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Technical Report Template (1) .Docx Version 1

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[Report Title]


[Student Name]
[AG #]
[Supervisor Name]



I hereby declare that the contents of the report [“Report Title”] are project of my own research
and no part has been copied from any published source (except the references). I further declare
that this work has not been submitted for award of any other diploma/degree. The university may
take action if the information provided is found false at any stage. In case of any default the
scholar will be proceeded against as per UAF policy.


[ Student Name]

The Controller of Examinations,
University of Agriculture,

The supervisory committee certify that [Your Name] [AG #] has successfully completed his
project in partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of M.Sc. Computer Science under our
guidance and supervision.

[Supervisor Name]

[Member Name]

Dr. Muhammad Ahsan Latif
Department of Computer Science

I thank all who in one way or another contributed in the completion of this report. First, I thank
to ALLAH ALMIGHTY, most magnificent and most merciful, for all his blessings. Then I am so
grateful to the Department of Computer Science for making it possible for me to study here. My
special and heartily thanks to my supervisor, [Supervisor Name] who encouraged and directed
me. His/her challenges brought this work towards a completion. It is with his/her supervision that
this work came into existence. For any faults I take full responsibility. I am also deeply thankful
to my informants. I want to acknowledge and appreciate their help and transparency during my
research. I am also so thankful to my fellow students whose challenges and productive critics
have provided new ideas to the work. Furthermore, I also thank my family who encouraged me
and prayed for me throughout the time of my research. May the Almighty God richly bless all of

An Abstract is a summary of the whole technical report. it’s also the last thing you will write but
comes first in the document. The Abstract tells the reader the main points about your technical
project. Readers may not have a technical background. The Abstract gives them an overview and
can help them decide which specific sections to focus on. An academic abstract typically outlines
four elements relevant to the completed work: The development/research focus (i.e. statement of
the problem(s)/research issue(s) addressed), the methodology used, the results/findings of the
work done and the main conclusions and recommendations. Write at least 200 words as abstract
of your report.
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................5
1.1 Background:...........................................................................................................................5
1.2 Description:............................................................................................................................5
1.3 Problem Statement:................................................................................................................5
1.4 Scope:....................................................................................................................................5
1.5 Objectives:.............................................................................................................................6
1.6 Feasibility:.............................................................................................................................6
1.7 Requirements:........................................................................................................................7
1.7.1 Functional Requirements................................................................................................7
1.7.2 Non- Functional Requirements.......................................................................................7
1.7.3 Hardware Requirements.................................................................................................7
1.7.4 Software Requirements...................................................................................................8
1.8 Stakeholders:..........................................................................................................................8
Chapter 2 - METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................................9
2.1 Process Model:.......................................................................................................................9
2.2 Tools & Technologies............................................................................................................9
2.3 Design:.................................................................................................................................10
2.3.1 Use Case Diagrams:......................................................................................................10
2.3.3 Sequence Diagram:.......................................................................................................17
2.3.4 Class Diagram:..............................................................................................................19
2.3.5 Data Flow Diagram:.....................................................................................................20
2.3.6 ER Diagram:.................................................................................................................25
2.3.7 Database Model:...........................................................................................................25
2.3.8 Architecture:.................................................................................................................26
Chapter 3 - RESULTS & DISCUSSION......................................................................................28
3.1 Testing:................................................................................................................................28
3.2 Test Cases:...........................................................................................................................28
3.3 Conclusion:..........................................................................................................................30
Chapter 4 - USER MANUAL........................................................................................................31

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Stakeholders...................................................................................................................4

Figure 2.1 Agile Activities..............................................................................................................5
Figure 2.2 Use Case Diagram..........................................................................................................8
Figure 2.3 Sequence Diagram........................................................................................................16
Figure 2.4 Class Diagram..............................................................................................................17
Figure 2.5 Context Diagram..........................................................................................................19
Figure 2.6 Level 0 DFD.................................................................................................................20
Figure 2.7 Level 1 DFD.................................................................................................................20
Figure 2.8 Entity Relationship Diagram........................................................................................21
Figure 2.9 Database Model............................................................................................................22
Figure 2.10 Applications's Architecture........................................................................................23
Figure 4.1 Signing in.....................................................................................................................28

