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Mod 2

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Divine Word College of San Jose

San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Module 2

1. Title: Computer Programming 2

2. Scope: Primitive Types and Variables

3. Overview: In this module we will get familiar with primitive types and variables in C# –
what they are and how to work with them.

4. Objectives:

After studying this module, you should:

 Familiar with primitive types and variables in C#.

 Discuss the two major sets of data types in C# – value types and reference types.
 Examine different types of literals and their usage

5. Discussion of the topic

What Is a Variable?
A typical program uses various values that change during its execution. For example, we
create a program that performs some calculations on the values entered by the user. The values
entered by one user will obviously be different from those entered in by another user. This means
that when creating the program, the programmer does not know what values will be introduced as
input, and that makes it necessary to process all possible values a user may enter.
When a user enters a new value that will be used in the process of calculation, we can
preserve it (temporarily) in the random access memory of our computer. The values in this part of
memory change (vary) throughout execution and this has led to their name – variables.

Data Types
Data types are sets (ranges) of values that have similar characteristics. For instance byte type
specifies the set of integers in the range of [0 … 255].
Data types are characterized by:
- Name – for example, int;
- Size (how much memory they use) – for example, 4 bytes;
- Default value – for example 0.


Basic data types in C# are distributed into the following types:

- Integer types – sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong;
- Real floating-point types – float, double;
- Real type with decimal precision – decimal;
- Boolean type – bool;
- Character type – char;
- String – string;
- Object type – object.
These data types are called primitive (built-in types), because they are embedded in C# language
at the lowest level. The table below represents the above-mentioned data types, their range and
their default values:
Data Types
Correspondence between C# and .NET Types Primitive data types
In C# have a direct correspondence with the types of the common type system (CTS) in
.NET Framework. For instance, int type in C# corresponds to System.Int32 type in CTS and to
Integer type in VB.NET language, while long type in C# corresponds to System.Int64 type in CTS
and to Long type in VB.NET language. Due to the common types system (CTS) in .NET
Framework there is compatibility between different programming languages (like for instance, C#,
Managed C++, VB.NET and F#). For the same reason int, Int32 and System.Int32 types in C# are
actually different aliases for one and the same data type – signed 32-bit integer.
Integer Types
Integer types represent integer numbers and are sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long
and ulong. Let’s examine them one by one.
The sbyte type is an 8-bit signed integer. This means that the number of possible values for it is
28 , i.e. 256 values altogether, and they can be both, positive and negative. The minimum value
that can be stored in sbyte is SByte.MinValue = -128 (-2 7 ), and the maximum value is
SByte.MaxValue = 127 (27 -1). The default value is the number 0.
The byte type is an 8-bit unsigned integer type. It also has 256 different integer values (28
) that can only be nonnegative. Its default value is the number 0. The minimal taken value is
Byte.MinValue = 0, and the maximum is Byte.MaxValue = 255 (28 -1).
The short type is a 16-bit signed integer. Its minimal value is Int16.MinValue = -32768 (-
2 15), and the maximum is Int16.MaxValue = 32767 (215-1). The default value for short type is
the number 0.
The ushort type is 16-bit unsigned integer. The minimum value that it can store is
UInt16.MinValue = 0, and the minimum value is – UInt16.MaxValue = 65535 (216-1). Its default
value is the number 0.
The next integer type that we will consider is int. It is a 32-bit signed integer. As we can
notice, the growth of bits increases the possible values that a type can store. The default value for
int is 0. Its minimal value is Int32.MinValue = -2,147,483,648 (-2 31), and its maximum value is
Int32.MaxValue = 2,147,483,647 (231-1).
The int type is the most often used type in programming. Usually programmers use int
when they work with integers because this type is natural for the 32-bit microprocessor and is
sufficiently "big" for most of the calculations performed in everyday life.
The uint type is 32-bit unsigned integer type. Its default value is the number 0u or 0U (the two are
equivalent). The 'u' letter indicates that the number is of type uint (otherwise it is understood as
int). The minimum 114 Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C# value that it can take is
UInt32.MinValue = 0, and the maximum value is UInt32.MaxValue = 4,294,967,295 (232-1).
The long type is a 64-bit signed type with a default value of 0l or 0L (the two are
equivalent but it is preferable to use 'L' because the letter 'l' is easily mistaken for the digit one '1').
The 'L' letter indicates that the number is of type long (otherwise it is understood int). The minimal
value that can be stored in the long type is Int64.MinValue = -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (-2 63)
and its maximum value is Int64.MaxValue = 9,223,372,036,854, 775,807 (263-1).
The biggest integer type is the ulong type. It is a 64-bit unsigned type, which has as a
default value – the number 0u, or 0U (the two are equivalent). The suffix 'u' indicates that the
number is of type ulong (otherwise it is understood as long). The minimum value that can be
recorded in the ulong type is UInt64.MinValue = 0 and the maximum is UInt64.MaxValue =
18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (264-1).
Integer Types – Example
Consider an example in which we declare several variables of the integer types we know,
we initialize them and print their values to the console:
// Declare some variables
byte centuries = 20;
ushort years = 2000;
uint days = 730480;
ulong hours = 17531520;
// Print the result on the console Console.WriteLine(centuries + " centuries are " + years + "
years, or " + days + " days, or " + hours + " hours.");
// Console output:
// 20 centuries are 2000 years, or 730480 days, or 17531520
// hours.
ulong maxIntValue = UInt64.MaxValue;
Console.WriteLine(maxIntValue); // 18446744073709551615

