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A Research Paper Presented to the

Faculty of


Senior High School

Butuan City, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)

Jee E. Abing

Aj Lomocso

Angel Faith A. Ontolan

Jessabel Q. Parpan

Alex P. Rosal III

Chamille Silud

Elroe Xavier M. Tasic

Leigh Di Gwennet B. Yadao

November 2022


Schools, colleges, and universities have no worth
without students. Students are the most essential asset for
any educational institute. The social and economic
development of the country is directly linked with student
academic performance. The student's performance (academic
achievement) plays an essential role in producing the best
quality graduates who will become great leaders and manpower
for the country thus responsible for the country’s economic
and social development (Ali et.al, 2009). Student academic
performance measurement has received considerable attention
in previous research, it is a challenging aspect of academic
literature, and science student performance is affected due
to time spent on Social Media. This factor strongly
influences student performance, but this factor varies from
person to person. Many factors affect their learning
performance such as gender, age, teaching faculty, students
schooling, father/guardian social economic status,
residential area of students, medium of instruction in
schools, tuition trend, daily study hours, and accommodation
as hostelries or day scholar. Even though social media usage
has become almost a required method of communication among
people in many societies today (Boahene et al., 2019), its
influence on the academic performance of university students
remains unresolved.

The students are the most important and valuable assets

of the universities. It is the responsibility of both
parents and teachers that they should help and provide the
students with all the facilities so that they may be able to
become valuable citizens of the nation. Students are
actually the manpower of the nation. It is they who have to
build the nation with their skilled hands. If they are
equipped with good knowledge and skills, they would be able
to contribute their part well in the social and economic
development of the country. It is also the responsibility of
the students that they should give their best efforts in
their whole academic careers. The employers of the companies
and industry need skilled and professional hands in their
The purpose of conducting this research study is to
explore, survey and examine the The Ratio of the Time Spent
on Social Media and Academic Performance of the Grade 11
Students of Agusan National High School. Since these
students are in senior high school, there is a great
possibility that the greater the demands are they will even
result the students to difficulty catering to all of those.
This study will help enlighten at the same time will provide
adequate knowledge regarding the things that are conducted
in the study.


These are the relevant theories that assisted the

researcher in developing the theoretical framework and
pointing to the time spent of social media in connection to
students’ academic performance. The Theoretical Framework of
our present study would be anchored by the following
theories: Cognitive Load Theory.

Cognitive Load Theory

According to cognitive load theory, all learning

material places a cognitive burden on the working memory.
Cognitive load refers to the number of things requiring
attention as well as the total mental effort necessary for
working memory. The importance of working memory in the
learning process is addressed in this hypothesis (Sweller,
1988). Following are the four pillars on which this theory
is based:
1. Working memory capacity is restricted; 2. Necessary
limitless long-term memory capacity; 3. Working memory
participates actively in the processing and coding of
information into long term memory, completing the learning
process; and 4. Working memory excess results in ineffective
There are three components to total cognitive load:
intrinsic load, extraneous load, and germane load (DeJong,
2010; Mayer and Moreno, 2003). Because intrinsic load is a
quality of learning material, it cannot be changed. However,
superfluous and relevant load are instructional design
functions that may be controlled. Extraneous load is
undesired and detrimental to learning; it is generated by
inadequate instructions as well as needless and excessive
activities (Edwards et al., 2015). According to cognitive
load theory, multitasking necessitates a proportionally
large working memory capacity, which can quickly become
costly for the memory system. This is known as "extraneous
processing," and it can lead to inefficient learning.
Unnecessary text, visuals, music, and other comparable
cognitive tasks are examples of materials that might cause
excess processing. They are the excess load that results in
wasteful processing, transfer losses, and inadequate
storage. All of the aforementioned impacts work against the
ultimate purpose of education (Edwards et al., 2015). The
components of cognitive load are interconnected and compose
the overall capacity. Because overall cognitive capacity
remains constant, focusing on one activity diminishes the
amount of time available for other tasks. Images, articles,
graphs, and videos all contribute to the superfluous load on
social media. The use of social media increases the use of
superfluous load, leaving less space for intrinsic and
germane load. Similarly, SMM enhances cognitive utilization
to a higher level because several activities are carried out
at the same time. As a result, excessive social media and
SMM use wastes cognitive resources.


