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Controlling The Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19

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Controlling the Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19

Stephen E. Moore1? and Eric Okyere2

Department of Mathematics,
University of Cape Coast, Ghana,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Energy and Natural Resources, Ghana.
arXiv:2004.00443v2 [q-bio.PE] 2 Apr 2020

Abstract. The outbreak of COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan and other cities
in China in 2019 has become a global pandemic as declared by World Health Organization
(WHO) in the first quarter of 2020 [19]. The delay in diagnosis, limited hospital resources
and other treatment resources leads to rapid spread of COVID-19. In this article, we
consider an optimal control COVID-19 transmission model and assess the impact of some
control measures that can lead to the reduction of exposed and infectious individuals in
the population. We investigate three control strategies for this deadly infectious disease
using personal protection, treatment with early diagnosis, treatment with delay diagnosis
and spraying of virus in the environment as time-dependent control functions in our
dynamical model to curb the disease spread.

Key words: COVID-19, delay in diagnosis, dynamic model, compartmental models, op-
timal control, Hamiltonian

1 Introduction

The recent outbreak of the deadly and highly infectious COVID-19 disease caused by
SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan and other cities in China in 2019 has become a global pandemic
as declared by World Health Organization (WHO) in the first quarter of 2020 [19]. The
most vulnerable people to develop serious complications from this dangerous disease
are the elderly with underlying medical problems. As at 29th March, 2020, the 69th
situation report by WHO indicated that the deadly COVID-19 disease had globally
infected 634, 835 people with 29, 891 deaths, see [20].
The understanding of the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases has been
well-studied and researched in mathematics and usually referred to as mathematical
epidemiology. These mathematical models have played a major role in increasing un-
derstanding of the underlying mechanisms which influence the spread of diseases and
provide guidelines as to how the spread can be controlled [2, 7, 25]. The recent outbreak
of the deadly and highly infectious COVID-19 disease has attracted the attention of
many authors who have discussed and studied the nature of the virus, its transmission
dynamics and the basic reproduction number of the disease, see eg. [3,5,9,26,27,29]. Re-
cently, Elsevier and Springer have made open access to several literature for interested
researchers [4, 14].
Corresponding author : stephen.moore@ucc.edu.gh
2 S. E. Moore and E. Okyere

An SEIR mathematical model for the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 disease

with data fitting, parameter estimations and sensitivity analysis is studied in [5] whiles
a deterministic model for COVID-19 that captures the effect of delay diagnosis on the
disease transmission has also been presented, see [28]. In [12], the authors explore a
statistical analysis of COVID-19 disease data to estimate time-delay adjusted risk for
death from this deadly virus in Wuhan, as well as for China excluding Wuhan. Their
study suggested that effective social distancing and movement restrictions practices can
help minimise the disease transmission. A real-time forecast phenomenological model
has also been designed to study the transmission pattern of COVID-19 infectious disease,
see e.g., [23]. Also, an SEIR-type compartmental modelling concept applied to design
a data-driven epidemic model that incorporates governmental actions and individual
behavioural reactions for the COVID-19 disease outbreak in Wuhan [11].
Mathematical modelling of epidemics using deterministic optimal control problems
is widely explored in the literature of mathematical epidemiology. A detailed compre-
hensive literature of optimal control models in epidemiological modeling and numerical
approximation techniques can be found in [10, 24]. Several works in literature reveals
that epidemic models that are constructed with optimal control problems are appro-
priate and very useful for suggesting control strategies to curb disease spread, see,
e.g., [1, 13, 17, 18].
The principal purpose of this article is to present control strategies for transmis-
sion dynamics of COVID-19 and to determine strategies that are critical even during
instances of delay in diagnosis. In Section 2, we formulate an optimal control model for
COVID-19 with four control measures. The analysis of the control model is presented in
Section 3. In Section 4, we present the numerical results of the optimal control model.
Finally, we conlude in Section 5 with discussions on the control measures.