You would be able to see the declaration and initialization of a variable in detail in sections
"Declaring Variables" and "Initialization of Variables" below, and it would become clear from the
In the code snippet above, we demonstrate the use of integer types. For small numbers we
use byte type, and for very large – ulong. We use unsigned types because all used values are
positive numbers.
Real Floating-Point Types
Real types in C# are the real numbers we know from mathematics. They are represented
by a floating-point according to the standard IEEE 754 and are float and double. Let’s consider in
details these two data types and understand what their similarities and differences are.
Real Type Float
The first type we will consider is the 32-bit real floating-point type float. It is also known
as a single precision real number. Its default value is 0.0f or 0.0F (both are equivalent). The
character 'f' when put at the end explicitly indicates that the number is of type float (because by
default all real numbers are considered double). More about this special suffix we can read bellow
in the "Real Literals" section. The considered type has accuracy up to seven decimal places (the
others are lost). For instance, if the number 0.123456789 is stored as type float it will be rounded
to 0.1234568. The range of values, which can be included in a float type (rounded with accuracy
of 7 significant decimal digits), range from ±1.5 × 10-45 to ±3.4 × 1038 .
Special Values of the Real Types
The real data types have also several special values that are not real numbers but are
mathematical abstractions:
- Negative infinity -∞ (Single.NegativeInfinity). It is obtained when for instance we are dividing -
1.0f by 0.0f.
- Positive infinity +∞ (Single.PositiveInfinity). It is obtained when for instance we are dividing
1.0f by 0.0f.
- Uncertainty (Single.NaN) – means that an invalid operation is performed on real numbers. It is
obtained when for example we divide 0.0f by 0.0f, as well as when calculating square root of a
negative number.
Real Type Double
The second real floating-point type in the C# language is the double type. It is also called
double precision real number and is a 64-bit type with a default value of 0.0d and 0.0D (the suffix
'd' is not mandatory because by default all real numbers in C# are of type double). This type has
precision of 15 to 16 decimal digits. The range of values, which can be recorded in double (rounded
with precision of 15-16 significant decimal digits), is from ±5.0 × 10-324 to ±1.7 × 10308 .
The smallest real value of type double is the constant Double.MinValue = -1.79769e+308
and the largest is Double.MaxValue = 1.79769e+308. The closest to 0 positive number of type
double is Double.Epsilon = 4.94066e324. As with the type float the variables of type double can
take the special values: Double.PositiveInfinity (+∞), Double.NegativeInfinity (-∞) and
Double.NaN (invalid number).
Real Floating-Point Types – Example
Here is an example in which we declare variables of real number types, assign values to
them and print them:

float floatPI = 3.14f;

Console.WriteLine(floatPI); // 3.14
double doublePI = 3.14;
Console.WriteLine(doublePI); // 3.14
double nan = Double.NaN; Console.WriteLine(nan); // NaN
double infinity = Double.PositiveInfinity;
Console.WriteLine(infinity); // Infinity

Precision of the Real Types

In mathematics the real numbers in a given range are countless (as opposed to the integers
in that range) as between any two real numbers a and b there are countless other real numbers c
where a < c < b. This requires real numbers to be stored in computer memory with a limited

Since mathematics and physics mostly work with extremely large numbers (positive and
negative) and with extremely small numbers (very close to zero), real types in computing and
electronic devices must be stored and processed appropriately. For example, according to the
physics the mass of electron is approximately 9.109389*10-31 kilograms and in 1 mole of
substance there are approximately 6.02*1023 atoms. Both these values can be stored easily in float
and double types.

