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Foz Chapeco

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Authors: Miguel Zerbini de Faria, Paulo Eduardo de Almeida Godoy, Francisco Cordero Donha Filho, Alceu Reusing
Main Brazilian Dams III



The Foz do Chapecó Hydroelectric Power Plant is 2.1. Layout

being built in the southern region of Brazil, in the middle The layout of the structures of the enterprise was
reaches of the Uruguay River, close to 6.5 km upstream defined by the geographical characteristics of the river at
from the mouth of the Chapecó River, on the border the jobsite, which resemble a horse-shoe, permitting the
between the townships of Águas de Chapecó, in the state development of the existing natural difference in levels.
of Santa Catarina, and Alpestre, in the state of Rio Grande Thus, as presented in the Figure 1, starting from the
do Sul. right bank, a dam was defined, comprising a compacted
The development is situated approximately 45 km from rockfill dam with a bituminous seal core, 548 m in length
Chapecó, the principal city in the region, which, in turn, and with an average height of 47 m, associated with
is located 570 km from Florianópolis. On the Rio Grande a spillway of 15 gates, sufficient to discharge the
do Sul side, the development lies about 290 km from the maximum flow of 62,190 m3/s, for a recurrence period of
capital, Porto Alegre. Access by air is made through the 10,000 years.
airport of Chapecó. Upstream of this dam, on the hydraulic left, the
On June 28 of 2001, the AGÊNCIA NACIONAL headrace is located, composed by two tunnels of
DE ENERGIA ELÉTRICA - ANEEL tendered the arch-rectangular section of 18.00 x 18.15 m (H:V) each
concession for the Chapecó Hydroelectric Power Plant. and a length of approximately 392 m. Downstream of
The tender was awarded to the CONSÓRCIO these tunnels it is intended to excavate an open-air
ENERGÉTICO FOZ DO CHAPECÓ S.A, with the channel, of variable rectangular section, which will
contract for the concession being signed on November discharge into a small passage reservoir.
7 of 2001, with a contractual addendum issued The water intake, located close to the powerhouse,
on June 24 of 2003. is composed by two large gravity blocks in concrete and
On November 1 of 2001, the CNEC ENGENHARIA four penstocks, in steel plate with an internal diameter of
S.A. was contracted by the CONSÓRCIO ENERGÉTICO 10.00 m, embedded in concrete.
FOZ DO CHAPECÓ to prepare the consolidated basic The powerhouse, of the indoor type, will hold four
design of the enterprise. generators, with Francis-type turbine runners and vertical
Due to impediments of access to the jobsite in order shaft, and a rated power of 217.14 MW and a total
to obtain some basic data of geology, topography, installed power of around 855 MW.
bathymetry and streamflow, the studies on the basic The discharge will be made directly into the Uruguay
design were interrupted in July of 2002. It was not until River, through a tailrace excavated in rock, and with the
2004, when those data became available, that the studies flow oriented at a tangent to the original channel.
were resumed, with their conclusion occurring in
September of 2004. 3. GEOLOGY, GEOTECHNOLOGY AND
The implantation of the power complex is the FOUNDATIONS
responsibility of the Consórcio Volta Grande, composed
by the firms of Camargo Correa (construction and 3.1. Regional Geology
electromechanical erection), ALSTOM (equipment and The project area is located in the southern portion of
systems) and CNEC (executive project). The civil works the Paraná basin, constituted by a thick packet of
began in March of 2007 and their conclusion is forecast, sedimentary rocks covered by a volcanic sequence of
together with the commencement of commercial basaltic nature.
generation of the 1st Generator Unit, on August 31 of 2010, The volcanic flow package of the Serra Geral
with the remaining units successively coming on-stream Formation is associated with an intense dystrophic
every 2 months, with the last unit initiating its commercial phenomenon that originated the fissured volcanism from
operation in February of 2011. the end of the Jurassic era to the Cretaceous.
Since this article was written in mid-2008 some The basalt flows, with an estimated local thickness
aspects of this plant described herein may not as closely between 500 and 600 m, are seated upon the sediments
represent the as built project. of the Botucatu Formation, preferentially formed of reddish
wind-borne sandstone of fine to medium grain size. The
sandstones of the Botucatu Formation contributed as a

Main Brazilian Dams III

Figure 1 - General View of the Development in January of 2008

Figure 2 - General View of the Works in the Headrace and Generation Circuits in January 2008

Main Brazilian Dams III

source of the material in the formation of interstitial by the location of the headrace tunnels, of the water
sediments in the initial phases of the basaltic flow, intake in the left bank and of part of the spillway beside
indicating the persistence of the desert environment, at the right bank.
least during the initial phases of the magmatic event. The flow "E", which is the lowest, is positioned below
In its structure, the Paraná Basin is transposed by the El. 210/220 m, in which it is planned to install the
large structural alignments that extend several hundreds powerhouse and the foundations of the spillway, as well
of kilometres in a preferentially north-western direction. as the main dam, in the riverbed of the Uruguay River.
Subordinate alignments with a north-eastern orientation As a rule, the contacts between these flows are closed,
act together with the principal alignments in controlling it being worth mentioning the significant thickness in the
the development of the drainage system. basaltic breccia at the top of flow "E", of around 20 m, in
which it is planned to excavate the powerhouse.
3.2. Local Geology
The topographical relief of the region of the 3.3. Investigations Carried Out
development is characterised by a gently undulating During the feasibility and basic design studies
plateau with accentuated litho-structural control in the 52 rotary drill and mixed soundings were executed,
modelling of the relief, which is made evident by the tabular distributed along the length of the structures of the
stacking of the basaltic flows. Along the slopes there development, making a total of 1,644 m of drilling.
are successive ruptures of the decline in the form of steps, Forty eight of the 61 soundings entailed the execution
with landings associated with the tops of the flows, of water pressure tests to verify the hydraulic conductivity
intercalated with sub-vertical slopes related to the central of the bedrock for the foundation/excavation.
zone, where the rock presents predominantly vertical
disjointed columns. 3.4. Geological-Geotechnical Aspects
The drainage characteristic is intimately associated 3.4.1. General Considerations
with the structural conditioning reflected in straight lines In general, the soil overburden in this area is
and frequently abrupt changes in the water-courses, insubstantial, normally less than 3 m, and the passage
related to weak zones in the rock. Save for some isolated into the rock is abrupt, practically without a transition.
occurrences, and of small size, the brusque and boxed- At the base of the steepest slopes, and covering the
in development of the river prevents the systematic landings, it is common to find colluvial deposit formations
occurrence of alluvial plateaux. with scattered blocks of basaltic rocks dispersed over
In the region of the dam axis, the abutments are the surface, and submerged in reddish-brown clayey soil.
asymmetrical, with the left bank presenting a stepped The exception is the area of the spillway beside the right
configuration, alternating sub-vertical watersheds and bank, where the alluvial plateau has a thickness of 10 to
sub-horizontal landings, while the right bank presents a 12 m.
smoother topography. In the riverbed, slightly upstream The rocky outcrops are common, preferentially
of the dam axis, there is a small step in the levels which associated with the thalwegs and where the topography
originates a rapid that is locally known as the "Little Fall is steeper, conditioned by the sub-vertical jointing of the
of the Uruguay", and that transposes the Uruguay River flows. As a general rule, the bedrock presents low values
in the direction N 60º W. of hydraulic conductivity, being slightly higher in its upper
At the site of the spillway, on the right bank, there is portion, where it is generally slightly more fractured (relief
a restricted alluvial plateau, with a flat surface, of fractures). The interior of the majority of the contacts
approximately 260 m average width and close to between flows is sealed.
1,300 m in length.
Inserted into the domain of the basaltic flows of the 3.4.2. Closure Dam of the Right Abutment
Serra Geral Formation, the area of the jobsite presents a At around El. 265 m of this abutment, a rotary drill
sequence of four basaltic flows disposed sub-horizontally sounding was executed with an inclination of 30º, and a
and with a dip of around 0.5º toward the Western quadrant, depth of about 40 m, presenting the upper portions
sequentially designated, from the top down to the base, inserted into the flow "D" and covered by a layer of
as the flows "B", "C", "D" and "E". The flow "B", which is approximately 1 m of soil, composed of dense grey
the upper unit of the sequence, was identified only by basalt, with an excellent rock quality designation index,
SR-108 sounding, and has its lower contact face at practically impermeable, with very low hydraulic
El. 319.00 m. It occurs crowning the ridge, crossed by conductivity values. Its lower portion, at about El. 238 m
the headrace tunnels but, due to its greater elevation, it (flow "E") begins with a layer of breccia close to 1 m
will not directly interfere with those structures. thick, upon grey basalt with reddish portions, little
The flow "C" occurs below the flow "B" weathered, occasionally fractured, with an excellent rock
at El. 290/300 m. The flow "D", with a thickness quality designation and very low hydraulic conductivity
close to 80 m, is basically situated in the interval between values.
the El. 290/300 m and 210/220 m, and is distinguished

