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DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher RIO MARK C. CABRERA Subject: TLE - Agriculture
Date OCTOBER 28 - 31, 2024 (WEEK 5) 2:30PM-3:15PM Quarter 2 – WEEK 5

OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
C. Learning 1. Discusses the marketing 1. Discusses the marketing 1. Discusses the marketing 1. Discusses the marketing strategies in selling fruits and
strategies in selling fruits strategies in selling fruits and strategies in selling fruits and seedlings
Competency/ and seedlings seedlings seedlings 2. Develops plan for expansion of planting trees and seedling
2. Develops plan for 2. Develops plan for expansion 2. Develops plan for expansion of production.
Objectives expansion of planting trees of planting trees and seedling planting trees and seedling (TLE6AG-0f-7)
and seedling production. production. (TLE6AG-0g-8)
Write the LC production. (TLE6AG-0f-7) (TLE6AG-0f-7)
code for each. (TLE6AG-0f-7) (TLE6AG-0g-8) (TLE6AG-0g-8)
II. CONTENT Marketing Fruits of Planting Marketing Fruits of Planting Marketing Fruits of Planting Trees Marketing Fruits of Planting Marketing Fruits of Planting
Trees and Seedling Trees and Seedling Production and Seedling Production Trees and Seedling Production Trees and Seedling Production
A. References K-12 MELC- C.G p 409 K-12 MELC- C.G p 409 K-12 MELC- C.G p 409 K-12 MELC- C.G p 409 K-12 MELC- C.G p 409

1. Teacher’s

2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Resource (LR)
B. Other Laptop, pictures Laptop, pictures Laptop, pictures Laptop, pictures Laptop, pictures
A. Reviewing Recall past lesson. Recall past lesson. Recall past lesson. Recall past lesson. Recall past lesson.
lesson or
the new
B. We will learn how to market fruits and seedlings
Establishing a and develop a plan for expansion of planting trees and seedling production.
purpose for
C. Presenting In marketing of fruits and
examples/ seedlings, buyers and
instances of consumers want them
the new in good condition. For fruits
lesson they want fresh, firm, crisp
or ripe and for
seedlings they want healthy
and strong stem and roots.
D. Discussing To be in good condition, fruits have to be picked within a certain period Things to consider to consider when planning for
new before they are eaten. They have to be sold on the same day they have been expansion of
concepts and gathered. planting trees and seedling production:
practicing 1. Area of the Property
new To ensure the development of the project, one’s must secure
skills #1 that
E. Discussing there is enough space for the expansion of planting trees and
new concepts seedling
and production. It is needed to know the area if it is still available
practicing for the
new skills #2 development and expansion of the project. It is very helpful to
and identify which area of the property will be utilized and is
Marketing Strategies in Selling Products: suitable
1. Retailing for the expansion of seedling production.
It is directly selling the products from the farm to the consumers or 2. Kinds of Trees to be Planted
products are sold by unit (a piece or kilo) in the market. Although It is advisable to plant trees that are indigenous to the place or
it’s time and energy consuming, farmers get more profit by this locality. This allows for easy adaptation and ensures growth.
method of selling that wholesale. Species of
2. Use of Middlemen trees considered for tree farming possess the following
Middlemen are also known as “Traders”. They buy the products from qualities: fastgrowing, resistant to pests and diseases, deeply
the farm at a lower price and resell these to retailers or small stores. rooted, stay green
The middlemen earns by transporting the products from the farm to during dry months, resistant to strong winds, have commercial
the market and sold it at a higher price. and
3. Selling in the farm economic value.
Buyers go directly to the farm to buy farm products. Prices are Trees suitable for reforestation of hills and mountains, deeply
usually cheaper because farmers do not need to transport their rooted, and have extensive branching root systems such as
products to the market to save time, money, and efforts. Narra,
4. Selling through Contracts Acacia, Apitong and Yakal have heavy foliage, resistant to
Contracts are usually done by manufacturing companies when there strong
is a need for a big volume of products. It can also be entered into by winds, never completely defoliate.
middlemen who resell the products to retailers in big markets. In a Trees suitable for city planting must be tolerant of city dust,
contract, both the farmers and the buyers agree on an amount to be able to
paid for a specified volume of products. For example, harvested withstand the rigors of the initial planting, resistant to smoke,
crops in a hectare plantation of carrots will be given to a company at gasses,
a specified date, at a specified period. This means that the farmer is and other pollutants.
not allowed to sell any of the products to other buyers except the 3. Availability of Resources
company or person of whom the contract has been signed. Money is the capital needed to produce goods and services in
5. Selling through Cooperatives order
Cooperatives are non-profit organizations of workers. They own and to purchase assets and maintain operations.
manage the organization and prioritize the product sold by their Time represents how far out into the future you want to plan
organization. If a cooperative can buy products directly from the your
farmers at low prices, then the products can be sold to its members business. If you want to grow your business successfully for
at low prices too. Whatever income or profit earned by the years,
organization is usually divided among its member depending on the you need to have a plan of your current business, like
number of shares or stocks each one owns. expansion of
6. Word-of-mouth Marketing your seedling nursery.
This is a strategy where the experience of satisfied customers leads Equipment refers to a set of tools or other objects used to
them to tell stories about the product they have used. A useful way achieve a
of promoting the products without any cost incurred. particular goal and objective.
7. Free sample Marketing In order to ensure that our money, time, and equipment will
It is a marketing strategy in which the owners convince the not be put
consumers or buyers through giving free samples of the product to in vain we should consider the following:
try. a. Site and Location- to identify site and location is a vital
requirement of the in plantation expansion
b. Type of soil. The soil must be suited to the type of seeds to
c. Preparation of seedlings. High quality seeds have high
of germination and correct moisture content and are free from
seed pests, diseases, and other physical impurities.
d. Storage box for tools and equipment. Complete tools and
equipment help in carrying out nursery activities.
e. Pots and plots. These are used for the individual
transplanting of
seedlings from the seed box.
f. Sunlight, water and fertilizer supply. The vital needs of a
are sunlight, water, and fertilizers.
4. Design and Layout of the Existing Orchard
A blueprint or a diagram should be prepared when doing a
plan for a
specific purpose. Systematic planting of fruit trees in the
orchard must
have a blueprint to serve as a guide in how seedlings are to be
laid in
the farm.
F. Developing
(leads to
Assessment 3)
G. Finding Plan by making a lay-out and
practical design of your orchard or
application of seedling
concepts and nursery. Draw it inside the
skills in daily box.

