PhychologyXI PDF
PhychologyXI PDF
PhychologyXI PDF
SESSION: 2019-20
1. Syllabus
2. Assignment 1
3. Assignment 2
4. Assignment 3
5. Assignment 4
6. Assignment 5
7. Assignment 6
8. Assignment 7
9. Assignment 8
10. Assignment 9
11. Worksheet
Learning Objectives
1. To develop appreciation about human behaviour and human mind in the context
of learners‟ immediate society and environment.
2. To develop in learners an appreciation of multidisciplinary nature of
psychological knowledge and its application in various aspects of life.
3. To enable learners to become perceptive, socially aware and self -reflective.
4. To facilitate students‟ quest for personal growth and effectiveness, and to enable
them to become responsive and responsible citizens.
Foundations of Psychology
I. Introduction to Psychology
II. Methods of Psychology
III. The Bases of Human Behaviour
IV. Human Development
V. Sensory and Perceptual Processes
VI. Learning
VII. Human Memory
VIII Language and thought
IX. Motivation and Emotion
Term 1
April & May
Unit I: Introduction to Psychology
The unit seeks to help understanding and appreciating psychology as a discipline,
itsapplication and relationship with other sciences through appropriate and interesting
examples and analysis of everyday experiences.
Nature of psychology; Basic concepts: Person, Consciousness, Behaviour and
Experience: Similarities and variations in psychological attributes; Evolution of the
discipline of psychology; Developments in psychology in India; Psychology and
other disciplines; Linkages across psychological processes.
Activity 1
Research work: In pairs, find out more about your assigned branch of psychology,
highlighting a landmark study in the field. Present your findings in class.
Summary Chart 1
Fill in the following chart with details about the six schools of psychology discussed
in this chapter:
School of
Subject Matter Methods of
of Psychology: Study:
to Psychology:
Exercise 1
1. A psychologist studies family dynamics and their effect on the
behaviour of individuals in different regions. Their area of research
would be:
a) Developmental psychology
b) Cultural and cross-cultural psychology 1m
c) Cognitive psychology
d) Environmental psychology
2. Describe the branch of psychology that can help a person suffering 1m
from severe anxiety.
3. What branch of psychology will be the best to help a school 2m
principal develop instructional methods for her teachers? Why?
4. Why is our understanding of human behavior thought to be 3m
culturally constructed?
5. Differentiate between the following: 4m
a) Basic and applied research
b) Clinical psychologist and psychiatrist
6. Define psychology. Describe the parallel streams of thought about 6m
psychology as a discipline.
Activity 2
Learning by Doing (Group Work): In groups, design an observation schedule
(example given below) to study a particular behaviour for thirty minutes in a sample
of students at school. After conducting this observation, your report of the same
must include the following headings:
I. Research Question
II. Rationale
III. Type of Observation
IV. Observed Behaviour
i. Item No.(5-8 items)
V. Sample Studied
VI. Duration
VII. Method of Recording Data
VIII. Procedure
IX. Results
Note: An observation schedule should include only items that are relevant to the
research question. These should not require effort beyond observation to study.
These items should be appropriate for the culture and the environment and must be
completed within the time constraints of the study.
Method of
Aim of Type of Data:
Key Terms:
Exercise 2 Part 1
1. Researchers Robert Levine and AraNorenzayan (1999) used 1m
structured observation to study differences in the “pace of life”
across countries. One of their measures involved observing
pedestrians in a large city to see how long it took them to walk 60
feet. They found that people in some countries walked reliably
faster than people in other countries.
This is an example of ______________ and _______________
2. How is the quasi experiment method different? 1m
3. A researcher is studying the effect of the presence of people on the 2m
speed of cycling. Formulate a relevant hypothesis and identify the
independent and the dependent variable.
4. What is the nature of data collected in a psychological research? 3m
5. What are the various types of relevant variables? How can they be 4m
6. A psychologist wants to study whether recitation is the best 6m
method for memorisation of a poem. What method of
psychological enquiry should she use? Explain the method in
detail with the help of the problem.
Exercise 2 Part 2
1. Correlation method establishes a cause-effect relationship between 1m
two variables. True/False
2. Why are unstructured interviews also called “discovery 1m
3. What is the role of norms in psychological testing? 2m
Summary Chart 3
Fill in the following chart with details about each of the endocrine glands mentioned
in this chapter:
Location: Hormone/s:
Exercise 3 Part 1
1. Why is the thalamus called the relay centre of the brain? 1m
2. An elderly woman recently suffered from a stroke and experiences 1m
partial blindness since then. Which area of her brain do you think
was affected?
3. What would happen if the corpus callosum of a person is severed? 2m
4. “The balanced functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic 3m
nervous systems is essential for health and survival “. Explain.