The following figure explains the time spent of social

media in connection to students’ academic performance. The
Conceptual Framework claims that the Time Spent on Social
Media of the Grade 11 STEM students is the Independent
Variable. Meanwhile, the Dependent Variable is The Academic
Performances of the Grade 11 STEM students. Cognitive Load
Theory (CLT) - coined in 1988 by John Sweller, suggests that
our working memory is only able to hold a small amount of
information at any one time and that instructional methods
should avoid overloading it in order to maximise learning
(Sweller, 1988). Therefore, the more time students spend on
social media the less efficient their learning will be and
that often leads to worse academic performance.

Influence of sex to the
Demographic Profile of the
time usage of social
Respondents according to:
media and academic
a) Sex performance.
b) Section
Significant difference
c) The Social Networking
between the time
Sites and their Time Usage
spent on social media
d) Time Spent on their
and the time spent on
Academic Performance
academic performance.

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Conceptual Framework of the Study


The rise of mobile phones and the improvement of media

technologies have changed the way people talk to each other
in a big way. People are communicating daily. Increasing
numbers of youth are utilizing social media. Student
interest is expanding dramatically and growing in
popularity. Many students develop an addiction to social
media. They continue to engage in one or more social media-
related activities. Due In response to this surge in
popularity, there +.is rising worry regarding the possible
effects of social media use might impact on the academic
performance of students. In this context, this study
analyzes the effects of the case study of Agusan National
High School-Senior High School, which demonstrates the
impact of students' social media usage on their academic

This study aims to determine the relationship of the

Grade 11 STEM Students’ time spent on social media and their
academic performances.
Specifically, it aimed to answer the following:

1. What is the level of the time spent on social media by

the Grade 11 STEM students?
2. What is the level of the academic performance of the
Grade 11 STEM students?
3. Is there a significant relationship of the usage of
social media on the students’ academic performance?


Null Hypothesis

Ho: There is no significant difference in the quantity of

time spent by the students on social media and in their
academic performance for the first quarter of the school
year 2022-2023.

Alternative Hypothesis

Ha: There is a significant difference in the quantity of

time spent by the students on social media and in their
academic performance for the first quarter of the school
year 2022-2023.


This study will focus on The Effects of Social Media in

the Academic Performance of the Grade 11 STEM Students. The
respondents of the study are the Grade 11 Students of Agusan
National High School and the respondents will be randomly
selected by the researchers. The data will be gathered by
researchers via questionnaire. This study will not cover
other problems that are not related to the research study.
By doing this strategy, the researchers will be able to
understand The Effects of Social Media in the Academic
Performance of the Grade 11 Students.

This research aims to provide crucial information in

regards to the ratio of time spent in social media and
academic performance. The results of this study will be
beneficial to society considering that learning is a crucial
part of the advancement of the country. The greater demand
for highly performing students justifies the need for
actions and effective approaches. Benefiting the study are
the various areas as follows.

Students. For the students they will be knowledgeable

about the effects, advantages and disadvantages of the usage
of social media for the better learning and discipline
students need to have to thrive in their academic

Parents. As parents are usually closer to their

children than teachers. Parents will use this data to
monitor and regulate the time they allow their children to
use social media. They will perform necessary actions if
they think that their children are performing poorly in
their academic studies due to the usage of social media.

Teachers. They are the ones that makes sure that the
students are doing well in school. Teachers will be guided
on what actions and strategies they need to do to train
students as to improve student's academic performance. The
teachers will implement blended learning in which they
capitalize on the usage of social media to boost academic
performance instead of impeding it.

Future Researchers. This study may provide information

to future researchers that they may utilize to investigate
subjects that are comparable to those studied here.


The following are common terms used in the study, to clarify

and fully comprehend the concepts stated, they are defined
Social Media. Internet-based and gives users quick
electronic communication of content, such as personal
information, documents, videos, and photos.

Significant Difference. Tells you whether one group's

answers are substantially different from another group's
answers by using statistical testing.