List of Tables

Table 2. 1: Add User......................................................................................................................16

Table 3. 1: User login Test Case....................................................................................................30

1.1 Background:
A background of a project is just a simple and short statement of the project, meaning why we
need to initiate it and what problems and needs will be addressed once it’s been implemented
successfully. The purpose of the background is to give an overview of the project for deciding on
the need to do the project and for initiating the planning process. When you write a background
for your project your primary focus should be placed on giving a general idea and explaining the
key prerequisites. Write at least 200 words.

1.2 Description:
A description of a project is a narrative containing a more detailed explanation of the project’s
goals and objectives, the definition of the business needs and problems to be addressed,
potentials pitfalls and challenges, implementation methods and approaches to be applied, people
and organizations interested in and/or impacted by the project. The purpose of the description is
to create a foundation for further development and implementation of the project. When you
develop a description, you should use accurate and specific information to explain the objectives,
desired outcome and implementations methods of your future project. Write at least 250 words

1.3 Problem Statement:

A problem statement is a clear concise description of the issue(s) that need(s) to be addressed by
a problem-solving team. Issue Statement - one or two sentences that describe the problem using
specific issues. It is not a "lack of a solution" statement. For example, our problem is that we
don't have an ERP system
Part of initiating a software development project is to do a reality check to determine whether or
not the project even makes sense. Your main goal should be to define and justify the best
implementation solution for your project.

1.4 Scope:
Project scope is the work that needs to be accomplished to deliver a product, service, or result
with the specified features and functions. Scope Plays a Vital Role in Projects. "Scope" includes
the expected work effort and results for a given project and must be documented and accepted
before the project begins. A well-written scope statement is crucial to a project. You create a
project scope statement to establish a solid agreement between the project team and the customer
by clarifying, identifying, and relating the work of the project to the business owner's objectives.

1.5 Objectives:
Goals and objectives define what has to be done.  A goal is simply a broad statement of what you
want to do. The objectives are sub-goals, more detailed, that explain what must be done to
achieve the goal. Your project should have only one goal but may have several objectives.

 Goal (more broad): We want to move the office to Houston, Texas.

 Objective (more specific): Locate an office in Houston.
 Objective (more specific): Arrange for personnel and equipment transfer
 Objective (more specific): Transfer equipment and furnishings

1.6 Feasibility:

A feasibility study is performed by a company when they want to know whether a project is
possible given certain circumstances. Feasibility studies are undertaken under many
circumstances – to find out whether a company has enough money for a project, to find out
whether the product being created will sell, or to see if there are enough human resources for the
project. A good feasibility study will show the strengths and deficits before the project is planned
or budgeted for. By doing the research beforehand, companies can save money and resources in
the long run by avoiding projects that are not feasible. There are many different types of
feasibility studies; here is a list of some of the most common:

1.6.1 Technical Feasibility – Does the team have the technological resources to undertake the
project? Are the processes and procedures conducive to project success?

1.6.2 Schedule Feasibility – Does the team currently have the time resources to undertake the
project? Can the project be completed in the available time?

1.6.3 Economic Feasibility – Given the financial resources of the company/team, is the project
something that can be completed? The economic feasibility study is more commonly called the
cost/benefit analysis.

1.6.4 Cultural Feasibility – What will be the impact on both local and general cultures? What
sort of environmental implications does the feasibility study have?

1.6.5 Legal/Ethical Feasibility – What are the legal implications of the project? What sort of
ethical considerations are there? You need to make sure that any project undertaken will meet all
legal and ethical requirements before the project is on the table.

1.6.6 Resource Feasibility – Do you have enough resources, what resources will be required,
what facilities will be required for the project, etc.

