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Lesson7 - Activity

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Surigao del Sur State University

Bislig Campus
Education Department
Lesson 7
Answer Sheet



Using the table below, list down the different advantages and disadvantages
Activity of the different schools of thought in attaining good life and happiness.
1 ...1.

Science, Technology, and Society

of Thought
del Sur State University Advantages Disadvantages
Bislig Campus
Education Department
 They are market  People develop bad
1. Materialism participants, which emotions such as
implies they contribute selfishness, desire,
more to the country's jealousy, envy, and
economic development. hopelessness as a result
 For a materialistic of it.
individual, having such  Materialistic people are
Activity Answer the following
items questions briefly.
equates to ( 5 pts.
less happy and
2 ...1. accomplishing life goals grateful in life,
such as happiness, according to some
success, and research.
desirability.  They have a higher
1 What is a good life?  Desire for things can number of negative
lead to greater feelings and a lower
accomplishments, not number of happy
only in material items emotions. As a result,
(though that is a big individuals are more
part of it), but also in vulnerable to anxiety
other areas of life. disorders, depression,
and other related
 People who are
materialistic are less
concerned about the
environment and other
 Hedonistic  Hedonists' health is
2. Hedonism Utilitarianism, for harmed by addiction
example, offers a theory and excessive usage of
that states that the right alcohol and other drugs.
action is the one that  In times of extreme
provides the most net need, there may be
happiness for all parties resource exploitation.
involved.  People become greedy
 The concept focuses as a result of it.
solely on an individual's  Never consider or think
maximal happiness and about investing in his
minimal pain. future.
 It encourages  Some harmful
consumption, which behaviors that could
helps the economy provide hedonist
grow. pleasure, such as
 Some things that can drinking alcoholic
bring pleasure are also beverages and even
good for one's health, using illegal narcotics,
such as a glass of wine, cause them to become
which contains hedonists.
antioxidant flavonoids 
and can help prevent
heart disease.
 They have self-control,  Stoics have a difficult
3. Stoicism and their calm time dealing with
demeanor prevents troubles and pain on
them from getting into their own since they are
conflicts or quarrels. more likely to fight
 They appreciate being alone than than seek aid
alone and at peace with from others.
Science, Technology, and Society themselves.  They appeared
 Stoics are capable of emotionless and blank
being affectionate and because they are
Surigao del Sur State University
Bislig Campus
Education Department

Answer: A good life is a gratifying and fulfilling existence that might be defined as one that is
self-satisfied. Personal satisfaction, contentment, and enjoyment of life's minor pleasures
describe it. Things in this world, according to Plato, are not real and are simply copies of the
real in the world of forms. Change is so perplexing that it can only be understood if there are
two realities: the world of forms and the world of matter. Things in this world are
permanent. Having a good life is a blessing. That is the reason why we need to be happy
every day, no matter what happens, because being happy can make our life good.

2. What is the relationship between the good life and science?

Answer:The relationship between the good life and science is related. It is science that
provides a decent life for everyone, and it is science that feeds the quest for a good life.
Science has made many people's lives easier in this wide world where the number of
inventions is continually increasing.

3. Does technology always lead us to the good life? Support your answer.
Answer: For me, technology can lead us to a good life if we know how to handle or use
technology in a good way, not in a negative way. One of the benefits of technology in
leading a happy life is that it can make our jobs easier and allow us to investigate anything
if we have a difficult question. 

Science, Technology, and Society

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