Blen Report
Blen Report
Blen Report
Phone #:0914819128
This is to certify that BILLION BEREKET AKUR/0996/06 has successfully completed the
project work that was assigned to him as part of the internship program. I on
recommending this work as fulfillment for the requirement of installation & designing
department industrial training. I wish him success.
(TEL, ) E-mail,
Above all I would like to thank the ALMIGHTY GOD cas He is the base of all the successful
progress of my life as a whole and this study as a particular.I would like to express my special
thanks and heartfelt appreciation to my internship supervisors chief engineer Mentsegeba hagos
(Bsc), sinner office and site engineer Yonas (Bsc) and from department of human resource and
management (HRD) Mr. Alemayehu division head of training officer for their supporting and
valuable advising during the course of the internship and for their support by providing necessary
material that help me to safe completion of my internship program.
My next gratitude goes to all staffs of Aksum University as they provided me with all services
needed for the achievement of my goal in the last Three years stay and for department of water
resource and irrigation engineering for giving me this chance to upgrade my theoretical
knowledge by practice.
At the last but not the least, I would like to express my deepest respect to all technical staff
members of study, design and installation (SDI) department of my hosting company Bruh Tesfa
Irrigation and Water Technology Plc for their endless contribution for the successful completion
of my internship program and for my parents and others who helped me either financially,
technically or morally from a very beginning up to the end of my study thank u all.
This paper is a written report about the internship program which was planned to help students
grasp practical know-how on different Engineering projects. The program is very helpful for
students to upgrade their theoretical knowledge by practice and for improving their design,
implementation, evaluation and management capability in general.
In this report the back ground of my hosting company including its history and major
achievements, my overall internship experience, my tasks and the procedures that I followed, the
practical and theoretical knowledge I gained including the challenges I faced while performing
those tasks is described.
The content of the report is divided into six distinct chapters. The topics that are included are the
company’s background, material and methodology used, data analysis, result, and design work,
and my overall internship experience, benefits I gained from the program, my conclusions and
recommendations for the company. To assist the report for the discussed topics and ideas,
figurative illustrations and different pictures are included.
Acknowledgment…………............................................................................................................ i
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................... ii
2. MATERIAL AND METHODOLOGY USED .............................................................................. 19
2.1 Material used............................................................................................................................. 19
2.2 Specific Approach and Methodology used to Design ....................................................................................... 19
2.3 Irrigation Water Requirement ................................................................................................... 20
2.4 Design of drip and sprinkler laterals.......................................................................................... 21
2.4.1 Selection and design of drip emitters ............................................................................... 21 General Procedure .................................................................................................... 21 Wetting pattern and water distribution uniformity....................................................................... 21 Emitter pressure head and discharge ................................................................................................ 23
2.4.2 Efficiency of sprinkler emitters ................................................................................................................ 24
2.5Design of manifolds …............................................................................................................... 25
2.6 Daily operation hours ................................................................................................................ 25
2.7 Design of sub-main and main pipes .......................................................................................... 25
2.8 Lay out ....................................................................................................................................... 25
2.9 Water source .............................................................................................................................. 25
2.10 Field system ............................................................................................................................. 25
2.11 Irrigation Head ......................................................................................................................... 26
2.12 Operation Schedule of The system .......................................................................................... 26
3. DATA ANALYSIS, RESULT, AND DESIGN WORK ............................................................... 29
3.1 Preliminary Data ..................................................................................................................... 29
3.2 Automatic filtration system and fertilization equipment ........................................................ 29
3.2.1 Filtration system............................................................................................................. 29
3.2.2 Fertilization equipment .......................................................................................................................... 30
3.3 Determination of Required Plant Nutrient in Irrigation Water .............................................. 31
3.4 Irrigation System Design ........................................................................................................ 31
4. THE OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE ..................................................................... 35
4.1 How I get in to the company ............................................................................................... 35
4.2 Section of the company ....................................................................................................... 35
