculating the binding energies the energy references are
crucial. It is well known that adsorbed Ti and Au have magnetic ground states leading to a
R926 Topical Review
Figure 16. Optimized atomic structure of (8. 0), (9. 0) and (6. 6) armchair SWNTs which are
uniformly covered with Ti. Corresponding densities of states for spin up and spin down electrons
are shown. (Reproduced from [7].)
net spin. Therefore, the binding energies reported by Yang et al [108] might change if one
took the magnetic states into account. The important effect of the Ti chain is to metallize the
zigzag SWNTs due to the delocalized d states crossing the Fermi level. However, the situation
is different for the Ti chain adsorbed armchair tube, since a small gap is opened owing to the
symmetry breaking.
5.3. Transition element covered or lled SWNTs
It is clear from the above discussion that individual atoms, such as Ti, Ni, Si, can form rather
strong bonds to the surface of the SWNT. Motivated by the experimental work of Zhang
et al [97] showing the continuous coating of the SWNT by Ti, Dag et al [7] investigated the
coverage of an (8. 0) tube by specic transition element atoms, such as Ti, Fe, Co, Cr, using
a rst-principles plane wave method. They found that only Ti can yield a continuous, regular
coverage of the SWNT, as well as giving rise to a dramatic modication of the atomic structure.
Upon optimization of the geometry the circular cross section of the SWNT has changed to
a square. Even more interesting is that the s-SWNT has become a highly conducting metal
due to several Ti bands crossing the Fermi level. The conductance of the Ti covered tube has
been estimated to be 16e
h. Furthermore, they found that the Ti covered (8. 0), (9. 0) and
(6. 6) tubes have magnetic ground states with signicant magnetic moments of 13.3, 13.7 and
9.5 j
cell, respectively. Figure 16 shows the structure and density of states of Ti covered
(8. 0), (9. 0) and (6. 6) tubes.
Yang et al [111] have examined the magnetism of transition metal covered or lled (9. 0)
SWNTs. They also found through ab initio calculations that these structures exhibit substantial
Topical Review R927
Figure 17. The spin polarized band structure (left: minority spin; right: majority spin) and DOS
(bottom: minority spin; top: majority spin) for Co lled SWNT as shown in the right panel. Both
plots suggest that the magnetic moment resides mostly in the narrow transition metal d band below
the Fermi level. (Reproduced from [111].)
magnetism. In particular, Co atoms packed inside a variety of carbon nanotubes offer strong
spin polarization at the Fermi level, as well as considerable magnetic moments. Figure 17
shows the spin polarized band structure and DOS for the Co lled SWNT.
6. Radial deformation of carbon nanotubes
Modication of electronic properties of condensed systems by an applied external pressure
or strain in the elastic range has been a subject of active study. However, in most cases, the
changes that one can induce by the elastic deformation are minute or even negligible due to the
rigidity of the crystals. On the other hand, the situation is rather different for SWNTs owing to
their tubular geometry [33]. Carbon nanotubes display very interesting mechanical properties.
While the MWNTs showthe greatest values for the Youngs modulus, as high as 2 TPa, SWNTs
appear to be very soft in the radial direction [112]. SWNTs are highly exible: they can sustain
elastic deformations remarkably. The softness of carbon nanotubes in the radial direction has
been observed experimentally: the contact area is attened when two nanotubes are brought
close to each other [113]. If R is large, a nanotube takes on a attened structure [114]. It has
been argued that SWNTs show linear elasticity under hydrostatic pressure up to 1.5 GPa at
room temperature.
R928 Topical Review
It has been shown that the structure and the electronic properties of SWNTs undergo
dramatic changes as a result of these deformations [23, 43, 115125]. Signicant radial
deformation of SWNTs can be realized in the elastic range, whereby the curvature is locally
changed. In this way, zones with higher and lower curvatures relative to the undeformed SWNT
can be attained for the same circumference. Hence, one expects radial deformation to induce
important modications in the electronic and conduction properties of nanotubes [24, 25, 126
129]. Tight binding calculations have indicated that a SWNT may undergo an insulator
metal transition under a uniaxial or torsional strain [24, 124, 125]. Multiprobe transport
experiments [23] on individual SWNTs showed that the electronic structure can be modied
by bending the tube, or by applying a circumferential deformation. Empirical extended H uckel
calculations [115] predicted that the conductance of an armchair SWNT can be affected by the
circumferential deformations and a band gap can develop in a metallic armchair SWNT upon
A systematic analysis of the effect of the radial deformation on the electrical properties
has been carried out by G ulseren et al [43] using rst-principles total energy and electronic
structure calculations. In their study the radial deformation is generated by applying uniaxial
compressive stress
to a narrow strip on the surface of a SWNT. In practice such a
deformation can be realized by pressing the tube between two rigid and at surfaces. As
a result, the radius is squeezed in the y direction while it is elongated along the x direction and
hence the circular cross section is distorted to an elliptical form with major and minor axes, a
and b, respectively. A natural variable for describing the radial deformation is the magnitude
of the applied strain along the two axes,
where R
is the radius of the undeformed (zero-strain) nanotube. The point group of the
undeformed nanotubes is D
or D
for n even or odd, respectively. Under the radial
deformation described above, the point group becomes C
or D
. However, depending on the
nanotube orientation around the tube axes, the in-plane mirror symmetry can be broken. For
the (6. 6) tube, there are several different orientations to investigate when looking at the effect
of mirror symmetry on the band crossing at the Fermi level. The rst-principles calculations
predict that elastic radial deformation does not have a noticeable effect on the rst- and second-
nearest neighbour CC distances but it induces signicant changes in the bond angles [43].
This observation is therefore important and has to be taken into account in tight binding studies
of SWNTs with radial deformation.
6.1. Elasticity
For the radial deformation, the relation between stress and strain is given by the generalized
Hookes law,

= 0 = C
+ C

= C
+ C
. (7)
Here F
is the restoring force applied on the surface area A, C
and C
are the in-plane elastic
stiffness constants. Assuming the validity of Hookes law, the elastic deformation energy E
Topical Review R929
Figure 18. (a) The strain component c
= (R
along the major axis as a function of the
applied strain c
= (R
along the minor axis. The slope is the in-plane Poisson ratio,
(b) Variation of the elastic deformation energy per carbon atom. (c) The restoring force on xed
carbon atoms. For the (8. 0) SWNT, the force is scaled by 0.5 since it is only on one carbon atom,
while for the other tubes it is on two carbon atoms. (Reproduced from [43].)
(i.e. the difference between the total energies of radially deformed and undeformed SWNTs)
= O

(1 +


in terms of the in-plane Poisson ratio,

. (9)
Deformation energies obtained fromclassical elasticity in equation (8) are compared with
those calculated from rst principles in gure 18. Interestingly, the quadratic form obtained
from classical theory ts very well to the elastic deformation energy calculated from rst
principles. Hookes relation, and hence the elastic character of the deformations, persists up
to c
= 0.25. It is also noted that the SWNT becomes stiffer as R decreases. The variation
of the restoring forces is expected to be linear in the elastic range. The restoring forces in
gure 18(c) are in overall agreement with this argument, except the deviations at certain data
R930 Topical Review
Figure 19. (a) The variation of the band gap, E
. (b) The density of states at the Fermi level D(E
as a function of the applied strain c
. (Reproduced from [43].)
Table 4. In-plane elastic constants of SWNTs. All elastic constants are in GPa except for
which is unitless. C
= C
). (Reproduced from [43].)
Radius ()
(7. 0) 2.76 0.904 129.88 713.36 645.15
(8. 0) 3.14 0.874 98.70 416.88 364.20
(9. 0) 3.52 0.864 91.02 319.67 270.36
(6. 6) 4.06 0.828 86.12 273.46 226.34
points due to uncertainties in the rst-principles calculations, which are amplied because the
force is a derivative quantity. Elastic constants calculated from rst principles are listed in
table 4.
6.2. Effect on the electronic structure
First-principles calculations conrm that the band gaps of zigzag tubes reduce with applied
strain and eventually vanish leading to metallization. Figure 19 summarizes the variation of
the band gap and the density of states at the Fermi level, D(E
), as a function of the applied
strain. For (7. 0) and (8. 0) SWNTs the band gaps decrease monotonically and the onset of
an insulatormetal transition follows with the band closures occurring at different values of
strain. Upon metallization, D(E
) increases with increasing strain. However, the behaviour
of the (9. 0) tube is different. Initially, the band gap increases with increasing strain, but then
Topical Review R931
Figure 20. The variation of the energy eigenvalues of states near the band gap at the I point of
the BZ as a function of the applied strain. The shaded region is the valence band. The singlet state
originating in the conduction band is indicated by squares. (Reproduced from [43].)
decreases with strain exceeding a certain threshold value and eventually diminishes. For all
these zigzag SWNTs the band gap strongly depends on the magnitude of the deformation and
is closed at 13%, 22% and 17% strain for (7. 0), (8. 0) and (9. 0) nanotubes, respectively,
whereas the armchair (6. 6) SWNT, which is normally metallic, remainedmetallic with a slowly
decreasing D(E
) even for signicant radial deformation. Earlier, Delaney et al [85] showed
that the

