Fs2 Ep10,12,14,15
Fs2 Ep10,12,14,15
Fs2 Ep10,12,14,15
1. What factors did you consider in writing your lesson / learning plans?
I made the lesson plan considering the appropriate age group, aims to include diverse activities for
performance tasks, and wants to make lessons more engaging to boost student motivation.
2. What difficulties did you meet in writing your lesson / learning plans?
I find it challenging to visualize how I'll deliver the lesson and which activities to include in my online
lesson plan. Since I'm not familiar with making online lessons engaging, it's hard for me to decide on
specific strategies to use.
3. What feedback was/were given by your Resource Teacher in your first draft lesson / learning plans?
Resource teacher couldn't review draft plan due to busy schedule. She was happy i Passed semi-in-depth
lesson, and I am confident in improving learning strategy.
4. What were the best features/areas for improvement of your/lesson learning plans?
The best part is when my Students solve problems using various methods, promoting collaborative
learning and exploration. And I think the part that Needs improvement is teaching strategy to prevent
boredom during lesson presentation.
1.Using videos and posing problems, I spark the student's interest, enhances learning experiences, and
improves engagement, participation, and motivation.
2. I made examples and activities for different learner types, including various genders, religions, and
indigenous groups. I also encouraged students to use personal experiences and interests. To cater to
individual needs, instructional and assessment strategies were employed, like using drawings and place
value charts for subtracting numbers.
B. Video presentations - particularly useful for complex and visual subjects like problem-solving and
math formulas.
C. Group activities - effective for motivating students and developing critical-thinking and
communication skills.
D. Written assessment - allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and progress towards
educational goals.
4. Certainly! I proactively used English terms familiar to Grade 1 students, especially during
comprehension assessments. Additionally, I ensured the language used was unbiased and fair to all
5. I created questions that cover both lower-order and higher-order thinking skills. In my lesson, I
include examples of higher-order thinking questions like:
B. Can you Explain your solution approach using the Hundred Chart?
7. Indeed, I am confident that my assessment aligns with the learning outcomes, focusing on subtracting
numbers without regrouping, with a test requiring students to perform the subtractions to find the
8. I am confident that my performance tasks confirm mastery of the learning competencies related to
subtracting numbers without regrouping. Learners may use drawing and the place value chart to solve
problems involving one-digit numbers up to 18 and one-to-two-digit numbers up to 99.
9. I do believe that my proficiency level is moderate (between 6 and 8) and acknowledge the need for
improvement in my learning plan. I recognize the importance of enhancing lesson presentations and
creating activities that cater to individual student learning needs.
10. I designed this lesson suitable for both face-to-face and online classes. In online classes, breakout
rooms will be used to facilitate group collaboration and problem-solving strategies..
- Lesson planning is vital in the instructional cycle as it enables teachers to prepare what students will
learn, the activities they'll use, and how to assess understanding. It also helps teachers focus on their
objectives and establishes a timeframe for completion.
- emerged as I faced difficulties in planning the lesson for online classes, particularly in finding engaging
instructional strategies and learning resources that would cater to individual student needs.
- by planning to interview teachers regarding instructional strategies and learning resources used in
online classes. Additionally, I intend to attend webinars to gain further insights and techniques to
improve my classroom's learning experience.
- is I intend to use video presentations and a discussion method to teach subtracting numbers. Then I
will start with a pretest, implement the strategies, and then assess my students' progress with a post-
test to measure improvement.
Fs2 ep12
2. Did the teacher ask the class “Did you understand”? If she did, what was the class’ response?
3. Did the students make the teacher feel or sense they did not understand the lesson or a part of the
lesson? How?
By choosing not to respond or remaining quiet when the teacher poses a question."
The teacher provided further clarification on the lesson, using improved examples and additional key
5. Were the students given the opportunity to ask questions for clarification? How was this done?
Certainly, by raising their hands and directly posing the question to the teacher.
7. If he/she engaged himself/herself in re-teaching, how did she do it? Did he/she use the same teaching
The teacher improved the re-teaching process by combining a familiar strategy with a simpler approach
to help students understand the lesson better. They also offered better examples and situations for
further clarity.
8. While re-teaching by himself/herself and /or with other students-turned tutors, did teacher check on
students’ progress? If yes, how?
The teacher administered a quiz to assess the students' progress and determine their level of
Part 2: Analyze
1. Why should a teacher find out if students understand the lesson while teaching is in progress? Is it not
better to do a once-and-for-all assessment at the completion of the entire lesson?
