Ajl CV Feb 2023
Ajl CV Feb 2023
Ajl CV Feb 2023
5429 S University Ave | Chicago, IL 60615 | (773) 891-8220 | anjanachandran@uchicago.edu | <website tbi>
Lakshmi, A., Wittenbrink, B., Correll, J., & Ma, D. S. (2021). The India Face Set: International and Cultural
Boundaries Impact Face Impressions and Perceptions of Category Membership. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 161.
Durante, F., Fiske, S. T., Kervyn, N., Cuddy, A. C., Akande, A., Adetoun, B. E., & ... Lakshmi, A., ... Storari, C.
C. (2013). Nations' income inequality predicts ambivalence in stereotype content: How societies mind the gap.
British Journal Of Social Psychology, 52(4), 726-746. doi:10.1111/bjso.12005
Correll, J., Ma, D. S., Lakshmi, A., Wittenbrink, B., Bansemer, E., Singh, B., Harvey Jr, L. O., (In Press). The
mental representation of Black and White faces. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Lakshmi, A., Rivera-Crespo, R., & Wittenbrink, B. (2022, November 20). Context Effects on Stereotyped
Perception of Faces. Retrieved from aspredicted.org
Lakshmi, A., Fiske, S.T., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2022, April 27). Examining social content perceived in vertical
versus sagittal gestures. Retrieved from aspredicted.org
Lakshmi, A., Fiske, S.T., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2022, February 4). Examining social content perceived in
vertical gestures. Retrieved from aspredicted.org
Lakshmi, A., Scott-Charles, K., Heck, I.A., & Kinzler, K.D. (2021, June1). Representing different forms of
social hierarchy with 2IFC - RCIC Paradigm. Retrieved from aspredicted.org
Lakshmi, A., Fiske, S.T., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2020, July 20). The communication of stereotype content
through gestures. Retrieved from aspredicted.org
Lakshmi, A., Correll, J., Ma, D., & Wittenbrink, B. (2019, October 15). The typical face: Family resemblance vs.
ideal models of social categories. Retrieved from aspredicted.org
Lakshmi, A., Venezia, S., Mattan, B. D., Cloutier, J., & Kubota, J. T. (2019, January 31). Understanding status
and race perception using reverse correlation image classification. Retrieved from osf.io/9px4n
Roske, C., Wittenbrink, B., & Lakshmi, A. (2022, February 7). Cultural differences in expressiveness affect
judgements of authenticity in smile expressions. Retrieved from aspredicted.org
Copelan, L., Lakshmi, A., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2022, January 22). Response latency to questions regarding
differing social groups. Retrieved from aspredicted.org
2023 Lakshmi, A., Wittenbrink, B., Correll, J., & Ma, D. S. MPA Annual Meeting. Cross-race
Differences in Judgements of Category Typicality. Symposium title: Cross-race Faces: Inquiries
on Typicality, Encoding and Individuation.
2021 Lakshmi, A., Fiske, S.T., & Goldin-Meadow, S. SALAD (Brownbag) at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. The Communication of Stereotype Content Through Gestures.
2021 Lakshmi, A., Wittenbrink, B., Correll, J., & Ma, D. S. The Annual Convention of SPSP. The
Typical Face: In-Group/Out-Group Differences in Judgments of Typicality for Black and White
Faces. Conference title: Thinking, Black and White: Structure and Consequences of Social
2020 Lakshmi, A., Wittenbrink, B., Correll, J., & Ma, D. S. Summer Conference on Social Perception.
The Typical Face: Family Resemblance vs. Ideal Models of Social Categories.
2018 Lakshmi, A. International Psychology Conference Dubai, UAE. UAE psychology 2.0: In need of
a kickstart (again)!. Panel Organized by Taregh Shaban.
2014 Lakshmi, A., Rowson, T.S., & Hunter, M. International Psychology Conference Dubai, UAE. ‘I
thought I did well’ – Impression Management and Formation at the workplace.
2023 Copelan, L., Lakshmi, A., & Goldin-Meadow, S. Response latencies in conversations about
social groups. Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
2022 Roske, C., Lakshmi, A., & Wittenbrink, B. Is it real? Then influence of perceived target ethnicity
on authenticity judgements of smile expressions. Midwestern Psychological Association
Conference, Chicago, IL.
2020 Chandran, A., Mattan, B.D., Venezia, S.A., Kubota, J.T., & Cloutier, J. (May, 2020). Reverse
Correlating Race and Status Perception. APS Annual Convention, Chicago, IL (cancelled).
2020 Chandran, A., & Gallo, D. (February, 2020). Now you see me, now you shouldn’t: the distorting
effect of context reinstatement on memory for own- and other-race faces. Annual Meeting of the
Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR.
2019 Chandran, A., Mattan, B.D., Venezia, S.A., Kubota, J.T., & Cloutier, J. (February, 2019). How
we construe race-status composites - a reverse correlation study. Annual Meeting of the Society
for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR. https://osf.io/nkjad/
2019 Wei, K., Chandran, A., Mattan, B. D., Venezia, S., Kubota, J. T., & Cloutier, J. (February,
2019). The impact of Perceived Social Status on Economic Trust Decision-Making.
2013 Chandran, A., Fiske, S.T. (January, 2013). In the eyes of the beholder - How people perceive you
depends also on who they are. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social
Psychology, New Orleans.