conduction and valence bands of a (10. 10) tube, which normally cross at the
Fermi level with quasi-linear dispersion, open a pseudogap in the range of 0.1 eV at certain
directions of the BZ perpendicular to the axis of the tube owing to tubetube interactions
in a rope. The opening of the gap is caused by the broken mirror symmetry. Lammert
et al [120] showed the gapping by squashing (20. 20) and (36. 0) metallic tubes, since then
circumferential regions are brought into close proximity. Uniaxial stress of a few kilobars
can reversibly collapse a small radius tube inducing a 0.1 eV gap, while the collapsed large
radius tubes are stable. In the study of Park et al [44], the band gap of the (5. 5) tube was
monotonically increasing, probably due to bilayer interactions, since the separation of the two
nearest walls of the tube became comparable to the interlayer distance of graphite.
In order to explain the band gap variation of (n. 0) tubes, the energies of a few bands
near the band gap are plotted as a function of strain in gure 20. The singlet

state in
the conduction band shifts downwards in energy much faster than the other states do with
increasing strain. This is due to the curvature increasing with increasing radial deformation.
Since the singlet

state lies below the doubly degenerate

states for both (7. 0) and (8. 0)

SWNTs, their band gaps are closed monotonically with increasing c
. On the other hand, for
the (9. 0) SWNT this singlet

state is above the doubly degenerate

states. The increase

of the band gap at the initial stages of radial deformation is connected with the relatively high
rate of downward shift of the doubly degenerate valence band relative to the

band under low strains. Once the singlet

band, which shows faster decrease with strain,

crosses the doublet conduction band and enters the gap, the band gap begins to decrease with
increasing strain. Applying a radial strain through the tip of an atomic force microscope and
simultaneously measuring the conductance, Minot et al [121] conrmed that the band structure
of carbon nanotubes can be altered as predicted in [24, 43, 44] earlier.
R932 Topical Review
Figure 21. Binding energies E
of single hydrogen and aluminium atoms adsorbed on the zigzag
SWNTs versus the radius of the tube R. The solid curve is the t to E
(R) = E
+ C
explained in the text. (Reproduced from [26].)
6.3. Effect on the chemical reactivity
Srivastava et al [58] examined the effect of conformational strain on the chemical reactivity
of a SWNT. A (10. 10) SWNT, which was either bent or subjected to torsional strain, had
kinks or ribbon structure on its surface. Actually the deformed places have sites with higher
curvature as compared to the curvature of the bare (10. 10) SWNT. Using a many-body, bond
order potential, they performed classical trajectory simulations on the interaction between the
hydrogen atomand the strained nanotube. These predicted that the chemisorption of hydrogen
atoms is enhanced by as much as 1.6 eV in regions of high conformational strain. Analysis
of atomic cohesive energies and the local density of states obtained from the empirical tight
binding method showed that the sites with enhanced binding energies of hydrogen atoms
correspond to destabilized cohesive energies and electronic states near the Fermi level. The
heightened chemical reactivity of deformed sites was attributed to the introduction of radical
p orbital character.
First-principles pseudopotential calculations have shown that the adsorption of foreign
atoms on SWNTs can indeed be modied continuously and reversibly [26]. The effect of
radial deformation becomes noticeable through the binding properties of foreign atoms on
undeformed SWNTs. This situation is shown in gure 21, where the calculated binding
energies E
of H and Al adsorbed on the zigzag tubes are plotted as a function of the radius
R for n = 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. As described in the previous sections, H is adsorbed at the top site,
directly above the C atom of the tube; Al favours the H site. It is seen that E
decreases with
increasing radius (or decreasing curvature) and eventually saturates at a value corresponding
to that for on graphene. The variation of the binding energies of H and Al with the radius of
the zigzag tube ts to the curve given by the expression
(R) = E
where E
is the binding energy of the adatom A (here H or Al) on the graphene plane and
calculated to be 1.49 and 0.02 eV for H and Al, respectively [26]. The tting parameter, C
is calculated to be 3.14 eV
for both H and Al. Calculated data for n - 7 slightly deviate
from the above simple E
(R) relation, perhaps due to the fact that the singlet

band, which
is normally in the conduction band, falls into the band gap as a result of increased curvature.
Note that, while the band gap shows signicant change with n (for example by going from
Topical Review R933
Figure 22. (a) Variation of the binding energies E
of single hydrogen atoms adsorbed on a (8. 0)
zigzag SWNT as a function of the radial deformation c
dened in the text. The upper curve
corresponds to H adsorbed on the high curvature site of the deformed tube. The lower curve is
for the adsorption on the low curvature site. (b) As (a) but for a single Al atom. (Reproduced
from [26].)
(8. 0) to (9. 0), E
changes from 0.65 to 0.09 eV), the binding energies vary smoothly with
. Increase of E
with decreasing R (or with decreasing n) shows that for small R the
character of the surface deviates from that of the graphene. This result has been exploited
to create different zones with different curvatures on the surface of a single SWNT by radial
deformation and hence to attain different chemical reactivities.
Radial deformation can be created by applying a uniaxial compressive stress on a narrow
strip on the surface of the SWNT [26, 43] where the circular cross section of the bare tube is
distorted to an elliptical one with major and minor axes a and b, respectively. In gure 22(a)
the variation of the binding energies of a single hydrogen atom adsorbed on the (8. 0) surface
shows that E
at the sharp site, i.e. near one of the ends of the major axis, increases with
increasing c
(dened in equation (4)), and traces out the upper curve. The lower curve is
associated with the adsorption on the at site, i.e. near one of the ends of the minor axis.
According to the predictions of this study, at the high curvature site, E
has increased by
0.85 eV for c
= 0.3. On the other hand, E
for the adsorption on the low curvature (at)
site rst decreases with increasing strain and then saturates at an energy 0.25 eV less than
that corresponding to c
= 0. The difference of binding energies of the sharp and at sites
R934 Topical Review
is substantial and is equal to 1.1 eV for c
= 0. This is 44% of the binding energy of H
on the undeformed SWNT. As a result of H adsorption, the sp
character of the bonding of
the tube has changed locally and become more like sp
. In gure 22(b) the binding energy
of Al exhibits a behaviour similar to that of H, despite H and Al favouring different sites on
the (8. 0) tube; E
at the sharp site of the deformed SWNT increases with increasing c
. For
example E
increases by 0.80 eV for c
= 0.3 which is 80% of the binding energy on
the undeformed tube. For Al adsorbed on the at site, E
rst decreases with increasing c
then gradually increases. Adsorption of Al induces local changes in the atomic and electronic
structures. For example, the surface of the tube where Al is adsorbed expands.
We see that according to the rst-principles calculations the chemical reactivity of a
zigzag SWNT can be modied reversibly and variably by radial deformation. The effects of
deformation are signicantly different for the zigzag and armchair SWNTs. It is remarkable
that Al, which does not bind to the graphite surface, can be adsorbed at the high curvature site
of a zigzag tube under radial deformation with a signicant binding energy. Similarly, it has
been shown that a H
molecule which is bound to the surface of (8. 0) becomes physisorbed
at the high curvature site with a signicant binding energy [130]. If the physisorbed H
approach the surface as closely as 1.5 , it dissociates into two Hatoms, each of which becomes
bound to adjacent C atoms of the SWNT at the surface. We believe that the tunable adsorption
can have important implications for metal coverage and selective adsorption of foreign atoms
and molecules on the carbon nanotubes and can lead to a wide variety of applications, ranging
from hydrogen storage to chemical sensing, and new nanomaterials.
6.4. Effect of pressure on nanoropes
It is anticipated that physical properties can also be altered by intertube interactions between
nanotubes packed in a hexagonal lattice, as so-called nanoropes. Intertube interactions in
nanoropes can be probed by applying external pressure to vary the intertube distance. For
fullerenes, such high pressure studies have yielded many interesting results [131] including
new compounds such as the pressure induced polymeric phases of C
. Similar covalent
bonding can occur between the nanotubes in a rope. Such a property could have important
consequences for nanoscale device applications and composite materials that require strong
mechanical properties, since nanoropes consisting of interlinked SWNTs will be signicantly
stronger than nanoropes composed of vdW packed nanoropes [122].
Raman studies on SWNT ropes have been carried out up to 25.9 GPa, and have
indicated that the mode intensities and energies are not completely reversible upon pressure
cycling [132]. These results have been interpreted as irreversible pressure induced changes
in the atomic structure. Furthermore, observation of very large volume reduction and high
compressibility [119] has suggested that a microscopic volume reducing deformation other
than vdW compression can occur under high pressure. Some of these effects are tentatively
attributed to crushing or attening of nanotube surfaces in the rope, deforming the circular
cross sections to elliptical or hexagonal ones [119]. Peters et al [133] reported that a structural
phase transition occurred at 1.7 GPa. Furthermore they performed empirical uniform force
eld calculations and obtained equilibrium lattice constants of the (10. 10) nanotube rope as
a function of applied pressure P. These calculations have indicated a sudden transition of
structure at 1.75 GPa [133]. Their interpretation of the structural transition has been objected
to by Tang et al [134] on the grounds that their experiments were reversible up to P = 4 GPa.
Yildirim et al [123] were the rst to investigate the effects of pressure on the ropes based
on the rst-principles calculations. The zigzag tubes (5. 0), (6. 0), (7. 0), (9. 0) and the
armchair tube (6. 6) were included in that study. The pressure dependence was determined
Topical Review R935
Figure 23. Optimized structures of SWNT ropes. (a) (6. 0) and (b) (7. 0) nanotubes are packed by
vdW interaction under zero pressure and (c) (7. 0) one-dimensionally interlinked under pressure.
The interlinked structure in (c) has lower total energy than the vdW packed structure in (b). Lattice
parameters of the ropes, a, b and c and the angle, are shown. (Reproduced from [123].)
Figure 24. Total energy versus 2D lattice constant for (7. 0) nanotube ropes in different phases.
The top view along the axis of the rope of the different phases is shown in the inset. The zero of
energy is set to the total energy calculated for the optimized structure of the vdW packed rope at
zero pressure. (Reproduced from [123].)
by minimizing the total energy as a function of nanotube separation, i.e. E
(a. b), while the
other parameters, including the atom position c and = 2n, were optimized. At critical
pressure, a structural phase transformation from a vdW lattice to a new orthorhombic (space
group C
) lattice was observed in which the nanotubes were interlinked along the [110]
direction. The covalent bonding between nanotubes occurred at the high curvature sites as a
result of rehybridization of the carbon orbitals. Figure 23 compares the structure of a vdW
packed (7. 0) nanorope with that of a 1D interlinked one. The same structural transformation
was observed for the (5. 0), (6. 0), (9. 0) zigzag tubes.
The bonds interlinking two adjacent tubes have bond lengths comparable to those in
diamond. This indicates that the rehybridization occurs fromthe sp
to the sp
type. However,
the bond angles differ from the exact value of the tetrahedral angle and vary between 100

