Lesson Critique Template
Lesson Critique Template
Lesson Critique Template
Level: Pri 5 No 1 Area of Focus Comment on the GOAL(S) of the lesson (with reference to the learners ability, level & profile): Comments/Feedback The platforms used for this activity is very suitable for the learners at this level who are more independent and mature as compared with students in other levels. The goals of the lesson were divided into 3 parts. Firstly, all students are able to use Webquest for the activity proposed. Secondly, students are able to perform collaborative learning for their Glogster assignment. Thirdly, students are able to express their thoughts through Kidsblog. With reference to students ability (primary 5 students with Level 2 & 3 character) the lesson plan are feasible to caarried out as students have the pre-requisite knowledge with the ICT tools that is being carried out during the lesson. As they are from the higher ability group, this platform enables them to express their thoughts and ideas more freely. The steps taken in the plan is feasible and manageable. From another point of view, the GOALS of the lesson did not indicate the specific need to differentiate the learning needs of the middle ability (2) & higher ability (3). Also, teacher must access students prior knowledge on the ICT tools that are going to be use for this activity. Overall, the goals are not too ambitious and feasible to carried out. The objectives set by the teachers are attainable and realistic as the teacher himself indicated the percentage of pupils who were able to do the activity. The figures given ie, 90% and 80% are perhaps indicative of the students profiling and knowledge. From the percentage given, we can figure it out that the teacher have done some profiling technique with the pupils. This also shows the teachers level of expectations on
Comment on the OBJECTIVE(S) of the lesson (with reference to the learning outcomes that are observable and assessable, aligned with the goals?):
his/her students in carrying out the lesson. From another point of view, this lesson plan indicate the minimum percentage of the learning objectives that a teacher must achieve. However, the lesson plan itself already assumes that 10% 20% of the students may not grasp the learning objectives. Also, objective no 3 of the lesson plan does not synchronies with learning outcome no 3. While the objective only indicated 80% of the P5 pupils to be able to comment with relevance to the given topic, the learning outcome indicated the need to see accuracy of answers given. Overall, even though it was stated that the pupils have the pre-requisite knowledge with the ICT tools, he was aware that some of the pupils might faced some problem carrying out the activity. 3 Comment on the INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES and use/choice of ICT TOOLs : a. Identify some instructional activities the teacher implemented; analyze the appropriateness of the activities to the goals, objectives & pupil profile. b. Feedback on student directed vs teacher directed activities and inclusion of dimensions of meaningful learning c) The suitability of the use/choice of ICT tools AND non-ICT tools to the activities planned. a. There is no indication from the teacher with regards to how he/she plans to introduce the topic to the students. The lack of induction set in the plan may not set the right tone for the lesson to take place as it will be more appropriate for the teacher to engage their interest and prior knowledge prior to delving deeper into the main activity. Lack of key instructions may cause the pupils to be clueless in what they are going to do as a group. With that note, the pupils might find difficulties getting/finding/cite answers from the websites given as they have no interest or no idea at all on what they are going to find. The teacher should access students prior knowledge by doing induction activities first. However, the technique used by the teacher is relevant to learning objectives that is planned out, furthermore student already have the expertise in using ICT tools such as glogster and kidsblog. b. It is evident that the activities carried out is mainly student-directed. The role of the teacher is merely as a facilitator who creates the learning environment and guides them. Activities outlined in the instructions given, did not have the teacher included to be part of the activities planned out. The pupils as a group have to find the answers themselves
from the webquest given. Students also have to explore webquest to find relevant information to the task given. This self exploratory learning to some extend bring benefit in students learning. c. Usage of ICT tools such as glogster and kidsblog highly relevant to the activities planned. As the groups are also expected to do a presentation, this enables them to practise their oral skills in front of their own peers. The students already have the basic knowledge in using the tools, so with that it is easier for the teacher to conduct the activity with the pupils. However kinesthetic students for example may find the activity mundane as no physical movements required. Also, Hang Nadim happens to be a classic Malay legend. Although the usage of ICT may very well enhance the pupils understanding of the suject matter, the teacher may also have to consider having to use non ICT tools to preserve the authenticity of the subject matter. Overall The incorporation of Glogster and Kidsblog into the lesson plan will make the pupils more excited and interested to learn.
No 4
Area of Focus Comment on the IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS (what could have gone well or wrong; some suggestions for improvement)
Comments/Feedback While the use of ICT is favorable among the students, the amount of time given for the various tasks should be allocated appropriately so as to ensure that the objectives can be met. Also, The students should adhere to the time given for each task. By doing so, students learn time management skills and treat lessons using ICT seriously. Having five pupils in a group to use the computer is considered large. Further profiling of the students needed to be done to aid in the facilitation of the learning and teaching deliverables. For e.g: How are they grouped? Is there a fair balance of
ability 2 & 3 within a group? Are the pupils assigned roles on what they are going to do? The teacher have to make sure that the pupils are assigned with roles so as to encourage positive collaborative learning environment. An alternative view is that, instead of having five people in a group, the teacher can make this group activity to become a pair-work activity instead. This is to facilitate the process of teaching to take place in the class. Apart from this, students may divert their attention from accessing Webquest, Glogster & Kidsblog to surfing of Facebook with their peers if the teacher fails to monitor the class activities. Overall, ICT activities that were planned out may turn out well, as in usage of webquest, glogster and kidsblog. 5 Comment on ASSESSMENT (Focus on the appropriateness to the goals and objectives)
The assessment which includes the quality of the glogster does not relate to the objective given. Students may get too engrossed or carried away with the Glogster activity until to the extent that the pupils are not sure of what are the main objectives of the activity. The assessment also did not indicate the range of which the deliverables could be measured. E.g; there is no indication of how specifically the learning objectives will be achieved. In addition, there is also no time frame indication. This may deviate the students attention from the main objectives as they may get carried away with the designing and creation of the glogster. Alternatively the teacher can provide guidelines on what the pupils can write so that the objectives of the lesson plan can be achieve.