Aerb Safety Code No. Aerb/Rf-Rpf/Sc-1 (Rev.1)
Aerb Safety Code No. Aerb/Rf-Rpf/Sc-1 (Rev.1)
Aerb Safety Code No. Aerb/Rf-Rpf/Sc-1 (Rev.1)
March 2016
The quantity ‘A’ for an amount of radionuclide in a given energy state at a given time is
defined as:
A = dN/dt
Where ‘dN’ is the expectation value of the number of spontaneous nuclear transformations
from the given energy state in a time interval ‘dt’. The SI unit of activity is the reciprocal of
second (s-1), termed the Becquerel (Bq).
An acronym for ‘As Low As Reasonably Achievable’. A concept meaning that the design and
use of sources, and the practices associated therewith, should be such as to ensure that
exposures are kept as low as reasonably achievable, with economic and social factors taken
into account.
Any person who applies to the Competent Authority for consent to undertake any of the
actions for which the consent is required.
A national authority designated by the Government of India having the legal authority for
issuing regulatory consent for various activities related to the nuclear and radiation facility
and to perform safety and regulatory functions, including their enforcement for the protection
of site personnel, the public and the environment against undue radiation hazards.
The process during which structures, systems and components of a nuclear and radiation
facility, on being constructed, are made functional and verified to be in accordance with design
specifications and to have met the performance criteria.
Competent Authority
Any official or authority appointed, approved or recognised by the Government of India for
the purpose of the Rules promulgated under the Atomic Energy Act, 1962.
A person to whom consent is granted by the Competent Authority under the relevant Rules.
The presence of radioactive substances in or on a material or in the human body or other place
in excess of quantities specified by the Competent Authority.
Controlled Area
A delineated area to which access is controlled and in which specific protection measures and
safety provisions are, or could be, required for:
(b) preventing potential exposures or limiting their extent should they occur.
The process by which a nuclear or radiation facility is finally taken out of operation, in a
manner that provides adequate protection to the health and safety of the workers, the public
and the environment.
The emplacement of waste in a repository without the intention of retrieval or the approved
direct discharge of waste into the environment with subsequent dispersion
A measure of the radiation received or absorbed by a target. The quantities termed absorbed
dose, organ dose, equivalent dose, effective dose, committed equivalent dose, or committed
effective dose are used, depending on the context. The modifying terms are used when they
are necessary for defining the quantity of interest.
Dose Limit
The value of the effective dose or the equivalent dose to individuals from controlled practices
that should not be exceeded.
A situation which endangers or is likely to endanger safety of the site personnel, the
nuclear/radiation facility or the public and the environment.
Emergency Plan
Any person with recognised responsibility, commitment and duties towards a worker in his or
her employment by virtue of a mutually agreed relationship. (A self-employed person is
regarded as being both a worker and employer).
The act or condition of being subject to irradiation. Exposure can be either external (irradiation
by sources outside the body) or internal (irradiation by sources inside the body). Exposure can
be classified as either normal exposure or potential exposure; occupational, medical or public
exposure; and in intervention situations, either emergency exposure or chronic exposure. The
term ‘exposure’ is also used in radiation dosimetry to express the amount of ions produced in
air by ionising radiation.
Manufacture, possess, store, use, transfer by sale or otherwise export, import, transport or
dispose of.
Inspector (Regulatory)
Irradiation Cell
A facility that houses a particle accelerator, X-ray machine or large radioactive sources for
imparting high radiation dose to materials.
A type of regulatory consent, granted by the regulatory body for all sources, practices and
uses for nuclear facilities involving the nuclear fuel cycle and also certain categories of
radiation facilities. It also means authority given by the regulatory body to a person to operate
the above said facilities.
Potential Exposure
Exposure that is not expected to be delivered with certainty but that may result from an
accident at a source or owing to an event or sequence of events of a probabilistic nature,
including equipment failures and operating errors.
Quality Assurance
Planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that an item or a
facility will perform satisfactorily in service as per design specifications.
Any person who is so designated by the employer and who, in the opinion of the Competent
Authority, is qualified to discharge the functions outlined in the Atomic Energy (Radiation
Protection) Rules, 2004.
Device capable of generating radiation, such as X-rays, neutrons, electrons or other charged
Regulatory Body
Sealed Source
to maintain leak tightness under conditions of wear and tear for which the source was designed
and also under foreseeable mishaps.
Anything that causes radiation exposure, either by emitting ionising radiation or releasing
radioactive substances or materials.
Radiation Cell
(See ‘Irradiation Cell’)
Radiation Worker
Any person who is occupationally exposed to radiation, and who in the opinion of the
Regulatory Body, should be subjected to radiation surveillance.
Regulatory Constraints
Supervised Area
Any area not designated as a controlled area but for which occupational exposure conditions
are kept under review even though specific protective measures and safety provisions are not
normally needed.