4.3 The Work flow in my section looks like ............................................................................. 36
4.4 Work executing ................................................................................................................... 36
4.5 performing my work task .................................................................................................... 36
4.6 Challenges that over came in the field work ....................................................................... 37
4.7 Measures that have been taken for the basic challenges ..................................................... 37
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 39
5.1 In terms of improving my practical skill ............................................................................. 39
5.2 In terms of upgrading my theoretical knowledge ............................................................... 39
5.3 In terms of improving interpersonal communication skill .................................................. 40
5.4 Interims of team playing skill ............................................................................................. 40
5.5 In terms of improving my leadership skill .......................................................................... 40
5.6 In terms of work ethics issue .............................................................................................. 41
5.7 In terms of entrepreneurship skills ...................................................................................... 41
CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................................................. 43
6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................... 43
6.1 CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………….....43
6.2 RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................... 44
6.2.1 Recommendation to my hosting company ………………………………………………44
6.2.2 Recommendation to the university .................................................................................. 44
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 45
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 1: organizational structure of the company ..................................................................... 5
Figure 2: Partial view of center pivot mechanized irrigation Project in Golgol Raya site ......... 7
Figure 3: family drip kit .............................................................................................................. 9
Figure 4: 315mm new HDPE pipe product............................................................................... 10
Figure 5: Partial View of Drip Irrigation Project under Operation in Alamata site ................. 13
Figure 6: Partial View of sprinkler Irrigation project under operation in Mohoni site............. 14
Figure 7: Dripper wetting diameter versus discharge for major soil types ............................... 23
Figure 8: Automatic fertilization and filtration system equipment ........................................... 31
Table1. General profile data of BTIWT ..................................................................................... 2
Table2. Selection of appropriate irrigation system for the proposed crops (drip/sprinkler ...... 18
Table3. Showing the wetted portion for three soil textures ...................................................... 22
Table4. Operation schedule ...................................................................................................... 27
INTERNSHIP REPORT ON BTIWT PLC 2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 1
My internship hosting company BruhTesfa Irrigation and Water technology PLC is one of the sister
companies of Endowment fund for rehabilitation of Tigray (EFFORT) which is Engaged in
agricultural cluster as well as manufacturing and supplying of modern Irrigation Technology, Water
supply system and other plastic pipe products which are used for Irrigation and water supply purpose.
This company is one of the leading Irrigation and Water technology Firms throughout the country.
This is why because it gives almost complete service on the sector and it‟s highly skilled manpower
on every department. I have discussed the following points in detail:
Detail description of the company and the site project.
Discussed on section of the company and site project.
Over all internship experience and its Benefit experience.
Conclusion and recommendation about site project and company.
To make it somehow attractive, I have prepared the body of this report classifying in different
Chapters from introduction through explaining the company's background and status, over all
internship experience along with its benefits up to conclusions and recommendations that I made
based on the internship results.
1.2 Brief history of the company
My internship hosting company BruhTesfa irrigation and water technology is a private limited
company specialized in study, design and installation of pressurized irrigation system and water
supply technology in which its main office is found in Mekelle (Tigray) and it is the famous general
contractor in Ethiopia, and the company has around 550 employers throughout the country. For over
11 years of experience Bruh Tesfa irrigation and water technology plc has developed its own
operational capacity that features extremely rapid mobilization, the fast truck method, paying close
attention to local areas and local communities whenever the construction sites are situated. The entire
group structure operates according to environmental, ethical and Professional principles under
INTERNSHIP REPORT ON BTIWT PLC 2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 2
the company‟s polices and strategies that conform to highest international criteria of governance and
The company has come too recognized on both regional and national sale within the water
technology industry growing in terms of operational structures, geographical reach and the size, and
scope of the contracts. The company has reached a point where greater engagement with both
internal and external stake holder. Sustainability is at the heart of the business philosophy and has
formed the basis of 50 years of continuous development.
1.3 General profile data of the company
Private Limited Company
Other Products
a. Polythene tube (tabular film )
b. Rigid and flexible conduits for building construction
1.7.2 Services of BTIWT
INTERNSHIP REPORT ON BTIWT PLC 2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 8
Complete surveying, study, design, installation, providing training, maintenance, consultancy service
& other services on both modern irrigation as well as water supply system.
1.7.3 Overall experience of the company
If you expect new experience and activities every time from the company you are absolutely right!
