DLP English Q3-W3
DLP English Q3-W3
DLP English Q3-W3
I. Objectives:
Content Standard B.1. The giraffe is an African skyscraper
Demonstrates understanding that words are made 2. It is the tallest animal.
up of sounds and syllables 3. it has the longest neck.
Performaced Standard
Uses knowledge of phonological skills to These are examples of Telling Sentence. It tells or
discriminate and manipulate sound patterns. says something. It also goves information about
Learning Skills something. It begins in capital letter and ends with
Recognize sentences (telling and asking) and non- period.
C. Engagement
II. Subject Matter: Telling and Asking Sentence Telling Sentence tells or says something. It also
1. Reference: Pivot module, Melc, Bow gives information about something. It begins in
2. Materials: pictures, manila paper capital letter and ends with period
Write the following telling sentence correctly.
III. Procedure 1 cora has many pets
A. INTRODUCTION 2. dogs are useful to us
Review 3. vincent plays piano
Using your showcard. 4. superman is my favorite super hero
Show the happy face if the group of words are 5. the monkey ask for food
sentenc and sad face if phrases .
1. Today is my birthday. D. Assimilation
2. the race
3. family runs Draw a happy face if it is telling sentence and sad
4. I am seven years old. face if it is not.
5. My pet’s name is Tin. 1. The bees sip nectar.
2. Where does she live?
Last week we learned about sentence and non- 3. Mayor Allan lives in Taytay.
sentence. Our lesson for this week is about telling 4. Ouch! I am hurt.
sentence and asking sentence. 5. There are many stalls in tiangge.
For today’s lesson, I am going to discuss about
Telling sentence
Some animals are not common to us. Read about
The cheetah is an African Animal. It is the fastest Puna: _____na bilang ng mga mag-aaral mula sa
animal. It can run 70 miles per hour. It can run faster kabuuang bilang na ____ang nakakuha ng ___na
than a car which runs only 50-60 miles per hour. bahagdan ng pagkatuto ng aralin.
The giraffe is called an African Skycraper. It is
the tallest animal. It has the longest neck. Its problem
is how to drink on ponds. It has to splits its front legs
before it can drink water from ponds. It does not have
problem in eating because it can just get leaves from
tall trees.
Answer the following
What is a cheetah?
How do you describe a cheetah?
How does a giraffe drink water?
Where does the giraffe get food?
Read the following sentences:
A.1. The cheetah is an African animal.
2. It is the fastest animal.
3. It can run faster than a car.
4thRating WEEK 3
February 28,2023
I. Objectives:
Content Standard
Demonstrates understanding that words are
made up of sounds and syllables
Performaced Standard
Demonstrates awareness of language grammar
and usage when speaking and/or writing.
Learning Skills D. Assimilation
Recognize sentences (telling and asking) and non- Color the box red if it is Telling sentence and blue if
sentences.EN1PA-IIIa-e-2.2 it is not.
II. Subject Matter: Telling and Asking Sentence 1. Ferdinand Marcos Jr.is the president of the
Reference: Pivot module, Melc, Bow Philippines.
Materials: pictures, manila paper 2. Clean your room.
3. Mayor Allan lives in taytay, rizal
III. Procedure: 4. Taytay is the garments Capital of the
A. Introduction Philipppines
5. Where do you live?
What is telling sentence?
Using your drillboard. Write check on the blank if it
is Telling Sentence and cross if it is not. Puna:
___1. Sarah often reads books.
___ 2. Newspaper gives us information.
_____na bilang ng mga mag-aaral mula sa kabuuang
___ 3. We had a picnic last week.
___ 4. Where does she live? bilang na ____ang nakakuha ng ___na bahagdan ng
___ 5. Are you happy? pagkatuto ng aralin.
Telling Sentence is still the topic of today’s lesson
B. Development
Tell something about the picture
C. Engagement
Telling Sentence tells or says something. It also
gives information about something. It begins in
capital letter and ends with period.
Write telling sentence about the picture. Don’t
forget to punctuate your sentence correctly.
4th Rating WEEK 3
March 1,2023
I. Objectives: D. Assimilation .
Content Standard Asking Sentence ask something. It begins with a
Demonstrates understanding that words are made capital letter and ends with a question mark.
up of sounds and syllables
Performaced Standard Color the circle red if it is Asking Sentence and blue
Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet and if it is not.
decoding to read, write and spell words correctly.
Learning Skills 1. Who has a dog/
Recognize sentences (telling and asking) and non-
sentences.EN1PA-IIIa-e-2.2 2. Will you play with me?
3. I like to play at the park.
II. Subject Matter: Telling and Asking Sentence
Reference: Pivot module, Melc, Bow 4. What candy do you like?
Materials: pictures, manila paper
5. When will we go to school?
III. Procedure:
A. Introduction
What is asking Sentence?
Give an example of Asking Sentence
Asking Sentence is still the topic of today’s lesson
_____na bilang ng mga mag-aaral mula sa kabuuang
B. Development bilang na ____ang nakakuha ng ___na bahagdan ng
Make a question out of the sentences below.
pagkatuto ng aralin.
1. My name is Mariann Gonzales
Where is your project?
When are you coming?
Is she absent today?
Let the pupils give an example of Asking Sentence.
C. Engagement
Find the words used in asking questions. Write them
on the lines below.
1. _______ 4. _______
2. _______ 5. _______
3. _______ 6. _______
IV. Procedure:
A. Introduction
C. Engagement
D. Assimilation .
Telling Sentence tells or says something. It also
gives information about something. It begins in
capital letter and ends with period.
Asking Sentence ask something. It begins with a
capital letter and ends with a question mark.