and 120

indicating some strain. For some (n. 0) tubes the energy difference between the
1D interlinked structure and the vdW packed structure is small. Regardless of that, the 1D
interlinked structure is stable once it is formed, since one has to overcome an energy barrier
of 0.7 eV in order to break the links, as illustrated in gure 24.
The total energies of the vdW and 1D interlinked phases cross each other at a 9 with
a small energy barrier of 46 meVunit cell (552 K) from the vdW side. The pressure
R936 Topical Review
for attaining this lattice constant is only about 0.3 GPa for the vdW phase, indicating that
polymerization of vdW (7. 0) nanoropes could occur at modest pressures and temperatures.
Conversely, 0.7 eVunit cell (or 25 meVatom) is required to go from the 1D interlinked
phase to the vdW packed structure. This energy is comparable to the 1D polymerization
energy of C
. Interestingly, at about a 8 there occurs another interlinked phase of the
(7. 0) nanorope, where nanotubes are interlinked along both a and b axes. This 2D interlinked
phase is not favoured energetically. Its minimum lies 1 eVunit cell above the minimum
of the 1D linked phase. However, once it is formed, it is stable and sixteen times stiffer
= 13.7 eV
) than the vdW packed rope. The structures transform to even more
complex structures at higher pressure. The ropes of the (6. 6) armchair tubes do not form
interlinking up to 60 GPa. They are rather hexagonally distorted such that the local structure
of nanotube faces is reminiscent of that of a graphite sheet. Upon releasing the pressure
the hexagonally distorted (or polygonized) structure returns to the original one, indicating
that the deformation of the (6. 6) nanorope is elastic (see gure 25). The above structural
transformations induced by the applied pressure lead to signicant changes in the electronic
structure [123]. In spite of the fact that an individual (7. 0) tube is a semiconductor with
= 0.65 eV, the dispersion of the bands near Fermi level in the direction perpendicular to
the tube axis makes the vdW rope metallic. At high pressure (30 GPa), the (2D interlinked)
high density phase becomes a wide band gap insulator with E
2 eV.
7. Devices based on carbon nanotubes
Much of the research on carbon nanotubes has been carried out with the motivation of
generating devices, such as sensors, transistors and nanomagnets, and hence nding a feasible
way to contribute to the objectives of miniaturization. Attempts to design and fabricate
nanodevices from carbon nanotubes have exploited several properties discovered recently,
some of them reviewed in the previous sections. In this section, we will rst review recent
progress made in calculating I V characteristics of nanostructures and present some of the
device models or circuit elements, which are designed theoretically using SWNTs. Finally we
will discuss the devices fabricated.
7.1. Ab initio methods in transport calculations
Accurate prediction of the transport properties of nanoscale atomic or molecular systems
(nanotubes, in particular) including their currentvoltage (I V) characteristics is essential
for realization of a broad spectrum of device applications. Theoretical investigations of the
transport properties of these nanoscale systems are based on calculations with various levels of
sophistication, including phenomenological, semiclassical and quantum mechanical ab initio
Semiempirical methods [20, 135145] based on parametrized Hamiltonians, such as
tight binding or extended H uckel models, have been widely used. Since these parametrized
Hamiltonians are generally derived fromthe bulk or isolatedmolecular systems, the effects such
as external bias and gate potential are usually not accounted for. Moreover, these models do
not allow for structural relaxations to be performed. Semiempirical methods are not typically
self-consistent; however, they are relatively simple and easy to implement. These methods
provide some quantitative insight especially in cases where the charge transfer effects are
relatively small. Some applications to carbon nanotubes include designation of a quantum
dot by introducing pentagonheptagon defects in a carbon nanotube [20], investigation of
spin coherent quantum transport in carbon nanotube magnetic tunnel junctions [140], study
Topical Review R937
Figure 25. The two-dimensional crystal structure and relevant physical parameters for various
high density phases of carbon nanotubes. (a) A 2D interlinked structure of (5. 0) nanotubes. (b)
A hexagonal network of (9. 0) nanotubes, in which (9. 0) tubes are interlinked along a, b and
[110] directions. (c) A very dense structure of (7. 0) nanotubes obtained under 30 GPa. (d) The
optimizedstructure of (6. 6) armchair tubes under 53 GPa. Nanotubes are distortedin such a fashion
that the local nearest neighbour structure is reminiscent of graphite structure. d
indicates the
smallest distance between two carbon atoms of nearest neighbour tubes in the rope. (Reproduced
from [123].)
R938 Topical Review
Figure 26. Upper panel: geometry of the bent (4. 4) nanotubes with bending angles (a) = 0

(b) 3

, (c) 6

. Lower panel: the calculated transmission function and LDOS for the corresponding
geometries. (Reproduced from [144].)
of the dynamic conductance properties of carbon nanotubes of different helicities, both with
and without defects [141], and calculation of transmission properties of extended [144] and
nite size [145] carbon nanotubes. Electronic transport properties of extended nanotubes
in the presence of distortions and mechanical deformations were studied by Nardelli [144]
using the surface Green function matching formalism and a nearest neighbour orbital tight
binding Hamiltonian [146]. The orbital bands were described via a single parameter,
= 2.75 eV. Calculations made for small radius (4. 4) nanotubes show that bending of
the tube by small angles (3