Some big projects performed and installed in the last 11 years by the company are listed below
PIS (pressurized Irrigation System)
Welkait Sugar Project about 3000hac
Golgol Raya modern Irrigation system more than 7 Investors
Selam Flower complete PIS installation works (Sebeta, Oromiya region)
Gamo Gofa Zone Investors in SNNP region
From those two types of Irrigation methods my Internship program is focused on pressurized
irrigation system (drip and sprinkler).
Pressurized Irrigation method includes:
1. Sprinkler Irrigation system
INTERNSHIP REPORT ON BTIWT PLC 2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 12
2. Drip Irrigation system and
3. Spray Irrigation system
The above points make Drip irrigation system the latest Irrigation method in our world when we
compare with sprinkler irrigation system.
High initial investment cost: since it is a permanent system it needs large quantity of pipes,
drippers and associated high quality equipments.
Sensitivity to clogging: this is the major problem of drip irrigation drippers tend to be clogged
after some time of operation Intensive and extensive equipment is needed to reduce.
INTERNSHIP REPORT ON BTIWT PLC 2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 13
Figure 5: Partial View of Drip Irrigation Project under Operation in Alamata site
Advantage and Disadvantage of sprinkler irrigation system
Easy to operate
Wetting of the whole area thus suitable for germination of many crops
With permanent and mechanical systems, operation is easy with minimal labor requirements
Not sensitive to clogging and can be used with water of bad physical quality
Sensitive to wind and water distribution uniformity is poor under wind conditions
Water losses due to: Wind drift, deep percolation, runoff, evaporation
Wetting the whole area which result in growth of weed, difficulties for farm
INTERNSHIP REPORT ON BTIWT PLC 2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 14
Figure 6: Partial View of sprinkler Irrigation project under operation in Mohoni site
The selection and use of a particular irrigation method is dependent on many factors
1. Topographic Survey (Geographical location) of the site
2. Climatic Data
3. Water Resource Data
4. Crop /Agronomy Data
5. Soil Data
Site information
Shortage of moisture is the main production-limiting factor in Tigray region in general and at the
project area in particular. The rainfall of the area is low, variable (erratic) and undependable. The
area is hit by recurrent drought and it is classified as chronically food unsecured area like other areas
of the Region. Therefore, to alleviate the moisture shortage problem and to increase production, it is
imperative to use other sources of water other than rainfall. To this end, private investors are using
their money and knowledge to utilize the opportunity presented by the Regional Government of
Tigray in implementing Boreholes for Drip and Sprinkler Pressurized Irrigation systems to irrigate
their land without waiting for the erratic and undependable rain in the area. DESTA BERHE
mechanized modern irrigation scheme is one of the schemes found in INTERNSHIP REPORT
ON BTIWT PLC 2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 15
Fachagamma area that is ready for installation of Pressurized irrigation system (Drip and Sprinkler)
systems to be implemented. Accordingly, this report is an integral part of the implementation of
DESTA BERHE MECHANIZED FARM, which comprises the general description of the site lay
out, the preliminary data used in the design, the design procedure followed, the property of the
materials to be supplied, specification and bill of quantities. The system is the result of new
technology and it is implemented using high initial cost and so needs a careful management and
follow up after installation of the system.
1.12.1 Objective of the project
The main objectives of the work are:
a. To prepare reasonable cost Design for DESTA BERHE MECHENIZED FARM based on the
preliminary data collected from site for the design of the system.
b. To arrange the operation schedules of the system to reduce the size and cost of pipes without
compromising the efficiency of the system.
c. To specify the elements of the system in detail to make purchase and production of material easy
and fast.