2 Formulation of the Optimal Control Problem

In this section, we formulate an optimal control model for COVID-19 to derive four con-
trol measures with minimal implementation cost to eradicate the disease after a defined
period of time. Our new epidemiological time-dependent control model is an extended
and modified version of the COVID-19 transmission dynamical model introduced in [28].
Here, we note that the population is divided into susceptible (S), self-quarantine sus-
ceptible (Sq ), exposed (E), infectious with timely diagnosis (I1 ), infectious with delayed
diagnosis (I2 ), hospitalized (H), recovered (R) and the viral spread in the environment
(V ). Following the compartmental transition diagram as shown in Figure 1, the eight-
state dynamical model describing the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 is given by

= −(βe E + βi1 I1 + βi2 I2 + βv V )S − qS + q1 Sq
= qS − q1 Sq
= (βe E + βi1 I1 + βi2 I2 + βv V )S − ωE
Controlling the Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 3

Fig. 1. Compartmental diagram for the transmission dynamics of COVID-19, see [28].

= φωE − γ1 I1 − µI1 (2.1)
= (1 − φ)ωE − γ2 I2 − µI2
= γ1 I1 + γ2 I2 − mH − µH
= mH
= f1 E + f2 I1 + f3 I2 − dv V,
where βe , βi1 , βi2 and βv denote the transmission rates from the exposed, infectious with
timely diagnosis, infectious with delay diagnosis and virus in the environment to the
susceptible, respectively. Also fi , i = 1, 2, 3 is the rate of virus in the environment from
both the exposed and the infectious and removed at rate dv . For the rest of the model
parameters, we refer the interested reader to reference [28] for detailed descriptions.

2.1 COVID-19 Model Problem with Control Measures

Following from the system (2.1), we modified the transmission rate by reducing the
factor by (1 − u1 ), where u1 measures the effort of individuals to protect themselves
(i.e. personal protection). The control variable u2 measures the treatment rate of timely
diagnosed individuals whiles the u3 measures the treatment rate of delayed diagnosed
individuals. We assume that u2 I1 and u3 I2 individuals are removed from the timely
diagnosed class and delayed diagnosed class and added to the Hospitalized class. The
fourth control variable u4 measures the spraying of the environment to prevent viral
release. We also assume that u4 V virus are removed from the environment. We further
assume that individuals that recovers at any time t after hospitalization and treatment
are removed from the hospitalized class to the recovered class. With regards to these
4 S. E. Moore and E. Okyere

assumptions, the dynamics of system (2.1) are modified into the following system of
= −(1 − u1 )(βe E + βi1 I1 + βi2 I2 + βv V )S − qS + q1 Sq
= qS − q1 Sq
= (1 − u1 )(βe E + βi1 I1 + βi2 I2 + βv V )S − ωE
= φωE − u2 I1 − µI1 (2.2)
= (1 − φ)ωE − u3 I2 − µI2
= u2 I1 + u3 I2 − mH − µH
= mH
= f1 E + f2 I1 + f3 I2 − dv V − u4 V,
where q is the rate at which susceptible (S) individuals move into self-quarantine (Sq )
and q1 is the rate at which self-quarantined individuals become susceptible again. Also,
µ is the death rate and hospitalized individuals are decreased at recovery rate m.

3 Mathematical Analysis of the Model

In this section, we will formulate an objective functional and present the existence of
optimal control by means of Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle. Given the optimal con-
trol problem (2.2), we prove the existence of control problem following [25] and then
characterizing it for optimality. The objective functional J formulates the optimization
problem of identifying the most effective strategies. The overall preselected objective
involves the minimization of the number of exposed, delayed diagnosed infectious indi-
viduals and the viral spread in the environment over a finite time interval [0, T ]. We
define the objective functional J , as follows
Z T  4 
1X 2
J (u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 ) := A1 E + A2 I2 + A3 V + Ci ui (t) dt. (3.1)
0 2