1.6.7 Operational Feasibility – This measure how well you will be able to solve problems and
take advantage of opportunities that are presented during the course of the project

1.7 Requirements:
1.7.1 Functional Requirements
Any requirement which precisely specifies what the system should do is called functional
requirement of the system. In other words, a functional requirement will describe a particular
behavior of function of the system when certain conditions are met, for example: “Send email
when a new customer signs up” or “Open a new account”.
(Write down all functional requirements of your system in the format given below. Given is an
example :)
FR01: Provide user name and password to log in
FR01-01 System shall get Username and Password from user
FR01-02 System should authenticate user name and password
FR01-03 System shall let the user to log in if information is valid
If information is not valid then system will display message to get the
account by admin
FR02: Create user account
FR02-01 System shall allow admin to create accounts for faculty members
FR02-02 System shall collect necessary details in this regard.

1.7.2 Non- Functional Requirements

Any requirement which specifies how the system performs a certain function is called non-
functional requirement. In other words, a non-functional requirement will describe how a system
should behave and what limits there are on its functionality. Non-functional requirements
generally specify the system’s quality attributes or characteristics, for example: “Modified data
in a database should be updated for all users accessing it within 2 seconds.” Typical non-
functional requirements include: Performance – for example: response time, throughput,
utilization, static volumetric, Scalability, Capacity, Availability, Reliability, Recoverability,
Maintainability, Serviceability, Security, Regulatory, Manageability, Environmental, Data
Integrity, Usability, Interoperability. [2]

NFR01: System shall remain available 24/7 to its users.

NFR02: System shall have two types of users i.e., admin and client.
NFR02: System shall provide tooltip for every option/button.

1.7.3 Hardware Requirements
(List minimum hardware requirement to run your project on user’s side. Below is the hardware
requirement example for a website)
Processor: Pentium(R) Core i3 CPU or more
Hard Disk: 40GB or more
RAM: 256MB or more
1.7.4 Software Requirements
(List minimum software requirement to run your project on user’s side. Below is the software
requirement example for a website)
Operating System: Windows10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7
Browser: Google Chrome, Firefox, Mozilla etc.

1.8 Stakeholders:
Stakeholders are different people who would be interested in the software or Stakeholders are all
those with an interest or role in the project or who are impacted by the project.
We need to understand that it is the actual user who will eventually use the system and hence
accept or reject the product. Therefore, ignoring the needs of any user class may result in the
system failure. Below picture depicts involvement level of different categories of stakeholders.
Identify your project’s stakeholders carefully.

Figure 1.1 Stakeholders


2.1 Process Model:

(Describe the significance of process model you choose. For example: if we Chose Agile then
briefly describe about its significance and how Agile fits with your project) Agile model is Rapid
Application Development model. It is a type of incremental model. In Agile model the
components or functions are developed in parallel as if they were mini projects. The
developments are time boxed, delivered and then assembled into a working prototype. This can
quickly give the customer something to see and use and to provide feedback regarding the
delivery and their requirements. [2]


Evolution Design

Testing Implementation

Figure 2.2 Agile Activities

2.2 Tools & Technologies

Briefly describe tools to be used in project development (one line each). For example: MS Visual
Studio, NetBeans, PHP, Adobe Photoshop, MySQL etc.

2.3 Design:
Note: Given below are some generic software design diagrams. However more design/UML
content can be added according to the requirement and nature of your project.

2.3.1 Use Case Diagrams:

A use case is a functionality the users need from the system. A use case diagram depicts the
relationships among the actors and use cases. Generally, a single use case is supposed to cover
all the actions or events that an actor can perform on the system at one go. The size of use case
should not be very large or very small. For example, Add User, Manage Profile, View Sales
Report, Update Order etc. are good medium size use cases. Whereas Enter Password, Display
Error Message etc. are very small use cases and Manage Sale & Purchase is a very large use

The components in a use case diagram include:


Actors are first thing you need to find for the use case diagram. Actors represent external entities
of the system. These can be people or things, such as external hardware that interact with the
system. For example, if an online store is being modeled there can be more than one actor that
interacts with the store functionality. Such as the Customer and stocker will be the actors in the
system. It is represented simply by a stick figure with its name at the bottom of it.