Main Brazilian Dams III

3.4.3. Main Dam rock quality and low values of hydraulic conductivity,
The main dam will occupy the left abutment and the constituting a rock with good geomechanical
riverbed, in which, respectively, mixed vertical and rotary characteristics.
soundings were executed from floating platforms, all of Accelerated weathering cycle tests executed in the
them inclined 30º. Furnas laboratory in Goiânia upon rock samples obtained
One of the sounding points in the riverbed, detected from the rock cores of the rotary drill soundings (collected
the presence of a layer of basaltic breccia of dark grey at El. 256 m), indicated that the rock had good
colour, close to 7 m thick, little weathered and fractured, characteristics of soundness.
with a good to excellent rock quality and practically
impermeable, seated upon the dense grey basalt layer, 3.4.6. Generation Circuit
little altered, occasionally fractured, with good to excellent The soundings situated in the region of the powerhouse
rock quality designation index and moderate to high showed the presence of a soil overburden up to 3 m thick,
values of hydraulic conductivity at depths between resting upon dense, sound, grey basalt, little weathered,
12 and 18 m, and very low in the rest of the drilled sample. occasionally to little fractured, with low values of hydraulic
The other soundings showed, on the surface, the conductivity and an excellent rock quality index,
presence of a layer of sound vesicular amygdaloidal basalt, constituting a bedrock with good geomechanical
with thicknesses of around 9 to 11 m, of grey-roseate characteristics as a foundation.
colouring, with a good to excellent rock quality and A rotary drill sounding executed in the tailrace channel
practically impermeable. Below this layer, the rock mass showed that the final portion of the flow "D" and the top
is constituted by dense grey basalt. As a result of these of the basaltic breccia of flow "E" is at about El. 212 m,
soundings the bedrock can be considered as having good confirming the information provided by the rotary drill
geomechanical characteristics for a foundation rock, soundings executed in the powerhouse.
requiring waterproofing/consolidation treatment through
grout injections. 3.5. Construction Materials
The rotary drill sounding carried out on the left For the construction of the main and closure dams
abutment showed the existence of a bedrock constituted and the cofferdams it is planned to execute approximately
by sound and dense grey basalt, occasionally fractured 2,500,000 m³ of dumped and compacted embankment,
and with good characteristics for foundation rock. of which 300,000 m³ correspond to clayey materials and
2,200,000 m³ to rockfill and transition materials.
3.4.4. Spillway
The spillway is to be built beside the right bank, Earthen Materials
covering a restricted band of the riverbed, where For the construction of the dams and cofferdams it is
30º inclination rotary drill soundings were executed. These intended to move approximately 300,000 m³ of earthen
soundings indicated the presence of a soil and alluvium materials, dumped and/or compacted.
overburden 35 to 12.7 m in thickness, respectively, resting Clay borrow areas were identified on the left bank of the
upon the basaltic breccia at the top of flow "E", moderately Uruguay River, in a region close to 5 km upstream of the
fractured with high values of hydraulic conductivity in its dam site.
upper half and, in the lower portion, occasionally fractured Two other areas may eventually be utilized, both of
and impermeable. It is followed below by a layer of sound them situated downstream of the dam; one located in
and dense grey basalt, occasionally fractured, practically the region of the spillway discharge channel, and the
impermeable and with an excellent rock quality index. other in the left bank, about 1 km upstream of the tailrace.

3.4.5. Headrace Circuit Sand

Along the course to the headrace tunnels, rotary drill As exemplified by other jobs located in basaltic areas,
soundings were executed with a 30º inclination, with a the region being studied doesn't favour the occurrence of
depth of close to 60 m and a 5 m soil overburden. These sand. The natural sand that will eventually be required
soundings detected the presence of breccia at the top of will have to be obtained from a very distant location from
flow "D", around the elevations El. 285/300 m, confirming the site, such as, for example, União da Vitória (PR), at
the previously existing information. The mixed soundings a distance of about 395 km from the dam. However, recent
detected the presence of breccia at the top of flow "E" studies and jobs have demonstrated the feasibility of using
with a thickness of close to 15 m, around the elevations artificial sand for concrete, obtained from the crushing of
El. 222/225 m. dense basalt, and which can be easily obtained from the
The rotary drill soundings located around El. 229 m, obligatory excavations.
where the headrace tunnel is to be implanted, showed
that the top of flow "D" presented a layer of basaltic Rock Materials
breccia, followed by a bedrock constituted by sound and The observation of the core samples from the
little weathered basalt, little fractured and with an excellent soundings revealed the good quality of the local basalts

Main Brazilian Dams III

as a source of rockfill and concrete aggregates. However, Since the major part of the historical record of the
it is important to coordinate the sequence of the obligatory information coming from the institution that maintains
excavations in the diverse rock layers of the basalt flow, the stations was provided with the consistency analyses
which have different geomechanical properties (breccia, included, and since only the data relative to the years
vesicular amygdaloidal basalt, dense basalt), in order to 2000 and 2001 (partial) was not subjected to this type of
optimise the production of the various materials. The analysis, it was not considered necessary to develop
greatest production of concrete aggregate had to come further studies of this nature.
from the dense basalt layers, making it important to
adequately plan the origin and destination of the 4.3. Characterization of the Fluvial Regime
materials. 4.3.1. Natural Flows at the Development Site
The drainage area of the dam site, covering around
53,000 km2, practically coincides with the location of the
4. HYDROLOGY, HYDRAULICS AND Passo Caxambu stream gaging station on the Uruguay
SEDIMENTATION River, which controls a basin of 52,671 km². Due to this
proximity, the characteristic flows to be defined for the
4.1. Location of the Area of Interest site of the power plant can be determined from the data
The Foz do Chapecó Hydroelectric Power Plant, observed at the site of this stream gaging station,
situated in the Uruguay River, 6 km upstream from the corrected, in some cases, by the application of
mouth of the Chapecó River, drains an area of about transposition factors calculated from the ratios of the
53,000 km2. drainage areas.
The Uruguay River presents a very marked principal
course which runs from the sources of the Pelotas River a) Average Monthly Flows
to its mouth in the River Plate. The absent data of the historical series at the Passo
As a general rule, all the water courses in the Uruguay Caxambu station were provided by means of transposition
River basin extending to the site of the Foz do Chapecó based upon the data observed at the Iraí station
HPP, run through fairly boxed-in valleys, that are narrow (Catchment area 62,199 km²) and at the Itá station
and deep, with strong declivities in the river bed and drain (Catchment area 44,350 km²), in accordance with the
predominantly deforested areas with soils that are of little following transposition expression:
thickness and low permeability.
In watersheds with these geomorphologic features and QFoz do Chapecó = 1.0064 x QPasso Caxambu
similar characteristics of land use and occupation, the
hydrological cycle almost always shows a strong and The extrapolation of the series for the period from
direct relationship between the fluvial and the pluvial 1931 to 1939 was obtained by mathematical and
regimes, marked by high rates of surface run-off and the hydrological modelling studies with the utilization of the
great variability of the daily rainfall. The flood peaks are Stanford Watershed Model - Hydrocomp Simulation
pronounced and the hydrographs present reduced base Program.
times as a result of the high declivities of the basin, and The series of average monthly discharges obtained
severe droughts due to the reduced rates of feed-back for the site of the future power plant resulted in a long
from the aquifer. term average flow of 1,255 m³/s corresponding to a high
unit mean discharge approaching 24 l/s/km². This high
4.2. Data Availability unit mean discharge is accompanied by very pronounced
The streamflow data available for the Uruguay River minimum monthly values, reaching values below
basin in the stretch of interest refer to the historical records 2 l/s/km². In the same manner, there were months with
of 13 stream gaging stations, distributed along this average monthly flows many times greater that the
stretch. However, in the hydrological studies developed historical average of the corresponding month, reaching
for the Foz do Chapecó HPP, the data with highest priority a maximum exceeding 190 l/s/km².
was provided by the four stream gaging stations listed in
Table 1.