d. To assure a workable, manageable and affordable implementation and sustainable use of the land
and water resource of the site
The method of irrigation depends on crop types and generally, pressurized irrigation (drip &
sprinkler) irrigation methods are proposed as required. INTERNSHIP REPORT ON BTIWT
PLC 2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 18
Table2: Selection of Drip system Sprinkler system Remark
appropriate irrigation
system for the proposed
crops (drip/sprinkler
Crop types
Tomato Drip is preferable because sprinkler creates moist
environment on the leave that facilitate disease
Pepper Drip is preferable by planting by double row
Cabbage Drip is preferable by planting by double row
Swiss chard Drip is preferable by planting by double row
Green bean Drip in dry season
Oil and industrial crops
Groundnut Both of them are applicable
Cereals and pulse crops
Sorghum As a supplementary irrigation for wet season crop
rotation at dry season
Maize As a supplementary irrigation for wet season and crop
rotation at dry season
Teff As a supplementary irrigation for wet season
Field pea(Dekoko) As a supplementary irrigation for wet season and drip
for dry season by double row
Chick pea As a supplementary irrigation for wet season
2.1 Material used
We are used different types of materials in the design of the pressurized automatic remote controlled
irrigation system of Desta Berhe mechanized irrigation scheme. Some of the materials are:-
More HDPE pipes with their fittings
Electronic welding machines and more accessories which are used for our design work
Filtration machines, pumps and automatic fertilization equipment which are used for installation
of the system
And during the construction of our source of water which is well we use different materials such
as Concrete, Batch box, Vibrator, Hand compactor, Panel, Mixer, different diameter Bars and
Stirrups used for the base of the slab.
The greater the amount of reliable information used to formulate a design, the lesser will be the risk
of failure due to design. The basic data that were collected from the previous Studies Conducted on
the Project area, from Meteorological stations, sect oral offices and from the site to be used in the
design process includes: Topographic data, Climate, Water Resource, Soil, irrigation Agronomy
related data, crops in need to be grown and their pattern, preference of blocking system, minimum
plot size, preference of drip and Sprinkler combination (fixed, exchangeable) and other related points
is identified and determined during the study work.
2.3 Irrigation Water Requirement
Prediction of crop and irrigation water requirement is an important factor to plan, design and
implement economical, effective and efficient systems. The peak demand on crop water requirement
was examined and compared to the water supply system capacity. Since manual computation is
difficult and time consuming, a computer program developed by FAO (crop water 4. window) has
been used to calculate and analyze the data collected on climate, crop, soil etc… indicated above.
Based on the climate data collected and analyzed, ETO has been determined for the project site in
Raya Azebo using appropriate equation, which depends on availability of weather information. The
kc value for the proposed crop at different growing stage used to multiply with ETO and therefore
estimate the ET crop. Then we take the maximum ET crop of a given month with in the growing
period for design purpose. Therefore, we have taken 5 mm/day which is the maximum ETC during
the growing period of the proposed crops from the previous and present agronomy study of Raya
valley Alamata and Raya Azebo Sub basin. INTERNSHIP REPORT ON BTIWT PLC
2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 21
2.4 Design of drip and sprinkler laterals
The design of drip laterals along the manifold is performed in such a way that the change in flow
along the lateral from each of the drippers should not exceed 10% of the actual nominal flow of
dripper and sprinkler that is 2 Lph and 300 Lph consecutively. The change in pressure along the
lateral at each of the drippers should not exceed 20% of the actual nominal operating pressure of the
dripper 10m and of the sprinkler 20m.
The result of calculation of design of Drip lateral and sprinkler lateral is summarized in Annex.
2.4.1 Selection and design of drip emitters General Procedure
Selection of an appropriate emitter requires a combination of objective and subjective judgments.
The choice of discharge, emitter spacing and emitter type is major component of the system
planning. To select a specific emitter area to be wetted, required discharge according to the system,
spacing and other planning factors shall be considered. Then, the required discharge (Qa) and
pressure head (Ha) for average emitter are determined. In selecting the specific emitter both for drip
and sprinkler emitters efficiency of the system shall have to be determined. From availability and
cost point of view, 2 Lph BT integrated cylindrical dripper 16 mm diameter pipe is selected for drip
system. The coefficient of variability for this dripper is 2.67% which is a Class A dripper from BT
catalog book. Wetting pattern and water distribution uniformity
In order to evaluate the Wetting Portion, the monographs produced by empirical relationships of the
wetting diameter and the dripper discharge for the major soil types are used
The percentage of the wetted area (PW) of a lateral is the ratio of the wetted areas to the area served
by an emitter
PW (%) = Where, 100 **4 * 14.32 rb D INTERNSHIP REPORT ON BTIWT PLC
2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 22
D = Wetting Diameter
r = Spacing between laterals
b= Spacing between emitters
PW=Percentage of wetted area
The Emission uniformity (EU) combines variation due to emitters manufacturer variance and
Variation due to pressure, this as a design parameter is determined by:
Where, 100 * * ( 27 . 1 1 Qavg Qn CVm EU
CV m = manufacturers coefficient of variation
Q min= minimum emitter discharge due to pressure
Q avg =mean emitter discharge due to pressure
Table3: Soil Textures Wetted Portion
Showing the
portion for
three soil
textures S.No
1 Coarse soil 0.442
2 Medium Soil 1.476
3 Fine soil 3.21
For this specific project, we are going to install manual fertilization system with one injector at head
system with full accessories. INTERNSHIP REPORT ON BTIWT PLC 2015 Prepared by
Yemane W/dawit Page 31
Figure 8: Automatic fertilization and filtration system equipment
3.3 Determination of Required Plant Nutrient in Irrigation Water
From fertilizer requirement per hectare, say 30Kg/ha of P2O5
For our plot size of 0.5 ha, 15 Kg of P2O5 is required.
