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Source: MWCOG Round 6.3 Forecasts, Prepared by The Research & Technology Center, M-NCPPC

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Table 2.1 Forecast Growth in Households and Jobs by Policy Area, 2003 to 2030 Additional as Percent of total 8.

7% 27.9% 7.8% 86.9% 9.5% 20.9% 24.5% 8.5% 24.0% 28.0% 19.7% 83.3% 16.4% 58.3% 37.8% 5.8% 3.1% 11.5% 13.2% 13.1% 11.6% 53.5% 26.5% 85.2% 45.0% 3.8% 99.7% 50.0% 74.7% 19.7% 27.8% 32.9% 25.8% 27.6% 15.3% 37.9% 20.1% Additional as Percent of total 3.7% 14.8% 7.6% 68.2% 7.0% 3.6% 20.3% 22.0% 22.8% 21.1% 51.6% 52.8% 36.4% 1.7% 3.6% 6.0% 9.5% 12.1% 12.8% 4.1% 5.0% 41.9% 26.5% 10.8% 17.3% 5.4% 7.8% 3.9% 24.5% 20.0% 8.8% 2.9% 5.2% 10.4% 4.5% 15.9% 19.9%

2030 Households Policy Areas Aspen Hill Bethesda CBD Bethesda/Chevy Chase Clarksburg Cloverly Damascus Derwood Fairland/White Oak Friendship Heights Gaithersburg City Germantown East Germantown Town Center Germantown West Glenmont Grosvenor Kensington/Wheaton Montgomery Village/Airpark North Bethesda North Potomac Olney Potomac R & D Village Rockville City Shady Grove Silver Spring CBD Silver Spring/Takoma Park Twinbrook Wheaton CBD White Flint Total with Staging Ceilings Total Rural Area Darnestown/Travilah Goshen Patuxent Poolesville Rock Creek Montgomery County Total 26,237 8,771 30,543 12,222 5,852 4,261 7,442 29,533 4,375 29,949 9,505 2,281 23,428 2,557 4,998 34,261 18,972 15,893 10,044 12,690 18,877 6,263 25,284 2,347 9,723 30,253 1,105 4,062 5,077 396,805 23,195 5,346 6,811 4,309 3,540 3,189 420,000

Additional Households 2,280 2,445 2,375 10,615 558 890 1,825 2,505 1,050 8,390 1,870 1,900 3,846 1,490 1,891 2,000 590 1,825 1,330 1,660 2,195 3,350 6,701 2,000 4,371 1,142 1,102 2,030 3,795 78,018 6,450 1,760 1,755 1,188 540 1,208 84,468

2030 Jobs 8,562 46,575 54,056 14,338 1,524 2,772 25,475 40,387 12,318 68,184 17,611 7,281 16,725 971 668 19,757 17,309 69,893 2,223 7,442 13,014 26,445 115,828 4,824 42,610 22,217 12,426 11,907 10,764 694,106 10,894 1,185 1,669 3,022 2,395 2,623 705,000

Additional Jobs 319 6,908 4,101 9,779 107 99 5,177 8,870 2,813 14,355 9,090 3,841 6,080 16 24 1,189 1,636 8,427 284 306 654 11,071 30,746 521 7,362 1,191 973 465 2,635 139,039 961 35 87 314 108 417 140,000

Source: MWCOG Round 6.3 Forecasts, prepared by the Research & Technology Center, M-NCPPC