Table 1 - Stream Gaging Stations Utilized

Main Brazilian Dams III

b) Permanence of the Daily Flows discharges were adjusted to the Log Normal 3, Gumbel,
The definition of the behaviour and frequency of the Pearson 3, Log Pearson 3 and Exponential 2 statistical
average daily flows took advantage of the data available distributions, through the method of the moments and
from the Passo Caxambu stream gaging station, situated maximum verisimilitude, with a view to defining which
slightly upstream of the same water course. probability distribution most closely adhered to the
The observed series of average daily flows permitted observed data.
the definition of the flow permanence curves valid for the To this effect, a calculation was made of the standard
annual period and, also, for each month of the year. The deviation for each adjustment made, resulting in the final
curves were obtained considering the Kimball criterion, adoption of the Gumbel distribution for presenting the
and their adimensional values calculated from their ratio best fit and the least standard deviation.
to the average long-term flows and to the averages of the The ratio between the average daily flood and the
respective months, allowing their direct transposition to maximum instantaneous flood was defined from the
the dam site. mathematical modelling studies (rainfall-flow model),
adopting the greatest value resulting from the
4.4. Floods Flows hydrographs of the calculated floods for different storms,
The estimates of the flood flows at the site of Foz do both in the wet season and in the dry period.
Chapecó, required for dimensioning and verifying the Table 3 presents the result obtained for the calculated
discharge and river diversion hydraulic structures during floods for different recurrence periods.
the execution of the civil works, were guided by a strategy
of updating the stream gaging databases, divided between 4.4.1. Spillway Design Flows
the sub-periods of 1914 to 1939 (26 years), in which the For the determination of the spillway maximum design
maximum daily flows were obtained from the application flood, the statistical method was utilized, thus defining
of rainfall-flood mathematical modelling (using the the maximum daily flows which, associated with the
Stanford Watershed Model) and the period from 1940 to results of the rainfall-flow hydrological model, provided
1996 (57 years) for which the stream gaging records in the instantaneous peaks and configured the hydrographs,
the four base stations of the watershed, previously listed, and the hydro-meteorological procedures required for
were available. defining the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) and
In addition to this, the statistical studies of the its subsequent transformation into the Probable Maximum
maximum floods were complemented with the Flood (PMF).
determination of the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF)
and the rainfall-flow mathematical modelling, which served a) Probable Maximum Precipitation
as the basis for adjustments to the shape of the In accordance with the methodology recommended
hydrograph of the maximum estimated floods of the by the "World Meteorological Organization - WMO", the
project. Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) was determined
The flood frequency studies with reference to the for the Uruguay River basin in the stretch upstream of
period from 1939 to 1996 of the annual maximum the power plant site.

Table 2 - Flow Permanence Curve at the Development Site - Non-Dimensional Curve

Main Brazilian Dams III

The final definition of the PMP entailed the furthermore, the effects of damping and routing of the
configuration of the DAD curves, "rainfall x drainage area flood wave resulting from its passage through the Itá
x duration", that define the envelopments of the rains reservoir.
that correspond to the upper limits of storm formation
with reference to four most critical synoptical situations c) Ten Thousand Year Flood
observed in the 1914 to 1992 historical record. For this The average daily peak value of the ten thousand year
purpose, the maximization factor utilized was constituted flood of 60,540 m³/s, statistically determined through the
by the humidity factor equal to 1.35 and a correction Gumbel distribution, was adjusted from a flow hydrograph
factor for the consideration of the orographic effect, the determined by the application of the rainfall-flow model,
latter equal to 1.03, resulting in the maximization factor utilizing the same conditions established for the PMF,
being equal to 1.3, as illustrated in the Table 4 that although applying a correction factor for the average daily
follows. peak to result equal to the ten thousand year flood.
In the same manner as for the PMF, the ten thousand
b) Probable Maximum Flood - PMF year flood was damped in the Itá reservoir and,
The probable maximum flood for the natural conditions immediately following, routed and added to the flood of
in the Uruguay River basin was calculated by determining the incremental area, defining the hydrograph illustrated
the flow hydrographs for the sites of Foz do Chapecó in the Table 5.
and Itá, upstream. Based on the results obtained from the flood studies,
For the determination of the PMF, the PMP was the concession contract for the Foz do Chapecó HPP
considered as starting on the very day of the storm that fixed the spillway maximum design discharge at
occurred in July/1983, in order to incorporate the severe 62,190 m 3 /s for a maximum maximorum W.L.
previous conditions known, to form various configurations at El. 266.60 m.
until obtaining the most critical flood in terms of the volume
and the peak of the hydrograph, and considering,

Table 3 - Floods for Different Recurrence Periods at the Hydroelectric Development Site

Table 4 - Probable Maximum Precipitation - PMP in the Uruguay River Basin at the Foz do Chapecó Project Site

Main Brazilian Dams III

Table 5 - Determination of the Ten Thousand Year Flood for the Foz do Chapecó HPP - Discharges in m3/s

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4.5. Hydro-Sedimentation Studies 4.6. Studies on Filling the Reservoir

4.5.1. Transportation of Sediments The time for filling the reservoir was obtained from
The studies on transportation of solids required to parametric analyses admitting, for the initiation of the
estimate the sediment loads entering the future reservoir, reservoir filling, the first day of each month of the year,
and to evaluate the duration of the service life of the accumulating the inflowing volumes to the project site
enterprise, were guided by the results obtained during and considering the following water levels for the reservoir:
the feasibility studies and ratified by the systematic
campaigns for measuring the sediment loads in other • EI. 243.00 m : Elevation of the headrace tunnel sills
sections along the river course. (Volume accumulated = 274 hm³);
The Foz do Chapecó plant will operate jointly with • EI. 244.40 m : Elevation of the spillway sill
the Itá plant, and it was therefore considered that about (Volume accumulated = 345 hm3);
90% of the sediments originated upstream of the Itá HPP • EI. 265.00 m : Maximum normal water level
would be retained in its reservoir. Therefore, only the (Volume accumulated = 1,501 hm³).
remaining portion, increased by the transport of solids
coming from the incremental area, should reach the Foz Evaluations were also made of the different values of
do Chapecó reservoir, an amount estimated at close to the flows to be maintained downstream of the
24.2% of the total sediment load, resulting in the following development during its filling, i.e., the residual flow along
equation: the axis of the development (80% of the minimum average
monthly observed flow during the period from 1941/2000:
QS = 0,001705 x QL1.72600 94.60 m³/s) 75.68 m³/s, and the extreme situation of no
flow downstream, considering, in this case, only a small
The equation above led to a series of average monthly downstream stretch with a length of 6 km, until the
sediment in suspension inflowing to the project site for confluence with the Chapecó River, that might remain
the period of 1941 to 2000. This sediment load data only without water flow during the filling.
refers to suspended sediments, without considering the This last hypothesis, including the verification of zero
bed-material load transported. water uses and/or users between the project site and
In the Uruguay River, the fairly boxed-in fluvial channel the confluence of the Chapecó River, involving a minimum
presented a quite inclined longitudinal profile, a fact that possibility of risks occurring in this stretch, admitting
favoured the streamflow energy and, in consequence, that during the impoundment of the Uruguay River, the
greater quantities of solids transported by dragging along region downstream of the dam would be exclusively
the bottom. In view of these conditions, the data obtained supplied by the waters from the Chapecó River (average
for the transportation in suspension was increased by annual flow of around 135 m³/s). The other two hypothesis
25% to take into consideration the bed load transported. relied on the possibility of delaying the closure of the
last diversion sluice, thus ensuring the release of the
4.5.2. Service Life of the Reservoir residual flow for this stretch of the river.
With the monthly totals of sediment load increased Considering the three assumptions, it should be noted
by 25% and admitting that the apparent specific weight that with the adoption of the hypothesis of maintaining
of the transported sediments is equal to 1.056 t/m³ in zero flow downstream, the average times for the reservoir
accordance with the monitoring data, the service lifetime to attain the spillway sill elevation are less than 16 days
of the development was evaluated following the method - a fairly reduced time. Now, in maintaining a downstream
suggested by the Bureau of Reclamation. flow equal to 80% of the monthly minimum average flow
Considering the weight of the sediments retained in observed, i.e., a downstream flow equal to 75.68 m³/s,
the reservoir, obtained by the efficiency of sediment the average filling times increase to 25 days, representing
retention (ER), calculated from the inflow capacity and an increase of close to 9 days for the filling during the
the Brune curve, the figure obtained for the Foz do most unfavourable month (between March and May).
Chapecó reservoir was an inflow equal to 0.0422,
corresponding to an efficiency of retention ER=75%. This 4.7. Backwater of the Foz do Chapecó HPP
value is admitted as being constant in favour of safety, To carry out the backwater studies seven duly
since it tends to diminish with time. calibrated cross-sections were utilized. They were
The figure for the total long-term sediment load (QST) obtained from topographic-bathymetric surveys carried
leads to the total annual inflow of sediments, which was out in the final stretch of the reservoir, and also 48 auxiliary
increased by 100% to consider possible increases of cross-sections estimated from aero photographic
sediment yield in the basin, calculated to equal measuring surveys.
608 x 10³ m³. With this annual volume of sediments The calibration was obtained by adjusting the different
accumulating in the reservoir, the time required for the Manning roughness coefficients from stretch to stretch,
silting-up to reach El. 244.50 m would be approximately until the waterlines calculated for the different flows
909 years. considered approached the observed water level profiles.

