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Problems Encountered and Coping Mechanisms of Students in Online Class

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Problems Encountered and Coping Mechanisms of Students in Online Class during

COVID- 19 Pandemic
Kathleen Castro Valendia
Marie Fe Ferrer Montes
Nestee Ely Claro Dalere
Windell Mata
Anglica Cabrera Cadalzo
Christine Joy Visperas Ganir
Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education
College of Teacher Education
Mariano Marcos State University
A. Castro Avenue, 2900 Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
Corresponding Authors

This study assessed the problems encountered and coping mechanisms of students in

online class during covid-19 pandemic at Mariano Marcos State University- College of

Teacher Education under the Technical Vocational and Livelihood Education Department. A

total of one hundred students were randomly selected from this department. Data were

collected through the use of researcher- made survey questionnaire that was carried on

through online. Results show that different student go through different life experiences that

may affect them in one way or another. Students’ behavior, interests, and performance in

school may be due to certain situations they went through that had a great impact on them.

One of the reasons why they are experiencing slow internet connectivity is due to the place

where they live in. Most of our respondents are living in a rural area where they are far from

the cities or cell sites are not available in the area. Thus, the result of this made some of the

students were not able to join synchronous classes, late submission of some activities and not

able to grasp teachers instructions. However, despite these challenges that they are facing,

they make strategies on how to cope with their online class. They manage their time in doing

all their responsibilities at home and activities from school. Thus, no matter how hard the

situation is, teachers and students never get tired in delivering and understanding each lesson.

Hence, internet can be a problem but never a hindrance in achieving their goals.
1. Introduction

For almost a year, Corona Virus (COVID-19) has widely affected the world. It caused

many damages to humankind where lives are being taken, works have been canceled,

people’s job became unstable and education has abruptly changed. According to World

Health Organization, COVID-19 is a contagious disease where people who are infected with

this virus will experience respiratory illness and if not recovered, life would be at stake. With

the widespread of this virus and increasing number of cases, the government needs to call for

nationwide lockdown where no one is allowed to go outside their houses unless they are

frontliners. Amidst pandemic, we are all trying to survive. We became vigilant in all the

activities we do and adjust to the things we used to do. The nationwide lockdown have been

affected schools that results to online class and some of the schools had shut all across the

world (Li C. & Lalani F., 2020). Just like how we spend our schooling before, traditional

face-to-face teaching and learning process has rapidly modified. According to Tam G. and

Azar D. (2020), with the condition we are dealing right now have led millions of students into

temporary ‘home- schooling’ situations. Since the outbreak of Covid- 19, virtual classes have

been implemented by elementary, secondary and tertiary education as the first- string to teach

or as a learning method. No matter how students, parents and teachers aren’t prepared for this

kind of set-up, they don’t have any other choice but to follow unless they want their children

being left behind. Online Class/ Learning is a form of education where internet and

technology are being used in delivering topics and lesson (Bartley & Golek, 2004; Evan &

Haase, 2001).

With the kind of teaching and learning we have right now has no guarantee that all

learning materials that were given can enhance and improve the knowledge that we have. It is

a 50-50 chance that we understood the lesson or not. Based on the studies of Farinella, et al

(2000); Kim and Bonk (2006) and Pape, (2010), the internet had become a way to make
online classes and learning possible. While combating the reduction of resources in

education, online class/ learning is the best way on how to enhance and improve students

learning especially in higher education. Moreover, according to Loeb (2020), online learning

is not generally effective as the traditional face- to face classes but it is not certainly better

than no classes at all. If there are means to conduct classes then why delay education? On the

other hand, how about students who suffer and deprived from Internet connectivity? How

about students who reside in far- flung areas where there’s no stable internet connection? A

lot of student suffers from this kind of situation because some may not have access to high-

speed internet connection at home that may affect their class participation, activities to pass

and unable to join class via google meet, zoom and other platforms. Students took online

classes because traditional face-to-face class is not feasible (Picciano and Seaman, 2009).

However, there are drawbacks to online classes where internet connection is one of the

problems that students are facing right now. Assignments, class participation and discussion

are being interrupted. Some are unable to join classes, some are not able to pass their

activities on time and some are being stressed for being bombarded with paper works. We are

all relying to internet where education is available and would be possible (online class) but

unstable internet connection, accessibility, gadgets, financially unstable can be a pretty big


However, with the widespread of this virus students never stopped from reaching their

goals. They pursued education even in its darkest time. They find ways for them to cope with

the lesson given by their teachers/ instructors. Puhl and Brownell (2003) defined coping

mechanisms as a behavior in overcoming challenges and protect himself/herself from anxiety,

pressure or stress. It is also where students are able to successfully manage the stressful and

hectic situations/events that they are experiencing. Moreover, Van Dorp and Monteros

(2010), highlighted that stress and problems encountered by the students are cause by online
distance learning. Therefore, what students need to do is to find ways in which they can cope

and manage the situation they are in. Coping strategies are governed through personal likes

and dislikes, peer influences, accessibility and social influence (Yackel, 1998). Research

studies found out that problems during online class can affect their academic performance

and drop- outs in school (Ramos, 2011; Rourke et al., 2010). Hence, various coping

mechanism can be as follows; praying or meditation, watching TV or movies, listening to

music and sleeping or resting.