Table 2.2.1 Forecast Growth in Households and Jobs by Policy Area, 2003 to 2030 Ranked by Household Growth 2030 Households 12,222 29,949 25,284 9,723 23,428 5,077 6,263 29,533 8,771 30,543 26,237 18,877 4,062 34,261 2,347 2,281 4,998 9,505 7,442 15,893 12,690 2,557 10,044 30,253 1,105 4,375 4,261 18,972 5,852 396,805 Additional Households 10,615 8,390 6,701 4,371 3,846 3,795 3,350 2,505 2,445 2,375 2,280 2,195 2,030 2,000 2,000 1,900 1,891 1,870 1,825 1,825 1,660 1,490 1,330 1,142 1,102 1,050 890 590 558 78,018 Additional as Percent of total 86.9% 28.0% 26.5% 45.0% 16.4% 74.7% 53.5% 8.5% 27.9% 7.8% 8.7% 11.6% 50.0% 5.8% 85.2% 83.3% 37.8% 19.7% 24.5% 11.5% 13.1% 58.3% 13.2% 3.8% 99.7% 24.0% 20.9% 3.1% 9.5% 19.7% 2030 Jobs 14,338 68,184 115,828 42,610 16,725 10,764 26,445 40,387 46,575 54,056 8,562 13,014 11,907 19,757 4,824 7,281 668 17,611 25,475 69,893 7,442 971 2,223 22,217 12,426 12,318 2,772 17,309 1,524 694,106 Additional Jobs 9,779 14,355 30,746 7,362 6,080 2,635 11,071 8,870 6,908 4,101 319 654 465 1,189 521 3,841 24 9,090 5,177 8,427 306 16 284 1,191 973 2,813 99 1,636 107 139,039 Additional as Percent of total 68.2% 21.1% 26.5% 17.3% 36.4% 24.5% 41.9% 22.0% 14.8% 7.6% 3.7% 5.0% 3.9% 6.0% 10.8% 52.8% 3.6% 51.6% 20.3% 12.1% 4.1% 1.7% 12.8% 5.4% 7.8% 22.8% 3.6% 9.5% 7.0% 20.0%

Rank Policy Areas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Clarksburg Gaithersburg City Rockville City Silver Spring CBD Germantown West White Flint R & D Village Fairland/White Oak Bethesda CBD Bethesda/Chevy Chase Aspen Hill Potomac Wheaton CBD Kensington/Wheaton Shady Grove Germantown Town Center Grosvenor Germantown East Derwood North Bethesda Olney Glenmont North Potomac Silver Spring/Takoma Park Twinbrook Friendship Heights Damascus Montgomery Village/Airpark Cloverly Total with Staging Ceilings

Source: MWCOG Round 6.3 Forecasts, prepared by the Research & Technology Center, M-NCPPC Table 2.2.2 Forecast Growth in Households and Jobs by Policy Area, 2003 to 2030 Ranked by Percent Household Growth 2030 Households 1,105 12,222 2,347 2,281 5,077 2,557 6,263 4,062 9,723 4,998 29,949 8,771 25,284 7,442 4,375 4,261 9,505 23,428 10,044 12,690 18,877 15,893 5,852 26,237 29,533 30,543 34,261 30,253 18,972 396,805 Additional Households 1,102 10,615 2,000 1,900 3,795 1,490 3,350 2,030 4,371 1,891 8,390 2,445 6,701 1,825 1,050 890 1,870 3,846 1,330 1,660 2,195 1,825 558 2,280 2,505 2,375 2,000 1,142 590 78,018 Additional as Percent of total 99.7% 86.9% 85.2% 83.3% 74.7% 58.3% 53.5% 50.0% 45.0% 37.8% 28.0% 27.9% 26.5% 24.5% 24.0% 20.9% 19.7% 16.4% 13.2% 13.1% 11.6% 11.5% 9.5% 8.7% 8.5% 7.8% 5.8% 3.8% 3.1% 19.7% 2030 Jobs 12,426 14,338 4,824 7,281 10,764 971 26,445 11,907 42,610 668 68,184 46,575 115,828 25,475 12,318 2,772 17,611 16,725 2,223 7,442 13,014 69,893 1,524 8,562 40,387 54,056 19,757 22,217 17,309 694,106 Additional Jobs 973 9,779 521 3,841 2,635 16 11,071 465 7,362 24 14,355 6,908 30,746 5,177 2,813 99 9,090 6,080 284 306 654 8,427 107 319 8,870 4,101 1,189 1,191 1,636 139,039 Additional as Percent of total 7.8% 68.2% 10.8% 52.8% 24.5% 1.7% 41.9% 3.9% 17.3% 3.6% 21.1% 14.8% 26.5% 20.3% 22.8% 3.6% 51.6% 36.4% 12.8% 4.1% 5.0% 12.1% 7.0% 3.7% 22.0% 7.6% 6.0% 5.4% 9.5% 20.0%