Taking injection rate(R) = 0.7
For 1.08hr time of irrigation, t injection = 0.7x 1.08 =0.756 hr
CNIW=(WFx1000)/(Q irr wx(t app x R))=(15 x 1000)/(10.91 x 0.756 hr)
= 1818.71 gm/m3
Where, CNIW = concentration of nutrient in irrigation water
WF = weight of fertilizer (Kg)
Q irr.w = Discharge of drip irrigation in to which fertilizer is to be injected (m 3/hr)
T app = time of application (hr)
R = injection rate taken to be 0.7
T injection = injection time
CNS = (CNIW x Q irr.w)/ Qin. Flow
= 1818.71 x 10.91/100
= 198.42 gm/liter
This is by taking, 100 Lph, and injection flow rate from reading on flow meter of Fertilization
For 100L tanker, it is possible to prepare a solution containing 7.49 ~ 7.5Kg of fertilizer and during 1
hr injection time of this solution at the rate of 100 L/h, total 7.5Kg of required nutrient will be
injected in to irrigation water.
3.4 Irrigation System Design
This estimation is made after detail design of the system.
Basic data estimation
INTERNSHIP REPORT ON BTIWT PLC 2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 32
System‟s capacity……………………………………………..........................144.72 m3/hr
Net daily water requirement……………………………………………………..…5mm/hr
Irrigation efficiency for drip system…………………………………………………...95%
Irrigation efficiency for Sprinkler system……………………………………………..85%
Gross daily water requirement for drip system…………………………………….5.26mm
Gross daily water requirement for sprinkler system………………………………5.88mm
Net irrigation area……………………………………………………………..………30ha
Size of plot………………………………………………………………………......0.50ha
No of plot………………………………………………………………………….....60
Basic data for the drip system
Out of these sections, the company assigned me in the design office section and participated in
installation of sprinkler & drip irrigation system and other related works also I have seen in my stay
such as; distribution of pipe underground like main line, sub main line, manifold, lateral.
INTERNSHIP REPORT ON BTIWT PLC 2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 36
4.3 The Work flow in my section looks like
4.4 Work executing
My work executing in the installation of pipes was controlling different activity, especially;
Controlling exposed material during clearance and excavation of canal. Those materials were come
together with clay soil from the quarry site like small stones, roots of tree and other unwanted
material. If the trench is compacted together with these materials the amount of seeping water from
time to time can be increased, and the foundation of the canal finally can be exposed to seepage and
structural failure. Then, during compaction of canal controlling these materials is mandatory for the
purpose of canal safety.
NB; controlling of these activities were performed with the help of supervisor, site engineers and
other workers of in the site.
4.5 performing my work task
This activity was very good and developed from week to week by helping member of RAYA site. At
the introduction part everything was new for me specially, the installation part but after two weeks
these things was adopted and I was took remedial measurements INTERNSHIP REPORT ON
BTIWT PLC 2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 37
for reducing to this problem with my friends that was gone to gathers in site. My work performance
was measure the supervisor by taking different activities for purpose of result paper and attempt to
assimilate deep information in all distribution of sprinkler & drip irrigation system for further
knowledge. In generally by supporting such information this performance was very good in the
internship duration. Because my expecting have been to see and engaged in to an excellent filed
work. For the purpose of this I was gone from Mekelle to raya without any company payment, In
order to gain this experience transported 150km from Mekelle to the western Tigray and in that site
perform tasks that were given from my supervisor and project manager at exact time.