and 6

) does not drastically alter the basic electronic characteristics

of the metallic (4. 4) tubes (see gure 26).
A rst-principles approach to the transport properties of nanoscale devices is based on
supercell methods [147154] where KohnSham(KS) equations for the device are solved using
periodic boundary conditions. The scattering states are then determined through a recursive
technique considering the effective device potential between the perfect electrodes. The
applicability of these methods is limited to the calculation of transport coefcients in the linear
response regime, because the effective device potential is derived using periodic boundary
Topical Review R939
conditions which cannot describe systems under an external bias or having nonidentical
electrodes at the two ends. The method has been used to provide a possible explanation for the
experimentally observed conductance of one quantum unit instead of two for nanotubes with
one end dipped into a liquid metal such as mercury [153].
For nanoscale transport investigations, an alternative method, which was pioneered by
Lang [155], is the open jellium approach [155160] based on LippmanSchwinger theory.
Treating the leads in terms of a jellium model, the charge density of the open device is
constructed from the scattering states. The KS equations are solved self-consistently with
the appropriate boundary condition of the device under bias. The method, which allows I V
curves to be calculated, is however limited by two major approximations. Constructing the
charge density and the device potential using only scattering states is not enough for achieving
a truly self-consistent solution. The omitted bound states, which exist within the device, must
also be considered. Second, the real atomic structure of the electrodes is not represented in
the jellium model.
In recent years, several rst-principles methods have been developed to capture the
basic properties of the challenging problem of nanoscale transport in the nonequilibrium
regime [161163]. These methods, essentially differing only in their numerical
implementation, share most of the main ingredients of the treatment as they are imposed by the
intrinsic properties of the problem at hand. Density functional theory (DFT) is employed to
describe the atomistic nature of both the device and the electrodes self-consistently, including
exchangecorrelation and charging effects. Unlike conventional DFT simulation schemes, in
order to account for the innite and open nature of the system due to the electrodes, DFT is
used in combination with the nonequilibrium Green function (NEGF) formalism. The NEGF
formalism provides a means for representing the effects of innite electrodes in the form of
self-energy terms. Also the nonequilibrium charge density of the device under the biased
conditions to be used in DFT can be constructed through the Keldysh nonequilibrium Green
function. It should be noted that this formalism also allows for a computationally efcient
evaluation of the contribution of the bound states to the charge density.
More specically, a nanodevice coupled to two semi-innite metallic electrodes can be
considered to be divided into three parts. These are the left (l), right (r) and central (c)
regions. The central (device) region must be chosen to extend far enough into the electrodes
that the effective device potential can be matched at the boundaries with the bulk potential
of the electrodes (see gure 27). The effective potential of the device is generated using the
information on the charge distribution inside the central region
( r). The charge distribution
is conveniently calculated from the density matrix , which can be constructed using the
nonequilibrium Green function as

d G
() (11)
() = G

with G
and G
= (G

denoting the retarded and advanced Green functions of the device

(central region).
corresponds to the injected charge fromthe electrodes. It can be expressed
in terms of the Fermi distribution functions f
( j
) and f
( j
) of the left and right
electrodes and their retarded self-energies

= 2i Im[ f

+ f

] . (13)
Here j
and j
are the Fermi levels deep in the left and right electrodes such that V
)e is the external applied bias. The Green functions are evaluated by direct matrix
R940 Topical Review
Figure 27. (a) The metallic electrodenanotube interface. A semi-innite (4. 4) armchair SWNT
is in contact with a semi-innite Al(100) metallic electrode. The device region is coupled to perfect
atomic scale electrodes which extend to reservoirs at z = . (b) Charge density contours of the
interface at equilibrium. The contours of the bulk lead match that of the device at the edges of the
device region. (Reproduced from [161].)
() = [I H

where H[
( r)] is the Hamiltonian matrix of the central region within DFT and evaluated
using the charge density obtained from equation (11). The cyclic procedure summarized
above should be iterated until NEGFDFT self-consistency is achieved.
The I V characteristics of the nanoscale device are calculated using the Landauer formula
I (V
) =

d T() [ f
( j
) f
( j
)] . (15)
It should be noted that the transmission function T() depends both on temperature and on the
applied bias and is expressed as
T() = Tr[
()] (16)
is the function describing the linewidth due to the coupling of the central device
region to the electrode p. It is related to the corresponding self-energies of the electrodes in
the form

= i(

). ( p = l. r). (17)
Topical Review R941
z-position (nm)
-200 0 200 400 600


Figure 28. (a) A transmission electron micrograph (TEM) image of carbon nanotubes at the end
of a nanotube bre. (b) A schematic diagram of the experimental set-up. Nanotubes are lowered
under SPM control into a liquid metal surface. (c) Variation of conductance with nanotube bre
position. Plateaus are observed corresponding to additional nanotubes coming into contact with
the liquid metal. (Reproduced from [15].)
With the development of self-consistent ab initio methods based on DFT and the NEGF
formalism, the transport properties of a broad set of nanoscale systems [164168], including
, linear chains of carbon, fullerene and silicon, and gold nanowires, are studied under
nonequilibrium conditions. Some interesting features such as negative differential resistance
in I V curves and the importance of the detailed atomic structure of the electrodes are reported.
Carbon nanotubes having different electronic structures depending on their chirality and
radius are candidates for being main constituents of the future nanoelectronics technology. A
considerable amount of experimental and theoretical effort has been devoted to investigating
quantum transport properties of nanotubes. Calculations show that innitely long, perfect,
metallic single-wall carbon nanotubes have an equilibrium conductance of G = 2G
, where
= 2e
h, due to two subbands crossing at the Fermi level [11, 12]. The existence of
pentagonheptagon pair defects in innite nanotubes is shown to alter the conductance pattern
slightly [152]. The discrepancy between the theoretical calculations and the much smaller
values of the nanotube conductance measured in experiments is attributed to poor nanotube
electrode contacts.
In an interesting transport experiment performed by Frank et al [15] the conductance of
MWNTs, dipped into a liquid metal to minimize the contact resistance effects, were found to
be close to G
, half the expected value. Figures 28(a) and (b) show the transmission electron
micrograph (TEM) image of the nanotubes used and the experimental set-up. The conductance
is seen to increase as the nanotube bre is dipped into the liquid metal in steps of G
as shown
in gure 28(c). Each step corresponds to an additional nanotube coming into contact with the
metal. Although narrower, two more steps at fractional G
values are also observed.
An explanation of the measured conductance pattern is provided by Choi and co-
workers [153] in their ab initio calculation of the conductance of the (10, 10) SWNT with one
end immersed in a jellium metal. They showed that of the two available channels, it is mostly
band incident electrons that suffer strong back-scattering at the nanotubemetal contact,
while the
band is responsible for the observed conductance of the system, i.e. G = G
. In
another account, using a semiempirical scattering technique Sanvito et al [169] calculated the
conductance of a MWNT with a special geometry and provided a possible explanation of the
measured [15] fractional conductance values in terms of interwall interactions in a MWNT.
Later, Taylor et al [161] simulated transport properties of a SWNTmetal interface using the
R942 Topical Review
NEGFDFT formalism and a semi-innite Al electrode of nite cross section (see gure 27).
They showed that there are two transmission eigenvectors which connect the two sides of
the electrodenanotube interface. The two transmission eigenvalues T
and T
were smaller
than unity; however, their sum at the Fermi energy gave an equilibrium conductance almost
equal to G
for a range of distances between the nanotube and the electrode. This result is
consistent with both the nanotubejellium calculation [153] and the experiment [15]. In a
recent study Palacios et al [170] addressed the problemof conductance of nite length carbon
nanotubes with realistic metal electrodes using a rst-principles method called the Gaussian
embedded cluster method [163]. They observed resonance patterns around the Fermi level
in the conductance proles. As electrodes, elemental Ti was found to make better high
transparency contacts to carbon nanotubes compared to more traditional metals such as Al
and Au.
The electronic and transport properties of carbon nanotubes can be modied by doping
with foreign atoms. The effects of substitutional nitrogen doping in carbon nanotubes under
nonequilibriumconditions were investigated by Kaunet al [171] using NEGFDFTformalism.
Nitrogen doping of nanotubes does not cause substitutional structural relaxation; however,
the step-like equilibrium conductance pattern of the nanotube is altered due to the action of
a substantial number of nitrogen atoms as elastic scattering centres. It was found that for
doped zigzag nanotubes even a single nitrogen atom substitution increases the current ow
and for small radii tubes narrows the current gap. Periodic doping of nitrogen atoms in a
semiconducting nanotube makes the structure metallic with a nonlinear I V characteristic and
a negative differential resistance at higher biases. It is interesting that breaking of symmetry
by the impurities can raise the current ow in semiconducting tubes and reduce the current
slightly in metallic ones. All these nonequilibriumtransport properties can be understood from
the simple physical picture of alignment and misalignment of current carrying bands of the
device due to applied bias.
7.2. Device models
Several novel properties of carbon nanotubes, which have been revealed through the active
experimental and theoretical research during the last decade, have been combined in
nanodevice operation or circuit elements. These are semiconductor heterostructures or metal
semiconductor junctions; resonant tunnelling double-barrier (RTDB) and multiple-quantum-
well structures (MQWS); metallic nanorings for persistent currents and solenoids; metal
nanotube contacts and Schottky barriers; interconnects; etc.
SWNTSWNT junctions. Structural defects can affect the atomic and electronic structure
of nanotubes. The role of topological defects, such as 57 pentagonheptagon defects, has
been investigated by different groups. Charlier et al [19] carried out an extensive study on
the topological 57 defects in different directions on the surface of the (12. 0) SWNT and
revealed their effects on the atomic and electronic structure by using a recursion method
within the tight binding description of the carbon bands. They found that the 57 defect
can induce changes in diameter and chirality of the nanotube. For example, if the 57 defect
can be aligned exactly on the axis of the (n. 0) zigzag tube, the chirality remains the same,
but the diameter becomes smaller. If the 57 defect is perpendicular to the axis of the tube,
the diameter is conserved, but the zigzag SWNT becomes chiral. Chirality increases with
increasing number of 57 defects perpendicular to the axis of the tube. The 57 defects
in any orientation on the surface of SWNTs change both the diameter and the chirality. Not
only atomic or geometric structure, but also the electronic structure around the Fermi level gets
Topical Review R943
Figure 29. Energies of the discrete states of the (6. 4)m(5. 5)(6. 4) quantum dots as a function
of the number of (5. 5) unit cells m. (Reproduced from [20, 173].)
modied by the presence of 57 defects. Most importantly, nanotubes with different chiralities
and different electronic properties and diameters can be connected using such a pair defect to
formdifferent kinds of heterostructures. These heterostructures (such as metalsemiconductor
and semiconductorsemiconductor) can form rectiers or diodes and hence they can play an
important role in nanoelectronics. In fact, the calculation of electronic transport through such
junctions yielded tunnelling conductance and hence indicated that they can be used as building
blocks of nanoscale electronic devices [172]. Chico et al [173] studied the electronic structure
of (8. 0)(7. 1) and (8. 0)(5. 3) junctions, which were formed from a single (8. 0) SWNT
by introducing a single and triple 57 defect pair, respectively. For the case of the (8. 0)
(7. 1) junction, it corresponds to a heterostructure between a semiconductor having a band
gap of 0.62 eV and a semimetal. The second junction, (8. 0)(5. 3), is a semiconductor
semiconductor heterostructure with two different band gaps.
It is clear that by the controlled generation of 57 defects on a chiral SWNT one can form
a variety of SWNTSWNT junctions with different heterostructure characteristics. Chico
et al [20] went further and proposed an interesting heterostructure, namely a new type of
quantum dot based solely on single SWNTs. It is made from a series of (6. 4)m(5. 5)(6. 4)
SWNT junctions. Here the (6. 4) tube is a semiconductor; m(5. 5) indicates m unit cells of a
metallic armchair tube. The (6. 4) tube was connected to the (5. 5) tube smoothly, introducing
heptagonpentagon defects. In this way formation of undesirable interface states has been
eliminated. Normally, a metallic nanostructure between two semiconducting ones forms a
quantumdot and this has quantized electronic states. Using the empirical tight binding method
and Green function matching approach along with the transfer matrix technique, Chico et al
[20] showed that electronic states in the metallic m(5. 5) part are indeed conned and exhibit
a sharp, function-like density of states. Moreover, their level spacings vary depending on the
value of m, showing a clear quantum size effect (see gure 29).
Quantum structures generated by radial deformation. The metallization of semiconducting
SWNTs under radial deformation (discussed in section 6) has been proposed to generate
quantum structures [24, 44, 118]. The idea is simple and originates from the numerous works
done on semiconductor heterostructures (A
) and quantum dots [174]. It is known that
R944 Topical Review
owing to the band offsets of the semiconductor heterostructures, the energies of the band states
of one semiconductor Bmay fall into the band gap of the adjacent semiconductor A. According
to the effective mass approximation, the height (depth) of the conduction (valence) band edge
of Ameasured fromthat of B, LE
), behaves as a potential barrier for electrons (holes).
For example, m layers of B between n layers of two As forma quantumwell yielding conned
electronic states. The depth of the well and the width of the barrier and well (in terms of
number of layers n and m, respectively) are crucial parameters for monitoring the resulting
electronic properties. By repeated formation of (A
) one generates MQWSs or RTDBs
by combination (A
). Similar to what one achieves in semiconductor heterostructures,
periodic MWQSs or nite RTDBstructures can be realized on an individual s-SWNT and their
electronic properties can be variably and reversibly monitored.
Performing empirical tight binding and also rst-principles calculations, Kili c et al [24]
have shown that a MQWS is generated by applying different radial deformations at adjacent
parts of a (7. 0) s-SWNT and repeating them periodically. They considered a supercell
consisting of 16 unit cells of the (7. 0) SWNT; n of the unit cells were kept undeformed
and the remaining m = 16 n were radially deformed. Tight binding charge densities of the
band edge states for superlattices corresponding to n = 4, 8, 12 have clearly demonstrated
the connement of states and quantum well structure formation. Later, the strain induced
quantum well structures were treated by means of SCF rst-principles calculations on a
superlattice consisting of 12 (8. 0) SWNT unit cells [18]; half of them were radially strained
with c
=0.16; the remaining half were left undeformedi.e. c
= 0. Within the superlattice
geometry, the adjacent unstrained and strained parts were repeated yielding a periodic band gap
modulation. Applying the standard method for band line-up explained in detail below [175],
using a SCF crystal potential and referring to the energies at the top of the valence band, the
mist of the valence band edges between adjacent (i.e. undeformed and deformed) zones has
been found to be 180 meV. This indicates a staggered band line-up. As in the empirical tight
binding calculations, it has been demonstrated that quantum structures can be formed on a
single SWNT. Tombler et al [118] have shown that a quantumdot can be produced by bending
(and hence inducing radial deformation of) the SWNT at a given point.
Quantumstructure formation by modulating hydrogenation. Amodel of an electronic device
based on a similar band gap modulation and hence MQWS formation has been proposed
recently [176]. In this case the band gap modulation is provided by the modulating hydrogen
adsorption (see gure 30). The localization of states in one of the zones (either a (C
(i.e. specied by l) zone or a (C
(i.e. specied by q) zone) is based on the physical
grounds discussed above.
Formation of different zones leading to different electronic structures on the same
(8. 0) SWNT upon modulating the H adsorption, and also the effect of the superlattice
size (i.e. l, q and l + q), is further analysed by examining the electronic potential [176].
The electronic potential which consists of Hartree, exchange and ionic pseudopotentials,
(r) = V
(r) + V
(r) + V
(r), is calculated self-consistently. Figure 31 shows the planar
averaged electronic potential