H.Making • In Marketing of fruits and seedlings, buyers and consumers

generalization want them in ___________.
s • ______________ requires fertile soil/land to produce better
and because the plants are planted at the center of equilateral
abstractions triangle.
about the • ______________is a method for planting another plant in the
lesson center of each square makes use of the empty space.
• ___________________________should be prepared when doing a
plan for a specific purpose.
• Middlemen are also known as _______________.
• _______________is a strategy where the experience of satisfied
customers leads them to tell stories about the product they
have used. A useful way of promoting the products without any
cost incurred.
• Fruits have to be picked within a certain period ________ they
are eaten
• ___________is to set trees at unequal distances for plants to get
proper space sunlight for growth and development.
• _______________ is directly selling the products from the farm to
the consumers or products are sold by unit (a piece or kilo) in
the market. Although it’s time and energy consuming, farmers
get more profit by this method of selling that wholesale.
• ______________________ is a marketing strategy in which the
owners convince the consumers or buyers through giving free
samples of the product to try
I. Evaluating Activity A. Write T if the Choose and encircle the letter of Direction: Circle the letter of Directions: Using the
learning statement is true and F if it the correct answer. the correct answer. semantic web, create your
is false. 1. A strategy where the experience 1. It is the capital needed to own steps in marketing
1. Free sample marketing is of satisfied customers leads them produce goods and services in products through retailing.
a strategy in which the to tell order to purchase
owners convince stories about the product they assets and maintain
the consumers or buyers have used. A useful way of operations.
through giving free samples promoting the A. money
of the products without any cost B. time
product to try. incurred. C. sunlight
2. Selling in the farm is when A. retailer D. tool
buyers go directly to the B. use of Middlemen 2. It refers to a set of tools or
farm to buy C. word-of-mouth marketing other objects used to achieve
farm products. Prices are D. selling in cooperatives a particular goal
usually cheaper because 2. It is directly selling the products and objective.
farmers do not from the farm to the consumers or A. money
need to transport their products are sold by unit (a piece B. Equipment
products to the market to or kilo) in the market. Although it’s C. time
save time, money, time D.
and efforts. and energy consuming, farmers 3. This system requires fertile
3. In marketing of fruits and get more profit by this method of soil/land to produce better
seedlings, buyers and selling that because the plants
consumers want wholesale. are planted at the center of
them in bad condition. A. use of Middlemen equilateral triangle.
4. Middlemen are also B. word-of-mouth marketing A. rectangular system
known as “Traders”. They C. Retailing B. square system
buy the products D. selling in cooperatives C. Triangular System
from the farm at a lower 3. It is a marketing strategy in D. quincunx method
price and resell these to which the owners convince the 4. Middlemen are also known
retailers or small consumers or as _______________.
stores. The middlemen buyers through giving free A. trader
earns by transporting the samples of the product to try. B. timer
products from the A. Free sample marketing C. collector
farm to the market and sold B. word-of-mouth marketing D. carpenter
it at a higher price. C. Retailing 5. A type of selling where
5. Fruits have to be picked D. selling in cooperatives buyers go directly to the farm
within a certain period 4. It should be prepared when to buy farm
before they are doing a plan for a specific purpose products. Prices are usually
eaten. A. money cheaper because farmers do
6. For fruits they want fresh, B. time not need to
firm, crisp or over ripe. C. sunlight transport their products to the
7. For seedlings they want D. blueprint or a diagram market to save time, money,
healthy and strong stem and 5. In this system plants are kept and efforts.
roots. on similar distance for a fair level A. selling in the mall
8. Retailing is directly selling site B. selling in the city
the products from the farm A. rectangular system C. selling in the market
to the B. square system D. Selling in the farm
consumers or products are C. Triangular System 6. A strategy where the
sold by unit (a piece or kilo) D. quincunx method experience of satisfied
in the 6. It is the capital needed to customers leads them to tell
market. Although it’s time produce goods and services in stories about the product they
and energy consuming, order to purchase have used. A useful way of
