Maeyette S. Dakila
Research Adviser
March 2023
Chapter I
For educators and policymakers, the reading abilities of Filipino students have
been a challenge. Recent studies have shown that many students still need assistance
with reading comprehension, vocabulary expansion, and critical thinking skills, despite
government initiatives to raise literacy rates in the Philippines (Idulog et al., 2023).
dissecting, classifying, and extracting implicit meaning of a text (Ardhian et al., 2020;
understand the messages of the author, readers should have the ability to read with
reading is one of the most popular activities. Nurjanah (2018) emphasize that reading
skills. Students' ability to comprehend the many kinds of reading materials assigned by
Comprehension is a strong predictor of overall academic achievement. Large
International Student Assessment (PISA), stress the importance of students being able
reading, students need to draw on strategies taught through the lens of comprehension
Reading is essential for learning in school and in life. This skill allows everyone
concepts and methods, and make sure that these will be continuously passed down to
essential skill and a challenging process with numerous cognitive and linguistic
understanding the content and context of the text, making inferences and expenses,
enhance the extent of comprehension among students. Thus, language instructors are
facilitate critical thinking in understanding complex texts. (Alenizi, 2019; Ismail &
Tawalbeh, 2015).
Moreover, reading comprehension also includes the ability of a person to
translate the essence of the sentences using his own words. This also consists of
applying the text read in one’s life. One aspect of reading comprehension is when a
person articulates some of his life experiences and relates them to the text written. It is
a sign that a person truly comprehends because some personal emotions are attached
to it (Wilhelm, 2018). The recent 2018 research conducted by the Program for
International Student Assessment (PISA) tested around 600,000 students aged 15-
year-old over 79 participating countries. The study found out that the Philippines ranked
the lowest in terms of Reading Comprehension with 340, which is the lowest score in all
countries surveyed.
This study aims to determine the factors affecting reading comprehension skills
1.1 Sex
3.1 Seminars
3.2 Workshops
skills in English Language of Grade 10 learners at Malasiqui Catholic School Inc. This
and knowledge that will enable the school, teachers, students, and future researchers to
need improvement. As a result, the school will be able to assist its students to
Teachers: The findings in this study may provide them with an insight into the
issues that their learners are struggling with and can quickly come up with a solution.
Assigning performance tasks for their students that are still aimed at improving their
comprehension skills, letting them read aloud, and engaging them in analytical
activities. This is possible because they are better informed about the teaching
Learners: This study enables them to be aware of the factors that affect their
understanding abilities. The solutions that the schools will implement, and the teaching
approaches of the teachers based on our findings of the study will greatly benefit them,
these help them become more imaginative, critical thinkers, communicators, and
researchers as they carry out their own research that is related to this study. They can
just expand this research's scope by providing additional relevant information or filling in
the gaps that this research has not addressed yet. It is now easier for them to start or
come up with an idea about their own study since they already had the reference and
The scope of this study focuses on determining the factors affecting reading
Catholic School, Inc. The factors of this study will place more emphasis on how to have
better reading skills and comprehension in English language. This study is limited only
to the learners of Malasiqui Catholic School, Inc., specifically the learners from 10th
These following terms are defined for clearer understanding and better grasp of
Factors are the variables in the study that the researchers believe will influence the
by which a reader thinks about written language to extract and construct meaning
Skills. the ability to do something well. The ability to apply knowledge and abilities in
Cognitive Factors. refers to characteristics of the person that affect performance and
students' performance inside the school due to the factors they were encountering.
Non-Educational Factors. It happens when a school has been used for some events
and does not provide nor relating to education. In this study, it concerned the
Local Literature
if not all, activities in collegiate courses. It allows students to access information, gain
knowledge, and engage with different perspectives. However, several factors can
impact one's ability to read and comprehend text materials effectively, including
undeniably one of the most crucial educational outcomes in primary education. It serves
as the foundation for children's learning and development of broader literacy skills.
Reading not only enables children to acquire knowledge but also empowers them to
engage actively in society, including the workforce. Proficient reading skills allow
intellectual growth and expanding their horizons. Moreover, reading proficiency equips
children with the tools to comprehend complex texts, think critically, and express
themselves effectively. These skills are essential for success not only in academic
pursuits but also in future careers and active participation in society. By nurturing strong
reading abilities early on, primary education sets the stage for children to become
system, students from low-income families often prioritize work at a young age instead
of attending school regularly. This lack of consistent formal schooling, coupled with
poverty and limited access to academic resources, hinders their cognitive development
and ability to interact with people in the academic community. On the other hand, a child
who grows up surrounded by teachers, books, and other reading materials gains a clear
In recent years, there has been some work to help students score better on
the language that influenced their infancy while learning English as a foreign language.