Due to its flexibility, the modern floating-point representation of real numbers allows us to
work with a maximum number of significant digits for very large numbers (for example, positive
and negative numbers with hundreds of digits) and with numbers very close to zero (for example,
positive and negative numbers with hundreds of zeros after the decimal point before the first
significant digit).

Accuracy of Real Types – Example

The real types in C# we went over – float and double – differ not only by the range of
possible values they can take, but also by their precision (the number of decimal digits, which
they can preserve). The first type has a precision of 7 digits, the second – 15-16 digits.

Consider an example in which we declare several variables of the known real types,
initialize them and print their values on the console. The purpose of the example is to illustrate
the difference in their accuracy:

// Declare some variables

float floatPI = 3.141592653589793238f;
double doublePI = 3.141592653589793238;
// Print the results on the console
Console.WriteLine("Float PI is: " + floatPI);
Console.WriteLine("Double PI is: " + doublePI);
// Console output:
// Float PI is: 3.141593
// Double PI is: 3.14159265358979

Boolean Type
Boolean type is declared with the keyword bool. It has two possible values: true and false.
Its default value is false. It is used most often to store the calculation result of logical expressions.

Boolean Type – Example

Consider an example in which we declare several variables from the already known types, initialize
them, compare them and print the result on the console:

// Declare some variables

int a = 1;
int b = 2;
// Which one is greater?
bool greaterAB = (a > b);
// Is 'a' equal to 1?
bool equalA1 = (a == 1);
// Print the results on the console
if (greaterAB)
Console.WriteLine("A > B");
Console.WriteLine("A <= B");
Console.WriteLine("greaterAB = " + greaterAB);
Console.WriteLine("equalA1 = " + equalA1);
// Console output:
// A <= B
// greaterAB = False
// equalA1 = True

In the example above, we declare two variables of type int, compare them and assign the result
to the bool variable greaterAB. Similarly, we do the same for the variable equalA1. If the
variable greaterAB is true, then A > B is printed on the console, otherwise A <= B is printed.

Character Type
Character type is a single character (16-bit number of a Unicode table character). It is
declared in C# with the keyword char. The Unicode table is a technological standard that represents
any character (letter, punctuation, etc.) from all human languages as writing systems (all languages
and alphabets) with an integer or a sequence of integers. More about the Unicode table can be
found in the chapter "Strings and Text Processing". The smallest possible value of a char variable
is 0, and the largest one is 65535. The values of type char are letters or other characters, and are
enclosed in apostrophes.

Character Type – Example

Consider an example in which we declare one variable of type char, initialize it with value
'a', then 'b', then 'A' and print the Unicode values of these letters to the console:

// Declare a variable char ch = 'a';

// Print the results on the console
Console.WriteLine( "The code of '" + ch + "' is: " + (int)ch);
ch = 'b';
Console.WriteLine( "The code of '" + ch + "' is: " + (int)ch);
ch = 'A';
Console.WriteLine( "The code of '" + ch + "' is: " + (int)ch);
// Console output:
// The code of 'a' is: 97
// The code of 'b' is: 98
// The code of 'A' is: 65

Strings are sequences of characters. In C# they are declared by the keyword string. Their
default value is null. Strings are enclosed in quotation marks. Various text-processing operations
can be performed using strings: concatenation (joining one string with another), splitting by a given
separator, searching, replacement of characters and others. More information about text processing
can be found in the chapter "Strings and Text Processing", where you will find detailed explanation
on what a string is, what its applications are and how we can use it.

Strings – Example
Consider an example in which we declare several variables of type string, initialize them
and print their values on the console:
// Declare some variables
string firstName = "John";
string lastName = "Smith";
string fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
// Print the results on the console Console.WriteLine("Hello, " + firstName + "!");
Console.WriteLine("Your full name is " + fullName + ".");
// Console output:
// Hello, John!
// Your full name is John Smith.

