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Melc Based TLE6 Week 6

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DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: SEPTEMBER 26-30, 2022 (WEEK 6) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


The Learner demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
A. Content Standards:
B. Performance Standards: The learner...
applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives: The learner markets fruits and seedlings TLE6AG-0f-7
Write the LC Code for each develops plan for expansion of planting trees and seedling production TLE6AG-0g-8

II. Content Marketing Fruits and Seedlings

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

2. Learner’s Materials Pages Agri-Fishery Arts Module 7: Marketing Fruits and Seedlings
Agri-Fishery Arts Module 8: Plan for Expansion of Planting Trees
3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional Materials from Visual aids, modules, pictures

Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources

III. PROCEDURES Marketing Fruits and Seedlings Plan for Expansion of Planting Trees
What Is It What I Know Directions: Read and
After a couple of years, C. Marketing Strategies As you start this module, understand the
the hard work you have in Selling Products you are going to check statement and
been through in planting your previous knowledge choose the letter of
will be paid off when the regarding the topics by the correct answer.
answering the questions 1. It is the most
fruit trees you have
herein. Select the correct popular marketing
planted have grown and answer from the box given tool to help
started to bear fruit. That below. Write your answer organizations quickly
is the time to reap what 1. Retailing on a separate sheet of draw the attention of
you sowed. The energy,
time, money, and love that It is directly selling the paper. prospective
you invested in your fruit product from the farm to Independent customers.
trees would not be useless the consumers or products Assessment 1: a. Books
because you have the fruit are sold by unit (a piece or Here are the questions b. Brochures
to be sold in the market kilo) in the market. that will lead you to c. Flyers
that can give you the Although it’s time and complete the puzzle d. Magazines
energy- consuming, above. 2. It is a marketing
profit. To make your
farmers get more profit by Cross strategy in which the
investments profitable you this method of selling than owners convince the
1. _______________ is a 1. This design is used to
must consider the wholesale. set trees at unequal consumers or buyers
system which refers to
important factors in 2. Use of Middlemen distances, because the to have a free taste or
the most common and
harvesting and marketing basic arrangement of plants get proper space use of the product.
your products. As of this Middlemen are also known orchard trees. and sunlight. a. Free sample
time, you can use as “Traders”. They buy the 2. This system requires marketing
technologies to find products from the farm at 2. _______________ is fertile soil, because the b. Retailing
buyers for selling the a lower price and resell composed of three plants are planted at c. Selling in the farm
product or use flyers or these to retailers or small essential requirements the corner of equilateral d. Word-of-mouth
brochures in promoting stores. The middleman for the growth and triangle. marketing
your agricultural business. earns by transporting the development of trees 3. The following are
3. It is the most easy
products from the farm to and seedlings. steps in making
and popular method of
the market and sold it at a brochure, which of
planting fruit plant.
higher price to the 3. _______________ refers this is not included?
retailers. to a representation on a. Determine the
3. Selling in the farm how far out into the 4. This system is usually
audience for your
future you want to plan applied to a sloping area. message.
Buyers go directly to the your business. 5. This system is also b. Decide the
farm to buy farm products. known as filler system. purpose of your
Prices are usually cheaper 4. _______________ is a brochure.
because farmers do not system which gives c. Think about the
Independent Activity
need to transport their growers the opportunity message you want to
products to the market to to use areas that are convey to your
Read and understand
save time, money, and vulnerable to erosion readers.
the paragraph written
efforts. like hillsides. d. Give directly to the
below and answer the
4. Selling through audience without
following questions
Contracts 5. _______________ refers asked. even text.
to the capital needed to Mang Jaypee saves 4. It is a way of
Contracts are usually done produce goods and seeds of fruit trees obtaining products
by manufacturing services for the trees where customers go
during the summer
companies when there is a and seedling directly to the farm
months. He grows them
need for a big volume of production. to buy
in tin cans so that when
products. It can also be a. Free sample
the rainy season starts,
entered into by middlemen 6. _______________ refers seedlings are already marketing
who resell the products to to enriching materials three months old and b. Retailing
retailers in big markets. In used on land to ready to be c. Selling in the farm
a contract, both the increase its transplanted into the d. Selling through
farmers and the buyers productivity. ground and where roots Cooperatives
