D0683SP Ans2
D0683SP Ans2
D0683SP Ans2
(1) When goods are delivered by supplier to customer on the basis of deferred
(3) To collect deposits from public, eligible public company must have a net worth
(5) The largest and most modern stock exchange in India is the National Stock
(2) Secured debentures must be redeemed within 10 years from the date of its issue.
(3) Company issues circular to invite its members for subscribing to its deposits.
given out in the form of dividends, but are converted into free shares.
of divisible profits to the reserves every year. The accumulation of such retained
profits may enable the company to capitalise its profits so as to establish proper
balance between the paid-up capital and reserves. However, the capitalisation
(4) Dematerialisation :
shares and securities. Investors can hold shares and securities either in the
(2) The Depository system eliminates all the risks associated with physical
certificates such as delays, lost, theft, mutilation, bad deliveries, etc. For this
has made the dematerialisation compulsory, for those shares and securities
which are traded often and on large scale on the stock exchange.
(5) Interest :
reward paid, for using money of other person. Borrower borrows money from
lender and pays interest for the use of money to the lender. Hence, interest is a
cost of renting money for the borrower. Interest is the income for the person
who lends money. From the point of view of the company, interest is the return
(2) There is direct relation between the risk and interest. If risk undertaken is
higher, its reward in the form of interest will be higher. Conversely lower the
risk, less will be interest. The rate of interest is always mentioned in percentage,
on the amount of principal. Interest is always expressed as certain percentage
per annum on Principal, e.g. interest @ 10% per annum on ` 1,00,000 is ` 10,000.
(6) Money Market :
(1) The type of market where short-term funds are borrowed and lent is called
Money Market. It is a market place wherein lending and borrowing of funds are
effected for a short period ranging from one day to a year. In this market,
financial instrument have very high degree of liquidity, i.e. financial instrument
can be converted into cash easily, quickly and without any loss of money.
Moreover, the returns on investment in money market is also low.
1. Meaning
The method under which the issue price The method under which the issue price
of shares is specified in the prospectus is determined by a bidding process is
and investors are required to purchase called Book Building. The investors are
the shares at that price only is called given a price band and are directed to
fixed price issue. bid at a price within the band. This way,
company concludes at a price at which it
will dispose of its shares.
2. Price of Shares
The exact price of shares is known The price of shares is not known in
in advance and it is specified in the advance. Only the least price and highest
prospectus. price, at which the company wants to sell
the shares is known in advance.
3. Prospectus
Company is required to issue a prospectus Company is required to issue a Red
which contains the detailed information Herring Prospectus which contains only
of the price at which shares are offered the price band and the total size of issue.
and the total number of shares offered by
the company.
4. Determination of Demand
Company understands the public Company understands the public
demand for its shares only after the demand for its shares everyday. The bids
closure of the issue. are noted in the book everyday till the
closure of the issue.
5. Payment of Application Money
Application money or entire money of Only application money is required to be
the securities is required to be paid by paid at the time of bidding. Application
the investor at the time of submitting his money will be collected by the company,
application for shares. only after the issue price has been fixed.
6. When used ?
Fixed price issue may be used for any Book building is generally used in Public
issue such as Public Issues, Rights issues such as IPO and FPO.
Issues, ESOS, etc.
1. Meaning
The return in terms of money payable to The return in terms of money payable to
the shareholders by their company for the lenders (creditors) by the company
their investment in the share capital is such as depositholders, debentureholders,
called Dividend. banks or other financial institutions for
the loan supplied by them to the company
is called Interest.
2. Given to whom ?
Dividend is paid by the company to the Interest is paid by debtor to the creditor.
shareholders (members), i.e. owners of In case of company, it is paid by the
the company. company to its creditors.
3. Obligation
Dividend is directly linked to the profits. Interest is not linked or related to the
The company pays dividend only when profits of the company. The company is
it earns profits. There is no compulsion under obligation to pay interest on the
or obligation on the company to pay borrowed funds. Interest must be paid
dividend. compulsorily.
4. When payable ?
The company pays dividend when a Interest is required to be paid by the
company earns adequate profit in a year debtor or company every year whether it
after paying all the expenses due. earns incomes/profit or not.
5. Rate
Except preference shares, dividend is Rate of interest is fixed and determined
paid to the equity shareholders at a at the time of borrowing or issue of debt
fluctuating rate. This is because dividend securities.
is linked to the profits of the company.
6. Resolution
For declaration and payment of final For payment of interest no resolution is
dividend, Board resolution as well as required to be passed in any meeting of
ordinary resolution at Annual General the company.
Meeting are necessary and for interim
dividend only board resolution is
1. Meaning
Financial market where short-term Financial market where medium-term
funds are borrowed and lent is called and long-term funds are borrowed and
Money Market. lent is called Capital Market.
2. Time period
In money market, instruments bought In capital market, instruments bought
and sold have maturity period of one and sold have maturity period of more
year or less than one year. than one year.
3. Instruments
In money market, short-term instruments In capital market, long-term instruments
such as commercial papers, treasury such as bonds, debentures, stocks, shares,
bills, repurchase agreements, certificate government securities, etc. are used for
of deposits, etc. are used for lending and lending and borrowing of funds.
borrowing of funds.
4. Purpose of borrowings
From money market, funds are borrowed From capital market, funds are borrowed
by the business enterprises to meet the to set up new business, expand and
need of working capital and small and diversify the existing business or
short period investments. purchase of fixed assets.
5. Institutions
Participants functioning in money Participants functioning in capital
market are central bank (RBI), market are stock exchanges, commercial
commercial banks, non-banking finance banks, non-banking finance companies,
companies, corporates, bill brokers, financial intermediaries, etc.