Academic Performance. How the usage of students will

affect the students' academic performance at the conclusion
of the semester and how much of an impact it will have.

Crucial. Decisive or critical, especially in the

success or failure of something.

Grade 11 STEM Students. Our respondents for the study

that we will be conducting.

Working Memory. The small amount of information that

can be held in mind and used in the execution of cognitive

Time Spent. Hours worked in a Bargaining Unit position.

Academic Performance. The extent to which a student,

teacher, or institution has attained their short or long-
term educational goals.

Time Usage. The amount of time that elapses while

students’ use such Workload.

Data Gathered. The process of gathering and measuring

information on targeted variables in an established system,
which then enables one to answer relevant questions and
evaluate outcomes.



This chapter presents literature and related studies

which have substantial elements in perpetuating the time
spent1 on social media in connection to students’ academic
performance that were found to be related in the present


The internet is an interconnected computer network that

employs the standard internet protocol suite to service
billions of users across the globe. It is comprised of
millions of private, public, academic, corporate, and
government networks that range in size from local to
worldwide and are interconnected via a vast variety of
electrical, wireless, and optical networking technologies.
The development of media technology has had a significant
impact on how individuals interact on a daily basis. The
usage of social media among today's youth is increasing
daily and is gaining popularity among students. It is a
method to develop relationships with people outside of
school as well as those on campus. Social networking enables
individuals to have a sense of community membership.
Concerns have been expressed about how the time students
spend and activities they engage in on these sites may
affect their academic performance.


Social media is a mobile and web-based technology-based

means of sharing, co-creating, debating, and altering user-
generated information (Andrew, 2005; Ahn, 2010; Kaitlin, 2010;
Kist, 2008; Kim, 2009). The term "social media" is often used.
It is a website that not only provides information but also
interacts with you while providing information. It is a
collection of web-based tools that enable the production and
sharing of user-generated content. Because we frequently refer
to members of the media as the media, it is easy to mix
together social media with social news. Furthermore, that
social news site is also a social media site. Some media
website includes;
Interact with others by tagging websites and looking
through websites saved by others (Blink list, simple).
Social News: participate by voting on stories and leaving
comments on them (Digg, propello). Social networking:
Interact with others by adding friends, commenting on
photos and profiles, and joining discussion groups
(Facebook, WhatsApp, 2go, BB chat). Social Photo and
Video Sharing: engage with other users by sharing
photographs or videos and leaving comments on their
submissions. (Youtube and flickr) Wikis: engage by
creating new articles and updating old ones. (Wikipedia
and Wikia) (Accessed on August 10th, 2016).

According to the foregoing, social media refers to the

methods of engagement among senior high school students in
which they produce, share, exchange, and remark among
themselves in various networks. Karpinski and Duberstein
(2009) classified social media into six different classes as

Project Collaboration (Wikipedia)

Microblogs and blogs (Twitter)
Communities of Content (Youtube)
Website for Social Networking (Facebook. 2go, BB chat)
World of Virtual Games (World of war craft)
Second World Simulation (Second life)

For senior High School students at Agusan National High

School, mobile social media is the norm. Ideally, the majority
of ANHS students use cell phones for a variety of functions.
According to the researcher's experience, stakeholders in the
education sector in ANHS have recently complained about the
terrible performance of senior high students. Against this
backdrop, the researcher wishes to evaluate the impact of
social media on the academic performance of Agusan National
High School Grade 11 STEM students.


Park and Lee, (2014) Accessing social media has become a

common part of many young adults' everyday life .In 2015, 90%
of young adults utilized social media sites such as Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter on a regular basis (Perrin, 2015).
According to Wood (2015), university students spend roughly 8-
10 hours each day on social networking platforms exploring,
like postings, and publishing. Social media and its influence
on academic achievement have gained greater scholarly
interest, owing to students' widespread usage of social media.

Tamayo and dela Cruz (2014) investigated the association

between the use of social media sites and academic performance
of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology students at
Centro Escolar University Malolos. According to the survey,
kids' use of social media hinders their learning and has a
direct impact on their attendance at school. The analytical
result was presented in a scatter diagram to demonstrate the
correlation or link between the variables. Social media and
academic performance have an impact on one another. It simply
implies that when a kid becomes overly involved with social
media, his performance in class activities and general
academic performance suffers.