Main Brazilian Dams III

The roughness coefficients resulting from the calibration it was considered convenient to construct a longitudinal
of the model varied from 0.033 to 0.048. wall on the upstream side of the dam, with its top at
The simulations effected indicated that for flows lower El. 269.00 m, in order not to depend upon a high operating
than a recurrence of 500 years, which equals a discharge performance of the gates.
from the Itá tailrace channel of approximately Subsequently, at the request of the Owner's Board of
38,000 m³/s, the maximum normal operational level of Consultants, the crest of the dam was raised to
the Foz do Chapecó reservoir would remain at El. 270.00 m, with an additional heightening of this wall.
El. 265.00 m. For flows with a recurrence period greater The latter, dimensioned to adequately resist the water
than 500 years, over-elevations of the water levels occur pressures acting upon all its height, will be executed
in the Foz do Chapecó reservoir, attaining a maximum with pre-cast elements and joints equipped with sealing
value of El. 267.71 m, at Passo Caxambu for the devices, constituting a watertight barrier and ensuring,
maximum probable flood. for all practical effects, that the overtopping elevation will
become El. 270.00 m.
4.8. Consolidation of the Rating Curve of the Tailrace
In the region of the tailrace channel outlet the Uruguay OF THE DEVELOPMENT
River is divided into two channels by a sequence of two
elongated islands with a narrow channel between them. 5.1. General Conception of the Project
With the construction of the dam, the stream flow reaching The dam and headrace tunnels of the Foz do Chapecó
the islands will be significantly less, having, however, a Hydroelectric Power Plant are being built in the region
large inflow of water close to the downstream end of the known as the Saltinho do Uruguay, located about 6 km
left channel, originating from the generation circuit of the upstream of the point of confluence of the Uruguay River
power plant. and the Chapecó River. Continuing downstream, the
For an improved calculation of the rating curve of the mouth of the tailrace channel will be constructed 13 km
tailrace channel, the mathematical model used was downstream of this same confluence.
based on the Direct Step Method. The modelling The general layout defined is characterized by the
permitted verifying that, for a total flow from 1,900 to natural difference in levels of about 12 m that exists along
2,300 m3/s, a flow inversion occurs, with part of the turbine the large U-shaped loop, 19.5 km in length, formed by
discharge flow returning and deviating around the upstream the Uruguay River at this location.
end of the island, and also that for large flows the The works of the generation circuit comprise the
difference in levels between the two channels is headrace tunnels and their respective input and output
insignificant, corroborating the rating curve from the mouths located close to 200 m upstream of the main
feasibility studies. dam axis; the headrace channel, the passage reservoir;
the water intake; the penstocks; the powerhouse and
4.8.1. Freeboard Study for Containing Waves in the the tailrace channel. These works are located at the
Reservoir narrowest part of the loop, where the width is about
To determine the freeboard, the height of the wind 1.7 km.
wave was calculated following the method indicated in The impoundment structure is composed by the main
the publication "Freeboard Allowances for Waves in Inland dam, the spillway and by a closure dam located in the
Reservoirs, Journal of the Waterways and Harbours right abutment. The spillway will house in its body the
Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil sluices to be utilized during the 2nd phase of the river
Engineers", May 1962, reedited in 1963. diversion, and which will be subsequently plugged up.
This calculation took into consideration the following
data related to the regional climatic characteristics and 5.2. Diversion of the River
the general layout of the project:
• Effective wind fetch: 1.3 km 5.2.1. First Stage of the Diversion
• Average wind velocity: 80 km/h The diversion of the river will commence with the
• Average depth of the reservoir: 38 m construction of a cofferdam beside the right bank,
Based on the results of the calculation and considering advancing over the existing alluvial plateau downstream
the boundary condition of association of the flood of the axis. This cofferdam will permit the execution of
phenomena occasioned by the PMP and the maximum the excavations pertaining to the approach channel to
wave, the freeboard value will be equal to 0.52 m. the spillway, more specifically the lowest portion upstream
In addition, considering that the reservoir volume of the 2nd stage diversion sluices, the excavation and
between the maximum normal water level (El. 265.00 m) surface treatment of the rock foundation of the spillway
and the crest of the dam (El. 268.00 m) is of around and the concrete placement of this structure, as well as
250x10³ m³, that corresponds to the volume discharged of its dissipation basin and part of the discharge channel.
in less than two hours during the peak of the flood, basic

Main Brazilian Dams III

Figure 3 - General Layout of the Foz do Chapecó HPP

With a total length of approximately 1,050 m, the first will remain in place for 4 months and will be removed in
stage cofferdam with a section of rockfill on a central the last month of the dry period.
core of soil, placed below the water level and compacted In a similar manner, and maintaining the conditons of
above the water level, will have its upstream crest at protection against floods, during the following dry period
El. 241.00 m and its downstream crest at El. 239.00 m, a cofferdam will be built with its upstream crest situated
offering protection against floods of up to 37,920 m3/s, at El. 233.00 m, together with the 1st phase cofferdam, in
with 100 year period of recurrence. The flow section left the right bank, and which will permit the execution of the
in the riverbed by the construction of this cofferdam will 2nd phase of the treatments to the foundation of the main
be approximately 350 m wide at its most narrow point. dam. The central stretch of the river, which will not be
exposed due to the superposition of the treatment
5.2.2. Cofferdams for the Foundation Treatment of cofferdams, will be treated when the entire foundation of
the Dam the dam is released during the 2nd stage of the diversion.
To permit constructing the dam in the shortest time
possible during the dry period, cofferdams will be built to 5.2.3. Second Stage of the Diversion
allow the anticipated execution of the treatment of the The 2nd stage of the diversion will utilize 21 sluices
dam foundations. with a width of 6.85 m and a height of 10.00 m, beneath
In the first dry period following the execution of the the spillway and with sills at El. 223.00 m. laid out in the
1st diversion phase cofferdams, a cofferdam is to be built 11 blocks situated most to the left of the spillway and
at the left bank of the river to allow the partial treatment adjacent to the junction wall with the main dam. After the
of the foundations from the left side. The construction of execution of this wall, the construction of the 2nd stage
this cofferdam will originate a section of 160.00 m through cofferdams will be initiated, still within the area of the de-
which the river will flow, confined by this cofferdam and watered 1st stage and of its beginnings, upon which the
by the 1st phase cofferdam of the right bank. closure is to be effected, starting from the left bank. After
The cofferdam for this phase of the foundation concluding the construction of the spillway, including the
treatment will have its upstream crest situated at erection of its equipment, work will proceed with the
El. 233.00 m providing, under these conditions, protection removal of the stretches of the 1st stage cofferdam,
against floods of up to 5,000 m³/s, corresponding to a upstream and downstream of the block-out crests of the
recurrence period of 5 years (dry period). This cofferdam 2nd stage cofferdams, whose construction can therefore

Main Brazilian Dams III

commence from the left bank of the river. The evolution of the studies for the basic design
The upstream cofferdam will have its crest elevation reached the adoption, as a solution to the factors
at El. 244.00 m and the downstream cofferdam at conditioning the project, of the technology of a rockfill
El. 235.50 m, offering protection against floods of up to dam with a bituminous core, employed with considerable
14,468 m³/s, corresponding to a recurrence period of success in European and Asiatic countries, as a
50 years (dry period). With an average length around technically interesting alternative. The bituminous
500 m and a rockfill cross-section with external soil concrete core, when compared to a clayey core, presents
sealing, both shall be incorporated into the rockfill as its main advantage its independence in relation to
embankment of the main dam. adverse weather conditions, enabling work to proceed
After the conclusion of the construction of the dam, almost continuously, even in rainy weather. This type of
the sluices will be closed by sliding-type steel sluice solution has had its suitability demonstrated by the
gates, operated by the gantry crane located on the crest consolidated experience of innumerable foreign dams,
of the spillway, thus commencing the filling of the with 59 dams of this type being recorded in the Bulletin
reservoir. No. 84 of the ICOLD "Bituminous Cores for Fill Dams",
Subsequently, the sluices will be finally plugged with published in 1992. At a later date than that of this bulletin,
concrete, comprising the hydraulic profile of the spillway other dams of this type have been built, for example, the
sill, with the help of the auxiliary soil cofferdam, with its Three Gorges Complex in China.
crest at El. 232.00 m, placed and compacted upon the The bituminous core dam is directly seated upon the
slab lining the dissipation basin. This cofferdam will be left abutment in a position normal to it. After an initial
built between the wall joining the main dam and the stretch with a length of 60 m along the crest beside the
auxiliary wall in the extension of the pillar P5, in order to right abutment, the dam makes an inflexion of
leave the first 4 openings of the right side of the spillway approximately 19º downstream, in a curved stretch of
free to discharge any eventual floods of up to 5,000 m³/s approximately 85 m, extending close to 400 m until
that might occur during the execution of these works. meeting with the left lateral wall of the spillway. The crest
of the rockfill embankment is at El. 268.00 m and has a
5.3. Main Dam width of 8 m; longitudinal walls will be built along the
The conception of the feasibility studies provided for crest of the main dam in order to raise the overtopping
a dam in roller compacted concrete (RCC) in a straight level to El. 270.00 m and permit the construction of a
line axis situated about 400 m upstream of the axis roadway at El. 269.00 m.
proposed at present. Later, with the development of the The bituminous core to be employed is constructed
basic design, the dam was conceived with a rockfill of a material that is practically impermeable, flexible,
cross-section and an impervious core, compacted with without joints, resistant to erosion and to aging, and with
clayey soil with moisture contents above the optimum. easy workability. The hot-mixed bituminous concrete to
This alteration resulted from the need to conclude the be utilized in its construction is a viscouselastic plastic
construction of the dam within the relatively short time material, whose ductility allows it to present a self-healing
available under unfavourable climatic conditions, that is, behaviour, a very interesting feature in the cases of
of heavy rainfall. eventual fissure occurrences in its interior.