(z) =

(x. y. z) dx dy (18)
and the running average of the planar averaged potential,

(z), along the axis of the SWNT.
Here a
and b
are superlattice parameters. As seen in gure 31(a), the short periodicity,
l = q = 1, is not sufcient to induce two adjacent zones with markedly different electronic
structures. In gure 31(b) the differences between two zones become pronounced and LV
Topical Review R945
Figure 30. Superlattice structures, [(C
] formed on a single (8. 0) SWNT by
modulating adsorption of hydrogen atoms. (a) l = q = 1; (b) l = q = 2. The positions of
64 H and 128 C atoms, as well as the superlattice parameter c
, are calculated from full structure
optimization by using conjugate gradient method. (Reproduced from [176].)
Figure 31. Averages of calculated self-consistent electronic potentials of the superlattices. (a)
]; (b) [(C
]; (c) [(C
]; (d) [(C
]. Dashed
and thick curves are planar averaged,

(z), and running averaged,

(z), respectively. Relatively
high cell averaged potential zones correspond to (C
. See the text. (Reproduced from [176].)
increases for the superlattice; l = q = 2. Figures 31(c) and (d) indicate that the potential,

(z), becomes atter as l and q increase from2 to 3 and two adjacent zones display markedly
different electronic structures.
Band line-up of zones, (C
and (C
, is a complex process involving the relaxation
of the atomic structure and charge transfer at the interfaces and also resulting in modication
R946 Topical Review
Figure 32. Aschematic illustration of the energy band diagram and band offsets estimated by using
averaged self-consistent electronic potentials,

(z), calculated for the l and q zones, LE
and band gaps, E
and E
, calculated for l = and q = . The band diagram indicates a
type-I band line-up appropriate for a resonant tunnelling double-barrier structure. (Reproduced
from [176].)
of the electronic potential. Experimental and theoretical methods have been proposed in
the past to determine the band offsets and hence to obtain the band diagram perpetuating
along the semiconductor heterostructures. A solution of this problem [175] involves the
following steps. First, the average electronic potentials corresponding to

(z) for nite
l and q, as well as for innite l and q, (C
and (C
, are calculated. The
actual atomic positions, especially those at the interface, and the charge transfer between
regions are of crucial importance for the band offsets and are incorporated self-consistently
in the calculated average electronic potential. Secondly, for the case of l = q =
the energy difference between the edge of the valence band E
and the average potential,
i.e. LE
= E