Object Type
Object type is a special type, which is the parent of all other types in the .NET Framework.
Declared with the keyword object, it can take values from any other type. It is a reference type,
i.e. an index (address) of a memory area which stores the actual value.
Using Objects – Example
Consider an example in which we declare several variables of type object, initialize them
and print their values on the console:
// Declare some variables
object container1 = 5;
object container2 = "Five";
// Print the results on the console
Console.WriteLine("The value of container1 is: " + container1);
Console.WriteLine("The value of container2 is: " + container2);
// Console output:
// The value of container1 is: 5
// The value of container2 is: Five.

As you can see from the example, we can store the value of any other type in an object type
variable. This makes the object type a universal data container.

After reviewing the main data types in C# let’s see how we can use them. In order to work
with data we should use variables. We have already seen their usage in the examples, but now let’s
look at them in more detail.

A variable is a container of information, which can change its value. It provides means for: -
storing information; - retrieving the stored information;
- modifying the stored information.

In C# programming, you will use variables to store and process information all the time.

Characteristics of Variables

Variables are characterized by:

- name (identifier), for example age;

- type (of the information preserved in them), for example int;
- value (stored information), for example 25.

A variable is a named area of memory, which stores a value from a particular data type, and that
area of memory is accessible in the program by its name. Variables can be stored directly in the
operational memory of the program (in the stack) or in the dynamic memory in which larger objects
are stored (such as character strings and arrays).

Primitive data types (numbers, char, bool) are called value types because they store their value
directly in the program stack.

Reference data types (such as strings, objects and arrays) are an address, pointing to the dynamic
memory where their value is stored. They can be dynamically allocated and released i.e. their size
is not fixed in advance contrary to the case of value types. More information about the value and
reference data types is provided in the section "Value and Reference Types".
Naming Variables – Rules

When we want the compiler to allocate a memory area for some information which is used in our
program we must provide a name for it. It works like an identifier and allows referring to the
relevant memory area. The name of the variable can be any of our choice but must follow certain
rules defined in the C# language specification:

- Variable names can contain the letters a-z, A-Z, the digits 0-9 as well as the character '_'.
- Variable names cannot start with a digit.
- Variable names cannot coincide with a keyword of the C# language. For example, base, char,
default, int, object, this, null and many others cannot be used as variable names.

A list of the C# keywords can be found in the section "Keywords" in chapter "Introduction to
Programming". If we want to name a variable like a keyword, we can add a prefix to the name –
"@". For example, @char and @null are valid variable names while char and null are invalid.

Naming Variables – Examples

Proper names:
- name
- first_Name
- _name1

Improper names (will lead to compilation error):

- 1 (digit)
- if (keyword)
- 1name (starts with a digit)

Naming Variables – Recommendations

We will provide some recommendations how to name your variables, since not all names, allowed
by the compiler, are appropriate for the variables.

- The names should be descriptive and explain what the variable is used for. For example, an
appropriate name for a variable storing a person’s name is personName and inappropriate name is
- Only Latin characters should be used. Although Cyrillic is allowed by the compiler, it is not a
good practice to use it in variable names or in the rest of the identifiers within the program.
- In C# it is generally accepted that variable names should start with a small letter and include
small letters, every new word, however, starts with a capital letter. For instance, the name
firstName is correct and better to use than firstname or first_name. Usage of the character _ in the
variable names is considered a bad naming style.
- Variable names should be neither too long nor too short – they just need to clarify the purpose of
the variable within its context.
- Uppercase and lowercase letters should be used carefully as C# distinguishes them. For instance,
age and Age are different variables.

Here are some examples of well-named variables:

- firstName
- age
- startIndex
- lastNegativeNumberIndex

And here are some examples for poorly named variables (although the names are correct from
the C# compiler’s perspective):
- _firstName (starts with _)
- last_name (contains _)
- AGE (is written with capital letters)
- Start_Index (starts with capital letter and contains _)
- lastNegativeNumber_Index (contains _)
- a37 (the name is not descriptive and does not clearly provide the purpose of the variable)
- fullName23, fullName24, etc. (it is not appropriate for a variable name to contain digits unless
this improves the clarity of the variable used; if you need to have multiple variables with similar
names ending in a different number, storing the same or similar type of data, it may be more
appropriate to create a single collection or array variable and name it fullNamesList, for example).

Declaring Variables

When you declare a variable, you perform the following steps:

- specify its type (such as int);
- specify its name (identifier, such as age);
- optionally specify initial value (such as 25) but this is not obligatory.

