Instructional Plan in Math Grade 9 CO1 Quarter2
Instructional Plan in Math Grade 9 CO1 Quarter2
Instructional Plan in Math Grade 9 CO1 Quarter2
Attitudes Investigate through inquiry the parts of the lesson that they find
Resources Projector, Laptop, Chalk, Pen and Paper
Needed Self-learning Modules
Presentation Activity 1. Using the cards provided, each group will arrange 3 similar
- (How will I radical expressions together by putting them in a straight
present the new horizontal line using the tape and manila paper provided.
2. The group will arrange as many similar radical expressions
- What materials
as they can in 1 minute.
will I use?
- What 3. The greatest number of correct groupings will be the winner.
/concept Possible Groupings of Similar Radical Expressions:
/concIusion 5 √2 , 6 √2 , 7 √2
/abstraction should 5 √3 , 6 √3 , 7 √3
the learners 5 √5 , 6 √5 , 7 √5
arrive at?
√3 4 , 3 √3 4 , 5 √3 4
√ 2 ,3 √ 2 ,−4 √ 2, SIMILAR
4√ 5, √3 3 DISSIMILAR
Before adding or subtracting radicals, it is important to reduce them
to its simplest form.
To add or subtract radicals, combine their coefficients and prefix
their common radicand, or apply the distributive property and prefix
their common radicand.
Simplify by combining like radicals.
1. 5√ 2 + 4 √ 2 - 6 √ 2
2. 9√ 5 - 2 √ 5 - 4 √ 3+ √ 3
3. √ 32 + √ 128
4. 3 √ 4 x - √ 9 x
5. 4√ 3 - √ 27
Solutions will be shown on the board.
When can we add or subtract radical expressions?
-If the radical expressions are similar, then we can add or subtract
Assessment Assessment
(Refer to Levels of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I
DepED Order score?
No. 73, S. 2012 Knowledge
for the
examples) Process or Skills Performing indicated 4-item test 2 points for
operations. Refer to powerpoint every correct
presentation Slide answer
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
School Principal