Use Cases:

Use cases are functional parts of the system. They figure out what actions/functionalities a user
will perform. Use cases are basically the functional requirements that you have pointed out in the
functional and non-functional requirements topic. For example: The customer "browses the
catalog", "chooses items to buy", and "pays for the items". Here browse catalog, buy item and
pay for item are the use cases. Many actors can share a single use cases. The notation for a use
case is an ellipse. As it is displayed below:


Associations between actors and use cases are indicated in use case diagrams by solid lines. An
association exists whenever there is direct interaction between actor and use case.   Associations
are modeled as lines connecting use cases and actors to one another, with an arrowhead on one
end of the line.

System boundary:

System’s boundary is drawn by a rectangle that contains use cases. The actors are placed outside
the system boundary and use cases inside it.

Relationship between Use cases:

i) Include/Uses:
Include relationship is a relationship in which one use case (the base use case) includes the
functionality of another use case (the inclusion use case). <<include>> use cases must be used
by the use cases that use them before the latter can be complete. It is displayed in the diagram
editor as a dashed line with an open arrow pointing from the base use case to the inclusion use
case. The keyword «include» is attached to the connector.

ii) Extend:

A use case extends another use case to do more than the latter. It extends the functionality of one
use case to further level. is displayed in the diagram editor as a dashed line with an open
arrowhead pointing from the extension use case to the base use case. The arrow is labeled with
the keyword «extend».

Use Case Diagram:

Figure 2.3 Use Case Diagram

2.3.2 Usage Scenario

Usage scenario is the actual text-based representation of the use case, among various
representation methods discussed above. A usage scenario is likely to have various sections
depending upon the level of details required in a given system. There is no fixed standard so far
for number of sections in a use case (usage scenario).
Following is a typical table structure for usage scenario, note that it is not mandatory to write a
usage scenario in the table format only, and it is likely that you will find different structures for
the same representation.

Use Case Title Write Title Here (must match use case title in use case diagram)

Abbreviated Title
Use Case Id
Requirement Id

Pre Conditions:
Task Sequence Exceptions
Post Conditions:
Unresolved issues:
Modification history:

Let’s explore each section from the template provided above. (you have to make only usage
scenario tables, below is description of its each part)

 Use Case Title

It is the name or label of the use case for which we are writing the usage scenario. Generally
it must start with a Verb and it should consist of 2 to 4 words e.g. Add User, Manage User
Roles etc.

Use Case Title Add User

 Use Case Id
Sometimes use cases are indexed for better reference in overall project
documentation/artifacts. This can be any form of series e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc. Priority based use
case id is another famous use for this section. Use cases are indexed to present their
importance in the system. You would want to set ascending or descending rating or priority
for all use cases i.e. the most important use cases are ranked higher so that the project team
knows what should be implemented first in the upcoming phases/deliverable of the project.
 Requirement Id
The purpose of this section is same as ‘Use Case Id’ section. The number written against this
section represents the corresponding functional requirements this use case belongs to. It is
compulsory to index all the functional requirements properly before this section can be used:

Requirement Id 3

 Description
It should be a very brief description of the use case under discussion. Generally this portion
should consist of 2/3 lines.

Description This use case is about adding a new user to existing

system with the privileges defined at time of user
account creation.

 Pre-Conditions
This section should enlist what must be true before this use case can be performed.

Pre Conditions:
1. All must-required information about the new user should be available.
2. Database should be available in online mode.

 Task Sequence & Exceptions

This is the most important section of the usage scenario. It is also referred as Success
Scenario, Actions, (or simply) Scenario. This should be a list of actor’s interaction with the
use case.

Task Sequence Exceptions

1. Administrator opts to Add a new user account.
2. System asks for necessary information
3. Administrator provides all the required information and opts to
complete the operation.
4. System after confirmation adds the new account.
5. System sends the account creation email to the administrator’s email
id and user’s email address.
6. A log is saved on the successful operation of the use case.