5. How do neurons transmit information? 4m
6. Draw a mind map of the nervous system, mentioning its various 6m
sections, their components and their functions.
Exercise 3 Part 2
1. Recital of verses from the Koran, the Bible, or the Bhagwad Gita 1m
has a defined pattern, a traditional way of pronouncing it in a
specific order and rhythm. This form of cultural transmission is
associated with enculturation. True/False. Justify your answer.
2. Religious conversion is an example of which acculturative 1m
3. Describe the role of parents in the process of socialization. 2m
4. Human behaviour is driven by more than biology. Discuss. 3m
5. Differentiate between socialization and enculturation. How do 4m
both the processes help us become social /cultural beings?
6. Describe the process of acculturation. 6m
Activity 4
Heinz Dilemma: Present the following thought exercise to an individual and record
their response. Ask relevant follow-up questions to understand the reasoning behind
their answer.
A woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one
drug that the doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radium
that a druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The drug
was expensive to make, but the druggist was charging ten times what
the drug cost him to make. He paid $200 for the radium and charged
$2,000 for a small dose of the drug. The sick woman‟s husband, Heinz,
went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could only get
together about $1,000, which is half of what it cost. He told the druggist
that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay
later. But the druggist said: “No, I discovered the drug and I‟m going
to make money from it.” So Heinz got desperate and broke into the
man‟s store to steal the drug for his wife. Should the husband have
done that?
How would you classify their response according to the stage theory of moral
development proposed by Lawrence Kohlberg? Justify your answer.
Summary Chart 4
Create a detailed timeline chart (sample given below) for the concepts
described in the following theories:
(a) Piaget‟s theory of cognitive development
(b) Erikson‟s theory of psychosocial development
Perception: (a) Activity Boxes 5.3 and 5.4 from the NCERT textbook.
(b) Pick a landscape painting of your choice and mark any seven monocular
cues used by the painter to induce depth.
Summary Chart 5
Present the three theories of selective attention discussed in this chapter as
Exercise 5 Part 1
1. What is Miller‟s Magic Number? 1m
2. Can we attend to several things at the same time? 1m
3. Why must medication be used with caution when treating ADHD? 2m
4. Distinguish between external and internal factors affecting 3m
selective attention.
5. Discuss various factors that influence selective attention. 4m
6. Football referees have to constantly monitor the action on the field 6m
during a match. What is this type of attention process? Discuss the
factors that affect it.
Exercise 5 Part 2
1. You receive a text that says “C U l8r” and you interpret it to mean 1m
“See you later”. This is an example of top-down processing.
2. Identify the principle of perceptual organization that best fits the 1m
picture given below:
Summary Chart 6
Summarise the concepts of classical conditioning and operant conditioning
using the following chart:
Type of
Key Terms:
Factors/Determinants: Relative Effectiveness of
Exercise 6
1. What is the serial anticipation method? 1m
2. Spontaneous recovery can happen without extinction of learned 1m
response. True/False. Justify your answer.
3. Differentiate between generalization and discrimination. 2m
4. What is extinction? Describe the factors that influence resistance to 3m
5. Explain the process of skill learning with the help of an example. 4m
6. Write a short note on learning styles. 4m
7. Discuss the application of learning principles in therapy. 4m
8. Examine how the following psychologists have understood the 6m
mechanism of learning:
a) Bandura
b) Kohler
c) Tolman
Exercise 7
1. What are repressed memories? 1m
2. You remember what you wore on your 7th birthday. Which of your 1m
long term memory stores would this be in?
7. Distinguish between: 4m
a) declarative and procedural memory
b) episodic and semantic memory
Activity 8
Test of Creativity
Summary Chart 8
Use the following chart to organize the concepts discussed under processes of
Process of Characteristics Components Process Barriers
Exercise 8 Part 1
1. Explain prototype with the help of an example. 1m
2. Identify the form of reasoning: Lateral thinking is to Vertical 1m
Thinking as Divergent Thinking is to Convergent Thinking
3. Does culture influence thinking? 2m
4. What are the building blocks of thought? 3m
5. How can creative thinking be enhanced? 4m
6. Describe various stages of creative thinking. Discuss the role 6m
played by convergent and divergent thinking here.
Exercise 8 Part 2
1. Which theorist believed that language is just one of the vehicles of 1m
2. Language is used to communicate. What are the other two 1m
characteristics of language?
3. What is linguistic determinism? 2m
4. How does language develop? 3m
5. Does thinking take place without language? Discuss 4m
6. How did B.F. Skinner differ from Noam Chomsky‟s views about 6m
the acquisition of language?