agree on an amount to be are already intact. He 5. There are step to
paid for a specified volume 7. _______________ is a also plants trees that consider in keeping
of products. For example, system which is are indigenous to the record of fruit
harvested crops in a consisted of four trees place or locality, tree/seedlings for
hectare plantation of at the corners of a because this allows the sale which of the
carrots will be given to a square with one tree in seedlings to adapt to following comes first?
company at a specified the middle. the climate and ensures a. Total the expenses
date, at a specified period. growth. He was advised in preparation of
This means that the farmer 8. _______________ refers to use species of trees seedlings and
is not allowed to sell any of to a set of tools or other that possess good operational expenses.
the products to other objects used to achieve qualities. b. List down all
buyers except the company a goal and objective. Independent expenditures
or person of whom the 9. _______________ is Assessment 2: incurred during
contract has been signed. one of the most Put a check ( ) before preparation of
5. Selling through important requirements the number if the seedlings
Cooperatives for plant growth, it is statement talks about c. Total the amount
the main component in the good qualities that a earned in selling the
Cooperatives are non-profit plants cells, used in tree possesses and (x) if products.
organizations of workers. photosynthesis, and it is not. d. List down
They own and manage the transports nutrients _______1. Resistant to operational expenses
organization and prioritize throughout the plant. pests and diseases. 16 CO_TLE-AFA6_
the product sold by their _______2. Cannot resist Module 7
10._______________ is a
organization. If a system which requires to strong winds.
cooperative can buy _______3. Stay green 6. The following are
fertile soil, because the
products directly from during the dry months. scientific knowledge
plants are planted at
farmers at low prices, then and skills in
the corner of equilateral _______4. Have
the products can be sold to commercial and identifying fruits and
its members at low prices, economic value. seedlings ready for
too. Whatever income or _______5. Fast growing sale except one.
profit earned by the and deeply rooted. a. Fruits are picked
organization is usually when they are
divided among its member already matured.
depending on the number b. Some are
of shares or stocks each harvested while they
one owns. are green or before
they become ripe
6. Word-of-mouth such as mango,
Marketing native oranges and
This a strategy where the dalandan.
experience of satisfied c. The leaves are too
customers leads them to young.
tell stories about the d. The stem of
product they have used. A seedlings should be
useful way of promoting thick, healthy, and
the products without any strong.
cost incurred. 7. In order to sell
7. Free sample marketing farm products,
It is a marketing strategy present in the
in which the owners market. What
convince the consumers or marketing strategy is
buyers through giving free being used?
samples of the product to a. Free sample
try. marketing
b. Retailing
c. Selling in the farm
D. The Use of Online d. Use of Middlemen
Marketing 8. A form of paper
Online marketing is the advertisement
practice of using web- intended for wide
based channels to spread a distribution and
message about the typically posted or
products to its potential distributed in a
customers through emails, public place, handed
social media or other forms out to individuals or
of search engine sent through mail.
optimization. It is also a a. Books
fast and easy way of selling b. Brochure
the product using the c. Flyers
internet or social media d. Magazine
such as Facebook and 9. It is a fast and
commercial websites such easy way of selling
as ZALORA, Shoppe and the product using
LAZADA. internet or social
E. Preparing Flyers or media such as
Brochures (Print Media Facebook and
Advertising) commercial websites
like ZALORA, Shoppe
Print media advertising is a and LAZADA.
form of advertising that a. Retailing
uses physically printed a. Selling in the farm
media to reach potential c. Use of Middlemen
consumers. These include d. Online marketing
flyers and brochures. strategy
For wide distribution 10. Why is it
maximizing the use of important to have
public places, a Flyer as a marketing strategy in
form of paper selling fruit, trees,
advertisement is and seedlings?
recommended. Its purpose I. to avoid fruits from
is to promote an event and deteriorating when
any services or products. not sold right away
Some flyers tend to be A4 II. to identify the
in size and can be two target market or
sided to give you extra prospective buyers
space to get your message III. to promote the
across. business
Brochures as a marketing IV. to plant more
tool has been used to draw trees
attention among customers a. I only
of different organizations. b. I & II
It is designed to be kept as
c. I, II, III & IV
reference materials that
contained detailed d. I, II, & III
information about the
products. It is printed
using glossy papers on a
single tri-folded sheet
where pictures, photos and
graphics are used to
enhance its design.
Flyers and brochures can
be done manually or
digitally using Microsoft
Word, Photoshop, or
Publisher. It can also be an
effective and cheaper way
to market the product
because people can be
informed of fruits, trees,
and seedlings for sale.
Both can be distributed
manually, via mail or
email, or placed in
brochure racks