Checking the students' understanding during the teacher's discussion is essential to avoid the need for
repeating concepts later. Confirming comprehension at this stage reflects the teacher's effectiveness in
their teaching approach.
2. Why is not enough for a teacher to ask “Did you understand, class?” when he/she intends to check on
Students often nod along or say "yes" to avoid disrupting the lesson, even when they haven't
understood the content. Some may also hesitate to ask questions due to shyness or reluctance.
3. Should teacher record results of formative assessment for grading purposes? Why or why not?
Indeed. Keeping records of students allows the teacher to monitor their progress, identify
achievements, and pinpoint those who may be struggling with the subject.
To effectively gauge students' attentiveness and comprehension of a specific part of the lesson, the
teacher should ask questions related to the ongoing discussion.
5. For formative assessment, why is peer tutoring in class sometimes seen to be more effective than
teacher himself/herself doing the re-teaching ortutoring?
Peer tutoring is more efficient because students feel more comfortable learning from their classmates,
who can empathize with their frustrations and provide a relatable perspective during the learning
6. Could an unreasonable number of failures at the end of the term/grading period be attributed to the
non-application of formative assessment? Why or whynot?
Indeed. The students' inability to understand the lesson implies that the teaching techniques may have
been repetitive or ineffective.
Part 3. Reflect
1. Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking. Reflect on this and write your reflections.
The analogy illustrates the contrast between formative and summative assessments, relating them to a
cook tasting soup for adjustments and a customer tasting the finished product. Both assessments have
distinct purposes.
- Evaluating formative assessments is acceptable. Learners' motivations differ, some intrinsically driven,
while others need external incentives like grades. Regular assessment helps teach, reach, and motivate
all students.
Fs2 ep14
What problematic situation/ challenges /area of improvement did you see while you participated and
assisted using an LMS?
Due to the pandemic, many students faced difficulties in utilizing and exploring applications that could
aid them during the crisis. This aspect was particularly challenging, especially in the initial part of the
academic year 2020-2021.
The SAMR Model is a framework developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura to help educators integrate
technology into teaching and learning. The model consists of four levels: substitution, augmentation,
modification, and redefinition.
What does l hope to address the problem/challenge/area of improvement in LMS use? What change do
you want to achieve?
Instructors should balance active learning with LMS resources, facilitating discussions, planning
activities, setting expectations, and fostering an engaging learning environment by encouraging student
autonomy, enthusiasm, and motivation.
2. What strategies/solution/means can you employ to improve the situation/solve the problem?
Collaborate with educators and other sectors to gather opinions, validations, and solutions for LMS
platforms to enhance academic learning.
Learning Administration Frameworks (LMSs) are widely used elearning tools to enhance students'
learning experiences and understanding of specific themes. However, some teachers are becoming
confused with LMS limitations, especially in online classrooms. LMSs are crucial for addressing issues
faced by higher education teachers, students, and colleges in the digital age.
Fs2 ep15
1. Which web-conferencing app did the teacher use for synchronous classes? Describe its features and
how you or the teacher used these features?
- For synchronous classes, the teacher used the Zoom app, which is a web conference program.
Meetings and Chat are two of its characteristics. HD video, audio, collaboration, and chat are all
available. Rooms and Workspaces are two types of spaces. The free version of Zoom offers a number of
valuable features for teachers, including the capacity to hold meetings with up to 100 people and the
ability for students to ask questions without saying anything brainstorm on a virtual whiteboard, and
collaborate on projects by marking documents.
2. How was the content taught or delivered? How were the learning activities facilitated? What
strategies did the teacher or you used to keep the students engaged? How did the students respond to
the teacher? To the activities?
- In the power point presentation, the topic is delivered or taught. Individuals were able to explore
answers from one another rather than the instructor, which facilitated the learningprocesses. Pose
questions to which no single answer exists. To keep her students more engaged in class, the teacher
employed the bamboozle app as a teaching strategy. Because the teacher employs such a catchy and
responsive activity, the students respond activelyto both the teachers and the activities.
3. What was your experience in participating and assisting in synchronous classes? What were your
thoughts and feelings while you participated and assisted?
- It’s quite challenging for us because this is our first time teaching in synchronous classrooms, but we
are also satisfied because we know we did our best and the students were really attentive. Our resource
teacher gave us positive feedback, and she was pleased with how well we delivered it. We're glad
because she gave us some recommendations to enhance our teaching skills, and she said she'd be
willing to give us more student activities to help us improve our teaching.
B. Analyze
1. What do you think are the best features of a web-conferencing app that you or the teacher used?
How did these features help the teacher and the students?