Rank Policy Areas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Twinbrook Clarksburg Shady Grove Germantown Town Center White Flint Glenmont R & D Village Wheaton CBD Silver Spring CBD Grosvenor Gaithersburg City Bethesda CBD Rockville City Derwood Friendship Heights Damascus Germantown East Germantown West North Potomac Olney Potomac North Bethesda Cloverly Aspen Hill Fairland/White Oak Bethesda/Chevy Chase Kensington/Wheaton Silver Spring/Takoma Park Montgomery Village/Airpark Total with Staging Ceilings

Source: MWCOG Round 6.3 Forecasts, prepared by the Research & Technology Center, M-NCPPC

Table 2.3.1 Forecast Growth in Households and Jobs by Policy Area, 2003 to 2030 Ranked by Job Growth Additional as 2030 Additional Percent Rank Policy Areas Households Households of total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Rockville City Gaithersburg City R & D Village Clarksburg Germantown East Fairland/White Oak North Bethesda Silver Spring CBD Bethesda CBD Germantown West Derwood Bethesda/Chevy Chase Germantown Town Center Friendship Heights White Flint Montgomery Village/Airpark Silver Spring/Takoma Park Kensington/Wheaton Twinbrook Potomac Shady Grove Wheaton CBD Aspen Hill Olney North Potomac Cloverly Damascus Grosvenor Glenmont Total with Staging Ceilings 25,284 29,949 6,263 12,222 9,505 29,533 15,893 9,723 8,771 23,428 7,442 30,543 2,281 4,375 5,077 18,972 30,253 34,261 1,105 18,877 2,347 4,062 26,237 12,690 10,044 5,852 4,261 4,998 2,557 396,805 6,701 8,390 3,350 10,615 1,870 2,505 1,825 4,371 2,445 3,846 1,825 2,375 1,900 1,050 3,795 590 1,142 2,000 1,102 2,195 2,000 2,030 2,280 1,660 1,330 558 890 1,891 1,490 78,018 26.5% 28.0% 53.5% 86.9% 19.7% 8.5% 11.5% 45.0% 27.9% 16.4% 24.5% 7.8% 83.3% 24.0% 74.7% 3.1% 3.8% 5.8% 99.7% 11.6% 85.2% 50.0% 8.7% 13.1% 13.2% 9.5% 20.9% 37.8% 58.3% 19.7%

2030 Jobs 115,828 68,184 26,445 14,338 17,611 40,387 69,893 42,610 46,575 16,725 25,475 54,056 7,281 12,318 10,764 17,309 22,217 19,757 12,426 13,014 4,824 11,907 8,562 7,442 2,223 1,524 2,772 668 971 694,106

Additional Jobs 30,746 14,355 11,071 9,779 9,090 8,870 8,427 7,362 6,908 6,080 5,177 4,101 3,841 2,813 2,635 1,636 1,191 1,189 973 654 521 465 319 306 284 107 99 24 16 139,039

Additional as Percent of total 26.5% 21.1% 41.9% 68.2% 51.6% 22.0% 12.1% 17.3% 14.8% 36.4% 20.3% 7.6% 52.8% 22.8% 24.5% 9.5% 5.4% 6.0% 7.8% 5.0% 10.8% 3.9% 3.7% 4.1% 12.8% 7.0% 3.6% 3.6% 1.7% 20.0%

Source: MWCOG Round 6.3 Forecasts, prepared by the Research & Technology Center, M-NCPPC Table 2.3.2 Forecast Growth in Households and Jobs by Policy Area, 2003 to 2030 Ranked by Perentage Job Growth Additional as 2030 Additional Percent Rank Policy Areas Households Households of total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Clarksburg Germantown Town Center Germantown East R & D Village Germantown West Rockville City White Flint Friendship Heights Fairland/White Oak Gaithersburg City Derwood Silver Spring CBD Bethesda CBD North Potomac North Bethesda Shady Grove Montgomery Village/Airpark Twinbrook Bethesda/Chevy Chase Cloverly Kensington/Wheaton Silver Spring/Takoma Park Potomac Olney Wheaton CBD Aspen Hill Grosvenor Damascus Glenmont Total with Staging Ceilings 12,222 2,281 9,505 6,263 23,428 25,284 5,077 4,375 29,533 29,949 7,442 9,723 8,771 10,044 15,893 2,347 18,972 1,105 30,543 5,852 34,261 30,253 18,877 12,690 4,062 26,237 4,998 4,261 2,557 396,805 10,615 1,900 1,870 3,350 3,846 6,701 3,795 1,050 2,505 8,390 1,825 4,371 2,445 1,330 1,825 2,000 590 1,102 2,375 558 2,000 1,142 2,195 1,660 2,030 2,280 1,891 890 1,490 78,018 86.9% 83.3% 19.7% 53.5% 16.4% 26.5% 74.7% 24.0% 8.5% 28.0% 24.5% 45.0% 27.9% 13.2% 11.5% 85.2% 3.1% 99.7% 7.8% 9.5% 5.8% 3.8% 11.6% 13.1% 50.0% 8.7% 37.8% 20.9% 58.3% 19.7%