We aim to minimize the cost functional (3.1) which includes the number of exposed
(E), infectious with delay diagnosis (I2 ), and the virus in the environment (V ), as well
as the social costs related to the resources needed for personal protection C1 u21 , early
detected treatment C2 u22 , delay detected treatment C3 u23 , and spraying of environment
C4 u24 . The control effort is modeled by means of a linear combination of quadratic
terms, u2i (t), i = 1, . . . , 4. The constants Aj , j = 1, . . . , 3 and Ci , i = 1, . . . , 4 represent a
measure of the relative cost of the interventions over time [0, T ].
Controlling the Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 5

The objective of the control problem is to seek functions (u∗1 (t), u∗2 (t), u∗3 (t), u∗4 (t))
such that

J (u∗1 (t), u∗2 (t), u∗3 (t), u∗4 (t)) := min{J (u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 ), (u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 ) ∈ U}, (3.2)

where the control set is defined as

U := {u = (u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 )|ui (t) is Lebesgue measurable,

0 ≤ ui (t) ≤ 1, t ∈ [0, T ] for i = 1, . . . , 4}, (3.3)

subject to the COVID-19 model with controls (2.2) and appropriate initial conditions.
In the next section, we prove the existence of an optimal control for the system (2.2)
and then derive the optimality system. It is well known that Pontryagin’s maximum
principle (PMP) is required to solve this control problem and the derivation of the
necessary conditions [21, 22].

3.1 Existence of an Optimal Control

The necessary conditions include the optimality solutions and the adjoint equations
that an optimal control must satisfy which come from Pontryagin’s maximum principle
[22]. This principle converts the control model (2.2) and the objective functional (3.1)
into a problem of minimizing pointwise Hamiltonian function (3.5), which is formed
by allowing each of the adjoint variables to correspond to each of the state variables
accordingly and combining the results with the objective functional.

Theorem 1. Given the objective functional J (u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 ) as in (3.1), where the con-
trol set U given by (3.3) is measurable subject to (2.2) with initial conditions given at
t = 0, then there exists an optimal control u∗ = (u∗1 (t), u∗2 (t), u∗3 (t), u∗4 (t)) such that
J (u∗1 (t), u∗2 (t), u∗3 (t), u∗4 (t)) := min{J (u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 ), (u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 ) ∈ U}.

Proof. The existence of an optimal control due to the convexity of the integrand of J
with respect to the control measures ui , i = 1, . . . , 4, an a priori boundedness of the
solutions of both the state and adjoint equations and the Lipchitz property of the state
system with respect to the state variables follows from [6]. t

To find the optimal solution, we need the Lagrangian (L) and Hamiltonian (H) for
the optimal control problem (2.2) and (3.1). The Lagrangian of the control problem is
given by
L := A1 E + A2 I2 + +A3 V + Ci u2i (t). (3.4)

Since we want the minimal value of the Lagrangian, we define the Hamiltonian function
for the system as
C1 u21 + C2 u22 + C3 u23 + C4 u24