Any person who works, whether full-time, part-time or temporarily, for an employer and who
has recognised rights and duties in relation to occupational radiation protection. (A self-
employed person is regarded as having the duties of both an employer and a worker).
(Specific for the present safety code)
Facility Operator
Facility operator is a person who is certified in compliance with the eligibility criteria as
specified by the Regulatory Body and is required to operate the facility as per written
instructions and established standard operating procedures.
A person to whom license is granted by the Competent Authority under the relevant Rules.
A facility containing radiation sources and associated systems used for delivering
prescribed dose to a specified target in a preset time. GRAPF and IARPF are referred to as
radiation processing facilities. The term ‘facility’ used in this safety codes shall mean an
RPF, unless specified otherwise.
Safety Interlock
SPECIAL DEFINITIONS……………………………………………….
1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………
1.1 General
1.2 Objective
1.3 Scope
3.1 Employer
3.2 Licensee
3.3 Radiological Safety Officer (RSO)
3.4 Operator
3.5 Manufacturer/Supplier
4. RADIATION MONITORING…………………………..........
4.1 Work Place Monitoring
4.2 Individual Monitoring
5.1 Preparation
5.2 Source Loading/Unloading Operation
5.3 Emergency
5.4 After Completion of Source Loading/Unloading
9. DECOMMISSIONING………………………………………………
BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………...
LIST OF PARTICIPANTS………………………………………….
1.1 General
Radiation Processing facilities that utilize ionizing radiations are used for a variety
of beneficial applications such as sterilization of medical products, food processing,
mutation breeding and industrial processing. The amount of radioactivity in a
gamma radiation processing facility (GRAPF) is typically about 1015-1017 Bq
(1 PBq-100 PBq). The industrial accelerator radiation processing facilities (IARPF)
included in this safety code are all electron accelerator based radiation processing
facilities. IARPF use either electron beam generated from machine sources
operated at or below an energy level of 10 MeV and/or X-rays generated from
machine sources operated at or below an energy level of 7.5 MeV. As with any
other industrial equipment or plant, the radiation processing facility also has some
potential hazards during operation. These hazards are related to unintended
exposure to radiation, fire and breaches in security.
The terms ‘ionizing radiation’ and ‘radiation’ are used interchangeably in this
safety code, and both mean the same thing unless specified as otherwise.
1,2 Objective
The purpose of this safety code is to prescribe all safety requirements for design,
construction, operation, emergency management, servicing, maintenance and
decommissioning of a radiation processing facility (RPF). These include:
(i) Prevention of undue exposure of workers and members of the public to
ionizing radiation, non-ionizing radiation and noxious gases- achieved
through engineered safety features (such as protective barriers, interlocks,
ventilation), compliance with approved administrative controls and
appropriate monitoring.
(ii) The magnitudes and likelihood of exposures and the number of individuals
exposed are required to be kept as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA),
economic and social factors being taken into account.
(ii) Prevention of environmental and facility contamination with radioactive
substances- achieved through engineered safety features, compliance with
approved administrative controls and appropriate monitoring.
1.3 Scope
(i) This safety code covers radiation safety requirements for Radiation
Processing facilities i.e. GRAPF and IARPF operated on commercial scale
or for research and development.
(ii) This safety code is applicable to siting, commissioning, operation,
maintenance and decommissioning of the radiation processing facilities
(iii) The siting and design requirements of IARPF are explicitly covered in this
document under Appendix-A. However, the design requirements for
GRAPFs are specified in the AERB Safety Standard on ‘Land-based
Stationary Gamma Irradiators’ [AERB/RF-IRRAD/SS-6 (Rev.1), 2007].
(iv) This safety code is applicable for radiation processing facilities using
following radiation sources:
(a) Co
(v) This safety code is not applicable to Gamma Irradiation Chambers (GIC).
(i) The title of the land shall be in the name of the applicant prior to obtaining
site approval from the regulatory authority. If the title of the land is not in
the name of the applicant, then there shall be a proper legal agreement
between the applicant and the owner of the land covering in its scope the
setting up, operation and decommissioning of the radiation processing
facility. In case of GRAPF, the provisions of para (iv) below shall be clearly
defined in the agreement.
(ii) The applicant shall be registered with local statutory body as a legal entity.
(iii) In the case of a GRAPF, details specifying the responsibility and the
procedure for the removal of the radioactive sources from the facility to an
approved agency, in the event of decommissioning of the facility or any
kind of disruption to the continued safe operation of the facility or
bankruptcy shall be furnished to the Competent Authority.
(iv) In the case of a GRAPF, prior to obtaining the licence, a separate fund shall
be earmarked by the employer (in the form of bank guarantee) towards
expenditure for removal and transport of the sources. The bank guarantee
for such purposes shall be deposited in consultation with source supplier.