2030 Jobs 14,338 7,281 17,611 26,445 16,725 115,828 10,764 12,318 40,387 68,184 25,475 42,610 46,575 2,223 69,893 4,824 17,309 12,426 54,056 1,524 19,757 22,217 13,014 7,442 11,907 8,562 668 2,772 971 694,106

Additional Jobs 9,779 3,841 9,090 11,071 6,080 30,746 2,635 2,813 8,870 14,355 5,177 7,362 6,908 284 8,427 521 1,636 973 4,101 107 1,189 1,191 654 306 465 319 24 99 16 139,039

Additional as Percent of total 68.2% 52.8% 51.6% 41.9% 36.4% 26.5% 24.5% 22.8% 22.0% 21.1% 20.3% 17.3% 14.8% 12.8% 12.1% 10.8% 9.5% 7.8% 7.6% 7.0% 6.0% 5.4% 5.0% 4.1% 3.9% 3.7% 3.6% 3.6% 1.7% 20.0%

Source: MWCOG Round 6.3 Forecasts, prepared by the Research & Technology Center, M-NCPPC

Table 2.4 Policy Areas Ranking in the Bottom Third in Terms of Growth Slow Growth Chart 1 Job Growth Absolute Rank Policy Area 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Potomac Shady Grove Wheaton CBD Aspen Hill Olney North Potomac Cloverly Damascus Grosvenor Glenmont Slow Growth Chart 2 Job Growth percent Rank Policy Area 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Cloverly Kensington/Wheaton Silver Spring/Takoma Park Potomac Olney Wheaton CBD Aspen Hill Grosvenor Damascus Glenmont

Slow Growth Chart 3 Household Growth Absolute Rank Policy Area 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 North Bethesda Olney Glenmont North Potomac Silver Spring/Takoma Park Twinbrook Friendship Heights Damascus Montgomery Village/Airpark Cloverly

Slow Growth Chart 4 Household Growth Percent Rank Policy Area 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Olney Potomac North Bethesda Cloverly Aspen Hill Fairland/White Oak Bethesda/Chevy Chase Kensington/Wheaton Silver Spring/Takoma Park Montgomery Village/Airpark

Table 2.5 Policy Areas Ranking in theTop Third in Terms of Growth High Growth Chart 1 Job Growth Absolute Rank Policy Area 1 Rockville City 2 Gaithersburg City 3 R & D Village 4 Clarksburg 5 Germantown East 6 Fairland/White Oak 7 North Bethesda 8 Silver Spring CBD 9 Bethesda CBD 10 Germantown West High Growth Chart 3 Household Growth Absolute Rank Policy Area 1 Clarksburg 2 Gaithersburg City 3 Rockville City 4 Silver Spring CBD 5 Germantown West 6 White Flint 7 R & D Village 8 Fairland/White Oak 9 Bethesda CBD 10 Bethesda/Chevy Chase High Growth Chart 2 Job Growth percent Rank Policy Area 1 Rockville City 2 Gaithersburg City 3 R & D Village 4 Clarksburg 5 Germantown East 6 Fairland/White Oak 7 North Bethesda 8 Silver Spring CBD 9 Bethesda CBD 10 Germantown West High Growth Chart 4 Household Growth Percent Rank Policy Area 1 Clarksburg 2 Germantown Town Center 3 Germantown East 4 R & D Village 5 Germantown West 6 Rockville City 7 White Flint 8 Friendship Heights 9 Fairland/White Oak 10 Gaithersburg City