- The teacher has only utilized the Zoom web-conferencing app since we started our observation and
participation. Its features assist both the teacher and the students in facilitating the communication and
the teaching process. Its features allow the teacher and students to have an efficient teaching method.
It's quite simple to use. It also supportsthe teacher in improving her teaching by allowing them to raise
their hands utilizing the reaction button. It's also one of the safest apps to use in an online class because
the teacher can see who's in the room.
2. Referring to the Community of Inquiry Infographic, how well did the teacher/or you use the web-
conferencing app to establish: (Describe in detail.)
Teaching Presence?
- the teacher's professional attitude involves consistently guiding and supporting students in achieving
their learning objectives. She helps them comprehend the subject, encourages active participation,
assists with tasks, and provides valuable feedback to understand their strengths and weaknesses.
Social Presence?
- the teacher excels in social presence by being engaging and adept at capturing her students' attention.
She establishes strong connections with them and encourages direct responses to her questions during
lectures. the teacher also treats all her students equally and respectfully, without any judgment. She
shows humility in her interactions with everyone.
Cognitive Presence?
- the teacher maintains cognitive presence by regularly checking and encouraging students as they work
on their tasks and assignments. She provides individualized assistance and motivation to inspire them to
complete their work. Additionally, she enhances learning by offering concrete examples that help
students grasp the class material.
3. What problem or challenges did the teacher/ you or the students encounter during the synchronous
classes? How did it affect the teacher/learners? What part/s of synchronous classes do you think can still
be improved? How can this/these be improved?
- During our demo teaching, technical challenges like signal disruption and a power outage occurred, but
we carried on with the class. However, this delay affected the learners' time. We recognized the need to
improve our expression, tone, and engagement, especially for students facing signal problems or
hesitancy. Our goal is to enhance teaching methods, ensure active participation, and create an enjoyable
and engaging learning experience for a positive outcome.
C. Reflect
- I feel 60% prepared for synchronous classes, knowing they can be challenging. I am Grateful for my
resource teacher's advice, and I aim to practice and develop my skills to become fully prepared and
confident in handling such lessons.
Teaching presence?
In terms of teaching presence, the goal is to establish strong communication with students to build trust,
improve relationships, and adopt an effective teaching approach in the class.
Social presence?
To establish a positive relationship with students, it's important to build a strong connection with them.
This connection not only grabs their attention but also facilitates easy engagement and interaction
during teaching.
Cognitive presence?
In cognitive presence, the teacher confirms students' comprehension of tasks, evaluates their learning
methods, and offers assistance and suggestions for improvement. Encouragement is given to focus on
tasks and contribute to activities while considering other responsibilities.
What do you still need to learn in order to conduct an online synchronous class using a
webconferencing app effectively?
We acknowledged the need to learn and adapt for teaching synchronous online classes. Our goal is to be
flexible, create an enjoyable learning environment, and continuously improve our teaching methods to
meet students' demands and provide valuable education.
What problematic situation/challenges/area of improvement did you see while you participated and
assisted using a web-conferencing app for synchronous learning?
As of now, we haven't run into any issues while using the Zoom app. So far, everything has gone well.
Our only issue is with signal or connectivity, as we cannot always prevent the fact that our signal is poor.
There are occasions when we have to exit the zoom because our connection has been lost unexpectedly
List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenge.
1. The study aimed to create a scale to assess students' attitudes towards using interactive web
conferencing systems in distance learning courses.
3. The study aimed to understand why instructors adopt synchronous virtual classrooms and how they
utilize them after implementation. Instructors from various institutions participated in an electronic
survey, sharing their experiences in adopting such classrooms in blended or online courses.
- With the emergence of web-conferencing software during the epidemic, there is a belief that the field
lacks established principles and theories. Certain web-conferencing apps became widespread primarily
during pandemics, leading to a call for more research in this area.
-We anticipate that using a web-conferencing app will make online classes easier for us as students and
reduce our overall burden during virtual learning.
If you will conduct an action research, what will be the title (Base this on your answers in nos. 1-2)
The impact of utilizing a web-conferencing app on a student's learning capabilities.
4. ACT
What strategies/solutions/means can you employ to improve the situation/solve the problem?
- The goal is to use a reliable web-conferencing app for a convenient and effective class experience.
Selecting the appropriate app can lead to better learning outcomes for teachers and students. Utilizing
professional lighting and high-quality input devices enhances presentations and engages students.
Encouraging two-way communication enables interactive discussions between teachers and students.