farmers get assets and maintain operations. promoting the
more profit by this method A. money products without any cost
of selling that wholesale. B. time incurred.
9. A blueprint or a diagram C. sunlight A. retailer
should be prepared when D. tool B. use of Middlemen
doing a plan 7. It refers to a set of tools or other C. word-of-mouth marketing
for a specific purpose. objects used to achieve a D. selling in cooperatives
particular goal 7. It is directly selling the
and objective. products from the farm to the
A. money consumers or
B. Equipment products are sold by unit (a
C. time piece or kilo) in the market.
D. effort Although it’s time
8. This system requires fertile and energy consuming,
soil/land to produce better farmers get more profit by
because the plants this method of selling
are planted at the center of that wholesale.
equilateral triangle. A. use of Middlemen
A. rectangular system B. word-of-mouth marketing
B. square system C. Retailing
C. Triangular System D. selling in cooperatives
D. quincunx method 8. It is a marketing strategy in
9. Middlemen are also known as which the owners convince
_______________. the consumers
A. trader or buyers through giving free
B. timer samples of the product to try.
C. collector A. Free sample marketing
D. carpenter B. word-of-mouth marketing
10. A type of selling where buyers C. Retailing
go directly to the farm to buy farm D. selling in cooperatives
products. Prices are usually 9. It should be prepared when
cheaper because farmers do not doing a plan for a specific
need to purpose
transport their products to the A. money
market to save time, money, and B. time
efforts. C. sunlight
A. selling in the mall D. blueprint or a diagram
B. selling in the city 10. In this system plants are
C. selling in the market kept on similar distance for a
D. Selling in the farm fair level site
A. rectangular system
B. square system
C. Triangular System
D. quincunx method
J. Additional
activities for
application or
A..No. of ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80%
learners who above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above above
earned 80% in above
the evaluation
B.No. of ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
learners additional activities for additional activities for remediation activities for remediation additional activities for additional activities for
who require remediation remediation remediation
activities for
who scored
below 80%
C. Did the ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
lessons work? ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up
No. of learners the lesson lesson lesson the lesson the lesson
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to
learners who require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation
continue to
E. Which of my Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
teaching ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration
strategies ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games
worked well? ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw
Why ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary
did these work? activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises
___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel
___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/
Poems/Stories Poems/Stories Poems/Stories Poems/Stories Poems/Stories
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s Cooperation in ___ Group member’s Cooperation in ___ Group member’s Cooperation ___ Group member’s Cooperation
Cooperation in doing their tasks doing their tasks in in
doing their tasks doing their tasks doing their tasks
F. What __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils
difficulties did I __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
encounter __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs
which my __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology
principal or Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD)
supervisor can __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/
help me solve? Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works
G. What Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
innovation or __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
localized __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from
materials did I views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality
use/discover __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be used __ Recycling of plastics to be used as __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be
which I wish to used as Instructional Materials as Instructional Materials Instructional Materials used as Instructional Materials used as Instructional Materials
share with __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition
other teachers?



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