Table 2.6

Master Plan of Highways

Unbuilt Road Widenings

Policy Area Aspen Hill Aspen Hill Aspen Hill (North Bethesda) Aspen Hill (K/W, Wheaton CBD) Bethesda/Chevy Chase Clarksburg Clarksburg Clarksburg (Goshen) Clarksburg (Goshen) Clarksburg (Germantown East) Clarksburg (Goshen) Cloverly

Name Aspen Hill Road Georgia Avenue

Functional Classification From A Connecticut Avenue M Norbeck Road

To Veirs Mill Road Turkey Branch (Matthew Henson State Park)

Existing Lanes 2 6D

Planned Lanes 4 None 6D + transitway None


Veirs Mill Road

Rockville City Limits

Turkey Branch



Veirs Mill Road River Road Brink Road (Germantown East) Clarksburg Road Frederick Road Ridge Road Ridge Road Stringtown Road Norwood Road Darnestown-Germantown Road (MD 118)


Turkey Branch Ridgefield Road Frederick Road Proposed Road (A304) Comus Road Midcounty Highway I-270 I-270 Ednor Road Darnestown Road

Georgia Avenue Little Falls Parkway Midcounty Highway Stringtown Road/Gateway Center Drive Midcounty Highway Skylark Road Midcounty Highway Piedmont Road New Hampshire Avenue Great Seneca Creek

4D-6D 4 2 2 2 2 2-4 2 2 2

6D 6D 4D

Facility Planning Section from Turkey Branch to Randolph Road in Facility Planning None None

Est. Capital Cost ($M) Length (Miles) 1.6 $ 3 Incl In Ga. Ave n/a Busway Incl. In Montrose Pkwy East n/a

2.7 $ 0.4 $ 1.1 $ 0.3 $ 0.5 $ 1.2 $ 2.0 $ 1.5 $ 2.0 $ 1.4 $

8 1 5 2 5 2 15 10 5 2

6D None 2 with 50' transitway None 4D None 6D 4D 4 2-4 None None None None

Darnestown/Travilah Derwood (Clarksburg, Gaithersburg, Germantown East, Germantown West, Goshen, North Potomac, Rockville) I-270

Frederick County Line Rockville City Limits



Derwood (Shady Grove) Fairland / White Oak Fairland / White Oak Fairland / White Oak Fairland / White Oak Fairland / White Oak Fairland / White Oak Fairland / White Oak Fairland / White Oak

Redland Road Briggs Chaney Road Briggs Chaney Road Briggs Chaney Road Fairland Road Fairland Road Greencastle Road Plum Orchard Drive Prosperity Drive


Muncaster Mill Road Crabbs Branch Way Dogwood Drive Columbia Pike Old Columbia Pike East Randolph Road Paint Branch Columbia Pike Cherry Hill Road Industrial Parkway Prince George's County Line Dogwood Drive Columbia Pike Paint Branch Prince George's County Line Prince George's County Line Broadbirch Road Cherry Hill Road

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

36' 4 4D 4 4 2-4 4 4 4

DEIS Project planning for new section btw Crabbs Branch and Muncaster Mill for 4 lanes, road to be reclassified to arterial with 80' ROW in upcoming area master plans None None None None None None None None



2.0 $ 0.6 0.9 0.2 1.0 $ $ $ $

3 0.80 2 0.50 1 2 2 1 0.80

2.5 $ 1.6 $ 0.7 $ 0.5 $

Table 2.6

Master Plan of Highways

Unbuilt Road Widenings

Policy Area Gaithersburg City (North Potomac) Gaithersburg City (North Potomac) Germantown West

Name Clopper Road Longdraft Road Clopper Road

Functional Classification M A M



Existing Lanes 2 2 2

Planned Lanes 4-6 4 6 None None None


Length (Miles)

Est. Capital Cost ($M) 25 5 25

Great Seneca Creek Quince Orchard Road Quince Orchard Road CSX Railroad R/W Great Seneca Highway Great Seneca Creek

1.9 $ 2 $ 1.3 $

Germantown West (Poolesville)

Clopper Road

Germantown West Germantown West Goshen (Patuxent) Montgomery Village/Airpark Montgomery Village/Airpark North Bethesda (White Flint) North Potomac (Gaithersburg, R&D Village) Olney (Patuxent) Poolesville White Flint