Steps in Making
1. Determine the audience
for your message.
2. Decide the purpose of
your brochure.
3. Think about the
message you want to
convey to your readers.
4. Write the text for your
5. Decide on what graphics
you are going to use to
enhance the brochure.
What’s In What’s In Independent Activity
Directions: In this
activity you are tasked
to identify the words
given based on their
meanings. Write your
answer before each

sunlight money water

time fertilizer equipment

What’s New Independent

Assessment 3:
______1. It is essential
for life; it is one of the
most important
requirements for plant
______2. It is the capital
needed to produce
goods and services in
order to purchase
assets and maintain
______3. This refers to
enriching materials
used on land to
increase its
______4. It refers to a
set of tools or other
objects used to achieve
a goal and objective.
______5. This represents
how far out into the
future you want to plan
your business.
What Is It Independent Activity 1: What Is It Multiple Choice.
Study the record of Kim’s A successful orchard Choose the letter of
seedling business grower should have a the best answer
Record of Sales of Marang plan for future then, write it on a
Seedling expansion. Tree separate sheet of
Date Des Unit Total plantation means paper.
crip Price Amoun
tion t planting trees more and 1. It refers to a
August 45pc ₱10.00 ₱450.00 more. To develop plans blueprint or a
16 s for the expansion of diagram showing
August 35pc ₱10.00 ₱350.00 planting trees and fruit- how your fruit tree
18 s
bearing trees, we must seedlings are laid out
August 20pc ₱10.00 ₱200.00
20 s consider the different on the orchard
factors: identify the garden.
Record of Expenses things to consider in a. area of the
Date Descri Unit Total planning for expansion property
p Price Amoun
tion of planting trees and b. availability of
July 1 100see ₱100.00
seedling production, resources
0 plan a possible design c. design and layout
July 2 100 ₱.50 ₱50.00 and layout on the of existing orchard
ene bag
expansion of planting d. kinds of trees to
July 5 Organi ₱150.00 seedling production. be planted
I I. Things to 2. In this system, the
Fertiliz Consider when trees are planted in
July 30 Water Planning for four corners of a
bill Expansion of square keeping the
August Transp ₱100.00
15 or Planting Trees and same distance
Seedling Production: between rows and
from plant to plant in
Independent Assessment 1. Area of the the same row.
1 Property a. Contour System
Based from the given data b. Quincunx System
answer questions that To ensure the c. Rectangular
follow. Use a separate development of the System
sheet of paper for your project, one’s must d. Square System
answers. secure that there is 3. It is one of the
1. How much did Kim enough space for the most important
spend for transportation? expansion of planting requirements for
2. What is the total trees and seedling plant growth. It is
amount of expenses in production. It is needed the main component
preparing of seedlings? to know the area if it is in plants cells; it is
3. How much is the total still available for the used in
amount of fertilizer used? development and photosynthesis; and,
expansion of the it transports
4. What is the total
amount of Marang project. It is very helpful nutrients throughout
seedlings sold? to know and identify the plant.
5. How much is Kim’s which area of the a. fertilizer
profit earned in selling property will be utilized b. sunlight
Marang seedlings? and is suitable for the c. water
expansion of seedling d. wind
Independent Activity 2: production. 4. The following are
Below are the some of the 2. Kinds of Trees to the kinds of trees
marketing strategies used be Planted suitable for
in selling products. Select reforestation of hills
from this list to answer It is advisable to plant and mountains.
the questions being asks trees that are Which among the
in Assessment Activity 2. indigenous to the place choices is NOT
Write your answer in a or locality. This allows correct?
separate sheet of paper. for easy adaptation and a. Apitong
Independent Assessment ensures growth. Species b. Coconut
2: of trees considered for c. Narra
For the questions that tree farming possess d. Yakal
follow, get your answer the following qualities: 5. This system is
from the box and write the fast-growing, resistant usually applied to a
LETTER corresponding to to pests and diseases, sloping area. Where
your choice. deeply rooted, stay soil erosion is a great
1. ___________ It is a green during dry threat, it can help to
marketing strategy in months, resistant to prevent soil erosion
which the salespersons strong winds, have and preserve
are convincing the commercial and moisture in the soil.
consumers or buyers economic value. a. Contour System
through products given for Trees suitable for b. Quincunx System
free testing. reforestation of hills c. Rectangular
and mountains, deeply System
2. ___________ Products rooted, and have d. Square System 16
are being resell to retailers extensive branching CO_TLE-AFA 6_
in big markets. Both the root systems such as Module 8
farmers and the buyers Narra, Acacia, Apitong,
agree at an amount to be and Yakal have heavy 6. It is the capital
paid for a specified volume foliage, resistant to needed to produce
of products to be sold in strong winds, never goods and services in
big markets. completely defoliate. order to purchase