Owusu-Acheaw and Larson (2015) conducted a research to

analyze students' usage of social media and its impact on
academic performance at Ghanaian tertiary institutions, with a
focus on Koforidua Polytechnic students. Data was gathered via
a questionnaire. According to the survey, the majority of
respondents owned mobile phones with Internet access and were
aware of the existence of several media websites. The research
also found that the majority of respondents use their phones
to access social networking sites, spending between thirty
minutes and three hours every day. Furthermore, the study
found that respondents' usage of social media sites had a
detrimental impact on their academic performance and that
there was a clear association between the use of social media
sites and academic performance.

Hasnain et al. (2015) conducted a study to investigate the

association between social media use and academic performance
among Pakistani students. According to the findings, social
media has an unfavorable link with academic success. When
utilized in a constructive way, social media platforms may
assist students and adolescents in learning knowledge that can
be used to improve their academic performance.
Henderson et al., (2016) When surveyed, the majority of
students stated that because they were raised with technology,
they could focus their attention on various projects (e.g.,
Facebook and university work) at the same time with no
detrimental academic implications. However, research reveals
that instead of multitasking, people are task switching
(switching between tasks) (performing and executing two or
more cognitive activities at one time; Karpinski et al., 2012;
Ophir et al., 2009). Furthermore, task switching is linked to
poor information learning and task performance (Karpinski et
al., 2012). Most studies on social media usage, multitasking
ability, and students' subsequent grades discovered a negative
correlation between social media usage and academic
performance (Camilia et al., 2013; Jacobsen and Forste, 2011;
Karpinski et al., 2012; Mehmood and Taswir, 2013; Park and
Lee, 2014; Stollak et al., 2011), but others found no
correlation (Martin, n.d.; Stollak et al., 2011).

Emeka and Nyeche (2016) also conducted research on the

Impact of Internet Usage on Academic Performance of
Undergraduate Students, utilizing the University of Abuja in
Nigeria as a case study. The survey approach with
questionnaires as the data gathering tool was used. The
findings demonstrated that students benefit from using the
Internet since it improves their skills and capabilities,
which will help them in their academics and professional
lives. Mensah and Nizam (2016) conducted a study to
investigate the influence of social media use on students'
academic performance at Malaysian Tertiary Institutions. In
order to assess social media networks, questions based on
previous research were created. Time appropriateness, time
duration, Nature of Usage, Health Addiction, Friend-People
connection, security/privacy issues, and student academic
success were all factors evaluated. The descriptive research
design was used in this study. Questionnaires were used to
collect data. A sample of 102 Erican College students was
chosen using a suitable sampling procedure. The obtained data
was examined using SPSS 21's descriptive means and regression.
Four separate Pearson's correlation coefficients are connected
with student academic success, whereas two are not. Using
regression analysis, four factors are significant: time
appropriateness, people-friend connection, kind of usage, and
health addiction, although time duration and security/privacy
concerns are not.

Raut and Patil (2016) discuss how social media has changed
the education industry. The study found that social media has
both good and bad effects on education and pupils. It also
emphasized measures to reduce the detrimental influence of
social media on students' academic performance, such as
restricting their access to social media sites and limiting
the amount of time spent on social network sites.

Zahid et al. (2016) state that the conducted research to

investigate the impact of increasing usage of social media
sites on academic performance of university and college
students. 300 pupils were chosen by random selection. The data
gathering instrument was a questionnaire. The responses to the
questionnaire were examined using descriptive statistics.

Karadkar (2017) states that the development of social

networking platforms may also have an impact on how learners
interact with technology in general. For many years, dichotomy
of digital natives and digital immigrants was seen to be a
fairly true representation of the ease with which individuals
of a given age cohort, specifically those born before and
after 1980, utilize technology (Kubey; 2001; Kraut; 2002; Liu,
2007; Schneider, 2009; Asur & Huberman, 2010).