H = A1 E + A2 I2 + A3 V +
6 S. E. Moore and E. Okyere

+ λS − (1 − u1 )(βe E + βi1 I1 + βi2 I2 + βv V )S − qS + q1 Sq
+ λSq qS − q1 Sq + λE (1 − u1 )(βe E + βi1 I1 + βi2 I2 + βv V )S − wE (3.5)
+ λI1 φwE − u2 I1 − µI1 ] + λI2 (1 − φ)wE − u3 I2 − µI2
+ λH u2 I1 + u3 I2 − mH − µH
+ λR mH + λV f1 E + f2 I1 + f3 I2 − dv V − u4 V ,
where λj , j ∈ {S, Sq , E, I1 , I2 , H, R, V } are the adjoint variables. Next, we apply the
necessary conditions to the Hamiltonian H in (3.5).
Theorem 2. Given an optimal control u∗ := (u∗1 , u∗2 , u∗3 , u∗4 ) and a solution
y ∗ = (S ∗ , Sq∗ , E ∗ , I1∗ , I2∗ , H ∗ , R∗ , V ∗ ) of the corresponding state system (2.2), there exists
adjoint variable λj , j ∈ {S, Sq , E, I1 , I2 , H, R, V } satisfying
= (λS − λE )(1 − u1 ) βe E + βi1 I1 + βi2 I2 + βv V + q(λS − λE )
= q1 (λSq − λS )
= −A1 + (λS − λE )(1 − u1 )βe S + wλE − φwλI1 − (1 − φ)λI2 − τ1 λV
= (λS − λE )(1 − u1 )βi1 S + (λI1 − λH )u2 + λI1 µ − τ2 λV (3.6)
= −A2 + (λS − λE )(1 − u1 )βi2 S + (λI2 − λH )u3 + λI2 µ − τ3 λV
= m(λH − λR ) + µλH
= −A3 + (λS − λE )(1 − u1 )βv S + λV (dv + u4 )
with transversality conditions
λj (T ) = 0, j ∈ {S, Sq , E, I1 , I2 , H, R, V }. (3.7)
Furthermore, the control functions u∗1 , u∗2 , u∗3 and u∗4 are given by
u∗1 = min{1, max{0, Λ1 }},
u∗2 = min{1, max{0, Λ2 }},
u∗3 = min{1, max{0, Λ3 }}, and
u∗4 = min{1, max{0, Λ4 }},

λE − λS (βe E + βi1 I1 + βi2 I2 + βv V )S
Λ1 = ,
λI1 − λH I1 λ I2 − λ H I 2 λV V
Λ2 = , Λ3 = and Λ4 = . (3.8)
C2 C3 C4
Controlling the Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 7

Proof. The proof methodology follows similarly as presented by [10]. t


4 Numerical Results of the Optimal Control Model and Discussion

In this section, we present the numerical solutions for our optimality problem using the
fourth-order runge-kutta forward-backward sweep method. This numerical scheme is
very efficient and has been widely used by several authors in simulating their optimal
control problems [1,8,15–17]. The details of this scheme can be found in the monograph
[10]. Parameter values for our numerical illustrations are adapted from [28] where the
authors used data from the city of Wuhan in the Hubei province of China. We assume
A1 = 5, A2 = 5, A3 = 10, C1 = 10, C2 = 30, C3 = 25 and C4 = 30. Figure 2 below
represent profiles of the optimal control functions (u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 ).

Fig. 2. Optimal control functions

4.1 Control Strategy I

In this strategy, we consider personal protection (u1 6= 0), treatment with early diagno-
sis (u2 6= 0), treatment with delay diagnosis (u3 6= 0) time-dependent control functions
to minimise our objective functional. Our main aim in this control strategy is to min-
imise the number of exposed (E), infectious with delay diagnosis (I2 ) and virus in the
environment (V ). In the non-optimal control model (2.2), treatment with early diagno-
1 1
sis (γ1 = u2 = 2.9 ) and treatment with delay diagnosis (γ2 = u3 = 10 ) are captured as
constant controls.
8 S. E. Moore and E. Okyere

Fig. 3. Solution trajectories for Exposed individuals with varying parameter φ = 0.4, φ = 0.6 and
φ = 0.8. The red line represents the controlled Exposed population whiles the blue line represents the
uncontrolled exposed population.

Fig. 4. Solution trajectories for Infectious individuals with delayed diagnosis with varying parameter
φ = 0.4, φ = 0.6 and φ = 0.8. The red line represents the controlled delayed diagnosed infectious
population whiles the blue line represents the uncontrolled infectious population.

Fig. 5. Controlling the viral spread in the environment with varying proportion of sympomatic indi-
viduals φ = 0.4, φ = 0.6 and φ = 0.8 where the red line represents the controlled envrionment and the
blue line represents the uncontrolled environment.
Controlling the Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 9

4.2 Control Strategy II

This strategy deals with treatment control with early diagnosis (u2 6= 0) and treatment
control with delay diagnosis (u3 6= 0) to minimise our objective functional. Our main aim
in this control strategy is to minimise the number of exposed (E), infectious with delay
diagnosis (I2 ) and virus in the environment (V ). In the non-optimal control model (2.2),
treatment with early diagnosis (γ1 = u2 = 2.9 ) and treatment with delay diagnosis
(γ2 = u3 = 10 ) are captured as constant controls.