Alternate scenarios could be more than one; in this case, it will be better to make a bold
heading to show each alternate scenario separately. Again, there can be multiple ways to
show the alternate scenarios.
Exceptions are any unhandled scenarios that must be discussed under this section. Sometimes
there are ambiguous situations in start of project that might hurdle the flow of events in the
Task Sequence portion. In such situations the details are provided in the Exceptions section.
Generally, this section should be left blank as in case of final project, you will get fixed
requirements at the start and thus there should be no ambiguity.

 Post Conditions

The conditions that must be true depending upon the successful use case are mentioned in
this section.

Post Conditions:
 A new user account is successfully created.

 Unresolved Issues
In addition to the Exceptions portion, we write unresolved issues (if any) in this section, so
that in later phases (when the situation gets more clear).
Just like Exceptions section, this will be generally left blank (or its row can be deleted from
the use case table-structure.
 Authority
The role that is allowed to perform this use case, in our current example it will be
 Modification History
If a use case is updated in later stages of the project development, the versioning information
should be mentioned in this section (version can be a series such as 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 or 1.1, 1.2,
1.3 etc.)
 Author
It means the author of this usage scenario. Put your project/group id in this section.
 Description
Any more details about author, revision of the use case should be provided in this section.
So final usage scenario is as follows:

Table 2. 1: Add User

Use Case Title Add User

Use Case Id 1
Requirement Id 3
Description: This use case is about adding a new user to existing system with the privileges defined at
time of user account creation.
Pre Conditions:
1. All must-required information about the new user should be available.
2. Database should be available in online mode.
Task Sequence Exceptions
1. Administrator opts to add a new user account.
2. System asks for necessary information.
3. Administrator provides all the required information and opts to complete the
4. There is a problem in the data provided; some data needs to be corrected.
 Administrator checks the available information and corrects the error.
 Administrator continues from the step 3.
5. System after confirmation adds the new account.

6. System sends the account creation email to the administrator’s email id and
user’s email address.
7. A log is saved on the successful operation of the use case.
Post Conditions:
- A new user account is successfully created.
Unresolved issues:
Authority: Administrator
Modification history: 1.0
Author: <Project or Group ID>

Important Points:

 There should be a usage scenario for each use case from use case diagram e.g. if there are
(let say) 10 use cases in use case diagram, then there must be 10 separate usage scenarios
(i.e. one for each).
 Title of use cases in use case diagram and in the usage scenario must be same.
 As said earlier, there is no standard for any fixed sections in usage scenario, so if you
don’t have anything to write in a particular section, then just leave it blank or delete its
row/cell from the table. It is important to note that some sections are very common across
different representations of usage scenarios and such sections should not be removed/kept
blank at all. These sections are: Use Case Title, Pre-Conditions, Post Conditions, Task
Sequence, Author etc. Again, it all depends upon the situation and level of details
required in a given system.
 Generally, a good approach for Task Sequence portion is not to mention very small GUI
level details such as:
‘Administrator clicked on Submit button’
‘System shows the confirmation message’
2.3.3 Sequence Diagram:
A sequence diagram simply depicts interaction between objects in a sequential order i.e. the
order in which these interactions take place. We can also use the terms event diagrams or event
scenarios to refer to a sequence diagram. Sequence diagrams describe how and in what order the
objects in a system function. These diagrams are widely used by businessmen and software
developers to document and understand requirements for new and existing systems.
Sequence Diagram Notations:
Actors – An actor in a UML diagram represents a type of role where it interacts with the system
and its objects. It is important to note here that an actor is always outside the scope of the system
we aim to model using the UML diagram.
Class Roles or Participants:

Class roles describe the way an object will behave in context. Use the UML object symbol to
illustrate class roles, but don't list object attributes.

Activation or Execution Occurrence:

Activation boxes represent the time an object needs to complete a task. When an object is busy
executing a process or waiting for a reply message, use a thin gray rectangle placed vertically on
its lifeline.

