ReviewPaper SucculentPlantPropagation PDF
ReviewPaper SucculentPlantPropagation PDF
ReviewPaper SucculentPlantPropagation PDF
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Abstract The popularity of succulents as ornamental plants where they are used to decorate open and indoor spaces (Ciesla
has increased in recent years. This is primarily because of 2002). Various locations that require landscaping have diverse
their unique geometric shapes, which form a rosette,
conditions in terms of lighting, temperature, relative humidity,
coupled with their ability to retain high levels of moisture.
These features make ornamental succulents suitable as and moisture (Edmond et al. 1978). The choice of ornamental
landscape plants as they can withstand extreme conditions plant for specific environments is a key decision for interior
and as potted plants for indoor spaces as they require designers, landscapers, as well as homeowners (Baldwin 2013).
minimal watering. Appropriate propagation techniques are
Succulents, among ornamental plants, have recently gained
important to increase production rates and plant quality in
the shortest time possible. These ornamental plants may be popularity as a landscape and pot plant (Baldwin 2007; Graham
propagated in various ways, both sexually, via seeds, and 1987).
vegetatively, through a number of methods, such as stem Often associated with semi-arid conditions (Graham
cuttings, leaf cuttings, and micropropagation. In this review,
1987), succulents exhibit physiological tolerance to drought
methods for the propagation of ornamental succulents are
by storing water in fleshy assimilatory organs (Edwards and
described, including post-propagation care and management.
Propagation aspects on which limited information is available Ogburn 2013). Considered as Crassulacean Acid Metabolism
are also highlighted. Potential areas for research required to (CAM) plants, succulents and cacti close their stomata
produce data to further improve techniques, conservation, and exhibit CO2 fixation during the day and under hot
and rapid propagation efforts are discussed.
temperatures, and open their stomata during the cool night,
Additional key words: leaf cuttings, seed germination,
and exhibit CO2 assimilation (Erwin 2009; Herrera 2009; Lee
stem cuttings, succulents, vegetative propagation
Introduction Presently, succulents are commercially produced and have
increased in popularity among plant collectors, landscapers,
Ornamental plants are used primarily for aesthetic purposes, and interior designers (Altman 2011; Walters et al. 2011; Weber
which is an important aspect of human life (Dewir 2016; 2003). Succulents have been in high demand because of specific
Kravanja 2006). They can be observed in public areas including characteristics, and are both practical and efficient as they are
schools, shopping areas, workplaces, and along the streets, drought resistant and can survive even under minimal light
making them suitable for indoor use (Alaspa 2016; Bell 2001;
*Corresponding author: Yoon-Jung Hwang Nefzaoui 2007). Coupled with their architectural, sculptural,
Tel: +82-2-3399-1718
and geometric shapes, succulents provide clear and simple
ORCID: lines that can be made into bizarre, eye-catching, and collectible
Flower Res. J. (2018) 26(3) : 90-101 91
92 Flower Res. J. (2018) 26(3) : 90-101
make use of stems and leaf cuttings, and the separation of hybrids using natural pollination (using male pollen from
suckers and rhizomes. A more rapid method, which is still one species to fertilize a flower from a different species)
categorized as vegetative propagation, is in vitro culture or (Harland and Harland 1981). Flowers are left to dry and
micropropagation. ripen before tan-colored seeds are removed (Bregman and
These methods are discussed in this review, including Bouman 1983).
their care and maintenance as well as their advantages and
Asexual Propagation
disadvantages regarding a particular technique in the
propagation of ornamental succulents. Also known as vegetative propagation, asexual propagation
is based on the principle of totipotency (Adams and Early
Sexual Propagation 2004), which is defined as “the properties of an individual
To produce food, fiber, and other raw products, majority cell (not a group of cells), with the two meanings of this
of the agricultural plant propagation relies on seed and term roughly corresponding to the progressive restriction in
seedling methods. Thus, seed propagation is considered to potential cells exhibited during normal development”
be a cornerstone for the production of valuable agronomic (Condic 2014). However, Hartmann et al. (2011) simplified
and horticultural plants (Hartmann et al. 2011). This this statement to state that any plant cell has the capability
method increases genetic variation, forming hybrids with to develop into a completely new plant. Considering this,
superior qualities. Plants from seeds also exhibit superior several plant parts, such as the leaves, buds, nodes and
quality compared with vegetatively produced plants, which internodes, buds, scion, cuttings, layer, bulb corm, tuber,
may exhibit a prolonged lifespan and be disease or virus and explants, may be used for vegetative propagation, and
free (Adams and Early 2004). vary between plants (Li et al. 2013; Poethig 2013).