The inclusion of this literature is essential know the

conclusions regarding the effects of social media to the
academic performances of the students. Some students
experience having a positive impact of social media in their
academic performances, they have high grades because of social
media. Some are distracted and experience having low grades.
Students use social media differently, either for
entertainment or educational purposes.


This chapter presents the research design, research
locale, research participants, research instruments, and
data gathering procedures, statistical treatment, and the
ethical consideration.


The researcher will conduct a correlational research

design survey to collect information and opinions from
parents, instructors, and students. Correlational research
design since the study seeks to determine the relationship
between Time Spent on Social Media and Academic Performance
of the Grade 11 STEM students of Agusan National High
School- Senior High School. A correlational research design
is the type of research design used to describe a
relationship/correlation between two variables (Seeram,
2019). This is a type of non-experimental design because no
variable is being controlled in this method. This approach
also contributed to the study's purpose of assessing the
effect of social media on academic performance of Grade 11
STEM students at Agusan National High School-Senior High


The study was carried out at Agusan National High

School (SHS) in Butuan City. Because the school is within my
hometown, the distance is reduced. Traveling has both
financial and danger implications. This simplifies the data
collecting procedure is convenient. Under the supervision
and advice of the researchers practical research teacher,
Mr. Melchezidek Y. Lao. The research was carried out in the
aforementioned environment. The researchers believe that
Agusan National High School (SHS) would be the study's
nominee since it possesses the research problem as well as
the necessary components of the research study, such as
synchronous classes, which ANHS currently employs. A
descriptive survey also gives a quantitative or numerical
account of a population's trends, attitudes, or views by
analyzing a sample of that group. It encompasses cross-
sectional and longitudinal studies that collect data using
questionnaires or structured interviews with the goal of
generalizing from a sample to a population (Ampofo, 2020).
The descriptive survey approach also contributed to the
study's purpose of assessing the effect of social media on
academic performance of Grade 11 STEM students at Agusan
National High School-Senior High School.


The students
in grade 11 from the Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics strand are the demographic respondents for this
survey. The researchers used stratified random sampling
which consisted of a set number of student from each segment
of the sample to represent each region. Using Cochran’s
technique, the sample size is n = 250 out of a total
population of 716 grade 11 stem students.


The research instrument used to collect data was

the survey questionnaire. The questionnaire composed of five
sections. The first part is the demographic information,
this contains their full name (optional), sex, and section.
The second part is the list of questions. There are 17
questions given: 1 question for the Grades; 2 questions for
the general usage of social media; 6 questions for using
social media in learning the other 6 questions are the
impacts of social media on learning. The copies of the
questionnaire were sent to the teacher of practical research
2 to check the self-made questionnaire. The researchers
asked if the items were clear; if there were enough items
for the study’s collection needs; if all the data were
impartial and unbiased; and if all items were pertinent to
the research problem. Afterwards, questions on the survey
were revised to make them clearer and more definitive. The
copies of the questionnaires will be administered to the


The researchers’ first step used was to make a letter

to ask permission from the Principal to conduct the survey.
Upon approval, the researchers retrieve the letter. Actual
Data Collection, research survey will be personally
conducted, facilitated, and collected by the researchers.
Data is collected during the vacant time of the respondents
to avoid distraction of class discussions. By using the
method of answering questions through the use of
(questionnaires or survey). Copies of the approved
questionnaires were distributed in order to gather the
relevant data. The instruments were retrieved after the
respondents were finished answering. Data Management, after
collecting all the data, the researchers tabulated and
tallied the survey. Based on the data, the researchers come
up with conclusion and recommendations for this study.

The following statistical tools will use in order to analyses the
data in drawing implications and interpretations. These
statistical tools are:

1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution. It was the fraction

of times an answer occurs by the total sample, multiplied by
100% to yield its percentage from.

Cochran Sample Determination



N0= Sample Size

N = total population

e = error margin / margin of error

z= value

2. Weighted Mean. It was a measurement of set of values wherein

each value or measurement has a different weight or degree
of importance. It was to describe which variance has the
most significance.


∑ = represent summation

X = represent observations

N = represent the number of observations

3. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). is a parametric test
designed to compare the means of two or more samples. The
null hypothesis H0 states that the means of all samples to
be tested are equal. The test returns an F-statistic and a
p-value which will help you decide whether or not to reject
the null hypothesis.