Germantown Road (MD 118) Father Hurley Blvd Laytonsville Road Midcounty Highway Wightman Road Woodglen Drive


Clarksburg Road Germantown Planning Area Boundary Hopkins Road Damascus Road Goshen Road Brink Road Edson Lane

Great Seneca Highway

Section btw MD 118 and MD 119 built to 4D; no pending action for remainder

2.8 $


Clopper Road CSX Tracks Sundown Road Montgomery Village Ave Goshen Road Nicholson Lane

2 2 2 4 2 2

6D 4 4D 4-6 4 4

None Facility Planning None None None Candidate for Facility Planning?

2.8 $ 0.6 $ 2.5 $ 0.6 $ 1 $ 0.3 $

35 1 15 5 1 0.50

Muddy Branch Road Georgia Avenue Germantown Road (MD 118) Old Georgetown Road


Dufief Mill Road

West Diamond Avenue

4 2-4 2 2

6 6D 2-4 4

Howard County Line Norbeck Road Germantown Planning Area Great Seneca Creek Boundary Rockville Pike Nebel Street

None Likely to be downgraded in Area MP update

3.2 n/a 1



$ 0.3 $

2 1

Table 2.7

Master Plan of Highways

Unbuilt Roadways

Policy Area Aspen Hill (Derwood, Rock Creek, Fairland, Cloverly,Olney) Aspen Hill Clarksburg Clarksburg Clarksburg Clarksburg Clarksburg Clarksburg Clarksburg Cloverly Cloverly




To Prince George's County Line Veirs Mill Road Little Sierra Ct W Old Baltimore Rd Old Frederick Road Stringtown Road W Old Baltimore Rd Frederick Rd existing Slidell Rd around sharp bend Craddock St Bonifant Rd


Existing Lanes

Proposed Lanes


Length (Miles) 16.4 (includes PGC Section)

Est. Capital Cost ($M)

Intercounty Connector Montrose Parkway Clarksburg Road (relocated) Clarksburg Road (relocated) Frederick Road (relocated) Midcounty Highway Observation Drive Observation Drive Slidell Road (relocated) Kingshouse Road Notley Road


I-370 Rock Creek Park Ascot Sq Just south of W Old Baltimore Rd Old Frederick Road Frederick Road Little Seneca Creek W Old Baltimore Rd Just north of W Old Baltimore Rd on existing Kingshouse Ct Northwyn Dr

300 80 80 80 150 80 150 150 80 70 70

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6D 4D 2 2 4D+Transit way 2 4D 4D 2 2 2



Facility Planning n/a None None None None None None None None None 0.5 0.2 1.2 1.3 0.6 1.3 0.2 0.2 0.2

$70 (entire projec $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.5 0.2 19 13 10 21 0.2 0.2 0.2

Cloverly Damascus Derwood Derwood Derwood Derwood Fairland / White Oak Fairland / White Oak Gaithersburg City (Goshen)

Thompson Road Extended Proposed New Road Amity Drive Extended Midcounty Highway Midcounty Highway-alt B Oakmont Avenue Fairdale Road Stewart Lane Extended Midcounty Highway


Existing Thompson Rd Woodfield Road Bend Court Redland Road ICC Existing Oakmont Ave Briggs Chaney Rd US 29/Columbia Pike Montgomery Village Ave

Rainbow Dr Howard Chapel Drive Crabbs Branch Way Shady Grove Rd Redland Road Washington Grove Ave Friendlywood Way New Hampshire Ave Great Seneca Creek

70 70 70 150 150 80 70 80 150

2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 2 36' pavement 4-6 4-6 4 2 2 4-6

Candidate for Facility Planning 0.1 None 0.6 None None None 0.5 0.5 0.5

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

0.1 0.6 0.5 10 10 2 0.7 1 36

Facility Planning 0.3 None 0.7 None 0.3 None 1.8

Germantown East

Dorsey Mill Road

Observation Drive

Century Blvd.