Vegetative propagation is a suitable option for the
Seed Propagation of Succulent Plants
propagator to maintain the genetic integrity of the plant,
The use of seeds to propagate succulents is not common. and assures true-to-type propagated plants (Hartman et al.
However, most recent articles published using seeds are limited 1990; Hogberg 2003), which means that they will produce
to the Cactaceae and Kalanchoe families (Mihalte et al. 2011; new plants that are always genetically identical to the
Rethy et al. 1987; Rojas-Arechiga and Vazquez-Yanes 2000). parent or clone (Toogood 1999). For succulents, the
The key characteristic associated with the propagation of methods available for vegetative propagation include stem
succulents through seeds is their minute size. Numerous and leaf cuttings, suckers, and micropropagation.
studies have reported varying seed sizes, including those of
E. gibbiflora at 0.75 mm (Parra et al. 1993), E. yalmanantlanensis Propagation by Cuttings
at 0.39–0.90 mm (Vazquez-Garcia et al. 2013), Bossfeldi, and Generally, the use of cuttings for propagation is the most
Strobocactus at ≤0.5 mm, and Nyctocereus and Opuntia at frequently used method for succulents, and is easy to
≥ 0.5 mm diameter (Rojas-Arechiga and Vazquez-Yanes 2000). perform (Baldwin 2013). Likewise, when there is an
Sedum succulents propagated through seeds include S. acrem, immediate condition under which succulents are affected by
S. album, S. kamtschatticum, and S. reflexum (Monterusso pest and diseases, cuttings may be used for rescue and are
et al. 2005). the last resort for the retention of succulent plants (Kapitany
The seeds are harvested when the flowers have been and Schultz 2004). Two kinds of cuttings are practiced for
successfully pollinated and have matured (Hartmann et al. succulent plants, stem cuttings and leaf cutting.
2011). However, the majority of succulent and cacti are These propagation methods are made possible by the
self-sterile, and many propagators are able to produce new existence of meristematic tissues in certain parts of the
Flower Res. J. (2018) 26(3) : 90-101 93
plants (Ichihashi and Tsukaya 2015; Machida et al. 2013); comparable to the effect of 0.2% IAA, IBA, and NAA, and
specifically, the intercalary meristems, which are actively of 0.2% 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA). Successful total
dividing cells located in the internodes or bases of the inhibition of rooting was only observed in cuttings treated
leaves. These are usually found in monocotyledonous with 0.2% 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) and methyl
plants (Evans and Perez 2004). These meristems can 2-chloro-9-hydroxyfluorene-9-carboxylate (Morphactin).
produce new plants, providing shoots and roots. Thus, Saniewski et al. (2014) recommended that stem cuttings
stem and leaf cuttings can be used in propagation are pre-soaked in compete Hoagland solution, which would
techniques. increase the percent rooting by 20% compared with the
control. Likewise, the study suggested that succulent where
Stem Cuttings
it is rather hardy or at the lower portions of the mother
A study conducted by Mihaela et al. (2011) reported the
plant where mature stems are found, increases the chances
rooting of stem cuttings of various succulent species (Aeonium
of survival as well as the rooting rate by 50%.