Table 1. Mean Range, Verbal Description, and Interpretation



1-1.75 Strongly Disagree Students strongly

disagree that using
social media can
affect their

1.85-2.5 Disagree Students disagree

that using social
media can affect
their academic

2.6-3.25 Agree Students agree that

using social media
can affect their

3.35-4 Strongly Agree Students strongly

agree that using
social media can
affect their
Ethical Considerations

This section presents the ethical issues that will

be considered to ensure the respondent’s dignity and
protection before, during and after the conduct of the
study. The researchers will observe the following ethical
issues and sustain it.

Autonomy. The researchers will ask the prospect

respondents in a formal way to become the respondent of the
study and to inform them the purpose of the study and to
obtain respondents’ consent. The respondent’s will be
assured that they could withdraw at any time and that their
decision is respected. The respondent’s will be given
enough time to answer the survey questionnaire.

Beneficence. The rights of the respondents of the study

will be conscientiously observed. The respondent’s will be
informed of the expected results of the study, its
usefulness and its benefits to them prior to the
respondent’s consent.

Justice. The researchers will observe fairness by

providing the same attention and concerns to all
respondents, such as giving them the same approach and
instructions regarding the questionnaire for clarity and
better understanding of the given questions to avoid
misinterpretations. The respondents will be given enough
time to answer the questions.

Privacy and Confidentiality. The researcher’s will

inform the respondents that their personal information would
be kept private and that any information they provided would
be confidential. Moreover, the researchers only provide the
essential information that is needed in the conduct of the
study. All personal information that will be obtained by the
researcher’s refrain from identifying the respondents, and
without their permission, the information will not be
disclosed to others aside from the research team. The
researchers will also kept collected information using codes
to ensure the confidentiality of the respondent’s identity.
The answered questions survey instruments will be shredded
and burned after the data will be collected, collated, and

Non-Maleficence. During the conduct of the study, the

researchers will not employ any harm to the respondents. The
respondents’ will also be ensured that their work status
would not be influenced by their involvement in the study,
no matter what the result is.

Veracity. The researcher’s assured the absence of

deception and the principle of truth in the study will be
manifested. Al respondents were adequately informed about
the study, and all information will be presented to them
clearly and honestly, including the researcher’s objectives
and benefits.
Chapter 4


This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets data

collected from Grade 11 STEM students at Agusan National High
School-Senior High School via survey questionnaires used by the
researchers. The level of significance was taken as .05 during
the statistical analysis.

Table 2. Effects of Social Media on the Academic Performances of

the Respondents

Statement Mean Verbal Interpretation


Social media 3.44 Strongly Agree Students

provides a strongly agree
useful platform that using
for academic social media
group work. can affect
their academic

Utilizing 3.37 Strongly Agree Students

social media strongly agree
for academic that using
purposes to social media
communicate can affect
with their academic
professors. performance.

Utilizing 3.46 Strongly Agree Students

social media strongly agree
for academic that using
reasons to social media
collaborate can affect
(with your their academic
classmates) on performance.

You complete 2.68 Agree Students agree

your academic that using
tasks without social media
engaging with can affect
social media. their academic

Procrastination 3.07 Agree Students agree

is caused by that using
social media. social media
can affect
their academic

You lose time 3.00 Agree Students agree

in finishing that using
your academic social media
work because of can affect
social media. their academic

The usage of 3.09 Agree Students agree

social media that using
while social media
completing can affect
homework their academic
affects the performance.
quality of your

Social media 3.20 Agree Students agree

lessens the that using
time you spend social media
on studying. can affect
their academic

Social media 3.03 Agree Students agree

has a that using
detrimental social media
impact on your can affect

Social media is 2.84 Agree Students agree

a distraction that using
from my social media
academic can affect
learning their academic
activities. performance.