The syntax for declaring variables in C# is as follows:

<data type> <identifier> [=<inititalization];

Here is an example of declaring variables:

string name;
int age

Assigning a Value

Assigning a value to a variable is the act of providing a value that must be stored in the variable.
This operation is performed by the assignment operator "=". On the left side of the operator we
put the variable name and on the right side – its new value.
Here is an example of assigning values to variables:
name = "John Smith";
age = 25;

Initialization of Variables
The word initialization in programming means specifying an initial value. When setting value to
variables at the time of their declaration we actually initialize them.

Default Variable Values

Each data type in C# has a default value (default initialization) which is used when there is no
explicitly set value for a given variable. We can use the following table to see the default values
of the types, which we already got familiar with:

Value and Reference Types

Data types in C# are two types: value and reference.

Value types are stored in the program execution stack and directly contain their value. Value
types are the primitive numeric types, the character type and the Boolean type: sbyte, byte, short,
ushort, int, long, ulong, float, double, decimal, char, bool. The memory allocated for them is
released when the program exits their range, i.e. when the block of code in which they are defined
completes its execution. For example, a variable declared in the method Main() of the program is
stored in the stack until the program completes execution of this method, i.e. until it finishes (C#
programs terminate after fully executing the Main() method).

Reference types keep a reference (address), in the program execution stack, and that reference
points to the dynamic memory (heap), where their value is stored. The reference is a pointer
(address of the memory cell) indicating the actual location of the value in the heap. An example of
a value at address in the stack for execution is 0x00AD4934. The reference has a type. The
reference can only point to objects of the same type, i.e. it is a strongly typed pointer. All reference
types can hold a null value. This is a special service value, which means that there is no value.
Reference types allocate dynamic memory for their creation. They also release some dynamic
memory for a memory cleaning (garbage collector), when it is no longer used by the program. It
is unknown exactly when a given reference variable will be released of the garbage collector as
this depends on the memory load and other factors. Since the allocation and release of memory is
a slow operation, it can be said that the reference types are slower than the value ones.

As reference data types are allocated and released dynamically during program execution, their
size might not be known in advance. For example, a variable of type string can contain text data
which varies in length. Actually the string text value is stored in the dynamic memory and can
occupy a different volume (count of bytes) while the string variable stores the address of the text

Reference types are all classes, arrays and interfaces such as the types: object, string, byte[]. We
will learn about classes, objects, strings, arrays and interfaces in the next chapters of this book. For
now, it is enough to know that all types, which are not value, are reference and their values are
stored in the heap (the dynamically allocated memory).

Value and Reference Types and the Memory

In this example we will illustrate how value and reference types are represented in memory.
Consider the execution of the following programming code:

int i = 42;
char ch = 'A';
bool result = true;
object obj = 42;
string str = "Hello";
byte[] bytes = { 1, 2, 3 };

Primitive types, which we already met, are special data types built into the C# language. Their
values specified in the source code of the program are called literals. One example will make this

bool result = true;

char capitalC = 'C';
byte b = 100;
short s = 20000;
int i = 300000;

In the above example, literals are true, 'C', 100, 20000 and 300000. They are variable values set
directly in the source code of the program.

Types of Literals
In C# language, there are several types of literals:
- Boolean
- Integer
- Real
- Character
- String
- Object literal null

Boolean Literals

Boolean literals are:

- true
- false

When we assign a value to a variable of type bool we can use only one of these two values or a
Boolean expression (which is calculated to true or false).

Boolean Literals – Example

Here is an example of a declaration of a variable of type bool and assigning a value, which
represents the Boolean literal true:

bool result = true;

Integer Literals

Integer literals are sequences of digits, a sign (+, -), suffixes and prefixes. Using prefixes we can
present integers in the program source in decimal or hexadecimal format. More information about
the different numeral systems we can find in the chapter "Numeral Systems". In the integer literals
the following prefixes and suffixes may take part:
- "0x" and "0X" as prefix indicates hexadecimal values, for example 0xA8F1;
- 'l' and 'L' as suffix indicates long type data, for example 357L.
- 'u' and 'U' as suffix indicates uint or ulong data type, for example 112u.

By default (if no suffix is used) the integer literals are of type int.

Integer Literals – Examples

Here are some examples of using integer literals:

// The following variables are initialized with the same value
int numberInDec = 16;
int numberInHex = 0x10;
// This will cause an error, because the value 234L is not int
int longInt = 234L;
Real Literals

Real literals are a sequence of digits, a sign (+, -), suffixes and the decimal point character. We
use them for values of type float, double and decimal. Real literals can be represented in
exponential format. They also use the following indications:
- 'f' and 'F' as suffixes mean data of type float;
- 'd' and 'D' as suffixes mean data of type double;
- 'm' and 'm' as suffixes mean data of type decimal;
- 'e' is an exponent, for example, "e-5" means the integer part multiplied by 10-5 .
By default (if there is no suffix), the real numbers are of type double.