Central and State Governments, etc.
6. Risk
In money market, the prices of the In capital market, instruments are
instruments remain stable and maturity of long-term and subject to market
period of instrument is less and hence fluctuations and hence in comparison
they carry low financial and market risk. to money market, it carries very high
financial and market risks.
1. Meaning
A dealer who deals in buying and selling An agent who buys or sells the securities,
only with the broker. with the jobber, on behalf of his investors.
3. Restrictions on dealings
A jobber cannot directly buy or sell A broker acts as a link (middleman)
securities in the stock exchange. He between the jobber and the investors. He
cannot deal directly with the investors. purchases and sells securities on behalf
of his investors.
4. Agent
A jobber is a special mercantile agent. A broker is a general mercantile agent.
5. Form of consideration
A jobber gets consideration for his A broker gets consideration for his
efforts in the form of profit. The positive efforts in the form of commission or
6. Proportion of consideration
The proportion of consideration (profit) The rate or amount of brokerage payable
(2) Usually, trade creditors sell tangible goods and materials to other business firms
on the basis of deferred payment i.e. the payment to be made in future. Thus,
(2) Use of state of art technology : In depository system, the use of state of art
technology facilitates the swift transfer and transmission of securities. The
distribution of dividend, interest and other benefits, issue of bonus shares and
rights shares are automatically and immediately credited into demat account of
the investors. Thus, depository system offers scope for paperless trading.
(2) Equity shareholders do not have guarantee of getting dividend every year. They
get dividend at the rate recommended by the Board of Directors. The fortune of
equity shareholders fluctuates with the ups and downs of the company.
(3) If the company earns handsome or huge amount of profit, equity shareholders
enjoy great financial rewards in the form of higher dividend. Conversely, if the
company suffers heavy loss, the risk falls mainly on equity shareholders.
risk capital. Thus, the owners of equity shares are real risk bearers.
(4) Equity shareholders are described as, ‘shock absorbers’ when company has
financial crisis. If the company suffers loss or its income falls, the company
forced to reduce the rate of dividend. Because of this situation, the market value
of equity shares falls down in the share market resulting into capital loss to its
(2) Companies which issue secured debentures are required to appoint Debenture
the debentureholders.
Debenture Trustees.
(2) They become the custodian of the assets on which charge has been created.
of offer/offer letter is issued or within 60 days from the date of the allotment of
Debenture Trustees.
(6) Trustees can approach the NCLT (National Company Law Tribunal) who can
(3) The following are the general principles/rules that a company must follow in
(1) The allotment must be made by proper authority. The Board of Directors or the
allotment committee set up by the Board has the authority to allot shares. A
company can allot shares only if it has received a written application for shares
(2) As per the Act, allotment shall be done within 60 days of receipt of application
money. Allotment can be made from the fifth day from date of issue of prospectus.
Shares should be allotted on the same terms as stated in the prospectus and
Company has to inform the applicant that shares have been allotted to him
(1) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) was established by the
Government of India in the year 1992 to regulate, control and promote the
activities of stock exchanges in India. SEBI regulates and controls the various
(2) In order to regulate, promote and control the stock exchanges, SEBI performs
trade practices. (v) promotes investors’ education and training. (vi) prohibits
insider trading in securities and (vii) conducts research and carrying out
(3) SEBI has been given wide powers to control the activities of stock exchanges.
These powers are : (i) power to direct the stock exchange to maintain the
documents and records (ii) power to direct stock exchange to give information
and explanation (iii) power to approve and amend bylaws of stock exchange
(iv) power to direct company to submit periodical returns (v) power to direct
(4) All transactions in the stock exchanges are regulated, effected and controlled
by the Securities Control (Regulation) Act, 1956. The stock exchanges protect
investors’ rights and interests through the strict enforcement of their rules
jobbers, top officials and others are punishable with suspension of their
The Details of issue of Bonus Shares are given in the following schedule :
1 2 3 4 5
No. of Shares No. of Bonus D.P. ID No. Client ID No. Date of
held on record Shares Issued / Credit to
Date Allotted Credited to Demat Account No. Demat A/c
The Company has completed all the formalities in respect to provisions for the
issue of Bonus Shares. The Bonus Shares issued will rank pari passu with the
existing equity shares.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Mother Drums Ltd.
(Mr. A. M. Narkar)
Company Secretary
Dear Sir,
As instructed by the Board of Directors, this is to inform to you that, the Board
has passed a resolution in the Board meeting held on 4th March, 2022 giving their
approval to pay interest @ 12% on Redeemable Debentures of ` 100 each for the
year ending 31st March, 2022.
Your company has completed all legal formalities in respect to payment of
interest on debentures. The details about the payment of interest on your 200, 12%
Redeemable debentures are given in the following schedule :
1 2 3 4 5 6
Register No. of Distinctive Gross Amt. of T. D. S. Net Amt. of
No. Debentures Numbers Interest (`) (10%) Interest (`)
From To
42436 200 6430 6629 ` 2,400 NIL ` 2,400
(Mrs. Nikita Mane)
Company Secretary
Warrant :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Interest Fixed Deposit Rate of Gross TDS Net Amount
Warrant Deposit Amount Interest Amount of @ of Interest
No. Receipt. No. (`) (%) Interest (`) (10%) Payable (`)
A 4664 C674 ` 50,000 12% ` 6,000 NIL ` 6,000
Please find the Interest Warrant enclosed herewith and detach the Interest
Warrant along the perforated line.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Tring Mobile Ltd.
(Mr. Raj Shetye)
Company Secretary
Encl.: Interest Warrant.