The quantum of the fund shall be reviewed periodically by the source
(ii) The applicant shall demonstrate that the site meets the requirements
specified in the AERB Safety Standard on ‘Land-based Stationary Gamma
Irradiators’ [No. AERB/RF-IRRAD/SS-6 (Rev.1), 2007] for GRAPF
The process proceeds in conformity with the relevant provisions of the AERB Safety Guide titled
‘Consenting Process for Radiation Facilities’ (AERB/RF/SG/G-3).
installation. The site requirements of IARPF are provided in Appendix-A
of this safety code.
(i) The GRAPF shall be designed as per the requirements stipulated by AERB
Safety Standard on ‘Land-based Stationary Gamma Irradiators’
[AERB/RF-IRRAD/SS-6 (Rev.1), 2007]. The design requirements of
IARPF are provided in Appendix-A of this safety code.
(ii) An application in the prescribed format shall be submitted to the Regulatory
Body along with Preliminary Safety Assessment Report (PSAR) including
the quality assurance program during construction.
(iii) Construction of the facility shall not be undertaken before obtaining
approval from the Regulatory Body.
(iv) The facility shall be constructed in accordance with the design approved by
the Regulatory Body.
(v) Quality assurance program shall be ensured during construction of the
facility. The reports on the same shall be submitted periodically to the
Regulatory Body.
(vi) Approval from Regulatory Body shall be obtained for any modifications of
approved design, if required to be done during construction.
(vii) The Regulatory Body should carry out inspection of the facility during its
construction to check the quality assurance documents and to verify that the
facility is constructed in accordance with the approved design.
(i) The applicant shall perform functional tests on each operating and safety
systems as specified by the manufacturer/designer after completion of
installation of facility. The applicant shall ensure that the built-in design
safety features are incorporated in the facility as per the Preliminary Safety
Assessment Report (PSAR) approved by the Regulatory Body.
(ii) Acceptance Test Reports (ATR) specifying the results of the functional tests
conducted on all the systems of the facility shall be submitted to the
Regulatory Body in the prescribed format.
(iv) Authorized inspectors of the Regulatory Body carries out an inspection of
the facility to verify the submitted ATR. Based on the findings of the
inspection approval may be issued to the applicant for:
(a) initial source loading at the facility for carrying out commissioning trial
operations such as radiation protection survey and dosimetry studies in case
of GRAPF and (b) carrying out trial operations with accelerated electron
beam in case of IARPF.
(i) The application for obtaining the licence for operation of the RPF shall be
submitted to the Regulatory Body in the prescribed format. The application
shall be accompanied by the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) along
with Quality Assurance Manual (QAM) of the design and systems installed
in the facility and the Radiation Protection Manual (RPM) in the prescribed
(ii) The facility should conform to the security guidance as provided in the
AERB Safety Guide No. ‘Security of Radioactive Sources in Radiation
Facilities’ [No. AERB/RF-RS/SG-1]
(iii) Based on the review of information provided in the application and the
inspection carried out by the authorized inspectors of the Competent
Authority, licence may be issued to the applicant for operation of the
facility under the provisions of the Atomic Energy (Radiation Protection)
Rules, 2004.
3.1 Employer
The employer shall have responsibilities specified in Rule 20 of the Atomic Energy
(Radiation Protection) Rules, 2004. The employer shall:
(i) Designate, with the written approval of the Competent Authority, a person
having qualifications as specified in this safety code, as Radiological Safety
officer (RSO).
(ii) Ensure the availability of adequate number of trained/certified operators for
the operation of the facility.
(iii) Ensure that the provisions of this safety code are implemented by the
licensee, Radiological Safety Officer and other worker(s).
(iv) Provide necessary facilities and equipment to the licensee, Radiological
Safety Officer, trained certified operators and other worker(s) to carry out
their functions effectively in conformity with the regulatory requirements.
(v) Procure from the former employer, where applicable, the dose records and
health surveillance reports of a worker prior to his employment in the
(vi) Provide personnel monitoring devices to workers, and ensure that they are
worn as required, and also ensure that individual dose records are
maintained as prescribed by the Competent Authority.
(vii) Upon termination of service of a worker provide to his new employer, on
request, his dose records and health surveillance reports.
(viii) Furnish to each worker dose records and health surveillance reports of the
worker in his employment annually, as and when requested by the worker
and at the termination of his service.
(ix) Inform the Competent Authority if the licensee or the Radiological Safety
Officer (RSO) or any facility operator leaves the employment.
(x) Constitute a local safety committee (LSC) to review the safety status of the
facility periodically in terms of operational safety, servicing and
maintenance and regulatory compliance. The Radiological Safety Officer
shall be the Member-Secretary of the LSC. The Committee shall include
members familiar with and experienced in the operation of the facility as
well as members not directly connected with day to day operation of the
facility. Competent Authority shall be informed about the Committee and
its work.
(xi) Ensure that the quality assurance program for servicing and maintenance of
the facility is established. Records of the QA shall be maintained for
inspection/audit by the Regulatory Body.
(xii) Report to the Competent Authority of any change in the safety organisation
of the facility.