Messages are arrows that represent communication between objects. Use half-arrowed lines to
represent asynchronous messages. Asynchronous messages are sent from an object that will not
wait for a response from the receiver before continuing its tasks. For message types, see below.

Lifelines are vertical dashed lines that indicate the object's presence over time.

Destroying Objects
Objects can be terminated early using an arrow labeled "<< destroy >>" that points to an X. This
object is removed from memory. When that object's lifeline ends, you can place an X at the end
of its lifeline to denote a destruction occurrence.

A repetition or loop within a sequence diagram is depicted as a rectangle. Place the condition for
exiting the loop at the bottom left corner in square brackets [ ].

Sequence Diagram Example (for item return use case):

Note: Make sequence diagram for each use case illustrated in use case diagram

Figure 2.4 Sequence Diagram

2.3.4 Class Diagram:

A class diagram is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by
showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships
among objects. For further reading visit: https://creately.com/blog/diagrams/class-diagram-
relationships/. Below is the class diagram for library management system discussed above.

Figure 2.5 Class Diagram

2.3.5 Data Flow Diagram:

A data flow diagram (DFD) maps out the flow of information for any process or system. It uses
defined symbols like rectangles, circles and arrows, plus short text labels, to show data inputs,
outputs, storage points and the routes between each destination. A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is
traditional visual representation of the information flows within a system. A neat and clear DFD
can depict a good amount of the system requirements graphically. It can be manual, automated,
or combination of both.

It shows how information enters and leaves the system, what changes the information and where
information is stored. The purpose of a DFD is to show the scope and boundaries of a system as

a whole. It may be used as a communications tool between a systems analyst and any person who
plays a part in the system that acts as the starting point for redesigning a system. [3]

It is usually beginning with a context diagram as the level 0 of DFD diagram, a simple
representation of the whole system. To elaborate further from that, we drill down to a level 1
diagram with lower level functions decomposed from the major functions of the system. This
could continue to evolve to become a level 2 diagram when further analysis is required.
Progression to level 3, 4 and so on is possible but anything beyond level 3 is not very common.
Please bear in mind that the level of details for decomposing particular function really depending
on the complexity that function. For further reading use the link given below:

DFD Diagram Notations

External Entity
An external entity can represent a human, system or subsystem. It is where certain data comes
from or goes to. It is external to the system we study, in terms of the business process. For this
reason, people used to draw external entities on the edge of a diagram.

A process is a business activity or function where the manipulation and transformation of data
takes place. A process can be decomposed to finer level of details, for representing how data is
being processed within the process. 

Data Store
A data store represents the storage of persistent data required and/or produced by the process.
Here are some examples of data stores: membership forms, database table, etc.  

Data Flow
A data flow represents the flow of information, with its direction represented by an arrow head
that shows at the end(s) of flow connector. 

Context Diagram:

Figure 2.6 Context Diagram

Level 0:

Figure 2.7 Level 0 DFD

Level 1:

Figure 2.8 Level 1 DFD

Also include Data Dictionary in this section.

2.3.6 ER Diagram:

An entity relationship model, also called an entity-relationship (ER) diagram, is a graphical

representation of entities and their relationships to each other, typically used in computing in
regard to the organization of data within databases or information systems. An entity is a piece of
data-an object or concept about which data is stored. To learn more about ERD visit:
Below is example of ERD between customer and invoices in any xyz E-Billing system.

Figure 2.9 Entity Relationship Diagram

2.3.7 Database Model:

A database model shows the logical structure of a database, including the relationships and
constraints that determine how data can be stored and accessed. Individual database models are
designed based on the rules and concepts of whichever broader data model the designers adopt.