, are calculated. LE
for (C
and (C
is found to be 2.62 and 3.91 eV, respectively. In the third step, one assumes that LE
unchanged for nite l and q and determines the valence band edges of a particular superlattice
with given l and q by adding LE
to the corresponding average potential values

of the l and q zones. At the end, the energies of the valence band edges of two adjacent
zones (i.e. hydrogen-free and exohydrogenated) are xed. Then, the valence band offset
of the superlattice is LE
= E
. The energies of the conduction band edges
of the superlattice are determined by adding band gaps of different zones (calculated for
l = and q = ) to the energies of the valence band edges, i.e. E
= E
+ E
= E
+ E
. Here, E
and E
are the band gaps of hydrogenated and hydrogen-free
zones, respectively. The conduction band offset is then determined by subtracting these latter
energies, i.e. LE
= E
. Figure 32 presents a schematic illustration of the band
diagram obtained in [176].
The present discussion for the periodically repeating quantum wells can be extended to
nite systems, for example to the resonant tunnelling double barriers, made by a zone (C
placed between two zones of (C
, i.e. (C
. Metallic reservoirs
adjacent to both barriers, i.e. (C
, and metallic connects of the device can be achieved
by metal coating [102, 103, 109]. Also a metalsemiconductor heterostructure can be formed
by modulating the hydrogenation of an (n. n) armchair SWNT. In this way metallic connects
are provided by the hydrogen-free ends of the tube.
SWNTmetal contact. The switching of the current in a s-SWNT at room temperature by an
external electric eld has been utilized to fabricate a neweld effect transistor (FET) [99101].
The interaction between the s-SWNT and metal electrode and the Schottky barrier, +
, formed
Topical Review R947
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
Figure 33. (a) Local densities of states (LDOSs) at different Au and C atoms of the (8. 0) zigzag
SWNT side-bonded to the Au(100) surface. The locations of atoms are shown in the inset. The
zero of energy is taken at the Fermi energy E
. State densities shown by empty circles and lled
diamonds correspond to six neighbouring carbon atoms. Other densities are for single atoms.
(b) Contour plots of the SCF electronic potential, V
(r), on a vertical plane. (c) As (b) but on a
horizontal plane bisecting s. In the dark grey regions, V
(r) > E
. (d) The variation of V
(z) on
a perpendicular line passing through the centre of the SWNT. (Reproduced from [179].)
thereof have been proposed as the origin of the FET operation. Model calculations have been
carried out to provide further understanding of experimental I V characteristics [177, 178].
The origin of the potential barrier formed between an s-SWNT and a specic metal
electrode has been investigated recently by using rst-principles calculations [179]. The
interaction and energy of binding between an individual Au atomand (8. 0) tube is essential for
the contact. The contact on the gold electrode is formedby placing the s-SWNTon the Au(100)
surface, so a surface Au atom faces the centre of the hexagon. The AuSWNT equilibrium
distance, s, occurred at 3.18 according to full structure optimization. This implies a weak
AuSWNTinteraction which is characterized by physisorption. The LDOSs calculated for two
Au atoms at different sites (one is at the contact just belowthe SWNThexagon; the second being
furthest from the SWNT mimics the clean Au surface) in gure 33(a) have nite state density
at the Fermi level. These two LDOSs are similar; there are only minute changes, whereas the
LDOS of the carbon atoms at the contact still has a band gap. The Fermi level lies near the
top of the valence band of the SWNT and is consistent with a small +
in the hole doping
picture. The LDOS at the carbon atom which is furthest from the metal electrode displays a
state distribution similar to that of the carbon atom in the contact region. The calculated total
charge density of the SWNT bonded to the metal electrode, E
, i.e. [SWNT + E
], and the
difference charge density, L = [SWNT + E
] [E] [SWNT], show minute charge
rearrangements. These results indicate that the weak Au electrodeSWNT interaction does
not induce any signicant changes in the electronic structure. The SCF electronic potential
between the SWNT and the Au electrode, V
(r), is presented on a vertical plane and also on a
horizontal plane bisecting s in gures 33(b) and (c). The shaded area shows that the electronic
potential energy at the contact yields a potential barrier +
= V
> 0. At the contact
midway between the SWNT and Au(100) surface, +
is calculated to be 3.9 eVthat is,
comparable with the calculated work function (+ 5 eV) of the Au slab. Figure 33(d) shows
the variation of V
(z) on a line passing through the centre of the SWNT and perpendicular
R948 Topical Review
Figure 34. (a) Local densities of states (LDOSs) at different Mo and C atoms of the (8. 0) zigzag
SWNT side-bonded to the Mo(110) surface. The locations of atoms are shown in the inset. The
zero of energy is taken at the Fermi energy E
. State densities shown by empty circles and lled
diamonds correspond to eight neighbouring carbon atoms, The others are for single atoms. (b)
Contour plots of the total SCF charge density on a vertical plane. State densities shown by empty
circles correspond to ten neighbouring carbon atoms. (Reproduced from [179].)
to the Au(100) surface. The effective potential barrier, +
, can be even higher owing to
the increased connement of electrons in the contact region. Therefore, electrons which are
transferred from the metal to the s-SWNT have to tunnel through a potential barrier +
The above situation is, however, different in the case of an s-SWNT side-bonded to the
Mo(110) surface, as shown in gure 34. Upon relaxation, the tube has rotated slightly so C
atoms tend to approach Mo atoms. The LDOS at the Mo atom interacting with the C atoms
of the SWNT is different from that at the clean Mo(110) surface. Moreover, the LDOS at the
carbon atomclosest to the Mo surface has nite state density at E
. In particular, the peak near
is associated with the CMo bond states and hence may be attributed to the metal induced
gap states (MIGS). The LDOS of the C atoms furthest from the contact has a band gap near
. This situation indicates that the site of the SWNT forming contact is conducting, while the
opposite site furthest from the contact remains semiconducting. Owing to the strong MoC
bond, the spacing between the SWNT and the Mo electrode is smaller (s = 1.96 ) than that
with the Au electrode. The strong CMo bond formation is claried by the calculated total
SCF charge density in gure 34(b). The analysis of the difference charge density L shows
Topical Review R949
the strong charge transfer to the CMo bonds. The electronic potentials calculated on the
horizontal plane bisecting s and also on a line from the SWNT to the Mo(110) surface through
the contact show that V
(r) - E
in the contact region. Accordingly, a potential barrier, +
does not form at the extended contact between the SWNT and the Mo electrode.
It appears that the above results distinguish two different types of electronic structure for
two different electrodes. A large spacing and sizable potential barrier between the tube and
metal electrode, +
3.9 eV, are characteristics of the contact made with the Au surface.
This explains why the devices made from Au electrodes have high contact resistance. Here,
weak coupling of electronic states may not lead to MIGS and the (8. 0) SWNT is identied
as being semiconducting even after the contact has been set with the Au surface. Because of
weak couplingand hence nite +
, the s-SWNTAu contact is reminiscent of the metaloxide
semiconductor (MOS) junction. A small +
is estimated for the p-type character. Upon radial
deformation, s decreases and eventually +
collapses. Similar features have been observed
recently in STM studies using multiwall carbon nanotube tips and Au(111) samples [180].
However, +
has disappeared due to strong coupling between the states of the s-SWNT and
Mo(110) [91]. The height of the Schottky barrier +
that forms at the SWNTMo(110) junction
having a nite contact region followed by a free s-SWNT depends on the position where the
Fermi level is pinned in the gap of the s-SWNT. A crude estimate based on the LDOS suggests
that +
0.4 eV for the p-type character. The small cross section of the tube prevents us
from identifying a band diagram across the diameter. But the bands are normally bent along
the axis of the s-SWNT and the height of the barrier is monitored via the applied gate voltage.
Finally, we note that the electronic properties of present metalSWNT junctions, in particular
the Fermi level pinning, exhibit marked differences from those of metalSi heterostructures,
which are known to be insensitive to the type of metal.
At this point, we also mention an interesting work by Buldum and Lu [181] on the
intermolecular junctions of SWNTs. They found atomic scale characteristics in the quantum
transport properties of junctions between two SWNTs. In particular, the contact resistance was
strongly dependent on the local atomic conguration of the contact. The optimal electronic
transport between nanotubes occurred when the surfaces of SWNTs were in atomic registry.
However, as illustrated in gure 35, the contact resistance can vary over several orders of
magnitude when the relative atomic conguration at the contact has been changed. Their
predictions were conrmed experimentally [182]. It has been suggested that the monitoring
of contact resistance may lead to new atomic scale switches, resistors and ampliers.
A similar effect was predicted earlier for an Al chain, which is connected to two at Al
substrates to a weaker extent. It was found that the quantumconductance of the chain depends
on the position of the Al atom(whether in a top site or a hollowsite) where the chain is attached
to the electrodes [183].
Metal nanorings. Metal nanorings are of particular interest, because they may lead to the
realization of nanosolenoids on SWNTs. The small radius of a metallic nanoring wrapping
the carbon nanotube may lead to interesting electromagnetic properties. The magnetic eld B
at the centre of the ring can be expressed in terms of the quantized angular momentum L
the electrons in the direction parallel to the tube axis
B =
. (19)
where r is the radius of the nanoring. Taking the lowest possible value for L
and r = 5.9 ,
we estimate B to be of the order of 100 G. The current in the metal ring that can induce
such a high magnetic eld is comparable to the current attained in suspended, monatomic
R950 Topical Review
Figure 35. (a) Amodel of a four-terminal junction formed by crossing two nanotubes. The terminal
labels, rotation angle, O, and the translation directions are shown. The tubes are considered to be
rigid. The current is passing between 1 and 4 and the voltage is measured between 2 and 3. (b) The
contact resistance of the (18. 0)(10. 10) junction as a function of the rotation angle O. The tubes
are in registry at O = 30

