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Classification Contact: Rigid contact bridge
Classification Contact Mat: Silver
Classification Terminal: Screw terminal

Sample image

IEC 60947-3 EN 60947-3, VDE 0660 Teil 107

Rated insulation voltage Ui
Voltage (V) AC / DC
690 AC / DC
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp
Voltage (kV) Overvoltage category Pollution degree Supply system Function
6 III 3 Valid for lines with grounded common neutral termination switch
4 III 3 Valid for lines with grounded common neutral termination Switch disconnector
Rated uninterrupted current Iu/Ith
Current (A) Ambient temperature (°C) Peak temperature (°C) additional requirements
20 55 60 Ambient temperature +55°C during 24 hours with peaks up to +60°C
Conventional enclosed thermal current Ithe
Current Ambient temperature No. of stages (from -
Peak temperature (°C) Additional requirements Mounting Mounting size
(A) (°C) to)
Ambient temperature +35°C during 24 hours with
20 35 40 -- -- --
peaks up to +40°C
Rated operational current Ie
Utilization category Voltage (V) Current (A)
AC-15 220 - 240 6
AC-15 380 - 440 4
AC-20A 690 20
AC-21A 20 - 690 20
AC-22A 220 - 500 20
AC-22A 660 - 690 20
Rated operational power
Utilization category Voltage (V) No. of phases No. of poles Power (kW)
AC-6b 380 - 400 3 3 --
AC-6b 220 - 230 1 2 --
AC-2 220 - 240 3 3 4
AC-2 380 - 440 3 3 7,50
AC-2 500 - 500 3 3 10
AC-2 660 - 690 3 3 10
AC-3 220 - 240 3 3 3
AC-3 380 - 440 3 3 5,50
AC-3 500 - 500 3 3 5,50
AC-3 660 - 690 3 3 5,50
AC-3 110 - 120 1 2 0,60
AC-3 220 - 240 1 2 2,20
AC-3 380 - 440 1 2 3
AC-4 220 - 240 3 3 0,55
AC-4 380 - 440 3 3 1,50
AC-4 500 - 500 3 3 1,50
AC-4 660 - 690 3 3 1,50
AC-4 110 - 120 1 2 0,30
AC-4 220 - 240 1 2 0,75
AC-4 380 - 440 1 2 1,50

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Datasheet CA10

Rated operational power

Utilization category Voltage (V) No. of phases No. of poles Power (kW)
AC-23A 220 - 240 3 3 3,70
AC-23A 380 - 440 3 3 7,50
AC-23A 500 - 500 3 3 7,50
AC-23A 660 - 690 3 3 7,50
AC-23A 110 - 120 1 2 0,75
AC-23A 220 - 240 1 2 2,50
AC-23A 380 - 440 1 2 3,70
Max Fuse Rating IEC
Fuse characteristic No. of Fuses Current (A)
gG 1 25

UL60947-4-1 , UL508
Rated insulation voltage Ui
Voltage (V) AC / DC
300 AC
Rated thermal current
Current (A) Ambient temperature (°C) Additional Text
20 0 - 40 --

Rated insulation voltage Ui
Voltage (V) AC / DC
300 AC
Rated thermal current
Current (A) Ambient temperature (°C) Additional Text
20 0 - 40 --


Tightening torque of screws
tightening torque (Nm) tightening torque (lb-in)
0,60 5
Rated short-time withstand current Icw
Time (s) Current (A)
1 140
Size of conductor
Cross section (mm²) or
composition of conductor Min. / Max. value No. of conductor per terminal Material of the wire
solid wire Min. 1 0.5mm² Copper
solid wire Min. 2 0.5mm² Copper
flexible wire Min. 1 0.75mm² Copper
flexible wire Min. 2 0.75mm² Copper
flexible wire Max. 2 2.5mm² Copper
flexible wire Max. 2 AWG 14 Copper
Single-core or stranded wire Max. 2 AWG 12 Copper
Single-core or stranded wire Max. 2 2.5mm² Copper
flexible wire with ferrule according to DIN 46228 Min. 1 0.5mm² Copper
flexible wire with ferrule according to DIN 46228 Max. 2 2.5mm² Copper
flexible wire with ferrule according to DIN 46228 Min. 2 0.5mm² Copper

Specification Marking


CE marking

UK Directives

Lloyd´s Register EMEA

IEC 60947-3; EN 60947-3; VDE 0660 Teil107

UL 60947-4-1; CSA C22.2 No. 60947-4-1

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Datasheet CA10

Specification Marking

CSA C.22.2 No.14


Russian Maritme Register of Shipping

Power loss per pole
Power (W)
Conditions during transport and storing
Minimum temperature (°C) Maximum temperature (°C) additional requirements
-40 85 In case of temperatures below -5°C no shock load permissible
Shock / Vibration
Type of oscillation Values
Resistance to vibration Min. 4g, 2-100Hz, 1,6mm
Resistance to shock Min. 5g, 6ms
Resistance to vibration IEC 61373 (1999) Category 1, Class B
Resistance to shock min. 5g, 30ms
General Information
- DC switching capacity applies to ON/OFF switches.
- Do not lubricate or treat contacts.
- Switches may only be mounted, connected and set into operation by qualified persons according to the accepted rules of technology.
- Use copper wire only. Do not coat the wire end with tin.
- Terminals with factory fitted jumper links are tightened during production. Take care during installation to ensure factory fitted links are not lost by undoing both sides of linked terminals. After
wiring, all terminal screws must be tightened to recommended torque specifications.
- After installation of the switches the spacings between the terminals must be sufficient to fulfill the requirement of the applicable standards.

Operating temperature
Min. Temperature [°C] Max. Temperature [°C]
-25 60

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