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FS 2 Ep 9

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Name of FS Students: 

Course: BEED    Year: III
Resource Teacher:   MRS.JENALYN T. ELLAZO      School: MSES
Date of submission:  JUNE 26,2022

At the end of this learning Episode, I must be able to:

1. Explain the importance of my classroom management plan.
2. Enumerate the components of my classroom management plan.
3. Write my classroom management plan.
4. Use professional reflections and learning to improve practice.

1. Designing My Management Learning Plan.

Task 1: Participate and Assist

a. Fill out the “My Classroom Management Plan” template in page 68-69.
                                                                            MY CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PLAN

Philosophical Statement

Successful classroom management will depend on the ability of the teacher to provide a safe,respectful
and open environment to the students in the class. The teacher must be a facilitator in the learning
process, and have the ability to motivate students to pursue learning their own .As a future educator, I
should plan a design that will allow my pupils to know practically on how to be a lifelong learner.I
should always guide them in every possible way to whatever they willbe independent and can stand
their own way in the future.

Classroom Rules and Procedures

Rules are absolutely necessary to establish a safe and enjoyable learning environment.To ensure the
discipline of my students, I will establish classroom rules and procedures such as; Be on time,maintain
the classroom clean, obey all school regulations, raise your hand if you want to speak or ask something
and most importantly show respect to your teacher.

Teacher-Student Relationships

In order to maintain positive relationships with the students I will allow them to express their opinion
and concerns while also teaching them how to set boundaries between students and teachers. I will
teach them to be morally upright and to respect others and teach them how to speak and listen.
Schedules and Timeframes

I will make every part of my lesson interesting and interactive in order to keep my students’ attention
on the task at hand and should take into account their emotions and circumstances.The time and
schedule should always be followed.

Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements

Classroom setup is an important component in a learning environment because it is an essential piece of

classroom management to support both teaching and learning. The arrangement of my classroom varies
on the activities that will be needed in my class discussion. It is also well ventilated and will eliminate
anything that can cause distractions and stress.

Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures

I should get rid of anything that could be dangerous and l provide a medicine cabinet in case something
goes wrong.

Strategies for Rewards and Consequences

I will set rubrics and instructions for every activity they will do and give them reward for their
achievement.Discuss with them what consequences they might get when they do something

Task 2: Notice
a. Answer questions on page on page 70. 
1. What salient components have you noted?
 As a teacher, we should always be aware of each student’s needs. The prominent factors I
have noted are discipline and the involvement of both teachers and students. The
classroom management plan is designed to hold students accountable for their behavior.
The teacher plays an important role in the success of the teaching and learning process.
2. Why is there a need to utilize the information to create your classroom management plan?
 We should utilize information  to create our classroom plan because this information can
help us or teachers establish a solid foundation for their classroom and ultimately come
up with an effective and efficient classroom management plan that will lead to learning
outcomes and well manage student behavior.
3. What were the significant things that you noticed when you were implementing your plan?
 The key thing needed in implementing a classroom management plan is the development
of a good productive relationship between the student and the teacher. Setting good
standards of behavior that promote student learning and strategies for making a
productive and effective classroom.The teacher must be sensitive to problem may
encounter and  must be patient  and open-minded to understand her students well.

