Expository Form of Writing-Keth A. Villanueva
Expository Form of Writing-Keth A. Villanueva
Expository Form of Writing-Keth A. Villanueva
Reading means many things to many people. It can be one of the most rewarding
preoccupations of the individual and making it possible to partake of means accumulated
experience and achievements through the ages. Reading is one of the macro skills that need to
be mastered for it encompasses a lot of aspects of life. Reading can take people to different
places and can be therapeutic to every individual who suffered a lot in terms of emotional and
mental stress. Through reading, the individuals in the world would level up not only to the needs
and to the norms of the society. However, through simply reading, people will overcome
different phases in life and will become learned to surpass future endeavors to come.
Reading is one of the salient skills in English that an individual must need to master. It is
a toll subject for it is a prerequisite of all learning areas. It serves as a gateway for every student
to learn the different subjects because they have difficulties in reading. Reading plays a
significant role in one’s success in school. Reading is what students need to master, to sharpen
their analysis and most likely comprehension. This has become the greatest issue to every
individual in terms of comprehension. Others would say, students, read because they love to
read, some will say students read because they are forced to read and what makes them more
disappointed, students read everything without understanding the text nor comprehending what
they read. The main essence of reading has lost because mostly, they read because they do
not have the choice, and it turns out that they may be reading but lacks comprehension of what
the passage or text all about.
According to (Medina, 2011), the strategies in comprehending text have been justified
that is essential to students in becoming more effective learners in society and essential to them
in improving and sharpening their reading comprehension skills. Probably, students will be able
to become good readers if they understand the text or the message it conveys on what they
read. Thus, reading is the root of instruction for all students and sets stronger foundations for
future progress and success in all aspects of life (Scott, 2010; Luckner and Handley, 2008). In
2018, among 79 participating countries, the Philippines scored the lowest comprehension in the
Programme for International Student Assessment or also known as PISA. Reading was the
main subject assessed among 15-year-old students in the 2018 PISA. The Philippines had an
average score of 340, more than 200 points below China (555) and more than 100 points less
than the OECD average (487). On the report of PISA 2018, boys and girls in the Philippines
both ranked lowest in reading proficiency is beneficial for a wide variety of human activities-
from following instructions in a manual to find out the who, what, when, where, and why of an
event; to communicating with others for a specific purpose or transaction.
Reading comprehension has become a hot issue in the Philippines for it clearly shows
how Filipinos especially teenagers or that aged 15 years old, have difficulty in comprehending
the text or what they have read. Perhaps, they read the text because of the factors or because
of the pressure coming from society. The Philippines ranked lowest in reading comprehension
because of the different characteristics factors that affect their reading comprehension and
affect their reading style in general. Due to the varied factors, it would create difficulty for the
readers. Reading ability is developed through practice and develops readers if they are provided
with text, print, and digital. The readers need some practice through teacher modeling and
shared practice towards independent practice (Perez, 2019).
Furthermore, we can solve this problem through different interventions and solutions.
The reasons why the Philippines ranked last are due to poor connectivity in far-flung areas,
lacks of reading materials, lack of teachers and parents in handling digital literacy, and teacher’s
lack of reading instruction strategy training. In order to solve the problem and to thwart these
factors, we need to teach the students expository texts that focus on factual information, reading
culture should be promoted in schools in making the libraries functional and visionary, and
lastly, students need to be taught on how to observe the importance of the credibility of the text.
Indeed, comprehension of the text is the primary goal of reading (Winch and Holliday, 2010).
Reading comprehension is the key and a process for an individual to be successful not only in
the field of education but also in immersing in the industrialized world. Teaching students
reading comprehension firmly will bring them outside to be with the demands of the world and to
become competent around the globe.