Fig. 6. Solution trajectories for Exposed individuals with varying parameter φ = 0.4, φ = 0.6 and
φ = 0.8. The red line represents the controlled exposed population whiles the blue line represents the
uncontrolled exposed population.

Fig. 7. Solution trajectories for Infectious individuals with delayed diagnosis with varying parameter
φ = 0.4, φ = 0.6 and φ = 0.8. The red line represents the controlled delayed diagnosed infectious
population whiles the blue line represents the uncontrolled infectious population.
10 S. E. Moore and E. Okyere

Fig. 8. Controlling the viral spread in the environment with varying proportion of symptomatic indi-
viduals φ = 0.4, φ = 0.6 and φ = 0.8 where the red line represents the controlled environment and the
blue line represents the uncontrolled environment.

4.3 Control Strategy III

In this strategy all the four time-dependent control functions (u1 6= 0, u2 6= 0, u3 6=

0, u4 6= 0) proposed in this study are incorporated into the optimal control COVID-19
model problem to minimise the objective function. In the non-optimal control model,
treatment with early diagnosis (γ1 = u2 = 2.9 ) and treatment with delay diagnosis
(γ2 = u3 = 10 ) are captured as constant controls.

Fig. 9. Solution trajectories for Exposed individuals with varying parameter φ = 0.4, φ = 0.6 and
φ = 0.8. The red line represents the controlled Exposed population whiles the blue line represents the
uncontrolled exposed population.

4.4 Simulations results for all three optimal control strategies

In this subsection, solution trajectories for the number of exposed, infectious with delay
diagnosis and virus in the environment for all the three control strategies are numerically
compared with that of the non-optimal control model. Our numerical results suggest
that, if people can adhere to effective personal protection practices such as the use
of hand sanitizers, washing of hands regularly and social distancing, there will less
infections in the population. From our results, we can further argue that, effective
spraying of the environment and early diagnosis of infected or infectious individuals
and treatment can help reduce of the number of COVID-19 infections significantly.
Controlling the Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 11

Fig. 10. Solution trajectories for Infectious individuals with delayed diagnosis with varying parameter
φ = 0.4, φ = 0.6 and φ = 0.8. The red line represents the controlled delayed diagnosed infectious
population whiles the blue line represents the uncontrolled infectious population.

Fig. 11. Controlling the viral spread in the environment with varying proportion of symptomatic indi-
viduals φ = 0.4, φ = 0.6 and φ = 0.8 where the red line represents the controlled environment and the
blue line represents the uncontrolled environment.

Fig. 12. Solutions trajectories for Exposed individuals with φ = 0.4, φ = 0.6 and φ = 0.8 .

Fig. 13. Solutions trajectories for Infectious individuals delayed diagnosis with φ = 0.4, φ = 0.6 and
φ = 0.8 .
12 S. E. Moore and E. Okyere

Fig. 14. Solutions trajectories for virus in the environment with φ = 0.4, φ = 0.6 and φ = 0.8 .

5 Conclusion

In this article, we presented control strategies to the transmission dynamics of COVID-

19. The control set including personal protection, treatment when individuals are early
diagnosed, treatment when individuals are delay diagnosed, effective spraying of the
environment and cleaning possible infected surfaces can help reduce the quantity of
the virus. The numerical simulations reveals that optimal control strategies can yield
significant reduction of the number of COVID-19 exposed and infectious or infected
individuals in the population. By instituting control strategies, we realise that the num-
ber of days required for the virus to be eliminated from the system is significantly
reduced as compared to when there is no control strategy. The numerical illustrations
also shows that by increasing φ i.e. improving the diagnostic resources, and increasing
γ2 i.e. improving the diagnostic efficiency, we can control significantly the number of
new confirmed cases, new infections and thus can reduce the transmission risk. From all
the three control strategies considered in this study, we realised that the third strategy
which captures all the four time-dependent control functions yields better results.


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