4.6 Challenges that over came in the field work
There were so many challenges facing in the field work, but from those the basic challenges that
have been faced in the given duration are;
Lack of new project site in the company:-Most projects that installed and constructed by the
company in Tigray region was finished before entering in to the Company, especially there is no
project near to Mekelle. But most of the time I work as an office engineer in the design office by
doing different assignments about how to design sprinkler & drip irrigation system until I go to
Golgol Raya site project.
Economic crises:-Was the main challenge that have been faced in my internship time starting from
transport up to leaving the site project, during in the field work and up to returned from the site to the
university. The total amount of money that given from the university was by this amount
of money life was difficult to me in my stay.
Weather condition:-The Weather condition of the site which is found in RAYA was difficult for
living due to its hot climatic condition. In other words it was scorching at day and wind at evening,
because of this the weather condition have been unsuitable for me for the given duration, expectedly
for the first three days.
4.7 Measures that have been taken for the basic challenges
For the lack of new project site in the company:-This problem was solved by discussing with the
head department of study, design and installation (SDI) ato Alemayoh for two days in the company
and assigned as to Raya irrigation project by writing INTERNSHIP REPORT ON BTIWT
PLC 2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 38
confirmative letter to supervisor chief engineer Siraj Osman and accept after reading that letter. This
project was starting on January by Bruh Tesfa irrigation & water technology plc.
Economic crises:-Was reduced by the help of my family and my hosting company Bruh Tesfa
irrigation and water technology plc was gave me 200 birr per day as pocket money during site visit
so my parents and my hosting company plays a great role to reduce my economic crises.
Weather condition:-this was reduced by using the following techniques
By dressing suitable clothes at day and night.
By the adaptation ability to weather condition and by eating foods which are suitable for the site
INTERNSHIP REPORT ON BTIWT PLC 2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 39
This internship program is very important to upgrade my theoretical knowledge to practical
knowledge. and is used to minimize challenges that have been faced in the university before.
In addition to that the program is used to learn communication skill and work ethics in all
5.1 In terms of improving my practical skill
In the last three years and half stay I have been learned most things theoretically, but this internship
program changes my theoretical knowledge to practical skill. because of this I have been lack of
visualization before the internship program, but after the internship duration this problem was
reduced from time to time by the help of my supervisor, project manager and other members of the
site, and also I gained some practical knowledge by visiting another project sites out of my hosting
company such as Zamra construction site in the main campus of Mekelle University which is Arid.
5.2 In terms of upgrading my theoretical knowledge
Theoretical knowledge was first obtained from the university within the three years and half
duration; during this duration the learning curriculum have been not more than enough supported by
practical skill. Because of this, the knowledge that I have obtained from the three years duration was
not more clearly, but in the internship program this problem was minimized and developed the ability
to understand by reading easily from time to time. Especially in the how to design sprinkler & drip
irrigation , how pipes installed underground, location of filter house, filter selection and etc. before
leaving to the field practice have been theoretically ambivalence with one another. In this program
such problem was understand to me more theoretically without confusion.
N.B Initial theoretical knowledge developed to practical knowledge and finally the result of those
two things was developed to modified theoretical knowledge that obtained from the field work.
INTERNSHIP REPORT ON BTIWT PLC 2015 Prepared by Yemane W/dawit Page 40
5.3 In terms of improving interpersonal communication skill
Internship program plays a great role in improving my Communication skill. This skill was
developed because of confused things that have been faced in my work during the design of
pressurized irrigation system. In order to reduce such problems the only measure that I have taken in
the field project was asking questions by blandly and patience to the supervisor and other member of
the site.
In addition to that I gathered and gained full data of the site from the company by using my
interpersonal communication skill.
The various uses of interpersonal communication skill are listed below.
To developed a working friendship with the egg.
To increase the ability of propagation.
Used to reduce retiring (coy) in the office and stage.
To develop the ability to be an interviewer with different office managers.
To approach different sorts of people who are from different aspects of life.
To improve inter personal relationship.