domesticum, Aeonium tortuosum, Kalanchoe rhombopilosa,
Kalanchoe tubiflorum, Senecio articulatum, and Senecio Leaf Cuttings
jacobsenii) including valuable ornamental and medicinal Defying the growth of simple leaves, which are not
cactuses, such as those belonging to the Optunia species capable of developing new roots, the shoots, succulents,
(Stintzing and Carle 2005). Respective genera exhibit differences semi succulents, and cacti are able to propagate through
in rooting time namely with Senecio (21 days), Aeonium and their leaves by differentiating leaf parenchyma or through
Crassula (28 days), Sedum (39 days), and Kalanchoe (53 days). the presence of intercalary meristematic activity (Donnelly
Each stem-cutting propagule is taken by making a cut on et al. 1999; Evert 2006; Gorelick 2015). Because of this,
the lower portion of the mother plant or the sucker, succulents can propagate through leaf cuttings especially
approximately 3 – 6 cm long. This allows the mother plant those of the Crassulaceae family (Hagemann 1932; Kerner
to develop side shoots. The stem-cutting propagule is and Oliver 1902). This method seems to be more popular
separated from the mother plant using a sharp tool, forming than seed propagation due to the lengthy germination
a slanted sharp surface. The stem must be cut in a way that period; thus, cuttings and offsets are rooted first in nursery
generates about 4 – 5 nodes or leaves. Unlike other flats filled with potting mixes before being placed in
ornamental crops, succulents do not require the removal of gardens or replication areas (Baldwin 2013). The success of
leaves during stem-cutting propagation. propagating succulents is unpredictable, and some growers
Based on above mentioned study, stem cuttings take and enthusiasts term the multiplication of plants using leaf
longer to produce a proper root system. Therefore, plant cuttings a game of chance (Artichoker 2016; Tuttle 2012).
growth regulators are used to enhance the rooting process. Studies by Cabahug et al. (2016a) showed that when
The use of exogenous auxins, such as indole-3-butyric acid producing leaf cuttings, the lower leaves or leaves found at
(IBA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), and naphthalene-3-acetic the base of the mother plant should be taken. Likewise, leaves
acid (NAA) are used to promote rooting among hardy stem should be properly removed without any scaring in order to
cuttings. increase the chances of successful bud and root imitation.
Conversely, according to the results of Saniewski et al. (2014) After removing leaves from the mother plant, cuttings are used
regarding the use of auxin polar transport inhibitors among to develop calli and are placed in a dry location with indirect
Crassulaceae species (Bryophyllum daigremontianum, sunlight, preferably at room temperature (20 - 25°C); it takes
Bryophyllum calycinum, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, and Kalanchoe about 5 – 7 days. or until the green part of the point of turns
tubiflora), the effect of the control or water alone was to light or dark brown. This study also showed that the
94 Flower Res. J. (2018) 26(3) : 90-101
cuttings are planted upright in the medium at the point of through natural propagation (Hartmann et al. 1990).
leaf removal. With this method, successful rooting, root In this method, suckers, slips, or water sprouts may be
development, and normal plantlets were grown from taken from the mother plant. Suckers are adventitious
Echeveria spp., including E. ‘A Grimm One’, E. ‘Momorato,’ shoots that emerge from a root or from the runners that
E. pulvinata, and E. pulidonis. However, other guidelines for grows near the mother plant, thus its name, while slips are
planting succulent leaf cuttings recommend that leaf cuttings offshoots that are formed from the peduncle of the mother
should only be planted on soil when the leaf-cuttings have plant. Similar to suckers and slips, waterspouts are shoots
already developed roots during the callusing process. that emerge from a latent bud on the mother plant.
Conversely, in a study on ornamental Sansevieria trifasciata (Bhende and Kurien 2015; Hartmann et al. 2011).
L. the use of different parts of the leaf cuttings (apical, middle, Succulents usually develop suckers, slips, and water
and bottom parts of the snake plant) for meristemoid sprouts, but this kind of growth system is more commonly
production revealed no significant differences in the rooting, applied to Sempervivum species. Succulent plants belonging
shooting, or proliferation of the plant. However, the use of to this genus are popularly referred to as ‘hens and chicks’
dipping treatments such as 2000 mg・L of IBA resulted in or houseleeks due to the production of numerous suckers
the highest rooting success (Sarmast et al. 2009). and slips (Alberti et al. 2007; Karaer et al. 2011), as well as
In a study by Cabahug et al. (2016b), plant growth hormones, for other Sedum species (Calie 1981; Sajeva et al. 2009). There
IBA and kinetin, were used at different concentrations to is limited information regarding the hastening of side shoots
enhance both rooting and shoot development, respectively, for common genera of succulents using this propagation tool.
to target the unpredictability of organ development in E.
