Reinforced Concrete
Reinforced Concrete
Reinforced Concrete
T – R / C / TM / A
• T es el tipo de hormigón
• A es el tipo de ambiente:
T – R / C / TM / A
• T es el tipo de hormigón:
– HM: Hormigón en masa
– HA: Hormigón armado
– HP: hormigón pretensado
• R es la resistencia a compresión del hormigón en (N/mm²)
20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80, 90 y 100
• C es la consistencia del hormigón:
Seca (S), Plástica (P), Blanda (B), Fluida (F), Líquida (L)
• TM es el tamaño máximo del árido en (mm)
• A es el tipo de ambiente:
I, IIa, IIb, IIIa, IIIb, IIIc, IV, Qa, Qb, Qc, H, F, E.
• When checking that the RC structure satisfies the ULS limits, the design
tensile strength fcd, will be used, with the following expression:
– The longer the concrete cures before loads are applied, the
smaller will be the creep. Steam curing, which causes quicker
strengthening, will also reduce creep.
– Higher-strength concretes have less creep than do lower-strength
concrete stressed at the same values. However, applied stresses
for higher-strength concretes are, in all probability, higher than
those for lower-strength concretes, an this fact tends to cause
increasing creep.
– Creep increases with higher temperatures.
– The higher the humidity, the smaller will be the free pore water
that can escape from the concrete. Creep is almost twice as
large as 50% humidity than at 100% humidity. It is obviously quite
difficult to distinguish between shrinkage and creep
– Concretes with the highest percentage of cement-water paste
have the highest creep because the paste, not the aggregate,
does the creeping.