Germantown East Germantown East Germantown Town Center Germantown West Germantown West Germantown West Germantown West Germantown West

Midcounty Highway Middlebrook Road Father Hurley Blvd Century Blvd Century Boulevard Crystal Rock Drive Crystal Rock Drive Waters Landing Drive


Ridge Road Frederick Road CSX Tracks just South of Cloverleaf Center Dr Dorsey Mill Drive Dorsey Mill Drive Waters Landing Dr Crystal Rock Drive

Great Seneca Creek Midcounty Hwy Wisteria Drive Cloverleaf Center Dr Waters Landing Drive Black Hill Park Access Road Black Hills Park acess road Century Boulevard

150 150 120 80 100 100 80 100

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6D 6 4 4 4 4 4 4

Candidate for Facility Planning 0.5 Middlebrook to Ridge in Facility Planning 3.5 None 0.7 Facility Planning 0.5 Facility Planning 0.1 Facility Planning 0.2 Facility Planning 0.6 Facility Planning 0.2 Facility Planning 0.3


$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

70 27 8 1 3 8 3 4

Table 2.7

Master Plan of Highways

Unbuilt Roadways

Policy Area






Existing Lanes

Proposed Lanes


Length (Miles)

Est. Capital Cost ($M)


Goshen Road Extended

End of existing road

Brink Road


Candidate for Facility Planning 0.4

Kensington/Wheaton Kensington/Wheaton North Bethesda

Indian Spring Access Road Monticello Avenue Ext Greyswood Road Extended


Indian Spring Dr end of Monticello Ave Derbyshire Ln

Tivoli Lake Blvd Grays Lane Greentree Rd

70 70 70

0 0 0

36' 36' 2

None None

0.6 0.1

$ 1 likely to be developer-funded if ever built $ 0.1 $ 1

North Bethesda North Bethesda

Montrose Parkway Montrose Parkway


Montrose Road Parklawn Drive

Parklawn Drive Rock Creek Park

300 300

0 0

4D 4D

None 0.2 Montrose Rd to E. Jefferson 100% funded, remainder contained in Montrose/MD 355 Interchange Project (Facility Planning) n/a Facility Planning n/a Candidate for Facility Planning 0.2 None None None 0.2 1.4 0.3

See MD 355 / Montrose Interchange see earlier entry

North Bethesda Olney Olney Olney

Woodglen Avenue Extended Appomattox Avenue (extended) Barnridge Road Extended Batchellors Forest Road Northern Rel Batchellors Forest Road Relocated Clarksburg Road Clopper Road (relocated) Slidell Road (relocated) Whites Ferry Road (relocated) River Road (relocated) Louis Sullivan Drive Midcounty Highway-alt A Dixon Avenue (new Extended) Chapman Avenue Chapman Avenue


Nicholson Lane Existing Appomattox Ave Olney Manor Recreation Park existing Batchellor's Forest Rd

Marinelli Road Georgia Ave just West of Barnridge Ct Sandy Spring Rd Northeast point on existing Batchellor's Forest Rd Relocated Clopper Rd Existing Clopper Rd West of Bucklodge Rd White's Ferry Rd just East of Poolesville limits Norton Rd Diamonback Dr Redland Road Silver Spring Ave via Ripley Street Nicholson Lane Executive Boulevard

80 80 70 70

0 0 0 0

2 2 2 2

$ $ $ $

2 0.2 1 0.3

Olney Poolesville Poolesville Poolesville Poolesville Potomac R&D Village Rock Creek Silver Spring CBD White Flint White Flint


Barnridge Rd ext Extend from existing Clarksburg Rd at inter Extended Clarksburg Rd in Boyd's 10-mile Creek Crossing at existing Slidell Partnership Rd Carriage Manor Ln Fields Rd Muncaster Mill Rd/ICC Existing Dixon at Bonifant Marinelli Road Nicholson Lane

70 80 150 80 120 150 100 150 80 60 80

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 2 6 2 2 4-6 4 4-6 4 4 4

None None None None None None None None

0.6 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.3 1.8

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

0.6 0.5 1 0.3 0.4 1 1 36 4 1 1

Facility Planning 0.3 Facility Planning 0.2 Facility Planning 0.3

Table 2.8
Policy Area Aspen Hill Aspen Hill Bethesda/Chevy Chase Clarksburg Cloverly Fairland / White Oak Fairland / White Oak Fairland / White Oak Fairland / White Oak Fairland / White Oak Gaithersburg City Gaithersburg City Kensington/Wheaton North Bethesda Olney R&D Village R&D Village White Flint