, 90

, 150

. (c) The resistance of the (10. 10)(10. 10) junction. The

tubes are in registry at O = 0

, 60

, 120

, 180

. (d) The resistance of the (18. 0)(10. 10) junction

as a function of one tube relative to the other in the x and y directions. (Reproduced from [181].)
gold chains [8890]. Relatively higher magnetic elds of the order of teslas can be induced
by a higher current passing through a thick Ti based metal coating around the SWNT, or by
increasing the number of turns and hence by forming a nanocoil. Miyamoto et al [184] have
examined the chiral conductivity in bare BC
N nanotubes. They estimated that a magnetic
eld of a few tenths of a tesla can be induced at the centre of the tube by assuming a relaxation
time for carriers 50 times larger than that in Cu and a homogeneous chiral current density
conned to the tubule wall.
Metal nanorings winding the SWNT are also important, because they may allow the
generation of persistent current at the nanoscale. Persistent currents in the nanoring can
be started by sudden application of an external magnetic eld. In this way it is possible
to use a nanotube, with a ring at its end, as a local magnetic probe at the nanoscale. The
persistent currents induced around a SWNT have been proposed as possible qubits in quantum
computation by Kulik et al [185]. A superconducting ring may also be used for Schr odingers
cat experiments where one deals with the superposition of macroscopic quantum states [186].
The two supercurrent quantum states (clockwise and anticlockwise ow) sit in two separate
quantumwells. It has been observed that a weak microwave, which does not breakCooper pairs,
can cause quantumtunnelling between these two macroscopic states. In this kind of experiment
the main problemis isolating the superconducting quantuminterference device (SQUID) from
the outside (nonquantum) environment and that is why isolated carbon nanotubes can be very
Motivated by these exciting future applications, Bagci et al [109] studied the formation
of Al coverage and Al nanorings around a (8. 0) SWNT. Since aluminium atoms have strong
AlAl interaction, but not so strong AlSWNT interaction, they tend to form clusters or
nanoparticles (i.e. 3D islands) on the surface of the SWNT. However, Bagci et al showed that
at special congurations both a stable nanoring and a metal tube can be formed. Moreover,
these structures become stable even if the underlying SWNT is taken out. We rst discuss the
zigzag Al nanoring coverage which is obtained by placing Al atoms on top of carbon atoms
Topical Review R951
Figure 36. A view of the optimized structure of the Al zigzag nanoring formed on a (8. 0) SWNT.
(Reproduced from [109].)
(T site), forming a zigzag ring (see gure 36). This structure includes 64 C and 16 Al atoms in
the double unit cell. In this initial conguration the AlAl distance is 2.33 and the angle of
the AlAlAl bond is 137

. After structure optimization, the AlAl bond length is increased

to 2.56 and the AlAlAl bond angle is decreased to 124

, yielding the radius of the nanoring

as 5.9 . A side view of the optimized structure of the Al nanoring wrapping the (8. 0) SWNT
is illustrated in gure 36. The binding energyof the Al nanoringis calculated to be 0.85 eV. The
stability of the Al nanoring around the nanotube can be understood from the stable structures
of planar Al monatomic chains. Recent studies on low dimensional structures of metals have
revealed several stable atomic structures in one dimension (1D) [37, 94, 110, 187191]. The
nal optimized structure of the zigzag Al nanoring around the (8. 0) nanotube has structural
parameters similar to those of the planar zigzag structure [110], except that it is rolled on a
cylinder. The SWNT initially serves as a template in the formation of the ring structure and
also increases the stability of the ring by preventing transitions to other relatively more stable
structures. Therefore, the Al nanoring around the SWNT is expected to be stable at room
temperature. Interestingly, the nanoring is also stable by itself, since the positions of Al atoms
do not change signicantly upon discarding the underlying carbon nanotube.
The electronic properties of the zigzag Al nanoring system are also quite interesting. The
electronic energy bands of the Al metal ring (without a SWNT) are derived fromthe dispersive
bands of the at zigzag Al chain [110]. When the at zigzag Al chain is rolled into a ring, its
bands are zone folded at the I point and they appear as a number of discrete energy levels.
For the case of the Al nanoring wrapping the nanotube, these states are mixed with the states
of the nanotube and give rise to the bands and a density of states, which contributes a metallic
behaviour to the combined Al nanoring and (8. 0) nanotube system. According to Mulliken
analysis, 0.15 electrons are transferred from each Al atom to the SWNT. Most importantly,
the Al ring is a conductor that incorporates two channels with an ideal ballistic quantum
conductance of 4e
Nanomagnets. In section 5.2, we showed that nanomagnets can formonce the SWNT is fully
covered or lled by the specic transition metal atoms. Therefore, rst-principles calculations
by Durgun et al [102, 103] present evidence that one can generate nanomagnets from SWNTs
decorated by transition metal atoms (such as Ti, Ta). From the spintronics and molecular
magnetism point of view, the subject is extremely important and requires further study of
the magnetization of transition metal atom covered SWNTs. Yang et al [111] performed
R952 Topical Review
Figure 37. (a) A tapping mode AFM image of an individual carbon nanotube on top of three Pt
electrodes. (b) A schematic side view of the FET device. A single s-SWNT is contacted by two
electrodes. The Si substrate, which is covered by a layer of SiO
3000 thick, acts as a back-gate.
(c) The suggested band diagram of the device. The nanotube with a gap of 0.6 eV is connected
to the leads with Fermi energy E
by tunnelling contacts, indicated by the black vertical bars. At
A and C, the valence band edge is pinned to the Fermi energy of the leads. Owing to a difference
in work function between the tube and the electrodes, the bands bend towards lower energy in
between the electrodes. For V
> 0 the bands bend more strongly, leading to an insulating state;
for V
- 0 the bands are attened, resulting in a metal-like conductance. (d) Application of a
bias voltage results in suppression of the barrier. (Reproduced from [99].)
rst-principles calculations of Co lled and Co coated (9. 0) tubes and found that these
systems exhibit substantial magnetic moments (1.4 j
per Co atom) and have a very high
spin polarization, P = (D