(xiii) Ensure that the operating and servicing manual is revised taking into
consideration the operating experience and that the designer and
manufacturer are advised accordingly. Revision of manuals shall
incorporate any safety directive issued by the Regulatory Body.
(xiv) Inform the Competent Authority, within twenty four hours of occurrence,
of any accident involving radiation injury, a source or loss of source of
which he is the custodian.
(xv) Arrange for health surveillance of workers as specified under Rule 25 of
Atomic Energy (Radiation Protection) Rules, 2004.
(xvi) Obtain prior Approval from the Regulatory Body for any modifications, if
required to be done in the facility.
(xvii) Obtain prior Approval from the Regulatory Body for decommissioning the
facility and, in the case of a GRAPF, disposal of the source.
3.2 Licensee
The licensee shall have responsibilities specified in Rule 21 of the Atomic Energy
(Radiation Protection) Rules, 2004. The licensee shall ensure that:
(x) No person is permitted to operate the radiation processing facility until he
has been adequately trained and is competent to operate the radiation
processing facility in accordance with the safety procedures.
(xi) The necessary supervision is provided to all employees in the performance
of their work in accordance with the provisions of this safety code.
(xii) In case of actual or suspected exposure exceeding the prescribed dose limits
to personnel, the Competent Authority is informed without delay in the
prescribed format.
(xiii) In the event of exposure received by any person in excess of the regulatory
limits, Competent Authority is informed promptly of the occurrence of the
incident, investigation and follow up actions including steps to prevent
recurrence of such incidents.
(xiv) In case of actual or suspected exposure exceeding the prescribed dose limits,
appropriate medical procedures are carried out, medical reports are retained
and full details of the incident are reported to the Competent Authority as
soon as possible.
(xv) Periodic safety status report of the facility in the prescribed format is
submitted to the Competent Authority.
(xvi) Loading, replenishment, redistribution or disposal of sources is carried out
only by the authorized source supplier.
(xvii) Installation, repair and service of parts of the facility, which may affect
radiation safety, are carried out through the original
designer/supplier/manufacturer of the facility or by a qualified person in
consultation with the Competent Authority.
(xviii) Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), a display board listing of emergency
contact numbers and a copy of emergency action plan are available in the
control room.
(xix) Training and retraining of the operators in the safe operation of the facility
are conducted periodically and records are maintained.
(xx) Appropriate fire authority is notified of the location of all radiation sources
installed and is informed about the potential hazards at the facility.
(xxi) Response procedures for handling an emergency situation are prepared in
accordance with section 8 of this safety code and a copy is submitted to the
Competent Authority.
(xxii) Internal inspection/audit or other management control is established so that
the safe operating procedures are implemented and the emergency
procedures are rehearsed by workers.
3.3 Radiological Safety Officer (RSO)
3.3.1 Qualification
The RSO shall have responsibilities specified in Rule 22 of the Atomic Energy
(Radiation Protection) Rules, 2004. The RSO shall:
(i) Carry out routine measurements and analysis of radiation levels in the
controlled area, supervised area of the radiation facility and maintain
records of the results thereof.
(ii) Investigate any situation that could lead to potential exposures.
(iii) Advise the employer regarding:
(a) The necessary measures aimed at ensuring that the regulatory
constraints and the terms and conditions of the licence are adhered
(b) The safe storage and movement of radioactive material within the
radiation facility.
(c) Initiation of suitable remedial measures in respect of any situation
that could lead to potential exposures.
(d) Routine measurements and analysis of radiation and radioactivity
levels in the off-site environment of the radiation processing
facility and maintenance of the records thereof.
(iv) Ensure that test and maintenance schedules for safety related components
and systems are carried out in accordance with the schedule provided in
Table-1 (a) and 1 (b) of Appendix-B.
(v) Report on all hazardous situations along with details of any immediate
remedial actions taken are made available to the employer and licensee for
submitting to the Competent Authority.
(vi) Ensure that personnel monitoring devices are provided to workers in the
facility, used as required and securely stored in a radiation-free zone.
(vii) Supervise during maintenance and test procedures on systems and
components or in areas where radiation safety may be affected or where
service/maintenance personnel may need to be given special protection.
(viii) Ensure that monitoring instruments are calibrated periodically.
(ix) Maintain servicing, operation log books and associated QA records.
(x) Assist the employer in:
(xii) Furnish to the licensee and the Competent Authority periodic reports on the
safety status of the radiation installation.
3.4 Operator
3.4.1 Qualifications
3.4.2 Responsibilities of Operator
The Operator shall:
(i) Operate the facility as per written instructions and established Standard
Operating Procedures.
(iii) Use personnel dosimeter in correct manner at all times while working within
the facility.
(iv) Always be available in the control room when radiation processing facility
is in operation.
(vi) Promptly report to RSO of any malfunction (actual & suspected) of any
system or deviation from any operating parameter.