Master Plan of Highways

Interchange Name Georgia & Norbeck ICC & Layhill Rd Rockville & Cedar I-270 & New Cut ICC & New Hampshire ICC & US 29 U.S. 29 & Fairland/Musgrove U.S. 29 & Greencastle U.S. 29 & Stewart U.S. 29, Tech & Ind. I-270 & Watkins Mill Sam Eig & Great Sen. Georgia & Randolph Rockville & Montrose ICC & Georgia Ave Key West & Great Seneca Shady Grove & Darnestown Rockville & Nicholson Status Facility Planning DEIS None None DEIS DEIS Facility Planning Facility Planning Facility Planning Facility Planning Facility Planning None Facility Planning Facility Planning None None None None

Unbuilt Interchanges
Est. Capital Cost ($M) $85 Incl. In ICC $70 Incl. In I-270 DEIS Incl. In ICC Incl. In ICC $66 $40 $40 $50 $60 $50 $40 $80 Incl. In ICC $50 $50 $50

Table 2.9

Master Plan of Highways

Unbuilt Transit Lines

Est. Capital Cost ($M) $70

Policy Area Aspen Hill (Glenmont, K/W, Olney) Bethesda CBD (B/CC, SS CBD, SS/TP) Clarksburg (Gaithersburg, Germantown West, R&D Village, Shady Grove) North Bethesda

Name Georgia Avenue Busway Georgetown Branch Transitway



Master Plan(s) Glenmont, K/W, Aspen Hill, Olney Bethesda CBD/Bethesda-Chevy Chase/North and West Silver Spring/Silver Spring CBD

Status None

Glenmont Metro Station Olney Transit Center Silver Spring Metro Bethesda Metro Station Station



Corridor Cities Transitway

Shady Grove Metro Station

Gaithersburg, Germantown, Clarksburg Town Center Clarksburg North Bethesda/Garrett Park


$800 $400

North Bethesda Transitway Grosvenor Metro Station Montgomery Mall

Table 2.10

Master Plan of Highways

Station Name Connecticut Avenue/Chevy Chase Lake Transit Line

Unbuilt Transit Stations

Status Est. Capital Cost ($M)

Policy Area

Bethesda/Chevy Chase Clarksburg Clarksburg Clarksburg Derwood Gaithersburg City Gaithersburg City Gaithersburg City Gaithersburg City Gaithersburg City Germantown East

Georgetown Branch Transitway Corridor Cities Clarksburg Town Center Transitway Corridor Cities COMSAT Transitway Corridor Cities Gateway Center Transitway MCPS Metro Station Clopper Road Metropolitan Grove Muddy Branch NIST Quince Orchard WMATA Metro Red Line Corridor Cities Transitway Corridor Cities Transitway Corridor Cities Transitway Corridor Cities Transitway Corridor Cities Transitway Corridor Cities Transitway Corridor Cities Transitway Corridor Cities Transitway MARC Brunswick Line North Bethesda Transitway North Bethesda Transitway Corridor Cities Transitway Corridor Cities Transitway Corridor Cities Transitway Corridor Cities Transitway Corridor Cities Transitway Corridor Cities Transitway Georgetown Branch Transitway Georgetown Branch Transitway


Incl. In GTB Incl. In CCT Incl. In CCT Incl. In CCT $72 Incl. In CCT Incl. In CCT Incl. In CCT Incl. In CCT Incl. In CCT Incl. In CCT Incl. In CCT Incl. In CCT $10 Incl. In NBT Incl. In NBT Incl. In CCT Incl. In CCT Incl. In CCT Incl. In CCT Incl. In CCT Incl. In CCT Incl. In GTB Incl. In GTB

Dorsey Mill Germantown Town Germantown Town Center Center Germantown West North Bethesda North Bethesda Potomac R&D Village R&D Village R&D Village R&D Village Rockville City Rockville City Cloverleaf MARC North Bethesda Rock Spring Park Montgomery Mall Decoverly East Key Washingtonian West Key Irvington King Farm

Silver Spring/Takoma Park Lyttonsville Silver Spring/Takoma Park Woodside

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