4. Were there items in your classroom/remote learning management plan which were not tailored to
the needs of your students? How will you improve on these?
 No, I believe that all the information I have used in my classroom management plan is
learner-centered and responsive to the needs of the students because classroom
management plans are designed for students.It is for the students to be responsible and
Task 3: Analysis
a. Answer analysis questions at page 70.
1. What elements in your classroom/remote learning management plan were mostly followed/
complied with?
 I think the teachers and students relationship and the classroom structure,design and
arrangement were the elements that mostly followed.
2. What elements in your plan were the most difficult to implement? Why?
 The most difficult to implement is the classroom rules and procedures because it depends
on the type of learners that a teacher is handling.
Task 4: Reflect
a. Answer reflection questions at page 70.
 What were your realizations after creating and implementing your classroom / remote learning
management plan?
 In developing a learning environment, classroom management is crucial.It includes techniques
that teachers use to create an environment conducive to learning and teaching. As an educator, I
recognize that creating a classroom management plan should be student-centered and beneficial
for learning. A well-managed classroom does not appear anywhere, it is the result of a teacher's
training and mastery of important skills.A classroom environment that stimulates and supports
learning is essential to classroom success. 
Task 5: Writing Action Research Prompts
a. Answer Observe, Reflect, Plan and Act at page 71.
1. The problems/challenges I encountered in writing my classroom management plan?
 they are diverse.Some of them have responsibilities that may affect classroom
management plans.
2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by asking for help if I consult my plan
with other teachers and solicit their feedback and suggestions.
3. Some strategies / solutions / means that I can employ to improve these situations / problems 
 soliciting feedback from other teachers on these issues and conducting research on how
to resolve  this issue. I will also question my students about the issue and invite them to
share their thoughts  and opinions. 
4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3,the possible title of my action research on this episode is
 Developing an Efficient classroom management strategy for diverse  students 
To further  enrich my knowledge on establishing classroom routines and procedures ,
whether in the classroom or in remote learning,these are some of the online  resources 
which will help me in these activities.(include books, websites, youtube videos and the
like and share these to your peers.
 Planning Classroom Management : A Five Step  Process to Creating a Positive Learning
by Karen Bosch
Task 6: Answer Check for Mastery at page 72. Discuss your answers briefly.
1. D - The important management plan is to make the students responsible and accountable for their
2. A - it is important to make our classroom management plan clear and simple so that the students
will easily understand and they can follow easily
3. D- It is need to have a classroom structure or layout  for the safety and security of the students
4. A- the best time to make the classroom management plan is at the beginning of the school year so
that the students will already know their responsibilities in the classroom and it helps your
classroom run smoothly when everyone knows what is expected of them.
5. A - the classroom management /remote plam must be given more emphasis on the classroom
rules and procedure because classroom rules and procedures are essential for creating a safe,
comfortable and promotes effective teaching.

Task 7: Working on your Artifacts (page 73).


Philosophical Statement

Successful classroom management will depend on the ability of the teacher to provide a safe,respectful
and open environment to the students in the class. The teacher must be a facilitator in the learning
process, and have the ability to motivate students to pursue learning their own .As a future educator, I
should plan a design that will allow my pupils to know practically on how to be a lifelong learner.I
should always guide them in every possible way to whatever they willbe independent and can stand
their own way in the future.

Classroom Rules and Procedures

Rules are absolutely necessary to establish a safe and enjoyable learning environment.To ensure the
discipline of my students, I will establish classroom rules and procedures such as; Be on time,maintain
the classroom clean, obey all school regulations, raise your hand if you want to speak or ask something
and most importantly show respect to your teacher.

Teacher-Student Relationships

In order to maintain positive relationships with the students I will allow them to express their opinion
and concerns while also teaching them how to set boundaries between students and teachers. I will
teach them to be morally upright and to respect others and teach them how to speak and listen.

Schedules and Timeframes

I will make every part of my lesson interesting and interactive in order to keep my students’ attention
on the task at hand and should take into account their emotions and circumstances.The time and
schedule should always be followed.

Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements

Classroom setup is an important component in a learning environment because it is an essential piece of

classroom management to support both teaching and learning. The arrangement of my classroom varies
on the activities that will be needed in my class discussion. It is also well ventilated and will eliminate
anything that can cause distractions and stress.

Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures

I should get rid of anything that could be dangerous and l provide a medicine cabinet in case something
goes wrong.

Strategies for Rewards and Consequences

I will set rubrics and instructions for every activity they will do and give them reward for their
achievement.Discuss with them what consequences they might get when they do something

I will be rated along the following:

a. Quality of my observations and documentations
b. Completeness and depth of my analysis
c. Depth and clarity of my classroom observation – based reflections
d. Completeness, organization, and clarity of my portfolio and
e. Time of submission of my portfolio

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