Review of Air and Liquid Metal Based Cooling of Turbine Blades
Review of Air and Liquid Metal Based Cooling of Turbine Blades
Review of Air and Liquid Metal Based Cooling of Turbine Blades
of Turbine Blades
AE211:Engineering Thermodynamics Course Project
Gaurav Gupta
Student ID: SC21B026
Bachelors of Technology Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvanthapuram
October 2022
IIST, Thiruvanthapuram Cooling of Turbine Blade
1 Introduction 2
4 Results 5
5 Discussion 6
6 Conclusion 6
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IIST, Thiruvanthapuram Cooling of Turbine Blade
Cooling of turbine blades is an absolute necessity to extend the working life and empower the capability
of gas turbines. The cooling of turbine blades are achieved with the help of either gas based coolant or
a liquid based coolant. In the report the different air cooling methods used in industry were introduced.
These methods were compared with a recent novel liquid based cooling method [3]. The method suggested
by Zhang et. al. used GaIn20 , a liquid-metal as coolant. The results of the study claim 167% higher cooling
approach than air cooling methods. It also claims significantly better heat transfer and cooling efficiency.
But the study fails short to discuss about the effects of using liquid metal on the working life of turbine,
corrosion of the blades and choking of passages within the blades. These important aspects were missing
in the study which makes it difficult to determine the practicality of the idea. This research gap can be
narrowed by construction of a technology demonstration and study in the missing aspects.
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IIST, Thiruvanthapuram Cooling of Turbine Blade
perature resistance. Another major development was through hollow passages internal to the blade
Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBC) (Fig.2). These (Fig.4).The heat from the blade is transferred
coatings provided corrosion and oxidation resistance. to the air through the mode of convection.
It also increased the temperature capability by Having a larger surface allows better cooling
around 90 ◦ C. of the blades, hence the passages are serpen-
tine in shape or have small fins on the internal
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IIST, Thiruvanthapuram Cooling of Turbine Blade
Figure 12: Dimensionless Temperature distribution over the PS of the blade. (Source:[3])
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IIST, Thiruvanthapuram Cooling of Turbine Blade
Figure 13: Dimensionless Temperature distribution over the SS of the blade. (Source:[3])
5 Discussion 6 Conclusion
The cooling effectiveness (ϕ) for GaIn20 cooling is Although the metal liquid cooling was proved to be
almost constant for the range −0.75 < s/C < highly effective with respect to air cooling. The cool-
0.75 approximately in comparision to the air cooling ing approach of metal liquid is 167% higher than that
(Fig.9). This shows that a uniform cooling of the of air cooling. But the problems and issues related
surface is taking place using the liquid-metal cooling to the use of metal liquid cooling were not discussed,
technique although there is drop in the cooling ef- which hinders the determination of practicality and
fictiveness in the regions nearer to trailing edge. As useability of the idea.
the leading edge is far away from the internal cooling
channel and hence cannot be cooled well.
A similar increase in the values of θ is evident in
(Fig.10) for both GaIn20 cooling and air cooling at References
the regions nearer to trailing edge. Also, the values
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Tackling leakage of liquid metal in the turbine convective heat transfer for an internally cooled
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change in corrosion rate of blades.
Use of liquid metals can also increase the [4] Joseph D Brostmeyer, Russell B Jones, and
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These missing aspects are important to determine
the practicality and usability of the research. This [5] A Miner and U Ghoshal. “Cooling of high-
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