Thus, this study will assess the problems encountered and coping mechanisms of

students in online class during Covid-19 pandemic.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to be familiar with students’ experiences to online class.

In particular, we seek to find answers to the following problem: (1) what are the problems of

student during online class; and (2) what are the coping mechanism of students’ who

experiences unstable internet connectivity.

2. Methods

2.1 Study area

The study was conducted to the school where the respondents are presently studying

at Mariano Marcos State University- College of Teacher Education which was located in

Castro Ave., Laoag City.

2.2 Research Design

This study employed a descriptive survey design where a sample of 100 students was

selected from the entire population of Technical- Vocational and Livelihood Education
department at MMSU- CTE. This survey was carried out in order to find out the occurring

problems encountered and coping mechanisms of students in online class during COVID-19


2.3 Data- gathering procedure

First, the researchers requested their subject teacher to officially allow them to

conduct the study. As soon as the request approved, copies of the survey questionnaire were

distributed to the identified respondents. The survey questionnaire were administered through

online. After completing the entire data gathering procedure, data was studied, tabulated,

interpreted and conclusions were drawn based on the result.

2.4 Research Instruments

This study used survey questionnaire in the form of checklist as main instrument to collect

data and information from the respondents. This instrument will allow the researchers to

answer the problems and queries posted in this study. The researchers will develop survey

questionnaire and will divide it into two parts. Part I asks for the background information

about the respondents. This includes name, age, educational level and place they live in

(urban or rural). Part II includes 20 item phrases where respondents are tasked to agree or

disagree, if it’s being experienced/practiced or not. This instrument will serve as a guide in

determining the problems encountered of students and their coping mechanism in dealing

with online class during COVID- 19 pandemic.

3. Results and Discussion

Figure 1 to 4 shows the demographic profile of the respondents where they were

asked to answer their personal profile. Most of our respondents aged 18-21 years old and that

is 96% of the total respondents while others aged 22-25 and that is equivalent to 4%. Also,

64% of them are female and 36% of them are male. 74% of these respondents are currently
living in rural area and 26% of them resides in urban places. Moreover, their family income

ranges to 10,000 and above, however, 70% of the respondents’ family income ranges below

10,000 pesos.

3.1 Problems encountered of students in online class during Covid- 19 pandemic

Covid- 19 had really affected the world wherein everything is new to humankind.

Changes have been continuously growing. In the new normal, online class is one of the

changes in the teaching and learning process. Thus, students either choose to adopt the new

normal or be left behind in education. Online class is not easy for it is new to us and not

everyone can have stable internet connection to cope with their studies. Thus, having

difficulties in accepting the new way of teaching and learning had brought some problems to

the students.

The most common problem of students regarding online class is that their

performance in their academic fields are being affected. 44% of them strongly agreed that

their performance stability is one of the problems they have encountered in online class. One

of the reasons why academic performance is being affected is due to unattended meetings or

instructions coming from the teachers are not clear.

Also, another problem that they have encountered is the missed examinations. And

44% of them are experiencing this problem. Due to some reasons they have not taken their

exams on time maybe because internet connection is poor and they have something to do that

cannot be done tomorrow. Thus, with these missed examinations, it can somewhat affected

their performance in their studies.

Moreover, 34% of them are experiencing bad and unstable internet connection. We all

know that online class needs strong and stable internet connection to cope with the lessons

and other activities in our studies. However, due to poor connectivity, the accumulation of
knowledge is not 100% guaranteed that it was being understood and internalized by the


3.2 Coping mechanisms used by the students in online class.

Despite of the problems that students have been facing, they never get tired in making

ways in how to cope with their lessons and activities to be passed. Education can be much

harder right now but through students’ determination and courage everything would be


Whenever students’ are having hard time in coping with their online classes they have

their own strategies on how to make it lighter. 60% of the do the time management. What

comes first should be done first to avoid complications of workloads. Also, when things

aren’t clear for them, they ask clarifications to their instructors and teachers and that is

equivalent to 42%. Furthermore, 42% of them restarts their phone, pc and even their Wi-Fi

just to get better and faster internet connection. These are the only few coping mechanisms

and strategies of students in their online class as traditional face-to-face learning is not still


4. Implication

The findings of the study could be an eye opener to the teachers to give consideration

to the students who suffer from internet connectivity and those who have difficulties in

coping to the new normal or teaching and learning process. Also, the following

recommendations are offered:

Teachers must know how to limit workloads for the students because not everyone

can easily cope with the topics especially if students resides in rural area where internet

connection is difficult. Also, they should provide necessary considerations with the deadline

in a certain activity so that no one can be left behind. Moreover, they must understand the
situation of every individual and assess them if they are coping or they have problems with

their subject so that it can be easily addressed.