The system, adopted throughout the world, aims to help students understand English as
a language so that they are not forced to translate a text while having to discover the
text’s meaning simultaneously. While it has been used for a long while in the country, it
Individuals need reading comprehension skills to have and maintain a job and
what they are reading can safely live their lives and continue to gain socially and
intellectually (Hoch et al., 2015). Investigating the elements that influence reading
text they are reading. Reading comprehension is a crucial factor in making reading
job, and life in general. When we determine the factors, we will be able to find the best
comprehension and support critical thinking in understanding difficult texts since the use
language teachers to come up with an efficient reading plan (Alenizi, 2019; Ismail &
Tawalbeh, 2015). In some countries, reading comprehension is taught using topics that
students like, through books that students choose, which supposedly encourages them
to read on their own later. Robert Pondiscio of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute says
otherwise: Recent research shows that comprehension increases not when students
are interested in what they read per se, but when they first have strong foundational
knowledge of what they are reading. This means they need instruction on topics such
as the sciences and art, contributing to what the scholar E.D. Hirsch Jr. called “cultural
meaning through interaction and involvement with written language" by the RAND
Reading Model, another significant reading paradigm for study and practice. (RAND
specifically refers to the relationship of the reader, text, and task characteristics. This
a clear understanding of a text when the text is easy and the task simple (e.g.,
answering multiple-choice questions), but the same reader may struggle when
A crucial ability that all students must have is reading comprehension. According
word problems where adept comprehension skills are crucial for discerning the
grasping information about living organisms, flora, celestial bodies, and the scientific
Foreign Studies
The study conducted by Jingblad and Johansson (2017) implies that lack of
reading activities that improve their extent of comprehension. Similarly, Protacio (2017)
has suggested that reading engagement accounts for students’ motivation to read,
participate in social activities that promote reading, use learning strategies while reading
interaction between students and reading material, due to which reading objectives in
the students with an effective means to engage in their social environment while
developing their comprehension skills. The adequate social environment that can
reading apprenticeship, book clubs and author analyses. These activities result in
stimulating an interpretive discussion among the students and utilize critical reflection
knowledge are other factors to facilitate reading comprehension. The reading of the text
starts with identification of individual words, for instance, the process which converts the
visual input into linguistic representation, Vocabulary knowledge aids in activating and
2013). As explained by Hollowell (2013), one of the factors is concerned with medical
problems. Poor reading comprehension skill may be related to the medical difficulty that
does not get addressed until the child is older. This involves undiagnosed ADD
emphasized that learners with speech and hearing difficulties are less likely to take part
in oral reading and class discussions. These are the two activities that help learners
Local Studies
the Education Students", students' reading competence is one of the skills that must be
cultivated for them to acquire outstanding English communication skills. In the world of
education, the ability to read becomes crucial. Reading can provide students with useful
knowledge they may not have otherwise acquired. This knowledge would be helpful if
students could comprehend it and move beyond the written word to construct their own
thoughts and ideas. Comprehension, therefore, is the capacity for understanding those
thoughts and ideas. This skill should be developed as all lessons and activities require
comprehension, some students still do not meet the reading competency standard.
The previous researchers conducted a test for the significance of the difference
in the level of the education students’ reading comprehension when analyzed according
to sex. The test shows that the average mean for female students is 58.69, which is
higher than the average mean for male students, which is 57.48. This indicates that
But the p-value of 0.713, which is greater than 0.05 as the alpha level, indicates that
essential life skill that is important in both the teaching-learning context and outside of it.
One of the factors that contribute to growth in both individuals and the community is the
ability to read. In the local context, there is a serious concern about understanding the
performances highlight students' poor comprehension of texts written at their level. This
Using a peer tutoring strategy, this study sought to find out how well readers
performed in reading comprehension before and after written and oral assessments to
in line with written assessments. In comparison to its counterpart, the control group's
students made more errors. Both the control group and the experimental group's
further to a significant level. After the intervention, learners in the experimental group
were placed in the superior level in the reading comprehension written test, whereas
learners in the control group were placed in the advanced level for written assessment.
In the control group, there is no significant difference between the learners' reading
comprehension before and after the intervention; but, when assessed orally, there is a
comprehension. However, there was a big difference between the two groups' reading
comprehension levels before and after the written assessment. The suggested action
All the studies reviewed and presented were contributory to the present study in
one way or another. They enriched the study in the sense that they served as a support
and background to the present study. The studies referred to above are linked to the
present study since it indicates the factors that are found to be affecting the reading
comprehension of learners.