3.5 Manufacturer/Supplier
(i) Radiation processing facilities are supplied only to users who have been
authorised in writing by the Competent Authority to operate such facilities.
(ii) RPF is constructed as per the design approved by the regulatory body.
(iii) Operating instructions which include a general description of the radiation
processing facility and detailed operating procedures are supplied to the
(iv) Adequate training is provided to the personnel of the radiation processing
facility in the operation and maintenance of the facility. The records for the
same shall be provided to the facility.
(v) Instructions for the periodic inspection and maintenance of the radiation
processing facility, including test procedures for contamination detection
are supplied to the user.
(vi) Instructions specifying procedures to be implemented in an emergency
situation, which has caused or may cause a radiation hazard to any
individual, are provided to the user.
(vii) Copies of all drawings, operating and service manuals, radiation surveys,
and other records held by the supplier relating to the radiation processing
facility and its source of radiation, are maintained until such time that the
facility has been decommissioned.
(viii) Services are available to maintain and repair the facility.
(ix) Prompt corrective action is taken in the case of emergencies relating to the
facility and its source of radiation.
(x) Assistance is provided to the radiation processing facility in the event of an
(xi) Assistance is provided to the employer / licensee during source
augmentation, commissioning and disposal of the source as and when
(ii) Periodic radiation protection survey shall be carried out at locations in and
around the facility.
(iv) Work place monitoring shall be provided during the handling of an unusual
or abnormal event.
(v) Extensive radiation monitoring shall be provided during the handling of any
emergency situation.
(viii) If the survey indicates the need for corrective action, another survey shall
be performed after appropriate modifications have been made.
(ix) Records for all type of radiation monitoring shall be maintained and made
available for regulatory inspection.
(iii) Workers shall be informed of the dose received by them.
(iv) Active personnel monitors such as pocket dosimeters or alarm-based
dosimeters shall be used by all personnel involved in the following
(a) Loading and unloading of radioactive sources in the GRAPF
(b) While working near beam components in IARPF
(c) Handling of any unusual or abnormal event in the facility
(d) Handling of emergencies.
(vi) Records for all type of personnel monitoring shall be maintained and made
available for regulatory inspection.
5.1 Preparation
5.1.1 Loading, unloading and handling of radioactive sources shall be undertaken under
close supervision of Radiological Safety Officer under a well-defined radiation
protection program.
5.1.2 Source loading/unloading operations shall not be carried out if all the operating,
control and safety systems are not functioning in the intended manner.
5.1.3 Motive power for source and product movement shall be disabled during source
loading/unloading operations.
5.1.4 Mock runs shall be carried out with dummy sources prior to undertaking actual
operations using proper tool for picking & lifting of source pencils.
5.1.5 The hoist to be used for lifting the source transport cask shall be tested periodically
through the authorised testing agency and valid certificate of testing shall be
submitted to regulatory body prior to source loading operations.
5.1.6 Radiation safety assessment of the whole operation shall be made by Radiological
Safety officer and protection and safety shall be optimized.
5.2.2 Radiation survey of the transport cask including external radiation survey and
external removable contamination shall be performed prior to opening it.
5.2.3 Proper under water lighting system in the water pool shall be provided to facilitate
smooth source handling operation.
5.2.4 It shall be ensured that water inside the pool remain clear for proper visibility for
the operation.
5.2.6 All source loading/unloading operations shall be carried out by trained personnel
of source supplier.
5.2.7 The personnel involved in source loading/unloading operation shall use appropriate
safety gears such as safety belts and helmet.
5.2.8 The physical barrier shall be used during source loading/unloading operation to
prevent accidental fall of any personnel inside the water pool.
5.2.9 All personnel involved in the operation shall be monitored with personnel
monitoring badges and pocket dosimeters and individual dose records shall be
5.2.10 Good housekeeping practices shall be observed during and after source
loading/unloading operations to prevent any abnormal situations/incidents.
5.3 Emergency
5.3.1 The source supplier shall provide assistance to handle any emergency situations
involving radiation source and ensuring safe disposal, if necessary.
5.3.2 In case of any emergency or abnormal situation during the operation, the source
shall be brought back to its fully shielded position either in the cask or shielded
position in the radiation processing facility.
5.4.1 The record of the position of each source unit in the source rack and its activity as
on date shall be maintained.
5.4.2 Following the source loading operations, source supplier shall carry out internal
contamination survey of the empty transport cask by taking swipe samples from
inside the cask cavity.
5.4.3 After completion of source loading/rearrangement/redistribution operation, report
on the above operation, radiation protection survey and product dosimetry report
shall be submitted to Regulatory Body. The routine operation of the radiation
processing facility shall be subject to obtaining prior licence/ permission from the
Competent Authority.
The licensee shall obtain approval from the Regulatory Body prior to introducing
any modification which may cause a radiation hazard such as:
Any modifications to the operating, control and safety systems shall be carried out
in consultation with the designer/manufacturer of the facility only or by a qualified
person in consultation with the Competent Authority.