Summary Chart 9
Diagrammatically present the following theories:
a) James Lange Theory
b) Cannon Bard Theory
c) Schachter Singer Theory
d) Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Needs
Exercise 9
1. Give any one reason for the doubtful validity of the polygraph test. 1m
2. How can one inoculate oneself from exam anxiety? 1m
3. What is paralanguage? 2m
4. How does emotional intelligence help in daily life? 3m
5. What are the biological bases of the needs for hunger and thirst? 4m
6. What behaviour do you think a new student at your high school 4m
will engage in first if they are high on need for:
a) Achievement
b) Power
c) Affiliation
d) Curiosity and Exploration
7. Explain various types of conflicts with the help of examples. 4m
8. Describe the mechanisms of the barriers to motivation. 6m
Q1. Dr. Peterson is given a project to study the personality and life-style differences
between two ethnic cultures. Which methods will he prefer to use:
Q3. If a psychologist gives you a few psychological tests to administer which expect
you to answer a few questions and solve practical puzzles by manipulating with
your hands. What kind of tests are these :
Q4. Dr. Gonzalez surveys how 8,000 students on her campus feel about a proposed
tuition increase. She selects 600 students for the survey. These 600 students and 8000
students completely represent respectively :
Q5. You as a psychologist want to help your friend buy a psychological test. What
would you keep in mind while buying (choose the best option) :
a. sample size, reliability and standardization
b. reliability, standardization and validity
c. standardization, validity and population
d. sample size, population and standardization
Q6. You study hundred children for a month, measuring how much TV they watch
and how many aggressive acts they perform. You find that TV watching and
aggression are highly and positively correlated. Base on this study, you
a. a sequential variable
b. the dependent variable
c. the independent variable
d. an extraneous variable
a. a case study
b. naturalistic observation
c. a survey
d. an experiment
Q9. Check your understanding of the uses and strengths of various methods of
psychological enquiry by figuring out which method would be optimal for
investigating the following questions about behavioral processes. Choose from the
following methods : (a) experiment (b) naturalistic observation (c) case study (d)
survey. Indicate your choice (byletter) next to each question :
______ 1. Are people‟s attitudes about nuclear disarmament related to their social
class or education?
______ 2.Do people who suffer from anxiety disorders share similar early
childhood experiences?
______ 3. Do troops of baboons display territoriality --- that is, do they mark off an
______ 4. Can the presence of food related cues (delicious looking advertisements,
for example) cause an increase in the amount of food that people eat?
Time : 3 hours MM – 70
General Instructions
All the questions are compulsory.
Do the questions in a sequential order.
Part A questions carry one mark. Answer to each question should be written in the
answer sheet.
Part B has very short type questions. Answers should not exceed 25 words.
Part C has short type questions. Answers should not exceed 60 words.
Part D has long questions. Answers should not exceed 100 words.
This paper has _3_printed sides.
Q17. Differentiate between close ended and open ended questionnaires . 3
Enumerate some advantages of questionnaire method.
Q18. Is acculturation a stressful process ?Discuss . 3
Q19. “Development is lifelong”. Explain. 3
Q20. Describe the role of two divisions of autonomic nervous system in 3
maintaining equilibrium in the body.
Time : 3 hours MM – 70
General Instructions
All the questions are compulsory.
Do the questions in a sequential order.
Question Nos. 1-10 in Part A are learning checks carrying one mark each. You are
requested to answer them as directed.
Question Nos. 11-16 in Part B are very short answer type questions carrying two
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 30 words.
Question Nos. 17-20 in Part C are short answer type I questions carrying three
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words.
Question Nos. 21-26 in Part D are short answer type II questions carrying four
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 100 words.
Question Nos. 27-28 in Part E are long answer type questions carrying six marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 200 words.
This paper has _3_printed sides.
Q5. Children gain controlover their torso before their extremities. This is an 1
example of:
a. Proximodistal trend
b. Cephalocaudal trend
Q6. At which Piagetian stage does hypothetical deductive reasoning emerge in the 1
Q7. What milestone of physical development marks the beginning of adolescence? 1
Q21. Describe the factors affecting prenatal development. 4
Q22. Discuss the role of parents and media as agents of socialization. 4
Q23. A 2011 study published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science 4
indicates that the ruder someone acts, the more convinced observers become
that he or she is powerful, and therefore does not have to respect the same rules
the rest of us follow.
In one of the experiments, one group of study participants watched a video of a
man at a sidewalk café put his feet on another chair, tap cigarette ashes on the
ground and rudely order a meal. Participants rated the man as more likely to
"get to make decisions" and able to "get people to listen to what he says" than
the other group of participants who saw a video of the same man behaving
Define the following terms and identify them in the above mentioned study:
Independent Variable, Dependant Variable, Control Group and Experimental
Q24. Explain the ideas of the Psychoanalysis school of psychology. 4
Q25. What are the characteristics of a good psychological test? 4
Q26. Write a short note on the cerebral cortex. 4
Q27. “The endocrine glands play a crucial role in our development and behaviour.” 6
Discuss the statement with examples of the roles played by THREE such
endocrine glands.