Real Literals – Examples

Here are some examples of real literals' usage:

// The following is the correct way of assigning a value:
float realNumber = 12.5f;
// This is the same value in exponential format:
realNumber = 1.25e+1f;
// The following causes an error, because 12.5 is double
float realNumber = 12.5;

Character Literals

Character literals are single characters enclosed in apostrophes (single quotes). We use them to
set the values of type char. The value of a character literal can be:

- a character, for example 'A';

- a character code, for example '\u0065';
- an escaping sequence;

Escaping Sequences

Sometimes it is necessary to work with characters that are not displayed on the keyboard or with
characters that have special meanings, such as the “new line” character. They cannot be
represented directly in the source code of the program and in order to use them we need special
techniques, which we will discuss now.

Escaping sequences are literals. They are a sequence of special characters, which describe a
character that cannot be written directly in the source code. This is, for instance, the “new line”
character. There are many examples of characters that cannot be represented directly in the source
code: a double quotation mark, tab, new line, backslash and others. Here are some of the most
frequently used escaping sequences:
- \' – single quote
- \" – double quotes
- \\ – backslash
- \n – new line
- \t – offset (tab)
- \uXXXX – char specified by its Unicode number, for example \u03A7.

The character \ (backslash) is also called an escaping character because it allows the display on
screen (or other output device) of characters that have special meaning or effect and cannot be
represented directly in the source code.

Escaping Sequences – Examples

Here are some examples of character literals:
// An ordinary character
char character = 'a';

// Unicode character code in a hexadecimal format

character = '\u003A';

// Assigning the single quotiation

character (escaped as \')
character = '\''; Console.WriteLine(character);

// Assigning the backslash character (escaped as \\)

character = '\\';
// Console output:
// a
// :
// '
// \

String Literals

String literals are used for data of type string. They are a sequence of characters enclosed in double
quotation marks.

All the escaping rules for the char type discussed above are also valid for string literals.

Strings can be preceded by the @ character that specifies a quoted string (verbatim string). In
quoted strings the rules for escaping are not valid, i.e. the character \ means \ and is not an escaping
character. Only one character needs to be escaped in the quoted strings – the character " (double-
quotes) and it is escaped in the following way – by repeating it "" (double doublequotes). All other
characters are treated literally, even the new line. Quoted strings are often used for the file system
paths naming.

String Literals – Examples

Here are few examples for string literals usage:
string quotation = "\"Hello, Jude\", he said
string path = "C:\\Windows\\Notepad.exe";
string verbatim = @"The \ is not escaped as \\. I am at a new line.";
// Console output:
// "Hello, Jude", he said.
// C:\Windows\Notepad.exe
// The \ is not escaped as \\.
// I am at a new line.

More about strings we will find in the chapter "Strings and Text Processing".

6. Self-Check Test and Evaluation of Activities


1. Declare several variables by selecting for each one of them the most appropriate of the
types sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long and ulong in order to assign them the following
values: 52,130; -115; 4825932; 97; -10000; 20000; 224; 970,700,000; 112; -44; -1,000,000; 1990;
2. Which of the following values can be assigned to variables of type float, double and
decimal: 5, -5.01, 34.567839023; 12.345; 8923.1234857; 3456.091124875956542151256683467?
3. Write a program, which compares correctly two real numbers with accuracy at least
4. Initialize a variable of type int with a value of 256 in hexadecimal format (256 is 100 in a
numeral system with base 16).
5. Declare a variable of type char and assign it as a value the character, which has Unicode
code, 72 (use the Windows calculator in order to find hexadecimal representation of 72).

Grading System
Output =50%
Mid-Term/Final Examination =25%
Quizzes =15%
Attendance =10%

*Final Rating = Midterm (50%) + Final Term (50%)

7. References
Doyle, Barbara (2012). C# Programming, Problem Analysis to Program Design, Cengage
Sofia, (2013). Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#. Nakov, Svetlin & Co.

www.tutorialspoint.com (2014). C# Programming, Object Oriented Programming.

Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.

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Program Chairperson

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Dean of College

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