Figure 4 - Cross-Section of Rockfill Dam with Bituminous Core

Main Brazilian Dams III

The slender core of bituminous concrete should In association with the dam embankment there is a
accompany and adjust itself to the deformations rockfill ridge that serves to conduct the water flow, beside
of the dam embankment. To that effect, the fine the dam, to the spillway. This ridge, totally constituted
transitions (D max= 7.5 cm) and coarse transitions by compacted rockfill, extends 66 m upstream at an
(Dmax= 20 cm), adjacent to the core will be compacted angle of 49º in relation to the dam axis. The embankment
and constructed simultaneously with the core by means will have a crest with a final width of 4 metres al
of the use of paving machines, in order to provide El. 267.00 m, attaining a total height of close to 44 m
immediate support to the core and to guarantee an and, the same as the dam, is to be built of material
integrated behaviour. provided by the obligatory excavations.
In order to guarantee that integrated behaviour, the
paving machine needs to possess some specific features, 5.4. Closure dam
i.e., to be equipped with a laser level that permits keeping The closure dam will comprise a compacted rockfill
the horizontal layers aligned and horizontal; to possess embankment with slopes inclined at 1V:1.4H, and crest
infra-red heaters that, when necessary, can heat and dry close to 150 m in length. Its crest will be at El. 268.00 m
the lower layer and possess an operating system that with a maximum height close to 33 m along the axis,
allows a fine adjustment of the alignment. beside the right lateral wall of the spillway.
The bituminous concrete layers will have a final The clay core will be symmetrical with the upstream
compacted thickness of around 20 cm. Three rollers are and downstream faces inclined 1V:0.2H. Between the
to be used for compacting, one for the core and two for core and the rockfill slopes there will be adequately
the transitions, of which one is for the upstream transition dimensioned filters and transitions. The rockfill slopes
and the other for the downstream transition. These rollers will be compacted in layers with a thickness up to
follow the paving machine in a coordinated manner, side 1.20 m.
by side, in order to prevent the displacement of the hot The crest will have a width of 8.00 m and with
core. increasing width beside the spillway to allow access to
The rockfill embankment of the dam will have slopes the maintenance area of this structure. The subsurface
with inclination 1V:1.4H and will be basically constituted treatment will be made through a cement grout curtain
by four materials of different grain size distribution: fine executed before the construction of the core. Due to the
transition (D max = 7.5 cm), coarse transition climatic conditions of the region, the moisture contents
(Dmax= 20 cm), fine rockfill (Dmax= 40 cm) adjacent to the of the natural clayey soils are above the optimum of the
coarse transitions and rockfill (Dmax= 80 cm) in the external Standard Proctor compaction test. In order to avoid
zone of the slopes. The slopes shall be shaped by a final impacts on the job schedule because of having to dry
layer of "large" blocks, this being a usual procedure in the clayey material, it was decided to utilize a clay core,
rockfill dams. with a width of 4 m at the crest, using a clayey soil of
The upstream and downstream fine transitions will higher than optimum moisture content and compaction
be poorly graded with a maximum diameter of 7.5 cm, by the traffic of light equipment, which will guarantee the
the upstream transition will have a greater content of fines. homogenization of the material with regard to its geo-
The coarse transitions, with a maximum diameter of mechanical characteristics.
20 cm, will be compacted in layers of equal thickness
by 6 passes of the vibratory roller with a static weight
surpassing 9 tons. 5.5. Discharge System - Spillway
The fine rockfill will be constituted by sound rock 5.5.1. Operational Levels
with maximum diameter and layer thickness of 40 cm, The spillway, located in the right abutment of the river,
with well graded grain size distribution. It is to be has the capacity to discharge a design flow of
compacted with prior wetting and eight passes of the 62,190 m3/s (corresponding to the peak of the PMF),
vibratory roller with a static weight surpassing 9 tons. causing the over-elevation of 1.59 m in relation to the
The coarse rockfill, with a maximum diameter and layer maximum normal water level of the reservoir, established
thickness of 80 cm and a well graded grain size at El. 265.00 m, resulting in a maximum maximorum
distribution, will be compacted with prior wetting and eight water level at El. 266.60 m.
passes of the vibratory roller with a static weight
surpassing 9 tons. 5.5.2. Characteristics of the Structure
The bituminous core rests directly upon a reinforced The initial studies contemplated a solution with two
concrete slab 5.00 m in width and 70 cm thick, on a spillways, but with the evolution of the studies and the
previously regularized foundation. The slender thickness development of surveys and complementary
of the bituminous core (60 cm) does not affect the stability investigations, the advantages became evident of
of the dam slopes, which is guaranteed by the high shear relocating the dam axis close to 400 m downstream of
resistance of the rockfill. that proposed in the feasibility studies, particularly with
respect to the executive planning of the job and the

Main Brazilian Dams III

reduction of the hydrological risks to be faced during the The flows are spilled into the riverbed, through the
construction. ogee with a Creager-type profile followed by a concrete
In the layout being executed, the spillway will be slab with a length of close to 41.30 m adjoined by means
implanted in a single structure beside the right bank of of a circular segment with a radius of 21.80 m. This slab,
the Uruguay River, constituted by a spilling sill 343.50 m 1.50 m thick, will be inclined downstream 4.45H:1.00V,
in length, subdivided into fifteen bays with radial-type ending in a submerged deflector with its top at
gates 18.70 m in width, separated by pillars of 4.50 m El. 222.66 m, and therefore being anchored to the rocky
each, and crest of the ogee at El. 244.40 m, with an foundation and provided with a drainage system.
approach channel excavated in the upstream abutment Downstream of this spilling structure, with a total length
and discharge channel in the top of the rock mass, of 97.65 m in the direction of flow, a dissipation basin
exposed by the excavation of the alluvial cap in the 50.00 m in length and simply excavated in the rock at
downstream bank. El. 210.00 m, completes the dissipation system.
Of the sixteen blocks composing the structure, the
first 4 from the right bank, including the first with the wall 5.5.3. Tests on the Reduced Scale Hydraulic Model
joining the closure dam of the abutment, will have their The Hydraulic Technology Foundation Centre of the
foundation implanted in the rock excavated in a stepped University of São Paulo was contracted to run tests on a
manner in accordance with the local profile. The small scale hydraulic model. The programming of the
12 remaining blocks are to be implanted at tests contemplated, among other activities, the verification
El. 220.80 m, close to 2.00 m below the inferred average of the conditions of the approach, discharge and
surface of the rocky top, including the last block of the dissipation of energy for the proposed spillway solution.
wall joining the main dam, now in the riverbed.

Figure 5 - General Plan View of the Spillway

Main Brazilian Dams III

Figure 6 - Cross-Sections of the Spillway

The studies of the approach channel demonstrated of the tunnels, with a width of close to 63 m, will have a
the existence of a separation of the water flow in relation length of 100 m and, at 70 metres from the mouth will be
to the left lateral wall of the spillway, compromising the subdivided by a rock septum into two channels, each
discharge capacity of the last opening of the structure. with a width of 18 m. The discharge channel, immediately
This problem was corrected by the joint actuation of the after the outlet of the tunnels, will also possess a septum
approach wall, suitably shaped, with a rockfill ridge with the same characteristics as the entrance channel.
upstream, as illustrated in the drawing of the main dam. The two headrace tunnels will be close to 392 m in
The small scale model tests demonstrated the length, with an arch-rectangle cross-section 18.00 m in
technical suitability of the proposed solution; in particular, width and 18.15 m in height, with the sills at
with the hydraulic projection totally contained upon the El. 243.00 m. These tunnels will be equipped with
concrete slab and the adequate discharge downstream stabilization and protection works in shotcrete, tie-rods
of the basin. and anchor bolts in order to practically eliminate the
possibility of any cave-in. In the hydraulic aspect, to
5.6. Hydraulic Generation Circuit reduce head losses, improvements were planned for the
5.6.1. Tunnels and Headrace Channel surfaces by means of the application of shotcrete, on
The hydraulic interconnection between the reservoir walls and vaults and, furthermore, the regularization of
formed by the main dam and the passage reservoir located the concrete along the entire floor of the two tunnels.
upstream of the water intake will be made by channels The channel will be developed over close to 694 m,
and the two tunnels The approach channel to the mouth with its bottom at El. 245.00 m. It should be noted that