Most data models can be represented by an accompanying database diagram. Below is an
example for library management system. [4] To read more about designing database model visit:

Figure 2.10 Database Model

2.3.8 Architecture:
3-Tier: (or N- Tier/multitier, chose whatever best suits your project nature)
A 3-tier architecture is a type of software architecture which is composed of three “tiers” or
“layers” of logical computing. They are often used in applications as a specific type of client-
server system. 3-tier architectures provide many benefits for production and development
environments by modularizing the user interface, business logic, and data storage layers. Doing
so gives greater flexibility to development teams by allowing them to update a specific part of an

application independently of the other parts. This added flexibility can improve overall time-to-
market and decrease development cycle times by giving development teams the ability to replace
or upgrade independent tiers without affecting the other parts of the system.
Presentation Tier- The presentation tier is the front-end layer in the 3-tier system and consists
of the user interface. This user interface is often a graphical one accessible through a web
browser or web-based application and which displays content and information useful to an end
user. This tier is often built on web technologies such as HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, or through
other popular web development frameworks, and communicates with other layers through API
Application Tier- The application tier contains the functional business logic which drives an
application’s core capabilities. It’s often written in Java, .NET, C#, Python, C++, etc.
Data Tier- The data tier comprises of the database/data storage system and data access layer.
Examples of such systems are MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB,
etc. Data is accessed by the application layer via API calls.

Figure 2.11 Application Architecture


In this chapter discuss overall performance or all functional and non-functional requirements you
listed in chapter no. 1 as this section will verify the performance measures proposed for this
project. For this software testing plays a vital role.

3.1 Testing:
Software testing is a process, to evaluate the functionality of a software application with an intent
to find whether the developed software met the specified requirements or not and to identify the
defects to ensure that the product is defect free in order to produce the quality product. In this
regard, Test case writing is a major activity and considered as one of the most important parts of
software testing. It is used by the testing team, development team as well as the management. If
there is no documentation for an application, we can use test case as a baseline document. Below
are some suggestions for writing good test cases:

3.2 Test Cases:

Test cases need to be simple and transparent
Create test cases that are as simple as possible. They must be clear and concise as the author of
the test case may not execute them.
Use assertive language like go to the home page, enter data, click on this and so on. This makes
the understanding the test steps easy and tests execution faster.
Create Test Case with End User in Mind
The ultimate goal of any software project is to create test cases that meet customer requirements
and is easy to use and operate. A tester must create test cases keeping in mind the end user
Avoid test case repetition.
Do not repeat test cases. If a test case is needed for executing some other test case, call the test
case by its test case id in the pre-condition column
Do not Assume
Do not assume functionality and features of your software application while preparing test case.
Stick to the User Requirement Specification Documents.
Ensure 100% Coverage
Make sure you write test cases to check all software requirements mentioned in the specification
Test Cases must be identifiable.
Name the test case id such that they are identified easily while tracking defects or identifying a
software requirement at a later stage. [2]

Test Case Template Help:

 Test case ID: Unique ID is required for each test case.

 Test Title/Name: Test case title. E.g. verify login page with a valid username and
 Test priority (Low/Medium/High): This is very useful while test execution. Test priority
for business rules and functional test cases can be medium or higher whereas minor user
interface cases can be of a low priority. Test priority should always be set by the
 Requirements: Requirements for which this test case is being written for. Preferably the
exact section number of the requirement doc.
 Test Summary/Description: Describe the test objective in brief.
 Test Execution Date: Date when the test was executed.
 Pre-conditions: Any prerequisite that must be fulfilled before the execution of this test
case. List all the pre-conditions in order to execute this test case successfully.
 Dependencies: Mention any dependencies on the other test cases or test requirement.
 Test Steps: List all the test execution steps in detail. Write test steps in the order in which
they should be executed. Make sure to provide as many details as you can. Tip – In order
to manage a test case efficiently with a lesser number of fields use this field to describe
the test conditions, test data and user roles for running the test.
 Test Data: Use of test data as an input for this test case. You can provide different data
sets with exact values to be used as an input.
 Expected Result:  What should be the system output after test execution? Describe the
expected result in detail including message/error that should be displayed on the screen.
 Post-condition: What should be the state of the system after executing this test case?
 Actual result: Actual test result should be filled after test execution. Describe the system
behavior after test execution.
 Status (Pass/Fail): If actual result is not as per the expected result, then mark this test
as failed. Otherwise, update it as passed.
 Notes/Comments/Questions: If there are some special conditions to support the above
fields, which can’t be described above or if there are any questions related to expected or
actual results then mention them here. [3]

Test Case: User Login:
Below is test case format:

Table 3. 1: User login Test Case

Test Case ID: 1 or TC-1

Test Case Title: To verify the Login functionality of the application
Test Case Priority: High
Requirement: User Login
Test Description: This test will verify the user login process.