To parents, they must understand that the situation before is different from the

situation today. They should not scold or get mad to their children whenever they are facing

their cellphones and computers all day because that’s a part of the new way of teaching and

learning process. They should provide support and good vibes to their children so that the

accumulation of knowledge will be stable and will not cause problems to their children.

5. Study Limitations

This study covered the Technical Vocational and Livelihood Department at Mariano

Marcos State University- College of Teacher Education. It will focus on individuals who

suffers from internet connectivity and those who have difficulties in coping with the new way

of teaching and learning process. The researchers chose these respondents because they

believe that they are more capable and sensitive in terms of answering and reflecting on their

problems and experiences in online class.

6. Conclusion

Different student go through different life experiences that may affect them in one

way or another. Students’ behavior, interests, and performance in school may be due to

certain situations they went through that had a great impact on them. Just like how Covid- 19

have affected our lives. Every aspects in life brought to many changes and that includes our

teaching and learning process. Online class is one their solutions so that the accumulation of

knowledge will not stop. However, this kind of set- up have brought students difficulties.

Internet connection is one of the problems encountered by the students during online

class. One of the reasons why they are experiencing slow internet connectivity is due to the

place where they live in. Most of our respondents are living in a rural area where they are far
from the cities or cell sites are not available in the area. The effect of this is that students are

unable to join some class meetings, not able to take the exam on time and incapable of

understanding some instruction that may affect their academic performance. Also, they

identified that gadgets are limited for them. Most of them have not enough gadgets to use for

their online class. Moreover, with the fast changes in the teaching and learning, load

allowance is insufficient for the students. It became a problem because 70% of them have

10,000 and below of monthly income. Due to this situation, some parents are became irritated

whenever student are not able to do their task at home. Their responsibilities at home

somewhat affects their school responsibilities. They also included power interruption as their

problem during online class especially those students who are affected by the recent typhoons

and other calamities. However, despite these problems they are experiencing, they are still

passing their requirements, either on time or not because it is still accepted.

With these problems encountered, students never stopped from learning. They build

ways to cope with their lessons. They manage their time in doing all their responsibilities at

home and activities from school. When connection is not really good, students go to cities or

places where they could get strong signal. Also, they restart or get closer to their modem/ Wi-

Fi for them to have a better connection. The sad thing here is that they even put their pocket

Wi-Fi in the roof so that it can accumulate faster connection. They also point out that when

their load allowance is not sufficient for them, they do part time jobs, for some. Students who

are have not attended classes or they missed an announcement their remedy for this is to talk

to their teachers to ask for clarification or they ask their classmates about their activities and

whatnots. Respondents also borrow or buy gadgets just to cope with their classes. Our new

set up of teaching and learning became an instrument to see how determined students are.

They don’t want being left behind. They know how to value and appreciate education.
Thus, no matter how hard the situation is. Teachers and students never get tired in

delivering and understanding every lesson. This is a challenge for us to survive every

struggles that we are all facing. Therefore, the problems encountered by the students in online

class during pandemic have somewhat affected their academic performance but still they

manage these problems by creating their coping mechanisms in their online classes.


The authors would like to extend their profoundest gratitude to the following people

who helped them accomplish this research work:

To Dr. Mark R. Limon, their subject adviser, for patiently providing the much-

needed wisdom and guidance, and for unselfishly sharing her expertise from

conceptualization until completion of this study.

To the authors informants, who have undoubtedly trusted the authors with information

they asked for this paper.

Their contribution are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledge.

Author Contribution

K.C. Valendia, M.F. Montes and N.E. Dalere performed the introduction part of the

paper. Also, K.C. Valendia accomplished writing the methodology of the study. While W.

Hernando, A. Cadalzo and C.J. Ganir gathered the much needed data. Moreover, K.C.

Valendia and M.F. Montes compiled, analyzed and interpreted the data until completion.

Statement of the problem number 1:

1. What are the problems of the students during online class?

Research instrument:
Will use survey questionnaire using checklist
1. I don’t have enough or high-tech. gadgets to use in my online class.
2. I don’t have strong internet connectivity.
3. I don’t have enough source of money to sustain my load allowance.
4. I don’t have more time in doing my household chores.
5. I cannot automatically grasp what the instructor is saying.
6. I usually heard some rants from my parents for being always in front of my
computer or cellphone.
7. I have unstable internet connection that can affect my online performance.
8. I have poor internet connection that delays my activities for submission.
9. I experienced taking the exams and not able to submit it.
10. I was not able to join online meetings/session.