Main Brazilian Dams III

the transition from the floor of the tunnel (El. 243.00 m) placement of stoplog gates that, in this section, shall
to that of the channel is obtained by a 45º inclined plane, have a free span 8.50 m in width by 16.38 m in height.
at a distance of 6 m from the outlet of the tunnel in order Downstream, the stoplogs are followed by the fixed wheel
not to interfere with the discharge under pressure. gates and, at this point, the free span is 8.50 m in width
by 14.63 m in height. The sill of the stoplogs and the
5.6.2. Passage Reservoir fixed-wheel gates will be at El. 232.00.m.
Downstream of the outlet channel from the two Each fixed-wheel emergency gate will be manoeuvred
tunnels, the water will be conducted by a small reservoir by a hydraulic servo-motor, and its sealing will be effected
contained by the structure of the water intake. The length upstream so that the available space downstream is
of this reservoir will be around 400 m, with a maximum sufficient for aeration during the filling and the draining of
depth of 43 m at the water intake. The area of the water the penstocks.
surface is about 9 ha with the water level at The oleo-dynamic pumping centres and the control
El. 265.00 m, corresponding to the maximum normal panels are placed in a room downstream of the water
water level of the main reservoir. intake measuring 4.50 in width by 85.40 in length and
with its floor at El. 263.15 m.
5.6.3. Water Intake The water intake stoplog is operated by a rolling
The structure of the water intake will be of the gravity gantry crane located on the crest of the structure.
type, constituted by two blocks of 30.00 m length for two This gantry crane will also be used for manoeuvring the
headrace openings, each with a maximum height of around rack panels. The sealing of this gate will be downstream.
46.00 m. Between the two blocks and laterally, the closure The elements of this gate will be stocked in the appropriate
of the valley is made by concrete gravity-type walls. It slots.
will be equipped with removable racks, whose sills will The lateral closure of the water intake structure will
be at El. 229.19 m. Each rack panel will possess a width be effected with concrete gravity blocks measuring,
of 5.75 m by a height of approximately 27 m. respectively, 142 m in length on the right side and 74 m
Downstream of the racks there will be slots for the on the left side. The distance between the buttresses

Figure 7 - General View of the Generation Circuit

Main Brazilian Dams III

will be 20.00 m and the maximum height 39.00 m. The turbine runner and the draught tube will be made from
crest of this dam will carry a structure to permit access the gallery whose floor is at El. 200.00 m. The access to
from one bank to the other. Downstream there will be the turbine pit is obtained through the gallery whose floor
fitted the frames anchoring the short tie-lines for the is at El. 210.25 m. For the equipment to be installed on
interconnection between the step-up transformers, in the the floor of El. 210.25 m, a pit is planned, with access
yard located upstream of the powerhouse, and the from the floor at El. 212.74.
substation. The access to the generator pit is obtained through
Together with the foundations of the water intake the gallery at El. 212.74 m, from conventional stairs. The
structure a gallery will be built for the grout and drainage water collected in the interior of the powerhouse and the
curtains. The seepage waters from this gallery will be erection bay will be discharged by gravity into the
conducted downstream to the same collection and drainage pit, from whence it will be pumped to the tailrace
drainage pit for the rainwater coming from the area channel.
between the water intake and the powerhouse. The platform whose floor is at El. 243.00 m will be the
installation site for the step-up transformers, the auxiliary
5.6.4. Penstocks services transformers and the emergency diesel generator
The four penstocks, with lengths of 26.88 m, will be set. In the downstream part of this platform it is planned
fabricated in welded steel plate with an internal diameter to install the gantry crane to be utilized for manoeuvring
of 10.00 m and laid out in the shape of a fan. In the lower the draught tube stoplog gates and for transporting the
stretch there is a conical bend with a reduction in diameter step-up transformers to the entrances of their respective
from 10.00 m to 8.47 m. bays.
The penstocks will be embedded in concrete, thus The floor of the erection area is situated at
avoiding the installation of expansion joints. El. 219.34 and positioned adjacent to the unit 1. The
access to the erection area will be through an opening at
5.6.5. Powerhouse El. 243.00 m, equipped with a rolling bridge crane for
The powerhouse will be of the conventional, indoor unloading the equipment directly onto the floor.
type, equipped with four generator units of 213.75 MW
output at the turbine shaft (see Figure 8 e 9). 5.6.6. Tailrace Channel
The width of the block of each generator unit will be The tailrace channel will be excavated in the rock,
27.70 m, due to the dimensions of the spiral casing and approximately 269.00 m in length and 110.80 m width in
the draught tube. The external diameter of the generator its initial section, varying along its length until reaching a
housing was also taken into account and the need to width of approximately 260.0 m, at the river bank.
provide sufficient space between the units to permit the The outlet from the draught tube will have an initial
access of equipment to the mechanical gallery. All the inclination of 1V:4H in its first 20.0 m until reaching
galleries required for the installation of the diverse El. 194.909 m and, from there onwards, will continue
electromechanical equipment were located on the inclined until El. 210.00 m, where it will meet the Uruguay
downstream side of the powerhouse. The access to the River.

Figure 8 - Powerhouse - Generator Floor

Main Brazilian Dams III

5.7. Mechanical Equipment and Systems Approx. diameter of turbine pit 9.30 m
5.7.1. Turbines and Associated Equipment Diameter of outlet from turbine runner 7.00 m
The turbines will be of the "Francis" vertical shaft type, Diameter of shaft 1.4 m
with spiral casing in welded steel plate, elbow-type Number of blades of runner 13
draught tube, with a per unit power of 213.75 MW when Number of fixed blades of the stayring 24
operating under a net rated head of 49.80 m and at the Maximum flow of each turbine 489.1 m3/s
synchronous speed of 90 rpm, with a clockwise sense
of rotation when viewed from above and an efficiency of 5.7.2. Hydromechanical Equipment
The turbines will be designed to operate between the Water Intake Trash Racks
maximum net head of 52.80 m and the minimum of Each of the four water intakes will be protected by
43.209 m. The height of the wicket gate centreline was two racks. Each rack will be constituted by ten removable
fixed at El. 207.50, guaranteeing the minimum adequate panels.
submergence to maintain the unit operating within the The movement of the rack elements will be made by
contractual guarantees. Each turbine will be adequate the jib beam of a derrick fitted with an automatic coupling
to drive a synchronous three-phase generator, operating and uncoupling mechanism, manoeuvred by the rolling
at the frequency of 60 Hz, with a rated power of 225 MVA gantry crane of the water intake.
and a power factor of 0.95.
The turbines will be controlled by electronic speed/ Stoplog of the Water Intake
power governors, equipped with digital logic and PID action The stoplog is to be installed in slots situated upstream
(Proportional, Integral and Derivative), capable of of the trash racks and is to be used for closure of any of
guaranteeing the stable operation of the unit under all the four water intakes, to permit maintenance of the fixed
operating conditions and with the following characteristics: wheel gates.

Figure 9 - Section of the Generation Circuit

Main Brazilian Dams III

The stoplog is composed of six independent panels, Stoplogs of the Spillway
which are to be manoeuvred by the rolling gantry crane The spillway is to be equipped with a stoplog,
of the water intake, assisted by the jib beam fitted with composed of eight interchangeable panels, manoeuvred
the automatic coupling and uncoupling mechanism, with with the assistance of the jib beam coupled to the hook
the following dimensions: of the spillway gantry crane. It will be installed in slots
• free span 8,500 mm located upstream of the radial gates, to be used for closing
• free height 16,380 mm any of the openings of the spillway, for purposes of
maintenance or inspection of the radial gates. Fixed Wheel Gates of the Water Intake The proposed stoplog has the following dimensions:
The four fixed wheel gates of the water intake will be • free span 18,700 mm
installed in slots situated downstream of the stoplogs. • height of the gate 21,600 mm
These gates have the purpose of cutting off, under
emergency conditions, the water flow in the headrace Fixed Wheel Diversion Gate
circuit, as well as to permit inspections and maintenance For the closure of the 21st diversion sluice, a fixed
in the penstocks and turbines. wheel-type gate is to be supplied that, in addition to
The manoeuvres of each gate will be handled by an closing the last sluice, can also close, under emergency
oleo-dynamic pumping system essentially composed by a conditions, any one of the other 20 sluices, in the case
hydraulic cylinder, a hydraulic unit and a local control panel. of any jamming of the sliding gate that is being used in
Principal data: the downstream slot. Each sluice, except for the 21st,
• free span 8,500 mm will have 2 slots, of which the upstream one is to permit
• free height 14,630 mm inspection of the fixed wheel gate, and the downstream
• sill elevation El. 232.00 m one is to permit insertion of the sliding gates that cut the
flow. The 21st sluice will only have the upstream slot. Stoplogs of the Draught Tubes The fixed wheel gate will have seals on the downstream
The draught tube stoplogs will be used for closing side and will be manoeuvred, suspended from its lifting
any one of the four draught tubes for inspection or shaft, by the gantry crane.
maintenance on the turbines and penstocks. Two Basic data:
stoplogs are to be supplied, each composed of three • free span 6,850 mm
panels, which will allow closing the draught tube of a • free height 10,000 mm
turbine. These panels will be manoeuvred by the draught • sill elevation El. 223.00 m
tube gantry crane, with the assistance of the jib beam • design head 43.00 m
fitted with the automatic coupling and uncoupling • maximum head under flow 12.00 m
The dimensions of the stoplogs are as follows: Sliding Gates for Cutting the Flow
• free span 10,480 mm For the closure of the first 20 sluices out of the
• free height 8,350 mm 21 planned, 20 sliding gates for cutting the flow are to be
employed. The gates will have seals on the downstream Radial Gates of the Spillway side and will be manoeuvred, suspended from the lifting
The 15 radial gates of the spillway have been designed shaft, by the rolling gantry crane.
to operate at any point of opening, opening or closing Principal data:
the flow corresponding to the maximum flood and closing • free span 6,850 mm
under their own weight. • free height 10,000 mm
The operation of each gate is effected by an oleo- • sill elevation El. 223.00 m
dynamic system, essentially constituted by two • design head 43.00 m
hydraulic cylinders, one hydraulic unit common to two • maximum head under flow 12.00 m
gates and a local control panel, save for the seventh • elevation of the operation platform El. 238.00 m
opening, which possesses an exclusive hydraulic unit.
The gates can be actuated individually, by remote control, 5.8 Load Moving Equipment
from the Control Room. 5.8.1. Gantry Crane of the Water Intake
Each gate will possess a position indicator system, The water intake is to be equipped with a gantry crane
both for local and for remote indication. to execute the services of moving, erection and
The principal characteristics of the radial gates are maintenance of the racks, panels of the stoplogs, of the
as follows: fixed wheel gates and of the metal covers of the water
• free span 18,700 mm intake gate slots. It is to be equipped with two hooks:
• vertical height above the sill 22,50 m principal and auxiliary, with capacities of 1,000 and
• external radius of the facing 20.000 mm 150 kN, respectively.
• opening and closing velocity 0.3 m/min