) D


) + D

)) (P = 86%) for the spin
valve effect. Dag et al [7] have obtained a signicant net magnetic moment for Ti covered
(8. 0), (9. 0) and (6,6) SWNTs.
8. Devices fabricated using carbon nanotubes
The objective of most of the effort made so far in the research on carbon nanotubes has been to
discover a technological application. Nanoelectronic or molecular electronics considered as
ultimate miniaturization [192] has attracted much of the interest. The realization of a single-
molecule device has been challenging due to difculties in manipulating the molecule and
achieving the electrical contact. Intensive laboratory work combined with theoretical studies
during last decade has made remarkable advances in methods and techniques which were able
to produce novel electronic devices based on carbon nanotubes. These devices have kept the
great expectations for these materials alive and have continued to motivate further research.
Some of these devices will be reviewed in this section.
8.1. Transistors based on carbon nanotubes
In 1998 Tans et al [99] achieved the fabrication of a eld effect transistor (FET), which consists
of a semiconducting SWNT connected to two metal electrodes. Asemiconducting Si substrate
covered with a 300 nm layer of thermally grown SiO
was used as a back-gate (see gure 37).
The nanotube was able to switch froma conducting to an insulating state at roomtemperature as
Topical Review R953
Figure 38. Two-probe I V
curves for various values of the gate voltage (V
). Data were taken
at room temperature and in vacuum (10
mbar) with the voltage applied to contacts 1 (drain)
and 2 (source). A negative V
leads to ohmic behaviour while a positive V
results in a strong
suppression of the current at low bias voltage and nonlinear I V
curves at higher bias. Inset:
conductance at V
= 0 as a function of V
. The conductance through this single-molecule
switch can be varied over at least six orders of magnitude and saturates at 10
for negative
. (Reproduced from [99].)
a result of the voltage applied to the gate. As shown in gure 38, at V
= 0, I V
a small nonlinearity. However, a pronouncedgap-like nonlinearity developed around V
= 0
with increasing V
. At negative V
, the I V
curve becomes linear with a resistance that
saturates around 1 MO. Achange of 10 Vin V
resulted in modulation of the conductance by
about six orders of magnitude at V
= 0. According to the electronic structure and energy
diagram of the FET modelled by Tans et al in gure 37(c) the difference in work function
will result in bending of the bands of the semiconducting SWNT. A local polarization layer
develops at the interface until the valence band edge of the SWNT aligns with the Fermi
level of the metal electrode. The band bending length was estimated to be 400 nm. It was
assumed that the Fermi level is pinned at the valence band edge of the SWNT at the contact,
since the FET has the same room temperature resistance of 1 MO and a similar temperature
dependence. This behaviour of the device, namely a mild temperature dependence, has been
attributed to the absence of a Schottky barrier. Since the proposed band diagram of the device
was reminiscent of that of the barrier injection transit time diode (BARITT), its operation is
qualitatively described in terms of the BARITT model. It has been argued that using special
geometry, reducing the contact resistance and the thickness of SiO
, the device would allow
a maximum frequency of the order of 10 THz. Also its gain can be raised by one order if the
thickness of SiO
is decreased from3000 to 50 . It has also been foreseen that the integration
of multiple devices into a circuit would be possible, by molecular self-assembly techniques.
Later, Zhou et al [98] measured I V characteristics of devices obtained with s-SWNTs
contacted by 200 thick Ni electrodes with 600 thick Au on top. The lengths of the SWNTs
between electrodes were less than 30 jm. Degenerately doped Si wafers with 5000 thick
thermally grown oxide on the surface were used as the substrate. The heavily doped substrate
is conducting at low temperature and was used as a back-gate. Electrical transport through an
s-SWNT involved thermal activation at high temperature and tunnelling behaviour through a
R954 Topical Review
reverse biased metalSWNTjunction at lowtemperature. Under high V
, I V characteristics
of s-SWNTs exhibit pronounced asymmetry with respect to the bias polarity, as a result of
local gating. Different samples exhibited I V characteristics resembling that of the Si based
p metaloxidesemiconductor eld effect transistor (MOSFET). The positive voltage gain of
3 recorded in this device was almost one order of magnitude higher than the maximum gain
of 0.35 obtained by Tans et al [99]. The transconductance was measured to be 200 nA V
which is two orders of magnitude higher than the similar results obtained by Martel et al [101].
These values indicate great progress.
Both transistors discussed above have been realized by the side bonding of SWNTs. These
devices generally have high contact resistance and unipolar (p-type) transport characteristics.
High contact resistance between the side-bonded s-SWNT and high work-function metal
electrode is in accord with the rst-principles calculations [179]. Martel et al [101] realized
an end-bonded SWNTmetal contact. A FET was made of a semiconducting SWNT of
8000 length and 14 diameter contacting TiC and passivated with a uniform SiO
In contrast to the above planar devices, in the latter device the apparent barrier height for
carrier injection is modulated by the gate eld. This allowed the FET device to be ambipolar
with low contact resistance for both n- and p-type conduction. Devices showing ohmic I V
curves in both strong accumulation and inversion regimes have been attributed to the very
small Schottky barrier at the contact. The low barriers for both electrons and holes have
been attributed to the effective barrier heights being strongly modulated by the electrostatic
eld of the gate. Because of their quasi-one-dimensional structure the electronic behaviour
of nanotube contacts is found to be sensitive to the electrostatics [193]. Fermi level pinning
appears to be relatively unimportant for nanotubes end-bondedto TiC. The needle-like shape of
the metallic carbide contacts focuses the electric eld and hence the gate can induce a stronger
electric eld at the junction. As a result, whereas the true Schottky barrier height is as high as
one expects (i.e. +
= E
2), it is so thin that carriers can easily tunnel through the barrier.
The symmetry and narrowness of the Schottky barrier for both holes and electrons in a
FET based on an s-SWNT have led to an interesting application. Injection of electrons and
holes simultaneously through the narrow barriers at the source and drain contacts has been
possible at room temperature. These injected carriers have recombined and emitted photons
with energy h = E
and wavelength 0.81.5 jm. Because depends on the E
the s-SWNT, the wavelength of the emitted light can be adjusted easily by using an s-SWNT
with a different radius, or one can tune the emission to any wavelength by radial deformation.
This new result holds promise that SWNTs can enable nanoscale photon sources for future
optoelectronics and bre optics [194].
The charge carrier mobility is crucial for the applications such as in few- and single-
electron memories and chemical/biochemical sensors. Instead of a Schottky barrier as in
previous studies, the work by Durkop et al [195] exhibited an ohmic contact behaviour.
They presented measurements on long, ohmically contacted nanotube devices, showing eld
effect mobility in semiconducting SWNT transistors as high as 79 000 cm
at room
temperature, and the intrinsic mobility in s-SWNTs is even higher. These measured values
exceed those of any other semiconductor at room temperature.
Beyond the single FET, research on SWNTbased electronics has focused on the integration
of FETs on a chip, since the advance requires assembly strategies that allowprecise localization
and interconnection. Soh et al [197] achieved the synthesis of SWNTs by chemical vapour
deposition (CVD) of methane at controlled locations on a substrate using patterned catalytic
islands. The CVDsynthesis and microfabrication techniques were combined to produce a large
number of ohmically contacted nanotube devices with controllable length, placed on a Si wafer
with 1 jm thick thermally grown SiO
. It has been argued that this fabrication technique
Topical Review R955
allows large numbers of integrated nanotube circuits to be built reliably with a contact resistance
of 10 kO (or 20 kO two-terminal resistance in the ballistic regime). Later Franklin et al
[198] devised a method for reliable integration of long suspended SWNTs into electrically
addressable devices, which involves patterned growth of SWNTs to bridge predened Mo
electrodes. This approach affords SWNT based devices without any postgrowth processing.
In the course of active research towards nanoelectronics, Bachtold et al [199] demonstrated
logic circuits with FETs based on SWNTs. Their transistors show device characteristics such
as high gain (>10), a large onoff ratio (>10
) and room temperature operation.
Much recently, Keren et al [196] reported the realization of a self-assembled carbon
nanotube FET operating at room temperature where a DNA scaffold molecule provides the
address for precise localization of an s-SWNT as well as a template for the extended metallic
wires contacting it. In order to get the transistor to self-assemble, they attached a SWNT
onto a specic site on a DNA strand, by binding together with proteins. They then made gold
nanowire out of DNA molecules at each end of the nanotube. The device could be switched
on and off by applying voltage to it.
8.2. Chemical sensors
As discussed in section 3, the adsorption of atoms or molecules such as NO, NH
and O
s-SWNTs has been reported to change the electrical resistance and similar properties. It has
been suggested that this effect of carbon nanotubes can be used in chemical sensors to detect
specic molecules in the environment [62, 63]. Owing to their bulky size and high power
consumption, the miniaturization of chemical sensors is, in fact, very important for various
applications. Modi et al [200] achieved production of a miniaturized gas ionization sensor a
few microns in length using MWNTs. The sharp tips of MWNTs generate very high electric
eld at relatively low voltages, lowering breakdown voltages several times in comparison
to those of traditional electrodes. This feature enables compact, battery powered and safe
operation of such sensors. In this sensor, controlled dc voltage is applied between an anode
consisting of vertically aligned MWNT lm and a cathode made from Al sheet. A MWNT
lm (consisting of MWNTs 250300 in diameter, 30 jm long, with 500 separation)
was grown by CVD on a SiO
substrate. An individual MWNT, attached to the substrate in
the head-on position, has a tip radius of 150 , which, in turn generates a very high nonlinear
electric eld. In this way the formation of a corona is promoted at relatively lowvoltage, which
can be provided by special batteries. The breakdown voltage was found to become lower as
the interelectrode spacing was reduced. The breakdown voltage went down from 280 V (at
150 jm) to 130 V (at 25 jm separation). Such voltages can be easily obtained by series
connection of carbonzinc batteries. That makes the sensor portable. In the operation of the
sensor, it is found that while the breakdown voltage is independent of the gas concentration, the
current discharge is linearly dependent on the concentration. This sensor and the underlying
technique that it uses are very convenient, because: (i) the precise breakdown voltage provides
the ngerprint for the gas to be identied; (ii) by monitoring the self-sustaining discharge
current, the gas concentration can be determined; (iii) the response time is short [200].
9. Conclusions
Because of growing interest in nanotechnology and the quest for novel nanodevices, study of
carbon nanotubes has seen a tremendous explosion of work. Despite the large number of very
important research works, the scope of this reviewhas been focused on a limited eld covering
atomic and electronic structure of single-wall carbon nanotubes.
R956 Topical Review
In this review article, various physical properties of carbon nanotubes and specic
applications using these properties have been investigated. Our discussions have been guided
by rst-principles calculations within density functional theory, which were proven to be
appropriate and to yield accurate predictions on the atomic and electronic structure of carbon
It has been shown that bare nanotubes have many important properties which are suitable
for use in potential technological applications. That a (n. m) SWNT can be metallic or
semiconducting depending on n and m offers a wide range of options. Moreover, these options
are multiplied several times by the functionalization of tubes. Here we dealt with specic
cases wherein the properties of the nanotube undergo a dramatic change upon physisorption of
foreign atoms. Not only functionalization but also radial deformation has been seen to modify
the nanotube properties. A semiconducting nanotube can be metallic under a radial strain
which changes the circular cross section into an elliptical one. Even more interesting is that
these changes can be tuned reversibly. Finally, we discussed howproperties of bare nanotubes
as well as those induced by functionalization or radial deformation can be exploited for the
design of new molecular devices. Transistors and chemical sensors fabricated by using carbon
nanotubes, as explained at the end, show that carbon nanotubes are indeed nanostructures
which may potentially allow several technological applications.
This work was partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No INT01-
15021 and T


ITAK under Grant No TBAG-U/13(101T010).

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