Micropropagation or In-Vitro Propagation
subsessilis and E. runyonii. Researchers concluded by
recommending the use of combined 100 ppm IBA and 100 Micropropagation, or in vitro propagation, is used to
ppm Kinetin for proper root and shoot development. However, rapidly propagate cultivars, and shows promise for the
IBA may be preferable when only a single application is used. production of pathogen-free and virus-tested propagation
In addition, alternative forms of exogenous auxin hormones, sources (Hartmann et al. 2011). This modern method
including BAP and NAA, were also used for Pachyeria usually involves growing plant pieces (explants) in glass
pachytoides and Sedum morganianum leaf cuttings. The use under sterile environmental conditions (Toogood 1999).
of combined 4.0 mg・L-1 BAP and 0.1 mg・L-1 NAA resulted Several ornamental crops have been grown using this
in a 100% regeneration success (Xu and Zheng 2017). method, especially those that are difficult to propagate
(Ruchala 2002), in order to hasten production. This method
Division or Separation of Suckers has been successful for orchids (Chugh et al. 2009) and
Limited studies have assessed the division or separation anthuriums (Matsumoto and Kuehnle 1997).
of suckers. This method of vegetative propagation involves A few studies have used this current fast-paced method
the removal of new side shoots from the mother plant, in the propagation of succulents, with a particular focus on
which is a result of lateral shoot and rhizome growth. This the factors affecting micropropagation, including the use of
has been commonly observed in aloe succulents (Gantait et explants, media, callus induction, shoot regeneration and
al. 2014; Saggoo and Kaur 2010; Smith and Van Wyk proliferation, growth conditions, and acclimatization. Famous
2009). Although this method is the most secure way of families of succulents have been successfully micropropagated:
propagating vegetatively, it takes time, since the separation Aizoaceae, Asphodelaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Crassulacea, and
of side shoots may take months or years to reproduce Euphorbiaceae (De Langhe et al. 1974; Fay et al. 1995; Gratton
Flower Res. J. (2018) 26(3) : 90-101 95
and Fay 1992; Karthik Prabu et al. 2013; Kim et al. 2017; with 3% w/v of sucrose, and maintaining at pH 5.8 before
Starling and Dodds 1983). autoclaving (Fay et al. 1995; Oh et al. 2017; Starling and Dodds
1983). A comparative study by Lee et al. (2009) on plant
a. Explants and Planting Materials
regeneration medium for S. sarmentosum revealed that the
In studies by Gratton and Fay (1992), a shoot with two
use of MS was more intensive compare with B5 medium
dormant buds was chosen as an explant for Caralluma
(Gamborg et al. 1968).
micropropagation. Explants were excised by carefully
MS or basal medium is then supplemented with growth
removing the areole using a vertical incision, with at least
regulators or high concentrations of cytokinin and auxin.
3–5 mm of the surrounding tissue. However, the use of
Different cytokinins (adenine sulfate, BA, 2iP, Ki, and zeatin)
different tissue types may vary depending upon the species.
and auxins (IAA, IBA, NAA, and 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic
Shoot-tips are used for Kalanchoe (Smith and Nightingale 1979)
acid/ Picloram) have been used (Balch et al. 2015; Goldammer
and Lithops (Rogers and Lineberger 1981), inflorescences for
et al. 2003; Han et al. 2009; Lee et al. 2009). Studies on E.
Hwarthia and Mammillaria (Kaul and Sabharwal 1972; Wyka
laui revealed that the use of 0.1 mg・L-1 NAA + 3.0 mg・L-1
et al. 2009), seed fragments for Agave (Groenewald et al.
was the most effective mixture for callus formation.
1977) and Aloe (Groenewald et al. 1975), and leaves for
Sansevieria (Adaci et al. 1976) and Echeveria (Raju and Mann c. Multiplication and Proliferation
1970). Over time, auxiliary buds will grow from the explants
These tissues are then treated and sterilized to minimize following preliminary planting in the medium. During this
contamination. Lee et al. (2009), propagated Sedum sarmentosum stage (explants with 2 – 3 asclepiads), samples were cut
using 70% (v/v) ethanol for 30 seconds, dipping in 0.5% into sections with one bud per piece. Each piece is placed
sodium hypochlorite solution for 15 minutes, and rinsing four in a new separated container. These sections continue to
times with sterile water. Tissues were then left to be air-dried produce lateral shoots and proliferate (Gratton and Fay
inside a laminar-flow cabinet for 30 min. 1992). Subculturing continues using this process at intervals
A different method of explant sterilization was used for of 1 – 2 months until sufficient shoots are observed.