Main Brazilian Dams III

5.8.2. Gantry Crane of the Spillway and for the daily shut-down and start cycles and for a self-excited,
River Diversion static system with digital voltage regulation, fed by a dry
The spillway will be equipped with a single gantry three-phase transformer. The internal diameter of the circle
crane for the services of moving, erection and tangent to the enclosure will be 19.80 m.
maintenance of the panels of the stoplogs, of the sliding The characteristics of the generators and of their
gates for cutting the flow and the diversion fixed wheel associated equipment will be as follows:
gates. The gantry crane will have a single hook with a • Quantity 4
capacity of 1,150 kN. • Rated Power 225 MVA
• Efficiency at Rated Power 98.44 %
5.8.3. Gantry Crane of the Draught Tubes • Rated Voltage 13.8 kV
The powerhouse will have, on its outside area • Power Factor (inductive) 0.95
pertaining to the draught tubes, a gantry crane for the • Rated Frequency 60 Hz
services of moving, erection and maintenance of the • Rated Current 9,936 A
draught tube stoplogs and for the transportation of the • Rated Rotation 90 rpm
step-up transformers. The gantry crane will operate
outdoors, being equipped with a single hook with a 5.9.2. Step-Up Transformers
capacity of 350 kN. Five step-up transformers are to be supplied, one for
each generator and a reserve. Each transformer will have
5.8.4. Main Overhead Traveling Crane of the a capacity of 225 MVA with power factor equal to
Powerhouse 0.95, and primary voltage 13.8 kV, connected to the
The powerhouse is to be equipped with a main substation of the power plant.
overhead traveling crane for utilization in the erection and The cooling system will be by insulating oil (naphtenic-
maintenance of the turbines, generators and other A) and outside forced air (OFAF), with the transformers
mechanical and electrical equipment to be installed in installed outdoors, in the yard of the power plant,
the powerhouse interior. upstream of the powerhouse, between fire-proof walls,
The overhead traveling crane shall have a main hook protected by a system of fire detection and fire-fighting
with a capacity of 5,650 kN and an auxiliary hook of through water spray and by their installation upon an
320 kN capacity. insulating oil collection sump.

5.8.5. Auxiliary Overhead Traveling Crane of the 5.10. Substation and Transmission Line
Powerhouse The feasibility studies established the interconnection
In addition to the main overhead traveling crane, the of the Foz do Chapecó HPP to the basic transmission
powerhouse will have an auxiliary overhead traveling crane network through two 525 kV lines with a length of 70 km,
with a capacity of 320 kN, to be used in the erection and up to the Itá substation. Later studies developed by the
maintenance of the turbines, generators and other Foz do Chapecó Energia SA determined the technical
mechanical and electrical equipment of less weight to and economic convenience of interconnecting the
be installed within the powerhouse. Foz do Chapecó HPP to the basic 230 kV network,
through a double circuit line (2 cables x 636 kcmil) with
5.8.6. Auxiliary Overhead Traveling Crane of the a length of 68 km to the Xanxerê substation in Santa
Powerhouse Mechanical Gallery Catarina, and another simple circuit line (1 cable x
The powerhouse mechanical gallery (El. 210.24 m) 795 kcmil) with a length of 70 km to the Guarita substation
is to be equipped with an auxiliary overhead traveling in Rio Grande do Sul, with a double bus-bar manoeuvring
crane, of the single beam type, with a capacity of scheme, 1 bay for interconnection of bus-bars, 4 bays of
125 kN, which will be used for the erection and groups, 3 bays for outgoing lines and the respective
maintenance of the mechanical and electrical equipment remote bays in the substations of Xanxerê (ELETROSUL)
of the auxiliary systems to be installed within the and Guarita (CEEE). This integration layout was
powerhouse. confirmed by the Electrical Sector Planning and approved
by the ANEEL in 2003.
5.9. Electrical Equipment and Systems Later on, in 2007, studies developed under the aegis
5.9.1. Generators of the EPE - Empresa de Planejamento Energético do
Each generator will be of the synchronous type, three- MME - Ministério de Minas e Energia (Energy Planning
phase, 60 Hz, star connected, with the star centre Company of the Ministry of Mines and Energy), concluded
grounded through a distribution transformer and a resistor. that the Foz do Chapecó complied with the qualifications
It will be equipped with imbricated stator coil windings of a Basic Network Substation, being obliged to, in
and rotor coils formed with 80 salient poles. addition to the already planned layout, also include a
The generators, together with their associated 138 kV switchyard with three 230/138 kV transformers,
equipment, were designed for continuous operation, with of 100 MVA each, with the objective of supplying the

Main Brazilian Dams III

regional market of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do workshops, warehouses, yards for carpentry,
Sul. Thus, the Substation became an integral part of the reinforcement, precasting, water treatment plant
Basic Network, with Foz do Chapecó Energia S.A. only (60 m3/hour), sewage treatment (20 m3/hour). The field
being responsible for the Power Plant Substation offices, dining hall, warehouse and erection yard were
interconnection. also installed on the right bank.

6. CONSTRUCTION The principal equipment and installations are:

Right bank crushing plant with a capacity of 150 t/h,
The construction yard was installed over a total area comprising a primary crusher model METSO C 100, a
of 537 ha, of which 322 were on the right bank and secondary model METSO HP 200 and a tertiary model
215 on the left bank. METSO Barmac 7150.
Prior to the beginning of the work on the internal roads Left bank crushing plant with capacity for 250 t/h,
and the jobsite, thirteen archaeological sites were rescued comprising a primary crusher model METSO C 100, a
during the period from 17/01/07 to 24/08/07. secondary model METSO HP 300 and a tertiary model
The deforested area was optimized by the distribution METSO Barmac 9100.
of the installations of the industrial yard preferentially in These units present a dust elimination system by
locations where there was no vegetation cover. This means of water sprinklers, as well as systems of weight
procedure allowed the deforested area, between forest control and detection and withdrawal of metals.
and secondary growth, to be reduced to 62 ha, i.e.,
25% of the area released by the IBAMA (Brazilian Concrete Production Plants:
Environmental Authority) of 255 ha. The concrete mixing plant on the right bank is a
The encampment was mainly installed on the right Betonmac 105 with a rated production capacity of
bank (Santa Catarina) due to reasons of logistics, 105 m3/h, and on the left bank is a Betonmac 120 with a
encompassing a total constructed area of 42,000 m², rated production capacity of 120 m3/h.
comprising 22 lodgings with capacity to house Both plants were equipped with a cement storage
2,500 workers. It also included administrative offices, system with a capacity for 1,600 t composed by 4 silos
industrial kitchen for 8,000 meals per day, dining hall, and silo transfer system with capacity for transporting
sports grounds, areas for recreation, training, industrial 30 t/h.
safety, health center, as well as others. The industrial The electric power supply required the execution of a
yard was also installed on the right bank, including, 23.2 kV transmission line from Palmitos to the jobsite,
over a distance of 17 km.