The facility shall be re-commissioned only after obtaining approval from the
Competent Authority.
7.1.1 The employer shall ensure security of the radioactive sources at all times.
7.1.2 The facility shall be secured against all envisaged theft, sabotage or any other kind
of security threat.
The facility should conform to the security guidance as provided in the AERB
Safety Guide on ‘Security of Radioactive Sources in Radiation Facilities’, [No.
AERB/RF-RS/SG-1 (2011)].
8.1.1 The licensee, in consultation with Radiological Safety Officer, shall prepare
emergency response plan and ensure emergency preparedness measures.
8.1.2 Emergency response plans shall be made available to mitigate any consequences of
emergencies. The response plan shall address the events such as:
8.1.3 The emergency plan shall be specific to each situation and shall include, as
8.2.1 The response measures shall be concise, unambiguous, easily practicable and aimed
at restoring normal operation keeping exposures to individuals ALARA.
8.2.2 In case of injury to any individual, medical attention shall be accorded priority.
8.2.3 In case of external emergency, measures shall be taken to cordon off and
decontaminate the area.
8.3.2 Periodic review of emergency plans shall be carried out to enhance the effectiveness
of the plans.
8.3.3 The employer shall report every unusual event to the Competent Authority
immediately and certainly within 24 hours of its occurrence. The details shall include
8.3.4 The immediate notification shall be followed by a detailed report after carrying out
8.3.6 The licensee shall conduct an emergency exercise at least once in a year and report of
the exercise shall be prepared immediately upon completion of exercise and made
available to the Competent Authority, when required.
9.1.1 The employer/licensee shall obtain prior approval from the Competent Authority
for any proposal to decommission of the RPF and, in the case of GRPF, for disposal
of the radioactive sources.
9.1.2 The employer/licensee shall provide the details of the decommissioning procedure
in the prescribed format to the Competent Authority.
A.1.1 Industrial Accelerator Radiation Processing Facility (IARPF) uses either an electron
beam directly or electron beam generated high-energy photons for radiation processing.
These facilities are notable for absence of inventory of any radioactive source material
in the plant, and associated handling hazards.
A.1.2 For direct electron beam use, the beam energy shall be limited to 10 MeV; and for
generating high-energy photons, the primary electron beam energy shall be limited to
7.5 MeV. A beam power of several kW is used in various radiation processing
applications in an IARPF. Radiation shielding and personnel-safety interlocks shall be
provided to limit the radiation exposure to workers and member of public, and prevent
accidental exposure respectively.
(ii) Radio-frequency (RF) electron linear accelerator (RF Linac) from 3 MeV
Design and operational safety details for IARPF, which are common for any of above
types of accelerator, shall meet following requirements:
(iii) A minimum distance of 30 meters shall be maintained from the boundary wall
of the IARPF to any nearby residential area and/or public places.
(iv) Geological and geotechnical requirements for design and construction of the
IARPF shall take into account all applicable requirements specified in
Appendix-A of AERB Safety Standard No. AERB/RF-IRRAD/SS-6 (Rev.1),
(v) The civil works structures of the IARPF shall be designed such that the soil and
ground characteristics do not cause any deterioration in its strength and integrity
during the useful life of the IARPF.
(vi) The maximum level of ground water and design basis flood level shall be taken
into account in the radiological safety aspects of the design of the IARPF.
(vii) The access road to the site shall be strong enough to take the load of heavy parts
of the IARPF.
A.2.2 Engineered Safety Design Requirements
(i) Adequate thickness of biological shield around the accelerator beam channel and
radiation cell shall be provided such that the dose rate in full occupancy areas
does not exceed 1 μSv.h-1 while accelerator beam is in ‘Switched- ON’ mode.
(ii) Any penetrations provided in biological shielding for services and access shall
not cause increase in the radiation levels out side the shielding.
(iii) Concrete used for the construction of the biological shielding shall have density
stipulated in the shielding calculations. Adequate quality control shall be
ensured during pouring of concrete into the walls to achieve the minimum
specified density, and exclusion of formation of porosity and voids.
A.2.2.2 Personnel Access Control System
(a) Entry into accelerator beam channel and radiation cell areas shall be
regulated through personnel access door/s. Each personnel access door
shall be accessible / visible to the plant operator/RSO from their
respective work places, e.g. control room. In addition, CCTV
surveillance shall be provided.
(b) Material and construction of the access door shall be such that it can
withstand fire in the plant for at least half an hour
(c) The product entry/exit shall be so designed that by suitable interlocks it
precludes the possibility of entry by personnel.
(ii) Beam Switch-on Interlocks
Control system for IARPF shall be designed to ensure complete exclusion of any
person in the accelerator beam channel and radiation cell when electron beam is
switched-on and accelerated. This shall be achieved through a series of
engineered safety interlocks as mentioned below:
(b) The above limit switch shall be designed to switch-off the electron beam
when anyone tries to open the access door during radiation processing.