Test Date: mm/dd/yyyy

Pre-Conditions: 1. Run the application.
2. Click Sign in button.
Dependencies: Internet Availability
Test Steps: 1. Enter Valid user name and password and click Login
2. Click Sign Out
2. Without entering user name click sign in
3. Without entering password click sign in
4. Enter wrong password or user name and click sign in
Test Data Email id and password of user
Expected Results: 1. System should open home page.
2. Login page should be displayed.
2. An error message should be shown to enter user name
3. An error message should be shown to enter password
4. Error message should be shown to enter correct password and user id
Actual Results: As above
Post Conditions: System shows Dash board page of signed in user. In case of unauthorized sign in
attempt system shows the message “Invalid username/password”.
Status: (Pass/Fail) Pass
Other Comments: None

Similarly, continue Test Cases designing as above for your application. Create a test case for
each of the usage scenario provided in initial phases. [4]

3.3 Conclusion:
In the end of this chapter, this section will conclude the overall performance and results of test
cases, how many of them resulted in Pass or satisfactory status. Also, it will include the look and
feel or UI/UX aspects of the software. Whether UI is user friendly or much technical to use.
Discuss all possible aspects. (At least 350 words)

Chapter 4 - USER MANUAL

Paste screen shots of your application’s user interface and briefly describe use/function of each
option/button/link/field etc. present there. Following is example of a mobile app sign in page.

Figure 4.12 Signing in

Follow IEEE reference style to cite book, research paper (journal as well as conference
paper) and website references. At least 3 to 4 reference must be present in Chapter 1 and 2.


[1] T.-h. K. Praveen Ranjan Srivastava, "Application of Genetic Algorithm in Software

Testing," International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications , vol. 3, no. 4,
pp. 87-94, 2009.
[2] A. B. S. P. Dr. Velur Rajappa, "Efficient Software Test Case Generation Using Genetic," in
First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology,
ICETET '08,, 2008.
[3] A. P. mathur, Foundation of Software Testing 1st Edition, Pearson Education, 2008.
[4] "how to define scope of a project," [Online]. Available: https://www.totally.tech/how-to-

Formatting instructions:

Following formatting is already applied on the document. However, it is explicitly mentioned


 Minimum length of the Report: 30 pages

 Font style : Times New Roman
 Paragraph font size: 12pt
 Main Heading Size: 14pt + Bold (before and after spacing 12pt)
 Sub Heading Size: 13pt + Bold (before and after spacing 8pt)
 Sub sub heading size 12pt + bold (before and after spacing 6pt)
 Paragraph Alignment: Justified
 Picture/Chart Alignment: Center
 Picture/chart/table heading font: Times New Roman
 Picture/chart/table heading font size: 10pt, Italic, center alignment
 Picture caption goes under the picture without any extra line and line space
 Table caption goes above the table without any extra line and line space
 Table heading: Times New Roman, 10pt, Bold
 Table text: Times New Roman, 10pt
 Line Spacing: 1.15
 Left/Right/Top/Bottom Margins: 1 inch
 Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures Heading: Times New Roman. 14pt,
 Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures: Times New Roman. 12pt
 For Table of Contents, List of Tables & List of Figures use Roman number as page
number format in footer (center align)
 For Introduction onwards, use integer number as page number format in footer (center

For Submission:

Three hard binded copies of technical report are required with memory card (attached
with each copy) containing technical report and project (exe file + all source code).


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