Figure 10 - Location of the 230 kV Substation

Main Brazilian Dams III

Service Bridge: and basic infrastructure adequate for the size of the family.
In order to permit the transportation of materials, Depending on the number of the families forming the
equipment and personnel between the work fronts, a resettlement, community infrastructure is also built
reinforced concrete service bridge was built upstream of (church and town hall).
the dam, during the months from February 2007 to March There also exist options for resettlement in remaining
2008. The bridge has its platform at El. 247.00 m, and areas and exchanges of land. It is worth noting the high
will remain submerged at a depth of 18.00 m with the index of non-property owners serviced under the social
filling of the lake. policy adopted. The tenants, rural associates and share-
croppers covered by the abovementioned requirements
Equipment for Pouring Concrete and have the right to opt for the Letter of Credit or for the
Electromechanical Erection: Collective Resettlement, thus passing from the condition
• 3 cranes on rails for the works of the Spillway. of landless tenants into the condition of owners of an
• 4 cranes on rails at the Water Intake and the area capable of being cultivated and providing the
Powerhouse. sustenance of the family.
• 1 Telebelt 130. The families that benefit from a Letter of Credit or the
Collective Rural Resettlement receive free technical and
Other Equipment: social assistance for five years. The objective is to assure
Conventional equipment for rock excavation, loading that the farmer adapts to the new property, maintains his
and transportation, however, with the intense use of production and income, and also establishes links of
hydraulic excavators instead of wheeled loaders. communal interests in the new community in which he
has been inserted. During the first months after the
7. ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND relocation, the families also receive a maintenance grant
ECONOMIC ASPECTS to assist in the resumption of their activities. The grant
varies from 1.0 to 2.0 minimum salaries, depending on
The construction of the Foz do Chapecó Hydroelectric the number of members in the family, and is paid during
Power Plant will directly affect twelve townships of the nine months or until the collection of the first harvest.
states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, flooding Consolidated figures are still lacking in the reservoir
a dry area of 39.20 km2. There are 1.5 thousand properties concerning the number of families attended because the
involving an estimated 2.5 thousand families. The policy process has only recently begun. However, the attention
for attending the affected families was defined with the to the families that lived in the areas of the work site
participation of the communities involved. More than forms an example of the treatment offered. The
250 meetings were held for negotiating the rights to be 67 properties acquired there involved attending to
granted by the entrepreneur. The debate resulted in a 103 families. Of these, 29 lacked homes of their own
document titled the Term of Agreement, signed by the and became land-owners. The negotiations between the
firm and the Negotiating Committees formed by the firm and the dwellers were amicable in more than 95% of
dwellers themselves, who have their homes or lands the cases. It is expected to attain the same index in the
affected by the enterprise. areas of the reservoir.
With the fulfilment of the requirements for inclusion in The amicable negotiation is also the treatment given
the Programme of Population Relocation, the following to the affected community nuclei. Diverse meetings are
options are offered to the affected families: held with the residents in order for the communities
• Indemnity in money: paid to the proprietors and
themselves to decide the future of the groups that will
calculated on the basis of the price surveys carried out lose churches, community halls and other infrastructures.
in the region of the project, accompanied by the affected When the solution is through relocation, the new nucleus
parties themselves and respecting the standards of the receives larger and better buildings than the ones affected.
ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas - The residents also participate in defining the solution for
Brazilian Association of Technical Standards). the roads and bridges affected by the reservoir
• Letter of Credit: value made available to the affected
The population also benefits from the agreements
party exclusively for the purchase of a new property. It is signed between the developer and the city halls for the
also calculated on the basis of the price surveys and transfer of the funds to be applied in the areas of health,
may vary in accordance with the number of members in education and security. The actions implanted in each
the family. locality are defined in accordance with the needs
• Collective Rural Relocation or Small Rural Relocation:
encountered and the priorities indicated by the municipal
the developer acquires areas for the formation of administration. Resources have already been transferred
resettlements for groups of families. The areas are for the reform of school rooms, construction of health
purchased after the approval of the families who will live centers and purchase of medicines, the contracting of
in them. Each family receives a plot with a house, shed professionals in the health area, school lunches and
equipment for first aid stations.

Main Brazilian Dams III

Resources were also transferred for the reformation Tailwater Levels

of a station of the Military Police Brigade, the purchase Maximum Maximorum (PMF) 240.00 m
of police patrol cars, and the maintenance of highways, Maximum Normal 213.10 m
among others. Until the end of the job, various Minimum 211.05 m
partnerships have yet to be established. In addition to
compensating possible impacts to the infrastructure of Predicted Volumes
the affected townships, these initiatives promote the Common Excavation 1,730,000 m3
regional development and directly reflect upon the quality Outdoor Rock Excavation 3,430,000 m3
of life of the residents. Underground Excavation 233,000 m3
The resources directed to these agreements are Rockfill 2,850,000 m3
provided in the Basic Environmental Project of the power Structural Concrete 620,000 m3
plant, as well as other programmes that benefit the Bituminous Concrete 14,600 m3
population in the social and economic aspects. Among
them should be mentioned, for example, the Programme Spillway
of Support for Livestock activities, the Programme to Type surface, controlled by gates
Support the Development of Tourism and Ecological Design Flow (PMF) 62,190 m³/s
Tourism and the Programme for Maintenance of Fishery Number of Bays 15
Productivity and Fish Quality. Width of Bay / Gate 18.70 m
The Basic Environmental Project also establishes the Height of Bay 20.60 m
programmes for controlling environmental impacts, such Total Width of Spillway 324.85 m
as, the Climatological Monitoring, the Water Quality Elevation of Sill El. 244.40 m
Monitoring, the Programme for the Recuperation of Type of Gate Radial
Degraded Areas, Monitoring of the Ichthyofauna, Saving Actuation Hydraulic Cylinders
the Flora and Fauna, among so many others.
The policy for the reduction of environmental impacts Main Dam
of the Foz do Chapecó Energia has already provided Type rockfill with bituminous core
excellent results in the implantation of the construction Crest elevation (at the axis) El. 268.93 m
yard of the power plant. The area deforested for the Freeboard 3.40 m
construction of the power plant was reduced by 80% in Width of crest (without pedestrian walkway) 8.00 m
relation to the area initially planned by the developer for Height (mean) 47.00 m
the suppression of vegetation and authorized by the Length along crest 548.00 m
responsible environmental authority. In November of 2004, Total volume (with incorporated cofferdams)1,800,000 m3
the IBAMA had permitted the suppression of
255.43 hectares. The optimization of the utilization of Closure Dam-Right Bank
the areas exploited by the agricultural farmers with annual Type rockfill with clay core
crops reduced this area to 48.63 hectares, avoiding the Crest elevation El. 268.00 m
degradation of not only the native vegetation, but also of Freeboard 1.40 m
the water courses. Height (average) 8.00 m
Length along crest 150.00 m
Headrace Circuit
Location 27º 08' 22.75" latitude S HEADRACE TUNNELS
53º 2' 50,59" longitude W Type arch-rectangle cross-section
Turbine Number of tunnels 2 units
Turbine Type Francis, vertical shaft Dimensions per unit 18.00 x 18.15 m
Installed Power 855 MW Elevation of Sill El. 243.00 m
Number of Generator Units 4 units Length per Unit 391.77 m
Power Factor 0.95 Type of flow Pressurized Flow
Rated Power per Unit 213.75 MW HEADRACE CHANNEL
Rated Net Head 49.80 m Length 690.00 m
Operational Minimum 432 MW Section variable
Common Excavation (Tunnels + Channel) 195,000 m3
Reservoir Water Levels Rock Excavation (Tunnels + Channel) 1,454,527 m3
Maximum Maximorum (PMF) 266.60 m
Maximum Normal 265.00 m
Minimum Operational 264.00 m

Main Brazilian Dams III

Generation Circuit Diversion Works

Type 2 concrete gravity blocks Crest Elevation upstream /downstream El. 241.00 /
Crest elevation El. 268.00 m 239.00 m
Width of crest 19.76 m Closure Flow 2,000 m³/s
Height 44.00 m Design Flow 37,920 m³/s
Length of each block 42.70 m Period of recurrence 100 years
Type welded steel plate embedded in concrete Crest Elevation upstream/downstream EI. 233.00 m
Number 4 units Closure Flow 2,000 m³/s
Internal Diameter 10.00 m Design Flow 5,000 m³/s
Length of each penstock 26.90 m Period of recurrence 5 to 10 years (dry period)
Type Sheltered UPSTREAM COFFERDAM - incorporated
Installed Power 855 MW Crest Elevation EI. 244.00 m
Number of Generator Units 4 Closure Flow / Design 2,000 m³/s / 14,468 m³/s
Total Length 175.90 m Period of recurrence 50 years (dry period)
Length of Erection Area 55.40 m DOWNSTREAM COFFERDAM - incorporated
Width 28.60 m Crest Elevation 235.50 m
Type of Turbine Francis, vertical shaft Closure flow / Design 2,000 m³/s / 14,468 m³/s
Net Rated Head 49.80 m Period of recurrence 50 years (dry period)
Synchronous Rotation 90.00 rpm DIVERSION SLUICES (IN THE SPILLWAY)
Type of Generator synchronous, three-phase, 60 Hz Closure Flow 2,000 m³/s
Apparent Power per Unit 225 MVA Number of Sluices 21 units
Power Factor 0.95 Width per unit 6.85 m
Height per unit 10.00 m


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