Q28. Describe Kohlberg‟s theory of moral development. 6
Q4. 1
Look at the above figure. All of us perceive the first line as shorter than the
second one though both the lines are equal. Name the illusion.
Q5. Read the following teaching method and identify the learning style it is based 1
“They read in pairs, sentence and sentence about. There‟s no time for either to
get bored. Each checks the other‟s mistakes and hurries him up if he‟s too slow,
since after all, his own turn depends on it. They teach each other all their work,
sitting cross-legged knee to knee on the mat or on their tables, arguing with,
correcting, abusing or smiling at each other.”
Q6. In serial learning, the learner makes a verbal response when a specific stimulus 1
is presented. T/F
Q7. Arti was opening a can of tuna, when she cut herself on the sharp edges of the 1
tin. Her hand began to bleed. Olivia now refuses to open any tin cans and gives
it to her father to do it. Identify the UCS and the CS.
Q8. Last summer Janisha took Sociology course and this semester she is taking 1
Psychology. Unfortunately, she is having difficulty remembering some of the
psychological terms because they were defined differently in her sociology
course, and she gets them mixed up. Janisha‟s difficulty in learning the
psychological terms is most likely due to
(i) encoding failure
(ii)motivated forgetting
(iii)retroactive interference
(iv)proactive interference
Q9. Which of the following statements is not correct? 1
(i) Divergent thinking works best for open ended problems
(ii) Divergent thinking involves using creativity.
(iii) Unlike convergent thinking, there is no single best correct answer in
(iv) The process of divergent thinking is systematic and logical.
Q10. Analyse the examples of motivated behavior described below. Indicate in the 1
column given which level ( 1,2,3,4,5) starting from the bottom , of needs in
Maslow‟s hierarchy has been activated.
a. ______ You‟re alone in a strange city and feel lonely. You yearn for
someone to talk to. You go for a walk along the water front hoping to
meet someone.
b. ______ Raj is working two hours overtime every night. He doesn‟t like
staying late, but you can‟t get promotions unless you do.
c. ______ A group of hunters had to virtually starve as they got lost in the
jungles. These men gradually become apathetic about nearly everything
but eating. They talked about food constantly and searched only for
d. ______ Manya is a famous and successful actress. She loves to sing and
is now learning music at the age of 35.
Q11. Why is it important to manage negative emotions ? Suggest any four ways to 2
manage it.
Q12. Explain the “levels of processing “ view of memory. 2
Q17. How does punishment differ from negative reinforcement ? What are some 3
disadvantages of punishment ?
Q18. What are various barriers to creative thinking? Describe any three strategies to 3
overcome it?
Q19. What are motivational conflicts? Explain. 3
Q20. What are the binocular cues of perception? Explain. 3
Q21. How does interference lead to forgetting? How can it be minimized? 4
Q22. Explain the following
(i) generalization and discrimination
(ii) spontaneous recovery
Q23. “Human beings rather than being passive recipients of stimuli from the external 4
world, try to understand it on their own. In this process, the characteristics of
the perceiver play an important role.” Discuss.
Q24. What is attachment and What did Harlow‟s study reveal about maternal 4
deprivation and attachment? What can be the effects of maternal deprivation in
Q25. What do you understand by need for power and achievement ? How do they 4
influence people‟s behaviour?
Q26. What are relevant variables in experiments ? How can organismic, situational 4
sequential variables be controlled?
1. Describe some of the areas of everyday life where understanding of psychology can
be put to practice. How can you define human behavior as function of the attributes
of a person and environment?
2. How does behaviourism differ from previous schools (structuralism, functionalism
and Gestalt) of psychology?
3. Which branch of psychology do you like the most and why? (try to find out any
interesting/latest research done in this field.)
4. What do you understand by constructivism?
5. How can knowledge of the field of environmental psychology be used to promote
environment friendly behaviour?
6. Write short notes on –cognitive psychology and organizational psychology.
7. “Human behaviour can be controlled and modified through the application of
psychological principles.” Discuss the statement.
8. Define hypothesis.
9. Differentiate between the following:
a) naturalistic and controlled observation
b) dependent and independent variable
c) experimental and control group
10. Critically evaluate the case study method.
11. Describe the advantages and limitations of the following methods:
a) Observation
b) Experimental
c) Questionnaire
12. Explain the co-relational method.
13. Explain various important features of psychological tests.
14. What do you mean by objectivity?
15. What are the different types of neurons found in the nervous system and what are
their functions?
16. Name the four lobes of cerebral cortex. What functions do they inform? Explain their
interdependence with the help of an example.