Caralluma difusa. First, tissues were washed with running However, to hasten the multiplication process, the culture
tap water for 20 – 30 min, treated with 1% (v/v) Tween-20 media is supplemented with plant growth regulators for
for 10 min, and then rinsed twice with distilled water. subsequent subcultures in order to sustain nutritional needs
These was further sterilized by placing tissues inside a and promote shoot and root formation (Hartman et al.
laminar-flow hood and surface-sterilized with 60% (v/v) 2011; Toogood 1999).
ethanol for 1 min and 0.01% (v/v) HgCl2 for 5 min. Then, Fortification of the MS medium during shoot multiplication
tissues were washed thoroughly 6 – 8 times with sterile and root proliferation was suggested by Kailmuthu et al.
double-distilled water (Karthik Prabhu et al. 2013). Of note, (2014) with the use of BAP for Caralluma diffusa. However,
tap water should be used sparingly, if at all, to rinse tissues Gratton and Fay (1992) reported that combinations of NAA
or explants, as it may increase the possibility of between 5 and 20 mg・L-1 are generally the most suitable for
contamination (Hartmann et al. 2011). ornamental succulents.
Similarly, a different mixture was used for leaf explants
b. Growing Media and Callus Induction
of Gasteria croucheri, which included a combination of 2.0
Common to all published studies on the micropropagation
and 5 mg・L-1 NAA and was later supplemented with Ki to
of succulents is the use of the Murashige and Skoog’s medium
produce roots at the last subculture, and was later left to
(MS). This is prepared by mixing a premix powder or agar
96 Flower Res. J. (2018) 26(3) : 90-101
root in a hormone-free medium. the seeds with compost, as it should remain on the surface,
The differences in the literature suggest that the use of with the exception of large-sized seeds. Relative to each
hormones may differ for each species; therefore, the species, seeds are able to germinate from 2 – 4 days to
concentration and type of cytokinin and auxin should be 3 – 5 weeks (Graham 1987; Harland and Harland 1981).
evaluated for other high-valued ornamental succulent When initiating seed growth, various techniques have
plants. been used to hasten germination. Gibberellic acid (GA3) was
applied to kalanchoe seeds to lessen the light requirement.
Care and Maintenance However, traditionally, Kalanchoe seeds are incubated in
KNO3 solution to prevent secondary dormancy (De Petter et
Care of Seeds and Seedlings
al. 1985). In line with plant growth regulators, Mihalte et al.
Boarder (1969) suggested that the best time to sow seeds
(2011) suggested treatment with 1.8% sodium nitrophenolate
is in April or when the weather is sufficiently warm and the
for 8 h for various Cactaceae species. Likewise, the use
location provides sufficient light. Conversely, Flores et al.
treatment with 9% naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) for 8 h in an
(2016) found out that all succulent species in Mexico are
aqueous solution was suggested for maximum germination.
considered as neutral photoblastic or neutral to light.
Pre-treatments are usually recommended only to increase
However, some species (Mammillaria compressa, Agave
the germination rate.
salmiana, and other varieties of Derocactus latispinus) also
exhibit higher germination under high light conditions. Care for Succulent Cuttings and Suckers
Fenner and Thompson (2005) emphasized that although Propagation techniques for the potting medium of
they may be photoblastic, temperature requirements may be succulents were similar to those for the seed media. The
a key factor in germination, which is commonly associated use of 50% sand and 50% peat or compost is needed to
with light. A temperature of 25°C is considered to be suitable provide cuttings with sufficient moisture and the ability to
to germinate seeds in a growth chamber as recommended drain excess water (Ellern 1972).
for cacti, agave, and related succulent species (Nobel 1988). A more recent study by Oh et al. (2015) suggested the
Other studies have reported that succulents within various use of a 5 : 3 : 2 soil medium mixture of coco peat: peat
families and species are capable of germinating under moss: vermiculite for E. agavoides ‘romeo’, a 2.5 : 3 : 2 :
temperatures of 15 – 33°C in their natural habitat (Flores and 2.5 soil media mixture of coco peat: peat moss: vermiculite:
Briones 2001; Pritchard and Miller 1995). sand for E. agavoides var. ‘cristata’ and E. ‘leibeulli’, which
Additionally, Zimmer (1971) and Nobel (1988) provided provided 87 – 90% rooting success for their respective
guidelines on the germination of succulent seeds. They species. It was also emphasized that whatever mixture was
noted that extremes of temperature (below 12°C and above used to propagate stem cuttings should facilitate proper
35°C) will decrease the germination rate. Following the drainage in order to reduce the rotting of leaf and stem
planting of seeds of succulents, numerous recommendations cuttings (Sorensen 2015).