Statement of the problem number 2:

2. What are the coping mechanisms of students’ who experiences unstable internet

Research instrument:
Will use survey questionnaire
1. I borrow or buy gadgets for my online class.
2. I go to cities or places where I can find strong signal.
3. I do part time job to finance my load allowance.
4. I manage my time by setting my priorities.
5. I ask my teachers or classmate to clarify vague instructions.
6. I talk to my parents every time they make rants.
7. I move closer to the Wi-Fi or router.
8. I put my pocket Wi-Fi or modem in the roof to get some signal.
9. I restart the modem or router and even my phone/pc for faster process.
10. I disconnect other devices so that I could get stronger signal.

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Bartley, S. J., & Golek, J. H. (2004). Evaluating the Cost Effectiveness of Online and Face-

to- Face Instruction. Educational Technology & Society, 7(4), 167–175.

Farinella, J. A., Hobbs, B. K., & Weeks, H. S. (2000). Distance delivery: The faculty

perspective. Financial Practice and Education, 10, 184–194.

Kim, K., & Bonk, C. J. (2006). The future of online teaching and learning in higher

education: The survey says. Educause Quarterly, 29(4), 22.

Kim, K.-H. 2006. Enhancement of secondary special education teachers’ knowledge and

competencies in working with families through online training modules. PhD

diss., University of Kansas, Lawrence.

Nguyen, T. D. (2015). The effectiveness of online learning: Beyond no significant

difference and future horizons. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and

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Pape, L. (2010). Blended Teaching & Learning. School Administrator, 67(4), 16–21.

Picciano, A. G., and J. Seaman. 2007. K–12 online learning: A survey of U.S. school

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Ramos, J. A. (2011). A comparison of perceived stress levels and coping styles of

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Rourke, M. O., Hammond, S., Flynn, S. O., & Boylan, G. (2010). The medical student

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analysis Journal of Psychology 4, 2003, 5378


15- 17


Figure 1. The percentage of students’ age


36% Female


Figure 2. The percentage of students’ sex

Place of Residents


Figure 3. The percentage of students’ residents

Family Income

2% Below 10,000
12% 30,001-40,000
40,001- above

Figure 4. The percentage of students’ family income

Problems Respondents Category Percentage


Performance Stability 100 Strongly agree 44%

Agree 46%

Disagree 9%

Strongly Disagree 1%

Missed Exams 100 Strongly agree 44%

Agree 46%

Disagree 9%

Strongly Disagree 1%

Poor Internet 100 Strongly agree 34%

Agree 55%

Disagree 10%

Strongly Disagree 1%

Unattended meetings 100 Strongly agree 33%

Agree 53%

Disagree 12%

Strongly Disagree 2%

Financial Status 100 Strongly agree 30%

Agree 48%

Disagree 20%

Strongly Disagree 2%

Vague Instructions 100 Strongly agree 24%

Agree 61%

Disagree 14%

Strongly Disagree 1%

Lack of Gadgets 100 Strongly agree 23%

Agree 55%

Disagree 20%

Strongly Disagree 5%

Not Considerate 100 Strongly agree 21%

Agree 46%

Disagree 28%
Strongly Disagree 5%

Submission 100 Strongly agree 21%

Agree 46%

Disagree 26%

Strongly Disagree 5%

Household 100 Strongly agree 19%

Agree 61%

Disagree 19%

Strongly Disagree 1%

Table 1. The percentage of problems encountered of students in online class during

Covid- 19 pandemic.

Table 2. Coping Mechanisms used by the students in online class

Coping Mechanism Respondents Category Percentage

Time Management 100 Always 60%

Sometimes 40%

Never 0%

Ask for clarification 100 Always 42%

Sometimes 55%

Never 3%

Restart PC/modem 100 Always 42%

Sometimes 39%

Never 19%

Disconnect other 100 Always 33%

Sometimes 37%

Never 30%

Move closer to Wi-Fi 100 Always 30%

Sometimes 37%

Never 33%

Go to cities 100 Always 20%

Sometimes 49%

Never 31%

Talk to parents 100 Always 19%

Sometimes 62%

Never 19%

Part time job 100 Always 18%

Sometimes 41%

Never 41%

Put modem to the 100 Always 18%

Sometimes 37%

Never 45%

Borrow/ Buy Gadgets 100 Always 8%

Sometimes 64%

Never 28%
Table 2. Percentage of practiced coping mechanisms and strategies of students in Online
Class during Covid- 19 pandemic.

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