You forgot to 2.34 Disagree Students

submit your disagree that
academic work using social
due to being media can
distracted in affect their
social media. academic

Your GPA 2.76 Agree Students agree

improved since that using
you engaged in social media
social media can affect
sites. their academic

GRAND MEAN 3.02 Agree Students agree

that using
social media
can affect
their academic

Table 2 reveals the level of agreement of the research

respondents. As shown, students strongly agree to the following
"Social media provides a useful platform for academic group
work." And "Utilizing social media for academic reasons to
collaborate (with your classmates) on school." as often with a
weighted mean of 3.44 and 3.46, respectively which implies that
students strongly agree that the usage of social media is
beneficial for their academic work. According to Harry Moongela,
students use social media for both social and academic purposes.
Students further perceived that social media has a positive
impact on their academic engagement and suggest that using social
media at tertiary level could be advantageous and could enhance
students' academic engagement. On the other hand students
disagreed with "You forgot to submit your academic work due to
being distracted in social media." with the lowest weighted mean
of 2.34 which implies that students did not agree with social
media making them forget their academic work.

In general, the table implies that the students agree that

using social media can affect their academic performance as
attested with a grand mean of 3.02. According to Muhammad Azeem
Ashraf (2021) , social media serves as a dynamic tool to expedite
the development of OL settings by encouraging collaboration,
group discussion, and the exchange of ideas between students that
reinforce their learning behavior and performance. Having a
social network, especially during these social distancing times,
is incredibly important and has been shown to have a positive
effect on mental health and well-being. It allows students to
connect with likeminded peers, breaking limitations of distance
and time. Owing to its reach and ease of access, it increases
general awareness. It is the best source of information,
entertainment, and inspiration. It provides us with effective
means of communication, making the world a smaller place.
Advanced technology has only multiplied its effects. Social media
promotes self-directed learning, which prepares students to
search for answers and make decisions independently. When
reinforced in a classroom setting, these social media skills can
be guided and refined to produce better learning outcomes and
critical awareness.

Table 3. Time Spent of the Respondents on Social Media and

Academic Performance.

Time Spent on Social Time Spent on

Media Academic Performance

0-1 hour 10.93% 14.98%

2-3 hours 40.08% 51.82%

4-5 hours 24.70& 18.62%

5 hours and above 24.29% 14.58%

Table 3 presents the time spent of the respondents on social

media and academic performances. Based on the findings, it shows
that 40.08% of the respondents spends 2-3 hours on social media,
and 51.82% of the respondents spend their time on their academic

Table 4. Level of Academic Performance of the Respondents

Grading Frequency Percentage Description


90-100 140 56.7% Outstanding

85-89 106 42.9% Very


80-84 1 0.4% Satisfactory

75-79 0 0% Fairly

Below 75 0 0% Did not meet


Total 247 100%

Table 4 presents the academic performance of the

respondents. As shown, most of the respondents have grades
ranging from 90-100 which classifies as ‘Outstanding’. It can be
noted that none of the respondents are said to have ‘Fairly
Satisfactory’ and ‘Did Not Meet Expectations’ performance.

According to Lopez and Davila (2019), academic achievement

is directly, significantly, and positively related to students'
prior interests, workload estimation, degree of participation in
class, level of academic achievement in school, and age.

As pointed out by Willcox (2011), besides the critics and

the debatable aspects about grades, most researches refer to this
measure as the reflection of performance. It is also taken into
consideration for scholarship requirements, promotion to higher
education levels and getting a job, and it is the main indicator
of the student’s school results. There are studies that seek to
calculate some reliability and validity indices of the most used
academic performance criteria: school grades.
Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations of the study.

The following are the findings of the study after which
appropriate descriptive-correlational statistical tools were
used:Results revealed that 56.7% of the respondents have
‘Outstanding’ grades.

1. What is the level of the time spent on social media by the

Grade 11 STEM students?

The level of the time spent on social media by the Grade 11

STEM students based on the findings is 40.08% of the respondents
spend 2-3 hours of their time on using social media. It is
recommended that students limit their usage of social media and
prioritize academic responsibilities. However, the extent to
which their usage of social media affects academic performance
will depend on the individual and their use of the platform

2. What is the level of the academic performance of the Grade

11 STEM students?

The level of the time spent on the academic performance by

the Grade 11 STEM students based on the findings is 51.82% of the
respondents spend 2-3 hours of their time on their academic
performances. It can be concluded that students spend enough of
their time on academic performances. Their academic performance
depends on how well they’ve use their vacant time for studying.