have been made in terms of soil mixtures (Bach 1998; After planting, plants should not be exposed to direct
Kohlschreiber 1998). sunlight, and if necessary the use of shading materials such
The use of compost mixed with enough sandy soil to as nets, burlap, or polyethylene shelters are used to protect
protect the succulents from rot, facilitate proper drainage, from sudden and drastic changes in conditions (Fowler and
and provide proper aeration, has been emphasized in Chaffee 2010; Semchenko et al. 2012)
previous studies (Graham 1987; Monterusso et al. 2005). Recommended environmental conditions suggested by
When planting succulent seeds, it is advised not to cover the results of previous experiment include temperatures of
Flower Res. J. (2018) 26(3) : 90-101 97
15 – 30°C and relative humidity of 60 – 75% (Cabahug et The success of micropropagation depends on the percent
al. 2016a; 2016b). Furthermore, succulent cuttings should survival rate during the acclimatization stage. For aloes,
not be drenched in water; a misting technique should be Gupta et al. (2014) reported a 70% survival rate, for E.
used as to provide sufficient moisture while reducing the subsessilis a 50 – 70% survival rate (Oh et al. 2017), and for
probability of stem or leaf rotting, and may be watered ornamental cacti an 85% survival rate (Balch et al. 2015).
every 4 – 5 days (Wiesner and Johnson 1977). The plantlets are rinsed or teased from the medium, gently
Nam et al. (2016) recommended the use of supplemental rinsed under running or distilled water to remove attached
-2 -1
lighting with an intensity of 120 μmol・m ・s for 6 h, in agar, and then planted in regular growing medium. Plantlets
addition to natural light during the day. Higher quality of are then subjected to a hardening process wherein they are
succulents (Sedeveria ‘Letizia,’ Sedum ‘Sun Red,’ Crassula slowly introduced to light until they are able to withstand
rupestris, Echeveria ‘Momotaro,’ and Graptoveria opalina) field or outdoor conditions (Hartmann et al. 2011). Notably,
based on height, diameter, and color were taken from high limited studies have investigated the incubation as well as
intensity and long duration exposure to LED light. Likewise, the acclimatization of ornamental succulents.
Cabahug et al. (2017) also recommended a high intensity
level (150 μmol・m-2・s-1) to enhance the quality of E. Conclusion
agavoides and E. marcus. Succulents exposed to this level
The increased popularity of ornamental succulents indicates
of light had higher visual quality, normal plant development,
that there is a high demand for increased varieties, and for
and intensified color, which corresponds to increased
a higher supply of this unique and water-efficient ornamental
anthocyanin content.
crop. Several propagation techniques are available, which
Studies on some areas of succulent care and management
may be used by plant propagators and farm owners. Each
are lacking, such as plant nutrition and pest and disease
species or genera may require different methods of care
control. Research in these areas is required, which may
and management. However, based on this mini-review,
provide more information for maintaining the quality and
several areas were identified that require further research,
proper environmental management for succulent species.
including: i) pre-treatment and planting of seeds on
Care for Micropropagated Succulents appropriate media and under environmental conditions; ii)
During the course of propagation, the use of sterile tools, cutting and soaking the leaf and stem using appropriate
medium, planting materials, and containers is necessary to media mixtures; iii) division and separation of suckers, scar
reduce the contamination percentage (Balch et al. 2015). and growth treatments; iv) micropropagation trials for other
Upon completion of micropropagation in the lab, the common ornamental succulents and growth hormone mixed
cultures are grown in a separate lab under controlled with the base media; and v) incubation and acclimatization
conditions (Hartmann et al. 2011). protocols.
It is recommended that micropropagated plants are
incubated for at least 16 h under light and 8 h under dark Acknowledgement
conditions with fluorescent plants and about 15 μmol・m-2・s-1
This work was supported by the National Research
for Echynocactus and Mammillaria species. However, a much
Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea
higher light intensity was used in a study on the organogenesis
government (MSIT) (No. 2017R1C1B5017830).
of Ariocapus species with 50 μmol・m-2·s-1 at temperatures
of 25°C (Balch et al. 2015; Goldammer et al. 2003)
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