According to Jingblad and Johansson (2017) and Protacio (2017), students must
Abdelhalim (2017), implies that activities such as group discussions, literature circles,
comprehension skills are essential for students' success not only in their academic
pursuits but also in their future careers and active participation in society. Additionally,
having a reading comprehension skill can be use is subjects like math science, and
the study of Tanczike (2017) and Weiser (2013), they both emphasizes that vocabulary
and word knowledge are other factors to facilitate reading comprehension. Vocabulary
knowledge can improve reading comprehension and fluency because it helps readers
make connections with the text by activating and building up background information.
excellence. In the study of Robison (2022), also points out that being good at reading is
important not just for school, but also for everyday life. This is especially true in subjects
like math and science where English is used to teach. They found that when students
helped each other through peer tutoring, everyone got better at reading. These studies
say that getting good at understanding what you read is super important for doing well
in school, and they give some good ideas for how teachers can help students get better
at it. However, both the studies by Bilbao et al. (2016) and Robison (2022) highlight the
reading abilities in early age, as primary education sets the stage for them to become
active contributors for community. Similarly, the study of Meron (2018), emphasize that
learner who will grow up surrounded by teachers, books, and other reading materials ca
gain a clear understanding about education. In the study of Elleman (2019) and RAND
Theoretical Framework
This study has anchored Frederic Bartlett’s “schema theory,” which describes
how knowledge is acquired, processed, and organized. This theory’s concept is that any
understanding entails using one’s knowledge of the world. According to this theory,
Albrecht, 2012).
capacity, it is like collecting various brain folders, every one of which contains data on a
controlling a reader to grasp content when reading. In interacting with text, the reader’s
mind searches for folders containing some relating ideas with the content. It helps build
evidence schema theory should be considered an important theory, for all students to
use their own previous background knowledge to be tapped before reading even begin
1974. In this theory, it is said the human mind functions like a computer and has limited
capacity for multitasking. Hence, the process of decoding the text and comprehending
cannot happen simultaneously. Additionally, all readers start in the same position,
where they know nothing or at least very little knowledge. In this manner, the learners
tend to repeat the text again and again to comprehend until it stays in their mind and
automaticity theory will provide some ideas why learners cannot comprehend the text in
be exposed more in repeated readings that involve reading short passage while
useless if the learners do not pay attention and concentration. Moreover, in terms of
psychological perspective, Tavakoli defines it as capacity to perform tasks with less or
no conscious effort in processing information (Tavakoli, 2019). Thus, this study can help
the learners to improve their reading fluency and their reading comprehension as well, if
only the teachers can create a various strategy for the learners to not lead them to
She deemed that both the text and the reader are equally needed to form meaning. This
theory rejects the structuralist view that meaning resides solely in the text, words in a
text evoke images in readers' mind and readers bring their experiences to this
encounter. Since individuals have different life experiences, it is almost certain that both
readers will not form the exact same interpretation of a text. Another aspect of reader-
(Rosenblatt,1982). The efferent stance focuses on information carried away at the end
of the reading, whereas the aesthetic stance focuses on readers thoughts and feelings
during reading itself. However, the two stances are not mutually exclusive. Through this
theory we can inform teachers should be more receptive to different responses from a
student. Rather, than focusing on the correct or wrong answer, it is worthwhile helping
Conceptual Framework
framework. The general structure and direction of the study were provided by the IPO
connected by inputs and outputs (Harris and Taylor, 1997). What goes in is the input;
what causes the change is the process; what comes out is the output (Armstrong,
GWA, and socioeconomic status. It also includes the factors that affect the reading
consists of the data collection gathered through surveys, giving the participants
interpretation of data, Lastly, the output where it shows the improved and better reading
Research Paradigm
1.) Demographic profile
of respondents in terms
- Sex
- Socioeconomic
status PROCESS
- Data collection
gathered through - Conduct an
2.) Factors affecting surveys. instructional
reading - Giving the program to
participants improve reading
comprehension skills
questionnaires. comprehension.
among grade 10 - Organization of
learners in Malasiqui the learner’s
Catholic School, Inc. responses.
- Cognitive factors - Statistical - Improved and
analysis and better reading
- Educational factors interpretation of comprehension
- Non educational data. skills
3.) Significant
Research Design
cited by McBurney & White (2019), descriptive correlational design used in research
studies that aim to provide static pictures of situations as well as establish the