(d) The standby mode shall not have dwell time lasting more than a few
minutes, after which the ‘search and secure’ condition shall become
(e) The close-circuit TV monitoring of access doors and secured areas shall
be provided in the control desk/console. Any unauthorized entry into the
monitored areas shall prompt operator to turn the accelerator beam into
‘switched off’ mode, with or without rendering plant in standby mode
for investigation of the incident.
All access doors to the monitored areas shall be provided with display of beam
mode (OFF, STANDBY, ON) and local radiation monitoring instrumentation.
Any increase above the prescribed dose rate limits shall activate audio-visual
alarms at these locations and warning to the operator.
A.2.2.3.Work Area Zoning (for graded safety)
Radiation hazards in the IARPF plant areas shall have graded safety requirements.
Access to these work areas is regulated by categorising the areas into different zones.
Access control gates shall be put at inter-zone boundaries where entry of authorised
persons is regulated e.g. with finger print impression or magnetic card. Various IARPF
plant areas shall be categorized into one of the following zones:
(i) Zone- 1: Normal Area of Full Occupancy
These places shall be accessible all the time and irrespective of whether
accelerator beam is in OFF, STANDBY or ON mode. These include places such
as- control room, corridors and passages, plant process equipment rooms and
product loading/unloading and storage areas. The biological shielding shall be
so designed as to ensure that the radiation dose rate in such areas of full
occupancy at any time, is below 1 μSvh-1.
(ii) Zone-2: Controlled/Restricted Entry Area
These places are accessible during beam ON mode with appropriate
administrative controls in place. Appropriate area monitoring and personnel
radiation monitoring shall be provided for workers visiting these areas during
beam ON mode. In these places, the dose rate during beam ‘ON’ may exceed 1
μSvh-1 but shall not exceed 10 μSvh-1.
(iii) Zone-3: Inaccessible Areas
These areas, having high dose rate during beam ON mode shall be designed and
engineered with safety interlocks and administrative controls to exclude access
and/or breach of safety during beam STANDBY/ON mode. Such places include
accelerator beam channel and irradiation cell areas that have very high dose rates
during beam ON mode.
(iv) Only authorised persons shall be allowed to enter zone-2 and 3 areas and when
so allowed they shall wear appropriate personnel radiation monitoring devices.
A.2.2.4 Fire Safety
(i) In case of failure of scanning magnetic field, the beam shall be immediately
switched off to preclude overheating of beam window and product which
may lead to fire hazard.
(ii) In case of interruption of conveyor movement for any reason, the beam shall
be immediately switched off similarly.
(iii) Adequate fire extinguishers around the fire susceptible areas shall be
maintained. Proper training in firefighting shall be provided to operation
personnel. Periodic demonstrations and fire drills shall be conducted.
(iv) Power cables for use in the electron beam irradiation cell shall be of cross-
linked fire-retardant low-smoke (FRLS) type. Other cables shall be protected
against the degrading effects of ozone present therein.
This shall require interlocking of beam window cooling by air/water circulation with
the beam switch-ON. The exhausted air from beam window cooling contains high
ozone content, and this shall be led to the exhaust stack of plant ventilation system.
A. Plant Ventilation System
(i) Ozone (O3) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) and other toxic gases generated
during radiation processing shall be continuously scavenged by means of a
suitable ventilation system to minimize the concentration in the irradiation
cell and likely gaseous diffusion into the occupied areas.
(ii) Air handling units (AHU) of the ventilation system shall be designed to
supply fresh air to various zones such that concentration of noxious gases
are within permissible limits and also ensuring dissipation of heat from
various power supply equipment.
(iii) Ventilation (induced draft type) in the radiation cell shall be achieved by
providing fresh air entry through grills/louvers and also incorporating
exhaust fans (with standby provision) in the system.
(iv) There shall be adequate number of fresh air changes in the radiation cell to
prevent the concentration of O3, NOx and other toxic gases exceeding three
times their Threshold Limit Values (TLV) during radiation processing.
(v) Ozone monitors shall be provided in installations where Ozone
concentrations are likely to be significant.
(vi) Discharge point of the duct (stack outlet) of exhaust fans shall be located at
a height appropriate to achieve dilution of Ozone to its Threshold Limit
Value (TLV) while reaching ground level, but at least 2.5 m above the tallest
part of the radiation processing facility.
(vii) Time delay interlock shall be provided to prevent personnel entry into the
radiation processing cell immediately after the beam switch off. The delay
time shall be adequate to allow dissociation of Ozone and bring down its
concentration below TLV (i.e. below 0.1 ppm for normal human activity,
and 0.05 ppm for heavy work).
(viii) Plant ventilation system shall consist of ventilation dampers to stop and
isolate air-circulation in an area affected by fire. This shall stop spread of
smoke and toxic fumes to other occupied areas, which shall be subsequently
scavenged in a controlled manner after extinguishing the fire.