3. Is there a significant relationship of the usage of social

media on the students’ academic performance?

Based on the findings, it shows that there is a significant

relationship between the usage of social media and the academic
performance of the respondents. Social media helps the
respondents for collaboration and information sharing among Grade
11 STEM students, improving their academic performance. On the
other hand, social media can also serve as a distraction for the
students, leading to lower grades and not having a good academic
performance. The relationship between social media and academic
performance in STEM students may also depend on individual
differences such as time-management skills and motivation. It is
generally recommended that STEM students limit their usage of
social media and prioritize their academic responsibilities for
optimal academic performance.

The results of this study showed that the Grade 11-STEM students
often showed an agree that social media affects their academic
performance which concludes that the great mean also agrees that
social media affects the academic performance of the students.
The majority of the respondents also show ‘Outstanding’ academic
performances. According to the literature and current research
findings, It was discovered that there was a strong correlation
between social media usage and academic performance. It is
possible to infer that social media usage and academic
performance is directly proportional to one another.


This study examined the correlation between academic performance

and social media usage among Grade 11 STEM students at Agusan
National High School Senior High School. This research provides
recommendations that will benefit students as future researchers.
It is possible for teachers and students to use the research
findings to improve school actions that will assist students in
improving their academic performance. Guidance counselors can use
the materials provided to educate students on the importance of
academic pressure and how it can affect their academic success.
Furthermore, the quantitative nature of this study may have some
drawbacks. The information gathered and the survey responses
could be incorrect. Thus, the researchers recommend that future
researchers use this study to generate new material based on the
research and to conduct in-depth analysis of the subject by
including a qualitative method in order to understand more about
academic pressure and academic performance, as well as to
increase the versatility of data collection and produce more
honest results.

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37 40 41 42 43 44 45

Roentgen Bernoulli Leeuwenhoek Edison Eratosthenes Fibonacci Heisenberg

Pasteur Gauss Einthoven Euler Moseley

Pascal Galilei

Pythagoras Newton


Cochran’s Formula

n0 = Z²pq z = 1.96 (95% Data Interval)

e² p = 0.5
n0 = (1.96) ² (0.5)(0.5) q = 0.5
(0.5)² e = Margin of Error (0.5)

n0 = 0.9604


n0 = 384.16 or 385

n = n0


n= 385

1 + (385 – 1)


n = 385

n = 250

Stratified Random Sampling

ni = Ni ni= Sample per Section

x n Ni= Population per Section

N N = Overall Population

n = Overall Sample

= 37

x 250


= 12.91

37 = 12.91 = 13

= 40 40 = 13.96 = 14

x 250 41 = 14.31 = 14

42 = 14.66 = 14
43 = 15.01 = 15
= 13.96
44 = 15.36 = 15

45 = 15.71 = 16

= 41

x 250
TOTAL = 247

= 14.31
= 42

x 250


= 14.66

= 43

x 250


= 15.01

= 44

x 250


= 15.36

= 45

x 250


= 15.71

Caraga Region

Division of Butuan City

Agusan National High School


November 11, 2022


Registral 1

Dear Ms. Cheska Cortes

Pleasant day.
We, the students of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand in
our school are currently working in our Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research) study
HIGH SCHOOL.” This study will assist the researcher in better understanding the effects of
social media on academic performance. This will also assist policy makers in developing
strategies that use social media in the education sector.

Pertinent to this, we would like to ask your permission to allow us to know the exact number of
population of Grade 11 STEM students attend Agusan National High School that would be of
great help to our study. You can be sure that the information you provide will be handled with
the highest discretion.

Your approval and favourable response on the matter stated above is greatly appreciated. Thank
you and God Bless.

The Researchers,

Jee E. Abing

Aj B. Lomocso

Angel Faith A. Ontolan

Jessabel Q. Parpan

Alex P. Rosal III

Chamille Silud

Elroe Xavier M. Tasic

Leigh Di Gwennet B. Yadao

Checked by:

Practical Research 2 Teacher

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