Trees suitable for city assets and maintain
3. ___________ It is directly planting must be operations.
selling the product from tolerant of city dust, a. equipment
the farm to the consumers able to withstand the b. labor
by piece or kilo in the rigors of the initial c. money
market rather than selling planting, resistant to d. time
through wholesale. smoke, gasses, and 7. The following are
other pollutants. some of the qualities
4. ___________ A strategy 3. Design and Layout of species of trees for
where in the satisfied of the Existing tree farming. Which
consumer tells other Orchard among the choices is
people about their correct?
experiences on how much A blueprint or a I. Fast growing and
they like the product. diagram should be deeply rooted.
prepared when doing a II. Have commercial
5. ___________ It is a fast plan for a specific and economic value.
and easy way of selling the purpose. Systematic III. Resistant to pests
product using the social planting of fruit trees in and diseases.
media platform to reach the orchard must have IV. Cannot resist to
the consumers. a blueprint to serve as strong winds.
guide in how seedlings a. I, III, IV
are to be laid in the b. II, III, IV
farm. c. I, II, IV
(Refer to pages 7-10 d. I, II, III
of Agri-Fishery Arts 8. It refers to a set of
Module 8: Plan for tools or other objects
Expansion of Planting used to achieve a
particular goal and
a. equipment
b. labor
c. money
d. time
9. This system is also
known as filler
system. In this way,
planting another
plant in the center of
each square makes
use of empty space.
a. Contour System
b. Quincunx System
c. Rectangular
d. Square System
10. ______________ is
enriching materials
used on land to
increase its
productivity. It
contains nutrients
that plants and trees
need to grow.
a. fertilizer
b. sunlight
c. temperature
d. water
What I Have Learned What I Have Learned What I Can do
Plan by making a lay-
The 3 characteristics of It is advisable to plant out design of your
marketable fruits and trees that are orchard or seedling
seedlings ready to for sale ______________ to the nursery. Draw on a
are: ___________________, place or locality. coupon Bond
___________________ ➢The examples of
• For farmers to know trees that are suitable
their profit, for the reforestation of
___________________ should hills and mountains are
be maintained to include ______________,
all the sales and expenses ______________, and
of the project ______________.
• ___________________ it is
directly selling the product ➢The five (5) designs
from the farm to the and layout of the
consumers or products orchard are
are sold by unit (piece or ______________,
kilo) in the market. ______________,
• Middlemen are also
______________, and
known as
___________________. They
buy the products from the
➢______________ is the
farm at a lower price and
most easy and popular
resell these to retailers or
method of planting fruit
small stores.
• ___________________ a
marketing strategy where ➢The system usually
buyers go directly to the applied to a sloping
farm to buy farm area is called
products. Prices are ______________.
usually cheaper because
farmers do not need to ➢______________ is a
transport their products to method wherein four
the market to save time, trees are present at the
money and efforts. corners of a square with
• ___________________ one tree at the middle.
these are usually done by
manufacturing companies ➢In availability of
when there is a need for a resources, we should
big volume of products. consider the
• ___________________ is ______________,
done by non-profitable ______________, and
organizations of workers. ______________.
They own and manage the
organization and prioritize ➢The vital needs of a
the product sold by their plant are
organization. ______________,
• ___________________ a _______________, and
marketing strategy where ______________.
in the satisfied consumer
tells other people about ➢______________ is
their experiences on how essential for life; it is
much they like the one of the most
product. important requirements
for plant growth.
• ___________________ is a
marketing strategy in
which the owners convince ➢______________
the consumers or buyers refers to enriching
through giving free materials used on land
samples of the product to to increase its
try. productivity.
• ___________________ is a
fast and easy way of
selling the product using
internet or social media
such as Facebook and
commercial websites such
as ZALORA, Shoppe and
• ___________________ it is
any kind of advertising
that you have to pay for,
versus owned or earned
• ___________________ is a
form of advertising that
uses physically printed
media to reach potential
consumers. Print ads were
once the standard format
for creative advertising.
These include flyers and
• ___________________ is a
form of paper
advertisement intended for
wide distribution and
typically posted or
distributed in a public
place. Its purpose is to
promote an event and any
services or products.
• ___________________ is
one of the most popular
marketing tools to help
organizations quickly draw
the attention of
prospective customers. It
is designed to be kept as
reference materials that
contained detailed
information about the
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.

of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover which
I wish to share with other teachers?

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