It shall be ensured that the plant design and operation are in compliance with the
safety requirements of the applicable government regulations and local statutory
body/agency on electrical equipment (both high and low voltage systems,
radiofrequency and magnetic devices etc.) used in the IARPF.
(i) Accelerating cavity and RF power system of linac and internal tank systems
of DC accelerator shall use cooling water which is conditioned for very low
electrical conductivity, as per limits specified by equipment supplier to
minimize the leakage of current from high voltage devices to the ground.
(ii) There shall be safety interlocks with regulating instruments for temperature,
flow and pressure of LCW, such that these shut the beam current under
abnormal conditions.
Two types of electron accelerators shall be applicable for use in the radiation
processing facilities, namely (i) the DC high-voltage accelerator and (ii) the Linear
RF accelerator. Specific facility configuration of plant equipment in these two types
shall conform to the requirements as specified below:
Insulation and cover gas systems shall use either sulphurhexa-fluoride (SF6) gas or,
mixture of nitrogen and carbon di-oxide (N2 + CO2). For any other cover gas system,
specific approval of Competent Authority shall be required.
The following provisions for safety shall be implemented in the plant while using
cover gases in an IARPF:
(ii) Gas temperature and pressure shall be continuously monitored, recorded and
maintained within maximum and minimum specified for normal operation.
(iii) Containment pressure vessels and connecting piping shall be provided with
overpressure relief devices (e.g. safety valves, rupture disks), as
recommended in the certification/statutory codes applicable for pressure
vessel construction and operation.
(iv) Gas-monitoring instrumentation and oxygen deficiency monitors with
alarms shall be installed at locations where the likelihood of gas leakages or
release due to overpressure safety device actuation exists.
(v) The ventilation system shall have exhaust ducts running from the lowest
elevation to collect and scavenge the leaked heavier-than air gases in the
plant where the such gases are concentrated.
(vi) All pressure components of the gas handling system shall be tested
periodically for integrity of pressure as per the applicable statutory
(iii) RF power system and equipment shall be provided with separate ground/
earthing to avoid electromagnetic interference with other devices.
(ii) Means shall be provided to record the entry of persons into the radiation cell.
CCTV surveillance shall be provided.
(iii) Water samples from the circulation system and the water pool shall be routinely
monitored for pH, conductivity and radioactive contamination and records of the
observations shall be maintained.
(iv) Ozone concentration in ambient air shall be monitored and recorded.
(v) NOx concentration in ambient air shall be determined if concentration is
expected to be significant.
(vi) In case of IARPF using SF6 or any other inert gases, oxygen deficiency
monitoring shall be carried out.
(ii) A formal program for regularly testing and maintenance of all safety systems
shall be set up in accordance with the procedures and schedules recommended
by the designer/manufacturer to ensure correct performance of systems,
subsystems and components of the radiation processing facility. The tests shall
be carried out by appropriately qualified persons in the presence of the
Radiological Safety officer.
(iii) Preventive maintenance shall include lubrication of all moving parts, inspection
of source hoist wire ropes for its loose/frayed strands, inspection of
electrical/instrument cables for their deterioration of insulation, inspection of
heat/smoke detectors, level indicators and associated circuits.
(iv) Portable survey meters and area monitors shall be calibrated before their first
use, after repairs and at a regular interval of two years.
(v) Weekly examination shall be made of source hoist cables/wire ropes and guide
cables. Source hoist cables shall be replaced if any deterioration is observed
during the periodic examinations.
(vi) The radiation monitors for the storage pool water or the water treatment system
shall be used as indicators of source leakage, or pool water samples may be
collected for analysis.
(ii) The smooth removal/ insertion of shielding plugs provided for emergency
handling on cell roof shall be tested at least once in two years and the
observations recorded.
(iv) The various systems shall be tested/checked for their intended function at the
frequencies recommended in the Tables I (A) and I (B).
TABLE- I (a)
at exhaust
Emergency Source rack
stop switch position
inside the switches
Examination Source hoist
of source mechanism
Product Ventilation
box/carriers system
Water level
Emergency stop
devices at all
warning signals
approved start
up procedures
to verify its
Power failure
and functional
performance of
interlocks on
shield plugs
Delay timer
Source and
Trip wire
TABLE- I (b)
Trip wire
LC Water
inventory, flow
& pressure
control switches
Emergency stop
devices at all
warning signals
for accelerator
start up, high
radiation level
in areas.
Approved start
up procedures to
verify its proper
Power failure
and functional
performance of
UPS (if any)
interlocks on
any removable
shield plugs
interlocks for
beam scanning
and product
12. ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, Safety Standard for ‘Testing and
Classification of Sealed Radioactive Sources’, No. AERB/SS/3 (Rev.1), Mumbai,
India (2001).
14. ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, Safety Guide on ‘Security of
Radioactive Material during Transport”, No. AERB/NRF-TS/SG-10, Mumbai,
India (2008).