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BioScience Trends Advance Publication P1

Brief Report Advance Publication DOI: 10.5582/bst.2020.01482

Analysis of COVID-19 infection spread in Japan based on stochastic

transition model
Kenji Karako1, Peipei Song2,*, Yu Chen1,*, Wei Tang3
Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Chiba, Japan;
Institute for Global Health Policy Research, Bureau of International Health Cooperation, National Center for Global Health and Medicine,
Tokyo, Japan;
International Health Care Center, National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.

SUMMARY To assess the effectiveness of response strategies of avoiding large gatherings or crowded areas and
to predict the spread of COVID-19 infections in Japan, we developed a stochastic transmission model
by extending the Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) epidemiological model with an additional
modeling of the individual action on whether to stay away from the crowded areas. The population
were divided into three compartments: Susceptible, Infected, Removed. Susceptible transitions to
Infected every hour with a probability determined by the ratio of Infected and the congestion of area.
The total area consists of three zones crowded zone, mid zone and uncrowded zone, with different
infection probabilities characterized by the number of people gathered there. The time for each
people to spend in the crowded zone is curtailed by 0, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8 hours, and the time spent in
mid zone is extended accordingly. This simulation showed that the number of Infected and Removed
will increase rapidly if there is no reduction of the time spent in crowded zone. On the other hand, the
stagnant growth of Infected can be observed when the time spent in the crowded zone is reduced to
4 hours, and the growth number of Infected will decrease and the spread of the infection will subside
gradually if the time spent in the crowded zone is further cut to 2 hours. In conclusions The infection
spread in Japan will be gradually contained by reducing the time spent in the crowded zone to less
than 4 hours.

Keywords coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Japan, transmission, infection, modeling, Susceptible-
Infected-Removed (SIR)

1. Introduction to hospitals without prior consultation, with the purpose

of reducing the risk of exposure to cross-contamination
In December 2019 an outbreak of coronavirus disease at medical facilities or on the way. To stay away
2019 (COVID-19) occurred in Wuhan (1). At present, from large gatherings or crowded areas, the Japanese
some countries are facing on a crisis of outbreak and government promoted the adoption of telecommuting,
trying to prevent the spread of 2019-nCoV infections (2- encourage staggering commuting hours and ensure that
7). Japan is also one of them. As of February 29, 2020, workers with cold-like symptoms can take sick leave.
in addition to the confirmed 619 cases (passengers and In addition, on February 27, the government requested
crew members) from a virus-hit cruise ship docked in all elementary, junior high and high schools in Japan
Yokohama near Tokyo and 15 cases returning to Japan to close from March 2 until the end of a spring break
by charter flight from Wuhan, 215 locally transmitted through early April 2020 (11).
cases have been confirmed to have the 2019-nCoV It is unknown whether these strategies have had
infection in Japan (8,9). an impact, and how long they should avoid large
To contain the outbreak, the government of Japan gatherings or crowded areas. To assess the effectiveness
shifted the response strategy from "prevention of of these response strategies and to predict the spread
domestic invasion" to "prevention infection spread". On of COVID-19 infections in Japan, we thus developed
February 25, the Japanese government officially released a stochastic transmission model by extending the
the latest countermeasures for COVID-19 infections (10). Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) epidemiological
The Japanese government asked the public not to flock model with an additional modeling of the individual

P2 BioScience Trends Advance Publication

action on whether to stay away from the crowded areas.

2. Methods

2.1. Model structure

We implemented a stochastic state transition model with

reference to SIR model (12,13) dividing population into
three compartments: Susceptible, Infected, Removed.
Flow of the state transition is shown in Figure 1.
Susceptible transitions to Infected every hour with a
probability determined by the ratio of Infected and
the congestion of area. The total area consists of three
zones crowded zone, mid zone and uncrowded zone,
with different infection probabilities characterized by
the number of people gathered there. The probability of
infection at each hour is decided as:

Figure 1. The flow of transition between three compartments.

Where P zone(t) denotes the infection probability at the time spending at places where many people gather,
the zone where Susceptible exist at time (t), RInfected we set 8 hours as the time in crowded zone per day. And
(d) denotes the ratio of Infected determined by the also, we set 8 hours as the time in mid and uncrowded
number of Infected and Susceptible at day (d). In zone per day.
addition, Infected transitions to Removed every day by The result using above settings and initial
segregation with a certain probability: PRemoved and hence Susceptible:120,000,000 and initial Infected:10 is shown
Removed will not infect others any more. in Figure 2. The number of Removed was 65 at 30th day.
The number does not match the situation in Japan, where
2.2. Estimation of model parameters the infection was confirmed for the first time on January
14 and reached 165 on February 25. Therefore, we
In order to apply our model to Japan's situation, we need changed the parameters as Pcrowded zone: 2%, Pmid zone: 0.2%,
to estimate the parameters Pcrowded zone, Pmid zone, Puncrowded Puncrowded zone: 0.02% and PRemoved: 10% , and simulate the
zone and PRemoved. To estimate the Pzone, we reference the infection spread (Figure 3). The number of Removed
infected ratio of the cases at diamond princess and reached 159 at 30th day and it was close to the situation
returning to Japan by charter flight from Wuhan. In in Japan.
the case of diamond princess, there were 3,711 people
on board, of which 619 were infected, and the ratio of 3. Results and Discussion
infected was 17% (9). Out of 829 returnees from Wuhan,
15 were infected and the ratio of infected was 1.8% (14). Prediction of the spread in Japan Reflecting the Japanese
The ratio of infected in spatially isolated ship were 10 strategy to prevent outbreaks and control the spread of
times greater than those in returnees from potentially infection, we simulated infection spread using some
dangerous area. Crowded zone is considered as not an scenarios with different hour in crowded zone. Assuming
isolated space like diamond princess but an area with a Japan response strategy "prevention infection spread"
high probability of infection, thus we set the infection reduces time in crowded zone, we simulate the spread
probability at crowded zone as 1.8%. Also, according to continuing 30 days of Figure 3 with same probabilities.
the difference between diamond princess and returnees As a parameter study of the model, the time for each
from Wuhan, we set the probability at mid zone and people to spend in the crowded zone is curtailed by 0,
uncrowded zone as 0.18% and 0.018%. As of February 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8 hours, and the time spent in mid zone
25, 140 out of 1,017 people were detected as infected by is extended accordingly. These results were shown in
PCR test in Japan (7). According to detection rate, we set Figure 4.
PRemoved as 14%. Results of simulation showed that i) the number of
To set action policy on where to spend, we refer to Infected and Removed will increase rapidly if there is
the average Japanese behavior obtained from the basic no reduction of the time spent in crowded zone; ii) the
survey on social life (15). The total time for work, stagnant growth of Infected can be observed when the
meals, study, and travel was 467 minutes. According time spent in the crowded zone is reduced to 4 hours;

BioScience Trends Advance Publication P3

Figure 2. Infected and Removed population transition simulated Figure 3. Infected and Removed population transition simulated
with Pcrowded zone: 1.8%, Pmid zone: 0.18%, Puncrowded zone: 0.018%, and with Pcrowded zone: 2%, Pmid zone: 0.2%, Puncrowded zone: 0.02%, and PRemoved:
PRemoved: 14%. 10%.

Figure 4. Infected and Removed population transition simulated with changing the time spending in crowded zone after 30 days.

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Received March 14, 2020; Revised March 18, 2020; Accepted Released online in J-STAGE as advance publication March 19,
March 18, 2020. 2020.


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