Department of Education
Region VII – Central Visayas
Lanas, City of Naga, Cebu
TLE_ICT Day 11- -Lecture -Organized Lessons -Observation -Collaborative -Sample of -Curriculum Guide
1.2 Recognize a AN11/1 25 -Discussion -Positive Classroom with rubrics activity Business forms/ - Teacher’s Guide
potential market 2PC-Ia- Discipline Clearances - Projector
• Analyze the market 1 -Sample of Local
need Building
Determine the Establishments
possible product/s
or service/s that will
meet the need; `
Screen the proposed
solution/s based on
viability, profitability,
and customer
requirements; and
Select the best
product or service that
will meet the market
TLE_ICT Day 26- -Experiential -Organizing -Observation -Investigation -Use of Local - Learner’s Manual
1.3 Recognize the AN11/1 35 Learning Classroom -Talking to -Demonstration Ingredients, -Curriculum Guide
importance of 2EM- -Lecture procedure Learners -Learner’s utensils, tools and -Teacher’s Guide
marketing mix in the Ia1 -Collaborative -Daily Routine ( Conferencing) Output equipment -Different Materials
development of Learning -Positive - Analysis of ( Scoring -School Canteen needed in producing &
marketing strategy Expectations learner’s Rubrics) -Fellow Students Selling Products
Describe the product
Marketing Mix (7Ps) in
relation to the
business opportunity
vis-à- vis: Product;
Place; Price;
Promotion; People;
Packaging; and
Positioning Develop a
brand name
TLE_ICT Day 36- -Lecture -Fairness & -Test -Oral -Textbooks -Textbooks
1.4 Demonstrate AN11/1 40 Discussion Consistency Presentation -Video -Multimedia
understanding of the 4 2EM-Ia- -Encouragement -Pen and Paper Presentation
Ms of operations 2 (Preventive) Test
Describe the 4Ms
(Manpower, Method,
Machine, Materials) of
operations in relation
to the business
• Develop a product
• Create a prototype
of the product
• Test the product
• Validate the service
description of the
product with potential
customers to
determine its market
• Select/pinpoint
potential suppliers of
raw materials and
other inputs necessary
for the production of
the product or service;
• Discuss the
value/supply chain in
relation to the
business enterprise;
• Recruit qualified
people for one’s
business enterprise. •
Develop the business
• Forecast the
revenues of the
business Forecast the
costs to be incurred
559 Compute for
1.2 Implement the CS_EP Day 41- -Lecture - Daily Routines - Observation Actual Businesses that -Curriculum Guide
business plan 11/12 42 -Case study - Collaborative w/ Rubrics implementation are local in the -Learner’s Manual
ENTREP - Integrate - Interview of business plan area -Teacher’s Guide
-0a-i-18 Technology - Written Exam -Different Materials
needed in their business
CS_EP Day 43- -Lecture -Organized Lessons -Observation -Collaborative -Sample of -Curriculum Guide
1.3 Operate the 11/12 44 -Discussion -Positive Classroom with rubrics activity Business forms/ - Teacher’s Guide
business ENTREP Discipline Clearances - Projector
-0a-i-19 -Sample of Local
CS_EP Day 45- -Experiential -Organizing -Observation -Investigation -Use of Local - Learner’s Manual
1.4 Sell the Product 11/12 47 Learning Classroom -Talking to -Demonstration Ingredients, -Curriculum Guide
ENTREP -Lecture procedure Learners -Learner’s utensils, tools -Teacher’s Guide
-0a-i-20 - -Daily Routine (Conferencing) Output (Scoring and equipment -Different Materials
Collaborative -Positive - Analysis of Rubrics) -School Canteen needed in producing &
Learning Expectations learner’s -Fellow Students Selling Products
CS_EP Day 48 -Lecture -Fairness & -Test -Oral -Textbooks -Textbooks
1.5 Identify the 11/12 Discussion Consistency Presentation -Video -Multimedia
reasons for keeping ENTREP -Encouragement -Pen and Paper Presentation
business records -0a-i-20 (Preventive) Test
CS_EP Day 49- -Lecture -Discuss and Explain - Talking to the -Oral Test n/a -Teacher’s Guide
11/12 58 -Discussion bookkeeping terms Learners / -Pen and Paper -CBLM
1.6 Perform Key ENTREP Method -Solve the given Conferencing Exam -Columnar
Bookkeeping tasks -0a-i-20 -Problem transaction as to -Pen and Paper -Ledger
Solving value received and Exam
- value parted - Observation
Cooperative/ -Teach and let the
Collaborative students explain
Learning accounting/
bookkeeping tasks
-Discuss the steps in
preparing journal
-Analyze the given
transaction and
apply the journal
-Teach and let the
student identify
steps in Posting
-Analyze the given
transaction and
apply the posting
-Analyze the given
transaction and
apply the
procedure in
-Teach and explain
the steps in trial
-Analyze the given
transaction and
apply the steps in
trial balance
1.7 Interpret Financial CS_EP Day 59- -Cooperative -Mastery of the -Analysis of -Performance n/a -Curriculum Guide
Statements 11/12 63 Learning lesson learner’s Task -Books
( Balance Sheets, ENTREP -Good teacher- output -Pen and Paper -Journals
Income Statement, -0a-i-20 student Exam
Cash Flow Projection, relationships
and Summary of -Availability of
sales) Academic test and
learning materials
1.8 Prepare and CS_EP Day 64- Lecture -Give the students -Talking to -Panel -The curriculum -Survey form
income statement 11/12 65 Method the most possible Learners/ discussion of guide applies to -Correct balance sheet
and a balance sheet ENTREP -Critical format and prepare Conference how to present the available -ledger/columnar
-0a-i-21 thinking and present their their income productor used in
method income statement statement and the locality.
-Active and a balance sheet balancing the
Learning - Good teacher- balance sheet
- student relationship
Collaborative -Conducive
Learning classroom
-Video Clips -Multimedia
CS_EP Day 66- -Active -Organized Lessons -Talking to -Interview -Ask Businessman - Income Statement
1.9 Identify where 11/12 67 Learning Learners/ -Oral in the locality on -Reports of the business
there is a profit/loss ENTREP Conferencing Presentation how they gained
for business -0a-i-22 profit or how
they failed.
2.0 Generate an CS_EP Day 68- -Discussion -Setting the stage or -Observation -Oral n/a -Articles from the
overall report on the 11/12 70 Strategies creating positive -Talking to the Presentation internet
activity ENTREP -Special classroom Learners -Panel -Financial Reports/
-0a-i-23 Reports atmosphere - Analysis of Discussion Statement
-Effective -Encouraging learner’s - Journal
Discussion in responsibility products - Business Plans
making their - Experiential -TG, LM, CG
overall Learning approach
report in - Collaborative/
their Cooperative
business Learning